Raspberry varieties with photographs and descriptions. Raspberry varieties with photographs and descriptions Remontant raspberry varieties

WELCOME TO MY REVIEW! There will be songs, dances, delicious treats, as well as effective assistance during childbirth, folk recipes cold treatment, as well as interesting little known facts. Why do I give raspberries 5 stars? One star for each use! And I use it in five different ways.

Let's go to the garden to pick raspberries,

Let's go to the garden, let's go to the garden,

Let's start a dance party,

Let's start, let's start.

`”*° .✿ ✿ °*”` RASPBERRIES `”*° .✿ ✿ °*”`

Common raspberry is a deciduous subshrub with a perennial rhizome, from which biennial above-ground stems 1.5-2.5 m high develop.

The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots, forming a powerful branched system.


The sun is in the yard,

And there is a path in the garden.

My sweet one,

Raspberry berry!

Our raspberry garden is located behind the house. Favorite place children. If you have already lost a child at the dacha, look for him there! Gobbles up berries on both cheeks.

You, raspberry, are not in my mouth,

Not in mouth, not in mouth, -

Pour into the box

Into the box, into the box.

This is a real problem. Picking berries with children is unrealistic! Half of them will definitely be gobbled up.

Therefore, it’s easier to collect a glass for them and let them eat, during which time they can calmly collect

As soon as we pick raspberries,

Let's dial, let's dial,

We'll bake pies

Let's bake, let's bake.

Let's call all the neighbors

Let's call, let's call!

And pies and raspberry cakes.

But most often we eat berries just like that. With milk, with pancakes, with cottage cheese

The benefits of raspberries are simply unreal!

vitamins A, C, E, group B

folic acid,

salicylic acid (natural aspirin)


fatty acid,

and other substances necessary for the body.

Help with:




    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,

    cardiovascular system, especially for those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke.

    colds, acute respiratory infections, coughs, various inflammations,

    metabolic disorders.

  • essential oils increase appetite,
  • fiber affects the intestines
  • pectins remove heavy metal salts

One ★ for the berries!


I admit, I don't make my own jam. It's too tedious, in my opinion. But there is always a jar from grandmothers. I like other jams, such as cherry or strawberry. And raspberry - well, how to eat it? Therefore, here we have only one use - add to tea for colds. I don’t know if there are any vitamins left after all this heat treatment(grandmother’s jam is thick and boiled), but to sweat - better means No! I don't want to sweat..

Too often my jam sits for years, is candied, but does not spoil (the amount of sugar added there is 1 to 2), and I clear conscience I add it to the dough for a sweet pie.

Second ★ for the jam!


Raspberries pureed with sugar (frozen)

But this is what I do myself. I blend it with a blender (now I just use a masher, I still haven’t bought a blender after that terrible story...)

Add a little sugar to the twisted mass and put it in the freezer.

I peel off a little and wait for it to defrost. In this case, a little blackberry is added to the raspberries.

Where I use it:

  • for a sandwich

  • just for tea
  • in fruit drinks for children
  • as a topping for ice cream
  • in milkshakes
  • into the cake cream (pass the seeds through a sieve)
  • in porridge
  • into cottage cheese
  • for pancakes

  • Unlike jam, the smell is crazy! The taste and benefits are obvious!

    Third ★ for frozen raspberries



    Dried raspberries

    This year has been extremely fruitful for raspberries. And I no longer knew what to do with it. And I remembered one “grandmother’s” delicacy. Harsh 90s, no candy, no chips. All that remained for the grandmother was to carry dry raspberries from a special bag. And it seemed incredibly delicious.

    My children still think so, but to me the sensations are not the same, and the taste is not the same, and there is no sweetness... My grandmother dried it in the sun, and then warm stove I finished drying it, such smells were everywhere...

    And I did this:

    poured it onto a baking sheet, leveled it as evenly as possible and placed it in the oven at 50-60 degrees for several hours. This temperature leaves a lot of vitamins in the berries. its goal is to completely rid the berries of water. As a result, the berries are greatly reduced in size; when pressed, the juice does not flow out, they “spring” a little and hold their shape.

    I store it in glass jar

    Where to use:

    • eat just like that
    • brew vitamin drinks
    • can be ground into powder and added to desserts (for benefit)
    • and you can even make different alcohol tinctures (personally, of course, I don’t make them)

    Fourth ★ for dried raspberries.



    Raspberry leaves

    Bonus application. Relevant for expectant mothers.

    When I was pregnant with my second child, all I did was read different ways“how to relieve pain during childbirth”, “how to speed up the dilatation of the cervix”, etc.

    And I found information that raspberry leaves contain substances that

    1) Prepare the cervix

    2) Accelerate its opening

    3) Increase elasticity

    In addition, the onset of labor accelerates, and the process is less painful.

    There is a scientific explanation

    Raspberry leaves contain a specific plant alkaloid called fragrin, which causes Braxton Hicks contractions or “training” contractions. These contractions are periodic contractions of the uterine walls, which strengthen the uterus and prepare it for childbirth. The same raspberry alkaloids increase the elasticity of the vagina. During childbirth, this can prevent you from tearing your vagina too much and reduce pain.

    But you need to brew raspberry leaves no earlier than 36 weeks, so as not to cause labor prematurely.

    My experience. We didn't have a dacha then. No raspberries, no leaves. But I tortured everyone - get me raspberry leaves! I need raspberry leaves! As a result, my mother-in-law got me a bag of leaves, for which I thank her very much... Since it was summer, I used fresh leaves, but if I had to drink them in winter, I would dry them and store them dry.

    I took 4-5 leaves, poured them with fairly hot water (but not boiling water!), and drank them like tea, three times a day. Very tasty, by the way! And if you add a couple more currant leaves, you get the most beautiful, delicious tea.

    I drank them only during my second birth, which turned out to be the most ideal in the end.

    Fifth ★ for raspberry leaves.


    There is one more application, but it didn’t have enough stars, so I’ll just give it a plus. This is RASPBERRY WINE! I drank it once in the south and really liked it!

    Maliiiine wine, for a heady aroma...


    Raspberries are used in cosmetology

    fresh berries and raspberry leaves and flowers help maintain skin tone, prolonging its youth, evens out skin color, whitens and nourishes.

    There are giant varieties of raspberries

    Large-fruited varieties are those that produce berries weighing 5-12 g and reaching 15-18 g. Gardeners when good care For large-fruited raspberries, you get 5-6 kg of berries from one bush.

    There are many varieties of raspberries (red, pink, yellow) and even

    black raspberries, similar in appearance to blackberries, but they are raspberries!

    Most raspberries in the world grow in Russia

    first raspberry garden laid by Yuri Dolgoruky. According to ancient chronicles, this raspberry garden was so large that bears loved to graze in it.

    bears actually love to eat raspberries

    They rake the branches with their paws and then pick the berries with their mouths. Don't touch the leaves!

    In total the berry gets ★★★★★+

The common raspberry subshrub (Rubus idaeus) is a representative of the genus Rubus of the rose family. This genus includes about 600 species. Most of these species were already known in Ancient world Thus, the first mention of the existence of wild raspberries is in manuscripts of the 3rd century. BC. For the first time, raspberries began to be cultivated in Western Europe in the 16th century Under natural conditions, this subshrub prefers to grow along river banks and in forests. For many centuries, this plant has been one of the most popular berry crops grown in gardens. Today this plant can be found on almost every garden plot. Fragrant and very tasty raspberry fruits are also valued for their usefulness, as they contain minerals, acids and vitamins necessary for the human body. This culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Such a plant is able to grow well and produce good yields even in desolation. If raspberries are properly cared for, they will be protected from infection. various diseases and pests, and will also produce rich harvests.

Today, raspberries are very popular among gardeners. various countries, such as currants, strawberries, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries and other very healthy and simply delicious garden crops. Very often, gardeners grow raspberries not only for themselves, but also for sale. In this regard, the gardener tries to get a rich harvest of good quality berries.

Common raspberry is a deciduous subshrub, the height of which can vary from 150 to 250 centimeters. Such a plant has a woody root, around which a large number of adventitious roots grow. This leads to the formation of a strong branched root system. The stems are erect. The grassy young shoots are very juicy green in color, on their surface there is a bluish coating and many small thorns. Already in the second year the stems become woody and colored Brown color. When fruiting ends, such stems dry out, but in the next season they are replaced by new young shoots. The alternate oval-shaped leaf blades have petioles, they are complex, there are 3–7 ovate leaflets. The front surface of the leaves is dark green, and the underside is whitish in color because it has pubescence. The axillary apical racemose inflorescences consist of white flowers, which reach about 10 mm in diameter. As a rule, the berries grow in the second year of the stems' life. The berries are small, hairy drupes that grow together to form a complex fruit; they can be colored in the most different shades crimson in color, and there are also burgundy-black (in varieties that are blackberry-shaped) or yellow fruits. Thanks to the ongoing selection work, the world was born remontant raspberry, its fruiting begins in the first year of growth, and 2 harvests are harvested from it per season. Cumanica and blackberry are types of raspberries that form long stems, with which they cling to support thanks to the thorns located on their surface. Drupes and princelings are herbaceous raspberry species. Growing raspberries is quite simple, but in order to get a bountiful harvest, you must adhere to the rules of agricultural technology for this crop, as well as properly care for it.

What time to plant

Planting raspberries in open ground You can practice both in spring and autumn (from September to October). The area suitable for planting should be sunny. If this crop is grown in a shaded place, then due to lack of light, young shoots sometimes stretch so much that they shade the fruiting stems. U different varieties raspberries have their own preferences regarding soil. However, most of them grow well on light nutritious soils; loam and black soil are also suitable for this plant. The soil pH required for raspberries should be between 5.7 and 6.5. This subshrub cannot be grown in lowlands and places with uneven terrain, because there is stagnation of water. Also, steep slopes and even elevated areas are not suitable for planting; in this case, the raspberries will suffer from a lack of moisture. To plant such a crop, it is recommended to choose a flat or slightly sloping area. In the same place without replanting, such a subshrub can be grown for 7–10 years, after which it will need replanting, because the soil will be severely depleted. And in this area it will be possible to plant raspberries again only after at least 5–7 years. Where nightshades were grown (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers), plant this berry crop under no circumstances is it possible. But the area after grain or legumes Suitable for planting raspberries very well.

Spring and autumn planting They differ only in the way they prepare for this procedure, but otherwise they are absolutely the same. At first spring period you need to prepare a hole, the size of which should be 0.5x0.4x0.4 m, while the top nutrient layer of soil should be folded back separately. The distance between specimens in the garden should be about 0.5 m, while the row spacing should be at least 1.5 m. The top nutrient layer of soil must be combined with 50 grams of potassium sulfate, 100 grams of granulated superphosphate, and 10 kilograms of humus or compost and with 0.4 kilograms of wood ash. Part of the resulting soil mixture should be poured into the hole, and the rest should be piled up next to it. If before you start planting, the soil mixture in the hole becomes caked, it will need to be loosened. Then the seedling should be placed in the hole so that the replacement bud is located just below the ground level. After the roots are carefully straightened, the hole should be filled with soil. It is compacted, and then a not very deep hole is made around the plant, which should be filled with water. After the liquid is completely absorbed, the surface of the hole must be mulched with sawdust, humus or dry straw. The seedling is shortened to 0.3 m above the soil level. If the weather remains dry for several days after planting the raspberries, the plants will need repeated watering. It is worse to plant raspberries in the spring than in the fall, because there is a high probability of being late due to unfavorable weather, as a result of which the seedlings will take root much worse. In the spring, they plant planting material purchased in a special store or nursery, or that which was prepared in the autumn (it is placed in the refrigerator for the winter).

In autumn, preparation of the planting hole should be done 6 weeks before planting day. The area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, while all weed roots are selected and 0.2–0.4 kg of superphosphate, 2 to 3 buckets of rotted manure and 100–200 grams of potassium sulfate per 1 m2 of area are added. If you fertilize the soil before planting, raspberries will not need phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for about 5 years. If the soil is peat, then for every 1 m2 of land you need to add four buckets of sand. It is best to plant raspberries in last days September or the first - October. In the fall, both experts and experts recommend planting this crop. experienced gardeners, because in this case it will be possible to slowly prepare the area for planting, and the plants themselves will take root well before winter, and in the spring they will begin to grow actively.

Raspberry care

Immediately after all the snow on the site has melted, it will need to be freed from the leaves that fell last year, because they may contain pathogens or pests that were hiding there from the winter frosts. This semi-shrub needs support, so in the spring you should tie the raspberries to the trellis. If the plant is tied to a trellis, then as a result it will be evenly illuminated by the sun's rays, the maturation and growth of young basal shoots will accelerate, and such bushes are also relatively easier to care for. If you decide to make trellises, then at the end and at the beginning of each row you will need to dig powerful columns up to 150 centimeters in height on both sides. Between these pillars it is necessary to stretch the wire in 2 rows: the bottom row should be located at a height of 0.6–0.7 m from the surface of the site, and the top row should be at a height of 1.2 m. To avoid sagging of the wire, it is necessary every 5 m into the ground stick a wooden stake. Place the stems of the bushes along the wire in a fan shape, and then secure them by tying them with twine. After a couple of years, it is necessary to stretch additional rows of wire between the pillars: the first - at a height of 0.3 m from the surface of the site, and the other - at a height of 1.5 m.

The rest of the time, caring for this crop will be very simple. So, it needs to be systematically weeded, fed, watered, loosened the soil around the bushes to a shallow depth, after which its surface is covered with a layer of mulch. What is used to feed this crop in spring? In the event that all the ingredients have been added to the soil before planting necessary fertilizers, then raspberries will not need potassium and phosphorus for 5 years. However, it is necessary to feed plants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers every year. Prepare the next one nutrient solution for feeding: combine 10 liters of water with 1 shovel of cow dung and 5 grams of urea or saltpeter. This mixture is poured under each plant in the last days of March or the first days of April. If you decide to use another nitrogen-containing fertilizer, then for every 1 m 2 of land you will need to take from 20 to 25 grams of the substance. Then the surface of the soil will need to be loosened.

When all the fruits from the bushes have been collected in the autumn, you need to start preparing the raspberries for the upcoming winter. This procedure must be approached with all responsibility, since this determines how abundant the harvest will be next season. The surface of the site must be freed from the old mulch layer, which should be destroyed, since it may contain various pests or pathogens. Then the soil is carefully dug up to a depth not exceeding 8–10 centimeters. It is recommended to add it to the soil once every couple of years before digging. wood ash and compost. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are not used to feed raspberries in the fall, because they can cause active growth of young shoots, and their leaves will fall off late, which increases the likelihood of them being damaged by frost. If a semi-shrub needs phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, then they should be applied in not very deep (from 15 to 20 centimeters) grooves, which should be located at least 0.3 m from the plants. No more is taken per bush 40 grams of potassium salt and 60 grams of superphosphate. Plants fed in this way will have an improved formation of flower buds, which will have a positive effect on the future harvest.

Water raspberries in spring and summer time Only necessary if there is a prolonged drought. If it rains systematically, then it will not need watering. During hot and dry periods, the plant will need abundant watering, and the water should soak upper layer soil by 0.3–0.4 m. In addition, this subshrub requires mandatory watering in May, before it blooms, as well as during active growth and ripening of fruits. Pre-winter watering for such a crop has great importance, since in the autumn it begins to lay growth buds in the root system. At the same time, try to soak the soil to the maximum possible depth, then wintering the raspberries will be more than successful. The drip method is most suitable for watering this plant, because it has a number of advantages:

  • water saving - less liquid is consumed compared to sprinkling or ditch irrigation;
  • warm water - under no circumstances should you water this crop with cold water, but with this method of watering, the liquid is already relatively warm and reaches the root system;
  • uniform wetting of the soil.

If you want to significantly reduce the number of waterings in the summer, then the surface of the area should be covered with a layer of mulch.

When replanting such a plant, you must adhere to the same principles as when planting it for the first time. This shrub is prone to strong growth. Its roots are located quite close to the soil surface, and during the summer a large number of shoots grow. If desired, you can use a shovel to separate them from the mother bush and, having dug them up along with the roots, plant them on a new one. permanent place. If the specimen is overgrown and old, then using a shovel you can cut off the youngest part from it along with the root system and a lump of earth, taking into account that the diameter of its shoots should not be less than 10 mm. Such a “division” needs to be shortened to 0.25 m, and then it is planted in another place. You can replant raspberries at any time, except winter period. However, experienced gardeners recommend carrying out this procedure in the spring. To prevent the uncontrolled growth of such a plant, the area where it grows must be fenced; for this, sheets of iron or slate are dug into the ground around the perimeter.

Propagating raspberries is very simple, easy and quick. How to propagate it by offspring was described in detail above. Cuttings are also used to propagate this plant. Cuttings are cut in June on a cloudy day; for this, two-year or three-year-old root shoots are selected. The length of the cuttings should be from 10 to 12 centimeters, and they should have 2 or 3 leaf plates. The cuttings are immersed in a root growth stimulating agent for 12 hours, after which they are planted in 0.5 liter containers, which must be filled with sand mixed with peat. The containers are placed under film, and it should be taken into account that the air humidity required for rooting cuttings should be approximately 90 percent, and the temperature should be from 22 to 25 degrees. After 4 weeks, the cuttings should begin to grow. When this happens, they are carefully transferred, along with a lump of earth, into a larger container: its height should be at least 14 centimeters and its volume 1.5 liters. After the cuttings have taken root, they must begin to be hardened by taking them out for a while Fresh air. Hardened cuttings are planted on a training bed; they will need shading from scorching sun rays, which is removed only when the plants take root and begin to grow. In autumn they are transplanted to a permanent place. Cuttings harvested in the autumn must be treated with a fungicide, which will protect them from fungal diseases. Then the cuttings need to be covered with peat and stored in a cellar, basement or other cool place. Thus, before the onset of spring, the cuttings will undergo stratification; it is important not to forget to systematically moisten the peat. In spring, the cuttings are immediately planted in the garden bed, and its surface must be covered with a layer of mulch.

There are types of raspberries, for propagation of which they use rooting of the tops (like blackberries). So, these include purple and chokeberry raspberries. In the first autumn weeks, the grown shoot begins to bend towards the soil, while the leaves located on its top become smaller, and the shoot itself takes on a loop-like shape - at this time it takes root. This shoot should be separated along with the “handle”, and it should be rooted in exactly the same way as described above.

Pruning raspberries in spring

In spring, all frost-damaged stems of raspberries should be cut back to a healthy bud, and injured, diseased and underdeveloped branches should also be cut out. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology for a given crop, then by 1 linear meter a plot should have 10–15 shoots. In this regard, all shoots on the bush should be cut out, leaving only those that began to grow first; they must be shortened by 15–20 centimeters. As a result of such thinning pruning, the quality of the fruits will improve and they will also be larger. Such pruning can be carried out if desired in the autumn, but still, with the onset of spring, all injured and frost-damaged stems will need to be cut out of the bushes. And according to I.V. Kazakov, bushes pruned in the spring will give a richer harvest.

Pruning raspberries in autumn

In the autumn, after harvesting, you need to remove all two-year-old stems, since they will not bloom or bear fruit next season. Of course, they can be cut out in the spring, but in this case they will deprive the plant of the nutrients it needs so much in winter. All stems that have produced fruit this season should be cut out. If the raspberries you grow are not remontant, then you can prune them earlier, and it is not at all necessary to wait until late autumn. Experts recommend carrying out a similar procedure immediately after the entire harvest from the bushes has been harvested; in this case, all the raspberries’ forces will be directed to the growth and development of young shoots, namely, they will bear fruit in the next season. If remontant varieties are grown, they should be pruned at the end of the second fruiting. It is recommended to destroy all cut stems, as pathogenic microorganisms and various pests can settle on them.

It is very important to properly prepare raspberries for wintering. It is a very common opinion among gardeners that raspberries must be tied up and left standing for the winter. However, this should not be done under any circumstances, because flower buds not covered with snow may freeze. The bushes are bent as close to the soil surface as possible and fixed in this position by tying the trellis to the lowest wire. You need to remove all the foliage from the stems; to do this, put on mittens and run along the shoot from bottom to top. Be careful, because if you tear off the foliage by moving your hand from top to bottom, this may lead to the removal of flower buds. Try to keep this shrub completely covered with snow during winter. Therefore, if necessary, the raspberry tree will need to be covered with snow.

It is also very important to remember that wintering plants need air; therefore, ice that appears on the snow cover must be pierced. If the winter has little snow, in this case the raspberry tree will need to be covered with covering material. In spring, the shelter must be removed from the site. Go through all the stems and remove any that have been damaged by frost. The remaining shoots can be lifted and tied to the trellis.

Raspberry diseases and their treatment

Many gardeners are interested in why raspberry foliage turns yellow and flies off? If the foliage on a bush changes its color to yellow, this means that this specimen is infected with root canker, rust or chlorosis. You can tell that a plant is suffering from such an incurable disease as root canker by the swellings that appear on the surface of the roots, the stems grow too short, the fruits have no taste, and the leaf blades turn yellow and fly off. Infected plants should be removed from the ground and destroyed, and the area in which they grew should not be used for planting for at least 8 years. If the plant is infected with rust, it will begin to appear in May. The leaves will begin to dry out, yellow and fly away, and dark-colored ulcers will appear on the surface of the stems. This disease can be cured only at the initial stage of development; for this, the bushes are sprayed with a solution Bordeaux mixture(1%). If the disease has already started and the bushes are very badly affected, then they must be dug up and destroyed. The main carrier of this viral disease Like chlorosis is aphid. In this regard, in order to protect raspberries from chlorosis, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to combat aphids. In infected specimens, the leaf blades become smaller and deformed, the stems stop developing, the fruits dry out and lose their taste. In some cases, the cause of the development of chlorosis may be the use of cold water for irrigation, a strong alkaline reaction of the soil, an insufficient amount of microelements in the soil, or stagnation of water in the soil. Try to find out what exactly caused the development of this disease and eliminate it as soon as possible.

This crop is a moisture-loving crop, so if the plants do not get enough moisture, then the foliage will begin to dry out. However, if the bushes are always watered on time and in sufficient quantities, then you need to take a good look at the dried leaves. If you see thickenings on their surface, this means that the raspberries are affected by gall midges. This pest lays its larvae on the surface sheet plates raspberries, resulting in similar thickenings called galls. All infected shoots must be cut out to the root, with no stumps remaining, then they are burned. If this subshrub is affected by purple spot, which is a fungal disease, then at first brown-red spots will appear on its leaf blades, and over time they dry out. After all the fruits have been collected from the affected bushes, they need to be sprayed with Zircon. Cut out all dried stems to the root immediately after it becomes clear that the plant is sick, but there is no need to wait until autumn.

The fungal disease anthracnose actively develops in damp, rainy weather in the summer. In the affected bush, gray spots with a red border appear on the surface of the leaf blades, the fruits dry out, and the ends of the shoots die off. For preventive purposes, you should choose varieties for planting that are resistant to this disease, and you should also cut out and burn all infected parts of the raspberries. Also, the affected specimen must be treated with Nitrafen solution.

Raspberry pests and their control

The following pests can settle on raspberry bushes: aphids, spider mites, shoot and stem raspberry gall midges, weevils, raspberry gallworms, raspberry beetles and raspberry stem flies. During the flowering period, a brown-yellow raspberry beetle can settle on this subshrub. This pest feeds on the buds, flowers and foliage of the plant, while the females lay eggs in the flowers. The larvae hatching from the eggs eat the fruits. After the snow melts, the affected bushes must be sprayed with Nitrafen, and during cherry blossoms they are treated with Fitoverm. The raspberry stem fly lays its eggs in the axils of the apical leaf blades; the larvae that hatch eat the stems from the inside. Raspberry gallworms and stem and shoot gall midges lay their eggs in young shoots; when the larvae hatch, they will eat them. If aphids have settled on the bush, then honeydew can be found on the surface of the stems and leaf blades; deformation of the shoots and curling of the foliage also occur. In addition, this pest is the main carrier of various dangerous diseases. Spider mites, settling on raspberries, they suck out its juice, while they are carriers of viral diseases and gray rot. In flower buds, the female weevil lays eggs, gnawing on the pedicels. One individual can cause harm a large number flowers (up to 50). To get rid of all the described pests, you need in early spring and after all the fruits have been collected, treat the bushes with Karbofos or Actellik. And most importantly, remember that if you adhere to the rules of agricultural technology, you will not have problems with pests.

Raspberry varieties with photos and descriptions

Many varieties of raspberries are divided into large-fruited, traditional and remontant. Traditional varieties are distinguished by their reliability; they quickly adapt to climatic conditions and are undemanding to the soil, but it will not be possible to harvest a rich harvest from them. The stems of large-fruited varieties branch relatively strongly, due to which they are distinguished by high productivity, their fruits are large and fragrant. Remontant varieties produce 2 harvests per season, and they stop bearing fruit only with the onset of very severe frosts. Also, these varieties differ from each other in the color and quality of taste of the fruit, ripening period, and also in the degree of resistance to diseases and harmful insects.

  1. Cascade. A medium-sized variety that reacts negatively to drought and is susceptible to blight. The height of the slightly thorny bush reaches 200 cm. The shape of the dark red fruits is blunt-conical, they weigh about 3.5 g, the taste is sweet and sour.
  2. Cumberland. The variety has moderate frost resistance and resistance to pests and diseases. Black fruits weigh about 2 g. The bush can reach 200 cm in height, the stems are arched, and does not produce root shoots.
  3. Golden Giant. This large-fruited variety It is characterized by frost resistance and high yield. The large yellow fruits weigh 8–14 grams.
  4. Vega. The frost-resistant variety is resistant to fungal diseases. The height of the bush is about 250 cm; many small thorny shoots grow. The shape of raspberry fruits is blunt-conical, weighs about 4 grams, and tastes sweet and sour.
  5. Glen Ample. The variety was created in England. It is resistant to frost, diseases and pests, and has a very high yield (up to 15 tons of berries are harvested from 1 hectare). The height of the strong bush is about 350 cm, the stems branch well. The rich red, dense fruits have a round-conical shape and weigh about 4 grams.
    1. Ruby. The frost-resistant variety is susceptible to anthracnose. The height of the plant is about 1.8 m; on the surface of the shoots there are many short thorns of a dark purple color. The shape of the rich red fruits is blunt-conical, they weigh about 3.5 grams.
    2. Mirage. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases. On the surface of medium-sized bushes there are small, short and fairly soft thorns of a dark red color. The large red fruits have an elongated shape and weigh about 6 grams.
    3. Stolichnaya. The variety is resistant to diseases and frost, and is distinguished by its yield (up to 4 kilograms of fragrant fruits are harvested from 1 bush). The height of the erect compact bush is about 200 centimeters. The large red fruits weigh about 8 grams.

    1. Orange Miracle. The variety is resistant to pests and fungal diseases. The orange glossy fruits have high taste, they have an elongated shape and weigh from 7 to 9 grams. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour.
    2. Apricot. The fruits are golden in color with a delicate aroma. Their shape is blunt-conical, and they weigh about 3.5 grams.
    3. Mulatto. The variety is high-yielding and highly resistant to fungal diseases and pests. Sweet and sour round glossy fruits, dark cherry in color, weigh about 4 grams.
    4. Diamond. The variety is characterized by high productivity; about 3 kg of fruits are collected from 1 bush. The large ruby-colored fruits have a bright shine and a conical shape, weigh about 7 g. The taste is sweet and sour, dessert.

    Properties of raspberries

    Raspberries include fructose, organic acids - citric, malic, tartaric, ascorbic, formic, nylon, as well as vitamins and microelements - magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. For a long time, raspberries have been used as a cold remedy; tea is prepared with dried berries, jam is made, or fresh fruits are ground with granulated sugar. Raspberries differ from other berries in that after heat treatment all of them beneficial features are saved. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant and are used for sore throats and coughs. An infusion prepared from leaves and flowers is used to treat hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases. Preparations made from berries, flowers and leaves are characterized by antipyretic, antioxidant, anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects; they are used during the treatment of colds, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, anemia, heart rhythm disorders, and kidney diseases. In Eastern medicine, sexual impotence and infertility are treated with such drugs.

    An infusion prepared from the leaves is used for acne, erysipelas, eczema and rashes, and the surface of the epidermis is wiped with it. It is used to make lotions for conjunctivitis and blepharitis. A decoction is prepared from the roots and is used to treat purulent otitis media and stop hemorrhoidal and nosebleeds.

    Not long ago, research was conducted at Clemson University regarding raspberries. Experimental animals with cancerous tumors were given raspberry extract, which led to the death of 90 percent of the cancer cells. This result cannot be repeated by any antioxidant known to science. Moreover, all varieties of raspberries have this effect.

    Raspberries have a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use it during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from nephritis, gout and amyloidosis.

Countless clusters of ruby-red, honey-sweet berries hang from powerful one and a half meter shoots - such beauty is difficult to describe in words, it’s better to see it with your own eyes. The productivity of raspberries is legendary, but such impressive results are simply impossible without careful care of raspberry plantings. And feeding plays a huge role in such care.

What do raspberries like?

At the beginning of the growing season, raspberries are in dire need of nitrogen fertilizers

Have you noticed that you won’t find wild raspberries in a meadow or open field? Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found on forest edges, where the soil is rich in organic matter formed from rotting leaves and branches. Therefore, it is not surprising that garden raspberries are very demanding of organic fertilizers, without which there is nothing to count on. good harvest this berry.

Many gardeners believe that feeding raspberries with mineral fertilizers is not necessary. However, this is not the case. Judge for yourself: in addition to yield formation, the plant spends a colossal amount of nutrients on the development of root suckers and replacement shoots. And how many nutrients are washed away by rain, and also lost along with removed weeds and excess annual shoots? In a word, it is simply necessary to feed raspberries, and I will tell you what and how below.

Fertilizing raspberries: how to determine what the plants lack

When generously filling the planting holes, fertilizing begins only from the third year of operation. berry plantation. Only in this case can you hope for a large harvest of large berries.

To find out what your raspberries are missing, just take a good look at the bushes.

With potassium deficiency, raspberry leaves become small, their edges darken and wrinkle like an accordion. Phosphorus starvation manifests itself in thinning shoots and the formation of purple spots on the leaves in the middle tier of plants. And when plants lack nitrogen, they look depressed and produce weak, short shoots.

However, if the shoots have grown taller than two meters, the leaves have a bright green color, and the raspberry tree is full of overgrowth, then there is overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. In such a situation, the nitrogen application rate should be reduced by 1.5 times from the next season.

When and what to feed raspberries

During the flowering period, plants are removed from the soil great amount nutrients

At different stages of the growing season, raspberries need different nutrients. It is advisable to apply organic nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the fall, since this promotes better development of replacement shoots, and less basal shoots are formed (compared to fertilizing in the spring). However, spring fertilizing with nitrogen is also acceptable.

Throughout the summer, you can regularly feed the plants with nitrogen-containing natural fertilizers or complex mineral fertilizers. It’s even better to alternate watering with mineral water and organic water.

Don’t be afraid to feed raspberries with nitrogen fertilizers (according to the instructions). Raspberries do not accumulate nitrates if fertilizing with nitrogen is completed before the plants enter the fruiting phase.

There are many options for feeding raspberries, here are the most successful of them:

  1. Mulching of plantings with fresh or rotted manure / humus / compost. Organic matter is scattered under the bushes in the fall at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per square meter landing This operation can also be carried out in the spring: for this, the soil in the raspberry bed is covered with a thin layer of manure, and a 10-15 cm layer of humus is poured on top or garden compost. When watering and raining, water will pass through the layer of manure, become saturated with nitrogen and deliver it directly to the roots of the plants. In addition, humus mulch will prevent unwanted evaporation of nitrogen.
  2. Mulching of plantings with peat with the addition of urea or saltpeter. If you don’t have organic matter at your disposal, then the soil in the raspberry bed can be covered with peat at the rate of 1-2 buckets per square meter of planting. At the same time, for every 10 liters (bucket) of fertilizer, 25-30 grams of saltpeter or urea are added.
  3. Fertilizing raspberries with ash. In this case, wood ash (2 kg/sq.m.) is scattered between the rows at the end of summer and lightly covered with a rake. Ash can be added in the spring, but in a smaller dose - 100 grams (1 cup) per square meter of planting. By the way, regularly adding ash to raspberry bushes improves the taste of the berries.
  4. Watering raspberries with solutions of urea or saltpeter in the spring. For one-time fertilizing, 60-100 grams of one of these fertilizers are used per square meter of raspberry tree. This dose can also be applied in parts until mid-June. At autumn mulching Such fertilizing with organic matter is carried out only if weak shoot growth is observed, and the dose is reduced to 15-20 grams of saltpeter or urea.
  5. Watering raspberries with liquid organic fertilizers in the spring. Using slurry solutions (1:10) or (1:20), moisten the soil around raspberry bushes at the beginning of the growing season (May - early June) at the rate of 3-5 liters per square meter. In total, 2-3 such feedings are enough. If there is no manure, then you can water the berry plantings, and.
  6. Application of mineral fertilizers. During fruiting, 30-50 grams of nitroammophosphate or 50 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20-30 grams of potassium sulfate (potassium magnesium) per square meter can be added under the bushes. After harvesting the berries, raspberries can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers (for example, 50-80 grams of nitroammophoska per square meter). Complete mineral fertilizer you can also replace 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20-30 potassium sulfate (potassium magnesium) per square meter.

Mineral and organic fertilizers Apply only on spilled, wet soil, otherwise the high concentration of dry substances can cause burns to the young suction roots of raspberries.

Compost and humus plus ash can serve as a complete replacement for any other fertilizers if they are applied annually (preferably in the fall) and in a higher dose - from 10 to 15 kilograms of humus and 1-2 kilograms of ash per square meter of raspberry fields. Then your raspberries will not need any other feeding for the entire next year.


Raspberry jam “5-minute” is a simple and quick delicacy that will delight any sweet tooth. Unlike many other jams, preparing this raspberry dessert for the winter is quite easy and quick. You will spend much less time preparing it if you follow our recommendations correctly.
This thick jam can easily be turned into a delicious filling for pies or other baked goods, and can also be added to tea. Surely, many have heard that for a cold, tea with jam is one of the best medicines against viruses. And if you prepare several jars of this treat for the winter, you can help your family and friends get rid of a cold at any time.
It is better to pick raspberries for such jam at the moment when they are already ripe, but have not begun to overripe, since overripe berries have a slightly different taste. It is also undesirable to pick unripe raspberries, because they will add sourness to the jam. However, if you are happy with this, then you can pick some green berries.
By the way, it will be best if you pick raspberries on your own plot rather than buy them in a store, because the composition of homemade berries is more healthy and will definitely not contain harmful chemicals.
To make excellent tasty thick raspberry jam “5-minute” for the winter at home, you will need our step by step recipe with photo tips, thanks to which you can clearly see what the process of preparing such a delicacy should look like.


Raspberry jam “5-minute” - recipe

Collect required amount raspberries and place them in a bowl. At the same time, be sure to select the most best berries, getting rid of unnecessary garbage or spoiled fruits. After that you need to rinse the raspberries, but you need to do this in such a way that the berries do not get crushed. To do this, place them in a colander and lower them into a container of water.

Let the water drain, leaving the colander in place for a while so that no moisture remains on the berries. After this, they must be placed in a deep pan, poured sugar and left to infuse in the refrigerator for two to three hours. During this time, the raspberries will release juice.

While the raspberries are brewing, you can sterilize the jars. To do this, put them in the oven or microwave for 10-20 minutes, or boil water in a saucepan, place a colander on top and place the jar on it, bottom up.

After the raspberries have steeped and released their juice, you can remove them from the refrigerator. As a result, you will get a fragrant pink paste, which must be placed on medium heat and cooked, stirring constantly.

It's best to take advantage wooden spoon to stir the raspberries. It does not oxidize and will not spoil the taste of your jam. You need to stir it continuously so that the raspberries do not burn to the bottom.

Cook the jam until it begins to boil and you see the characteristic bubbles.

During boiling, the raspberries will release foam, which must be constantly skimmed off. If this is not done, after you close the delicacy for the winter, it may become cloudy and take on an unpresentable appearance.

There is no need to throw away the foam, as it can be used to make a drink or added to ice cream and other desserts. In addition, children love to eat this foam with spoons.

After the jam boils, you need to cook it for five minutes. It is because of this that the delicacy received the name “5-minute”. Do not forget to stir the raspberries and skim the foam during cooking. When the treat is ready, pour it into jars, roll up the lids and leave to steep under a warm blanket until it cools. In winter, such a delicious delicacy as raspberry jam will brighten up cold evenings more than once.