Creating comfort in your home, secrets and important details of your interior. Comfort in the house with your own hands Really homely and cozy

In my opinion, comfort in the house is the most important aspect. Unless having a roof over your head is more important than that. But how to create comfort in your home? And, most importantly, what is meant by the very concept of “comfort”? Let's figure it all out in order!

It just so happens that I have moved around quite a lot in my life. These were not large-scale moves, like flying to other countries, but they had to live in the most different apartments. And given my poorly developed ability to adapt to new places, such changes generally shocked me. A change of environment is always stressful for a person to one degree or another. But when this new environment is not at all pleasant, stress seems to grow to the size of a skyscraper.

And then the logical question arises: “How to create comfort in your home?” But let’s be honest, an apartment can be very different. And advice in the style of “Make repairs and comfort will come on its own” is simply inappropriate in many situations. And then I paraphrased this question for myself: “How to create comfort in the house, despite, so to speak, the initial data?” Is it possible to make a home “warm” without resorting to leveling the walls and wallpapering? The answer is yes!

What is "comfort"?

You want to return to a cozy home again and again

Regardless of what interior design you choose, comfort is the main aspect. We have been familiar with this concept since early childhood; our grandmothers constantly said: “A carpet on the wall makes the house cozier.” What, besides the carpet, will “make” comfort in your home?

    I’m already anticipating your surprised look and the phrase “This is so banal!” Yes, it’s banal, but without order there will never be real comfort in your apartment. I don't force you to iron every towel and wash the battery with a toothbrush. However, basic cleaning procedures need to be done regularly, girls.

    It's about about small details that would successfully complement the interior. This could be the same carpet (not on the wall, of course), original flowerpots, paintings.


    Whatever one may say, if it is uncomfortable to sit in a beautiful chair upholstered in expensive fabric, such a chair is unlikely to provide comfort. After all, it manifests itself not only in the visual picture, but also in sensations. That is why many designers strongly recommend having a couple of pleasant-to-touch blankets and nice soft pillows in your home.

    I hope you understand that blankets, for the most part, are not just for keeping warm. Therefore, you will have to take care of the temperature in your home separately. Believe me, a cold room, even if there are a bunch of pillows, blankets and vases, will forever remain a cold room.

    A harmonious combination of styles.

    And a designer will help with this, who will tell you which stylistic solutions are compatible and which are not. You can determine this yourself, relying on your natural aesthetic sense.

How to “groom” your home?

You can create comfort even from scrap materials

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to begin a grand renovation of their home right now. But everyone wants to live in comfort?! I offer a couple of life hacks that will help you turn even the most run-down apartment into a cozy “nest”!

Old furnitureSoviet-style furniture can be very useful in your updated interior. Just paint it old wardrobe or chest of drawers, decorate it in retro style and voila – the “highlight” of the interior is ready! By the way, paint will help transform absolutely any piece of furniture: table, chairs, cabinet.
Reupholster your sofaIn order to reupholster a sofa you will not need as much money as for a full renovation. Choose the material to your taste. Tip: take extra fabric, so you can also upholster a couple of sofa cushions.
Add a highlightDon't rush to pour orange paint on the floor! By “bright spot” we mean some interesting accent that will add modernity to the interior. These could be bright pillows, curtains or a rug by the sofa.
Replace the fittingsTo refresh your interior, you don’t have to spend fabulous sums on all sorts of decorative things. Alternative option will be the replacement of old fittings: door handles, hooks for kitchen and bath towels. Even such seemingly small things can add mood to your home.
Replace the plumbingI mean faucets covered with a thick layer of plaque, or even rust. Replacing the faucets alone will make your bathroom and kitchen much tidier.

Please note: absolutely each of these life hacks does not involve significant financial expenses. Here, rather, it’s not your wallet that will come in handy, but creativity and the desire to turn an apartment (even a rented one) into your own “fortress”!

Step-by-step instructions: how to create comfort in your home?

A fireplace is the key to home comfort

Now let's talk about larger things that make our home cozy.

Step #1: Ask yourself questions

Before you start “sculpting” anything from your home, you should sit down and think carefully about what exactly you want to see in the end. Please leave phrases like “I want something fresh!”, “I want something new!”, “I want more expression!” Clarity and unambiguity are important here. Walk around the whole house and ask yourself “What should be here?”, “What color should it be?”, “What shape should it be?”. Only if you have a specific goal will you be satisfied with the result.

Step No. 2. Rid your home of junk

You won’t believe it, but it’s not even the Soviet-style furniture that gives the house the feeling of disorder, but things that haven’t been used for many years. Here are all these jars and bottles (not thrown away for the reason “they will come in handy later”), cracked plates, old bed linen, a carpet torn to shreds. All this, dear to my heart, but disgusting to the eye, needs to be collected in an armful and taken to a landfill (or distributed to those in need). You'll see, even breathing will become easier!

Step #3: Lighting

Remember winter evenings. You go home looking glowing garlands windows, and your soul feels somehow good and warm. This is not Christmas magic at all (I wonder if I ruined someone’s childhood dream?!), but simply light. Yes, yes, it is light that creates a cozy mood in us. Therefore, I advise you to pay maximum attention to this point. Place several in your home table lamps with a beautiful (possibly exclusive) lampshade, buy a couple of large candles, and finally screw in a brighter light bulb!

Step No. 4. Sofa

You may be surprised, but the sofa “solves” a lot of things in the interior. Let's think: this is a place where we can relax after working day, chat with loved ones, read a book. In a word, this is an area of ​​rest and relaxation. Therefore, telling yourself “Okay, I’ll save money on a sofa and buy some shabby one” is not your option at all.

Step No. 5. Blankets and pillows

You've probably already noticed that you can't live without them. Wool and cashmere blankets can warm not only you, but also the interior. They give a certain “homeliness” to the apartment, while costing relatively little. Blankets will look great on the back of a chair or sofa, pillows can be thrown on the floor near the fireplace. Keep in mind that the color of the pillows should match 2-3 items in the room. By the way, if you are in doubt about the size of the pillow, opt for a larger one - you definitely won’t go wrong.

Step No. 6. Aroma

This is what we feel immediately as soon as we cross the threshold of the house. And the aroma, as we know, directly affects our psyche, so its choice must be approached with all responsibility. Popular options:

  • Aroma candles. They can be placed in any room except the kitchen.
  • Sachet. It is best to hang it in the hallway. A scent bag usually has a lingering scent that will spread throughout the house.

It is important to give preference to quality products. Scented candles “for three kopecks” will not relax you, but will only challenge you. headache and irritation.

Step No. 7. Indoor plants

Personally, I think this step is the most effective in terms of “comforting” the house. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. Place a couple of flowers in beautiful pots on the windowsill, and the room will instantly be transformed. Don't forget about fresh flowers - that's my favorite thing. By the way, to keep your flowers fresh as long as possible, take a couple of tips:

  • Change the water in the vase regularly - it should always be fresh and cold;
  • Remove the lower leaves, which once again provoke the processes of rotting of the stem;
  • To extend the “life” of a beautiful bouquet, add 1 aspirin tablet or a pinch of citric acid to the vase;
  • Avoid drafts. Almost all living flowers are afraid of them.

Step #8: Add a little bit of yourself

“In what sense does this mean? I live here anyway!” - you might think. We are talking about those things that would reveal you as a person. Do you like to read? Organize in secluded place shelf with your favorite literature. Do you love to draw? Set up an easel with your next masterpiece. Are you interested in photography? All walls are at your disposal: arrange your own photo exhibition. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to have the desire to implement them!

Step No. 9. Fireplace

I once heard the phrase “A house in which there is a fireplace cannot a priori be uncomfortable.” In principle, I agree. However, a fireplace is not like hanging a picture on the wall. Be that as it may, if you wish, you can implement even the most seemingly crazy projects. But if building a real stone fireplace is not possible, buy an electric one!

This, of course, is not the same thing, but it will definitely add comfort to your home.

Step #10: Rejoice!

But this point does not apply to any pillows, blankets, fireplaces. It is exclusively about you and your mood. I am firmly convinced that a home in which we feel comfortable, relaxed and calm will be cozy. And, conversely, if you constantly experience in your apartment negative emotions, it will never become a “nest” for you (no matter how many blankets and pillows you put in it). Therefore, fill your home with positive emotions, smile, watch exciting films, have heart-to-heart conversations.

In this video you will find useful, and most importantly, budget-friendly life hacks for your home!

My little story about creating comfort in your home...

My mom - best designer for me. She feels the mood of a home so subtly that she can make a super cozy home out of even the most empty and faceless one! I, it seems to me, took over some of this skill from her. Honestly, I love all sorts of rearrangements of furniture, redevelopment of rooms and the like. From everything that I have ever “done” with my temporary apartments, I can single out one and only way to add comfort. Can you guess what it is? Light! It is the lighting that makes the mood of a home for me. And this is not only the general lighting in the rooms (which I always have very bright). These are many garlands hung in the living room, bedroom, kitchen. These are candles, the number of which I have long since stopped recording. And, of course, these are night lights. In total, everything gives an atmosphere that cannot be compared with any luxury hotel room.

By the way, last night, without planning it ourselves, we tried out all our candles in practice. Our power suddenly went out and we had to escape somehow. After only 5 minutes of this “romantic evening” I noticed that I forgot about the TV and gadgets - it was so cozy and good. This once again confirms that the right mood at home affects your own.

It turns out that creating comfort in your home is not as difficult as many people assume. You just need to “turn on” your imagination. I hope my tips will help if your imagination suddenly starts to act up!

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Quite often, many people are faced with the problem of lack of comfort in their apartment. Indeed, organizing a cozy living space is not so easy. In order to give your apartment comfort you need to choose perfect interior and fill it with various little things. We will look at how to make even a one-room living space cozy in more detail in this article.

Cozy Khrushchev

Often the owners studio apartment problems arise with the arrangement of the premises. Most often, this is due to the fact that the size of a one-room living space is small and in one room you have to combine a place for sleeping, receiving guests and working. However, even in a small one-room apartment you can create comfort using a basic division into zones. The intersection of different zones should be minimal.

In order for your apartment to become a studio, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • It is necessary to avoid massive decorations around the entire perimeter. The best option is to group decorations in several zones;
  • the window should be as open as possible;
  • Original homemade little things made by yourself will help decorate the studio;
  • zones dividing the studio should not intersect.

In addition, for a small one-room apartment, the combination of colors plays an important role. The best option to make it beautiful is to use shades of light colors. They will help increase space.

The main emphasis should be on small elements. The best option is to make them yourself or select small details in the style of the interior.

The space in such apartments should be optimized as much as possible. For a studio apartment, it is worth purchasing multifunctional furniture that can free the apartment from unnecessary elements. If you wish, you can create the furniture yourself. Stylish such furniture without special costs Self-adhesive film will help you make it.

How to organize a cozy nursery

First of all, when decorating a children's room, you should consider this important parameter like space. The children's room must be light and spacious, so the best option is to abandon large-sized furniture. To organize a cozy nursery, just a few pieces of furniture are enough.

Typically this is:

  • bed;
  • closet;
  • dresser;
  • desk;
  • nightstand;
  • shelf;
  • place for toys.

These elements are quite enough to fill the space. Moreover, the furniture does not have to be new.

If there is no money, old room furniture can be used as a basis for creating new things. You can restore old things with your own hands in the style of a children's room.

Small details will help create coziness in this room. It’s enough to buy a cute rug or make curtain holders in the shape of toys. The walls can be further decorated with fabulous illustrations. Special attention worth your time color scheme this room. It must be light in color.

The best option is to use the following colors for decoration:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • peach.

Living room for everyone

One of the main aspects of comfort in the living room is space. All the most important items must be arranged and located nearby.

An element such as a long-pile carpet will add additional comfort. They will help give the sofa a homely atmosphere. Attention should also be paid to various vases, paintings and other small interior elements.

An excellent element that will help create coziness is a decorative fireplace.

He will be associated with the hearth and home. It can be purchased at finished form, and if you don’t have extra funds, you can do it yourself.

A floor lamp on a high stand will help create a calm atmosphere.

The color scheme of this room should be consistent light colors. This will help give the interior lightness.

The best option is to use these colors:

  • white;
  • beige.

Comfort in the hallway? Easily!

The question of how to make a rental home comfortable is a very complex one. It is especially important in such apartments to pay attention to the hallway. To organize a room such as a corridor, it is important to choose the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is always characterized by a fairly large number of things that have nowhere to hide.

This feature can be used quite well if you set wall shelves, hangers and other accessories that, in addition to functionality, fill the room with decor.

Another way to free up the corridor and get rid of unnecessary things is the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is quite long, but narrow. That is why perfect set will have several niches. It is worth noting that upper items should be stored in a separate closed niche. To create an atmosphere home warmth, the corridor can be additionally equipped with shelves with various trinkets.

If your corridor is long and narrow, then it is worth increasing the space in it with the help of color. A combination of light and dark tones would be ideal. The long walls that form the corridor should be light.

It is best to use the following combinations for decoration:

  • White black;
  • beige – brown.

Bedroom for peace and relaxation

The bedroom is a real temple, which is created for relaxation. That is why it is especially important to create comfort in this room. First of all, you need to consider that the bedroom should be spacious enough. The best option for the bedroom is to purchase multifunctional furniture.

In addition, it is worth purchasing furniture made from natural materials. It is worth considering that the bedroom should have a minimum number of various small details. It is optimal to purchase several medium-sized jewelry. It is also worth leaving room in the bedroom for indoor flowers.

For placement in the bedroom, it is best to use unscented flowers.

A separate area in the bedroom should be allocated for the wardrobe. It should not come into contact with the seating area. They will help you create comfort in the bedroom correct lighting and color scheme. Lighting must be diffused. The best option There will be lighting from several sources. This will solve both problems at once: it will increase the amount of light in the room and add stylish decor. The color scheme of this room should be pastel colors.

It is optimal to use the following colors to decorate this room:

  • brown;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Balcony for beauty

If you have a spacious balcony, it’s quite easy to make it cozy. This area can be turned into a separate relaxation room. To do this, just a few elements are enough: a table, chairs, houseplants.

Thanks to these elements, the balcony will turn into a real relaxation area.

If you need to store conservation or tools on the balcony, you just need to build a small shelf along one of the walls of the balcony with your own hands. This element can be decorated with bright self-adhesive films, or simply arrange jars of preserves beautifully.

Indoor plants for the balcony should be bright. It is also worth covering the floor with a medium-pile carpet.

Suitable for decoration:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • violet.

Home hearth in the kitchen

One of the most simple options make the kitchen cozy - use cute attributes. As a rule, such details will help give the interior lightness. It is definitely worth considering that a cluttered kitchen will not be cozy. Therefore, it is worth abandoning a large number of different household appliances.

Ideal for:

  • yellow;
  • light green;
  • violet;
  • pink;
  • orange.

Every room in the house needs a caring hand and a show of love for its home. Therefore, carefully decorate, sew, create hand-made masterpieces or purchase ready-made little things. Your home is one of the manifestations of character, taste and attitude towards loved ones.

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We ourselves make mistakes in management household, not paying attention to the little things that spoil the overall impression. Let's try to understand common mistakes and how to fix them.

1. You hoard unnecessary things.

It is irrational to store trash. By junk we mean all the things that are not useful.

How to fix:

  • Next weekend. Check every item in your apartment - from old boxes on the balcony to grandma's dusty dinnerware in the kitchen. Follow the rule: if for Last year If you have never used the item, you can safely get rid of it.
  • Here too. Keep only what really lifts your spirits.
  • Sell ​​what you don't need, give it to friends, or take it to the nearest trash can. Don’t put it all in bags with the words “someday I’ll take it to an orphanage.” Be realistic and follow through.
  • Turn off the “magpie mode” that drags everything that glitters into the house. Before you buy something, ask yourself what function the item will perform and whether you really need it.

2. You don't clean

It’s elementary, Watson: where there is dirt, there will be no comfort. Cloudy windows, trash on the floor, scattered socks - all this is unpleasant to see, but to be for a long time in a room with such a company is completely impossible.

How to fix:

A rag in your hands, a bucket of water - and go! , polish the floor so that you would like to hold a figure skating championship on it. You will probably like the result so much that you will have to organize similar dances with a mop regularly. Cleanliness underfoot will give you a feeling of security, and clean windows will give you a feeling of spaciousness.

3. You are constantly cold

It is quite logical that in cold apartment uncomfortable. If your heating system is unable to keep you warm, there are several ways to remedy the situation. Please note that each item requires a certain investment of money and time. But warm house- the key to a healthy and comfortable life ().

How to fix:

  • Buy a mobile heater that can be carried around the room.
  • Connect a reversible air conditioner that will heat the air in winter.
  • Replace window frames. Old. Instead, install modern heat-saving windows.
  • Glaze the balcony - this will improve thermal insulation by 15–20%.
  • Insulate the floors. To do this, you can buy an electric heated floor, which can be installed independently without any problems, without the involvement of specialists.
  • If all of the above is not available to you for some reason, just wear warm home clothes and drink more hot drinks when you are at home.

4. You have arranged the furniture incorrectly

Most people live in fairly small apartments, with furniture arranged so that it is impossible to walk around the room freely.

How to fix:

  • Draw a plan for the arrangement of furniture, maintaining proportions. Using tracing paper and interior items drawn on it, find the optimal location.
  • Think about how you will move around the room: you should not trip over a table or sofa, nothing should get in the way. But this does not mean that furnishings should be located only along the walls; experiment if the size of the rooms allows it.
  • Avoid growing bulky indoor plants. Collecting soil and shards is a long and tedious task.
  • For the future: buy one that won’t take up much space.

An excellent option would be a transformable ironing board from a home goods store, which disguises itself as a wall mirror with one easy movement!

5. You have the lighting set up incorrectly

If the house is dark, like the Capulet family crypt, it will never be comfortable.

How to fix:

  • Buy a reproduction of your favorite painting, frame your child’s first drawing, create a panel of photographs of family and friends. Stick on new ones, bright wallpaper with an interesting design.
  • If you are confident in your abilities, paint the walls using a stencil.

7. Your interior has no character

Look at your home objectively - monotony, characterlessness and a dull color palette have not yet decorated a single home. Previously, everyone had a Czech wall, but now we can allow ourselves to turn on our imagination and have some hooliganism.

How to fix:

  • Fill your home with personal touches: order mugs with your favorite cartoon characters, write the names of indoor plants on the pots.
  • If you have a sense of self-irony, for example, in the restroom. Let your guests laugh at you heartily.
  • Print out posters of your favorite films - nothing speaks better about your taste.

Recipes cozy home from our regular author Anna Mulan

Just recently I moved to new apartment. But I didn’t experience the expected joy from the move. I could sit in my favorite Starbucks until the night: work, relax and be inspired. It was more comfortable there than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

I wondered why I don’t feel drawn to it? Why is it more comfortable in a noisy coffee shop? And in general, what little things make a house a home?And here are the recipes for a cozy home that cannot be exchanged for a cafe. Tested by personal experience.

Well, I decided to make changes in the house. But where to start? Read a smart book, magazine, watch design tutorials on the Internet, or maybe hire a designer? But this would not make the apartment any more comfortable, because the concept “ cosiness “Everyone has their own. It's something personal.

I started simple - with questions: “What kind of atmosphere in the house do I generally need? How would I like to feel in each room?”

Don't rush to throw out your old one and buy new furniture. The apartment will not become more comfortable. Ask the question: what do YOU ​​want? And for each room, choose at least three symbol words that describe the atmosphere you want to create.

A very cool book on this topic “”. Makes it clear that before starting global changes in the house, you should first understand yourself.

My comfort was hampered by things that I haven’t used for a long time, but it’s a pity to throw them away (“it’s a memory”). I'm sure everyone has encountered this problem (our balconies are a temple of memory for unnecessary items).Junk accumulates and collects dust over the years. And old, no longer needed, memories prevent you from enjoying the present. By the way, we have a separate section on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house.

Don’t be afraid to throw out jars, bottles, teabags, boxes - anything you haven’t used for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but the time has come for something truly important and new.

I recently traveled around Sweden and noticed one detail: in each apartment there was a paper star-lamp on the windowsill. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. The atmosphere of home comfort and warmth reached me even on the street.I then thought: “This is cool! But just little lights.” MWe treat light in the house superficially: we hung a chandelier and, at best, installed a floor lamp. And light is a powerful comforter that creates an atmosphere.

Highlight each area in the room with light, avoid dark corners. Place a floor lamp near the chair in which you like to read, hang a sconce over your favorite painting or photo, don’t forget about table lamp and a chandelier with soft light.And, of course, candles - warm and lively light.

Coziness's best friend is a dimmer: install it on all lighting sources for the desired atmosphere.

The sofa is an interesting thing. He's like eminence grise: It doesn’t seem to be the basis of the interior, but it affects everything in the room.The sofa carries a great emotional load - this is a place where you can relax and unwind, chat with family and friends, wrap yourself in a blanket and watch TV with your significant other. Take his choice seriously.

“Well, I’ll buy something cheap for the first time,” I mistakenly thought. Mine was uncomfortable and hard, and it broke quickly. I had to go in search of something new and high quality to make the apartment comfortable.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the neatness of the seams, the coating, and most importantly, the filler. The ideal filling is down with a thin layer of foam.

A minute of theory: LPPU or latex polyurethane foam – perfect solution. Unlike simple foam rubber, the bubbles in which burst under load (this causes the coating to sag and lose its shape), latex does not suffer from use, but returns to its original position every time. You can check this by sitting on the couch. See how quickly it gets back into shape. Another surefire way is to ask a consultant or ask to look and touch the layer.

Don't skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We even have a whole article about this: “How to choose a good sofa?” And how to make it more comfortable - see below.

The blanket often travels from room to room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I take it out from the depths of the closet. But it can warm not only people, but also give warmth to an entire room.

Blankets thrown over the back of a chair or the armrest of a sofa seem to hint that they live in the room and use it. Cashmere, wool, cotton, checkered or striped. With them, any interior will be more homely and lively.

And the Pillows! To be honest, I only had one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - she transported her to the world of dreams.Pillows can update and even change the interior. Place one on the armchair and several on the sofa, and the room will look new!

But it's not that simple. In addition to beauty, convenience is also important here. If family members, friends, guests, when sitting down, move or remove the pillows, then there is no question of any comfort here. No matter how luxurious the pillow is, first of all it should invite you to sit down.

Here are a couple of lifehacks:

pay attention to down pillows - they are the softest;

if you doubt the size of the pillow, make a larger error;

large square ones for sofas ( 35-50 cm) , rectangular for chairs (30x40 or 40x65);

the color of the pillow must match at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for cozying a sofa = a blanket on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows in the corners + a rectangular pillow in the center. (More details about the number, location and size of pillows in ours)

A lot of useful tips on soft comforts is in the book “Home, Sweet Home”. I read it in one evening and was inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing people notice when entering a house is its aroma. It remains in the memory and creates the first impression. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable in an apartment with the smell of dampness or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy a bunch of fragrances and spray them where it smells unpleasant. The point is that you should create a basic aroma that is always in the apartment - you feel it as soon as you walk home from the street.

You can use the following:

aromatic mixture

Easy to use sachet. Sachets are small pillows or bags filled with natural materials: petals, twigs, herbs, spices.

Such bags are placed throughout the apartment, and always in the hallway, so that pleasant aroma met after a hard day at work.

aroma candles

Depending on the season or our mood, we can change the smells of our home using aromatherapy candles. They enliven any room and are appropriate almost everywhere, except dining table- there is a place for the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. From candles made from cheap and low-quality materials, you will get not relaxation, but a headache. Choose from soy or coconut waxes with natural ingredients.

Have you noticed how a room transforms when you stand in it? beautiful bouquet? It’s somehow immediately fresh, joyful, cozy. But for most, such transformations in the interior happen on holidays, when flowers migrate into the house as a gift.

I love fresh flowers. They invigorate the room and create a fresh aroma. That's why I made it a rule to keep them at home all year round(you can read about how to choose flowers). Nobody says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A couple of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes more comfortable.

Another option is indoor plants. They make the rooms look so homely and well-groomed. Choose cute and fragrant plants: jasmine, narcissus, amaryllis, geranium, citrus.

Just imagine, after a long renovation, you enter an apartment. The house is unrecognizable, everything is stylish and new. Walk around the apartment as if through a museum, looking at every detail. Sit down on the chic and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems beautiful, but you uncomfortable. And all because it remains to add myself .

Photographs, paintings, books, memorabilia tell our story. With proper arrangement of these items, it turns out living house, telling about the owner.

We make the home ours through:


This is what we love and admire. Through books we are able to talk about our hobbies without even naming them. Therefore, there is no need to put them in boxes and store them in a closet.

You can make stacks of books on the floor. You can place them on shelves, diluting them with candles, figurines, photographs.


I love lively, random shots. They accurately convey our emotions and state at the moment of the past. These are the kind of photos that should be stored not on your smartphone, but on the walls of your apartment. How to do this, read

Print, hang or place anywhere in the room. Fill it with emotions.

Paintings and drawings

You surround yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or simply place them on a table, mantel, or lean against the wall to create a carefree atmosphere. (For information on how to do this, see the article “How to hang pictures without headaches?”)

Recently I discovered the magic of decorative mirrors. Walking between showrooms at IKEA, I noticed one living room. It was airy, fresh and bright. And all because of decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They multiplied the light reflected in them from the chandeliers so much that the room became very lively. The diffused light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors won't hurt. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, place them above the fireplace or next to some piece of furniture, place them between a couple of windows, above a sofa, above any shelf or dressing table.

If there is a fireplace in the house, then 50% of the cozy plan has been completed! Because fire is warmth, calm, peace, comfort.Alternative - electric fireplace: There is no need to throw firewood, it is impossible to get burned, there is heat.In general, if you have the opportunity to purchase this magical thing, don’t hesitate!

These points helped me bring the apartment closer to the cozy ideal. But there is another important detail - the comfort in the house is created by its people.

Your comfort is you and the emotions you bring. Positive or negative, they charge every corner.

And here is the ideal formula for comfort: spiritual gatherings with family and friends + love + 10 tips listed above, and you will never trade your home for a noisy cafe.

Returning home from work, a person wants to go to cozy apartment, where happiness, warmth, comfort, harmony reign. Not feeling comfortable in own apartment- start acting! Home comfort depends on actions. The house must be safe first and foremost. It’s easy to create. If you want to build a house with your own hands, then you should give preference to building a house from timber; it’s easy to purchase and find out by simply following the link. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of creating comfort.


A cozy living space takes into account the habits and wishes of all residents. Comfortable home illuminated with kindness, warmth, calmness, comfort, smiles and good mood. The owners of the house must independently create a favorable atmosphere for themselves in the apartment, making their dreams come true so that they want to find themselves in a warm home environment after a hard day.

When creating comfort in your home with your own hands, it is important to take into account all the nuances:

  • Features of Windows, Space, Home Rearrangement
  • Color scheme of the rooms
  • Condition of the kitchen, bathroom
  • Cleaning schedule to create home comfort
  • Pleasant, unpleasant odors
  • Home indoor plants
  • Musical accompaniment for comfort in the soul, for creating Have a good mood

If you take into account all the listed details when creating coziness, the house will be filled with warmth, you will always go home with pleasure to plunge into the comfort of home.


When examining the apartment, you may think that the rooms are dark and dull. To saturate them with light, wash the windows and replace the curtains with brighter ones. Considering the financial capabilities of your own family, replace the windows. Competent specialists will carry out the installation plastic windows, which will become the face of the house, filling your rooms with sunlight. Large window sills can be decorated with a variety of indoor flowers in beautiful multi-colored flowerpots.


Which colors should you choose? To make the room stylish, choose pots for flowerpots in the same shades as cushioned furniture, or other home textiles. Place several cute flowerpots on the windowsill of a small apartment.

Tall flowers standing on the floor as a separate composition look nice. Home flowerpots create coziness in the home. They saturate the room with oxygen. At night, flowers absorb a lot of oxygen, so it is better not to place plants in the rooms where you sleep.

Thanks to fresh flowers, you create coziness in your home, purify the air, and improve the energy of your home. Flowers can become talismans and healers for homeowners. They also help you work productively.


Think about whether you will be comfortable in rooms with red, orange, purple? Or when the interior will be created in black and white colors? These colors are now fashionable and original. But, they have a bad effect on the psyche, which is why a person is constantly irritated or excited. It is possible to stay in such a room for several hours, but it is not recommended to live permanently.

Decorate the rooms with unobtrusive, muted environmental shades. For example, pale yellow, light brown, light blue, pale green colors. Such colors calm a person and fill the room with comfort.


Old things and furniture can create a lot of clutter in your home and destroy the coziness of your home. Therefore, go through them and throw away outdated things without regret to free up space for saturation with positive energy, adding something new and more comfortable.

Among old things you can find something that is valuable to you and your family. Simply wash, wipe, renew, refresh a figurine, painting or vase with something and place them in a new place.

Some old furniture can be revived. For example, change the upholstery on a sturdy old sofa, sew a stylish bright cover for it, or buy a new blanket. Sometimes old furniture much stronger than new. So don't rush to throw it away. Thanks to updated furniture you will create a cozy family corner.

You can remove carpets from the walls and lay them on the floor. Decorate the walls with framed children's drawings or family photographs. On the shelves put crafts you made with your own hands with the kids. Thanks to such little things, your home interior will be individual and cozy.


Having freed the house from unnecessary things, refreshing old things with newness, you can begin rearranging. Measure the sizes of rooms and furniture. Draw a rough layout of the rooms on paper. Think about what kind of interior you want to get. Consider various options. Having picked up best option comfort, arrange furniture and interior items in their places. Cozy home It will always please and warm you even in inclement weather outside.

When rearranging your home, you can find many lost and long-forgotten things and wipe off all the dust. Clear rooms from bad energy and fill them with positive energy.


For comfort in the home good repair not enough. Keep your home tidy and clean every day. Spend time from time to time general cleaning in all rooms.

Usually after work there is no desire to cook dinner, where to start cleaning. Therefore, take a day and do general cleaning every fourteen days. Wipe dust in all corners of your apartment. Arrange things so that they do not get wrinkled and can be easily taken out of the closet at any time.

Store the things you wear in summer in a separate place from winter things. The joint efforts of the whole family in a few hours will lead to cleanliness, order and comfort in your home.

In addition to big cleaning, create a daily small cleaning schedule that all family members must follow. Your schedule could look like this:

  • On Monday you need to clean the toilet and bathtub;
  • On Tuesday - a stove;
  • On Wednesday - wash the floors in the kitchen and hallway;
  • On Thursday - iron all clean things;
  • On Friday - sweep the rooms.

If you divide all your cleaning tasks into the listed days, then cleaning will be very easy and quick. After all, it’s easier to clean up little by little than to redo everything in one day.


Comfort depends on the condition of the kitchen, kitchen utensils, garbage can, bathroom products, and cosmetics.

  • It is important to place everything wisely in the kitchen. Under the sink, in drawers you can hide all the kitchen items that help in cooking.
  • Store all the necessary items in the drawers. Kitchen utensils that are rarely used can be placed in distant drawers. Place pots and pans that you use daily closer.
  • Place the lids on racks hanging in a visible place. All baking dishes, boards, jars can be stored in drawers located closer so that they can be easily taken at any time.
  • Place a few hooks on the doors to hang sorting bags or clean kitchen towels for your hands and utensils.
  • For a cozy kitchen, store soap, spray and kitchen sponges under the sink, neatly arranged so that you can easily reach napkins or detergent at the right time. To make storing such items convenient, buy a kitchen cabinet with a rotating stand. By storing all kitchen utensils and utensils in this way, the kitchen will always be clean and in order.
  • Place the trash can under your arms, but out of sight. Hide it under the sink or in a lockable bottom cabinet. kitchen set. To ensure that the trash bin is filled compactly, throw away paper waste separately, empty containers and food waste separately. Place recyclables in sliding drawers. Store plastic bags in chrome holders. By making a small cut in the container with bags, you can easily get the required number of bags.


If you have storage space under your bathroom, keep all your cleaning and dishwashing supplies there. Place all accessories used every day in an accessible place. Thanks to this storage system, everyday cleaning will be easy and quick. Jars with detergents Place in a large box so that you can easily find the product you need. If there is still space in the cabinet, place additional space in the second box. toilet paper, sponges, rags and other cleaning items.

Store bottles that are used frequently separately in an easily accessible place.

At large quantities makeup products, store them in cabinets under the bathroom sink. Create separate boxes for each family member to store only those items that they individually use. Thanks to this approach, you will not have quarrels over the loss of some important cosmetic product.


Since ancient times, the word comfort has always been accompanied by the pleasant and tasty smell of pies and aromatic tea. To make your home cozier with the help of fragrance, you don’t have to choose aroma sticks or toilet water, since such odors negatively affect human health. Give your preference to the unobtrusive vanilla scent. While baking delicious pastries, you can open the kitchen door to fill other rooms with the aroma. When frying fish, on the contrary, close the door and open the window, as the strong smell will cause discomfort.

In winter, when going for a walk, ventilate the rooms if possible. Don’t let dirty things sit around, take out the trash regularly, and store food properly. Check all refrigerator shelves once a week. Check the availability of products and remove spoiled ones.

For air freshener lovers, it is best to buy products with a citrus scent, vanilla, cinnamon or bergamot. Delicate notes will add peace to your home.


Musical accompaniment helps to obtain positive emotions and maintain a good mood. Turn on quiet, melodic and monotonous music to feel wonderful and comfortable.

If guests come, consult with them about the musical accompaniment so that everyone feels comfortable.

From the article we learned how to create comfort with your own hands so that you want to return home after everyday work. Adhering to the tips described above, maintain cleanliness and order every day, which creates warmth and comfort for all family members. Take care of harmony and home comfort own home. Love your home. Then your friends and guests will be happy to come to you to enjoy communication, comfort and receive a charge of positive energy. When the weather is cloudy outside, it will not ruin your mood.