SP 5 automatic fire alarm. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules. Some excursion into international experience

13.3.1 The number of automatic fire detectors is determined by the need to detect fires in a controlled area of ​​premises or areas of premises, and the number of flame detectors is determined by the controlled area of ​​equipment.
13.3.2 In each protected room, at least two fire detectors should be installed, connected according to the logical “OR” circuit.


  • In the case of using an aspiration detector, unless specifically specified, it is necessary to proceed from the following position: one air intake opening should be considered as one point (addressless) fire detector. In this case, the detector must generate a fault signal in case of flow deviation air flow in the air intake pipe by 20% of its initial value set as an operating parameter.

13.3.3 In the protected room or designated parts of the room, it is allowed to install one automatic fire detector if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

a) the area of ​​the room is not more area protected
fire detector specified in the technical
documentation for it, and no more than the average area,
indicated in tables 13.3 - 13.6;

b) provided automatic control performance
fire detector under exposure to factors
external environment, confirming that he has fulfilled his
functions, and a notification of serviceability is generated
(malfunctions) on the control panel;

c) identification of a faulty detector is ensured with
using light indication and the possibility of its replacement
staff on duty for set time, determined
in accordance with Appendix O;
d) when a fire detector is triggered, it is not generated
signal to control fire extinguishing installations
or type 5 fire warning systems according to, as well as
other systems, the false functioning of which may
lead to unacceptable material losses or reductions in
level of human safety.

13.3.4 Point fire detectors should be installed under the ceiling. If it is impossible to install detectors directly on the ceiling, they can be installed on cables, as well as on walls, columns and other load-bearing structures. building structures. When installing point detectors on walls, they should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the corner and at a distance from the ceiling in accordance with Appendix P. The distance from the top point of the ceiling to the detector at the place of its installation and depending on the height of the room and the shape of the ceiling can be determined in accordance with Appendix P or at other altitudes if the detection time is sufficient to complete the tasks fire protection in accordance with GOST 12.1.004, which must be confirmed by calculation. When hanging detectors on a cable, their stable position and orientation in space must be ensured. In the case of aspiration detectors, it is allowed to install air intake pipes in both horizontal and vertical planes.
When fire detectors are located at a height of more than 6 m, an access option to the detectors for maintenance and repair must be determined.
13.3.5 In rooms with steep roofs, for example, diagonal, gable, hipped, hipped, saw-toothed, with a slope of more than 10 degrees, some detectors are installed in the vertical plane of the roof ridge or the highest part of the building.
The area protected by one detector installed in upper parts roofs, increases by 20%.


  • If the floor plane has different slopes, then the detectors are installed on surfaces with smaller slopes.

13.3.6 The placement of point heat and smoke fire detectors should be made taking into account the air flows in the protected room caused by the supply or exhaust ventilation, and the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole must be at least 1 m. In the case of using an aspirating fire detector, the distance from the air intake pipe with holes to the ventilation hole is regulated by the permissible air flow for this type of detector.

13.3.7 The distances between detectors, as well as between the wall and detectors, given in tables 13.3 and 13.5, can be changed within the area given in tables 13.3 and 13.5.
13.3.8 If there are linear beams on the ceiling (Figure 1), the distances between point smoke and heat detectors across the beams M are determined according to Table 13.1. The distance of the outermost detector from the wall should not exceed half M. The distance between detectors L is determined according to tables 13.3 and 13.5, respectively, taking into account clause 13.3.10.

Table 13.1

Ceiling height (rounded to the nearest whole number) N, m Beam height, D, m Maximum distance between two smoke (heat) detectors across beams, M, m
Until 3 More than 0.1 N 2,3 (1,5)
Up to 4 More than 0.1 N 2,8 (2,0)
Up to 5 More than 0.1 N 3,0 (2,3)
Until 6 More than 0.1 N 3,3 (2,5)
Up to 12 More than 0.1 N 5,0 (3,8)

M- distance between detectors across beams; L- distance between detectors along beams

Picture 1- Ceiling with beams

On ceilings with beams in the form of cells resembling a honeycomb (Figure 2), detectors are installed in accordance with Table 13.2.

1 area of ​​use
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
4. General provisions
5. Water and foam fire extinguishing systems
6. Fire extinguishing installations with high expansion foam
7. Robotic fire complex
8. Settings gas fire extinguishing
9. Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
10. Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
11. Autonomous fire extinguishing installations
12. Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
13. Systems fire alarm
14. Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment objects
15. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
16. Protective grounding and grounding. Safety requirements
17. General provisions taken into account when choosing technical means fire automatics
Appendix A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms
Appendix B. Groups of premises (production and technological processes) according to the degree of danger of fire development depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
Appendix B. Methodology for calculating AUP parameters for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
Appendix D. Methodology for calculating the parameters of high-expansion foam fire extinguishing installations
Appendix E. Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
Appendix E. Methodology for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing by volumetric method
Appendix G. Methodology for hydraulic calculation of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
Appendix 3. Methodology for calculating the opening area for relieving excess pressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
Appendix I. General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K. Calculation method automatic installations aerosol fire extinguishing
Appendix L. Methodology for calculating excess pressure when supplying fire extinguishing aerosol to a room
Appendix M. Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
Appendix H. Installation locations of manual fire call points depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
Appendix O. Determination of the established time for detecting a malfunction and eliminating it
Appendix P. Distances from the top point of the ceiling to the detector measuring element
Appendix P. Methods for increasing the reliability of a fire signal

Note: SP 5.13130.2009 as amended No. 1 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" replaced by SP 5.13130.2013.

SP 5.13130.2009 as amended No. 1 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules"

  1. Preface
  2. 1 area of ​​use
  3. 2. Normative references
  4. 3. Terms and definitions
  5. 4. General provisions
  6. 5. Water and foam fire extinguishing systems
  7. 6. Fire extinguishing installations with high expansion foam
  8. 7. Robotic fire complex
  9. 8. Gas fire extinguishing installations
  10. 9. Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
  11. 10. Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
  12. 11. Autonomous fire extinguishing installations
  13. 12. Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
  14. 13. Fire alarm systems
  15. 14. Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment of objects
  16. 15. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
  17. 16. Protective grounding and grounding. Safety requirements
  18. 17. General provisions taken into account when choosing fire automatic equipment
  19. Appendix A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms. General provisions
    1. I. Buildings
    2. II. Facilities
    3. III. Premises
    4. IV. Equipment
  20. Appendix B Groups of premises (industrial and technological processes) according to the degree of fire hazard depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
  21. Appendix B Methodology for calculating AUP parameters for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
  22. Appendix D Methodology for calculating the parameters of high-expansion foam fire extinguishing installations
  23. Appendix D Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
  24. Appendix E Methodology for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing by volumetric method
  25. Appendix G. Methodology for hydraulic calculation of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
  26. Appendix Z. Methodology for calculating the opening area for releasing excess pressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
  27. Appendix I. General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
  28. Appendix K Methodology for calculating automatic aerosol fire extinguishing installations
  29. Appendix L. Methodology for calculating excess pressure when supplying fire extinguishing aerosol to a room
  30. Appendix M Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
  31. Appendix N. Installation locations of manual fire call points depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
  32. Appendix O. Determining the set time for detecting a fault and eliminating it
  33. Appendix P. Distances from the top point of the ceiling to the detector measuring element
  34. Appendix R Methods for increasing the reliability of a fire signal
  35. Bibliography


Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 202 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying sets of rules - by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules” dated November 19, 2008 No. 858.

Information on the set of rules SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules"

  • INTRODUCED Technical Committee on standardization TC 274 “Fire Safety”
  • APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 No. 175
  • REGISTERED Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology
  • Change No. 1 was introduced, approved and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 1, 2011 No. 274. The effective date of change No. 1 is June 20, 2011.


1.1 SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" developed in accordance with articles 42, 45, 46, 54, 83, 84, 91, 103, 104, 111 - 116 Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical regulations on requirements fire safety", is normative document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes norms and rules for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

1.2 SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" applies to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations for buildings and structures for various purposes, including those built in areas with special climatic and natural conditions. The need to use fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems is determined in accordance with Appendix A, standards, codes of practice and other documents approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3 SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" does not apply to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations:

  • buildings and structures designed according to special standards;
  • technological installations located outside buildings;
  • warehouse buildings with mobile shelving;
  • warehouse buildings for storing products in aerosol packaging;
  • warehouse buildings with a cargo storage height of more than 5.5 m.

1.4 SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" does not apply to the design of fire extinguishing installations for extinguishing class D fires (according to GOST 27331), as well as chemically active substances and materials, including:

  • reacting with fire extinguishing agent with explosion (organoaluminum compounds, alkali metals);
  • decomposing upon interaction with a fire extinguishing agent with the release of flammable gases (organolithium compounds, lead azide, aluminum, zinc, magnesium hydrides);
  • interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with a strong exothermic effect ( sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite);
  • spontaneously combustible substances (sodium hydrosulfite, etc.).

1.5 SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing installations. Design standards and rules" can be used in the development of special technical specifications for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

Other documents

SP 2.13130.2012 Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects

DOC, 304.0 KB

The number of point fire detectors installed in a room is determined by the need to solve two main problems: ensuring high reliability of the fire alarm system and high reliability of the fire signal (low probability of generating a false alarm signal).

First of all, it is necessary to identify the functions performed by the fire alarm system, namely, whether fire protection systems (fire extinguishing, warning, smoke removal, etc.) are triggered by a signal from fire detectors, or whether the system only provides fire alarm in the premises of duty personnel .

If the function of the system is only fire alarm, then it can be assumed that Negative consequences when generating a false alarm signal are insignificant. Based on this premise, in rooms whose area does not exceed the area protected by one detector (according to Tables 13.3, 13.5), in order to increase the reliability of the system, two detectors are installed, connected according to the logical “OR” circuit (a fire signal is generated when any one of them is triggered). two installed detectors). In this case, if one of the detectors fails uncontrollably, the second one will perform the fire detection function. If the detector is capable of testing itself and transmitting information about its malfunction to the control panel (meets the requirements of clause 13.3.3 b), c)), then one detector can be installed in the room. In large rooms, detectors are installed at a standard distance .

Similarly, for flame detectors, each point of the protected premises must be controlled by two detectors connected according to the logical “OR” circuit (in paragraph 13.8.3, a technical error was made during publication, therefore, instead of “according to the logical circuit “AND”” one should read “by logical circuit "OR""), or one detector that meets the requirements of clause 13.3.3 b), c).

If it is necessary to generate a control signal for a fire protection system, then when designing project organization must determine whether this signal will be generated from one detector, which is permissible for the systems listed in clause 14.2, or whether the signal will be generated according to clause 14.1, i.e. when two detectors are triggered (logical “AND” circuit).

The use of a logical “AND” circuit makes it possible to increase the reliability of the formation of a fire signal, since a false alarm of one detector will not cause the formation of a control signal. This algorithm is required to control type 5 fire extinguishing and warning systems. To control other systems, you can get by with an alarm signal from one detector, but only if the false activation of these systems does not lead to a decrease in the level of human safety and/or unacceptable material losses. The rationale for such a decision must be reflected in explanatory note to the project. In this case it is necessary to apply technical solutions, allowing to increase the reliability of the formation of a fire signal. Such solutions may include the use of so-called “smart” detectors, which provide analysis of the physical characteristics of fire factors and (or) the dynamics of their change, providing information about their critical state (dustiness, contamination), using the function of re-querying the status of detectors, taking measures to exclude (reducing) the impact on the detector of factors similar to fire factors and capable of causing a false alarm.

If during the design it was decided to generate control signals for fire protection systems from one detector, then the requirements for the number and placement of detectors coincide with the above requirements for systems that perform only the alarm function. The requirements of clause 14.3 do not apply.

If the fire protection system control signal is generated from two detectors, switched on in accordance with clause 14.1, according to the “AND” logic circuit, then the requirements of clause 14.3 come into force. The need to increase the number of detectors to three, or even four, in rooms with a smaller area controlled by one detector follows from ensuring high reliability of the system in order to maintain its functionality in case of uncontrolled failure of one detector. When using detectors with a self-testing function and transmitting information about their malfunction to the control panel (meets the requirements of clause 13.3.3 b), c)), two detectors can be installed in the room, necessary to implement the “I” function, but on the condition that the operability of the system is maintained by timely replacement of a failed detector.

In large rooms, in order to save the time of formation of a fire signal from two detectors, connected according to the logical “AND” circuit, the detectors are installed at a distance of no more than half the standard one, so that the fire factors reach and trigger the two detectors in a timely manner. This requirement applies to detectors located along the walls, and to detectors along one of the axes of the ceiling (at the choice of the designer). The distance between the detectors and the wall remains standard.

Application of GOTV freon 114B2

In accordance with International documents for the protection of the Earth's ozone layer (Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete ozone layer Land and a number of amendments to it) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1000 of December 19, 2000 “On clarifying the deadline for implementing measures government regulation production of ozone-depleting substances in the Russian Federation”, the production of freon 114B2 has been discontinued.

In pursuance of International Agreements and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, the use of freon 114B2 in newly designed installations and installations whose service life has expired is considered inappropriate.

As an exception, the use of freon 114B2 in AUGP is intended for fire protection of particularly important (unique) facilities, with the permission of the Ministry natural resources Russian Federation.

For fire protection of objects with electronic equipment (telephone exchanges, server rooms, etc.), ozone-non-depleting refrigerants 125 (C2 F5H) and 227 ea (C3F7H) are used.

In this case, when determining the number of detectors, a combined detector is taken into account as one detector.

13.3.16. Ceiling-mounted detectors can be used to protect the space below a perforated false ceiling if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

The perforation has a periodic structure and its area exceeds 40% of the surface;

The minimum size of each perforation in any section is not less than 10 mm;

The thickness of the false ceiling is no more than three times greater minimum size perforation cells.

If at least one of these requirements is not met, the detectors must be installed on a false ceiling in the main room, and if necessary, protect the space behind suspended ceiling additional detectors must be installed on the main ceiling.

13.3.17. Detectors should be oriented so that the indicators are directed, if possible, towards the door leading to the exit from the room.

13.3.18. The placement and use of fire detectors, the procedure for use of which is not defined in this set of rules, must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations agreed upon in the prescribed manner.