DIY metal spinner. Spinner at home. There are a huge number of spinners of various types

Spinner, spinner...Everyone seemed to go crazy. What it is? Where did it come from? And most importantly, why? Today we’ll try to figure it out... It was invented by one person. Now the whole world is going crazy, people are buying it, kids are loving it.

When I was little, I really liked to spin the top. You take out some larger gear from an old watch and start turning it - who has it longer? Sound familiar? You sit and watch... Remember your feelings as a child.

I get approximately the same sensations when spinning a spinner. You spin and look. And a spinner is essentially a top. Only the top stands on an axis. And the spinner is rotated in a horizontal plane. The Anglo-Saxons like to use the word “spin” (to rotate, to turn).

They have “spin” everywhere - from quantum mechanics and physics - to this simple thing. It's terribly simple. And we have a top, and many other analogies...

Anyone who rewinds a cassette with a pencil does not buy a spinner!

Time does not stand still. Our children no longer know about all sorts of tape cassettes and spinning tops. This newfangled thing has appeared. And there is every reason to think that the spinner will soon turn into an element of style. Maybe soon we will see spinners not only with LEDs, but also gold, with rhinestones, maybe even with laces...

Now this is interesting time, you can expect anything. If there is a demand for platinum spinners, I wouldn't be surprised. Online stores are already selling products for 3,000 rubles...

Spinner - what is it, what is it for and why is it needed?

The design of the spinner is very simple. Imagine a star with a bearing in the center. The star's petals are balanced. You can also insert a bearing in each beam. And twist it for yourself. Let's add brightness using bright colors and now, the spinner is ready.

Of course, it is needed for entertainment and during idleness. If you are in the “trend”, then of course, in order to remain fashionable and stylish. It was originally intended as an anti-stress sedative. Which is true. You can spin it in different ways - on the table, in your fingers, on one finger... While it is spinning, you watch how it does it, and your head at that moment becomes completely empty... And this is relaxation, friends. Let it be for a minute, but rest.

All your attention turns to the spinning petals. Maybe for this reason, in our age of stress, this simple children's toy has become so popular all over the planet... Who knows? Children love spinners very much for their brightness and for this very thing... Now many sellers present this attractive product as a kind of “remedy”. Here's what the sellers write:

  • develops motor skills and increases finger sensitivity. Products are especially useful for restoring hand function after various injuries and fractures of the hand;
  • the device has an anti-stress effect: helps to concentrate, eliminates anxiety, relieves nervous emotional condition and irritability;
  • the toy will be a great way to occupy time when traveling on public transport or while waiting in a long line;
  • stimulates the development of manual precision.

So, if you want to relax and get an expensive exclusive product, then go ahead to online store. I'm sure they'll be looking forward to seeing us there. But Russia is such a unique country. Our people sometimes cannot come to terms with going out and buying this simple thing. Our man does it himself.

Because when you made a Thing yourself (even the simplest one), you have a completely different attitude towards it. For example, it’s always a pity to throw away such a thing... By the way, when you make something yourself, it also sometimes relaxes and distracts. We will make a spinner with our own hands to take our minds off and experiment :)

How to make a spinner with your own hands from scrap materials?

The materials, friends, can be very different. But the principle is the same - there is a bearing in the center. In order to ensure long and easy rotation, the toy must be balanced, and the bearing must not contain thick, greasy grease. Here is one of the manufacturing options:

You need to buy four bearings (three will be used as counterweights)

You will need a wood drill with a diameter the same as the bearings:

Also, we need the material from which the body is made. He can be anything. The main requirements are strength and easy processing.

We mark the material with a pencil something like this:

We continue to rotate the drill (the same spinner):

Let's do it with a regular drill additional holes (for intricate designs):

The workpiece should be drilled something like this:

And before placing bearings in it, look something like this (if you can work beautifully, you should try to somehow round the corners):

It is necessary to prepare the central bearing and remove the factory grease from it.

After removing the protective covers from the holder, rinse it in gasoline or acetone:

Then you need to use a suitable glue (superglue does not glue all plastic!), epoxy or other, to carefully glue the bearings into place.

Something like this:

This is such a brutal, “masculine”, harsh spinner.

Watch the manufacturing video from start to finish:

As you can see, everyone experiments as best they can :):). There is no limit to perfection! There would be a desire. Both samples spin well. More effort will go into good design. Hooray!

How to fix a spinner if it is broken or rusty?

According to my feelings, it is impossible to break the purchased spinner. The bearing is pressed into a metal housing; counterweights are glued or pressed. The weakest link is the bearing. It may rust if kids drop it and rinse it in water.

It is clear that if the spinner is homemade, as in the example, we simply lubricate and unravel the bearing until all the rust comes off. We re-glue the flying bearings with normal glue. In severe cases, we use a rust converter and lubricate it until the previous “driving” qualities return. In the case of a purchased spinner, carefully remove the lid or cap that is always present there:

We apply liquid household lock lubricant to the clip, and so on. If there is a lot of rust, you can throw it in a jar of oil and let it sit... That's the whole repair.

Origami paper spinner - without bearings and glue, how to make?

In the wake of the general fascination with the toy, experiments continue. Someone again combined two different directions and spinners began to be made from paper. By the way, it is precisely such crafts that develop motor skills and everything else in children.

Therefore, you can get your child interested in making such original things. Made from paper, it will be safe for the child. True, a little disposable. Colored paper:

Action one:

Act two:

Act three:

Action four, axis:

Act five, the “bearing” is also made of paper, which confirms that the Japanese are creative people :)

To figure out what's what, watch the video.

Beautiful. And it's fun to do things like that.

How to make a spinner from plastic bottle caps with your own hands

Our people are talented and savvy. All to the farm! We don't throw anything away! We choose something brighter and newer!

It's simple, the principle is the same, the material is different.

Let's do it once:

Let's do two. You need to drill and clean the hole at the bottom of the lid, and glue:

We glue only three plugs, we use the rest for alignment and symmetry of the first three. It should look something like this:

You need to bring everything into divine shape and then begin assembling the product. We also rinse the bearings in acetone and then reassemble them.

When everything is inserted and glued, we check:

It works.. :) But, friends, this is the easiest way. There are quite exotic ones interesting ways manufacturing spinners from plastic stoppers. Watch the video.

As they say, there would be a desire. It remains to be said that in any creative process there is no limit to perfection. Make a spinner from wood, metal, cardboard, concrete...

As long as ball bearings are produced, we can create anything. Any creative work gives pleasure to those who do it. Do it with pleasure, and then everything will work out well for you. See you on the blog pages. If anyone has links to interesting options homemade spinner, please leave it in the comments.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

More recently, the market for modern youth gadgets was blown up by an anti-stress toy called a spinner. Despite the large assortment of products offered on store shelves and online resources, the option of creating a spinner with your own hands looks very attractive, since it will not only save on the product, but also get the desired spinner according to your ideas and imagination. There are many options for making a spinner with your own hands at home, let’s look at the most popular ones.

What is a spinner?

The original name of the toy - fidget spinner - comes from English word spinner, which means rotation or torsion. It consists of one or several bearings, which by their rotation help not only pass the time, but also improve finger motor skills, dexterity and attentiveness. An analogue of a spinner can be called the good old yo-yo, which in the early 2000s could be found in the hands of everyone. Now one of the most popular places among fashion trends They are occupied by spinners, and various championships are already held based on the dexterity of handling them.

What is a spinner for?

The original purpose of the spinner was a toy for young people, a trinket that helps pass the time, but over time this spinner has turned into something more. As practice shows, the spinner is a great assistant in the fight against bad habits. This applies to quitting smoking, snapping fingers and many other unpleasant moments associated with the fact that a person urgently needs to occupy his hands with something. As a result, spinning a spinner has become a real hobby for many people who not only master the skill of spinning a toy, but also compete in this aspect between themselves.

How the toy works

The main task of this product is its rotation, which must be continuous and occur without special effort. The basis that gives the toy rotation is the bearing, which is located in the center. In order for the spinner to spin for a long time and beautifully, it must have correct form and reinforcing weight. Typically, three weights are used, evenly spaced from the center, however, you can often find spinners with two or four weights. IMPORTANT to note that spinners do not require batteries to spin. If the toy is made correctly, a slight flick of the finger can make it rotate around its central axis. The most important thing in the normal operation of the spinner is maintaining symmetry, because even a slight deviation in the size of the sides with weights will lead to poor and unstable rotation.

How to make a spinner with your own hands?

Making this twister is not difficult. technological process requiring special knowledge and tools. The main material is one or more bearings, and there are many options for making the base. The main nuance this process is to make the edges of the spinner heavier, because otherwise it will rotate poorly. Coins, nuts or other bearings are perfect for weighting. IMPORTANT detail for hand spinners is bearing lubrication, which allows you to increase the rotation speed of the toy several times. It is recommended to lubricate with oils intended for motorcycle chains. If you don't have one on hand, you can use WD-40.

Wooden spinner

In order to decide on the question of how to make a spinner with your own hands, you first need to decide on the base material. Cool spinners are made from a wooden base, which, if properly and high-quality processing, not much different from factory analogues. First you need to create a drawing of the future product. It should be based on the diameter of the bearing and three weights, based further on these numbers. After transferring the sketch from paper to a wooden blank, you need to cut out the future spinner using a jigsaw.

Holes for metal parts are drilled on a special machine or using a feather drill. For ease of use, the workpiece must be carefully ground and polished. The reliability of the finished toy will be ensured by fixing the metal parts to the base with epoxy or any other glue. In order to make it convenient to spin the spinner on your finger or any other surface, it is recommended to apply decorative pads to the rotating part of the bearing. From available materials, two ordinary buttons of the appropriate size are perfect for this role.

Spinner with 4 bearings

An attractive manufacturing option is to create a spinner from bearings with your own hands. Firstly, this method does not require various foreign materials, except for glue and four bearings, one of which will act as a central axis, and the other three as weighting agents. Secondly, this method does not require much time, allowing you to get a spinner in 5 minutes of work.

The only difficulty in the process is poor adhesion metal parts between themselves. For reliable fixation, additional heat treatment, which is often difficult to provide at home. After gluing, excess glue should be removed with a file or needle file, thereby removing all rough surfaces.

Handmade spinner made from hot glue

Hot glue makes a great base for a DIY twist. For manufacturing you will need a set of weights, a bearing, hot glue and a base that acts as a flask (usually made of thick paper or cardboard according to the drawing).

An important point is to install the metal parts strictly in the center of their area. Then glue is poured into the mold and waits there to completely harden. After hardening, the paper outline is removed and the spinner is sanded to a completely smooth surface.

Epoxy glue toy

To make a homemade spinner, you can use not only hot glue, but also epoxy in a hardened form. Glue in the form of plasticine not only connects the bearing and weights, but also is the basis for torque.

In this manufacturing process, it is important to correctly position the metal parts; for this it is better to use a pre-marked wooden board With drilled holes and inserted clamps. It is better to remove the main excess glue before it has completely hardened, then sanding only minor roughness.

The simplest and a budget option self-made spinner, this is work with plastic clamps, which are designed to tighten cables. For ease of operation, it is recommended to use metal weights of the same diameter as the bearing. Weights are laid out at three corners of an equilateral triangle, as shown in the photo. Around them a base is created from three ties closed to each other. Then, each of the weights is attached to the base using a plastic clamp.

After this, an axial bearing is installed in the middle and uniform tightening of the clamps begins on the side of each weighting material. For reliable fixation, the resulting structure is tightened with three more clamps, from the center to each side of the weighting weights. This method manufacturing, although it is the most inexpensive and fastest, however appearance the finished product is significantly inferior to analogues made from other materials.

MDF spinner

Making spinners from fiberboard medium density its principle is very similar to working with a wooden workpiece. At the beginning of the process, at small sizes Markings are applied to the MDF sheet, taking into account the placement of metal parts and the overall size of the spinner. Then holes are drilled for the central bearing and weighting elements and the size is adjusted to be close to the final size.

It is worth noting that when processing and drilling MDF sheets you need to be more careful and careful than when working with wood, since this material is fragile and brittle. To provide an aesthetic appearance finished product It is recommended to paint it, and before painting the spinner must first be sanded and degreased.

If you look around, most likely you will see a person who is constantly spinning some kind of propeller in his fingers. This item is nothing more than a spinner or fidget - a kind of spinner, which consists of a bearing and a petal body.

The spinner was developed by Katherine Hettinger, who decided to create a useful exercise machine for her daughter with myasthenia gravis. At first, the woman made toys from adhesive tape and paper, and then began producing fidget spinners. Back in 1993, she received a patent for her invention, but no companies were interested in making it. The patent for this toy has long expired, so every second person in the world can produce it.

Spinners are far from being the same type; they vary in size, shape, color, and some can even glow in the dark. They vary in price; some models can cost several hundred dollars.

What is a spinner

What is a spinner, can tell Small child, and a respectable adult expensive car. The spinner has no age restrictions, since its design is designed in such a way that it simply does not have sharp corners or the smallest details.

This device is a gyroscope that is incredibly stable in space. With its help, interesting tricks are performed that invariably attract the attention of people around.

Spinners are produced by a huge number of companies that are trying to surpass their competitors. They are trying to release the most unusual model, for which you won’t have to pay a tidy sum. It is worth noting that no company in the world has pre-emptive patent rights to produce spinners.

Playing a spinner is as safe as possible, since it does not require additional devices or any specialized places to play. The spinner never leads to injuries, it not only does not spoil the psyche, but also weakens obsessive states and autistic manifestations.

It is worth noting that this device operates solely on physical strength; it does not have batteries or a motor. The spinner is easily set in motion with a snap of the fingers. In order to start the propeller, you simply need to hold the axle between your middle and thumb, and start the blades with your index finger. In some cases, it is possible not to pick up the toy, but simply place it on the table, which greatly increases the speed and time of its rotation.

What is included in this device? The spinner consists of:

  • covers - inserted into the middle of the bearing and helps to hold the entire structure;
  • housing - the part that rotates around the bearing;
  • bearing - the main part, which is a ring stuffed with metal balls.

Very great importance has a spinner rotation time, so the most expensive devices are based on high-quality bearings. Although the cheapest option will spin for about two minutes, and the most expensive spinners will spin for more than ten minutes.

How to make the spinner spin longer without replacing the bearing? You just need to try to clean it of dust particles and debris that create friction and prevent the structure from rotating for a long time.

You need to clean the spinner using:

  • acetone;
  • brake fluid;
  • thinners oil paints;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • dishwashing liquids;
  • soap

In order to quickly dry the bearing of this spinner, it is recommended to use a hair dryer.

There are a huge number of spinners of various types:

  • single - consists of one blade and a bearing, they are mobile and powerful because they can rotate for up to five minutes;
  • three-spinner – is a trefoil clover, in the center of which there is a high-quality bearing;
  • quad spinner - looks like a cross or a mill with four petals, however, it weighs quite a lot and cannot satisfy everyone with its size;
  • wheel - this type speaks for itself, since it looks like a cart wheel;
  • exotic - a rather expensive option, since the spinners are made of zirconium or tungsten and are designed in the form of weapons of super heroes or even medieval instruments of torture;
  • created using a 3D printer - they can be printed and assembled in about an hour, so they are in demand, and they are also quite cheap.

The spinner is rightfully best toy 2017, which invariably attracts attention and is a welcome gift for a special occasion.

When purchasing it, you should take into account factors such as aesthetics and vibration, ergonomic or rotational properties, durability and rarity, precision of processing and its quality. These relaxation toys are made from plastic, wood, and metals. different types, skin.

What is a spinner for?

It is not yet clear exactly why a spinner is needed. Some people use it as a toy, finger trainer, or just sedative. Agree that it is much more harmless to twirl the propeller of a spinner while standing in a long traffic jam than to click a pen or bite your nails. It is also a reliable means of focusing on any information or task.

By the way, a spinner is a rather interesting simulator that can teach the basics of juggling.

So, what is a spinner and what is it for, and what benefits can the use of this kind of toys bring:

  • will develop fine motor skills Hands;
  • will help develop hands damaged during injuries or accidents;
  • relieves stress and anxiety;
  • will help to relax while a person quits smoking;
  • improves mood;
  • will develop the right hemisphere of the brain;
  • will release the accumulated negative energy;
  • will increase a person’s response to external stimuli;
  • will speed up your thinking processes.

TO negative aspects of this device includes the possibility of injury or swallowing balls from the bearing. In general, spinners are often declared to be a successful marketing project.

How to make a spinner without bearings at home

Having found out the cost of the option they like, many people begin to seriously think about how to make a spinner without bearings at home.

It will be quite possible to make a hand trainer without using expensive bearings. On the Internet it is quite possible to find drawings of such homemade spinners from scrap materials.

This spinner without bearings is made of paper, for this you should prepare:

  • two sheets of thick A4 paper;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • a simple pencil;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue for paper and for parts.

How to make a spinner without bearings for children

How to make a spinner without bearings for children can be found on our website. In order to make this kind of structure for kids, all the same elements are used as for an adult.

However, it is worth checking that all details and related materials, of course, were environmentally friendly and safe. For example, for very young spinner users, you can use finger paints and environmentally friendly glue.

When making a design with and for a child, be sure to blunt the tip of the toothpick. Bearings are never used, since the baby can swallow balls from them.

How to make a spinner without bearings and caps

How to make a spinner without bearings and covers? Just try using cardboard and use glue stick caps for the template.

In order to make the main bearing, you need to use a hairpin, a toothpick, and a ballpoint pen.

You should use a compass and ruler to measure all dimensions as accurately as possible. Not only the appearance, but also the properties of the spinner, including speed and rotation time, will depend on whether the measurements are taken correctly.

How to make a spinner without paper bearings

Many young people ask questions about how to make a spinner without paper bearings.

  • draw a rectangle 9X2 centimeters;
  • draw diagonals to determine the center;
  • fold this drawing several times;
  • cut out about eighteen rectangular pieces;
  • place two identical coins on their opposite edges;
  • circle the coins, giving the edges a rounded appearance;
  • glue all the cut out parts together with paper glue;
  • to make it heavier, glue coins to the edges special glue for details;
  • measure 2 centimeters using a ruler and compass;
  • draw and cut out eighteen circles that will become the central bearing;
  • punch a point in the center that will be slightly larger than the diameter of the toothpick you are using;
  • insert a toothpick into the center;
  • put nine two-centimeter circles on it on both sides;
  • carefully glue the joints of the toothpick and the mug, in no case without sealing the hole itself;
  • let the future spinner dry and give it an aesthetic appearance with scissors;
  • practice spinning the structure while softening the friction of the spinner;
  • color this homemade product in your favorite colors or stick on your favorite logos.

How to make a spinner without bearings from caps

Many people are interested in how to make a spinner without bearings from caps. Of course, ideal option will be the manufacture of a homemade spinner using one or more bearings.

When using bearings, you should find the correct main element, wash off the grease from it and remove dust particles. If you make a spinner yourself without bearings from caps, then you won’t have to perform these actions.

You should prepare several caps from plastic bottles in advance, the best option will be the use of three pieces. They will need to be glued to each other on the sides using Moment glue.

In the middle you will need to drill a small hole into which the ballpoint pen will fit. It is worth cutting a three-centimeter piece from the empty rod, which is inserted into the hole.

Rotate this design it will be possible to hold it with two fingers.

How to make a spinner without bearings from Lego

To understand how to make a spinner without bearings from Lego, you should follow simple instructions. To assemble the structure you need to prepare:

  • a flat and maximally long cube with holes;
  • kernel;
  • two limiters round shape with a cavity inside;
  • several flat, round cubes for your fingers.

After all the parts of the future spinner are prepared, you should stretch the rod through the hole of the long cube, and then limit it on both sides.

Then you need to easily and quickly tighten the round platforms intended for the fingers. The side edges of the spinner should be balanced and positioned symmetrically. That's all, you can start relaxing with the help of a turntable.

How to make a spinner without bearings from coins

The Internet is replete with instructions and diagrams on how to make a spinner without bearings from coins. The most simple option will be the one when the simplest spinner is made from caps, on the inner or outside which coins are glued.

You can take coins in denominations of five Russian rubles, and then we make holes in them using a drill or soldering iron. Then you should insert three-centimeter pieces of a ballpoint pen into them.

How to make a spinner with your own hands from a plastic bottle

Another popular request on the Internet is how to make a spinner with your own hands from plastic bottle.

To do this, you should select a bright plastic bottle and cut a strip 10-11 millimeters wide from it. This is done in order to cover the bearings, which are 8 millimeters wide.

You should also take thick plywood, three nuts and three self-tapping screws for 19, as well as four washers. Make three holes in the plywood into which you need to insert a nut, a washer and tighten the self-tapping screw.

Bearings should be placed between them, aligning them as much as possible, and millimeter washers should be placed under them. The bearings should be pulled together from a plastic bottle and the structure should be heated with a hairdryer.

After drying, carefully tighten the structure, and then unscrew the nuts. In a few minutes it will be possible to use the spinner.

How to make a spinner with your own hands from wood

To understand how to make a spinner from wood with your own hands, you need to read the instructions or watch an instructional video.

It is quite easy to make for those who have a little knowledge of a drill and a jigsaw. Must select the right wood, but novice spinner players can try to create a masterpiece from thick plywood.

You can come up with a drawing of the future spinner yourself or find it on the Internet. Then you need to attach your drawing to the plywood, trace it, and then cut it out using a jigsaw (preferably an electric one).

The workpiece should be cleaned with sandpaper, a hole is made in it with a jigsaw or drill, since then it turns out much smoother. A little trick for a novice craftsman: you should drill the hole halfway, then turn the plywood over and do the same on the back side.

Do not forget that the thickness of the plywood should not be thicker than the width of the bearing. If the wood is thicker, it should be trimmed and sanded.

This spinner can be opened with varnish or oil, and also aged using a lighter.

How to make a spinner with your own hands in 5 minutes

How to make a spinner with your own hands in 5 minutes? You should use available materials, for example, bearings and different types of glue; leather, sequins, and beads are used for decoration.

The most original spinners that can be made with just five free minutes are made from cartridges bicycle chain, copper and even from an iPhone unnecessary for its owner.

Kids will quickly be able to create a beautiful and bright spinner from ordinary thick cardboard. Children and parents will have a great time constructing such a toy, and will also save cash for a good book or something useful. Schoolchildren can propose making such a product from cardboard during craft lessons, and the teacher will support this initiative.

It is also possible to create a spinner solely from bearings or not use them at all. In general, there are a lot of options, and what exactly your spinner will be will be determined by a flight of fancy.

How to make the spinner spin faster? You just need to remove excess grease from the spinner bearings. To do this you need to go through several steps:

  • drip high-quality lubricant;
  • change a bearing that has served for quite a long time;
  • change plastic spinner to metal;
  • place a high-quality plug on the structure that will protect it from dust, moisture and dirt;
  • clean the spinner several times a week using a hairdryer or a can of compressed air;
  • do not try to remove and clean the bearing on cheap models, this is simply unrealistic and not provided by the manufacturers.

The spinner is a newfangled children's educational toy that in a matter of months has become incredibly popular all over the world.

She received the attention of not only children, but also adults. The cost of a spinner varies greatly, depending on the materials and the number of components.

In this article we will tell you how to easily make a toy with your own hands at home.

Positive qualities of a spinner

There have been and are many debates about the benefits of this toy, which have never come to a common conclusion.

However, many recognize that the spinner has a number of positive properties.

For example, it calms in tense situations.

This means that it helps cope with mental and nervous tension.

For many, a spinner helps to concentrate attention, and, of course, develops motor skills.

Also, many note that the spinner becomes an excellent alternative to bad habits.


Paper is the most readily available material possible.

You can use cardboard to add density. But even from them, a spinner can be created in two ways.

The first one is origami. To make it you will need two square sheets of paper and two regular pushpins.

To begin, fold the sheet in half and unfold. You should have a clear line in the center.

Bend the edges towards it. When you unfold the sheet, you should see three clearly defined lines.

We begin to bend the corners. On one piece of paper, fold the top left and bottom right corners, on the second, on the contrary, fold the top right and bottom left.

We put the figures one on top of the other. Tuck the corners of the vertical figure into the corners of the horizontal one. This way you will get something similar to a shuriken.

The spinner is ready!

The second method is not so sophisticated. By drawing it yourself or downloading a template on the Internet, using regular and nail scissors Carefully cut out the design along the borders.

It is important that the diameter of the bearing holes is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bearing itself. Use glue for soldering.

The more there is, the better. This will give your spinner extra density. After gluing, all that remains is to paint the toy in any color.

Bottle caps

This material is also one of the simplest.

In addition to bottle caps, take bearings.

First, think over the model, because the amount of materials depends on it.

The simplest one, with three blades, includes 4 plugs and the same number of bearings.

You will also need glue gun, knife, sandpaper and a drill. Sand the plugs first.

This will remove all roughness and unevenness that will later interfere. Cut a hole to fit the bearing.

Following the design idea, place the plugs around the center at the same distance. Glue them together with honey.

The remaining bearings are fixed in the remaining plugs, and the spinner is decorated with a marker, stickers or paint.

Also a spinner from bottle caps can be made without bearings.


For craftsmen working with wood and a jigsaw, this offers a great opportunity to create a toy that will hardly differ from the product in the store.

The main thing is to think over the model, and after manufacturing, carefully process the spinner.

Apply a paper blank, handwritten or downloaded from the Internet, to the tree and trace it with a pencil or pen.

Saw and sand the toy. To get a hole for the bearing, drill it from one side to the middle, and then turn the part over. The thickness of the material must match the thickness of the bearing.

A spinner is a toy that attracts not only children, but also adults. You don't need to spend money to buy it.

Make a spinner yourself and enjoy the simple game.

Let's make a spinner. Four bearings are required feather drill by 22 mm, a piece of plastic or any other material that can be processed. We draw an equilateral triangle with sides of 85 mm and mark all the holes. You'll have to make a little noise with the drill. Let's drill all the main holes for the bearing. Everything is extremely neat. It’s strange that the spinner has only become popular recently, although it was invented in 1993 by a chemical engineer. Available in another publication.
The master decided to make cutouts on the edges of the pinwheel.

Cut off the excess and paint it any color you like. The master chose black. The main bearing needs to be upgraded a bit by removing the plastic plug and cleaning out the sticky grease.

Take any container and fill it with acetone or another solvent. We immerse the bearing in the container and remove all excess grease.
The most interesting. Insert the ball bearing into the cutout. Super glue at the contact point, but not necessary. Same with the others. The spinner is ready.

Video of the “Engineering Chaos” channel.

More fidget models

Want to make a toy without a bearing? Here are a few more models for making at home in unpretentious conditions.

Do you want a fashionable anti-stress? Create a bright, unique spinner for yourself and your friends.

A toy in the shape of scarlet lips.

Let's see if it's possible to give some restlessness unusual shapes, and how it will rotate. Let's start with the template. We work on thick cardboard. You need two identical parts. Let's make our lips bright. Let's trace the template on red paper. Let's prepare two parts. You will need four circles. We pierce them in the middle and glue them together in two. Smooth the edges with a nail file or fine sandpaper.

Place a circle in the center of the lips and pierce holes. Glue two coins along the edges. A weighted spinner will spin better.

On top is a second cardboard piece. Now we attach the outer part. And on the other hand. Seal the edges. We pierce the central hole.

Let's add gloss using an interesting technique. We apply special adhesive coating. To do this, press the cardboard onto the pad. Fill with transparent powder. In dry form it white. Shake off the excess. Heat with a hairdryer. The magic begins. An ordinary powerful hair dryer will also work, but it will take longer to seal the part. Under the influence of temperature, the powder melts and covers it with a thin layer of transparent glaze. This coating is not afraid of moisture. The cardboard turns out to be laminated and looks like thin plastic. To make the glaze stronger, apply a second layer in the same order. An amazingly beautiful technique that is easy to learn.

We widen the holes with a large nail. The central bearing is made from cardboard circles and toothpicks. We put it on both sides. It spins great. We fix office glue. We remove unnecessary things. Protect the cut with a nail file.

Let's emphasize the contour of the lips. Dip the edges of the spinner in special glue. Sprinkle with gold glitter. Shaking it off. We heat it up. Paint the edges of the bearing with a black marker. Continuation on the video of the “Trum Trum” channel from the third minute.

Video on how to create a spinner.