Making bouquets of fresh flowers. How to make a beautiful bouquet with your own hands How to make bouquets of flowers for sale

Try yourself as a florist - it's cool! Don't be afraid to experiment and combine. To do this, you don’t even have to get your hands dirty, just tell the flower girls what to connect with what.

Make combinations from different colors- they are always advantageous if chosen with taste

You can take flowers of the same type, but in two or three shades. This rule works for almost all plants, including classic tulips, roses, spray chrysanthemums and everything else.

Another popular option is different flowers, contrasting or harmonizing shades. This technique is often used by brides and people with good taste. Such a bouquet will communicate love, passion, cheerful character or, conversely, tenderness and sensitivity.

Use unusual flowers!

The European fashion for a variety of flowers is slowly reaching the Russian hinterland. Hydrangeas, hyacinths, orchids, callas, eustoma have appeared in our salons! They will make a magnificent bouquet on their own, or make an excellent company with other varieties.

Eustoma- a very delicate, sensual flower. Goes great with roses and lilies. And if you take several branches of the same or different colors, you will get a wonderful bouquet. If you find it difficult to remember this languid name, just ask florists for flowers starting with the letter “e” - they will understand.

Hydrangea simply charming! Our favorite. In Europe, it is often found in parks and on the streets. Someone smart thought of collecting bouquets from it for sale.

Hyacinths- rare guests in our salons, but if you are lucky enough to stumble upon them, take advantage of the moment! You definitely won’t be considered a banal person.

Orchids- self-sufficient flowers. It’s better to leave them in splendid isolation - they are already spectacular and exotic! But it can also be combined with other types.

Chamomile, unfortunately, not often found on sale. But she can distinguish you from the crowd as a sensitive and non-trivial person. If you want to attract attention to your person, give daisies.

Daffodils, lilacs, bluebells, lavender and even gladioli are also worthy of your attention. They are rare, but if you find them, feel free to add them to your bouquet!

When leaving bouquets, pay attention to the “background” flowers

Irises, peonies, daffodils, small bush carnations, alstroemeria, freesia, bells, gladioli, daisies. Even bamboo. Although it is not a flower, it is also suitable for creating a non-standard composition.

Hypericum perfectly dilutes bouquets and adds some playfulness to them. Its glossy red berries pair beautifully with light-colored flowers.

Small doesn't mean bad

Bouquets are the case where size is not important, and is more than compensated by appearance. If you are limited in funds or want to congratulate a not very close person, give a small bouquet of compliments.

Even one flower can look stylish if it is packaged, for example, in craft paper with a tag. And if this flower is a hydrangea or an orchid, then you will definitely be remembered!

Choose a bright way to present the bouquet

Believe me, there are more interesting and aesthetic options give flowers than just showing up to your beloved with a bouquet at the ready. Flowers placed in hat box, is fashionable and stylish.

The box may not be a hat box. And not even a box, but drawer.

Or basket. Non-trivial and convenient to put on the table.

Flowers in stylized umbrella- this is definitely an unused option. Your florist will have to work hard and spend time to create such beauty, but it will be worth it! Keep in mind: once you walk around the city with such a bouquet, in six months they will be everywhere. So be the first!

Flowers in handbag. Cute and cute again. Perhaps such a bouquet will not last as long as the usual options, but it will definitely be remembered. And it will certainly appear in photos on Instagram.

Paper cone bags are now becoming fashionable. Very practical and inexpensive design.

If you want to please a girl from 7 to 77 years old, not only flowers will always be appropriate, but also cookies or candies. Here is an option that seems interesting to us.

Flowers and macaroons in a small box are a great compliment and a way to lift your spirits.

Pay attention to succulents - they look original in bouquets

And even brutal. Compositions with them can be safely given to men. Or dilute it with classic colors. The undoubted advantage of these plants is their durability: they will last a long time.

Packaging is a delicate matter

If you decide not to experiment too much with rare and exotic plants and prefer the classics, don’t go wrong with the packaging. The simplest and most elegant solution for a classic bouquet is to simply tie it up ribbon, white or to match the colors.

More good options: craft paper, mesh, decorative “newspaper” or sheet music.

A bouquet wrapped in broad leaves or other greens. Nothing extra.

And finally, if you have already tried all these options, make your own original composition. You will definitely find or come up with something fresh and unconventional! At the same time, you can advise us.

Illustrations:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, flowers,,,,

Some people think that floristry is a simple activity that anyone can learn. Others believe that natural or artificial floristry- this is an impossible task for an ordinary person who does not have the proper knowledge, skills, artistic taste and creative thinking. In fact, both the first and second statements are true.

Floristry is the decorative and applied art of assembling various flower arrangements, which has its own technical and creative side. This means that anyone can truly learn, especially if they have the desire. Therefore, if the birthday of your beloved friend, mother is approaching, or if roses have simply bloomed in the garden, do not put off your first lesson and try to collect a bouquet yourself. Simple and clear recommendations from an experienced florist will help with this.

Information: The main task of floristry is to provide floral decoration interior, outfit, cars for a holiday, drawing up everyday compositions for work, commercial and residential premises, as well as assembling bouquets various types and purposes. In addition, the florist can create accessories from flowers - frames, arches, garlands, baskets, handbags and even necklaces with bracelets.

Preparatory stage

Assembling bouquets begins with preparing raw materials and tools. Raw materials are primarily the flowers themselves, as well as auxiliary elements:

  • small buds and flowers;
  • green twigs, grass, ferns;
  • decorative accessories - butterflies, bears, hearts, etc.

The tools you need are scissors or pruning shears, a knife; a stapler and office adhesive tape will speed up and make the work easier (florists use special professional tape). Will be needed decorative mesh, film or paper for packaging the finished bouquet, perhaps some additional tools or decorative details.

Important: in order for the bouquet to look harmonious, you should remember one simple rule: the part of it that will be in a bunch or in a vase is equal to approximately one third of the total height of the composition. There are other proportions - five parts of the height of the flowers remain outside, three parts are immersed in the vase. This rule works for classic vertical bouquets.

Assembly options

Florists have several ways to assemble bouquets. You can’t just gather flowers and greenery in an armful, tie it with twine and wrap it in oilcloth - it will be ugly and sloppy. Although in some cases professionals use exactly this technique to obtain an original and unusual composition. But for beginners, it’s better to familiarize yourself with the classic techniques of assembling bouquets, and then move on to creative experiments. There are these main types:

  1. Parallel.
  2. Spiral.
  3. Asymmetric.

The spiral technique of assembling a bouquet is used by florists all over the world, literally being the basic skill of this art. This composition looks more lush, neat and voluminous due to the advantageous arrangement of the stems, which gives space to each bud and does not allow them to overlap and press on each other.

This is a fairly simple but elegant method, and every novice florist, and even those who have never been involved in arranging bouquets, can master it.

Spiral bouquet: weaving technique

To work within the framework of this technique, it is necessary to choose flowers that have straight and unbreakable stems. Roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, etc. are suitable. You need to work with tulips more carefully, choosing those that have straight, non-curved legs. Rose thorns and lower leaves, if present, must be removed. The spiral bouquet design is simple and starts with a central flower that serves as the starting point for the entire arrangement. It should be tall enough and have an even, dense stem. The others will gather around him in a circle.

Spiral bouquet: master class

The process will be described for a right-handed person. In this case, the bouquet is held in the left hand, and new elements are added with the right. For left-handers, the distribution of hands will accordingly be different.

To work you will need:

  • pruner;
  • scissors,
  • plants prepared for weaving;
  • twine (floral tape).

Before you start working with the selected plants, “rehearse” on twigs, twigs or Chinese chopsticks to acquire the required skill.

  • Place in left hand the central flower at 2/3 of the total length, holding it on the ring and middle fingers.

  • We take the second plant right hand and place it at a slight slope on the nameless and index fingers left. The direction is always counterclockwise!
  • The third element rests on the middle and index fingers of the left hand and is held with the thumb.
  • We draw the fourth stem under the ring finger between the index and middle fingers.

  • We continue in a circle in the same order. It is better to work in front of a mirror to be able to control the result. When the flower is at the front of the bouquet, it should be tilted to the left. On the reverse side - to the right. Each subsequent element rests slightly diagonally on the previous one, forming a spiral composition.

  • We tie the finished bouquet in the narrowest place with a rope or floral tape for secure fixation.
  • We straighten the flower heads and carefully trim the bottom of the stems with pruning shears at the same level. Try to make oblique cuts between the buds - this will prolong the life of the plants.

The higher the bundle is made, the denser the flower cap will be. Low binding will give a visually more voluminous, lush bouquet.

If the stems of the plants are very thin or you just want to get a more lush and voluminous bouquet, you can lay more greenery between the stems of the flowers.

For a special occasion

If the bouquet is intended for the bride or for another occasion when it does not have to stand quietly in a vase from the very beginning (transportation, presentation, carrying in hands, etc.), additional fixation will be required. For this, there is a special floral glue, thanks to which the structure will not fall apart even when riding a motorcycle on a country road. Apply the same glue to the cuts on the stems. This will allow moisture to be retained, and the bouquet will live without water for a longer time.

Doesn't have to be a circle!

A bouquet assembled in a spiral pattern does not necessarily have to have a classic shape. If you master this technique well, you can lay out, for example, a heart. In this case, the design is created without a central, apical flower. If you make the interception low, the flower cap will take the shape of a circle. It can be either hollow inside or “filled”. To make a heart, you will need fairly hard wire.

It needs to be braided around the stems at the base of the buds, and then bent into the shape of a heart. You can place a gift in the center of such a composition. But it should be borne in mind that it should be very light - for example, Raffaello candies.

You will need


Before you start compiling, select one for it. In this matter, it is very important to take into account age, gender, appearance and, of course, the personal taste of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. To avoid annoying mistakes, follow the basic rules of floral etiquette. For this, choose large, tall flowers. For example, gladioli, hippeastrum. For women, more delicate plants are suitable - roses, lilies, tulips. Carnations are presented to mature and elderly people. The most versatile flowers are gerberas; they can be given to almost anyone.

Composing a bouquet is a creative activity that requires preparation and understanding of the future creation. Think about the form in advance and appearance future flower arrangement. Be sure to pay attention to the outlines of flowers and leaves, this will help you maintain harmony between all the elements of the bouquet. It is also important to correctly place accents and choose materials, but in this matter each master relies only on his personal taste.

To make a bouquet, in addition to flowers, you will need a ribbon for the bunch, decorative greenery and any additional accessories you wish. The simplest option for making a bouquet is parallel. Take the largest flowers and place them in the center of the future bouquet. Add smaller flowers around. The resulting composition will be framed by decorative greenery. Tie the bouquet with a ribbon. Trim flower stems to uniform lengths.

A spiral bouquet is more complex, but at the same time more original. This option will look lush even with a small amount of flowers. To make a spiral bouquet, prepare the flowers and place them on the table in front of you. Collect the bouquet in your left hand, and add flowers one by one with your right. Make sure that the stems of the flowers touch each other only where they are held by the fingers of your left hand.

Take large flower, which will be in the center of the composition, and set it vertically. Lay the subsequent elements of the bouquet slightly diagonally, as if in a spiral. If you are adding flowers to the front, angle them from left to right. Increase the angle of inclination as the bouquet fills. At the same time, arrange the flowers so that the inner and external elements almost did not differ in length. Then your bouquet will have a beautiful round shape. Plants with small flowers and thin foliage can be raised slightly above the surface of the bouquet.

When the composition is ready, place it along its edge decorative leaves. They need to be pushed out a little beyond the edges of the bouquet to create a neat cuff. Then twist the bouquet tightly with ribbon or cord. Carefully trim the flower stems to create an even base.

Not a single celebration is complete without bouquets - flowers help to express warm feelings and confess love. Don’t think that only a professional florist can create a flower arrangement. Of course, floristry is a science with its own subtleties and rules. This doesn’t stop you from coming up with bouquets yourself and delighting your loved ones with them more often.

Flowers have been a decoration for holidays and part of interior decor since ancient times. Centuries passed, fashion and people's tastes changed, but the tradition of congratulating with bouquets remained unchanged. If we recall modern trends in design and decor, we can come to the conclusion that bouquets of fresh flowers also serve as a means of creating coziness at home.

Don’t think that you need to spend a lot of money and look for a good florist for this. Anyone can make bouquets of flowers with their own hands. Enough to stick certain rules. Before you move on to making a bouquet, you need to think through everything. It is very important to decide on the shape, color and composition.

It is worth remembering that some plants do not tolerate any proximity. If you chose wildflowers, then it is better not to add anything else to them. The same rule applies to exotic plants. For example, an orchid can be framed with a small amount of greenery. There are also flowers that are an excellent background for almost all other plants. These are irises and decorative sunflowers.

How to make bouquets of flowers with your own hands?

For those who are making a bouquet of fresh flowers with their own hands for the first time, professionals advise focusing on options from one type of flower. Floristry for beginners also involves a number of other features.

  • There are several styles of making bouquets of fresh flowers. Most are done in a massive style. In this case there is no between elements free space. Simple bouquets of the same type of flowers can be classified as a linear style.
  • Do-it-yourself flower bouquets do not tolerate stylistic overkill. When creating a composition, you should not use too many types of plants. As a result, you will get something overloaded and clumsy. 2-3 varieties and a small amount of greens are enough.
  • The creation of any bouquet can be broken down point by point. First, we determine the shape and composition, then the color compatibility and the number of plants in the bouquet. If you are going to make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden, it is recommended to cut them at an angle. Next, they should be placed in water. For those flowers that were not immediately used when making a bouquet, florists advise updating the cut - this way they will not wither longer. Remember, the number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Bouquets can be made different sizes. For birthdays, large ones are preferable, and for weddings, on the contrary, not very voluminous ones. The shapes of men's and women's bouquets should be different. For beautiful ladies it is better to make round bouquets, and for men - elongated ones.
  • Also, when forming bouquets, you should remember that there are incompatible flowers.

  • This is not about composition or color compatibility. Some plants release substances into the water that can lead to the rapid death of other flowers. It is believed that roses, carnations and lilies should be placed in a vase separately.

Exquisite bouquet: master class

Sometimes the simplest bouquets look the best. A very delicate spring bouquet can be made from white and pink flowers. To do this, just place it in the center pink flowers, frame them with white and tie with a pink ribbon. Peonies and ranunculus - garden buttercups - are suitable for such a bouquet.

  • Prepare your tools - floral tape, garden shears, wire. Cut the flowers 45 cm long. The cut should be at an angle. To make the bouquet last longer, cut the cut again under water and place the flowers in a vase.
  • Prepare the plants: remove all leaves located at the bottom.
  • Find the largest one among the flowers. Take it out of the vase. Try to hold below the bud with your index finger and thumb. It is more convenient to hold it in your left hand.

  • With your right hand, begin to form a bouquet of smaller buds. The flowers should be located slightly below the central stem. In order to better arrange the flowers, turn the future bouquet with the buds towards you.
  • Continue to shape the bouquet by adding new stems, placing some at 45 degrees. Try to arrange the stems crosswise.
  • Form the bouquet until it becomes the right size. Secure it with floral tape.
  • Cover the floral ribbon with a wide satin ribbon, moving from top to bottom. Align the length of the stems, making them equal. The bouquet is ready!

Making bouquets of fresh flowers: video tutorials

You can also make unusual flower arrangements using packaging. Wildflowers, porridge, white stars placed in a cone made of craft paper, decorated with textile or paper lace, will appeal to romantic people. To do this, the finished bouquet is placed in a cone with the top cut off. Next, the paper is decorated in any way - using lace, decorative tape.

The same effect can be achieved if you use floral mesh or coarse burlap. To do this, you also need to trim several branches of yellow and pink carnations and sprigs of greenery. Flowers of the same length are placed in the center, greenery - along the edges. Preparing the decorative wrapper. To do this, we begin to wrap the upper right edge of the mesh or fabric, heading to the left. We have a cone. To prevent the wrapper from falling apart, it can be secured with a stapler in an inconspicuous place.

Cut off the top of the cone. We pull the resulting bouquet through the hole. We tie the bouquet in the middle with a decorative ribbon. The bouquet of carnations is ready!

There are many subtleties that help you create beautiful bouquet.

If you want to make a symbolic bouquet that carries a certain meaning. Then you should familiarize yourself with the symbolism of color. Red color means love, passion, pink - tenderness, white - purity of thoughts, fidelity. Don't think that yellow denotes only separation and betrayal. The ban on its use in bouquets has long been a thing of the past.

Florists recommend using it in bouquets different textures. This effect can be achieved by using open flowers and twigs with buds. This effect can also be achieved using the texture of the petals - terry, smooth, needle-shaped. Remember that it is better not to overdo it with the number of textures, as well as with shades. 2-3 different varieties are enough.

To make the bouquet look compositionally complete, use additional decorative elements(beads, corrugated or kraft paper, ribbons).

Large inflorescences are always located in the center, and smaller flowers frame them. Try not to cover them with greens - everything is good in moderation.