Composition of natural clay. What is clay made of? What substance does clay consist of? Clay treatment of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections

Clay is an interesting and diverse material in its properties, which is formed as a result of the destruction of rocks. Many people, when dealing with this plastic substance, wonder: what does clay consist of? Let's find out the answer to this question, and also figure out how this can be useful to a person.

What is clay, what substance does it consist of?

Clay is a sedimentary rock, fine-grained in structure. When dry, it is often dusty, but if it is moistened, it becomes a plastic and pliable material that can take any shape. When the clay hardens, it becomes hard and its shape does not change.

The mineral composition of different types of clays, although different, necessarily contains substances of the kaolinite and montmorillonite group or other layered aluminosilicates. Clay may also contain other impurities, carbonate and sand particles.

The typical composition of this substance looks like this:

  • kaolinite - 47%;
  • aluminum oxide - 39%;
  • water - 14%.

These are not all the components of clay. Mineral inclusions - halloysite, diaspore, hydrargillite, corundum, monothermite, muscovite and others - are also present in different quantities. The following minerals can contaminate clays and kaolins: quartz, dolomite, gypsum, magnetite, pyrite, limonite, marcasite.

Types of clays

What clay is made of depends largely on where and how it is formed. Depending on this, they distinguish:

1. Sedimentary clays are the result of the transfer of natural weathering products and their deposition in a certain place. They are marine - born at the bottom of the seas and oceans, and continental - formed on the mainland. Marine clays, in turn, are divided into:

  • shelf;
  • lagoon;
  • coastal.

2. Residual clays are formed during the weathering of non-plastic rocks and their transformation into plastic kaolins. Study of such residual deposits may reveal a smooth transition of clay into parent rock with changes in elevation.

Properties of clay

Regardless of what substance clay is made of and where it was formed, there are characteristic properties that distinguish it from other natural materials.

When dry, clay has a dusty structure. If it hardens in lumps, it crumbles easily. This material quickly gets wet, absorbs water, and as a result swells. At the same time, the clay acquires water resistance - the ability not to allow liquid to pass through.

The main feature of clay is its plasticity - the ability to easily take on any shape. Depending on this ability, clay can be classified into “fat” - which is characterized by increased plasticity, and “lean” - diluted with other substances and gradually losing this property.

Plastic clay is characterized by stickiness and viscosity. This property is widely used in construction. Think about what the construction mixture consists of? Clay is an essential component of any connecting solution.

Distribution on the planet

Clay is a very common material on Earth, and therefore inexpensive. There are a lot of clay deposits in any area. On the sea coasts you can see clay dumps that used to be solid rocks. The banks and bottom of rivers and lakes are often covered with a layer of clay. If the forest path has a brown or red tint, then most likely it also consists of residual clay.

When industrially extracting clay, a method is used open-pit mining. To get to the deposits useful substance, first they remove and then take out the fossils. At different depths, clay layers may differ in composition and properties.

Human use of clay

As already mentioned, clay is most often used in construction. Everyone knows that the usual material for constructing structures is bricks. What are they made of? Sand and clay are the main components of the dough, which under the influence of high temperatures becomes hard and turns into brick. To prevent a wall made of individual blocks from crumbling, use a viscous solution that also contains clay.

A mixture of clay and water becomes the raw material for pottery production. Humanity has long learned to produce vases, bowls, jugs and other containers from clay. They can have different sizes and shapes. Previously, pottery was a necessary and widespread craft, and clay products became the only utensils used in everyday life and a very popular product in the markets.

Clay is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Those who care about the beauty and health of the skin know about the beneficial effects of certain types of this substance. Clay is used for wraps, masks and lotions. It effectively fights cellulite, gives skin elasticity, and prevents premature aging. For some medical indications clay is even used internally. And for skin diseases, dried and ground into dust material is prescribed in the form of powders. It is important to mention that not any clay is used for such purposes, but only some types that have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

What is polymer clay

Polymer clay makes it easy to imitate the texture of other materials, such as wood or stone. You can make your own souvenirs from this plastic substance, Christmas decorations, jewelry, interior decorations, keychains and much more. Such handmade products will be an excellent gift; they can be stored for a long time without losing their attractive appearance and original shape.

What does polymer clay consist of? Homemade recipe

Craftswomen who are interested in the process of making such bright souvenirs have probably thought about how to make polymer clay on their own. This is quite real challenge. Naturally, the resulting material will not be identical to the factory one. polymer clay, but at correct production its properties will not be inferior in any way.

Required components:

  • PVA glue - 1 cup;
  • corn starch - 1 cup;
  • non-greasy hand cream without silicone - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vaseline - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

This is everything that we will prepare at home.

Mix starch, glue and Vaseline thoroughly, add lemon juice and mix again until smooth. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir and send back for another 30 seconds. The crust that has formed on the surface must be removed and discarded, and the elastic mass should be placed on a tray greased with hand cream and kneaded vigorously for 5 minutes. After cooling, our polymer clay is ready for use.

By learning how to make polymer clay yourself, you can save on expensive purchased materials and, without limiting yourself, master an interesting, creative activity.

Clay is an interesting and diverse material in its properties, which is formed as a result of the destruction of rocks. Many people, when dealing with this plastic substance, wonder: what does clay consist of? Let's find out the answer to this question, and also figure out how this can be useful natural material to a person.

Clay is a mineral and is a sedimentary, fine-grained rock. When dry it is dusty, but when moistened it becomes plastic and can increase in size.


The material contains one or more minerals of the kaolinite group. The base may be a mineral of the montmorillonite group and other layered aluminosilicates, which are also called clay minerals. May contain carbonate and sand particles.

The rock-forming mineral is kaolinite, which consists of silicon oxide in a volume of 47%, aluminum oxide - 39%, and water - 14%. Substantial part chemical composition yellow clay is Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2. The material can have the following colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • lilac.

The color is due to ion impurities, which are chromophores.

Main types

Clay is a mineral that has several types. Each of them has its own area of ​​use. If the plasticity number reaches 0.27, then the material is called light. When this parameter exceeds the mentioned figure, the clay is heavy. Typically, the clay mined and sold largely consists of kaolin, which is used in the pulp and paper industry and in the production of refractory products, as well as porcelain.

Clay is a mineral, which is also represented by a construction variety, as well as clay shale. This material is used to make refractory bricks and also forms the basis of heat-resistant products. Among the species important place occupies bentonite. It is formed by the chemical breakdown of volcanic ash. In water, this variety swells and increases in volume several times. Used in drilling wells and in the production of drilling fluids.

Clay is a mineral, which is also represented by the fulling variety, which is valued for its bleaching properties when refining petroleum products. Filters are made from this type of clay, which are used in the purification of mineral and vegetable oils.

Another variety is lump clay, which is called pottery clay. It has found its application in the manufacture of dishes. Shale is an important raw material that, along with limestone, is used in the production of Portland cement. The most common in nature are:

  • sandstone clay;
  • white clay, which is kaolin;
  • red clay.

The varieties are used for the production of refractory products, as well as earthenware and porcelain.

Basic properties

Clay is a mineral that has a number of properties, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • air and fire shrinkage;
  • plastic;
  • sinterability;
  • fire resistance;
  • viscosity;
  • color of ceramic shard;
  • porosity;
  • shrinkage;
  • dispersion;
  • swelling.

Clay is the most stable waterproofing material that does not allow moisture to pass through, which is one of the important qualities. Clay soil has stability. It is developed in wastelands and wastelands. The development of root vegetation in clay deposits is impossible.

To preserve the quality of groundwater, the material's water-impermeability is useful. Most of the high-quality artesian springs lie between the clay layers.

Technical characteristics and additional properties

Now you know whether clay is a mineral. However, this is not all there is to know about this rock. It is also important to become familiar with the basic characteristics, for example, the specific and volumetric gravity of ground clay, which is 1400 kg/m3. Fireclay clay has a characteristic value of 1800 kg/m3.

When the clay is in the form of a dry powder, its volumetric and specific gravity is 900 kg/m3. The density of wet clay is also important, which varies from 1600 to 1820 kg/m3. For dry, this figure is approximately 100 kg/m3. Dry raw materials have thermal conductivity that reaches 0.3 W/(m*K). For the material in a wet state, this parameter is 3.0 W/(m*K).


The symbol for clay should be of interest to you if you are studying it. When a material contains sand impurities, it is indicated by strokes and dots. If there are boulders in the clay, then circles are added to the strokes. Shales have the same designation as laminated clay, these are long strokes, densely spaced and carried in the direction of the strata.

Sand and clay

Sand and clay are the minerals that are most common. They are formed during the destruction of rocks such as granite. Under the influence of water, sun and wind, granite is destroyed, this contributes to the formation of clay and sand. They differ in color from each other: sand is often yellow, sometimes gray, while clay is white or brown.

Sand consists of individual particles different sizes. The grains are not attached to each other. Therefore, sand is free-flowing. Clay consists of small particles, similar to scales, well bonded to each other. Sand is a sedimentary rock or may be a man-made material made from rock grains. It usually consists of almost pure quartz mineral, the substance being silicon dioxide.

The natural material has grains with sizes within 5 mm in diameter. The minimum value is 0.16 mm. Sand can be classified according to accumulation conditions. Taking this into account, the material is divided into the following types:

  • alluvial;
  • deluvial;
  • nautical;
  • lake;
  • aeolian.

If sand appeared as a result of the activity of reservoirs, then it has a more rounded particle shape.

Properties of granite

Sand, clay, granite, limestone are minerals. If we look at granite in more detail, it is an igneous platonic rock of acidic composition. It is based on:

  • potassium feldspar;
  • plagioclase;
  • quartz;
  • biotite;
  • muscovite

Granite is common in the continental crust. Its density reaches 2600 kg/m³, while the compressive strength is 300 MPa. The material begins to melt at 1215 °C. In the presence of pressure and water, the melting point decreases to 650 °C.

Granite is the most important rock of the earth's crust, it is widespread and makes up the majority of all components. Among the varieties of granites, alaskite and plagiogranite can be distinguished. The latter has a light gray color with a sharp predominance of plagioclase. Alaskite is a pink granite, it contains a sharp predominance of potassium-sodium feldspar.

Properties of limestone

Looking at the table of minerals: sand, clay, granite, limestone, you can focus on the latter. It is a sedimentary rock of organic or chemogenic origin. The basis is most often calcium carbonate in the form of crystals of different sizes.

Limestone is made up of marine animal shells and debris. The density of the material is 2.6 g/cm 3, its frost resistance is F150. The compressive strength is equivalent to 35 MPa, while the loss of strength in moisture-saturated conditions reaches 14%. The porosity of the material is 25%.


Clay is a sedimentary rock that, when combined with water, begins to soak and separate into individual particles. As a result, a suspension or plastic mass is formed. Clay dough is plastic, and when raw it can take any shape. After drying, the material retains it, but decreases in volume. Plastic clays are also called fatty clays, because they feel exactly like that to the touch. If the plasticity is low, then the material is called lean. Bricks made from it quickly crumble and have poor strength.

The rock is sticky and has a binding ability. It is saturated with a certain volume of water, and then no longer allows liquid to pass through, which indicates water resistance. Clay has a covering ability, so in the past it was widely used for whitewashing the walls of houses and stoves. Among the properties, sorption capacity should be highlighted. This is expressed in the ability to absorb substances dissolved in water. This characteristic allows the use of clay for purification of vegetable fats and petroleum products.

Many types of handicrafts have become popular hobbies. Modeling clay is used to create unique handmade jewelry; with this substance it is not difficult to spend time profitably or even earn extra money. Mysterious handmade figurines decorate the interior of the house and attract the attention of guests. For young children, working with clay is a developmental activity through which they learn about the world.

What is modeling clay

This substance is used by children and adults for creative purposes, for example, to model complex figures. Initially, it is a mineral that appears as a result of rock erosion. Wind and water contribute to weathering and washing away dry dusty matter from the rocks. A one-color mass suitable for modeling is extracted from the ground. To become fit for work, she goes a long way:

  • First, it is dried, crushed and filled with water.
  • Then the mass is mixed, settled, filtered, dried and kneaded.
  • The material must be brought to a dough-like state.


There are many types of clay from which you can create certain products. It can be self-hardening and intended for firing. Specialized stores sell evacuated mass, products from which will last a long time, since air is sucked out of the material using a modern technological equipment. Natural ceramic raw materials are not inferior in popularity. Reusable clay-plasticine is intended for children and beginners in modeling; the material is especially valued for making porcelain tableware.

This is a well-known material for applied creativity, allowing you to create decorative items, dolls, decorative items, and gifts even at home. Polymer clay is produced mainly abroad. Those who deal with modeling know many of its varieties, differing in consistency, texture, flexibility, color and other characteristics. Here are some of its types with different properties: “Fimo classic”, “Fimo soft”, “Craft&Clay”, “Sculpey”, “Artifact”, “Fantaser”, “Koh-i-Noor”, “Cernit”, “Fleur”. Let's find out more about them.


It's about about modeling material that hardens on outdoors for a certain number of hours or days. This process does not require any special conditions. How larger size figures, the longer it will take to dry - the products harden no more than a centimeter per day. Self-hardening polymer clay is most suitable for making flat figures. It is important to store it so that air does not penetrate into the packaging - otherwise the material will harden, and then you will not be able to use it.

The polymer mass “Fleur” is classified as cold porcelain. The material is designed for crafts with fine details in the field of ceramic floristry. This type It’s easy to roll plastic into thin petals and insect wings. Consider this type of clay:

  • Title: "Fleur".
  • Price: a bar weighing 200 g costs from 404 to 475 rubles, you can order, for example, by mail.
  • Characteristics: thin products made of this material remain flexible and durable. The white elastic mass hardens in air. To give it color, you need to mix in oil paints. To work with the material, you need to know the basics of painting, floristry and sculpture. Opened modeling clay should be stored in a package well wrapped with special film.
  • Pros: Flexibility, transparency, high quality, ability to create fine details.
  • Disadvantages: when drying, the figure darkens greatly, so you should mix a small amount of paint. During sculpting, the material may begin to harden - in this case, you will have to mix a little latex glue.

“Fantaser” – modeling mass Russian production, containing purified red clay powder. It is harmless to health, the products are designed to develop children's creativity. More about her:

  • Title: "Dreamer".
  • Price: a box weighing 340 g costs from 150 to 200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: homogeneous mass, plastic, soft, does not require firing. This type of plastic is used for sculpture and pottery. It hardens within 24 hours in air. The material is suitable for making figurines, household items, and decorations. This is polymer clay for beginners.
  • Pros: kneads easily, products are durable, dry well, harden quickly.
  • Cons: the mass hardens if storage conditions are violated. Significant disadvantages not noticed at work.

The self-hardening polymer mass of the Czech production “Koh-i-Noor” is created on the basis of natural clay. Suitable for creativity at any age. The plastic is available in plain white and terracotta colors and hardens within 24 hours. Detailed Product Information:

  • Title: "Koh-i-Noor".
  • Price: packaging weighing 300 g is sold on the Internet at prices ranging from 169 to 218 rubles.
  • Characteristics: Recommended for use by children aged three years and older. Used for sculpting decorations, sculptures, and jewelry. Doesn't stick to your hands, you should wet your hands with water before working. Hardening occurs quickly. For example, a figurine 2 cm thick dries within a day. It is recommended to process it after drying and hardening.
  • Pros: soft, plastic, vacuum-sealed mass, not harmful to health.
  • Disadvantages: the material is not moisture-resistant, cracks, crumbles, products are fragile after drying, it is difficult to sculpt small parts from it.


Clay intended for heat treatment, characterized by strength and hardness. It is used in pottery, creating sculptures and dishes. Today, many types of baked clay are known, suitable for certain types of work. They consist of a base and a plasticizer, which imparts plastic properties. Let's look at some types in more detail.

"Fimo classic" is a product of the Staedtler brand, a variety popular variety thermoplastics. The manufacturer presented it in 24 colors. Ideal for creating products - decorative elements, jewelry, segments for bracelets, pendants, figurines. Details about "Fimo":

  • Name: "Fimo classic".
  • The price of ordering on the Internet is 115 rubles for a package weighing 57 grams, 604 rubles for 350 grams.
  • Characteristics: the material is hard and durable, becomes soft after thorough kneading, it is not difficult to produce small particles and parts. The material is divided into equal segments to make it convenient to separate a piece from a briquette. Products made from this modeling clay require heat treatment at temperatures up to 110°C for 30 minutes. Unfired products will be brittle and weak. The duration of firing depends on the thickness and size of the figurine. Crafts that have undergone this procedure, for example, jewelry, jewelry, become durable. They need to be polished and painted.
  • Pros: decorative elements made from this type of plastic are more durable than those made from other lines of clay. The contours of a product made from Fimo classic are easy to make clear and neat.
  • Cons: The material is a bit difficult to work with as it requires time and effort to make it flexible.

“Fimo soft” is an easy-to-use material. The manufacturer created an original multi-color palette of 24 colors. This type of thermoplastic complements the classic version. The product is used by adults, those who are starting to sculpt, and children. Detailed information:

  • Name: "Fimo soft".
  • Price: a package weighing 57 g in St. Petersburg costs 176 rubles, and 350 g costs 924 rubles.
  • Characteristics: this type of plastic is more in demand than the classic one, since its substance is softer. After heat treatment, the product becomes hard. Baking temperature – 110°C for 20–30 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the clay layer.
  • Pros: soft and smooth, suitable for both beginners and craftsmen. The material is ready for use.
  • Disadvantages: it is difficult to achieve clarity in creating the contours of small elements of a particular figurine, your hands get dirty, and the products are fragile.

Polyform Products products, known under the general brand Sculpey, are one of the most durable types of plastic. A series of products have been developed - both soft and hard (in separate lines). This company produces plastic for firing and plastic mass for children's creativity. Detailed information:

  • Title: "Sculpey".
  • Cost: a block weighing 57 g - from 172 to 196 rubles, you can buy modeling clay with delivery in Moscow in the online store.
  • Characteristics: suitable for creating elements of costume jewelry, interior decoration, mosaics. With the help of plastic it is easy to emphasize the fine detail of the relief and surface texture of the product. The palette is composed in classic colors for artists. After heat treatment at a temperature of 130°C, the product can be sanded, painted and varnished.
  • Pros: durable, soft, can be mixed to create new shades.
  • Cons: there are few translucent shades in the palette; due to its fragility, it is not recommended to create small details using Sculpey Premo.

How to choose clay for modeling

Every craftsman, potter, sculptor and amateur prefers one or another type of clay for modeling. Those who want to develop and earn money are not lazy in trying new techniques and working methods; they use different ceramic masses, polymers, and gypsum. Although choose best option It’s not easy, but many craftsmen work with one or two brands of clay.

To decide on the choice of clay brand, study the offers of different stores on the Internet. Adviсe:

  1. Read about the companies that produce clay, choose the option that suits its quality, price, properties, purpose (for beginners, masters).
  2. Look carefully at the manufacturing date of the product on the packaging. The container must be undamaged and not expired, otherwise you will not be able to fashion anything from it.
  3. Pick up suitable color clay or paint to make the product look good.
  4. Sets of branded raw materials and tools are sold online.
  5. Please be aware of the security of your personal information when making purchases and sales transactions.

For beginners

Modeling paste is used to create decorative items. We are talking about polymer clay. The characteristics of each type differ in such properties as:

  1. viscosity;
  2. hardness;
  3. elasticity;
  4. plastic;
  5. grain;
  6. strength.

Based on the hardening method, the following types of plastic are distinguished:

  • Self-hardening, it is used to create figurines, toys, figurines, parts of dolls, small parts (“Fantaser”, “Koh-i-Noor”, “Fleur”, “Craft & Clay”).
  • When baked, it becomes hard and durable after heat treatment at a temperature of 100–130°C (“Fimo classic”, “Fimo soft”, “Sculpey”).

Artistic clay

When choosing a product, you should take into account its characteristics so that the material is suitable in quality and texture. Well-known brands of products for artwork and sculpture: Super Sculpey, Modena, Modern, Zumaia, PVG, Prai, Craft&clay, Pram. Another option - real pottery mass - is used to create interior items. It is purchased in handicraft stores and hobby shops, often not labeled, and there are no products of popular brands on sale. This clay should be:

  • severe;
  • fat;
  • pliable;
  • elastic;
  • without fireclay;
  • capable of maintaining a given shape.


Clay treatment is similar to mud therapy in terms of its effect on the body. Just like mud, healing clay has a beneficial effect on the body. The use of clay in medicine and modern cosmetology is quite widespread; this method thermal effects has very few contraindications and is recommended for the treatment of skin diseases such as seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.

What is clay and clay therapy

It’s worth starting the story about the medicinal properties of clay and its use by explaining what clay and clay therapy are in medicine.

Clay (Diatomaceus Earth, Argilla) is a plastic sedimentary rock. Clays are a product of chemical destruction of rocks and vary in quantitative composition and coloring, the ability to form a dough-like, easily stirred mass, which can be given any shape. With significant liquefaction, the clay loses its plasticity and spreads. The main part of the clay is colloidal hydrate of silica and alumina, which determines its main physical properties, including poor heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

Cosmetic clay- these are mineral substances of natural origin, with significant plasticity, used for cosmetic procedures. Rich in biologically active substances (magnesium, barium, beryllium, gallium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, etc.).

Clay therapy is a thermal treatment method based on the use of heated healing clay.

The healing properties of clay are used as one of the methods of natural healing of the body. More than 30 diseases are treated with clays and about 70 - in combination with medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits.

In medicine, only purified, bleached and finely dispersed cosmetic clay is used. White or Chinese clay (kaolin), dispersion, etc. are often used. They are characterized by high hygroscopicity, plasticity, as well as stimulating and antiseptic effectiveness; they are used in cosmetic masks, powder, and hygienic talc.

What types of clays are there, their properties and indications for use

There are many different types of clays, differing in density, plasticity, color, mineral and organic composition. What types of clays are there and how are they used?

Various categories of clays - liquid, plastic, fatty, low-plasticity - have completely various applications. There are also refractory clays, including earthenware and kaolin, and fusible clays. The color of clay depends on its mineral composition(presence of iron, copper). There are white, green, blue, pink and red clays. When deciding which clay to choose, keep in mind that white and green clays are most often used in cosmetology.

The main minerals included in cosmetic clays are quartz, mica, etc.

Look at the photo: The composition of medicinal clays depends on their place of origin. In Bulgaria, in the Rhodope Mountains, blue clay is mined. The population of Crimea and Transcaucasia uses local clays “kil”, “gilyabi”, “gumbrin”. In the north-west of Russia, the so-called Glukhovets kaolin and Pulkovo clay are mined. In the Urals, the Kamyshlovskoe clay deposit of greenish-gray color is known.

Moroccan clay mined in the mountains adjacent to the Sahara. It is red-brown in color, has healing properties and is effective for burns, and its deposits belong to very rich sheikhs.

Green clay colored with iron oxide. Also contains magnesium, calcium, potash, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, copper, cobalt, molybdenum. This type of healing clay is used in cosmetics mainly for oily skin and hair - against dandruff, pH = 7. Contains about 50% silicon dioxide, 13% aluminum and 15% other minerals: silver, copper, gold, heavy metals.

Silicon has a positive effect on the epidermis, gives flexibility to blood vessels, stimulates hair growth, lipid metabolism, the formation of collagen and bone tissue. Aluminum has drying and astringent properties.

Red clay has its color due to a combination of iron oxide and copper. It is a less good adsorbent than green clay. Used for iron deficiency in the body. It is not very suitable as a base for masks, as it gives the skin a reddish tint.

Pink clay contains red and white clay in varying proportions. It contains microelements and has disinfecting and smoothing effects on the skin. Since pink clay is very soft, it is recommended for delicate care of the epidermis. Used as a smoothing and astringent mask and in shampoos for normal hair.

Look at what the types of clay look like in the photo - the external differences are mainly in its color and structure:

The healing properties of white and blue clay

White clay (kaolin, Chinese clay) is a traditional raw material component in the manufacture of cosmetics. Purity, whiteness, non-abrasive nature and harmlessness make this mineral a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. In pharmacy it is used in the form of powders, ointments, pastes, as well as for diaper rash and burns, and is part of cleansing masks. An indication for the use of clay may be acne. In addition, clay for medicinal purposes:

  • cleanses the epidermis;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating surface effect;
  • stimulates the body's defenses, having a special effect on the epidermis exposed to environmental pollution;
  • saturates the epidermis with minerals;
  • prevents the spread of germs due to its ability to absorb toxins and contaminants;
  • has enveloping and adsorbing properties;
  • facilitates cellular regeneration by stimulating metabolism.

It has a structure similar to green clay, but differs from it in the presence of trace elements. It has a pH = 5 and can therefore be used even for sensitive skin.

The healing properties of white clay are due to a high percentage of aluminum and silicon with an admixture of magnesium and calcium silicates. Used in masks, milk and shampoos for dry hair and in children's cosmetics.

Medicinal blue clay is mined in the Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria). It is a powdery mass with pH = 7.3, contains a large number of copper and chromium, salts, which give it a bluish tint. Recommended in pure form(when mixed with water) for use as masks for hair and skin of the face and body. When deciding which cosmetic clay to choose, keep in mind that blue clay softens and tones the skin, clears acne, whitens, smoothes wrinkles, has a beneficial effect on oily hair, and has anti-cellulite, antibacterial and anti-stress effects. It has a good effect on dehydrated, dull, atopic skin.

IN for cosmetic purposes Kaolin is most often used.

Clay is everywhere, it is very easy to recognize, it is thin and dense. It can be found in places where the earth cracks: in quarries, near brick factories. Even in the garden, sometimes it is enough to dig one meter deep into the ground to find good clay. For cosmetic purposes and internal use Clay should only be purchased at a pharmacy. There it is of the required quality and undergoes radiation control. In addition, pharmacists will tell you in detail about the types of clay, its properties and uses, and also advise which clay is suitable for your skin.

What kind of medicinal clay and how to prepare it

Knowing which clay is medicinal, you need to decide for what purpose it can be used. For external use, the most preferred, having the best medicinal properties- This is clay suitable for modeling. It is used in the production of bricks and ceramic products. The purer it is, the stronger the effect.

For external use, in cases of urgent treatment, and also if it is impossible to immediately obtain the necessary clay, you can use soil similar to it (loam). The loam must be clean. But it is still more advisable to use clay, since it has a stronger healing effect. Any clay mined in an ecologically unfavorable area must be tested for radioactivity.

The easiest way to prepare clay is as follows. Take good clay and lay it out to dry in the sun. If the clay is not dried enough, it will not dissolve easily in water. If there is not enough sun, then you should place the clay near the stove, heater or any source of heat or light.

Before using clay, clean it of various particles, pebbles, roots and other foreign matter. Pour the clay into a basin or other enameled, wooden or fired clay vessel. Dishes with chipped enamel will not work.

Fill the clay with fresh clean water so that it is completely covered. Let it sit for several hours so that the clay absorbs moisture, stir, and crush hard lumps with your hands or a wooden spatula. Metal tool should not be used - it may adversely affect the prepared mass. It should be homogeneous in composition, without lumps, and should resemble mastic prepared by craftsmen for modeling.

This mass is ready for use. If necessary, slightly dilute the solution with water so that the mass is at the desired consistency, always ready for use. This way it can be stored indefinitely.

The effect of clay on the skin and the body as a whole

The effect of clay on the body consists mainly of three components: thermal; mechanical; chemical.

Clay mass desired temperature upon contact with the skin, it heats it with subsequent significant expansion of peripheral vessels. Hyperemia has an analgesic effect, promotes the resorption of inflammatory elements, enhances tissue nutrition and metabolism, and also has an antispasmodic effect. Sweating, often profusely, is of great importance in a number of diseases. Simultaneously with sweat, certain metabolic products are released from the body, such as uric acid, as well as various kinds of toxins. Thus, the clay, heated to a fairly high temperature, - a strong thermal procedure. The thermal reaction during clay therapy is based on the activation of body cells, which is accompanied by stimulation of biochemical processes.

Mechanical action manifests itself in the pressure of a mass of clay on the skin, perceived by the body as an irritant, to the action of which, depending on its quality, quantity and strength, the body responds with an active reaction, accompanied by a number of changes in its functions.

Chemical action clay on the skin is due to the chemical composition of the clay containing salts different elements, oxides of iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, as well as sulfuric anhydride, carbon dioxide and organic substances, which to a certain extent produce an irritating effect on the skin.

Clay for medicinal purposes and contraindications to clay treatment

In terms of its effect on the body, clay treatment is close to mud therapy. Therefore, there are general contraindications to clay and mud therapy: diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, tuberculosis.

Indications for the use of clays for medicinal purposes are inflammatory or traumatic processes of a chronic nature: poorly healing fractures, bruises, inflammatory skin diseases.

In cosmetology healing clays widely used in wraps for the prevention and treatment of cellulite, seborrhea, hair loss, psoriasis, in masks and shampoos.

Clay treatment: lotions, compresses and baths with clay water at home

Procedures with clay include:

  • clay lotions;
  • clay compresses (wraps or dressings);
  • baths with clay (clay water).

In order to prepare lotions, you need to take linen, cotton or woolen fabric, or any linen or napkin. Fold it in half, four or more to the desired thickness, place the fabric on a table or flat surface. Use a wooden spatula to remove the mixture from the container and spread it on a napkin. The clay layer should be wider than the sore spot, 2-3 cm thick.

Wipe the sore spot with a wet cloth. If it is an ulcer, wash it with fresh warm water. Apply the prepared lotion directly to the sore spot and make sure that it fits tightly. Wrap the lotion with a bandage so that it does not move and is constantly in contact with it. Secure the bandage and cover everything with woolen cloth. Do not tighten the bandage too tightly to avoid circulatory problems.

Typically, a clay lotion should be left on the sore spot for 2-3 hours. If it becomes dry and hot, it should be replaced with a new one.

To remove the lotion, you must first remove the outer woolen material, then unbandage the bandage and remove the clay in one motion, being careful not to leave pieces of it on the sore spot. Rinse the affected area with warm water. Do not reuse used clay.

The number of procedures depends on the specific case and the patient’s condition. As a rule, 2-3 lotions a day are enough, but you can use more: one after another, day and night. After complete recovery, you need to continue the procedure for some more time.

You should never put lotions on your chest and stomach during or immediately after meals, but only after 1-1.5 hours. Can be applied to other parts of the body at any time. In this case, you can put 2 or 3 lotions simultaneously on different parts of the body.

When it is difficult to apply a lotion (for example, on the eyes, ears, etc.), you can make wraps (compresses). To do this, you need to soak the cloth in a semi-liquid clay mass so that it is thoroughly saturated, apply the cloth to the painful part of the body and cover it with a woolen blanket. The clay-impregnated canvas must be changed frequently. Such procedures are used and, if necessary, expose a large surface of the skin to clay.

In the treatment of skin diseases, partial (incomplete) and full baths in clay water play an important role - they are very useful. To take a clay bath at home, hold the tops of your hands, soles of your feet, or arms completely in a vessel filled with a very thin clay solution for about 20 minutes. This solution can be used 2 or 3 times.

For pain in the arms and legs after frostbite, it is better to use baths for the extremities. For this method of treatment with clay water, you can use a basin with a clay solution that has previously been left in the sun.

Full baths are taken outside. To do this, you need to make a fairly large round hole in the ground, fill it with water and good clay. Mix the clay and water well to form a light liquid mass.

This can only be done outdoors in the warm season. In cool weather, baths are made in warm water, without renewing the clay, 6-7 times (2 times a week).

After the bath, you should go to bed, cover yourself and drink a hot infusion of herbs.

Bath duration- from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the specific case and the patient’s tolerance of the procedure.

What diseases does clay treat: psoriasis, seborrhea, baldness?

What diseases does clay treat and how to use it for burns?

Clays can be used for medicinal purposes for the following skin diseases:

Psoriasis. The clay should be mixed with coarse salt (in a 1:1 ratio) and the resulting mixture should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 1-2 hours once a day. It is better to use clay diluted with vinegar in a ratio of 1:3.

Seborrhea (oily skin). For oily hair, wash your hair with clay water; for oily facial skin, you need to make a mask.

Baldness. Rub your head 3 times a day with a mixture of crushed garlic, onion juice and clay water.

Burns. Place clay lotions up to 3-4 cm thick on gauze and apply to the burn surface. Change the cakes every 2 hours until epithelialization. After this, apply 3-4 compresses a day to the burn area and keep for 2 hours.

Clay can be used to remove radionuclides from the body: as a strong adsorbent, it actively absorbs a variety of toxic substances, including radioactive ones.

Clay treatment of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections

The widespread use of clay for skin diseases and to get rid of cosmetic imperfections has been practiced since ancient times. Various types of creams were made from it, compresses were made on the face, hands and other parts of the body. And of course, treatment of skin diseases with clay was carried out using all kinds of cleansing and toning baths.

Of particular interest is the question of correct use clay There are commercially available clays that are suggested to be used by mixing the powder and water immediately before use, and then applying the resulting mixture to the skin or hair. At the same time, clay-based masks are also available on the market, where one or another type of clay is included in the emulsion base in an amount of 10-40 percent. The choice of clay type depends on the problem being solved, and also largely on the condition of the skin.

Clay refers to secondary rocks that were formed as a result of weathering of rock masses during the evolutionary process. Clay is used more often than other materials as a building material. The composition of clay is very complex and variable. In its pure form, clay contains virtually no impurities. The diameter of its particles does not exceed 0.01 mm; as a rule, clay is plastic. All types of clays contain chemically bound water; it is retained in the form of thin films between particles of clay material.

The clay contains silicon and aluminum components. The most common impurities are iron hydroxide, alkali earth metal oxides, quartz and iron sulfide. Rocks with a high alumina content are used to produce refractory materials; the alumina content in such rocks ranges from 25 to 30%.

When all types of clays get wet, water fills the gaps between the particles, as a result of which they easily move relative to each other. This property determines the plasticity of clay materials.

Clay material is widespread in nature. Clays are divided into subgroups depending on the mineral composition and particle diameter, the presence of certain impurities. There are these types of clay:

  1. red,
  2. white,
  3. sandy,
  4. clay for porcelain,
  5. kaolin

The granulometry of certain types of materials depends on the mineral components and chemical composition. Almost all varieties of this unique fossil are characterized by plasticity, adsorption, and swelling. When wet, shrinkage and swelling are characteristic; these properties are decisive when using the material in industry.

By industrial technical requirements The rock is divided into varieties:

  1. low-melting,
  2. refractory,
  3. adsorption,
  4. kaolin

Soaked clay becomes plastic and can take almost any shape.

Plastic masses are called “greasy” because they feel like a greasy material to the touch. Varieties of clays with a low degree of plasticity are called “lean” or lean. Products made from such materials quickly crumble; “lean” clay is not suitable for brick production.

  • Dried clay holds the shape it was given well, while it slightly decreases in volume, compacts, hardens and becomes as strong as stone. Due to these properties, clay has long been considered the most widely used material for making dishes and other household items.
  • Among other things, this breed has the ability to be sticky.
  • Having absorbed a certain amount of moisture, the material no longer allows water to pass through; this property determines the water resistance of the material.
  • Another property of clay is its covering ability. Due to this property, clay has long been used to cover the walls of buildings and furnaces.
  • The sorption capacity of the material makes it possible to use clay as a purifier of fats and petroleum products.

All of the above properties ensure a long service life for objects made from clay.

Types of clay and their origin

Based on their origin, clayey materials are divided into subgroups.

Sedimentary clays. They are formed as a result of the application of destroyed rock layers by water flows. These materials are divided into marine and continental. From the name of the first it is clear that clay is formed on the seabed, in the second case the formation occurs on continents, in bottom sediments rivers and lakes.

IN natural conditions This variety has a brown tint, which is given to the material by iron-containing compounds - ferrum oxides, which are contained in clay in an amount of 5 to 9%. These are usually sedimentary clays. They are formed as a result of the application of water to destroyed rock layers.

During the firing process, red clay turns red or white, depending on the process conditions and the type of firing equipment. This variety can withstand heating up to 1100 degrees.

This type of clay is flexible and kneads well. The high elasticity of the material determines its use as a material for sculptural modeling.

Natural mineral deposits are found everywhere. They often accumulate in sea or fresh lagoons. In the case of sea bays, clay is a heterogeneous mass and has numerous impurities.

  • When wet, clay acquires a light gray tint; as a result of the firing process, it turns into a beautiful material white. This type of clay is characterized by elasticity.
  • Due to the absence of iron compounds, white clay is slightly translucent. It is widely used for production household items, dishes, jugs, decorative figurines. In addition, the material is used in production tiles and plumbers.
  • Objects made from this clay are covered with glaze, kept in ovens at 900-950 degrees.

Porous mass for ceramic production

The raw material is a clayey material with a low calcium content and high porosity.

  • This clay consists of kaolinite, illite and other aluminosilicates, and also contains inclusions of sand and carbonates. Silica and alumina are the basis of clay minerals.
  • Porous mass refers to sedimentary types of clay. It is formed as a result of the application of water to destroyed rock layers.
  • The natural color of such clay ranges from white to brown. Greenish clays are also found. The material is fired at low temperatures.


This is a low-melting type of clay material that contains a large amount of white alumina. The raw materials are fired at low temperatures. Majolica is glazed with special mixtures containing tin compounds.

The word “majolica” comes from the name of the island of Majorca, where this material was used for the first time. Majolica was widely used in Italy. Traditionally, objects made from majolica are called earthenware, because for the first time they began to be produced in special departments for the production of earthenware.

Fireplace clay mass

The composition of this rock includes quartz, a significant amount of feldspar and fireclay. These are shelf rocks by origin. They are formed at a depth of about two hundred meters. A prerequisite is the absence of any kind of currents.

Black material. After firing, the mass resembles ivory products in color. Thanks to the use of glaze, products made from raw materials become unusually durable and have high water resistance.

This raw material is a baked mass. It is fired at a temperature of 1100 - 1300 degrees. The firing process is carried out under careful supervision in compliance with technological rules, otherwise the clay products may crumble.

Stone ceramic mass is used for modeling and for the manufacture of various ceramic objects. Products made from this material are very beautiful. Stone ceramics has unique technical properties.

The raw material includes feldspar, a significant amount of quartz and kaolin. This type of clay does not contain iron impurities.

When wetted with water, the mass acquires a gray tint, and after the firing process it becomes perfectly white. The material is fired in ovens at a temperature of 1300 - 1400 degrees. This raw material is very elastic.

It is not recommended to use this variety for working on pottery wheels. The material is very dense, practically without pores, water absorption is very low. The burned material becomes transparent. Objects made from porcelain clay material are coated with various glazes.

Materials for rough ceramics

Large-porous clay is used for the production of large objects and is often used in construction. Products of the material are characterized by high heat resistance; they can withstand temperature fluctuations well.

The plastic properties of raw materials depend on the presence of quartz and aluminum in the compound. Characteristics the material is due to the presence of a significant content of fireclay and alumina.

The material belongs to the refractory variety. Melting point – 1400-1600 degrees. The coarse ceramic material sinteres perfectly and practically does not shrink. These properties determine its use for the production of dimensional objects, as well as large panels and mosaics.

Montmorillonite clay

The raw material is used as a bleaching agent in the purification of tent syrups, in brewing, in the production of juice and refined oils. This material improves the quality of finished products; in addition, this type of clay is used as a means to combat rodents and insects.

Adsorption clay

A characteristic feature is high binding properties, high degree catalysis. The most common adsorption clay is bentonite.

Colored clay materials

Multi-colored clay is a material that contains oxides of metallic elements or pigments, and is a homogeneous mixture.

  1. When pigments penetrate into the thickness of the material, some of them remain in suspension, and the uniformity of the tone of the raw material is disrupted.
  2. Natural pigments give clay a particular shade; they are divided into two categories: oxides of metal elements and coloring substances themselves.
  3. Oxides are natural components of natural origin, formed in the thickness of the earth. These substances are purified and finely ground. Copper oxide is most often used to give clay a particular color. During the firing process, this substance acquires a greenish tint as a result of the oxidation process.
  4. To give the material a blue tint, oxygen-containing cobalt compounds are used. Chromium compounds provide the color of olives, while magnesium and nickel compounds provide brown and gray, respectively.
  5. Coloring components are added to raw materials in amounts from 1 to 5%. Higher pigment contents may cause undesirable effects during the firing process.

Scope of application

Clay is actively used in construction for the manufacture of bricks and ceramic products. It has undeniable advantages, as well as a relatively low cost. The advantages of this raw material include heat resistance, adsorption properties, environmental friendliness, and breathability.