How to use a special pot for orchids. Pots for orchids: how to choose the right pot and replant the orchid correctly? What kind of pot is needed for an orchid?

Choosing a flower pot for indoor plants It is usually carried out according to two criteria - size and appearance. Unfortunately, this approach to choosing dishes for an orchid does not work. There are a lot of opinions about how to choose a pot for an orchid and which one is the most optimal, but for the most part gardeners rely on personal experience growing this exotic flower.

What kind of pot is needed for an orchid?

Since each gardener chooses a pot according to his own preferences, it is impossible to give a definite answer about what it should be.

The orchid pot should be transparent and breathable.

But there are a number of criteria that the dishes in which orchids will grow must meet:

  1. Breathability. For an orchid, the presence of “breathing” soil is very important, so the pot must have a sufficient number of drainage holes.
  2. Transparency. In principle, orchids do not require transparent dishes due to some physiological characteristics. But this is very convenient for the gardener - you can see the condition of the roots and accurately determine the stage of flower development.
  3. Temperature stability. Any pot that is chosen for the orchid should not be overcooled or overheated.

Don’t forget that the type of pot depends entirely on the type of orchid. For example, the best option would be glassware, a transparent container, for Epiphyte and Pseudobulb - a ceramic pot.

Orchid pot size value

When talking about the size of an orchid pot, you need to keep in mind that it should not be large. The best option– a pot whose diameter is equal to its height. If the orchid grows in a large pot, the soil will dry out unevenly, and this will lead to rotting of the roots.

Pots that are too small are not suitable only because the plant can simply tip over without proper support. Therefore, this flower should live in a pot in which its root system will be a little cramped.

The size of the pot is very important - in a large one the orchid will not grow well, but in a small one it may turn over.

Types of orchid pots

Any store can offer the most different types pots. For an orchid, you can choose a glass, ceramic or plastic vessel. But, giving preference to one pot or another, you need to know a number of features.

Plastic pots without holes

Such pots are not suitable for orchids, so they will need to be prepared first. To do this, additional holes are made in the side parts of the bottom of the pot using a heated nail or drill. This will allow the roots to get air into required quantity. After these manipulations, the pot needs to be soaked in acidified water for several hours.

Transparent plastic pots

Such pots will excellent choice for beginner flower growers. The main thing is that they have a sufficient number of drainage holes at the bottom and on the sides.

Having planted an orchid in such a pot, you can observe the “life” of the roots and take timely measures to water and replant the plant. It is equally important that in plastic containers the soil is not subject to drying out so much, and on the inner surface of the pot it is not large quantities salts are deposited. In addition, such a pot does not overheat in the hot season and does not allow the roots to cool down in winter.

Special transparent pots are best suited for growing orchids.

Important. The only downside is that in a plastic pot the soil may be waterlogged. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the watering regime.

Glass pots and flowerpots

This option can only be used by gardeners who have been growing orchids for several years and according to their appearance understand when the plant needs watering.

Glass pots and flowerpots do not have a drain for excess water, and there is also no opportunity to make additional drainage holes. Therefore, when thinking about which pot to transplant the orchid into, you need to take into account that the glass container will have to be additionally prepared. Firstly, you will need a large layer of drainage. Secondly, you will need to carefully prepare the substrate, which cannot be found ready-made.

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a ceramic pot?

Since there are now ceramic pots on sale with a sufficient number of side holes and a reliable layer of glaze, these are what most gardeners recommend.

Benefits ceramic tableware for orchids are the following features:

  1. Sufficient weight. The ceramic pot is quite heavy, so the plant is reliably protected from falling due to its own weight.
  2. Good moisture permeability.
  3. Sufficient air flow.

An orchid can also be planted in a ceramic pot, but it must have enough holes.

Important. The main thing is that such a pot is made in light colors. This will protect the plant from overheating on sunny days.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. A good surface for the deposition of salts, which are very harmful to the plant.
  2. Growth of roots to the rough surface of the pot. The roots of the orchid quickly cling to any protrusions, which will complicate subsequent plant transplants. If this happens, it is better to carefully split the pot and, together with the fragments, transplant the orchid into another container.

Ceramic dishes also need pre-treatment. To do this, the pot is placed in water and kept there for several hours. This is necessary so that the ceramics are saturated with moisture.

Used pots that are planned to be used in the future must not only be thoroughly washed, but also calcined in the oven. It is enough to hold the pot for 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees to be sure of the death of all pathogenic bacteria that could multiply in the soil.

There will be such a pot ideal solution for such types of orchids as Cambria.

Ceramic pots in which orchids are planned to be planted are soaked in water.

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot without holes?

Planting an orchid in a glass pot that does not have drainage holes can only be done by experienced florist. It will be difficult for a beginner to monitor soil moisture, and the lack of natural moisture release and air flow into the substrate will inevitably lead to the death of the plant.

Glass pots are appropriate only for those plant species that require additional lighting of the root system, for example, phalaenopsis.

Rules for successfully choosing a pot

Most flower growers already know how to accurately choose a pot for an orchid.

Summing up and taking into account the advice of experienced breeders of these tropical flowers, we can derive four rules good choice pot:

Although the orchid is a delicate plant, it can grow at home in almost any container. And the choice of pot depends entirely on your desire to properly care for this flower.

In the video, a florist talks about how to choose the right pot for growing an orchid.

Orchid pots can be made from various materials, but the main requirements that orchids place on them are: good water permeability and the inability of the roots to grow to the walls of the pot. Orchid growers also want the pot to look aesthetically pleasing.

A simple cut-off bottle drinking water with holes cut with a knife will completely satisfy the orchid. But it’s not pretty, but I want to show off the flower. Therefore, orchid owners are looking for other options, although even from a bottle you can make a beautiful pot if you use your imagination.

The right orchid pot meets certain requirements:

  • good and fast drainage of excess water after watering;
  • the possibility of aeration (air movement) of roots and substrate;
  • safety for rhizomes during transplantation;
  • maintaining a temperature in the substrate suitable for orchids;
  • ensuring the possibility of photosynthesis in plant roots.

The last point applies only to epiphytes growing on trees or climbing rocks. For terrestrial orchids, for example, a regular ceramic pot with holes for water drainage is quite suitable.

A plastic pot is most often chosen for an orchid. Plastic meets all the requirements for orchid flowerpots and can serve more than one generation of flowers. However, orchid pots are made from other materials:

  • ceramics;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • tree.

When choosing what kind of pot to use for an orchid, you must remember that the flower needs good aeration and ordinary flower containers may not be suitable for orchids.

Clay pot for Wanda

What material to plant orchids in?

Pots for orchids are chosen based on the needs of the plant. For an orchid whose roots are actively involved in photosynthesis, choose transparent flowerpots, wooden blocks or baskets. The material of the baskets is bamboo, plastic or wood. If the roots do not need a lot of sunlight, you can choose ceramics. Understanding how to choose a container for an orchid and not make a mistake will greatly make life easier for both the orchid grower and the plant itself. Let's look at the pros and cons of the different materials from which pots can be made.


Not best material for planting orchids by a beginning gardener. In addition to the risk of injury to humans, such a pot is also inconvenient for the flower, provided that it is not specially made flower pot with holes at the bottom. If it is just a glass container, then there is a high risk of the plant roots rotting due to excess moisture.

Orchids can only be grown in a glass pot by experienced orchid growers who already instinctively know how and when to water an orchid in such a container. A glass pot can be used as a decorative pot for orchids by placing a smaller container in a large glass, and filling the space between the walls of the two vessels with decorative elements.

Phalaenopsis in glass


An ordinary ceramic pot is usually unsuitable for orchids in general and completely unsuitable for phalaenopsis in particular. The roots of phalaenopsis need sunlight and oxygen, while the roots of other, less demanding orchids need a constant supply of air. At the same time, ceramic pots have undeniable advantages:

    • due to the porous structure of the ceramic, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the substrate;
    • substrate in clay pot does not overheat in the heat;
    • a heavy pot prevents the plant from turning over under its own weight.

You can grow orchids in ceramics, the roots of which do not need light, however, when choosing ceramics, you should try to find pots that are designed specifically for orchids and have holes in the side walls. Ceramics also have serious disadvantages:

      • orchid roots grow to the walls;
      • mineral salts dissolved in water are deposited on the porous walls, which adversely affect the health of the flower and impair the permeability of the walls.

To avoid damage to the roots, carefully break the old pot and place the orchid in another container directly with pieces of the old pot.

Ceramic pots for orchids

Baskets and blocks

A large pot for an orchid is not always needed. Some plants will prefer a little and the ability to let their roots hang freely in the air. Baskets made of plastic, wooden planks or bamboo are suitable for these flowers. Fans of air feeding can also be dropped off on blocks. These types of containers do not have protection against water leaking onto the floor, so it is better to place them outside or place them in a flowerpot on a stand to simultaneously protect the roots and the floor from excess moisture.

The disadvantage of baskets is that the roots grow through their rods and transplanting the orchid into another container without damaging the roots becomes impossible. They get out of this situation by placing the entire basket in the container. bigger size and filling the remaining space with fresh substrate.

Orchid basket


The best option for plants whose roots need light, and for inexperienced orchid growers. This pot is very suitable for orchids. Even an inexperienced orchid grower, when growing a flower in a transparent pot, will be able to notice in time the need or rotting of the roots and take action.

The advantage of plastic pots is that if the number of existing drainage holes is insufficient, you can always make additional holes in such containers. The downside is the weight of such glasses; a large orchid can easily tip over.

Based on the type of plant, its characteristics and own experience the owner can independently determine which pot is needed for the orchid. In any case, we must try to ensure that the pot, first of all, satisfies the needs of the plant, and secondly, the aesthetic feelings of the orchid grower.

Not all orchids can be grown on open ground. They mainly grow on trees and rocks with a complete lack of soil. That is why flower containers for home phalaenopsis should not be quite ordinary.

The very first rule: the plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the root system.

The container for the plant must provide:

  • drainage of excess water
  • good air exchange in the root system and substrate,
  • safe root extraction,
  • ideal temperature regime.

Some varieties not only absorb nutrients and water by their roots, but also take an active part in photosynthesis. These plants need a transparent pot.

These plants do not require large space, because root system they have a weak one, and they simply may not master the volume of the substrate. Therefore, it is better to choose a medium-sized pot.

The main conditions when choosing the right pot are:

  • presence of drainage holes,
  • the height must be equal to the width of the container,
  • the volume of the container must correspond to the size of the plant’s rhizome.
  • It would be good if the flowerpot comes with a stand.

Most often, the flower is planted in plastic or ceramic flowerpots. There are even very beautiful containers in the form of baskets on sale - in them the roots will breathe and develop perfectly.

It is better not to buy a glass container, as it can cause injury not only to the plant, but also to humans. In addition, the glass container prevents air exchange. It can be used as a planter for an orchid in a plastic transparent pot.

Gallery: orchid pots (25 photos)

Plastic pots for orchids

Plastic orchid pots are the most popular container option. Plastic prevents the roots from drying out, it is easy to use and care for, and is very durable.

Such a pot must have holes for draining excess water, which means it will be very easy to grow orchids. If there are few such holes, then it is very easy to make them yourself using a drill. In this case, the flowerpot will not be destroyed or damaged.

The plastic version feels great in a fairly well-lit place and even in the shade. It protects the roots of the plant well from overheating or cold. A stand under the pot will prevent excess water from spilling onto the surface.

There are cases when the roots grow so much that they even come out through the drainage holes, and then during replanting there may be problems with removing the plant. In such a situation, the pot can be easily cut using garden shears without damaging the root system. Naturally, this is not possible when using glass and ceramic flowerpots.

For those types of orchids whose roots participate in photosynthesis, it is recommended to purchase transparent flowerpots. They are good not only for phalaenopsis, but also for similar plants. Through the walls of such a flowerpot you can clearly see:

  • root development,
  • moisture consumption,
  • state of the substrate.

Clay flower containers

The main advantages of ceramic flowerpots for orchids are good air and moisture permeability. When watering, moisture does not collect in one place, but is evenly distributed throughout the substrate, while the roots do not dry out or overheat.

With all the advantages of clay flowerpots, they also have disadvantages:

  • The root system tightly adheres to the porous ceramic, which leads to injury to the plant during transplantation.
  • The porosity of ceramics decreases after some time - due to salts that are absorbed into the material. These salts also affect the root system of the flower.

You need to know some nuances. Before planting, the clay container must be disinfected in the oven, after which it is soaked in clean water. If not used new pot, but it is used, then it needs to be immersed in slightly acidified water. A solution will do citric acid. This procedure will allow you to completely get rid of salt deposits on the ceramics.

To save family budget, it is quite possible to make an orchid pot with your own hands, and with a system automatic watering. For production you will need one liter and one two-liter bottles.

So, let's start making:

  • We make a container for watering. To do this, cut a two-liter bottle so that the remaining Bottom part was 20 centimeters high.
  • Eight cuts should be made on top of the cut bottle, approximately four centimeters deep. They will hold our homemade pot.
  • We bend every second segment inward.
  • To fill the container with water, you need to cut off the neck from the top of the bottle.
  • At the bottom of the bottle we mark a hole so that the spout can be attached to it.
  • We insert the neck of the bottle into the resulting holes and secure it with a glue gun.

Such a homemade pot with an automatic watering system will support required humidity substrate and will prevent overflow, which is detrimental to the flower. Also, such a flowerpot does not require a stand.

Though indoor orchid and is considered a capricious flower, correct potty and care will prevent many problems.

Orchids are one of the most beautiful indoor plants. They decorate millions of homes because they are easy to care for. Special orchid pots made of transparent plastic or glass add a special highlight. Orchid - beautiful and amazing plant. On this moment there are many varieties of it. Each one is unique and individual in its own way. All varieties of this plant differ in three criteria: aroma, flower color and size.

Selection of capacity

There are only two types of orchids: epiphytes and lithophytes. The former grow in nature on trees and stumps, while the latter grow on stones and rocks. There are more than twenty-six thousand species of orchids around the world. In order for them to bloom and please the eye, you should provide good care. For this plant the destructive factor is excess water. Therefore, you need to choose the right pot for your orchid, great attention pay attention to the outflow of water from the container.

IN flower shops There is a huge range of flowerware for every taste and color. Previously, flower pots and flowerpots were popular, but now containers for flowers are becoming increasingly popular. With such an assortment, it is quite difficult to choose a pot in which to grow a flower.

To understand what kind of pot is needed for an orchid, you need to rely on the following rules:

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In addition to all these factors, the flowerpot should create a favorable temperature regime for the flower. For such purposes, it is best to choose transparent plastic containers. But some people who grow orchids prefer pottery. The following are tips on which pot is best for your orchid. What kind of orchid pots should be is up to you to decide.

Plastic flowerpots

Plastic planters are quite popular. Such a pot will not allow it to dry out or die from excess moisture. Such products are very easy to maintain. The special structure of such pots has perforations to drain excess water. The number of holes can be changed by adding new ones without damaging the container. Plastic structures can withstand prolonged exposure to the sun and shade, well protecting the roots of the flower from overheating or hypothermia.

Sometimes when planting orchids, gardeners encounter cases where the grown roots have come out through the drainage holes. In order not to injure the root system of the plant, the plastic can be easily cut with household scissors. Also through the plastic structure you will see:

  • Is the substrate dry?
  • Has the moisture been used up?
  • Development of the root system.

Ceramic bowls

The main advantage of ceramic orchid pots is the high permeability of moisture and air. When watering, moisture does not accumulate in one place, but quickly fills the entire earthen ball. In such a pot, the roots do not dry out for a very long time and are protected from overheating.

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Having a lot of advantages, ceramics also have a number of disadvantages:

Before planting a plant in a clay bowl, you must follow certain rules. After purchase, the bowl should be sterilized. An oven is suitable for disinfection. After cooling, the container needs to be soaked in water. If transplantation occurs in a previously used container, it should be soaked in slightly acidic water.

Glass pots

If you need to protect the flower from the roots sticking to the inner walls, then a glass pot will come to the rescue. Such containers are highly permeable to light, but are dangerous for inexperienced gardeners. There are no drainage holes in the glass, and you need to know the exact amount of water required for irrigation. Another significant disadvantage: if it falls on the floor, such a pot will break into small pieces that can injure household members or pets.

Any container for a plant must meet the following requirements:

Orchid buds look like fluttering butterflies and such flowers always look spectacular in the interior. But if the pots for orchids are chosen incorrectly, then over time the flowers will cease to please the eye. Therefore, if there are such plants in the house, or the gardener intends to place them in his home, you need to carefully understand the issue.

Orchids are ideal for original gift!

Orchids are plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the root system, and they are divided into the following groups:

  • epiphytes, that is, growing on trees and receiving nutrition from the air mass;
  • Lithophytes are those that grow on rocky surfaces or rock formations.

In both cases, their root system is in the following conditions:

  • moisture outflow occurs;
  • the root system is constantly aerated;
  • flower roots do not overheat.

Therefore, when wondering what kind of pot is needed for an orchid, you need to make sure that the above conditions are met.

Of course, when choosing a container it is important to take into account the overall design of the room, so it is worth considering different variants flower pots.

Plastic pots for orchids

Such containers are most preferable for planting.

Quite inexpensive and cute pot.
  1. They protect the root system from drying out, because it creates a greenhouse effect inside the pot.
  2. They are easy to place in any hanging pot.
  3. Plastic can serve several generations of plants.

At the same time, if there are not enough drainage holes in the pot, you can make them yourself without the risk of damaging the pot.

Glass flowerpots

Elegantly curved orchid branch, with scattering bright colors looks very impressive in glass flowerpots, especially since the root system appears as long green arrows lying in the drainage layer. And the whole flower looks like a kind of art object.

If pots for orchids are chosen incorrectly, then over time the flowers will cease to please the eye.

But when choosing a glass flowerpot, difficulties may arise with caring for flowers, because it is quite difficult to find glass products that will meet the necessary requirements, primarily those with drainage holes. The capricious beauty of the orchid does not tolerate waterlogging, but drain excess liquid and it’s difficult not to disturb the flower.

The solution in this situation is as follows:

  1. The orchid is planted in a plastic container.
  2. The plastic is placed in the selected glass flowerpot.
  3. The container is masked with a layer of drainage.
  4. If necessary, simply remove the plastic bowl, drain the liquid and return the flower to its place.

Glass pots do not have to be solid; orchids look great in decorative items that can disguise the plastic container where the flower is growing.

Clay pots

Clay pots have many benefits. They are easily permeable to air and moisture, so the substrate is completely saturated, which provides the flower with all the necessary nutrients.

But over time, the porous structure of the clay becomes clogged with minerals and salts, and the orchid becomes uncomfortable in such a home. Moreover, the root system of flowers is actively developing and grows strongly to the walls of the pot, so transplanting it into another pot becomes problematic.

Orchids look especially impressive in Chinese ceramic vessels.

If the interior of the room requires ceramic products, then it is better to again place the orchid in a plastic pot, and it in a clay pot.

It is important to remember that if you decide to plant an orchid in a clay container, then first you need to disinfect it.

  1. Warm in the oven, except for enamel pots.
  2. Treat the inside with biofungicides.

Baskets made of branches and twigs

This option for planting orchids is suitable for those that are classified as epiphytes.

Baskets can be made from assembled independent material, and from an artificial analogue, but you can use ready-made baskets.

The difficulty of planting and caring for orchids planted in this way is as follows:

  • watering orchids is carried out by immersing the roots in water, and this is difficult to do when the flower grows in a basket;
  • removing overgrown roots also becomes difficult, especially since they are damaged when trying to stop them;
  • the basket may dry out or become wet.

Therefore, you can again call on a plastic container to help or line the inside of the basket with film with drainage holes.

Crown pot for orchids

The crown pot for orchids is becoming popular, but, according to many gardeners, this planting option is detrimental to the flowers. Although, in theory, this design takes into account all the plant growth features, but over time, orchids planted in such a pot die.

The orchid is considered a very capricious plant.

The reason is that there is too much aeration in the container, which causes the moisture to disappear too quickly and disrupt the watering regime. This leads to illness.

DIY orchid pots

It’s not at all difficult to make an orchid pot with your own hands. The basis can be any plastic container, but there are a great many options for pots.

In order not to spend a lot of money, you can easily make a pot with your own hands!
  • polish a wide cut of wood sandpaper, make a hole in the middle, varnish and place the container with the orchid;
  • if on metal or plastic container attach multi-colored or monotonous small stones or shells with glue, you will get an original pot;
  • if you paint a liter jar yourself with waterproof paints and decorate the edges with burlap, this will also be interesting option for framing orchids.

Almost any available item can be used as a flowerpot. With a little effort, many things that have become unnecessary will shine with new colors.

How to Determine the Suitable Pot Size for an Orchid

When thinking about how to choose a pot, first you need to understand how to determine the comfortable size of the container for planting?

If the root mass has grown greatly, then the orchid requires replanting.
  1. The height of the pot should be equal to the diameter of the top of the container.
  2. The orchid likes to be cramped, so the roots should almost completely fill the volume of the bowl.

Replanting an orchid correctly

The most important stage in the life of a flower.

Replanting an orchid according to the rules is one of the stages of growing a plant.