A message on the topic of landscape design styles. Common landscape design styles. English landscape gardens

On a country plot there is special freedom of creativity - the owner can realize any idea and build the space around the house in his own way. Sometimes you come across such properties where slides, fountains, sculptures, gazebos are collected, but no complete picture, which makes the country ensemble memorable. To truly create interesting image your garden, capable of delighting and amazing, before drawing up a design project, construction and land work, purchasing plants and garden accessories, you need to study landscape design styles and settle on one.

Historical excursion: descending into the depths of centuries

The beginnings of landscape design appeared immediately as soon as primitive people decided on the concept own home: paving the area in front of the cave with pebbles can be compared with the modern arrangement of the driveway to a country mansion. Gardeners and chief architects in the palaces of ancient rulers (Assyria, Babylon, Egypt), who delighted the eyes of their rulers with the results of their work, did not even imagine that they were landscape designers, but they laid the foundations of the science of harmonious changes in the surrounding world. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - the creation of a brilliant landscape architect, were recognized by the ancients as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the park of Versailles - an equally grandiose and magnificent brainchild of Andre Le Nôtre, closer to our time, is considered a textbook example, the pinnacle of landscape art, and the Japanese "Rock Garden" » Ryoan-zi in Kyoto, whose atmosphere is colored with religious and philosophical notes, became one of the forefathers of the minimalist style in design and architecture.

Vertical, horizontal, volume and four elements

All components of landscape design successfully fit into the rule “combine top, bottom and shape”, and also symbolically support 4 natural elements (wood, water, stone, air) when filling the landscape. An additional component that gives the ability to draw any geometric shapes, highlighting accent objects is light.

HorizontalPanoramic viewPondsGarden paths


Parking areas

Ornamental shrubs

creeping plants

Track lighting

Artificial lighting of reservoirs

Vertical“Light at the end of the tunnel” - a skylight at the end of the alley inviting you to walkCascades WaterfallsRetaining walls

Stone arches

Full size trees

Vertical gardening

Freestanding lanterns
VolumeOpen spaces (lawn, paved area)Volumetric fountainsGarden stoves

Sculptures Bonfire


MAFs (gazebo, pergola, lattice canopies)

Light figures Lighting design green spaces

When developing a landscape project, it is necessary to connect the vertical and horizontal planes with each other, emphasize the required volume, and create a single space where nothing will be discordant with the overall style solution.

What defines each style: comparing features

Any little thing can become the starting point when creating the landscape of your own hacienda. The main thing is to correctly classify it and determine its style. The love for the sandy shades of travertine can prompt the design of a garden “a la Italy”, the opinion that “the rose is the most beautiful of flowers” ​​will prompt the use of English classics, the obligatory presence of the aroma of lavender is a direct reference to sun-saturated Provence. The main characteristics of the garden layout and filling elements will help you narrow the scope when choosing a style.

The following are distinguished by their rigor and the use of rectangular shapes when laying out a garden:

  1. Regular (French);
  2. Japanese;
  3. Mauritanian.

Smoothness and roundness of lines are inherent in:

  1. English style;
  2. Country;
  3. Russian Art Nouveau;
  4. Chinese;
  5. Ecostyle.

The lushness of flowering vegetation, a riot of colors within a geometrically rigid layout are characteristic of a Moorish garden space; a classic English garden, on the contrary, implies an ideally calibrated range of colors in cool shades, a large amount of greenery, and general coloristic restraint.

Historical styles - an echo of bygone eras

Any historical style of landscape design is a reflection of the corresponding time, colored by national flavor. Thorough copying of palace gardens is not relevant today; it requires a large estate, a staff of gardeners and tireless care, but the use of typical techniques, placement of the necessary accents, selection of suitable plants (originals or local analogues) allows you to create a small-scale object that fits into the stylistic framework. The use of characteristic types of paving, site planning, trimming hedges, and arrangement of mandatory areas paints an effective style image.

English style: cold stiffness in a landscape setting

A classic example of a landscape in the English style was observed by the heroine of Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice” in the rich estate of Mr. Darcy. The garden was regular and luxurious at the same time. More mundane landscape examples of this type of design are characterized by the smoothness of the outlines of man-made elements (platforms, paths, marking the boundaries of plantings, the contours of reservoirs), restraint in the selection of plants and their colors. Cool shades of inflorescences, a combination of pink and blue, and the absence of flashy accents are preferred. Particular attention is paid green spaces and lawn: in addition to careful year-round care (mowing, trimming, replacing extinct specimens), there is a careful screening of species based on the type and color of foliage. As a result, the English garden looks very well-groomed and harmonious.

When composing typically English compositions of perennials, color and dimensional rhythm, proportional combination of plants among themselves, versatility of planting, and flowering times are important.

Dutch comfort: canals, mills, tulips

The image of a Dutch garden directly correlates with the character of the inhabitants of this country and its natural conditions. Forced to conquer living space from the advancing sea, the Dutch value land very much, and their gardens are quite small. The main features of the Dutch character, reflected in the landscape:

  • Practicality - the area is used to the maximum, ordinary trees replaced by dwarf forms;
  • Reasonableness - each element has its place (carefully calculated zoning);
  • Neatness – the garden is kept in perfect order;
  • Love of life - voluminous spots bright colors, usage garden figurines and mini-objects;
  • Pride - the most spectacular part of the garden is the parterre in front of the house, to arouse the admiration of passers-by.

Country life arranged with taste

The rustic style (country) of landscape design is characterized by some negligence, a touch of antiquity, and the absence of perfectly adjusted proportions. It seems that the artist sketched a pictorial sketch with light strokes, which suddenly came to life. Wood, stone, willow vine, reeds, clay - all natural materials will find application here. Country style welcomes the construction of wooden gazebos, the creation of man-made ponds and streams, free from the rules of flower beds, where a variety of plants coexist. Decorative elements used to create a garden full of rural charm are wicker fences, clay pots, flowerpots, bright garden sculptures, wheels and ancient carts, climbing plants, neat framed beds - everything that is so dear to the heart of a tortured city dweller and instantly forms an idyllic picture.

Chinese garden - an inlaid box with a secret

The special features of the Chinese style in landscape design are the elegance of lines, richness of colors, and the desire to transform the simple into something complex without violating the natural harmony. The space is artificially stretched due to the large length of winding walking paths, the inclusion of water compositions in the landscape (calmly calm ponds are replaced by cascading steps), and the division of the garden by light walls with cut holes (“moon gates”), intriguing the visitor, inviting him on a further journey.

The landscape orientation of the garden is emphasized by:

  1. Curved lines of bridges echoing the roofs of pagoda gazebos and decorative gates;
  2. A skillful combination of two opposing energies: water and stone;
  3. Centrality of the garden composition;
  4. Using plants with naturally rounded shapes or using topiary.

Colonial style: organic, neat, dignified

Colonial style combines two different cultures– brought from outside and indigenous. This is an example of a mutually enriching synthesis, when the European multinationality of the colonizers, the limited choice of building materials, and the diversity of exotic local flora resulted in an amazing symbiotic style, which is characterized by warmth, slight negligence, and soft coziness. Pushing the gate of the infield, designed in the colonial style, you want to exclaim: “Home, sweet home! Smooth lines of bright flower beds, rounded outlines of tree compositions are repeated in the routes garden paths made of brick, slab stone, impregnated wood. Echo practical application the first settlers of land plots are zoning: necessarily allocated Orchard and the garden part, which is often designed as decorative vegetable garden in a regular style. The garden with sun-filled terraces is located behind the house, protected from prying eyes. It is full of colors, but the hallmark of colonial design is considered to be a low wooden fence “like grandma’s,” painted with simple white.

Moorish style: a secret behind seven seals

The Moorish-style gardens, closed from outsiders, fully meet the definition of “delight for the eyes and relaxation for the heart.” Surrounded by desert and high walls, the oases are filled with brightly scented flowers, sparkling water from fountains and canals, and rich green foliage. Eastern luxury is conducive to bliss, enjoyment of life, and continuous pleasures. The Moorish style implies the unity of opposites: everything that was created by the hand of man is straightforward, strict, has clear boundaries, everything that is given by nature rages in its pristine beauty. In the garden, artificially divided into 4 squares, the paths are tiled, creating complex patterns, and green spaces of different heights are used as screens to hide the private life of the owners. The garden is decorated with fruit trees, and the queen is a rose. The most preferred varieties are those with lush multi-petal inflorescences and a thick aroma that penetrates all corners of the garden.

Lavender Provence: a touch of antiquity is a must

The word “Provence” brings to mind pictures with rows endlessly stretching into the distance purple flowers, but a Provencal garden is a small, cozy, nice space near the house.
Typical features of French country design:

  • Aged, worn wood for garden furniture;
  • Weathered stone retaining walls and flowerbed surrounds;
  • Paved paths overgrown with overgrown plants;
  • Mandatory figured bed with herbs;
  • An abundance of lavender in the flower beds, in terracotta pots, separating the seating area with a wrought-iron bench from other areas of the garden;
  • Climbing plants entwining arches and pergolas as a way of shading from the hot sun;
  • Row fruit trees with flat crowns, formed by a special type of pruning, along the wall of the house.

Layout features: French regular style

Mirror image of parts of the garden along the central axis, clear boundaries, trimmed hedges of various heights, long neat alleys, figured flower borders - these are what distinguish French park ensembles, the creation of which is elevated to the rank of art. The classic elements of the regular palace style are:

  1. Fountains with sculptural groups;
  2. The front parterre is in front;
  3. Ponds of curved and symmetrical shapes framed in stone;
  4. Rows of trimmed exotic trees in massive tubs, which are put away in greenhouses for the winter;
  5. Ideal extensive lawns as a connecting medium for the entire space;
  6. Flower beds forming a complex geometric pattern;
  7. "Greens" secret rooms, labyrinths, amphitheatres.

Romantic trip to Italy

Warm wind, sun, rich aromas are the hallmarks of the Mediterranean climate, which are reflected in Italian garden design. The classic palace garden-park has a symmetrical layout, trimmed trees in flowerpots, hedges that clearly delimit the space, straight paths, a raised pond, fountains and marble sculptures. Picturesque nature, wealth flowering plants balanced by a strict composition of man-made changes in the landscape. In contrast, a small garden with a touch of romance is easier to design - it characteristics add a cheerful flavor:

  • A stone patio with furniture combining wood and wrought iron is designed for noisy family meals;
  • A bench under a pergola covered with roses or grapes is perfect for an afternoon rest;
  • Open terrace lined with flower pots, late in the evening will give you the opportunity to admire the stars.

Japanese garden: discreet purity of style

The main features of the landscape in the Japanese style are asceticism, compositional precision, and restraint. Nothing should distract from the contemplation of natural harmony or immersion in one’s own thoughts. The obligatory combination of water, stone, and living plants creates a special, miniature world, where time flows very slowly, where a person is given infinity to observe willow branches bent over a lake or flower petals flying around. When developing a design Japanese garden the right stylistic decision would be:

  • Asymmetrical layout of the site;
  • Calculation of viewpoints: any movement through the zones of the Japanese garden should present the viewer with an ideal picture;
  • Lighting of the recreation area with stone lanterns;
  • Placing beautiful groups of stones, paving paths with individual flat stones, framed by a lawn or a scattering of pebbles;
  • The use of plants sung in Japanese poetry: maples, cherries and plums, chrysanthemums, willows, pines, peonies.

The garden of our time: from complex to simple

The modern landscape designer is provided with a large palette of style tools. New directions have individuality, but do not require compliance with strict standards. The absence of strict restrictions allows you to mix options with each other, complement them with each other, and implement interesting ideas. For example, today one of the increasingly popular styles is fantasy. Influenced by “The Journey There and Back,” “The Witcher,” novels about barbarians, sorcerers, and gnome treasures, customers dream of seeing a Hobbitania or a Deep Forest on their property. Yes, sometimes adults also want to live in a fairy tale. The specialist’s task is to realize this desire by filling the surrounding space with mysterious corners under the canopy of intertwined branches, unknown paths leading to a quiet backwater, and “antique” buildings. Cellar from the Shire, children's playhouse– Baba Yaga’s hut, a gazebo with a stove, similar to a troll tavern, will successfully indicate that the possessions belong to the “kingdom far away.”

One of the main delights of living in a country house is the opportunity to landscape the surrounding area at your own discretion. Even on small area you can create a piece of paradise with lush greenery, fragrant flowers, the sonorous murmur of a stream and a secluded place for family relaxation. The main thing is to determine by what principle all these elements will be placed.

There are three main types of landscape design that determine the formation of the relief in a designated area: landscape, regular and Japanese. All three types have distinct distinctive characteristics and impose special design requirements. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Features of plots in landscape style

Maximum proximity to natural relief, lack of symmetry and an abundance of all kinds of components - this is what landscape landscape design looks like. Looking at such a site, it seems that man did not have a hand in its arrangement at all. Of course, this is not at all true. Despite the utmost naturalness, a modern landscape project is carefully developed, and each element is in its place, creating overall harmony.

The landscape project is dominated by asymmetry and a riot of colors. Flower beds and flower beds have winding shapes, trees and shrubs grow freely in the garden and have natural contours (without topiary), paths and driveways are looped. Walking alleys resemble wild paths in the forest, and in the recreation area there are cozy wooden gazebos and benches. In such an environment, a person feels unity with nature like nowhere else.

Distinctive features of a landscape project in a regular style

Unlike the landscape style, the regular style accepts symmetry, severity of forms and lines. In such a project, the combination of all elements creates a harmonious composition, and the site itself becomes the embodiment of ideal order and the trendsetter of modern classical fashion. This style looks most organic in park areas and large garden areas.

Any component in a regular garden has an exceptionally strict, clear geometric shape. The road and path network is characterized by a complex structure with many intersections and sharp turns. A regular project cannot do without a perfectly flat parterre lawn, flower beds with breathtaking flower arrangements, long walking alleys, stone sculptures, as well as rotundas and arches.

Philosophical basis of Japanese gardens

The Japanese style is not at all similar to other types of landscape design, since it is based not on the science of landscaping, but on Eastern philosophy. It is not surprising that three main elements take part in the creation of an eastern garden: stone as spiritual stability, water as the transience of life, and wood as endless improvement. All these elements are in harmony with each other, creating ideal conditions for contemplation, meditation and complete unity with nature.

The basis of an oriental-style garden project is sute-ishi - the art of placing stones in the garden. To create a beautiful, and most importantly philosophical, composition, you need to carefully select the shape, size and color of the stones. An indispensable accompanist for stones are bodies of water - streams, waterfalls and ponds. Elaborately shaped fountains are inappropriate here. Naturally, where there are bodies of water, there is also vegetation. But the oriental style does not welcome a variety of ornamental plants.

Japanese-style gardens come in three types: flat, hilly and rugged. Plain gardens have no hills or depressions, and their topography is completely flat; at the head of the hilly project is a hill, complemented by a water flow (waterfall or stream); in intersected gardens, the key role is given to a pond or lake with an island on which stone compositions are erected.

A Japanese-style garden project cannot be confused with other landscape designs, thanks to the following features:

An abundance of stone and water compositions;

Combining dynamic and static elements;

Lack of clear symmetry in zoning and compositional structure;

Minimalist relief decor.

StylesVlandscape designso many. There are about 23 styles, of which the main 19. This is a huge selection. To make up your mind in such diversity, you must follow two rules:

Rule #1

Style- this is individuality. Your personality. You should like him and suit you as much as possible.

Rule #2

The peculiarity and characteristics of your site have great importance. There are styles that will be especially suitable for your site configuration, topography and other details.

The classic or regular garden style involves a geometrically correct layout with pronounced symmetry and regularity of the landscape composition.

Basic elements of a classical garden

  • straight alleys that are axes of symmetry
  • clear geometric shapes of flower beds, lawns, paving paths, ponds
  • fountains located in the center of the site or in the center of the composition created on the site
  • topiary plants
  • a natural stone
  • presence of open spaces
  • classic form of garden gazebos located at the intersection of paths
  • ground area

Classic garden color palette

Classic regular style colors: white, beige, sand, blue, light terracotta.

Regular garden accessories

  • antique sculpture, stone balls
  • arches, classic columns, flowerpots
  • wrought iron pergolas and benches
  • classic style borders

The attractiveness of the English or landscape garden style lies in the soft lines and smooth contours of the garden, as well as the naturalness of nature, which has a relaxing effect on a person exposed to many stresses in modern life.

Basic elements of an English garden

  • vertical gardening
  • winding paths made of natural materials
  • a large number of perennials placed in mixborders
  • the presence of neat green lawns, which are not only an object of aesthetic pleasure, but also a relaxation area
  • pond in landscape style
  • the entrance to the house is decorated with a climbing plant entwining the façade of the house
  • complete lack of order and strict geometry
  • gate entwined with vines

English garden color palette

English style colors: green various shades, silver.

English garden accessories

  • benches made from natural materials, located under trees or on retaining walls
  • antiques, handicrafts
  • ceramic tiles embedded in the path
  • containers or flowerpots for flowers

The French landscape style is considered the most complex style in landscape design of a site. The French garden is a garden for relaxation. It has both romance and sophistication. One of the most famous components of the French style is the Provence stylization.

Basic elements of a French garden

  • small paved area near the house
  • small, strictly shaped lawn
  • fruit or ornamental trees in small quantities
  • natural materials, basic material
  • sandstone or red brick
  • low curbs along paths
  • presence of herbs
  • raised mini garden
  • climbing roses

French garden color palette

French style colors: gray, blue, dark green, purple, yellow, dove, red on a green background.

French garden accessories

  • wooden pergolas
  • forged grilles
  • wicker furniture
  • indoor plants on the veranda
  • rocking chair
  • small barbecue
  • terracotta colored pots

Country landscape style (rustic)

Rustic style or country style can be considered the most ancient of all landscape styles design, because human society began to develop from small settlements, modest houses with simple lawns of wildflowers and fruit plants.

Basic elements of country style

  • lush flower beds of wild plants
  • natural lawns
  • small natural style pond
  • tracks from tree bark, gravel or tree cuts
  • hand-made products
  • association of fruit and flower crops in one composition
  • orchard and vegetable garden

Rustic color palette

Country style colors: white, yellow, red, all bright colors.

Country style accessories

  • wooden fence or wattle fence
  • benches and wells
  • pergolas made of timber or logs
  • wooden barrels
  • rustic pots or cast iron pots
  • birdhouses, houses and bird feeders
  • small architectural forms in the form of domestic animals and poultry from natural materials (wood, clay, stone

Currently, eco-style in the garden is very popular. He recreates a corner on the site wildlife. Such a garden is completely undemanding to care.

Basic elements of eco landscape style

  • the presence of only natural materials in the garden
  • combination of plants and stone
  • mixture garden flowers and wild plants
  • natural lawn of wildflowers
  • forest plants
  • intermittent paving, with grass or ground cover planted in between
  • minimal interference with existing flora and natural landscape

Eco-garden color palette

Eco-style colors: natural colors.

Eco-style accessories

  • rough garden furniture
  • fire pit
  • hut or simple canopy
  • stumps, tree cuts, snags, log benches
  • crafts from vines and branches
  • plank or log bridges
  • lamps in the treetops

Traditional Japanese gardens are designed for quiet contemplation, providing a spiritual refuge for its inhabitants. When creating an oriental garden, the main attention is paid to nature. The elements of a Japanese garden symbolize natural elements. Geometric shapes and artificial materials are not used in oriental landscape design. The garden should have a natural and harmonious appearance that invites contemplation.

In Russia, the Japanese garden style is not used in its pure form; the motifs, techniques and symbolism of this garden are used here. There is no need to make the entire area in Japanese style; it is better if only some corner of the garden is “Japanese”.

Basic elements of a Japanese garden

  • availability of water in the garden at any time convenient form(reservoirs, bowls of water, stream, etc.)
  • stone and plants
  • asymmetry
  • combined paving, step-by-step paths
  • "dry" stream, rock garden, gravel, large smooth boulders
  • bamboo fences, moss (or bryozoan) under trees
  • hilly tree crowns

Japanese garden color palette

Colors of Japanese and oriental styles: gray, green, brown, white. Smooth transition from color to color. One or two color accents.

Japanese and oriental garden accessories

  • bridges over water
  • "dry" stream
  • flat stone
  • stone lanterns
  • stone benches
  • bamboo products
  • gazebos in the form of a “tea house”
  • ropes, winding driftwood, roots
  • white ceramics

A Muslim or Islamic garden is like an oasis in the desert. The main purpose of an Islamic garden is to create an atmosphere of deep relaxation. And the tool for creating such an atmosphere is the smell of flowers and fruit trees.

Basic elements of a Muslim garden

  • regular style, privacy, “closedness”
  • the presence of a brick or concrete fence
  • geometry in the garden (square or rectangle, less often – circle)
  • rectangular pond using oriental mosaic
  • porcelain stoneware paving
  • fruit trees, fragrant flowers and herbs
  • places to rest in the shade of trees
  • stone chor-bak

Muslim garden color palette

Muslim style colors: bright colors.

Accessories of a Muslim (Islamic) garden

  • wooden or stone benches with plenty of cushions
  • gazebo in Muslim style
  • design of the entrance to the garden using elements of oriental style (arch with mosaic elements, curtains made of glass pendants, etc.)

Landscape style
noble estate is known to us from Russian literature of the 18th century. A garden in the style of Russian classicism assumes a wide scope, and this is only possible on large areas. The style is mixed, including both regular and landscape elements. A distinctive feature of the Russian landscape is the combination of utilitarian and artistic functions.

Basic elements of a Russian garden

  • hedges
  • lawn, alleys, fountains
  • landscape view pond
  • rotunda gazebos or pavilions
  • shady corners
  • classic lanterns
  • sculptures
  • winding paths
  • old, large trees with a spreading crown

Color palette of the Russian noble garden

The colors of the Russian noble garden: light, without bright spots. White, cream, sand, blue, blue, light terracotta, yellow, pink.

Accessories of a Russian garden (noble estate)

  • classical sculpture
  • Forged Products
  • arches, flowerpots, antique garden lanterns, columns, cast iron benches
  • raised flower beds

The Mediterranean-style garden is intended primarily for relaxation. open terrace or by the swimming pool. This is the most “summer” garden. If you create a Mediterranean landscape on your property, then every time you leave your home you will be immersed in a different world. The smell of aromatic herbs, the sound of rushing water and warm color terracotta - all this will invite you to sit down and drink a glass of wine. All you will miss at this moment is the view of the sparkling blue ocean.

Essential elements of a Mediterranean garden

  • contrast between shadow and light
  • presence of a patio
  • large area paving
  • citrus plants in terracotta pots
  • white walls
  • swimming pool
  • garden furniture

Mediterranean garden color palette

Colors Mediterranean style: beige, sand, terracotta, white, azure blue, blue, yellow, orange, red.

Mediterranean garden accessories

  • terracotta pots
  • white plaster
  • gazebos in the form of pergolas with a canopy or umbrellas
  • mosaic in paving
  • painted wooden benches
  • indoor plants on the terrace
  • shutters on the windows

High-tech style is a garden style for busy people. To create high-tech garden elements, modern materials are used, namely: polycarbonate, composite materials, glass, metal, plastic, etc. The uniqueness of the garden is achieved by creating interesting designs, original plant shapes and the way of arranging decorative elements.

Basic elements of a high-tech garden

  • contrast
  • well processed wood and concrete
  • glass, metal, polycarbonate, modern composite materials
  • colored landscape lighting
  • modern lamps
  • colored and white gravel
  • paving of the correct geometric shape
  • bodies of water original form, framed in metal or concrete

High-tech garden color palette

High-tech style colors: silver, white, cream, sand, light gray, green, blue, purple. For accents: orange, red, yellow, black.

Garden accessories in high-tech style

  • solar-powered lamps, LED bulbs and pole lights
  • abstract sculpture
  • flowers in containers of clear geometric shapes, outdoor vases
  • balls, cubes, columns made of metal, glass, ceramics
  • mirrors in the garden
  • CDs on tree branches
  • corrugated fencing

Art Nouveau style (art nouveau)

Art Nouveau style is known for its streamlined shapes. It's aesthetic and sophisticated style. As a rule, in an Art Nouveau garden more attention is paid to small architectural forms and structure, not plants. Art Nouveau style, otherwise known as art nouveau, creates the impression of elegance and high cost. The peculiarity of this style are winding, smooth, arched lines.

Basic elements of a modern garden

  • simplicity and smooth lines
  • repetition of decorative elements (the pattern should be repeated in different design elements: in paths, plantings, ornaments on buildings, etc.)
  • unity of style between home and garden
  • a stream or a fountain, or the absence of a body of water
  • many accents
  • modern materials

Modern garden color palette

Art Nouveau colors: chocolate, black, red-brown, beige, dark gray, silver, pink, blue, purple, white. Contrast will be created by: yellow, red, fuchsia.

Garden accessories in Art Nouveau style

  • large slabs are used for paving, paving slabs, paving stones, garden parquet, natural and artificial stone
  • furniture and flower containers (made of concrete or terracotta) with strict outlines
  • benches, gazebos, lanterns and fences must contain a forged base with a floral ornament characteristic of Art Nouveau
  • figurines of birds, insects in bronze

Garden minimalism came to us from the interior. It implies simplicity and concise design. But implement this landscape style It's not so easy in the garden. After all, you need to try very hard to express the idea as much as possible, having a minimum of components at your disposal.

Basic elements of garden minimalism

  • studio plot
  • zone distribution lines are level differences
  • clear and straight lines of paths
  • textured materials
  • stairs of various shapes
  • geometric pond

Color palette of garden minimalism

Colors of the minimalist landscape style: silver, cream, white, beige, light terracotta.

Accessories for minimalist garden style

  • boulders
  • mirrors
  • abstract sculpture
  • lamps
  • light, transparent garden furniture made of plastic or aluminum

For a modern gardener, it is important to have not only fertile, but also stylish beautiful garden and a vegetable garden. There are about 15 main styles of landscape design for a site. Some of them are ideal for middle zone Russia, others require great effort for implementation and further care.

Basics of any landscape design

The main condition for harmonious design garden plot is the consistency of the style of the house with the rest of the site. It is also necessary to take into account the existing landscape (alpine style rarely looks good on the plain) and the surrounding nature ( Moorish style birch trees are an extremely original solution).

Basic landscape design styles for the middle zone

Listed below are the main characteristics and photos of modern landscape design styles.

Country style

Rustic style is a style of sweet neglect. The decor is characterized by a mixture of garden, flower beds and vegetable garden. The basis is made up of fruit trees and shrubs, which are supplemented with hollyhocks, sunflowers, cosmos, calendula, chamomile and other unpretentious bright flowers. Sometimes, instead of flowers, the fruits of physalis, grapes, and pumpkins are used.

Another characteristic feature is the use of many accessories: carts, wheels, old pots, wicker fences, decorative wells, barrels and benches.

It is important not to use strict forms and clear divisions into zones, and also not to overuse spacious lawns.

English (landscape) style

To create a design in the English style, you need to carefully study the existing vegetation on the site and beyond, since the basis of this style is maximum harmony with the natural environment.

Another feature is the presence of winding stone paths, spacious lawns and small ponds decorated with stones, water lilies and irises. Mixed borders are often planted, including a variety of flowers, ornamental grasses and shrubs to imitate natural undergrowth.

You also need to remember about vertical gardening: ivies, wild grapes and, of course, climbing roses. In general, any varieties of roses: semi-wild, climbing and growing separately are an integral part of English style in landscape design.

Color accents – green, silver, purple. It is beneficial to plant roses, delphinium, hollyhocks, peonies, crocuses, sage, tulips, begonias, pansies and daffodils. Among the trees and shrubs, hydrangea, boxwood, mock orange, thuja, juniper, barberry and willow will fit perfectly into the landscape. Flowers are planted in groups, mixed with flowers and herbs.

It is important to remember that for high-quality implementation of the landscape style in landscape design, a spacious plot of at least 12 acres and constant care are required to maintain slight negligence. Benches, forged lanterns, humpback bridges, flowerpots, and small gazebos are used as complementary accessories.

Chinese style

This is an original style based on water, stones and trees. There are no restrictions on the size of the plot, but its implementation in life is quite labor-intensive work. First, you need to select many stones of different sizes and shapes. They form landscape groups that are complemented with plants.

The most commonly used conifers are pines, junipers, dwarf spruces, decorative maples and cherries. Flowers and herbs include fescue, ferns, irises, and peonies.

And of course the center of the composition is a pond with water lilies and lotuses. There is a gazebo on the shore, which is also considered an integral part of the Chinese style.

It is important to remember that a house for this landscape style must either be hidden behind trees, or be made in high-tech or modern style.

High-tech style

This style is distinguished by clear chopped shapes with right angles. Rigid separation of paths from lawns and flower beds. The main accent is a well-groomed spacious lawn.

A variety of flowers and plants is not welcome. The most common choice is plants suitable for pruning, such as boxwood, juniper, cotoneaster, and barberry. They are usually formed into cubes or balls.

Among ornamental plants, preference is given to hostas, succulents, ferns or small, discreet ground cover flowers.

The main decoration of a high-tech garden is lighting and designer lanterns, as well as various benches and decorative balls made of polished stone or wood.

The paths are made as straight as possible from concrete plates. An artificial pond can become part of such a garden, but only if it is framed by concrete banks. The color range includes many shades of green and gray, blue, chocolate and lilac.

Among the main styles of landscape design, one can also note Mediterranean, Moorish and Alpine. All of these styles require special landscaping skills to create a harmonious composition with the house and the surrounding nature.

They are also associated with the use of exotic plants, which require special care. That's why optimal solution for central Russia is the use of elements of landscape or village style.

Photos of landscape design styles

Today there are many possibilities for how to beautifully arrange a personal plot. One of these opportunities is landscape design. Today, various different styles landscape design. In this article we will make a brief overview of existing designs, their features, as well as the distinctive aspects of their design.


Today there are a huge number of styles and trends in landscape design. Each of them has its own design features. For example, some give preference to flowers, stones, architectural elements And so on. In this article we invite you to familiarize yourself with the following styles:

  1. Country.
  2. Provence.
  3. Regular.
  4. Scandinavian.
  5. Landscape.
  6. Rustic and the like.

Each style of landscape design has a photo, so you can immediately determine the main features of each option. In any case, remember, the main task when developing landscape design is to create comfort, coziness, harmony and beauty in your summer cottage.


Landscape style in landscape design excludes strict forms and emphasizes the maximum naturalness of the landscape. When creating it and developing the design, you will have to completely abandon the correct geometric shapes. As a result, everything should be in perfect harmony and merge with the surrounding nature. That is, it implies partial intervention in the nature of the landscape with mandatory consideration of the prevailing vegetation in your area.

This style is characterized by the following design elements:

  1. Naturally shaped ponds with water lilies and lilies. A bridge over a pond and benches near a pond made of natural material.
  2. Winding paths, made from natural materials, cut wood and stone.
  3. Availability of quality lawn.
  4. Prevailing green color with silver.
  5. Elements of vertical gardening.
  6. Areas surrounded by flowers, among which daffodils, crocuses, tulips, pansies, hollyhocks, and roses stand out. It is recommended to plant flowers in groups to create a lush composition.
  7. Mandatory use of decorative willow, boxwood, thuja, juniper, jasmine, elderberry.


The English style in landscape design requires constant care.

It can be organized on an area of ​​at least 12 acres. If area local area less, then you can take some landscape design elements.


Regular style in landscape design implies strict symmetry, geometric and clear shapes. If there are bushes, they must be perfectly trimmed, this also applies to trees. French style in landscape design it completely excludes the naturalness of wild nature. First of all, the emphasis is on the artificiality of the design.

The following design elements stand out:

  1. Strictly shaped flower bed.
  2. Ponds and fountains in the center of the site.
  3. Straight alleys.
  4. Gazebos installed at the intersection of paths. The buildings themselves must have round shape and imitate an ancient Greek portico.
  5. Usage natural materials.
  6. Preference is given to topiary plants. Planted on the site globular thuja, maple, linden, pyramidal juniper, jasmine, lilac, girl's grapes.
  7. Various flowers are used for planting flower beds, for example, salvias, phlox, begonias, roses.
  8. Forged benches.
  9. Pergolas.
  10. Decorations - arches, Greek flowerpots with legs, classical columns, stone balls, antique sculptures.

This design is relevant on an area of ​​at least 15 acres.


Scandinavian style in landscape design also has distinctive features. It gives preference to the natural landscape. When creating it, emphasis is placed on the following details:

  1. Flowers planted in containers.
  2. Spanish-Moorish lawn.
  3. Reservoirs of different shapes.
  4. Heather garden.
  5. Oases and clearings where wild plants grow.
  6. Hedges, presented in the form of fences and fences.
  7. Maximum open space.


The country style in landscape design is the most common today. The great popularity is explained by the simplicity, naturalness and ease of design. He is also known as country style in landscape design. There should be no strict lines here, just as there are no strict rules when designing a landscape.

You can arrange absolutely any area of ​​the local area. Mostly bright colors are used in the design. Also, in such a landscape project, priority is given to natural materials, such as lining, wicker, timber, metal, stone, gravel, wood. Often the area is planted with fruit trees, for example, plum, cherry. Can also be grown medicinal plants, such as mint, thyme, marigold and thyme. Shrubs are also popular - bird cherry, lilac, viburnum, etc. In a word, everything that is popular in an ordinary village.


For this landscape design of the area, preference is given to those plants that require the least amount of care.

Rustic style in landscape design also includes all kinds of decorative elements, for example, these could be:

  1. Handmade accessories.
  2. Original flower beds.
  3. Carts.
  4. Wheels.
  5. Metal/wooden benches.
  6. Birdhouses.
  7. Wicker and hedges.
  8. Decorative wells.
  9. Pet figurines and more.


The Art Nouveau style in landscape design is, without exaggeration, a style that refers to big checks! Particular attention is paid to small architectural structures and all kinds of accessories. Plants, flowers and the like go completely into the background. With all this there should be perfect combination all design items. Plus, such a design of the backyard requires good and regular maintenance of the landscape.

Landscapes in the Art Nouveau style include arched shapes and lines that smoothly intersect with each other. It is also allowed if certain drawings are repeated, for example, when we're talking about about paths, flower beds, etc. The main element of the landscape is the house, and from it come all sorts of spirals and other elements, like rays from the sun.

Preference is given to natural materials. As for the color palette in such a design project, there is a wide variety, including blue, beige, black, chocolate, silver, yellow, red and purple. If this or that furniture is installed, it is recommended to make it from forging. The ideal solution, although not necessarily organizing small fountain or stream. Taken together, this will emphasize this type of landscape design.


Landscape design in Japanese style always hides a mysterious meaning. We can safely say that the Japanese style in landscape design is a real philosophy. The key elements are stones, plants and water. It emphasizes the ideal harmony and balance of all components of the landscape. All elements used must have different shapes, size and color. No repetitions!

There are no restrictions on the area of ​​the landscape. The base colors are brown, white, green and gray. Sharp and bright colors in the design are excluded. As already mentioned, stones are the basis of this style. They should be in perfect harmony with the planted plants. In some cases, it is important to plant or install a bamboo fence.

As for plants, these are juniper, maple, apple tree, plum, cherry, pine, Japanese quince, maiden grapes, rhododendrons, ferns, peonies, irises and cereals. As decorative elements - dry streams, tea houses, stone lanterns, roots, bamboo figures, garden screens, driftwood, etc.


In this design style, water is a mandatory element. . On a landscape plot it can be in any form, such as a fountain, stream, pond, etc.


The Dutch style in landscape design is very reminiscent of country style. However, the characteristics of vegetation from Holland must be taken into account. Preference is given to living nature. Conifers and evergreens are often planted. Ornamental plants can also be found in similar landscape areas. Although there is a similarity with country music, however, there is no certain neglect of design.


Next up chinese style in landscape design. This is a category of eastern landscape, which is distinguished by its hills. Moreover, a third of the entire site may be occupied by a reservoir. The presence of gazebos, bridges, galleries and verandas is mandatory. Bright colors are welcomed in the design, which cannot be said for another oriental style - Japanese.

As for vegetation, this is a relatively wide range, which includes evergreens, coniferous shrubs and trees. When creating it, the natural features of a particular area are predominantly preserved.


The Moorish style in landscape design emphasizes the mystery of the East and European art of gardening. This includes a patio, which involves arranging a courtyard. Arches, pergolas and other structures are required to be installed on which vines, grapes, and climbing roses grow. All plants should not be trimmed; they can have a completely natural shape in the landscape.


Landscape design in the minimalist style implies laconic forms and a minimum number of details. Despite its apparent simplicity, organizing such a site is not so simple. An important feature is that this design idea can be implemented on a plot of up to three acres. Zoning is a prerequisite. At the same time, landscape symmetry is not necessary. Stairs, buildings, podiums, etc. are encouraged. As for the coloring in the design, cream, light terracotta, silver and white should predominate here.

When developing a design and project, the use of artificial and natural materials is recommended. In this case, the same material should be used for all buildings, for example, all buildings and elements are made of brick, including even paths. Regarding vegetation, there are no strict rules. You can plant fruit trees, coniferous trees, maple, birch, willow and other plants. Considering small area, vertical gardening of the landscape area is encouraged. As for decorative elements, there should not be many of them. Small boulders, mirrors, metal balls, driftwood, etc. are suitable.


If there is a pond, it must have the correct geometric shape and fit perfectly into the overall landscape.


High-tech style in landscape design can be attributed to modern direction. Here you can bring to life your wildest fantasies when arranging the landscape. High-tech style does not require asymmetrical and symmetrical lines and decors. The main advantage of such a landscape is that it does not require much time to maintain; perfect solution for very busy people. It can be implemented in a variety of areas, both large and small.

The use of metal, glass, polycarbonate, plastic and other modern materials is encouraged. When arranging paths in such a landscape, white or colored gravel is used. All plants are planted in flowerpots or containers with strict geometric shapes. You can also plant pyramidal spruces, cypresses, thujas, and boxwoods. Using garden shears, plants should be given strict shapes. With this design, bright and variegated colors have no place here.

When it comes to decoration, special attention is paid to lighting. It is customary to introduce modern lighting equipment that uses LED lighting. It is very good if the lighting is colored and evenly illuminates the landscape project. Plus, you can install solar-powered lighting. In addition to lighting, the area can be decorated with glass and metal figures, such as balls, cubes and other abstract shapes.


The Mediterranean style in landscape design combines colorfulness, coniferous and citrus plants, as well as picturesque ponds. It will not be easy to implement such a landscape project, because subtropical plants can only take root in the southern region of our country. In all other cases, efforts will have to be made to adapt plant analogues that can cope with harsh climates.

This style welcomes raised areas. If they are not there, then you can make artificial hills, slopes and stairs. You can make room for a patio. Hedge will be an excellent solution for zoning and design of the entire territory. Of all the listed styles, Mediterranean is considered the most picturesque and colorful. The colors and paints used here are blue, orange, azure blue, white, and sand.

Paths can be decorated with sea pebbles or natural stones. The furniture is set in rattan with cushions painted in white and blue stripes. To be specific, palms, citrus and olive trees are preferred in this landscape style. However, they can be replaced by evergreens, for example, spruce, pine, juniper. Spices and colorful flower beds are also a feature of this style. Flowers in this design are purple, orange, red, blue. It will look original if planted in groups. Garden figures, amphorae, wooden benches, antique dishes. There must be some kind of body of water, either a stream, a waterfall or a lake.


Landscape design in the Provence style has won the hearts of many connoisseurs of classics and pragmatism. It combines France and rustic style. Here you should not adhere to strict lines in design. A certain negligence can be observed slightly. Usually there are broken geometric lines. Old carts, wheels, benches and all kinds of handicrafts, holey baskets, cracked jugs - all this is part of the landscape of Provence. When developing a design project, you can immediately select places for their installation on the site.

As for plants, there should be a brightly flowering front garden. A composition of calendula, marigolds, beans, zucchini, nasturtium, onions, and sunflowers looks great. Paths can be paved with stone.


The Italian style in landscape design is suitable for areas that have a natural and relief slope. Retaining walls and spacious terraces look great. This style is characterized by a large number of stones. You can build a variety of objects from them:

  1. Fountains.
  2. Cascades.
  3. Balustrades.
  4. Ramps.
  5. Stairs.
  6. Fences.
  7. Pavilions.

Water, Italian style, plays a key role. Therefore, it is good if there are a large number of babbling streams, fountains and ponds. Recreating such a landscape will not be an easy task, since it requires placing the garden on a difficult terrain. It is important to place the stones wisely so that your yard does not resemble a place where stones accumulate.

The entire design picture is created along the axes. On the main floor there are parterre lawns, which are decorated with sculptures, flower beds and other landscape elements. Plantings in bosquets look original. Part landscape garden, which is flat, is arranged with stones from a semicircular wall, like an amphitheater. To organize a secluded place, an isolated corner of the garden must be created.

It is also worth allocating space for ponds, long straight paths, which are laid out with Italian mosaics. Sculptures in antique style, viewpoints and much more. It all comes together Italian style in the landscape design of a personal plot.


Today the colonial style in landscape design is very popular. This solution is optimal for small houses that have verandas. The veranda can be entwined with ivy, due to which the air in the room is always cool. There are no strict rules or requirements for the use of any exclusive materials. For example, you can get by with a brick and a regular board. The result should be a slightly casual garden design, reminiscent of Colonial America, where this design style originates.

As for plants, everything is very simple. They should be placed in wooden tubs or white dishes. Wooden animal figures also look original. A fountain, wicker benches, and sun loungers will also be relevant.

This landscape combines negligence, severity, simplicity and the spirit of freedom. This is emphasized by plants that are unusually pruned. At first glance, everything may seem very simple, but achieving perfect design harmony between chaos and relaxation in such a landscape project is not easy. All the little details in the design should be carefully thought through.


Exclusive landscape design will be of interest to those who are not satisfied with the standards. The main idea of ​​the design is for the space to be functional and aesthetically pleasing. The created landscape project should display a positive outlook on life, which will evoke exclusively positive emotions. This design is based on the garden near the building. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of relief, vegetation, reservoirs and other compositions. Everything should have an emotional impact.

The garden is made in a variety of styles, for example, it can reflect Japan, France and even Italy. Exclusivity is achieved through playing with light and shadows, as well as installing original figures.


If you are not a fan of sticking to one standard, then mixed styles of landscape design will be to your liking. The bottom line is that individual sections of the territory will have their own unique style and an original landscape project. However, one landscape style should be predominant. The rest smoothly transition from one to another. Among other things, some landscape styles can be mixed with each other.

For example, you can follow the following concept when developing a landscape design project:

  1. The front area is a regular style.
  2. The main entrance and entrance are landscape style.
  3. The garden area is French style.
  4. Flower beds are country.

In this section there is a presentation of the design of this design in the photo; after looking at them, you can imagine your dream garden and recreate it on your landscape plot. Important condition- avoid sudden transitions from one design to another.


ECO style in landscape design means maximum naturalness. The end result should completely resemble pristine nature. There should be no hint that there was a human hand here. Therefore, creating it will require a lot of effort to achieve maximum naturalness in such a landscape.

Square landscape plot can be very different. Color tinting - natural. Bridges made of boards, logs, grass, gravel, stones, bark - all this is a feature of the ECO style and landscape design. As for plants, you should strictly adhere to the prevailing flora in your region. Lawns of wildflowers, forest plants, garden flowers will create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. When choosing furniture, you should give preference to rough ones, for example, stumps, driftwood, etc.


If there is a pond, then it must have living inhabitants.


The forest style in landscape design is reminiscent of the previous one. This also implies the least possible human intervention. The main task is to correctly place accents in a landscape design project. If there is intervention, then only natural colors are added, for example, wood, grass, bark, etc. With this style, very little paving is used. The vegetation is predominantly forest - shrubs, grasses, buttercups, daisies, bells and other medicinal plants. Furniture should be as simple as possible, for example, made of wood, painted with varnish.


The Russian style in landscape design arose in the 18th century. Its distinctive features are the use of pines, oaks, birches and cedars. It is based on alley plantings, trellises, and beautifully designed roadside areas. The basis of the entire landscape ensemble is a beautiful fountain and sculpture.

All buildings can be decorated with climbing plants. Beautiful flower pots are also hung on the facades. This whole landscape style is slightly reminiscent of the Provence landscape style.


So, we have looked at a variety of landscape design styles and their characteristic features. Each of them has a certain zest that makes it special and unique in its own way. The presentation of all these landscape styles is complemented by photographs and video materials. We hope that all this material will help you decide on your chosen direction. Of course, you can write endlessly about each style; we tried to select for you the main distinctive features of a particular landscape. Additionally, we suggest watching useful video material on how to develop a landscape project independently without the involvement of specialists landscape design personal plot.