The current stage of modernization of preschool education is characterized by: “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems. Project implementation mechanism

Lyubov Minina
Essay “Modernization in preschool education”

Preschool education has gone from a single compulsory program in Soviet times to an incredible variety of programs in the 90s.

In each time period of a country’s development, socio-economic changes occur transformation, which lead to serious changes in the system education in general.

The modern world is full of changes, changes associated with the renewal of all spheres of life. This is all the more important because it is designed to form in a person a social orientation, an adequate response to ongoing changes, and the ability for rapid self-regulation, self-determination and self-affirmation in new conditions.

Due to this educational An institution of any level is focused on a creative, successful individual who is ready to show initiative and analytical independence in social progress, regardless of social changes. Therefore, updating the content preschool education, technology and quality assessment system is natural.

Main goal educational policy in the field of preschool education is to ensure guarantees of affordable and high-quality preschool education, providing equal starting conditions for the child’s subsequent successful education at school.

Accessibility problem preschool education has been relevant for the last 5 years. At the same time, accessibility is characterized by the ability to choose a kindergarten, and quality is characterized by the child’s capabilities and abilities to master programs at subsequent levels. education. Today, along with preschool educational Institutions are gaining popularity in private kindergartens, home kindergartens, short-term stay groups, and short-term stay groups for children at school. I believe that this will improve the situation with a huge queue in preschool educational institutions.

Quality issue preschool education V last years has acquired not only relevant, but also significant character. It becomes one of the key tasks of system development preschool education.

IN modern conditions reforming education, The preschool educational institution is an open and developing system. The main result of its life activity should be successful interaction with society, mastering which preschool educational the institution becomes a powerful means of socialization of the individual. In this regard, work planning is of particular importance. educational institutions in accordance with Federal state requirements.

FGTs generally reflect modern approaches to modernization of preschool education and set a unified basis for creating variable educational programs based on traditional areas of development baby: physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic. They fix the obligation to implement such principles as integration educational areas, complex thematic principle of construction educational process, unity of educational, developmental and training tasks.

Federal requirements call for in-process training. different types children's activities, but the forms of this organization are omitted. The main organizing point is the game. All this is correct in relation to the development of the child. But what about classes? Refusal of them requires appeals educator to new forms of work with children that would allow figuratively speaking, teach preschoolers so so that they don’t even know about it. On an integrative basis, activities should not be done on their own. To the teacher preschool education there is a lot of work to be done to learn directly educational activity to solve several problems from various educational areas, and the children were able to master the content of various sections of the program in parallel.

I agree what to do preschool education high-quality and affordable, there is a lot that needs to be clarified, perhaps formulated differently and naturally introduce something new. The principle of the art of education reads: children should be raised not for the present, but for the future, so I perceive this situation positive: “It’s easier to build a flying ship that can sail into the future than to fight windmills.”

Modernization of preschool education

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 14, 2013 registration No. 30384) “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education" and by order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated February 26, 2014. No. 780 “On approval of the action plan for the implementation of the federal educational standard of preschool education in preschool educational organizations of the region” approved:

  • transition plan for preschool educational institutions in the Moscow region, g.o. Orekhovo-Zuevo on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
  • Regulations on the municipal working group for coordinating scientific and methodological support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in municipal educational institutions of the Moscow region. Orekhovo-Zuevo.

Preschool age is the most important period in the development of a child’s personality. In modern conditions, the development of the preschool education system is aimed at the development of preschool children, adequate to their age characteristics. This means that the preschool education system is designed to provide for any child of preschool age the level of development that would allow him to be successful in learning in primary school and at subsequent stages of education.

The standard program was replaced by variable ones, and the unified “kindergarten” - different types and types of preschool educational institutions. Search and independent choice specific forms of educational work have become the norm for teachers. For a long time, the innovative movement in preschool education did not rely on a scientifically verified strategy for the modernization of preschool education, which would link together its social, organizational, financial, economic, psychological, pedagogical and other priorities, defining a well-thought-out program of action for the historically foreseeable period.

Directions for modernizing the preschool education system:

· population satisfaction with the quality of preschool education;

· providing conditions that meet modern requirements to the educational process, including in terms of preserving and strengthening the health of students;

· introduction of information and communication technologies into the process of managing preschool education; increasing professional competence and motivational readiness for innovation;

· creation of an information and communication environment that provides parents with the opportunity to increase their competence in matters of development and upbringing of children;

· Public availability.

Achievement optimal level the development of every preschool child, which will allow him to be successful in school, is one of the priority tasks for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Its solution is impossible without a flexible, multifunctional preschool education system that ensures the constitutional right of every Russian citizen to publicly accessible and free preschool education.

In Russia, currently, for most levels and stages of education, excluding preschool education, federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education) have been established.

The Federal State Educational Standards for preschool educational institutions represent a set of three groups of requirements - to the structure of basic educational programs, the conditions for their implementation and the results of development. The achievements of preschool children are determined by a set of personal qualities, therefore it is unlawful to impose strict requirements for results, which is present in the standard.

Updating the content of preschool education in the context of modernization is possible by increasing the variability of education, which is an indicator of the humanitarian nature of preschool education and increases the subjectivity of preschool education.

In the Federal State Educational Standards to the conditions for the implementation of the basic general educational program preschool education is subject to Requirements for the subject-developmental environment of the educational institution (group), which include:

ü comprehensive equipment of the educational process, providing the opportunity to:

ü building an educational process using age-appropriate forms of working with children. the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play;

ü organizing a variety of gaming activities;

ü use educational technologies activity type.

Thus, it can be argued that knowledge of modern technologies of preschool education is necessary for everyone preschool teacher.

In the works of famous modern researchers N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, the main directions for improving the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions:

1. Improving the process of interaction between teachers, children and parents;

2. Optimization of the results of educational work at each stage of the educational process;

3. Improving the system of relations between the components of the educational process.

Solving new problems requires appropriate scientific and methodological support. The regulatory framework for updating the content of preschool education is gradually being improved and developed in the direction of streamlining state requirements and modernizing the usual content and teaching, bringing it into line with the main “challenges of the era”




The article discusses the main problems in the field of preschool education. The main directions for modernizing preschool education are proposed.

Keywords: preschool education, modernization, education, modernization of education, ways of modernization.


The main problems in the sphere of preschool education are considered in the article. The basic directions of modernization of education of preschool education are offered.

Key words: preschool education, modernization, education, modernization of education, ways of modernization.

The need to modernize preschool education is determined by the reform of the industry in accordance with the national doctrine for the development of education in Russia in the 21st century, the laws of Russia “On Education” and the trends in the development of civilization in new era. To modernize preschool education means to improve it, changing it in accordance with the requirements of the time, without affecting the foundations, stable ones and those that did not justify the provisions, enriching them with new, progressive ideas. The growth of consciousness of teachers, the objective need to update principles, humanize the goals and objectives of preschool education, optimize the life of a modern child in accordance with the democratic principles of Russian society, actualize the problem of modernizing the content of the first link of education and act as the basis for further cultural growth of the individual.

The problem of preschool education as a special link in the preschool education system was dealt with by such scientists as A. Bogush, A. Zima, S. Sazhnik, T. Stepanova; mastery of educational activities by preschoolers E. Arkin, L. Wenger, Vygotsky, P. Goncharuk, D. Elkonin, A. Zaporozhets, V. Kotyrlo, G. Kravtsov, E. Kravtsova, A. Leontiev, A. Lyubochka, T. Markova and etc.; mental development children and preparing them for school T. Babaeva, A. Bogush, S. Borisova, F. Bleher, E. Vodovozova, G. Lavrentieva, F. Levin-Shchirina, V. Loginova, S. Mikhailova, M. Morozova, A. Proskura, E. Tikheyeva, A. Usova, E. Fliorina, A. Funtikov, V. Yadeshko and others.

Paying tribute to scientific and practical significance works of the named authors, it should be noted: the topic of modernization of preschool education is insufficiently studied in pedagogy.

The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of modernization of preschool education.

Today, the main goal of educational policy in the field of preschool education is to guarantee accessible and high-quality preschool education, providing equal starting conditions for the subsequent successful education of the child at school. At the same time, accessibility is characterized by the possibility of choosing a kindergarten, and quality is characterized by the child’s capabilities and abilities to master programs at subsequent levels of education.

The tasks of modernizing preschool education require, according to D.I. Feldshtein, a deep understanding of the specifics of the functioning and reproduction of modern Childhood, its historical, sociocultural and psychological components in the context of fundamentally important changes. IN modern world Not only the conditions, the social space of the child’s existence, the system of his relationships have changed, the child himself has changed.

D.I. Feldshtein points out that children today have objectively left the system of constant contact with adults. If two or three decades ago a child developed in the conditions of a small society - family, class, immediate environment, today he is placed in a fundamentally new situation, when already from preschool age he is in an expanded social, including a new knowledge space, where his consciousness is crushed by the chaotic flow of information from TV, the Internet, blocking the knowledge received from parents and teachers. In conditions of current, rapidly changing, publicly available information, adults have ceased to be authoritative guides for children in life.

Researchers have noted an intense primitivization of children's consciousness, an increase in cynicism, rudeness, cruelty, and aggressiveness under the influence of computer games, reducing children’s control over their own behavior and forming dependence. As a result - an increased level of anxiety, uncertainty, loneliness, fear, and at the same time - infantilism, selfishness, spiritual emptiness. All these features and changes require a rethinking of the relationship between educational institutions and families, the creation of constructive tools for interaction with families, issues of updating the content of preschool education, and improving the professional activities of teachers.

Analyzing Scientific research On the problems of preschool education, we can highlight the main directions of modernization of preschool education, namely:

Accounting individual characteristics children, their temperament and the introduction of a family climate in Russian kindergartens;

One of the urgent tasks of developing a child’s personality in preschool education is the priority to focus on and activate the child’s creative potential. Therefore, introduced into the educational process of preschool educational institution educational technologies and family upbringing should be based on involving each child in precisely those types of activities that are most conducive to identifying her interests, revealing her natural inclinations, abilities and realizing the right to free choice practical ways actions, tools, partners, etc.;

Despite the fact that the leading activity in preschool age is play, it should become an effective means of shaping the personality and raising a child, since, as the Dutch researcher I. Huizing notes: “through play, the human community rises above biological forms of life.”

Thus, the task of education, in particular its preschool level, is socially organized support for the growth of each individual, his socio-cultural formation. Preschool education is an important prerequisite for successful personality development in subsequent years, which is the topic of my further research.


1. Antonov A. A. Modern trends in preschool education // Bulletin of the Baltic federal university them. I. Kant. Series: Philology, pedagogy, psychology. 2010. No. 11. P.22-27.

2. Migunova E. V. Modernization of preschool education in the context of global challenges // Bulletin of NovGU. 2013. No. 74. P.40-43.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education

"Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan"
Municipal budget preschool educational

institution "Arsky kindergarten No. 8" Arsky

municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Section of the FCPRO direction

"Modernization of municipal systems

preschool education»


based on monitoring results



Head of MBDOU No. 8 Shaymullina A.R.,

senior educator at MBDOU No. 8 Nizamova R.G., teacher-psychologist at MBDOU No. 8 Zhuravleva A.V.

Kazan – 2013


In the context of variability in preschool education, the professional activities of preschool teaching staff become more complex and acquire new content, which forces us to look for ways to improve the system of training preschool specialists, improve their qualifications and provide methodological support in the workplace. It is expected from a modern preschool employee high degree social orientation, knowledge of the main directions of state educational policy in the preschool sphere.

The relevance of the problem is due to the fundamental changes that have affected Russian preschool education in recent years. A change in the educational paradigm based on the transition from the idea of ​​unification to the idea of ​​variability; development of the system of preschool institutions, taking into account the characteristics, abilities and interests of different groups of children; diversification of concepts, educational programs and trajectories, pedagogical tasks, approaches, methods and forms of teaching; new requirements for managers and teaching staff of preschool institutions - all this gives rise to a number of acute pedagogical problems that require methodological understanding, scientifically based answers and solutions. Meanwhile, many issues of organizing the work of a modern preschool educational institution are resolved primarily at the empirical level.

The purpose of studying the activities of the base site, representing the work experience of the structural unit “Family Kindergarten,” is to assess the quality of work on the problem of “Introducing variable forms of preschool education” and summing up the monitoring results.

The above goal set as part of the report led to the need to set and solve the following tasks:
- carry out an analysis of the base site in the direction of the Federal Center for Education and Training "Modernization of municipal preschool education systems" for 2011-2013.

Analyze the training conditions of the internship site for the implementation of the training module “Implementation of variable forms of preschool education”;

To ensure modern quality of the educational process in a preschool institution on the basis of variable forms and educational technologies based on the experience gained.

To solve the assigned problems, check and prove, the following approaches and work methods were used:

Systematic, competency-based and modular approaches to the formation of ideas about a multi-level and multi-component model vocational training various categories of preschool teachers to the implementation of VFD;

Theoretical analysis of regulatory documents;

Methods of questionnaires and surveys in the process of assessing the quality of professional training of teachers-tutors and the level of satisfaction of parents of pupils with the work of preschool educational institutions;

Analytical method for assessing the results of monitoring the quality of education;

Expert-analytical method for assessing the activities of the base site;

A method of observing the educational process in a family kindergarten.

Based on the results of the report, the content of methodological support for the activities of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of variable forms of preschool education will be clarified and a scheme of variable continuous methodological support aimed at comprehensive support for the stages of planning, organization, implementation and control of new forms of the pedagogical process will be proposed.
Quality of tutor training
As part of the implementation of the direction “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems” of the Federal target program development of education for 2011-2015, the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Arsky kindergarten No. 8" of the Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan was assigned the status of a base site for the problem "Introduction of variable forms of preschool education" on the basis of order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 6438/11 dated December 13, 2011 “On approval of the list of base sites as part of the implementation of the Federal Targeted Program for 2011-2015.”

On the basis of the MBDOU "Arsky kindergarten No. 8" of the Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, from October 1 to October 6, 2012, an internship was held on the problem of "Introduction of variable forms of preschool education" for students of advanced training courses for teaching staff of preschool educational institutions "Modern models of the municipal preschool education system" on the basis of the Internship Program approved by the head of the kindergarten Shaimullina A.R. September 17, 2012 and agreed upon by the rector of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan" Skobeltsyna E.G. September 26, 2012. The content of the Program includes the following course components:

Course components


in hours

Main questions

Theoretical part


  • Formation of a package of regulatory and legal documentation

  • Legal registration of a structural unit

  • Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements and catering

  • Organization of educational process

  • Interaction between mother-teacher and pre-school specialists

  • Increasing the pedagogical competence of the mother-educator

Practical part


  • Organization of life in a family kindergarten

  • Organization of a developmental environment in a family kindergarten

  • Ensuring the education and development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of the basic program

Final part

  • Project development consultations

  • Independent project development

  • Project protection

  • Review

The following was approved Teaching Staff for the internship period:

  1. Badrieva Rina Rinadovna, head of the MU “Education Department” of the executive committee of the Arsky municipal district

  2. Musina Diana Rashidovna, leading specialist of the information and methodological center of the Arsky municipal district

  3. Shaymullina Aliya Rinatovna, head of MBDOU “Arsky kindergarten No. 8”

  4. Shaikhutdinova Liliya Faritovna, head of MBDOU “Arsky kindergarten No. 5”

  5. Abdullina Enge Kharisovna, head of MBDOU “Arsk kindergarten No. 1”

  6. Khaliullina Gulnaz Shaykhullovna, head of MBDOU “Shushmabash kindergarten”

  7. Kayumova Gulnaz Zinnurovna, head of MBDOU “Ashitbash kindergarten”

  8. Gazizova Gulnaz Gabdelfayazovna, head of the Yanga-Sala kindergarten

  9. Nizamova Rozalia Gayazovna, senior teacher of MBDOU “Arsk kindergarten No. 8”

  10. Suleymanova Gulnar Bulatovna, senior teacher of MBDOU “Arsky kindergarten No. 5”

  11. Safina Milyausha Mukhametsalikhovna, senior teacher of MBDOU “Arsk kindergarten No. 1”

  12. Shakirova Gulnara Nazipovna, family kindergarten teacher

  13. Garifullina Gulnaz Fidaratovna, family kindergarten teacher

  14. Khamidullina Zulfira Sharipovna, family kindergarten teacher

  15. Alla Viktorovna Zhuravleva, educational psychologist, MBDOU “Arsk kindergarten No. 8”
The following educational institutions took part in the implementation of the internship site activities:

  1. State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development" of the Republic of Tatarstan

  2. MU "Education Department" of the executive committee of the Arsky municipal district

  3. MBDOU "Arsk kindergarten No. 1"

  4. MBDOU "Arsky kindergarten No. 5"

  5. MBDOU "Ashitbash kindergarten"

  6. MBDOU "Shushmabash kindergarten"

  7. MBDOU "Yanga-Salsky kindergarten"
The main goal of the internship site on the problem “Implementation of variable forms of preschool education” is to increase the professional competence of employees of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of the Federal Center for Education and Training for 2011-2015, which includes the following tasks:

Formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training; studying the experience of the best specialists and educators, acquiring professional and organizational skills;

Formation of the ability to carry out diagnostic activities and design one’s professional activities;

Mastering the ability to objectively evaluate one’s professional activities.

To achieve this goal, productive forms of training were used: master classes, practical classes, trainings, seminars, group consultations, round tables. During the internship, 25 students of advanced training courses of the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan on the problem “Modern models of the municipal preschool education system” had the opportunity to receive rich theoretical and practical material in accordance with the program of the internship site, agreed upon by the State Joint-Stock Company for Further Professional Education “Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan” on September 26, 2012.

On October 1, 2012, the activities of the internship site were opened by a researcher at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan" Idiyatullina A.R.: she conducted a survey, introduced the internship program, and distributed internship diaries for subsequent filling out by interns.

Introductory seminar on the problem “Development of preschool education in the Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The introduction of variable forms of preschool education" was carried out by the head of the MU "Department of Education" R.R. Badrieva. She introduced the cadets to the main directions of development of preschool education in the Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke about the types and forms of work in this area, explained the structure, stages of project work and expected results.

Teachers from MBDOU “Arsky Kindergarten No. 8” conducted master classes on the implementation of educational areas “Physical Education”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Socialization”, where they skillfully presented their experience of working with interactive equipment and interactive toys received as part of the program Federal Center for Educational and Professional Education for 2011-2015, which was of great interest to the trainees, since the opportunity to use these toys in their teaching activities is mainly available to participants of the Federal Center for Educational and Professional Education.

On the same day, the teacher of the structural unit of the basic preschool institution presented his experience of working in a family kindergarten: the teacher noted the features of organizing a family kindergarten, focused on the construction of the educational process, on the forms of interaction with the basic institution, especially with MBDOU specialists. Next, the trainees got acquainted with the life of the pupils of the family kindergarten by watching a video film. After viewing, educational psychologist Zhuravleva A.V. drew the attention of trainees to the problem of harmonizing the emotional relationships “child-educator-parent”.

On ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being and safety of the educational process of a structural unit, on fulfilling the requirements fire safety, on the regulatory and legal support for organizing the activities of family kindergartens, the financial and economic mechanism for the functioning of family kindergartens, on the development of local acts of preschool educational institutions, the trainees were briefed on: Chief Specialist- expert of the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan in the Vysokogorsky district Sitdikova C.R., inspector of the department of supervisory activities for the Arsky municipal district of the Department of Internal Affairs of the State Administration of Russia of the Republic of Tatarstan Gilmullin R.G., head of the MU "Department of Education" Badrieva R.R., leading specialist of the IMC MU "Education Department" Musina D.R., Head of MBDOU "Arsk Kindergarten No. 5" Shaikhutdinova L.F.

If on the first day the trainees received the entire theoretical basis about creating a family kindergarten, then in the next three days they saw with their own eyes the work of family kindergartens in the villages of Ildus (MDOU "Shushmabashsky kindergarten") Kaensar (MDOU "Yanga-Salsky kindergarten") and structural unit of MBDOU "Arsky kindergarten No. 1". Here, the trainees got acquainted with the subject-development environment, the features of catering, the educational process, and were able to get answers to all their questions: about staffing structure family kindergarten, about the working hours of the family kindergarten teacher, about the features of working in a mixed-age group, etc.

And in the second half of these days, consultations, round tables, a methodological seminar, and training were organized for interns at the Arsk Kindergarten No. 8 MBDOU. And at the end of these works, a round table was held, where the events held were discussed and opinions were exchanged on all the events of the internship.

The result of the internship activity was the introduction of interns into independent project activities. Project activities developed in logic: plan-implementation-reflection. The conditions were created for the trainees to gain certain experience in introducing a variable form of preschool education.

To improve the efficiency and quality of the trainees’ work, group consultations were held, a round table “Family kindergarten: pros and cons” was organized, moderated by the head of the Education Department, Badrieva R.R. The round table participants noted the positive and negative aspects of the activities of the family kindergarten.

The final work of the internship site was the presentation and defense of projects.

In general, the work of the internship site on the basis of MBDOU "Arsky Kindergarten No. 8" contributed to increasing the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of the direction "Modernization of municipal preschool education systems", which is confirmed by feedback from interns in the internship diaries.

Teacher-tutors who guide, review and advise the work of interns were trained at a high level and were able to competently convey their work experience. 25 trainees from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation got acquainted with the work experience of kindergarten teachers Nizamova R.G., Aleeva L.Kh., Fayzullina V.R., Garifullina G.F., Sitdikova R.R., Yagodkina E.G., Mukhutdinova V.V.. These teachers are marked Letters of gratitude IRO RT “For active participation in the dissemination of teaching experience.” To the head of the kindergarten Shaimullina A.R. gratitude was declared to the Institute of Education and Development of the Republic of Tatarstan "For active participation in the implementation of the Federal Center for Education and Training for 2011-2013 in the direction of "Modernization of municipal preschool education systems"." The experience of the internship site is covered in the collection of methodological recommendations “Internship as independent species advanced training”, developed by the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, co-authored by the head of Shaimullina A.R. and senior teacher Nizamova R.G.

As a result of summing up the results of the internship site’s activities, electronic sociological and pedagogical monitoring of students at the FCPRO base site was carried out for satisfaction with the work of the FTPRO base site (Appendix 3). Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The first question contained 16 evaluation criteria: it allowed us to evaluate the quality of training, the comfort of conditions, the possibility of using digital educational resources in training, the content of theoretical and practical classes, the forms and methods of classes conducted, the level of training of teachers, as well as the style of communication of training leaders with students. The average score was 4.7 points (94%)

  2. The second question allowed us to assess the overall level of the completed internship and training course. The average score was 4.7 points (94%)

  3. The third question revealed the degree of knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process that will be used for practical educational activities. The average score was 4 points (90%)
The fourth question of the questionnaire asked to leave suggestions, comments, as well as wishes regarding the quality of the organization and the conditions of the training content. The internship participants suggested including more trainings, master classes, and practical exercises in the program on building an educational process in a mixed-age group. According to the internship diaries, course participants received a lot of new things; round table meetings and psychological trainings were organized at a high level (Appendix 1, 2). Students at the internship site are fully satisfied with the conditions of the training course.

This internship experience was the first for the teaching staff of the kindergarten, therefore, while teaching the interns, we learned ourselves. This activity gave everyone a unique chance for professional and personal growth.

Activities of the base site in the direction

"Modernization of municipal preschool education systems"

as part of the implementation of the Federal Center for Promotion of Promotion
In 2010, the first family kindergarten was opened by a large family in Arsk kindergarten No. 5 as part of a pilot project. On its basis, the first steps in the development of this new form preschool education. From 2010 to 2012, the number of structural units of the Family Kindergarten in the Arsky District increased.

Organization of a family kindergarten on the basis of a preschool institution with the aim of creating conditions for the development, education and training of preschool children in the microdistrict through the introduction of an alternative form of preschool education - as a family kindergarten, it involves setting the following tasks:

  • ensuring the comprehensive development of children in the microdistrict who do not attend a preschool educational institution;

  • support for large families with children from 1.5 to 7 years old;

  • providing parents with many children with employment opportunities without interrupting the process of raising children;

  • development of new forms of preschool education with the implementation in practice of an individual approach to raising a child;

  • reducing the waiting list of children in MBDOU
The preparatory stage for opening a family kindergarten begins with a study of large families in the microdistrict and the creation of a regulatory framework that provides for amendments to the Charter of the main kindergarten. Sometimes parents take the initiative, having familiarized themselves with regulatory documents available through the media. Opening a family kindergarten presupposes not only the presence of identified educational needs of parents with many children, but also their adequate involvement in the educational process.

On the basis of the municipal preschool educational institution "Arsky Kindergarten No. 8" of the Arsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan, a family kindergarten was opened in August 2010, where not only the children of a mother with many children are brought up, but also six children from other families. The opening of this model of family kindergarten made it possible to reduce the waiting list of children in preschool educational institutions. In addition, the mother of five children, winner of the Order of Glory Liliya Rafisovna Sabirova felt her social importance, and the attendance and health indicators of the pupils of the structural unit are much lower than the indicators of other groups of preschool educational institutions; the result of monitoring the development of children at the end of the school year is quite high, since the mother-educator has a huge opportunity to work individually with each child.

However, introducing this model of family education into practice for the first time, the kindergarten administration encountered great indignation from parents whose children were offered a place in a family kindergarten, as they were negatively disposed to such an innovation and insisted on raising their child in a traditional kindergarten. Therefore, we can consider the very first stage in organizing a family kindergarten to be labor-intensive work with the parent community in order to become familiar with the structure of this model, where the child will quickly adapt to the conditions of social life, will be sick less, will receive more attention from adults, etc. When interacting with the parents of future pupils of the family kindergarten, the needs and current lines of interaction with the preschool educational institution were identified, the main one of which is the parents’ interest in using the territory of the preschool educational institution, participating in holidays, and the desire to attend music and physical education classes.

The first step towards establishing joint activities was the organization of educational interaction in the kindergarten between teachers and parents of students of the structural unit. For productive work, activities are organized with parents at different levels: general kindergarten, intra-group, individual-family, using various forms. The main content of interaction is: strengthening the health of children, protecting the rights of the child, increasing parental competence in matters of raising children; preparing the child for school. The relevance of selected issues for joint discussion makes it possible positive attitude parents to planned events that parents attend with great desire. The main content of interaction is: strengthening the health of children, protecting the rights of the child, increasing parental competence in matters of raising children; preparing the child for school. The relevance of the selected issues for joint discussion makes it possible for parents to have a positive attitude towards the planned events, which parents attend with great desire. An assessment of the work of the kindergarten with parents was the review of Amina’s mother, Alfiya Fatikhova, in the magazine “Syuyumbike” (No. 2, 2011) “We visit the family kindergarten,” where she noted positive sides work of family kindergarten MDOU No. 8 (Appendix 4).

Since January 2012, a teacher with teacher education and with experience working with preschool children Gulnaz Fidaratovna Garifullina. From this side, parents are calmer, since the correct approach is taken to children.

Features that were taken into account when organizing methodological work in a family kindergarten:

Family individuality (faith, nationality, traditions, socio-economic conditions, family needs for educational services of preschool educational institutions);

SDS is mixed age group: planning and content of activities for children of different ages requires special attention;

A teacher in a family kindergarten, primarily a mother of many children, and not a professional teacher;

Participation in the work of the SDS of the entire teaching staff of the preschool educational institution (educators, senior educator, psychologist and other specialists), clear coordination of this work. The teaching staff, led by the head of the preschool educational institution, skillfully builds interaction on a variety of issues, including taking into account the characteristics and interests of the mother-educator.

A system of support and basic training for a family kindergarten teacher was developed, which included counseling, attending classes, and mentoring. The system was built on a point-concentric principle, covering the main areas and lines of development from the point of view of theoretical principles and features, supporting them with practical exercises.

The interaction of the family kindergarten with the staff of the preschool educational institution began with a meeting of the teacher of the family kindergarten with teachers and specialists, familiarization with the list of programs used in the kindergarten, drawing up a schedule of classes conducted at home and in the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

The specificity of interaction with the mother-educator is the provision of individual methodological and psychological-pedagogical assistance in organizing work with children. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to find out the attitude of the mother-educator to family and public education, study her expectations from the organization of work in a family kindergarten, and determine the possibility of involvement in joint activities.

The senior teacher, together with specialists, draws up a daily routine and gives recommendations to the mother-teacher on organizing basic activities for each child depending on age: sleep (time in the routine, duration, especially for young children), hygiene procedures (formation of cultural and hygienic skills , self-care skills during the day), morning exercises, walk; cognitive activity; gaming activities (role-playing and theatrical games); motor activity (outdoor games, physical exercises, sports games and other types of physical activity that can be organized in the gym of a kindergarten); labor and creative activities; reading fiction to children, talking about what they read, learning by heart; observation; developing and didactic games, guessing riddles; conversations, looking at illustrations and paintings; monitoring the activities of adults, etc.

A certain difficulty lies in the fact that the age composition of children in each family kindergarten is different; accordingly, the daily routine and recommendations must be developed individually, depending on the characteristics of a particular family. But, on the other hand, this is precisely where the advantages lie. In the practice of preschool education, the implementation of the main directions of child development (physical, emotional-volitional, cognitive-speech, social-personal and artistic-aesthetic) mostly affects associations of children of the same age. At the same time, it has been established that associations of different ages provide broad potential opportunities for the personal, social and mental development of a child. It is precisely such associations that can be considered a group of pupils of a family kindergarten.

We consider it most important to show the mother-educator the possibility of successful interaction between children of different ages during play activities in order to develop their cognitive independence. At the same time, play situations are organized and provided by an adult, who creates the conditions for their implementation.

The role of the mother-educator in the “adult-child” interaction system involves, first of all, leading the process of organizing and managing the joint activities of children. The role of the mother-educator in the “senior-junior” system is associated with the regulation of play and personal relationships between children. Organizing a game in which older and younger children participate involves changing the position of older children, who take on the role of an adult. In the game between older and younger children, interaction arises based on rapprochement: the younger ones turn to the experience of the older ones, and not so much to experience as to assistance. Mutual learning that occurs spontaneously makes it possible to enrich oneself with new knowledge, skills, and abilities, promotes the self-development of children, and fosters attention to people and generosity. Both the younger and older children should receive satisfaction from joint activities, and a prerequisite for this is the children’s mastery in general ways joint activities under the guidance of an adult. To do this, at the first stage, the mother-educator needs to pay attention to the development in children of play skills and the ability to act in concert in a joint game, first under her direct guidance, later with indirect participation.

A family kindergarten provides an opportunity for parents to gain new knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, and for children to receive systematic education and training within the family, which is based on the best traditions of domestic preschool education. To do this, it is important to properly and productively organize the interaction between teachers of a basic preschool institution and a family kindergarten teacher.

To implement this direction, round tables, consultations and meetings were held with the senior teacher, educators and other preschool specialists. Methodological and practical materials were developed for organizing the work of a family kindergarten, which included:

1. Familiarization with family conditions (visiting a family kindergarten)

2. Conversation, questionnaire, survey in order to identify the family’s needs for preschool educational institutions, hobbies and traditions of the parent-educator.

3. Familiarization of the family kindergarten teacher with the psychological and pedagogical process of the preschool institution.

4. Integration of the activities of the teacher and children of the family kindergarten into the psychological and pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution.

5. Planning the work of the SDS, its methodological and psychological-pedagogical support in various forms of interaction.

Preschool education specialists provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family; assistance in organizing various types of children's activities; develop recommendations, notes; organize exhibitions of children's crafts and drawings, hold themed parties, leisure and entertainment with the participation of children from the seed garden; attend family group at home. It should be noted that methodological support is not limited only to pedagogical education and counseling. These are methods and techniques of interaction with a child. It is important to help the mother-teacher adapt to new conditions of professional activity. For this purpose, in addition to meetings with specialists, direct viewings of various types of children's activities in a basic kindergarten are organized, acquaintance with the experience of family education, and observations of the nature of child-parent communication in a family kindergarten are carried out.

The interaction of the family kindergarten teacher with the senior teacher and specialized specialists of the preschool educational institution was initially carried out in 3 directions.

Advisory support for the teacher himself

Work with children

Working with parents of family kindergarten students.

The following specialists work with the children of the family kindergarten:

Tatar language teacher (2 times a week);

Musical director (2 times a week);

Physical education instructor (2 times a week);

Educational psychologist (once a week).

Organized educational activities with children and other activities are carried out both in the building of the preschool educational institution and at home. In the educational process with specialists, the teacher also works with the children.

When building the pedagogical process in a family kindergarten, the need to form a harmoniously developed child’s personality was taken into account. Particular attention was paid to the physical and mental health of children, the formation of a personal attitude towards the world around them, taking into account the basic psychological law - the law of activity.

The Tatar language teacher conducts games in their native language 2 times a week in the morning, which allows the students to easily adapt at first, and the SDS teacher to clearly see how different types of games are organized.

In connection with the introduction of an educational and methodological set for teaching preschoolers the two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan in the educational process, changes also affected the structural unit “family kindergarten”.

An adult acts as the main “guide” into the world of speech culture for a child, on whom the organization of meaningful children’s communication also depends. Taking this fact into account, work in this area began with a teacher - a family kindergarten teacher. First, we were introduced to the educational and methodological set appropriate for the age of the pupils of the family kindergarten, and held a series of consultations on such topics as “Cultivating interest in artistic expression in young children”, “Regional component in preschool education”, “Ways of using teaching materials in special situations” " All the knowledge gained was discussed and analyzed again. round table during the workshop “Use of teaching materials for teaching two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan in the educational process” and at a meeting of the pedagogical council.

  • studying Tatar language in a playful way (according to the manual “Tugan telә soylәshәbez”) twice a week together with a Tatar language teacher;

  • reading fiction in the evening twice a week using the anthologies “In the Glade of Childhood” and “Balachak Alanynda”;

  • conducting finger games daily in the morning using the attributes from the kit;

  • inclusion of a regional component in directly organized activities in the educational areas “Music” and “Physical Education” on the basis of methodological manuals;

  • conducting outdoor games during walks and during the day according to the manual “Balachak – uynap-kolep үsәr chak”;

  • watching cartoons (Tatar fairy tales and cartoons translated into the Tatar language) once every two weeks;

  • entertainment in two weeks once in two official languages republics;

  • individual work with a Russian-speaking child to learn the Tatar language using audio and video applications to the teaching materials;
When assessing the level of mastery of the Tatar language by a Russian-speaking child, an interesting fact can be traced: a pupil of a family kindergarten masters educational material better, since, firstly, due to the small number of children in the group, the child practically does not get sick and regularly attends preschool educational institutions, and secondly, with Using materials and attributes from the educational and methodological set, individual lessons become interesting, and other children are included in the language learning process, thus creating a language environment for the child, and in a preschool educational institution, a Russian-speaking child is mainly taught individually by a specialist in his office.

Interaction between kindergarten and family on issues of the child’s full speech development is another necessary condition, therefore, together with parents, trying to find different shapes introducing them to the speech development of children, step by step we overcome the complex process of forming correct figurative speech, which begins in the preschool years and improves throughout life.

Paying due attention to the physical development of children, work with them was structured in such a way that the functional capabilities of the child’s body were actively improved, his motor experience was enriched, and the natural process of development of the child’s motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, endurance, etc.) was stimulated.

Much attention is paid to musical education, as it is one of the important means of forming an active creative personality. Twice a week in the family kindergarten there are educational activities in the field of “Music”, in which children sing, listen to music, perform dance movements, play children’s musical instruments, get acquainted with the work of composers. On the recommendation of the music director, the acquired skills and learned pieces are consolidated by the teacher in his free time. The music director organizes the participation of children of the family kindergarten at matinees and holidays held in the preschool setting.

During the school year, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in family kindergarten is provided. Work was carried out to create a favorable psychological climate (promoting improved forms of communication between teachers and children; consulting teachers on a wide range of professional and personal problems; psychological education of parents on issues related to child psychology and family education). For parents whose children came to the family kindergarten, methodological recommendations were given on the problem of child adaptation in the family kindergarten. In September, the stand “Child Adaptation in Kindergarten” will be set up.

Adaptation of children to family kindergarten is calm and less painless. Psychological support is provided regularly. At the beginning of his work, the educational psychologist establishes emotional contact with each child. During group classes, each child is provided with individual approach depending on the physical and mental state of the child. The game form of working with children, as well as flexibility in planning, allows children to participate enthusiastically in the lesson. The variety and intensity of the activity of the teacher-psychologist is taken into account with the age characteristics of the children. The work of a specialist in a family kindergarten is interesting and difficult at the same time. A family kindergarten is like a small family raising four children. On the one hand, this is a teacher - how loving mother, an understanding and accepting figure who is always next to her students in the most difficult moments. She can support and emotionally relieve the inner world of her children. On the other hand, she is an educator - a socially significant figure who adapts the child, socializes, teaches, introduces him to a new system of life, organizing regular educational activities that must be strictly observed. The teacher is regularly provided with psychological literature, counseling is provided, conditions are created that promote emotional well-being in the family and ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child. The implementation of these functions required the implementation of a number of related types of work, both directly with children and with their parents.

The work of an educational psychologist can be divided into three areas:

Psychologist - educator;

Psychologist – family;

The psychologist is a child.

During 2011-2013, the psychologist helped the teacher and parents of students to properly organize the upbringing of children. The consultation began with a conversation with the teacher, during which personal characteristics and emotional condition child. Next, the psychologist began to work with the entire family, identifying its problem areas through questionnaires, conversations and other projective techniques. Twice a year, parents of pupils were consulted on their satisfaction with the work of the family kindergarten. The survey results showed the following results. The parents of four pupils were 100% satisfied with the work of the specialists and the family kindergarten teacher. This suggests that throughout the entire school year, parents and their children received a professional approach from the teaching staff. When working with each child and parent, developmental characteristics and personal characteristics were taken into account. To solve existing difficulties, work was carried out with him according to an individual plan.

The development of cognitive processes in a young child proceeds at a rapid pace: attention, memory, perception, thinking, etc. are rapidly developing. Main function of this age is perception, therefore the child will achieve the greatest success not in the area of ​​memory or thinking, but in the area of ​​perception. And it was this that developed in the first place. The psychologist’s task is to correctly name the signs and actions of the object, constantly voice them, and then ask the child. Self-learning toys were used with children of this age: nesting dolls, inserts, pyramids. Children became familiar with the color and shape of objects and tried to distinguish them. Fairy tales and nursery rhymes for the little ones were read to the children. Children of this age mastered basic self-service and behavioral skills.

With the help of an educational psychologist, open events were held: “Birthday of the group” - December 2012; “At the Christmas Tree” - December 2012; entertainment “Pupils and Parents” - March 2013; workshop “Development of children's speech through viewing pictures” - March 2013; workshop "Guess who's in the house?" - April 2013; lesson at KMO “Who lives in the house?” - year 2013.

Psychological support in preschool educational institutions created a healthy psychological climate and was implemented using psychocorrectional techniques:

Specially designed classes for children individually and in groups;

Exercises for children with communication difficulties;

Drawing games

Fairytale therapy in the development of children's emotionality

Psychological support involved parent counseling and education children who will help in collecting information about the child in order to implement an individual approach based on studying the characteristics and studying the child’s relationships with peers and adults.

To improve the socialization of children in a family kindergarten, children from a family kindergarten walk on the playground of the preschool educational institution together with other groups. So that they are not limited only to their social circle, they spend weekly leisure time at the preschool educational institution and take part in the general holidays of the kindergarten. This helps the mother-teacher establish contact with other preschool employees.

Monitoring the activities of the teacher of a structural unit is not difficult, since the family kindergarten is located next to the main kindergarten. The senior teacher regularly visits the group at home, where he addresses Special attention on the subject-developmental environment, the quantity and quality of children's work, compliance with routine moments, motor mode, analyzes the conduct of the educational process, checks the teacher's documentation.

Interaction within a family kindergarten is useful both for the mother-teacher and for specialists. The educator, under the guidance of professional teachers, directly participates in the upbringing and education of his students, regularly works to improve their development, and improves his qualifications.

Having assessed the positive experience of the kindergarten in introducing a variable form of preschool education based on the analysis results achieved in providing affordable quality education; presence of successfully developing experience in innovative activities; professional readiness of the teaching staff to carry out the functions of a base institution, MBDOU "Arsky Kindergarten No. 8" was assigned the status of a base site participating in the implementation of the FTPRO direction "Modernization of municipal preschool education systems".

As part of the implementation of the direction “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems” of the Federal Center for Education and Training in 2011, the kindergarten received office equipment and ICT technologies free of charge (brochurator, cutter, laminator, 3 laptops, interactive board, 2 Smart tables), teacher's and 3 children's flip charts, 27 types of toys and interactive toys (7 pieces each), 48 titles of literature (children's fiction, anthologies, children's encyclopedias), 2 dry pools, guitar, sports complex - a total amount of over one million rubles. All toys and literature are in all groups; office equipment - in the method room; an interactive whiteboard and a sports complex are installed in the music room.

In the process of organizing the activities of the base site, a regulatory framework on this issue was created; the subject-development environment was updated through the arrival of toys, literature and ICT equipment; production meetings and a General Parents' Meeting were held; Work in this area is covered at the Council of Teachers, methodological associations, and in working with students (in teachers’ calendar plans).

Kindergarten teachers participated in orientation seminars with the heads of base sites (2011), in the regional seminar “Modernization of municipal preschool education systems” (2011), in the republican seminar “Strategy for the development of education in the Republic of Tatarstan: the state and prospects of preschool education” (2011 g.), March 30, 2012 at the republican scientific and practical seminar “Formation of an all-Russian human resource of leading consultants on the development of the education system: current issues of development modern system education in the Republic of Tatarstan" and on June 1, 2012 at the all-Russian seminar "Modernization of municipal preschool education systems: public-private partnership as an alternative technology for the development of preschool education in the Republic of Tatarstan", on June 22, 2012 at the regional scientific and practical seminar "Implementation of the Republican program" Belekach": ideas. searches, solutions” (participants were issued certificates), organized by the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education of the Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of the implementation of the Federal Program for Professional Development. Kindergarten teachers participated on December 25, 2012 at the all-Russian practical seminar “Providing state municipal services in electronic form” and in March 2013 at an in-person seminar of tutors responsible for the implementation of the “Electronic kindergarten” subprogram (participants were issued certificates), organized by the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Education IRO RT as part of the implementation of the FCPRO. Head Shaimullina A.R. took advanced training courses in this area in October 2012 in Moscow.

As a result of work in the 2011-2012 academic year, notes on educational activities with children and an internship program on the problem of “Introducing variable forms of preschool education” were developed; A film was made by representatives of TNV about the results of the activities of the base sites of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The activities of the base site are systematically covered on the kindergarten website in the portal

One of the leading activities of the preschool educational institution was close cooperation with parents. The analysis of work with parents on the implementation of the cooperation program showed that the work carried out, in our opinion, was systematic, effective in studying and familiarizing parents with regulatory documents, introducing information forms for both group and general parent meetings, updating the data bank for collecting information about families (testing, questioning). There was active participation of parents in joint creative activity(exhibitions, shows, competitions, joint celebrations), we believe that it is necessary to continue further interaction with parents, as equal participants in the educational process.

On April 11, 2012, a survey was conducted among the parent community of pupils of the middle senior and preparatory groups of the MDOU "Arsky Kindergarten No. 8" - an internship site that implements activities on the Federal Center for Professional Education (71 parents participated in the survey). Analysis of the survey showed that:

– 55% believe that the child uses a computer and similar technologies in kindergarten;

– 24% of parents believe that the child learns more about ICT in preschool educational institutions;

– 92% of parents surveyed believe that the child’s activity has increased; the quality of training and education has improved;

– 83% noted that children go to kindergarten with greater pleasure compared to last year due to the increase in interesting toys.

Based on the results of the parent survey, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Much attention in the educational process is paid to the use information technologies.

  2. Children are happy to take part in mastering new information technologies; due to the use of appropriate techniques, the child’s activity increases and the quality of learning improves.
Parents also had a positive attitude towards the changes in the work of the kindergarten associated with the assignment of the status of a base site, which increased the activity of parental participation in the life of the preschool institution. They expressed gratitude to the management and teaching staff of the kindergarten, which is a high indicator of the work results of the entire teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

In November 2013, a survey was conducted among parents of kindergarten students. The survey was conducted online on the website The questionnaires were processed automatically based on the software package (Appendix 6). The survey results showed the following results:

  1. The first question contained 12 statements that allowed parents to evaluate the quality of work of the kindergarten: the availability of information about the lives of children, the relationship of children’s parents, the child’s relationship with other children, the child’s desire to attend kindergarten, the quality of activities, the quality of food, the activities of teachers to preserve and strengthen children's health. The average score was 4.6 points.

  2. The second question allowed parents to make their suggestions and comments on the work of the kindergarten. Based on the results of the parent survey, we can conclude that the majority of parents (92%) are satisfied with the activities of the kindergarten. High response rates allowed us to draw the following conclusions:
- that children enjoy attending kindergarten;

Parents are fully satisfied with the quality of the classes;

We are fully satisfied with the level of work of educators with parents in matters of development and education.

Some parents expressed their wishes to the management of the preschool educational institution. Of these, 24 out of 25 respondents expressed gratitude to the team and wishes for success. The wishes noted that the kindergarten is equipped with modern interactive toys allowing for fully integrated educational activities. Thus, 92% of parents are generally satisfied with the level and content of educational work with children in a preschool institution, which is a high indicator of the effectiveness of the team’s work.

From 2011 to 2013, the base site achieved the following results:

A package of regulatory and legal documents has been generated that regulates the activities of preschool educational institutions within the framework of the work of the base site;

The head of the base site and teachers attended design workshops;

A list of base site employees participating in the implementation of the program has been generated;

Research has been conducted on the psychological and pedagogical development of family kindergarten students;

A program has been drawn up for developing the competencies of teachers to ensure readiness to participate in innovative activities;

Presentation materials for all types of activities have been developed;

Educational and methodological complexes have been developed.

An internship program has been developed in the direction of “Implementation of variable forms of preschool education”;

Developed and published booklets, memos, and CDs for trainees;

The necessary specialized equipment worth over one million rubles was received;

Received methodological literature for teachers and educational literature for children;

Conducted training for trainees according to schedule in the amount of 25 people from a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

The experience of the internship site is summarized in the collection of methodological recommendations “Internship as an independent type of advanced training.”

Modernization of the preschool education system in the context of the introduction of Federal state requirements.


Senior teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 77" in Syktyvkar

Preschool age is the most important period in the development of a child’s personality, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, the emotional and volitional qualities and the child’s ability to freely choose, respect and understand other people are formed, regardless of their social origin, racial and nationality, language, gender, religion.

In modern conditions, the development of the preschool education system is aimed at the development of preschool children, adequate to their age characteristics. This means that the preschool education system is designed to provide for any child of preschool age the level of development that would allow him to be successful in primary school and at subsequent levels of education. Analyzing current state preschool education, it is advisable to consider previously existing concepts of its development.

In 1989 State Committee for public education The USSR approved the Concept of Preschool Education, the authors of which pointed out a number of shortcomings of the public preschool education system: the educational and disciplinary model of interaction between adults and children, the orientation of the educational process towards the formation in preschool children of a range of knowledge, skills and abilities “ordered” by the school, excessive regulation of the regime day of a preschool child, the use of games as an addition to the didactic process of acquiring knowledge.

These problems have not been resolved due to an insufficiently clearly developed mechanism for implementing the outlined conceptual approaches to the development of the preschool education system. Therefore, in the Concept of Preschool Education of 2003, the underestimation of the role of play activities in the development of the child, the use of “school” teaching technologies and early learning of the first grade curriculum, the decline in the quality of education and the overload of children are again identified as pressing problems of public preschool education. In addition, the level of training of teaching staff and the inability of kindergarten teachers to implement an educational program taking into account the individual capabilities and needs of children were seriously criticized.

The last decade has brought radical changes to the system of domestic preschool education. The standard program has been replaced by variable ones, and the unified “kindergarten” has been replaced by different types and types of preschool educational institutions. The search for and independent choice of specific forms of educational work has become the norm for teachers. For a long time, the innovative movement in preschool education did not rely on a scientifically verified strategy for the modernization of preschool education, which would link together its social, organizational, financial, economic, psychological, pedagogical and other priorities, defining a well-thought-out program of action for the historically foreseeable period.

Today the authors modern concepts(Slobodchikov V.I., Rubtsov V.V., Kudryavtsev V.T. and others) call for the modernization of the preschool education system in order to prepare children for subsequent schooling, taking into account the variability of institutions implementing preschool education programs, levels of physical and mental development of preschool children, the degree of training of teaching staff.

Directions for modernizing the municipal preschool education system:

  • population satisfaction with the quality of preschool education;
  • providing conditions that meet modern requirements for the educational process, including in terms of preserving and strengthening the health of students;
  • introduction of information and communication technologies into the process of managing preschool education; increasing professional competence and motivational readiness for innovation;
  • creation of an information and communication environment that provides parents with the opportunity to increase their competence in matters of development and upbringing of children;
  • transition to a new level, new status of preschool educational institution.
  • Public availability.

Preschool education, in ensuring equal starting opportunities for children to study in primary school, is considered as a necessary prerequisite for the universal availability of high-quality general education. Achieving an optimal level of development for every preschool child, which will allow him to be successful in school, is one of the priority tasks for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation. Its solution is impossible without a flexible, multifunctional preschool education system that ensures the constitutional right of every Russian citizen to publicly accessible and free preschool education.

In order to provide each child with that same equal start that will allow him to successfully study at school, it is necessary to standardize the content of preschool education in a certain way, no matter in which educational institution (or family) the child receives it.

The process of standardization of social systems, including educational systems, is a global trend. In Russia, currently, for most levels and stages of education, excluding preschool, federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) have been established.

Federal State Educational Standards represent a set of three groups of requirements - to the structure of basic educational programs, the conditions for their implementation and the results of mastery. The achievements of preschool children are determined not by the sum of specific ZUNs, but by the totality of personal qualities, therefore it is unlawful to impose strict requirements for results, which is present in the standard of primary general education.

In 1996, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved “Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution.” According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (No. 448 of August 22, 1996), it was established that these requirements are valid until the introduction of the state educational standard for preschool education. Ten years later (December 1, 2007), changes were made to the Federal Law “On Education”, according to which in the field of preschool education, not the Federal State Educational Standards are established, but only two groups of federal state requirements - to the structure of the main educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation .
Fundamentally new documents for the modernization of the preschool education system, such as n national educational strategy “Our New School”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution”, “Concept of the Federal Target Program for Educational Development for 2011-2015”, Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the structure of the basic general education program preschool education - order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education” (No. 655 dated November 23, 2009) and to the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program of preschool education - order of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation dated 20.07 .2011 No. 2151 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education” made significant adjustments to the definition of the legal framework for the content of the preschool education system, revealed the need to revise the organizational and content aspects of preschool education, and set the task of developing new basic general education programs by preschool educational institutions.

It is very important that FGT are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (clause 6.2, article 9). This norm was introduced into the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in connection with the understanding of the importance of preschool education for the further successful development, education of every person, and ensuring accessibility and quality education for every child - no matter where he lives.

FGT are, together with the standard regulations on a preschool educational institution, so far the only fundamental document of the regulatory legal framework of the preschool education system, mandatory for execution in all types and kinds of educational institutions, a guideline for the development of the preschool education system.

There are concepts of development strategies for educational institutions that are common in domestic education:

1. Local change strategy, provides for parallel improvement, rationalization, and renewal of the activities of some individual areas of the life of educational institutions. these changes are carried out independently of each other according to their plans and involve the achievement of individual results, which together will allow the educational institution to take a step forward.

2. Modular change strategy,involves the implementation of several complex innovations that are not interconnected, although within the module they may require the need to coordinate the actions of many performers.

3. Systemic change strategy- involves a complete reconstruction of an educational institution, affecting all components of activity (goals, content, organization, technology, etc.), all structures, connections, links, sections. This strategy is carried out, as a rule, when the previous status of educational institutions changes, when they transform into a new educational institution.

It is obvious that system updates in the context of FGT involve a number of changes:

  • Updating the content and structure of educational activities;
  • Updating educational technologies;
  • Updating the education quality assessment system.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” the educational program “determines the content of education at a certain level and focus.” The general education system implements basic and additional general education programs aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, etc.

The determining factor in the content of education is not so much its constituent elements (components), but internal state, a set of processes that characterize the interaction of elements with each other and with the environment and determine their existence, development and change; in this sense, the content itself acts as a process.

Updating the content of preschool education in the context of modernization is possible by increasing the variability of education, which is an indicator of the humanitarian nature of preschool education and increases the subjectivity of preschool education.

Variability of preschool education as required condition his humanitarianism is achieved through:

  • general developmental kindergartens; family groups, non-state preschool educational institutions are developing (in the field of preschool education the number of individual entrepreneurs). In this case, updating the content of education occurs by providing preschoolers and their parents with the opportunity to choose the appropriate type of preschool educational institution;
  • general education programs based on the diagnosis of integrative personality traits of preschoolers and analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program (analysis of personnel, regulatory, financial and economic resources, material and technical resources, motivational, information and scientific-methodological resources);
  • respect for rights, satisfaction of needs, ensuring the interests and development of pupils’ abilities.

If we talk about what is fundamentally new in the content of preschool education, then this is the obligation of its compliance with the principles stated in the FGT:

The principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

The principle of necessity and sufficiency (compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (to allow one to solve set goals and objectives only on the necessary and sufficient material, to get as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”)

The principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

The program is built taking into account the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age of the children. Integration of different educational areas is an important shift in the structuring of program material.

All educational areas are connected with each other: by reading, the child learns; learning, talks about what he learned; interacts with peers and adults through exploration and discussion. Thus, the interpenetration and interconnection of educational areas ensures that the child develops a holistic picture of the world around him. Of course, in the new conditions the role of interconnection in the work of narrow specialists and educators will increase. For example, a physical education instructor will participate in walks, organizing outdoor games and relay races on the topic. The music director will select musical accompaniment for workshops, relaxation, warm-ups, gymnastics, etc.

Complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

In accordance with the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process, FGTs offer to motivate educational activities not a set of individual game techniques, but the assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any events that are significant and interesting for preschoolers. Training through a system of classes will be restructured to work with children on an “event-based” basis. Such events will be Russian holidays (New Year, Family Day, etc.), international holidays (Kindness Day, Earth Day, etc.). Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events that you can prepare for and look forward to. Project activities will become a priority. The criterion for this principle to work will be the child’s lively, active, interested participation in a particular project, and not a chain of actions as directed by an adult. After all, only active person can become successful.

Solving program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children (educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities and educational activities carried out during regime moments) and independent activity children;

The way of organizing children's activities is changing: not the guidance of an adult, but the joint (partnership) activity of an adult and a child - this is the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood.

Interaction with parents;

The document focuses on interaction with parents: parents must participate in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child in preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

And what is also very important, the main preschool education program ensures continuity with the exemplary main programs primary education, which was not the case before.

Updating technologies for organizing the educational process in accordance with FGT is complicated by insufficiently developed scientific foundations for the use of educational technologies in the development of subjective experience and integrative qualities of a preschooler. Issues of teaching technologies in preschool education are rather poorly covered in many textbooks of preschool pedagogy, including those published in recent years. At the same time, even in the “Concept of the content of lifelong education” (preschool and primary level), approved by the FCC for general education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2003, it was noted: “... educators in preschool institutions underestimate the importance of developing gaming activities, get too carried away various forms training, in which, as a rule, “school” technologies are used: frontal classes in individual subjects, verbal methods of teaching knowledge and skills, etc. This creates an unacceptable artificial acceleration of the child’s development, “maturation” of preschool education.”

The text of FGT does not use the word “occupation,” but this does not mean a transition to the position of “free education” of preschoolers. Adults will not stop working with children in Russian kindergartens. But this form of educational activity as an activity does not correspond to the age characteristics of preschool children. IN modern theory and in practice, the concept of “activity” is considered as an entertaining activity, without identifying it with occupation as a didactic form educational activities.

The new document prioritizes an individual approach to the child and play, where the intrinsic value of preschool childhood is preserved and where the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The fact that the role of play is increasing as the leading activity of a preschooler and that it is given a dominant place is certainly positive, since currently occupation comes first. The need to abandon the educational and disciplinary model of the educational process - the abandonment of specially organized activities - is long overdue. The leading types of children's activities will be: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive, etc. It should be noted that each type of children's activity corresponds to certain forms of work with children.

The specificity of preschool age is such that the achievements of preschool children are determined not by the sum of specific knowledge, abilities and skills, but by a set of personal qualities, including those that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school. It should be noted that the most significant difference between preschool education and general education is that in kindergarten there is no strict subject matter. Child development occurs through play, not through learning activities. The standard of preschool education differs from the standard of primary education in that preschool education does not have strict requirements for the results of mastering the program.

Here it is necessary to understand that if requirements for results are set for preschool education, similar to those present in the standard of primary education, then we will deprive children of childhood, without taking into account the intrinsic value of the preschool period of life and the specifics of the mental development of preschool children. Children will be persistently prepared for school, where the level of subject knowledge, skills and abilities will be constantly tested. And on top of all this, the educational process will be structured in the same way as a school lesson, and this contradicts the specifics of the development of preschool children.

Therefore, in preschool education two groups of requirements are defined, and not three, as in the standard of primary general education. These are requirements for the structure of the preschool education program and requirements for the conditions for its implementation.

In Section III. The FGT for the structure of the main general education program “Requirements for the sections of the compulsory part of the main general education program of preschool education” reads: “The main general education programs contain a list of programs, technologies, and teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational process.

In FGT, the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program of preschool education are subject to Requirements for the subject-developmental environment of the educational institution (group), which include:

  • comprehensive equipment of the educational process, providing the opportunity to:
  • building the educational process using age-appropriate forms of working with children. the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play;
  • organizing a variety of gaming activities;
  • use of activity-type educational technologies.

Thus, it can be argued that knowledge of modern technologies of preschool education is necessary for every preschool teacher - a member of a methodological association.

In addition, we can also refer to another document that defines both job responsibilities and issues of professional competence any preschool teacher (regardless of his certification for a particular category and regardless of work experience): Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers” (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n), which says: The educator (including the senior) must know:

  • priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology;
  • psychology of relationships, individual and age-related characteristics of children and adolescents, age-related physiology, school hygiene;
  • methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students and pupils;
  • ...modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competency-based approach;
  • ...technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution...

Thus, one of the tasks of the methodological service of preschool educational institutions may be to familiarize teachers with a fairly diverse range of teaching technologies used in preschool education.

Updating the system for assessing the quality of preschool education is based on quality guidelines for modern preschool education. They are based as a guideline on the “social portrait of a graduate of a preschool educational institution” (6.5-7 years old). The FGT defines specific characteristics and 35 personality traits that are desirable for the ideal social portrait of a preschool child (6.5-7 years old) as a target for the preschool education system. As a result of the development of each educational field, certainphysical, personal and intellectualquality (in various combinations).

The result of mastering the preschool education program is the final result, a consequence of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution:

1. Current (intermediate) results of mastering the program - qualities formed during the entire period of preschool education. the assessment of which is carried out with a certain frequency; knowledge, abilities and skills, ways of mastering a particular activity by a child;

2. The final result of mastering the program is physical and psychological readiness for school, which is assessed when a child moves from the level of preschool education to the level of general (primary general) education.

Personal qualities- qualities that characterize the development of the child’s personal sphere (motivation, volition, will, emotions, self-awareness), including his moral development.

Physical qualities- qualities that characterize the child’s physical development (strength, endurance, agility, etc.), as well as anthropometric and physiometric indicators.

Intellectual qualities- qualities characterizing the development of the child’s intellectual sphere (formation of higher mental functions, accumulation of knowledge and social experience). Knowledge. skills. skills are means that contribute to the development of a child, i.e. contributing to the development of new qualities.

The basic general education program helps the child master the basic level of preschool education. It is designed to provide the preschooler with a level of development that will allow him to be successful in further education, i.e. at school and should be carried out by every preschool institution.

In the works of famous modern researchers N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, the maindirections for improving the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions:

1. Improving the process of interaction between teachers, children and parents;

2. Optimization of the results of educational work at each stage of the educational process;

3. Improving the system of relations between the components of the educational process.

Despite the availability of exemplary educational programs for preschool education, FGT and other regulatory and methodological documents that ensure the implementation of FGT in the practice of preschool educational institutions, the task of fillingreal content and toolssystems for assessing the quality of preschool education.

The introduction of FGT and the solution of new problems requires appropriate scientific and methodological support. The regulatory framework for updating the content of preschool education is gradually being improved and developed in the direction of streamlining state requirements and modernizing the usual content and teaching, bringing it into line with the main “challenges of the era.” However, the practice of working with preschool teachers shows that the scientific, educational and methodological support of modern preschool education is still little known.

Thus, there is a need to develop a system of methodological support for teachers of preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction of FGT to the structure of the educational program of preschool educational institutions.


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