Bedroom 12 sq m in Provence style. Design of a small room (12 m2) with a sofa. Finishing materials in bedroom design

Any bedroom is the most intimate room in a home, since it is where everyone not only rests, but also relaxes as much as possible. It is absolutely not necessary to show it to guests who come to visit you. And its interior does not necessarily have to be the most stylish or extravagant.

The design of a small bedroom of 12 square meters should contain your most secret desires and, no less, correspond to your whims, and completely regardless of the layout of your home. View modern and stylish designs in the photo of a 12 sq m bedroom real design.

Organizing your bedroom based on the type of home

Of course, the design methods also depend on what kind of layout is made in your home, because not all design options for a 12 sq. m bedroom can be conveyed in a photo.

If you have a Khrushchev

Such apartments are one of the most common housing options in modern world. And it refers precisely to when they say, although small, but their own. After all, they have quite a miniature kitchenette, narrow corridors, very small bedrooms, which sometimes serve not only as a relaxation room, but also as a reception for all guests.

If the house is not built of brick, then the Khrushchev apartments are quite “cold”. In addition, their age is often the same as that of the trees that are planted near it, which is why the natural lighting of the apartment may suffer.

For this reason, it is necessary to use light, warm shades for finishing materials for housing in Khrushchev. And for lighting it is necessary to use additional equipment in addition to the basic ones. It is also necessary to choose compact or multifunctional furniture, for example, it could be a bed - chest of drawers or a transformable sofa.

Bedroom in a panel high-rise building

Of course, in such houses the natural lighting is much better, unlike the previous option. Thanks to this, a wider range of colors can be used. However, the rooms in these houses are not very spacious.

Since the height of the ceilings allows, the bedroom can be decorated with suspended or even multi-level ceilings.

Bedroom in a private house

Bedroom 12 meters in own home this is not necessarily a very cramped room, because it is a separate corner in which the owner can simply relax. Naturally, if we are talking about a private home, then such a room in it is precisely a bedroom, but not a room for receiving guests or organizing a dining area.

This allows you to design a 12 sq. m bedroom in a special, exclusive way. It may even be completely different from the main style that the entire house is decorated with!

Color design for a small room

A 12-meter bedroom is no different in size, so its color design must be carefully selected. After all, if you do this incorrectly, an already small room can visually become even much smaller.

Of course, first of all, focus on your own taste preferences when choosing the main color of the bedroom. After all, it is completely unrecognized for the purpose of impressing guests. And since this is a place for your own relaxation, the design of a small bedroom of 12 sq. m should be so that you feel comfortable in it.

To prevent your body from experiencing any stress, do not overuse bright colors and shades. Moreover, if you decorate a room like this, most likely you will get tired of its design soon. And then you will have to rethink new design ideas for a 12 sq. m bedroom, and then do the renovation again.

Which palette to choose: warm or cold - it depends only on how lit your bedroom is. If there is very little natural light, then use a warmer range; if there is more than enough lighting, then you can choose cool shades.

Beige in the bedroom

Beige, baked milk or sand are the most popular shades for bedrooms. They are the most versatile, and very easy to combine with others. You can accent the modern design of a 12 sq. m bedroom with bright details.

Using blue shades

It is very beautiful for bedrooms located in the southern part of the house. With its help, you can visually enlarge the space and, at the same time, create a slight coolness. Using blue, you can fantasize widely. Make a themed design, for example, heavenly.

Green shades

A fairly soft palette of herbal colors will allow your eyes to enjoy rest and relaxation.

Red and purple shades

Red has always been and is a shade of passion and love. This design option will appeal to sensitive people who prefer everything to the maximum! You can view the design options in the photo of a 12 sq. m bedroom!

If you use red or purple colors, they will immediately become the base colors. And even if you paint only one bedroom wall with this color.

Pink, violet

This color scheme is suitable for those natures who are prone to deep feelings. Flowers can be used here as decoration. Look at the photo for a real bedroom design of 12 sq. m.

Bedroom design 12 sq m with balcony

A photo of the design of a 12 sq. m bedroom room will certainly help you make right choice on designing your own home.

Sleeping room with a separate balcony

Balconies can be separate room in the house, and they can also be made an extension of the room.

If you do not want to combine a bedroom with a balcony, then simply make the door leading to the balcony transparent, and the room will visually appear larger.

If you combine a bedroom with a loggia, then for this you will need to draw up a documentary redevelopment of the apartment. It will be necessary to draw up a special project, obtain some permits from such authorities as: BTI, MTCH, SES and others. But in general, the design of a 12 sq. m bedroom with a balcony can be decorated in a very original way. And, if you want to do this, and are ready for the paperwork, go ahead, take action!

After all, by adding a balcony or loggia to the bedroom, you can create an additional seating area, a wardrobe or even a mini-office in the room.

Other bedroom design options

Photos of bedrooms 12 sq m, look through the catalogue, perhaps you will find just such a way of interior design that you will like.

Secrets in decorating a bedroom-living room

Those people who have their own, but small apartments, very often several are combined in one room different zones. And very often this is just a bedroom with a living room.

Thanks to the latest and most advanced technologies, it is possible to make the most unusual ideas bedroom design 12 sq m! Moreover, both space and budget can be very limited.

For example, you don’t necessarily need to use a bed, because you can also choose a sofa. Even two armchairs won’t take up much space, but thanks to them your guests, relatives or friends, will be able to feel comfortable and comfortable when they come to visit you.

Use chair models that have legs. Then you will not clutter up the space of a small room too much.

Decorating a children's bedroom

This room is not only a crib. Its interior should be comfortable, functional and interesting. Therefore, the modern design of a 12 sq. m bedroom for children includes functional and play furniture!

See similar design options in the photo of the design of a 12 sq. m bedroom!

As for the decor, for a girl, depict flowers or characters from fairy tales. Shades of pink would be appropriate.

If the room is designed for a boy, it can be selected marine theme, football or theme computer games. Be sure to arrange sports section so that the boy has where and how to splash out his energy.

You can also make zoning in two colors, if you have one room, but two children, and of opposite sexes!

Bedroom for a young couple

Such a room should be beautiful and, no less, romantic. It should excite the feelings of a young couple in love. But at the same time, the room should be made comfortable and convenient.

It is very important that there is bedside table, as a small personal space for everyone. In addition, an excellent alternative is wall shelves. And if you hang small local lamps, then everyone can do their own thing without disturbing their partner.

Small bedroom interior styles


Its features are: symmetry and harmony, as well as restraint and the use of the highest quality and reliable materials.


Reminiscent of “industry”, and in the truest sense of the word! This trend has been fashionable for decades!

For its design, as a rule, concrete, metal or wood are used.

To create accessories for this style, you should choose raw materials.


Such bedrooms are bright functional example. Apply in this style most modern materials, as well as any colors!


It is also called rustic, but at the same time, quite fashionable! General rules for this style it is natural materials, naturalness and simplicity. It is perfect for creating a 12 sq m bedroom design with your own hands!

For example, it is necessary to use fairly durable wooden furniture, as well as only natural colors.

You can very easily and simply make a blanket yourself using the patchwork technique. It will fit very original and stylish into the interior!


It is very similar to country music, but still has its own characteristics, namely:

Use of light shades, large quantities various parts and aged furniture.

Comfort will be created by decorating with a large number of textiles. For example, neat curtains with flowers, various napkins or bedspreads.

East style

It is capable of impressing absolutely any person, but not everyone will be satisfied with the bedroom interior in it! It is perfect especially for anyone who loves the exotic. A sliding door option is perfect here.

To add some sophistication to a room in this style, you can paint a panda on the wall.


Very similar to industrial. But its peculiarity is that no partitions are used here, which is why it is notable for interior design in studio apartments. Very characteristic feature this style is that the walls are lined brickwork. If you decorate a bedroom in a loft style, this masonry can be replaced by the corresponding wallpaper colors. And if the house you live in is built of brick, then the walls can be left completely “bare”. The use of extraordinary items will come in very handy here!

In addition, you can combine both new and old furniture!

Pop Art

Ideal for those who prefer pop culture, as well as bright and unusual accessories. The wall can be decorated with comics, for example. The parts must be original, but not in too many quantities.

He's characteristic high technology. Minimalism is used to the maximum here, in everything. The main features of the style are the complete absence of decor and maximum functionality, in everything.

Increasing the space of a room of 12 square meters

The most important thing to consider in this matter is the doors to/from the room. Under no circumstances should they be made so that they open into the inside of the room.

If you use mirrors “correctly”, the space can be visually made 2 times larger. For example, you can install a wardrobe with “mirror” doors.

Among other things, photo wallpaper with a city landscape will help create the illusion of additional space. For example, they can be placed on the same level as the windows. And then it will feel like there is really one more window in the room.

You can choose a cornice for the entire length of the room, instead of the usual one, it will also help to increase the space.

And, of course, furniture. For example, if you combine a bed with a wardrobe, you get a real space! Use the space under the bed to store things!

See the proposed interior design photos and create your own masterpieces!

Sliding wardrobes in the bedroom - the best photo ideas

Looking at your small bedroom, you really want to fit everything into it: a separate dressing room, a huge bed, ottomans, tables, even comfortable armchairs.

But 12 squares free space limit our imagination and kill our dreams. There is no need to despair, even such a small room can be turned into a cozy room that you will not want to leave. Sleeping in such a bedroom will be truly strong and healthy, and waking up will be joyful.

The main task of the bedroom small sizes- accommodate furniture and all the necessary things, and at the same time - expand the visual space. Although this is not an easy job, everyone can do it.

The most important thing is to start with a sketch of the room, on which you need to mark all possible protrusions and niches, you should not ignore the ceiling and even the baseboards.

Also, it is worth thinking about the style in which the bedroom will be designed. In this it is better to be guided by the tastes and preferences of the owner himself. The bedroom will look good in Japanese style, or the style of minimalism, Provence or, now fashionable, hi-tech. You shouldn’t fill such a small room with bulky furniture or other pretentious elements, it will look ridiculous.

The main task is to maximize the release of space. To do this, there are some techniques in the work of designers that it does not hurt to use to change the interior in such small rooms.

The ceiling for a bedroom of 12 square meters is best done in white. A glossy stretch ceiling is a winning option, as it will add volume to the bedroom. You can simply paint it white or use PVC film, if you don't like shine. A ceiling decorated with a starry sky will look very interesting.

It is better to make the walls light; the ideal solution in this case is to choose pastel shades, since dark ones will visually reduce the space. If the bedroom windows face north, the color should be warm, otherwise the bedroom itself will look cold. On south side It is better to choose cool colors. But if in the bedroom with light wallpaper If you make some part of the wall, for example, near the bed, dark, you can play with contrast without making the room heavier.

Choosing flooring, you need to remember that both the color itself and how it will harmonize with other finishing elements play a big role. Wooden flooring should be laid diagonally, so the room will appear wider than it actually is.

Bedroom furniture 12 sq.m.

Having decided on the style, you should take a closer look at the furniture you like. And decide how it will be placed in the room. Next, it’s worth thinking through all the details, such as lighting or niches on the walls, and making sure that all this will be in harmony with each other. Because the lack of harmony will spoil the impression, even if the repairs are very expensive.

The queen among furniture in the bedroom is the bed. It is worth choosing it without protruding decorations, as they eat up room space. You should not buy a huge bed, it will take up the lion's share rooms, and the room will seem uncomfortable. First of all, maximum convenience. You can experiment by making the bed first with a dark and then a light bedspread, this will completely change the look. An object that attracts attention will be relevant for a small bedroom. It could be large mirror or an expensive painting. Modern people, even in the bedroom, cannot do without a TV. It is best to mount it on the wall, in which case it will take up virtually no space and will also fit well into the interior. Do not overload small rooms with decorative elements; they make the space too heavy.

Windows in the bedroom 12 sq.m.

In a bedroom of 12 sq.m., special attention should be paid to the windows. This is the main element on which it depends whether your room will be filled with light. Translucent fabrics are very suitable for decoration. A wonderful choice is Roman blinds; they are best suited for those who prefer to close their home from prying eyes. You can choose contrasting tulles and curtains for them. If you still prefer heavy curtains, you should be very careful in choosing them.

Bedroom design 12 sq.m - photo

It all depends on the taste of the person doing the decoration. Coziness can be created in another way. Contrasting colors will look very interesting, for example, white goes well with black or red. Also, opposite shades can be found both in the decoration and in the color of the furniture. For young people, bright colors in the bedroom will be quite acceptable, while older people should choose calmer shades.

If you have started renovations in your bedroom with an area of ​​12 square meters. meters, we advise you to pay close attention to the golden rules of design that will make your interior cozy and unique. – this is a place where a person can relax and gain strength after the daily hustle and bustle. Therefore, planning the bedroom and creating its design are very important stages of renovation.

The bedroom should be beautiful, sensual and luxurious to bring you joy before bed and give good mood since morning. The bedroom layout should take into account that this room is not only for sleeping. You need to think about what else you like to do in it, from reading books to doing yoga. A spacious bed, proper lighting and high-quality curtains are mandatory attributes needed to create comfort in the bedroom.

In modern new buildings, it is very common to find bedrooms with an area of ​​no more than 13 sq.m. But even in such conditions, with the help design techniques you can create the vacation spot of your dreams. Let's consider the basic rules that designers recommend using when creating a bedroom interior.

Bedroom layout

Bedroom layout 12 sq. meters begins with choosing a place for the bed. It is better to place it parallel to the wall with windows. At the head of the bed you can place a bedside table, night table or small chair. If after bed placement There is a lot of free space left, equip a small dressing room.

If the bedroom is combined with a balcony, then the best solution will be its connection to the area of ​​the room. The balcony will increase the space, you can store things there or place cabinet.

Color palette and finishing

Colors can significantly influence our perception of space. When choosing a color palette, you first need to take into account the size of the room, and only then your own preferences. If you want to feel comfortable in a bedroom of 12 square meters, choose light shades when creating your design:

  • pale blue;
  • light brown;
  • pale pink.

Remember that you should not use more than three basic colors. Numerous shades of green from olive to rich emerald will create a spring mood in the bedroom and visually expand the space. A pastel palette will look stylish and fashionable.

Advice! To prevent the visual area of ​​the room from decreasing, you need to avoid dark color range. Warm and bright colors are best used in decorative items.

As for finishing the walls of a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq.m., you should not use large drawings on the walls. Large ornaments reduce space. It is better to choose wallpaper from the finishing materials; they will fill the room with comfort and warmth. Non-woven wallpaper- This is an ideal solution for renovation. They have a dense texture, thanks to which they will hide any unevenness and cracks on the walls. They are environmentally friendly, easy to glue and fit well, which will greatly facilitate the renovation of the room. You can choose an accent wall opposite the bed or at the head of the bed and cover it with wallpaper with a bright pattern, as in the photo.

Advice! Design experts recommend for maximum visual increase space, make the lightest wall of the room a tone lighter than the rest of the walls.

Bedroom renovation – not an easy task. To create the illusion of a high ceiling, you can install a glossy stretch ceiling or paint the existing one with glossy paint. Two-level plasterboard ceiling with a darker indentation it will also look tall. For the floor, you can choose a light laminate or parquet and lay it diagonally.

Furniture items

The central place that attracts attention in the bedroom is bed. Therefore, choose a beautiful and original headboard that will become the main accent of the interior. The bed should be comfortable and fit into the style of the room. The standard length is usually 190-200 cm. But remember that the bed must be at least 15 cm larger than your height.

As for its height, there is a rule that will avoid a large load on the spine: Bottom part The mattress should rise above the floor by at least 50 cm. To prevent the bed from squeaking during operation, it is better to purchase it on a wooden, forged or metal frame. Frames made of fibreboard, chipboard or MDF are considered less reliable. Drawer under the bed will allow you to discreetly hide various things.

Basic rules for choosing furniture for small rooms: compactness, mobility and versatility. The material from which the furniture is made is important. Light glossy or glass facades are ideal for small spaces. Hanging cabinets without legs visually appear more airy and lighter than furniture with a solid base.

Advice! Do not load a room smaller than 14 sq.m. numerous pieces of furniture and bulky cabinets.

Illumination of the bedroom

Properly selected lighting can significantly transform a room. For general functional lighting, you can choose a beautiful ceiling chandelier. To create directional bedroom lighting, use wall sconces or floor lamps. To create a unique atmosphere in the bedroom and add individuality to the interior, use decorative lighting. Frosted glass lamps will make the light softer and more subdued. The approximate level of illumination in any room should be 15 watts per square meter. So, for a bedroom 12 sq.m. you need to choose a lamp with a power of 180 W. You can use bottom lighting for skirting boards and furniture.

The interior of the bedroom is the first thing a person sees every day after waking up. This is just one of many reasons to make your bedroom cozy and stylish. Unfortunately, in most apartments, its area is not too large. But the design of a 12 sq. m bedroom can also please the owners in the morning, the main thing is to organize it correctly.
Modern designers offer a large number of simple solutions to make this room not only a great place for a good night's rest, but also a functional part of a stylish modern apartment. How to visually increase space and achieve maximum comfort?

Bedroom Decoration Styles

There are countless interior styles, but not everyone is able to improve the quality of their bedroom.

The main styles for this place are:

  • Classical. A timeless style that combines bombast and a love of expensive materials with restraint and symmetrical shapes.
  • High tech. It is characterized by an abundance of newfangled appliances, glass and chrome in the bedroom interior. The style is expensive in design and requires constant updating of electronic devices to the newest models.
  • Country. This is the style rustic comfort, natural tones and many interior elements. Country style uses natural materials.
  • Modern style. Minimalism, functionality, straight forms - that’s what can be said about it.
  • Pop Art. Bright style, the purpose of which is to emphasize the individuality of the owners and turn everyday items into decorative elements.

Color palette

Choosing a color for any room is a very important decision. For a small bedroom of 12 square meters, it can become completely fatal. Above any fashion trends It’s worth setting your own tastes: a bedroom is a personal space where strangers rarely intrude. Having chosen your favorite color as the main color, you need to find a worthy combination for it. But you should still refrain from using bright colors. This room is intended for relaxation, and relaxation with screaming walls is not very possible.

Suitable color scheme May be:

  • beige tones;
  • blue sea theme, delicate turquoise;
  • combination of white and black;
  • green colors;
  • shades of gray with purple and violet;
  • yellow.

The choice between warm and cool tones depends entirely on the specific room. If natural light in a room with excess, then big picture will better complement cold light, and better compensate for the lack of sunlight warm color surfaces.

House type and bedroom design

The type of building in which the 12 sq.m. bedroom design is being developed. meters, also matters when creating an aesthetic interior of a room.

There are 3 common options:

  1. Bedroom in Khrushchev. If the house is not made of brick, then the bedroom will lack warmth. Green spaces around such houses tend to cover the windows of apartments, blocking the path of the sun's rays. Based on this, for Khrushchev it would be appropriate to use warm bright hues walls, choosing the most functional and practical furniture for them.
  1. Panel house. Compared to the Khrushchev building, there is not only more natural light, but also a higher ceiling. There will be an additional temptation to use multi-level stretch ceiling. So why shouldn't he give in? This design will look good with high ceilings, and will also open up additional features for built-in lighting.
  1. A private house. Owners of private houses have the greatest freedom in choosing design. A significant difference between a bedroom can be not only the color, style, interior, but also the very shape of the room, made according to a special project. It is common to use the room as a bedroom-living room or even a bedroom-dining room.

Surface finishing

Finishing is a renovation stage that determines the design of any room. Depending on the chosen style, can be used various materials and technology. Let's consider the finishing of each surface separately.


The finishing of the room begins from the ceiling. More recently, the bedroom ceiling was leveled and painted white. Such ceilings are familiar to us and easy to maintain. In this case, it’s easy to decorate the ceiling with your own hands. But bedroom design ideas 12 sq. meters can be drawn from many sources and you should not limit yourself to simple coloring.

Painting requires a perfectly flat surface: if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to invite a professional.

A modern solution would be to use tension or suspended structure ceiling. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors to suit every taste. High ceilings will allow the use of several levels, which will allow additional play with the difference in colors and lighting.

Wallpaper, polystyrene foam boards, finishing can be used as ceiling finishing. plastic panels or sheets of plasterboard with finishing plaster.


In most apartments, the walls are covered with wallpaper. This is a good choice for a bedroom of 12 sq.m.: a wide range of various colors and textures will allow you to choose wallpaper in any style and create any desired effect. Preference should be given to a small pattern - it will visually “distance” the walls of the room and expand the space. Large parts will make an already small room smaller.

The currently fashionable trend in the form of a wall without finishing with “bare” brick or concrete is not too good decision for the bedroom. Such a detail, included in the interior of a 12 square meter bedroom, does not fit well with the warmth and comfort that should be inherent in this room. But even this design can be beat.

But the accent wall at the head of the bed is a successful and very popular trend modern design. Achieving such an effect is not difficult. If the rest of the walls are painted solid color, then wallpaper with an original print to match is suitable for an accent wall. Additionally, the use of surface relief will attract attention and highlight the wall. Perfect fit wooden panels, especially for a private home.


Considering the specifics of the room, almost any floor covering will look good in the bedroom. The choice is limited only by the resident’s imagination and the desired finishing budget. The only thing that is not used in the bedroom is tiles. There is absolutely no use for it here.

The flooring of the bedroom can be:

  • Parquet. It takes an honorable first place in popularity due to its price, environmental friendliness, ease of care and appearance.
  • Cork covering. It is becoming more and more accessible coverage. It combines all the advantages of parquet and carpet, and has heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Vinyl. Unpretentious and easy-to-care material.
  • Laminate. Perfectly imitates expensive wood covering, has all the necessary properties for a bedroom.

The bedroom flooring is often covered with carpet. It is worth thinking about this when choosing finishing materials. As for the coating pattern, it is best to play with a space of 12 square meters. meters can be a diagonal pattern.

Bedroom interior elements

Design of a small bedroom 12 sq. meters should not be overloaded with details. Do not forget that its main function is a recreation area. Before considering options for planning a bedroom, it is necessary to determine its main elements.

  • Double bed. The main detail of the room, the central element around which the entire composition of the bedroom is built.
  • Closet. Separate Walk-in closet- it is very comfortable. But not every home has room for it. In this case, it would be appropriate to place a closet in the bedroom for storing clothes, linen, etc.
  • Dresser. Thanks to this element, in the bedroom you can find a place not only for clothes, but also for a large number of small things. Including ladies' accessories.
  • Bedside tables or coffee table. A very convenient item for storing gadgets and other small things at night.
  • Dressing table. Can be combined with a chest of drawers. It is advisable that the sleeping part of the room is not reflected in the mirror - this can cause discomfort.
  • TV. Located opposite the bed.

Room layout

Depending on the number of desired elements of the room, the location of the door and windows, there are several basic layouts for a 12 square meter bedroom. meters:

  • At classic version layout, the bed is in the center of the room. One of the side walls is empty; there is a window in it. Along the other there is a closet, next to it there is a doorway.
  • When the door is in the wall opposite the bed, it is rational to use built-in furniture along the entire side wall. The downside is the asymmetrical arrangement of elements in the wall with the door.
  • The symmetrical layout looks like this: on the sides of the bed, as the main part, there are small bedside tables, and on the opposite wall, there is a TV, on the sides of which there are storage spaces (cabinets or chests of drawers).
  • Minimalism is suitable for the option when the bedroom performs exclusively its main function. The interior of the room contains only a bed with two bedside tables.
  • If both the door and the window are located on the same wall, then interesting solution will place the bed in front of the window. Wouldn't it be great to look at the sky instead of the TV screen? Built-in furniture is located on the side.

Choosing a bed

The main furniture in the bedroom will be a double bed. Width standard bed can range from 160 centimeters. With a bedroom area of ​​12 square meters, choosing a bed more than 200 cm will be a mistake. In addition to well-chosen dimensions, they must match the style of the room and be comfortable.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of beds. The design of a rectangular bedroom of 12 m2 will be qualitatively enhanced by the original headboard at its head.

The bed frame must be strong and durable. The best option will become wooden, forged and metal structure. As a filler, preference should be given to hypoallergenic materials.

An important part of the bed is the drawer. This detail not only represents comfortable spot storage, but also has direct significance for the interior of the room, relieving it of unnecessary details. A drawer that is not adjacent to the floor can make the structure lighter and more airy.


Bedroom lighting depends on the height and type of ceilings. But, no matter what option is considered, there is no place for one light source in the bedroom. At a minimum, this should be a central lamp on the ceiling and a bedside night light. It is convenient to place it on a nearby bedside table.

If there is a chair in the room, then it is good to place the light source near it: for comfortable reading a book or magazine. In this capacity it can act floor lamp or a regular lamp mounted on a nearby wall.

It is convenient when it is possible to change the brightness of the main lighting. There are special regulators for this. There would be a perfect place for such a function in the bedroom.

If a suspended ceiling design is used, spotlights around the perimeter will visually expand the space. And if you integrate lamps of different colors into such a ceiling, you can create a unique romantic atmosphere in the room.

Decor elements

The opinion is that a small bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. meters does not need additional decorative error. Properly selected parts can miraculously transform the interior, not only without making it “heavier,” but also visually “unloading it.”

The decor should start with the central object – the bed. The bedspread must be selected based on the style of the room. You can complement the main motif, or vice versa - make it contrasting due to print or texture. Appropriate to use decorative pillows for bed decoration.

Curtains - no less important detail. Choice beautiful curtains– this is a whole art. Ideal option will be window textiles made to order specifically for the design modern bedroom 12 sq. meters. Long, heavy curtains should be used very carefully, due to small area rooms. They are able to take in a large amount of natural light, making the room smaller.

The head of the bed is considered accent wall bedrooms. If it was not highlighted at the finishing stage, then it’s time to do it now. You can emphasize the style of the room with paintings, unusual designs, installations or plaster decorative items.

Fresh flowers on the windowsill or near it will add a touch of eco-style to the room. This is especially true when choosing brutal or strict design bedrooms 12 sq.m: greenery will help soften it a little and emphasize the connection with nature.

Bedroom design with a loggia or balcony

Bedroom design 12 sq. m with a balcony is good opportunity expand the small space of the room. The downside is the cost of dismantling the wall. In addition, demolition of ceilings is a very dirty and dusty job. It still needs to be implemented initial stages repairs, until surfaces are leveled.

The balcony can become separate functional area a bedroom in which it is convenient to arrange, for example, a comfortable place for reading, a wardrobe or a mini-office. Another option is to completely demolish the dividing wall and continue the area of ​​the bedroom.

For better effect, when combining a bedroom of 12 sq. meters with a balcony, leave a few centimeters around the perimeter former wall, creating an arch effect.

The loggia area should be made in the style of the main part of the room. It is also necessary to equip it with additional lighting, since the arch will become an obstacle to direct rays from the central lamp of the bedroom.

If you want to expand the bedroom space and maintain a separate balcony with an office, then good option the ceiling between the rooms will be glazed. This will additionally add natural light to the bedroom with a loggia.

The redevelopment of the room must take place in coordination with housing and communal services.

When decorating a small space, many owners face obvious difficulties. How to place everything you need in a small room when there is sorely not enough space for it? However, professional designers can give practical advice for organization functional interior. Following their recommendations, the design of a 12 sq. m room may well satisfy demanding owners. What needs to be done for this and where to start - we will tell you further.

Key points in decorating a small room

When choosing the style of a given room, you should focus on the decor of the entire apartment. It can be either strictly classical or modern high-tech. However, experts recommend refraining from excesses of any design, since optimal solution only minimalism looks.

Thanks to its minimal aesthetic decorative elements, a design on 12 square meters will not seem defective in terms of square footage. If you can’t do without design delights, then mixing style trends is quite acceptable - supplementing the minimalist decor with various motifs and interior items. Such eclecticism often concerns furniture sets. Let's talk about it a little further.

Zoning and lighting of a small room will also be important. To clearly delineate a small space, it is best to use color. The main recommendation of most experts is to set it to light colors.

Color requirements

Such a serious role assigned to color is due to its ability to visually expand space. If you thoughtlessly disrupt the overall harmony with some contrasting insertion, this can lead to the opposite effect. It should be remembered that dark colors narrowing an already small space. Their impact is characterized by psychological pressure and a feeling of discomfort. Warm tones can boast the same narrowing property.

Despite the feeling of warmth and comfort that they evoke, their intimacy negatively affects the design. The use of cool, refreshing tones looks much more effective, as they brighten the surrounding atmosphere. They make it visually cooler, which is perceived by the eye as a sign spacious room. The most striking examples are all shades of white, silver, pink and light blue.

Attention! The snow-white shade is a win-win option. It brings lightness and a sense of peace. The atmosphere of a small room will contribute to complete relaxation after a busy day.

If the ascetic interior design of a 12 sq. m room is not included in the plans of the owners, then the use of an accent wall is quite acceptable. It is placed behind the head of a sofa or bed so that it does not interfere with a peaceful night's sleep. The most popular are sand tones coupled with an admixture of azure.

Beige with an accent chestnut is also considered a popular shade. But you can use other interior items to create bright accent. This could be the rich coloring of textiles, the characteristic texture of a furniture set, or the tackiness of wall posters. They perfectly dilute the white palette of a small room. And opponents of contrasting inserts can limit themselves to using translucent ornaments when decorating flat surfaces. This type of cladding can be found among all types of wallpaper and decorative plaster.

When creating an accent wall, the main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion. She must be alone. All other walls should remain light.

Another important note for designers is to strictly limit the number of tones. Even if eclectic style is used, there should be no more than three. Only then will it be possible to form a holistic impression of the design small room 12 m.

Zone delimitation

Even such a modest quadrature sometimes has to be divided into zones. Since massive partitions are inappropriate here, the same color and cladding material are used for zoning. The different structure of the materials used perfectly replaces the bulky elements of the headset. Textiles are used much less frequently to delimit functional areas using the same curtain.

And it’s very difficult to come across a design for a miniature room of 12 square meters with a podium near one of the walls. However, it is quite multifunctional, since it assumes a compact organization sleeping place With drawers for things. Below there is a working space with freedom of movement. For the same purpose, the room almost always remains open.

Surface finishing and lighting

When laying flooring It is recommended to use textured patterns in a competent manner. For example, when using laminate panels, the latter can be laid diagonally. This approach somewhat expands the visual perception of the room’s area. Stretch ceilings can be praised for the same effect. Their snow-white texture visually deepens the useful volume of a small closet.

But even ordinary glossy paint can do the above work if the ceiling surface is perfectly smooth. It is worth placing several mirrors on the walls. They a priori increase the space of the room due to the optical illusion of doubling. Either two small ones, or one, but larger. It can be placed opposite the window opening. Then Sun rays will additionally illuminate and visually enlarge the interior of a 12 sq. m room.

Attention! Three or more small mirrors can do the opposite - visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

Glass surfaces are generally considered a good choice for a modest room. They can be represented on a small coffee table, facade furniture elements. The effect of lightness will perfectly complement good lighting. It's about about installing small lamps, since volume ones are clearly not worth using.

Local, spot lighting is quite sufficient, provided that it goes along the entire perimeter. Elegant floor lamps can easily solve the lack of light if the owners are used to bright light large chandeliers.

Furniture set

It would be logical to abandon most pieces of furniture. Instead of tall cabinets, it is recommended to use compact chests of drawers, since their useful volume is not much different in reality. The use of various niches and soft elements of the set also looks preferable than heavy shelves and cabinets.

If you arrange shelving near the walls, then the emptiness of some shelves will favorably emphasize the airiness of the design cozy room 12 sq. An obvious advantage will be the presence of consoles and shelves. They allow you to save useful meters of limited square footage, while providing enough space for various accessories. There should be very few of the latter.

Layout of a small room depending on purpose

Here we will consider possible options use of a small space.

  • Small bedroom design. You cannot do without a minimum set of furniture in these apartments. It should consist of bedside tables or a chest of drawers, the bed itself, as well as a closet for things. Women can insist on dressing table. But here it is important to understand that all pieces of furniture should be modest in size. If you place a TV, you should only purchase thin plasma for the wall. In order not to hide useful meters, it is recommended to make the cabinet doors sliding. Or abandon it altogether in favor of two pencil cases of smaller dimensions. To visually correct planning defects, it is worth placing art objects on the walls. Paintings with a glossy surface, photos of city streets - all this can look extremely stylish. The main thing is to refrain from massive frames;
  • Decorating a small living room. You can use the principle of pairing - when all the same decors are placed opposite each other. From mirrors to furniture products. Placing a set in the shape of the letter “L” helps to expand the living room. Then it would be appropriate to place the monitor away from the sofa. If the living room boasts a bay window, then placing furniture in this place will “extend” the room. In addition to the accent wall, you can use decorative fireplace with brickwork and lighting. Spotlights will fit perfectly with mirror panels;
  • Children's design. These sizes are quite suitable for one child. Since you can limit yourself minimum set headset and still leave enough free space. For two children you will have to use bunk bed or prefabricated construction sets with drawers. The theme of the nursery involves the presence of striped surface coverings and the use of airy textiles. It is important to use only environmentally friendly materials in light shades;

  • Kitchen design. To design small room 12 sq m did not seem boring, it can be decorated with a bold color palette. Color experiments are allowed in the kitchen, since this square footage is enough to accommodate all the necessary items. However, experts recommend using the niche technique for household appliances.

Attention! To make the layout as practical as possible, it is better to use U-shape. An island or peninsula is not suitable for such an area.

If the room is extremely narrow, then it is better to do without a dining table. Instead, you can choose a modern bar counter and replace the chairs with stools. A work unit on wheels would also look appropriate. Its versatility will play a significant role in your cooking.


You should approach the design of a small-sized home creatively. With certain investments and following the recommendations of professionals, 12 square meters will be enough for any idea. If you set up the lighting correctly, you can even decorate your living room in an interesting way. However, it is easiest to create a successful interior for a children's room and kitchen. But everywhere you should limit the number of pieces of heavy furniture. Minimalism is best choice for the owner.