Modern interiors of houses and cottages. Bright and modern interiors of cottages. Living room interior in Russian style

What to treat yourself to on the weekend after a hard week? What could it be better than rest with family and friends in a country house? If you share this opinion, come here. In this article, Dekorin will tell you how to create the interior design of a country house so that it becomes cozy and turns from a simple cottage into a home.

Which style to choose for the interior design of a modern country house?

More and more often we want to return to the simplicity of traditions and nature; we strive to create a fresh, atmospheric living environment for ourselves and our loved ones. Apparently, this is why modern interior design is becoming increasingly popular. country houses They use rustic styles (country, Provence), as well as the latest trends - eco-style and chalet style. Let's see how you can decorate the interior of a country house in these styles with your own hands, and also enjoy beautiful photos rooms.

1. Features of the rustic design of a country house inside

Interiors decorated in country or Provence style will include traditional elements of rural life and traditions of peoples in the arrangement of their homes. These styles do not use modern technologies and materials such as plastic and chrome. Only natural and environmentally friendly finishes are welcome.

Country and Provence styles fit best into the interiors of wooden country houses made of logs or timber. Rustic finish combined with wooden walls and flooring creates a truly rural charm in the room.

If the walls in your house were plastered, then you can decorate them with wallpaper or other coverings with a traditional pattern: flowers, stripes, checkered patterns, etc. Other options include wall decoration with clapboard, decorative plaster, brickwork. Decorations can include borders, decorative wooden panels, paintings with natural motifs, framed family photographs, bookshelves.

Floors in the interior of a country house, most often wooden, can also be covered with natural stone or tiles. For creating rustic comfort and warmth they are often covered with ethnic or classic patterns, and self made- from scraps, etc. .

Ceilings are usually painted bright hues, their highlight can be wooden beams.

The color scheme of country and Provence styles includes light and warm natural colors: white, green, blue, gold, yellow, pink, shades of wood, earth and stone. Furniture is most often chosen from natural wood, although wicker and forged elements are also great. Consider using truly rustic furnishings such as sideboards, chests, rocking chairs, benches, and fireplaces. An integral element of decor in country or Provence style are ceramic products(pots, figurines, decorative plates) and patterned fabrics, including curtains, carpets, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins, etc.

2. What is different about the interior of a chalet-style country house?

Many centuries ago, in the southeastern part of France, in the Alpine mountains, the chalet style arose. This was originally the name given to the shepherds' hut. It was a very durable building, made from solid wood combined with natural stone. A mandatory detail is a fireplace or stove where you can warm up. Nowadays, the chalet style is very popular in the design of country houses. Let's look at how this design differs inside.

The interior of a modern chalet must include speakers ceiling beams, pilasters and other wooden elements. The floor and walls are covered with unpainted, stained or varnished boards, and less often with stone. Quite often, chalet-style houses have ground floor and one of the walls (which has a fireplace) is made of stone, while the rest of the building is made of wood, timber or logs. To preserve the natural charm, the walls inside the house almost always have their original appearance and are very rarely covered with plaster or wallpaper.

The furniture in the interior is distinguished by its massiveness and rough finish: large leather sofas and armchairs, angular cabinets and tables, solid wood stools.

People who previously lived in chalet houses were engaged in agriculture, hunting and folk crafts, so they usually decorated their homes with their own hands. So, they will fit perfectly into the interior design of a country house in the chalet style. wooden crafts, forged candlesticks, fringed pillows, patchwork bedspreads, knitted blankets, pottery, rustic embroidery, bouquets of dried herbs, animal skins and guns. You see examples in the photo.

Also read: Design of rooms in private houses in 10 popular styles

3. Interior design of country houses in eco style - trend 2018

One of the latest trends in the design of country houses is eco-design. Modern people are gaining more and more understanding of the importance of protecting the environment both for the conservation of nature and for their health. In interiors this is expressed as follows:

  • Finishing materials - non-toxic, hypoallergenic, natural, preferably from rapidly renewable sources (for example, bamboo - grows very quickly); use of recycled products (such as concrete countertops with glass chips); selection of wallpapers and fabrics from natural materials, painted with water-based paint.
  • Technologies - safe to recycle, energy-saving (toilets and taps with water-saving function, solar panels, energy-saving lamps).
  • Minimalism - manifests itself in purchasing only the necessary things; a minimum number of pieces of furniture and decor in the interior of the house.
  • Open plan - reducing the number of partitions by combining the kitchen with the living room, the bathroom with the bedroom, etc. The fewer walls there are in the house, the more air and freedom it feels.
  • Natural colors - beige, brown, gray, delicate pastel shades, and natural shades: pale green, turquoise, colors of grass, water, stone, wood, soil.

The best decorative elements in the interior design of country houses in eco style are houseplants, aquariums, decorative stones and a stunning view from the window, which is achieved due to large windows and glass walls.

4. How to design the interior of a country house in a modern style

Eco-design very well reflects modern trends in interior design: simple lines, natural colors, advanced technologies. But minimalism is not what many people want from a country house. If you want your home to look fashionable and modern, but at the same time not lacking rustic comfort and charm, then use more inside it. decorative materials and items:

  1. Blackout curtains with a pattern;
  2. Floor and wall bookshelves;
  3. Metallic accents in warm shades of gold, bronze, brass (but not copper, which went out of fashion in 2017);
  4. Blankets, bedspreads And sofa cushions, which you can do yourself ;
  5. Spectacular chandeliers and other lamps with a distinct design (including romantic candlesticks and antique lanterns);
  6. Vintage or bohemian style jewelry;
  7. Home minibar, etc.

5. Interior design of a country house in a classic style

Exquisite furniture, wooden panels, stucco decoration, lush curtains - the interior design of a house in a classic style is ideal for relaxation and respite from the bustle of the city. At the end of our article, we invite you to enjoy photos of rooms in country houses in the classic style.

April 11, 2018

by: Svetlana Brin

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Every person dreams of creating unique interior of your home. But sometimes such a task seems unrealistic and difficult, especially if we're talking about about a private house. Due to the large area, such a room is not so easy to decorate correctly. Very often, people make mistakes and create a standard and not unique design interior of a country house.

In connection with this state of affairs, it is important to point out the main difficulties and highlight the most serious mistakes. First of all, it is important to understand that it is difficult to give a beautiful aesthetic appearance to a space, which means you will need to put in maximum effort and effort.


You definitely need to create a rough action plan, which should look something like this:

  • make preliminary sketches of what you want to see in the final result;
  • decide on the theme of the design, choose an interior design project for the house;
  • The living area is of particular importance, since the larger it is, the more varied the interior can be;
  • the color scheme of each room must have one common element that will unite the entire space into one beautiful and cozy house;
  • not the least and not least important task is the selection of a furniture set that can radically change appearance any room. It is she who will create a special interior design for a country house.


Following this plan, you can easily make your country house beautiful, cozy and unique. For him to be like this, you must become a designer for a while and fulfill his duties, because in this case we are talking about independent execution the specified task. To come up with an interesting and creative design You can see photos of the interior of a private house in our article. Each photo will be useful, since you can combine any ideas.

Most often, home owners dream of making the entire interior design of a house made of timber as close to nature as possible: they use natural materials and decorate one of the rooms with flowers and plants, install an aquarium and get, for example, a parrot. The cage and aquarium create a living element that exaggerates the beautiful aesthetic effect and transforms the space. You have the opportunity to choose which option is right for you. Thus, the theme of the design is found. When there is a theme and an idea, the most difficult thing can be considered already accomplished.

If the country house is large, as in the photo, there will be many difficulties, you need to be prepared for this. If you adhere to the majority opinion, then the best option large interior design wooden house hidden in filling it beautiful things, objects. Carpets, vases, paintings, and wooden furniture work well. The color palette of the house should not irritate or cause aggression, so bright, acidic shades should be avoided.

Pay special attention to furniture, which should be made of wood; of course, you can also buy ultra-modern furniture, which is fashionable, but, alas, it can significantly ruin general form any country house. Tables, chairs, sofas, cabinets, beds - should not be very large sizes, it is very good if it is made in a classic style.

Remember that paying attention to detail in this issue, you are one step closer to the dream of millions of country house owners. Our photo gallery will help you create your own unique interior design for a private home.

Photo of interior design of a country house

The modern world is full of hustle and bustle. And we often want to hide from all this noise and fast pace of life. Therefore, many people choose housing somewhere outside the city, purchasing country houses and cottages. There you can relax and enjoy the serene flow of life.

We all remember that in the old days, country houses were only a temporary refuge, where people came for the summer, to relax, sunbathe, and so on. But nowadays such houses have undergone a significant transformation. Now in country houses equipped with the latest technology, you can live all year round, and with pleasure too.

Features of the interior design of a country house

Arrangement of such a secluded quiet « islet » requires a little more effort than a city apartment. The requirements for the interior design of a country house are slightly higher, since it is necessary to think through and model general project, which will include the design of the internal living space, the facade, and the overall design of the site and the house, as well as the design of additional buildings and even the appearance of the land.

In such a design, attention is paid to every detail; it is important to reflect the character of family members, their individuality and traditions. Coziness and comfort at home will help create those items that are valuable and dear to the family. Such interior items can be family portraits or just photographs that can be placed on a shelf or above the fireplace. Decorative items can be antique porcelain or ceramic figurines of a grandmother or great-grandmother. If there are none, then use any decor that will be dear to your heart and give you comfort in your home.

Excellent design solution There will be a fireplace in a country house; it has recently taken a strong place in country life. It’s nice to read on cold winter evenings by the fireplace, basking in its warmth and a cup of aromatic tea, or just lie down watching the flames. Of course, the fireplace may not be real, but simply an imitation or artificial.

There is an option to create a separate room with a fireplace, which is called a fireplace room. Here you can completely relax, discard all unnecessary thoughts and break away from everyday worries.

Large windows, from ceiling to floor, can also be an elegant design solution for a country house.

You can additionally build a swimming pool, a Russian bathhouse or a Turkish hammam, a children's entertainment room, where there will be many horizontal bars, swings and everything that is necessary for children to relax and play. And the main and distinctive advantage is that you can not only plan all the rooms according to your taste and discretion, but also give each of them its own size that suits you. So, for example, you can create a dining room so that you don’t have to huddle in it like in apartments, but feel comfortable and comfortable there. Place a huge table in the dining room, where you can happily invite many guests, or as many household appliances in the kitchen as you need, without worrying about whether it will fit or not.

A modern and very convenient design solution was the library staircase. On one side there is a staircase, and on the side there are built-in shelves where books look very harmonious and stylish.

Or the library can be built into a cabinet.

They will complement the coziness and comfort of your country home. In the living room you can place them near the fireplace and receive guests who will always be pleased to come to visit you. Such a house will always be remembered and loved.

Interior decoration

If you like the classic style of interior design of a country house, then it is better to choose light colors for the walls, and materials:,. As for furniture, dark ones are suitable, but not bright colors. Furniture materials can be metal, wood or glass.

When giving preference, you should not limit yourself in choice color shades using the technique of contrast. When choosing a material, you can safely use synthetic ones: plastic, different kinds glass, . Designers advise using the creation of straight lines, as well as strict ones. However, smooth transitions are also suitable, especially for active people.

For those who love originality in design, as well as folk style, the Scandinavian country house interior style is perfect. Characteristic feature This style is natural. This applies to the interior of the entire house: the appearance of all rooms, color scheme and selected materials. As is already clear, natural materials should be used: stone, wood, even fabric. If desired, small decorative items can be made of plastic. But metal, especially in large quantities, it is better not to use in this style. You should choose light or cool light colors, for example, light green, light blue, beige, white, light yellow.

The beautiful interior design of private homes today can be inspired by any number of motifs, current trends or historical traditions. Modern style does not set any restrictions for you: it can combine elements from different eras and cultures, but together they must create something 100% harmonious and unique.

In this article we have collected photos of 10 private houses, the interiors of which were made in perfect different styles— from classics to minimalism, including Asian motifs, fashion styles loft, eco, etc. All of them have only one thing in common common feature- this is a strict consistency of style, even when it comes to eclecticism. How is this possible? See for yourself!

Interior design of private houses (selection)

Why not start with classic design? Despite all the fashionable modern technologies, many people are still attracted by the interior design of private houses in the style of ancient castles, which creates a delightful atmosphere of romance and grandeur in the interior.

This interior style is extremely popular for people, a classic is a classic. This is easy to verify, because on the Internet you can find most photos of classical interiors. Today we have selected for you the most worthy examples of houses with such an interior, look and choose the one that suits you.

So, our first series of photos...

This historic eighteenth-century house has undergone careful restoration and renovation several times, but its interior design has retained its former charm through the use of expensive materials, elegant classical furniture, beautiful lamps and paintings in gilded frames. With all this, throughout the house there was installed new plumbing, and a complex system underfloor heating With computer controlled, which reduces home heating costs by two-thirds. What is unusual for a large country house is that there is ultra-fast Wi-Fi throughout.

2. Interior design of a private house, combining classic and modern

Judging by the beautiful ceiling stucco, wrought iron staircase and individual elements decor, the owners of this Victorian villa admire classic style, but at the same time they are too modern people to live in the atmosphere of an ancient castle. The interior design of this private home has a completely unique, stately and bohemian feel, from the soft color palette, lustrous silk wallpaper and light oak floors, to the glamorous mid-20th century tables and lamps and powerful artwork on the walls.

When creating this interior design for a private home in West London, the designer's brief was to create a glamorous effect with mid-century modern elements. Using these items while still keeping the space modern is a challenge, so a dark color palette with occasional pops of bright hues was chosen for this home. Most of the furniture and antiques were purchased in Milan, while the extensive bookshelves were created by individual project. Overall, this private home design combines modern elements from Scandinavia and Europe, with occasional glamorous details from the 70s and modern times.

4. Modern design of private houses in industrial style

Industrial or industrial style appeared in the middle of the last century, when abandoned buildings of old factories and warehouses began to be converted into housing. Brick walls and concrete floors, industrial lamps and wooden beams on the ceiling - all these details, as it turns out, can go perfectly with modern furniture and exquisite decor. One of the manifestations of the industrial style is today at the peak of its popularity.

We present to your attention the interior design of a private house, in which red brick is in amazing harmony with white walls, as well as wooden floors and furniture.

5. Interior design of a private house with industrial elements

House featured on the following photos, is distinguished by its industrial style, both inside and out. The facade of the house has a new metal cladding made of sheets of steel with bright red inserts, which are also present in the interior and go well with the red brick walls. Divided into three levels, this a private house consists of a lower floor, which is rented, and two upper floors, which make up the owner's duplex.

Our next interior house design can serve as a model for decorating your country house or cottage. After all, when you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, what could be more pleasant to the soul than a cozy village setting?

As you can see, this house is quite small, but the light walls and furniture make it feel quite spacious. The interior design has notes of a refreshing Scandinavian style, as well as Provence and minimalism. The kitchen is tiny, but at the same time very comfortable, both for cooking and eating. Open shelves throughout the house do not steal volume from the space, but they make the home very cozy and spiritual.

7. Creative interior design of private houses

Don't have clear preferences regarding interior style? Do you love bright colors and creativity in everything? In this case, you will definitely like this interior design of a private house! Here, in each room, a wide variety of furniture and decor styles are mixed, and in order for this wild mixture to look harmonious, the designer decided to use not dark or neutral, but the brightest colors and patterns. This is what “Wow effect” means!

8. Eclecticism and retro in the interior design of a private house

When reconstructing this old private house, its owners wanted the interior to become more open and free. For this purpose, the designer decided to remove part brick walls on the front side, replacing them with large ones glass doors and windows. In addition, the interior also lost part internal partitions and doors, and individual areas of the home began to be separated by various floor coverings.

As for the decor, it is completely different for all rooms. Natural shades and natural materials combined with bright and glamorous decor, english furniture sits next to a Chinese one on a Tibetan rug, while antique bathroom details come to life under a disco mirror ball on the ceiling. As a result, this home is a surprising mix of practical and bohemian, open and cozy, brightly colorful and calmingly neutral.

9. Interior design of a private house in eco style

Eco style can have various manifestations. For some, this is a home design that causes minimal harm. environment: Solar panels, low-flow plumbing, insulation and wood from renewable forests. For others, these are exclusively natural materials and environmentally friendly paints that are safe for the health of living organisms. Finally, eco style in the interior may simply imply a design that most reminds us of nature: natural shades and shapes, natural motifs in decor, large windows and an abundance of indoor plants.

The interior design of the private house shown in the following photos took something from each of these directions. A neutral color palette that is only enlivened by bright green plants is a good daylight due to large windows, unpainted wooden and wicker furniture- all this creates the feeling that you are at home and outside at the same time.

10. Luxurious interior design of private houses

The last private house on our list has a truly unique interior design that combines chinese style, Gothic, Art Nouveau and luxury. The appearance of the building is modern Gothic style, with its inherent various levels sticking out in all directions. Inside the home, these levels create beautiful, decadent spaces with high ceilings. As for the decor, the first thing that catches your eye is the abundance of stone, as well as Asian floral motifs. As befits spacious interiors, there are mainly large objects here: screens, sofas, heavy coffee tables, shiny satin pillows, etc.

Interior design of private houses in different styles updated: November 4, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

The interior of the cottage should be as comfortable and cozy as possible, so that its residents can truly relax and take a break from the noise and everyday life outside the city. The possibility of arranging a large area, the presence of high ceilings, as well as proximity to natural beauty - all this contributes to the use of a creative approach to creating a truly ergonomic space. To decorate the interior of a cottage or country house, you need to follow a number of recommendations, which we will discuss below.

If the interiors of apartments in the city do not always depend on the features of the building, then the design of private houses will depend directly on the design of the building. For example, a design in the Art Nouveau style is unlikely to look harmonious inside wooden log house with traditional elements. In other words, the first recommendation is to maintain harmony between the interior and exterior of a country house.

Concerning interior design premises, we can say about the following nuances:

— Choose a single style for interior decoration;
— Provide the necessary color scheme;
— Select high-quality modern finishing materials;
— Choose pieces of furniture that match the style;
— Use decorative elements and artificial lighting wisely.

All these factors must be taken into account in order to create beautiful interior cottage

Color solutions

When decorating any interior, including a country house, it is important to choose the right color solutions. An incorrectly chosen palette can worsen your well-being and reduce productivity. Of course, everything here depends on individual preferences, but there are also general patterns.

Arranging a private home involves using several basic (more than four) shades of those colors that seem most attractive to the owner. But only one color should prevail for wall decoration. It is recommended to give preference to neutral, calm tones, while colorful shades should be used as accents. Remember that there is no need for excessive diversity in a cozy cottage, but it all depends on the style you choose, so there may be various options color solutions.

One way to create original interior will be a combination of smooth and embossed surfaces with different textures. In such a situation, even a monochromatic design looks contrasting and attractive.

It must be taken into account that even just one textured detail can significantly enliven the space. For example, in a house in Scandinavian style you can combine discreet curtains made of plain fabric and the same furniture upholstery with wicker chairs, covers with coarse knitting, etc.


In cottages or country houses, it is better not to clutter the space with too much furniture. Moreover, modern trends dictate the fashion for minimalism. This is especially true for small houses where is the best place to pick up multifunctional items furniture, possibly folding ones. In spacious country houses, large-sized furniture looks better.

It must be remembered that a combination of large-sized objects and small details will look most harmonious. If placed in rooms exclusively large structures, they will not be perceived expressively. But too many small elements will sooner or later begin to irritate the residents and guests of the house.


Lamps are chosen based on their appearance. It is important that during the day they fit into the overall style. Depending on the background, chandeliers, floor lamps or sconces are selected; they can be dark, light, golden - the main thing is that the atmosphere of the country house is stylistically consistent.

It is important to choose a lampshade wisely, so determine in advance which style you prefer - country, classic or minimalism. IN large rooms It is recommended to install large chandeliers, and for rooms small size Compact lamps are more suitable.

Interior style for a country house

IN country cottages You can implement any design delights. However, apart from fashion trends, be sure to take into account the individual preferences of the home owners. Let's consider the main characteristics of the most popular styles for decorating cottage interiors: country, Provence, chalet, as well as Scandinavian and modern styles.

Country style cottage

This style is suitable for lovers of rustic romance and family traditions. Country – best option for owners of wooden houses.

In such interiors it is unacceptable to have modern materials, namely metal, glass or plastic. For decoration, wallpaper with floral motifs or striped decorative plaster or stone, imitation of wooden beams.

Color solutions should be as natural as possible. For the living room, the main accent can be a fireplace; it is recommended to choose furniture that is not tall. In the kitchen, place an antique sideboard with shelves, massive table made of wood, linen or chintz curtains, painted dishes.

Cottage in Provence style

This style is considered ideal solution to create a cozy country atmosphere. The use of natural materials and floral motifs is considered to be mandatory attributes of the Provence style.

This fashionable French trend requires the presence important role in furniture and decorative elements. Choose quality furniture, perhaps vintage or distressed. It is best if it is light shades.

As for the decor, wicker elements, vases with lavender, porcelain and baskets look good in Provence style interiors. All this brings a unique atmosphere to the house and makes staying in it comfortable, which is very important for cottages or country buildings.

Chalet style cottage

For wooden cottages The chalet style is also suitable, which will create a fabulous cozy interior at minimal finishing. As a rule, the floor and ceiling in such buildings are wooden, and the ceiling beams remain visible.

The main characteristics of the style are laconicism, the use of natural materials with a minimum of processing, and environmental friendliness. A mandatory feature is the fireplace, which occupies a central place in the living room.

The decor involves the use of wool, leather and fur skins. Household appliances in the kitchen they are hidden behind cabinets so that the atmosphere of antiquity is preserved in the house. Candle-shaped lampshades are ideal as chandeliers.

Scandinavian style cottage

This direction is characterized by restraint, minimal inclusion of decor and the use of high-quality natural materials. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on home improvement, but prefer modern trends and want to create a spacious bright interior, pay attention to the Scandinavian style.

It is enough to align the walls in the house and choose a neutral background - most often this is simple White paint. Wood is used as finishing. If necessary, the interior can have bright accents.

As for furniture, it should be soft and comfortable, but its shape should be as simple as possible. Scandinavian style is welcome natural wood. You can dilute the strict atmosphere with the help of pleasant little things, for example, unusual curtains or plants in pots.

Modern style cottage

Interiors decorated in a modern style often use furniture made from inexpensive materials - wood, glass, plastic. However, it is important to choose all items carefully so that they are reliable. On practice modern style Suitable for those who are used to changing the interior of a country house every few years.

Designers advise avoiding any decorative elements, then the space will remain light and airy, nothing will disturb or distract the residents. The ceiling is often left concrete, and the floor is made of sanded boards of a neutral color, laminate with a simple texture. Spotlights are installed in the rooms.

Interior of a cottage or country house - photo

Regardless of what style is chosen to decorate the interior of the cottage, comfort and a cozy atmosphere are the main elements. For those who are engaged in arrangement own home“from scratch”, it can be difficult to decide on a color palette, finishing materials, furniture and accessories. Therefore, we recommend that you look at what various country houses look like in reality. Get inspired by our selection of photos and experiment!