A regular meeting of the commission was held on the implementation of the concept of technological and price audit of the public council under the Russian Ministry of Construction. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities held a meeting of the expert group on the funeral business.

Innovative developments

One of the activities of the Research Center “Construction” is the development and implementation of innovative products and technologies. Among the patented developments of JSC “Research Center “Construction”:

Values ​​of JSC "Research Center "Construction":

Interests of the state and society

JSC "Research Center "Construction" is designed to promote social stability, prosperity and progress, ensuring the safety and comfort of people's living environment.


JSC "Research Center "Construction" is a reliable and responsible partner, providing maximum efficiency and construction safety through professionalism and innovative solutions.


The employees of JSC “Research Center “Construction” are its main foundation, thanks to which the Center successfully fulfills its tasks. The Center's personnel policy is aimed at creating conditions for the development of the scientific potential of employees, professional growth and improvement of work.

A regular meeting of the Commission was held on the implementation of the concept of technological and price audit Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia

On February 17, 2015, a regular meeting of the Commission on the implementation of the concept of technological and price audit (TPA) of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia was held.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the commission I.V. Ponomarev, who in his speech noted the need to make changes to the selection criteria and the procedure for determining TPA performers. The need to develop proposals for adjusting regulatory documents was also noted. In this vein, I.V. Ponomarev reported on the work carried out by the Ministry of Construction - prepared amendments to Government Resolution No. 382 of April 30, 2013 “On conducting a public technological and price audit of large investment projects with state participation and on amendments to some acts of the Government Russian Federation».

By this issue Deputy spoke general director OJSC "Research Center "Construction" for Economics and Finance O.N. Lukerchik, President of the National Association of Prospectors L.G. Kushnir, President of the National Association of Expertise Organizations in Construction Sh.M. Gordesiani, General Director of AFI RUS LLC, Executive Director of AFI Development M. Groysman and Advisor to the President of the National Association of Builders I.V. Ponomarev.

By the next meeting, all members of the commission will make their proposals.

During the meeting, it was announced that a pool of experts in industry areas of construction would be involved and representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Energy, Federal service on tariffs for a comprehensive and detailed study of the methodology for implementing the TPA.

At the end of the meeting, the commission members agreed on a work plan for 2015.


Composition of the Commission to develop methodological recommendations and improve regulatory framework in the field of technological and price audit of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Chairman of the commission - I.V. Ponomarev

1. Kuzmenko Svetlana Petrovna Assistant to the Minister, Executive Secretary of the Public Council of the Ministry of Construction of Russia
2. Bokov Andrey Vladimirovich President of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Architects of Russia"
3. Glyadelkin Sergey Sergeevich Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding
CJSC Management Company "Avenue Management"
4. Gordesiani
Shota Mikhailovich

examination organizations in construction
5. Groysman Mark General Director of AFI RUS LLC, Executive Director of AFI Development
6. Kasatkin Sergey Anatolievich
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Electroproekt Group of Companies
7. Kushnir Leonid Grigorievich President of the National Association
8. Lukerchik Olga Nikolaevna Deputy General Director of OJSC Research Center Construction
9. Mezhevich Valentin Efimovich Deputy General Director of JSC Rosseti
10. Pekhtin Vladimir Alekseevich Member of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC RusHydro
11. Ponomarev Ilya Vadimovich Advisor to the President of the National Association of Builders
12. Pupyrev Evgeniy Ivanovich General Director of State Unitary Enterprise "MosvodokanalNIIproekt"
13. Tkach Igor Alexandrovich Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Management Company"Avenue Management"
14 . Shamuzafarov Anvar Shamuhamedovich President of the NP "Association of General Contractors in Construction"

Winners have been announced children's competition#AskTheBuilder 2018

  • In the nomination “The most original text question about construction” in the category from 6 to 9 years old, Anfinogentov Alexander, Moscow, won
  • In the nomination “The most original text question about construction” in the category from 10 to 14 years old, Yulia Tokareva, Vislyi farmstead, Rostov region, won.
  • In the nomination “The most original video question about construction” in the category from 6 to 9 years old, Ulyana Buyanova, Moscow, won
  • In the nomination “The most original video question about construction” in the category from 10 to 14 years old, Victorova Eva, St. Petersburg, won
  • In the nomination “Best question about the history of construction” in the category from 6 to 9 years old, Digor Alexander, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, won
  • In the nomination “Best question about the history of construction” in the category from 10 to 14 years old, Volkova Angelina, Moskovskoye village, Stavropol Territory, won

The Russian Ministry of Construction supports participants in the “I am a Professional” Olympiad in the field of construction, which is held under the auspices of the “ Russia is a country opportunities." Like last year, the Winter School was held from February 9-15 in Sochi, it was attended by 150 participants who successfully completed the tasks qualifying stage Olympiad “I am a Professional” in the areas of “Materials Science and Materials Technology” and “Construction”.

Participation in the “I am a Professional” Olympiad is free for everyone. Best participants receive cash prizes, benefits when entering a master's or graduate school, internships in leading Russian companies, included in the number of employers - project partners.

Participant and prize-winner of the “I am a Professional” 2017-2018 Olympics, Maria Ladygina received Letter of thanks Ministry of Construction of Russia, as the winner of the competition in the category “energy efficiency of multi-apartment residential buildings”, organized by the Ministry of Construction of Russia within the framework of the project “I am the Builder of the Future!” Maria connected her life with construction sector, having defended his bachelor’s degree in “Construction” with excellent marks in 2015 on the topic “Space Museum in Yekaterinburg.” In the project for participation in the Olympics, she proposed energy-efficient construction technologies in Russia and ideas for their development.

At the moment, Maria, as an Olympic medalist, has entered the master's program at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering in St. Petersburg without competition. And there are many such students at the institute, winners of various architectural design and construction competitions. Last year, in the “I am a Professional” Olympiad, 3rd and 4th year students took 1st and 2nd places among students from all construction universities in Russia.

Let us remind you that the All-Russian Olympiad “I am a Professional” is a large-scale educational program of a new format for students, organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and leading universities with the support of large companies. Main program Winter school, organized by the Ural Federal University, is focused on getting to know the practical aspects of materials science and construction, as well as building professional connections. Tasks for participants are prepared by experts from leading Russian universities and largest companies countries.

December 20, 2016 in the hall of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya str., 10/23, building 1) under the chairmanship of S.V. Stepashin held a meeting of the Presidium of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

The meeting opened with an opening speech from the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Mikhail Aleksandrovich Men: “You know what last year brought good results, and we really hope that this year’s results will be good. Of course, it is difficult to repeat the record numbers that were in 2015, but as far as industrial housing is concerned, there is practically no decline. There is a slight drop in the construction of individual housing, but this is due to various objective factors.
On priority project“Improvement of the urban environment” in the budget law allocated 20 billion rubles. to all subsidized regions.
The second direction is related to support for housing construction in terms of infrastructure. 33 regions were selected. Funds will be allocated to these regions primarily for social infrastructure. 20 billion rubles were also allocated. We also hope that this will give a boost to housing construction.”
The Minister addressed the members of the Public Council with a request to provide support to the Ministry in interaction with regional public chambers in terms of exercising public control over the implementation of priority projects.
This was followed by the presentation of awards to several representatives of the construction industry who have distinguished themselves in the past year.

Next, the Public Council began discussing the following agenda items:
- Report Accounts Chamber RF based on the results of control and expert analytical activities. Speaker: Sierra Elena Oduliovna.
- Consideration of the draft Plan of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the Concept of openness of federal executive authorities for 2017 Speaker: Svetlana Petrovna Kuzmenko.
- On the problems of implementing the procedures provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2016 No. 1159 “On the criteria for economic efficiency project documentation", regarding the audit of project documentation. Speakers: Ponomarev Ilya Vadimovich, Gordeziani Shota Mikhailovich, Lupashko Anna Ivanovna.
Members of the Presidium heard a report on the results of control and expert-analytical activities of the Accounts Chamber and took note of it.
Assistant to the Minister S.P. made his speech. Kuzmenko began by reporting that the Infometer project center, an official partner of the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, compiled a rating of the information openness of public councils of official bodies. In 2016, the website of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia took first place. Information openness 100%. The rating was based on 73 tips.
Reporting on the draft plan for the implementation of the Concept of openness of federal executive bodies for 2017, she noted that the Concept enshrines the basic principles of openness of federal executive bodies, tasks and mechanisms (tools) for their implementation and contains a system of strategic guidelines in the field of ensuring openness and transparency government controlled, accountability and control of the authorities to civil society and the formation of an effective dialogue between federal executive authorities and citizens, public associations and the business community. The concept is intended to become the basis of a systematic approach to increasing the level of openness of federal executive authorities, including, among other things, the creation methodological basis to supplement and improve the current legal framework.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia considers it necessary to increase citizens' awareness of the work of government bodies, and in the future will expand the practice of its public reports and public assessment of its work. The Russian Ministry of Construction strives to make information about its work accessible to the widest possible range of citizens.
Based on the results of 9 months of 2016, the Ministry of Construction of Russia improved its position and rose in the ranking of publishing information in open data format by 23 positions and ranks 10th out of 40 possible.
In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Construction intends to continue implementing the principle of information openness, to continue the constructive interaction of the ministry with the Public Council and others public organizations, representatives of civil society.
Based on the results of the discussion of the third issue on the agenda, the Commission for the development of methodological recommendations and improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of technological and price audit of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia came to the conclusion that the application of the Resolution “On the criteria for the economic efficiency of project documentation” will lead to a significant amount conflict situations in the process of implementing state programs in the construction sector, in addition, it contains an administrative mechanism for increasing the marginal cost government contract, creating corruption risks.
It is necessary to consider this problem within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation to improve the efficiency of implementation public policy in the field of urban planning and prepare the necessary amendments to the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
As part of the discussion that took place at the meeting of the Presidium of the Public Council, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Nikita Evgenievich Stasishin announced that the State Compensation Fund for Shared Construction will start working in the spring of 2017. He explained that this is due to re-coordination procedures. Previously, it was assumed that the fund was supposed to start operating on January 1, 2017.
The Ministry of Construction was instructed to introduce a compensation fund following the results of the State Council on Construction. “Today the work has been completed, all regulatory legal documents have been prepared. First of all, a draft resolution of the Russian government on vesting the fund of the Unified Institute for Development in the Housing Sphere with the powers to form and manage a compensation fund,” said N.E. Stasishin.
He noted that the main functions of the fund have also been defined: receiving contributions from developers and monitoring their receipt; exercising the powers of an arbitration manager in a bankruptcy case of a developer, if he made contributions to the compensation fund in relation to at least one object; making payments of compensation to citizens participating in shared construction in the event of bankruptcy of the developer; providing loans, including interest-free, as well as providing financial assistance the developer, who undertakes obligations to complete the construction.
Also at the meeting it was decided to create a Commission on High-Rise Construction. The Commission was created in connection with the need to develop and implement uniform norms and rules governing high-rise construction and operation of high-rise buildings for all regions of the Russian Federation, including issues of comprehensive building safety. Among other issues of the commission's responsibility are the systematic implementation of advanced technologies, the issue of support domestic producers innovative building materials, used in high-rise construction, as well as the formation of standards that will be applicable to the level of contractors involved in the construction and operation of high-rise buildings.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Capital Group Pavel Vladimirovich Tyo was appointed head of the newly created commission on high-rise construction of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
Concluding the meeting of the Presidium of the Public Council, Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin thanked all members of the Council for the work done in 2016.

Federal project

"School of a literate consumer"

One of the main criteria for quality of life, along with ensuring life safety and maintaining health, is the housing sector. Someone lives in an individual residential building, and someone lives in an apartment apartment building. In both the first and second cases, housing must be maintained, otherwise it deteriorates, becomes unusable, and it becomes impossible and dangerous to live in it. In order to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building and centralized provision of utility resources in apartment buildings and individual residential buildings, there is the sphere of housing and communal services (HCS).

Current legislation provides a large amount of power to decide everyday problems owners apartment buildings. More effective means Citizens’ protection of their rights is timely information about the state of the industry, the rights and obligations of consumers of housing and communal services, as well as current changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to increase the level of literacy of consumers of housing and communal services, to develop an economic attitude towards common property in the house. How to properly organize a house council and build profitable relationships with management companies and conclude an agreement for house maintenance? How to understand the amounts of receipts for housing and communal services, check and find out what funds are spent on for current and major renovation. How to landscape the courtyard area or organize a parking lot that complies with all the rules?

The federal project “School of a Competent Winner” is designed to provide answers to these and many other popular questions, teach you to be a competent customer of housing services, and rationally use public utilities, carry out energy service activities in an apartment building.

The party project is aimed at improving the quality of life of Russians, creating not only comfortable, but also affordable and safe conditions residence based on interaction with owners of residential premises, entities in the field of housing and communal services and authorities state power, as well as to increase the legal literacy of the population in the field of housing and communal services.

· Improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the housing and communal services sector. Development educational programs, teaching materials on current issues of housing legislation of the Russian Federation.
· Formation of a network of regional and municipal experts in the field of housing and communal services, conducting training on the basis of regional and local branches and public reception areas of the Party.
· Formation effective system management apartment buildings in order to encourage homeowners and tenants to actually account for utility resources, ensure transparency of payments for services provided, and evaluate the effectiveness of energy saving measures being implemented.
· Creation of conditions for the formation of reasonable costs for housing and communal services and control of their growth.
· Creation of conditions for the formation of quality information resources at the municipal and regional levels, integrated into the GIS housing and communal services.
· Creation of conditions for reliable disclosure of information about the state of apartment buildings, the volume and quality of services consumed and the activities of management organizations.
· Development of institutions of self-government and public control.
· Promotion of modernization housing stock, formation and development of regional capital repair systems.
· Promoting participation opportunities public associations And non-profit organizations in the housing and communal services sector.
· Stimulating energy efficient consumption of utility resources.

At the beginning of last month, all ministries published information about the income and property of their leadership. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services did not escape the common fate.
This document is long, boring for an unprepared person and, worst of all, has absolutely no pictures! :)
I decided to fix this problem. So, parking near the Ministry of Construction!
ATTENTION! With this text, I do not accuse any of the persons listed below of acquiring their property illegally.

Let's start with the minister. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Men, if he comes to work in a personal car, it’s a brutal Wrangler

Unfortunately, his deputies are less brutal. So, Elena Oduliovna Sierra prefers the brand new Audi SQ5

Andrei Vladimirovich Chibis, who often flashes on the TV screen, has some choice in what to come to work in. Possible on Toyota Land Cruiser 120

Possible on Mercedes-Benz c250

Or you can use a Porsche Cayenne S

His colleague, also Deputy Minister Yuri Ugovich Reilyan, in my opinion, has better taste. He can drive to work in a Porsche 911 Carrera Cabrio

Leonid Oskarovich Stavitsky rides a Jeep Grand Cherokee

And here is my favorite deputy minister! Natalya Nikolaevna Antipina, also known as Natusik. Natusik worked as the head of Rosreestr a couple of years ago and I really wanted a black BMW, and at government expense. But it didn't work out. Now you have to drive your personal Audi A3

That's all with the deputies. But Mikhail Alexandrovich also has assistants. It must be said that either due to age or due to position, the minister’s assistants are much more modest. Four out of seven, judging by the declaration, get to work by public transport.
And Galina Ivanovna Tretyakova drives (and maybe gives one of her colleagues a lift) in a banal Ford Focus.

Her colleague, Viktor Ivanovich Orlov, is the proud owner of a Mitsubishi Outlander

And only one person did not disgrace the minister’s assistants in front of his deputies! We applaud Svetlana Petrovna Kuzmenko, the happy owner of a Cadillac SRX!

We looked at the deputies, the assistants too, but Mr. Me also has advisers. Do you know how an adviser to a minister differs from an assistant? The Minister's Advisor has a motorcycle! It seems to me that people with motorcycles were registered as advisers, and without motorcycles as assistants.
Mikhail Anatolyevich Sandalov. He has a Toyota Landcruiser, a Mitsubishi outlander, and something like this Nissan Patrol

But the main thing he has is a Kawasaki VN900B motorcycle

Or Tkachenko’s advisor, Ilya Vladimirovich.
Audi A5

Mercedes-Benz GL350

But it’s much cooler to ride to work on a wonderful Honda CBR600RR motorcycle

Or Pavel Borisovich Kogan. As a car owner, he is more modest than his two colleagues. He only has one car - Hyundai i20

But what a wonderful motorcycle he has - a Honda VT750 Shadow!

I just want to imagine the picture - Mr. Men is riding on his Jeep Wrangler, and behind him are three advisers on bikes :)

There are people with interesting habits among other employees of the ministry.
For example, Lyubov Valentinovna Zaslavskaya. Department head. In 2013, she had three cars.
Audi Q3

Do you know what this woman did in 2014? She betrayed Audi! I bought myself a BMW X1!

Now she is the happy owner of four cars, for which we congratulate her!

The head of another department, Egor Borisovich Bobryshev, drives a solid Mercedes-Benz 350 CDI

or another head of the department, Anton Ivanovich Troshenkov. It is not clear how he did not become an adviser, because he vehicle- Suzuki VL1500 motorcycle

I could write a lot more about the personal cars of Ministry of Construction employees... But in the end I want to show the car of the chief expert, Natalya Gennadievna Rubtsova.

Volga 31105, 2004

This is where I end the post about cars, but I don’t finish analyzing the declarations of Ministry of Construction officials. Stay tuned;)