Agreement of the adjective with the noun in number and gender. Offer. Agreement of the adjective with the noun in number and gender Changing the names of adjectives by gender

The proposed didactic materials are designed both for schoolchildren studying the Russian language textbook for the 5th grade of general education institutions (authors - T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova, etc.), and for those schoolchildren , which work according to the textbook for 5th grades edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. In the manual, the topic “Adjective” is given somewhat more broadly than in the textbook indicated above (for example, fifth-graders become familiar with categories, degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). Exercises and assignments for these materials are given with the “++” symbol.
The teaching materials offered are of varying degrees of complexity. The teacher can use them taking into account the level of preparedness of his students in the subject. Many tasks for the exercises are identical to the questions included in the unified state exam in the Russian language (for example, about the means of expressive language, types of speech, etc.).
The materials focus on the development of students’ speech, improving the ability to accurately, appropriately and expressively use adjectives in oral and written speech.

Exercise 1. The name of the part of speech - the adjective - already contains a hint: it is “attached” to some words. These words are nouns, and adjectives denote their characteristics.
Remember the heroes of the book by the famous Finnish writer Tove Janson “In the Happy Valley of the Moomins” Shnyrk and Juksare, who gathered to play buttons.

Shnyrek, who was collecting shells in the coastal water, jumped out onto the shore like a bullet and began to empty the contents of his pockets onto the rock.
- One button is enough!
- Please! – Shnyrek was happy. -Which one is better? Bone, plush, wood, glass, metal, mother-of-pearl? Plain, speckled, striped or checkered? Round, oval, concave, convex, octagonal or...
“You can use an ordinary trouser button,” said Yuksare.

What characteristics of an object are indicated by adjectives in the text? From what angles is this object characterized with their help?

Exercise 2. First read the text with adjectives, then without them. Is it possible to imagine this particular dog without adjectives, to learn about its characteristics?

It was a small but very smart dog. She had large black eyes and long, princess-like eyelashes and a neat ponytail, which she fanned herself with like a fan.

(A. Usachev)

Exercise 3. Read the texts. Words of which part of speech carry the main semantic load?
Determine the type of speech. Which phrases - verbal or noun - are used more often in texts of this type?

a) The jay is the most colorful of our resident birds. How can any other overseas parrot compare to her! There are up to seven colors in one wing - white, gray, and silver. The head with a strong, stone beak, the bird's chest is almost fiery, the back and belly are covered in soft ashen down, there is a rainbow around the eyes and on the cheeks.

(According to V. Astafiev)

b) How beautiful he was, all illuminated by the sun, against the white background of the birch forest! And what a unique appearance this forest giant has! A long hook-nosed muzzle, huge inverted roots - horns. He himself is so heavy, bulky, and his legs are high, slender, like those of a racehorse. And what a color the fur is - all dark brown, and the legs look like white, tightly pulled stockings.

(G. Skrebitsky)

What animal are we talking about?
Write down 2-3 phrases in which adjectives denote the characteristics of an object: 1) in shape, size; 2) by color.

Exercise 4. Read the texts. Determine the role of adjectives in them.

a) On hot summer days it’s good to wander in a birch grove. A warm wind rustles green leaves overhead. It smells like mushrooms and ripe fragrant strawberries. The sun's rays break through the dense foliage. It’s good to lie in the clean grass, with your hands under your head, looking into the heights, where high clouds float and float across the blue summer sky like white swans above the tops of the birches.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

b) Spring morning in the forest. The dew has not dried yet. Tiny drops of water hung on the leaves, on the flowers, on the stems of the grass. The sun peeked out from behind the treetops, and at the same moment bright lanterns seemed to light up in the dew drops. They were different - blue, pink and light blue. But most of all pink. The entire forest was glowing pink.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Exercise 5. Describe (in 5-6 sentences) a place that you visited for the first time and that struck you with something. Can you do without adjectives?

Exercise 6. Read an excerpt from A.P.’s story. Chekhov "Boys". For what purpose are adjectives used in it?

Volodya's three sisters sat at the table and did not take their eyes off their new acquaintance. Chechevitsyn was the same age and height as Volodya, but not so plump and white, but thin, dark, covered with freckles. His hair was bristly, his eyes were narrow, his lips were thick. He was very ugly. In appearance, he could have been mistaken for the cook's son, if he had not been wearing a school jacket.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Determine the type of speech.

Exercise 7. Which adjectives in combination with these nouns can be used to describe a person’s appearance, and which ones to reflect his inner world?

Face : narrow, angry, pleasant, intelligent, ruddy, tanned, dark-skinned, good-natured, wide-cheeked.
Eyes : brown, crafty, sad, round, expressive, angry, empty, sad, gray, huge.
Old man : gray-haired, kind, short, thin.

Write down the phrases you have created in two columns:

Write (orally) 3-4 sentences describing the person who caught your attention.

Exercise 8. Write down which animals a person is usually compared to

according to its external qualities:
clumsy as ___________;
thick as ______________;
long-legged, like __________;
hardy, like ___________;
healthy as _____________;

according to its internal qualities:
brave as _____________;
cunning as ______________;
insidious, like _____________;
cowardly as ____________;
faithful as _______________.

Exercise 9. Read the text. Find in it cognate words of various parts of speech, with the help of which the color of an autumn day is conveyed. Write them down, indicate which parts of speech they belong to.

Sometimes at the beginning of autumn there is a rare day. It looks like it's all made of blue glass. The distant forest turns transparent blue, and the birches on the slope stand thin and straight, like white candles. The blue of the sky, the blue distance, the shine of the sun and the colorful decoration of the forests - all this looks like some kind of fabulous holiday, like the last greeting of the passing summer.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Do only adjectives convey the brightness and multicolor of the world?

Exercise 10. Read the text, prepare to retell it.

In Russian there are different ways to indicate color. Compare: turn white(verb), white(noun), white(adjective). And yet, most often, adjectives are used for this. Many of them give an idea of ​​color through the object that is the bearer of this color: crimson – raspberry color, salad – lettuce color, cherry – cherry blossom, turquoise – turquoise color, sand – color of sand. Similar adjectives appeared in our language in the mid-18th - early 19th centuries.
But blue, red, yellow – adjectives with their own color meaning. Among the Slavs red meant "beautiful, good" (red maiden, red sun) and symbolized joy, beauty, love. On holidays, guys usually wore red shirts, and girls wore red sundresses. White the color symbolized purity, virtue (remember the bride’s white dress), yellow – infidelity.
Many adjectives denoting color come to us from other languages. So, from French - orange (orange- orange), pale yellow (pale– pale, pale yellow, with a pink tint), lilac (lilas- lilac), violet (from the name of the flower - violette– violet).

Exercise 11. Read the text.

Adjectives seem to color the world around us. As a rule, the concept of “color and its shades” can be represented by many adjectives. Let's take for example blue - This cornflower blue, blue, sky blue, turquoise, sapphire, azure; grey – this and smoky , And ashen , And mousey .

Choose adjectives that mean green color and its shades, write them down along with the nouns. Make up and write down sentences with 2–3 word combinations.

Exercise 12. Read the text, determine its main idea.

One day, several nouns gathered on a bright, sunny lawn: Sky, Road, Fairy Tale, Song. They began to express their grievances against the schoolchildren because they gave them constant adjectives as friends, which no one could get rid of.
– I’m in all my works blue And cloudless, - Heaven sighed.
- And the word stuck with me flat, - Doroga almost cried.
- Eh, friend! Nothing for you yet. At least sometimes you winding they call me names, but I always interesting, - Fairy Tale said hopelessly.
- And I just ringing, - said the Song.
-What are you going to do here? - everyone sighed together.

(I. Podgaetskaya)

Choose adjectives for the nouns discussed in the text, as well as for the words grass, forest, friend, sun. Write them down.

Exercise 13. Add 5–7 adjectives each denoting: color (white, orange, ...), taste (salty, tart, ...), temperature (cold, ...), character qualities (generous, smart, ...).

Exercise 14. Write down 3-4 nouns for these adjectives: round, sweet, cheerful, brave, sad .

Exercise 15. Make up phrases with the nouns given in brackets and write them in two columns:

direct meaning figurative meaning

stale (bread, person), cold (day, look), slippery (floor, person), bright (fire, example), high (thoughts, pine trees), sweet (tea, dream), oblique (seam, look), golden (character, bracelet), lazy (girl, pose), narrow (interests, paths), pale (boy, story), iron (grid, discipline), hard (ground, character), hot (days, disputes), fresh ( thought, bun).

Exercise 16. Write down nouns with adjectives, arranging synonyms in order of increasing or decreasing degree of attribute.

Smell (fragrant, pleasant, fragrant), sunset (scarlet, crimson, pink, crimson, red, crimson), answer (excellent, good, beautiful), fighter (brave, courageous, fearless, courageous), pianist (capable, brilliant, talented), construction site (large, grandiose, huge), water (icy, cold, cool), rays (hot, warm, sultry, hot), step (quick, hasty, impetuous, hasty).

Exercise 17. Add constant epithets to these nouns, which are often found in works of oral folk art. What part of speech words are used in this?

Sample: tight bow, ...

Well done, field, sea, horse, falcon, steppes, springs, forest, sun, girl, water, harp.

Exercise 18. Remember and write down the names of fairy tales in which adjectives occur.

Exercise 19. Complete a number of phraseological units that include adjectives. Explain the meanings of these phraseological units.

Augean stables, __________ heel, __________ sword, _________ tears, ________ labor

Exercise 20. Make up phrases “adjective + noun”: a) that can be used in a weather report report; b) where adjectives denote a feature of an object perceived by sight or hearing; c) where adjectives are epithets.

Wind: mournful, hurricane, squally, impetuous, northern, sleepy, affectionate, furious, angry, furious.
Rain: silent, continuous, lively, sluggish, stormy, short-term, protracted, annoying, torrential, quiet, swift, noisy, dull, gloomy, chatty, monotonous, sonorous, abundant, lazy, dreary.
Snow: white, sparkling, clean, bright, wet, diamond, fresh, yesterday, early.

Compose a text of 5–6 sentences about snow or rain, using phrases containing epithets.

Exercise 21. Replace the adjective in the phrase with a suitable synonym.

Fresh air, fresh shirt, fresh thought, fresh greens, fresh bread, fresh face.
Tall house, tall man, high harvest, high voice, distinguished guests.

Exercise 22. Read the poem by N. Rubtsov expressively.

Autumn! Flying along the roads
Autumn is cold and groaning!
Croaks near a haystack
Pack chilled crow.
Slippery uneven path
In the thickets of cloudy willows
The horse comes from the watering hole,
Head down.
Small, drowsy, without measure,
As if from many sieves,
The rain is chilling and gray
Everything is drizzling and drizzling.

Write out two phrases “adjective + noun” from the poem, in which the adjectives are epithets.
Find a comparison. What other combinations of words seemed unusual to you? What do you think the author uses them for?
Write down the highlighted words, explain the choice of spelling - consonants in their roots.
Make a phonetic analysis of words
a flock of chilled .

Exercise 23. (Orally.) Prepare a coherent story on the topic “The role of adjectives in speech.” Give your own examples to prove your points.

Exercise 24. Make up phrases using the given nouns according to the example. Indicate the gender, number, case of the main and dependent words.


Rose, snow, books, field, clouds, pencils, to the village.

What do adjectives mean? What questions do they answer? What determines the gender, number, and case of adjectives?

Exercise 25 Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

a) 1. We went fishing early in the summer morning ( D. Mamin-Sibiryak). 2. The quiet wind rustled through the grass ( B. Oleynik). 3. The hare’s shu_ka is white. 4. The hare's white fur matches the snow.

b) The black stork is a secretive, unsociable bird. She's very careful. The stork is similar to its white counterpart. In high flight they are almost identical.

(According to G. Korolkov)

Draw a conclusion about the syntactic role of full and short adjectives in a sentence.
Highlight the endings in the adjectives. What are they pointing to? How do short adjectives differ from full adjectives?

Exercise 26. Remember and write down expressions from folk tales that prove that in the Old Russian language short adjectives changed according to cases.

Around the world, from young to old, __________.

Exercise 27. Copy, insert missing punctuation marks, letters. Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

In winter, the garden is white and sleepy. But under the spring sun (h, s) the snow will run and then the garden will burst into flames with pink fire. The bees will buzz in the flower wilderness. By summer there will be a swirling floral snowfall so that by autumn there will be a miracle on every branch!

(A. Vasilyeva-Gangnus)

Parse the word according to its composition pink. Write out an adjective with the same composition from the text. Write down words with the same root and different forms of one word.
Make diagrams of the second and last sentences.

Exercise 28++. Write out the adjectives from the text in three columns:

quality | relative | possessive

Indicate their grammatical features. Add 2-3 of your own examples.


Blowed cold winds. The trees stood bare in the forest, waiting for winter clothes. The spruce and pine trees became even greener.
At the first powder, the hunters went hunting, and for days on end the loud barking of dogs could be heard throughout the forest.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Prove that the highlighted word is an adjective.

Exercise 29. Decline. Highlight the endings in the question and in the adjective.

A thin long twig, a difficult long road, a quiet foggy morning.

Exercise 30. Indicate what grammatical features are expressed by the following endings of adjectives. Prove with examples.

Exercise 31. Copy the text by inserting the missing letters.

I was walking along a narrow path. Shaggy white tree branches hung over it from all sides. Occasionally the snow fell off them and fell to the ground in heavy flakes. For a long time the snow dust lingered in the frosty air.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Create a sentence diagram with a conjunction And.

Exercise 32. Write down, insert the missing letters.

By evening it began to snow. Large_shaggy_ snowflakes spun into the air_. Every minute they became bigger and bigger. Finally, the snow began to fall in flakes and covered the surroundings with a cloudy veil. In an instant, the porch of the forest guardhouse and the branches of the old pine trees (s, h) became white and fluffy. The air was clean and fresh_. There was such a silence that only happens in winter in an old, deep forest before nightfall.
From the hazy evening sky the white fluff of winter fell and fell onto the ground.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Find a sentence with short adjectives. Determine their syntactic role in the sentence.

Make up phrases with the highlighted word in which adjectives would act as epithets.

Exercise 33

a) About quiet spring nights; spreading_ tall_ oak tree; winter_ clear_ day; light_blue_ sky; fresh_autumn_morning; in the old pine forest; in the forest_mysterious_ wilderness; through the deep_dense_taiga; in the warm_summer_rain; in Russian folk song; beautiful_melody; on a long journey; in the blue sea; under low trees; for a morning walk; by a calm river.

Write down two qualitative adjectives. What characteristics of an object do they represent?

b) Early walk through the autumn forest; frosty_ January_ day; young_beautiful_oak tree; in clean, light water; in yellow_fragrant_ acacia; near the white-trunked birch tree; in a blue haze; through last year's leaves; quiet evenings; spring_ sometimes; late_autumn; from the dense forest; on long voyages; about autumn_rainy_ weather; clear evening dawn; quiet_ thoughtful_ nature; about a long_pleasant_walk; in a dense_shady_alley; after yesterday_rain; into a hot oven; long_autumn_night.

Write down two relative adjectives. What features of the object do they indicate?

c) ++Dog_smell; dog_sense; wolf_trace; wolf_mouth; fox_ cunning; in a fox hole; on the fox's trail; childish voices; bear's den; deer_fur; on deer fur; fisherman_ village; boat fisherman; seal_ pasture; in a landowner's estate; disservice.

Find phrases in which the same adjective in one case acts as a possessive, and in another it takes on the meaning of a qualitative one. Make up and write down sentences with them.

Exercise 34. Copy, insert the missing letters, highlight the endings of the adjectives.

1. A hare quietly creeps along the soft snow ( D. Mamin-Sibiryak). 2. There are two species of bats in New Zealand (I. Akimushkin). 3. The forest was still good_ (D. Mamin-Sibiryak). 4. The huge dog looked like a mighty lion. He was limping on his hind leg. 5. The blue snow turned white. 6. The dozing river reflects the sky, the quiet, pale arch of heaven, the quiet, dark, sleepy forest (K. Balmont). 7. A vague hum is heard from the sea. 8 . The sun smells of herbs, fresh baths, awakened spring and resinous pine (K. Balmont). 9. The calf was small, yellow, with big ears, like a donkey’s. (V. Chaplin). 10. The birds, one after another, rose in large circles above the mountain range towards the morning wind (N. Sladkov). 11. A flock of sheep went to the mountainside for the spring_ curly_ region.

++ Write down two phrases each with relative and qualitative adjectives.
++ Underline the main clauses in the second sentence.

Exercise 35

1. Behind the lightly foggy haze we made out the hilly distant shore. 2. The forest began behind the last huts, shaded the village and did not allow heavy winds to roam through the backyards. 3. In late autumn the first frosts began to whiten the withered grass. 4. In the silence of the winter forest, something suddenly rustles very nearby. 5. A cooing sound came from the crown of a neighboring alder tree. 6. The spring forest is permeated with the trills of finches.

(According to G. Korolkov)

Re-read the third sentence. What means of expressive language did the author use?

Exercise 36. Write down, insert the missing letters, open the brackets.

The lake is dark_rock_, free_, gloomy_ in (bad) weather_, as if lead _, and on clear_ days it is tender_ and hi_in_ . The lake region is reflected in the transparent depths, and wooded islands overturned in the coastal waters.

Read expressively the description of Lake Onega, compiled from the book “100 Wonders of the World” by N. Ionina. Find semantic synonyms and antonyms in the text.
Indicate the adjectives used figuratively. What other means of expressive language does the author use to vividly and figuratively describe the lake?
++ Write down two qualitative and relative adjectives each. Prove (orally) that they belong to this category.
Sort out the highlighted words according to their composition. Give examples of 2-3 adjectives with the same suffixes (in writing).

Exercise 37. Write down, insert the missing letters.

The Church of the Transfiguration in Kizhi is crumbling. The scaly clothing of its domes was made by Russian craftsmen from aspen plates. Silky to the touch, over time they become gray, acquire a glossy gloss and a sort of mirror-like properties. This wooden church has something of a fairy-tale tower , and at the same time, it exudes the heroic, epic strength and amazing simplicity of peasant buildings.

(According to N. Ionina)

Read the text expressively. Determine the type and style of speech.
++ Find “new” and “given” in the text. What are the features of the “given”?
++ Write down adjectives with meanings: a) “a little, slightly”; b) “accessories”. Add 2-3 similar adjectives, highlight the suffixes in them.

Exercise 38. Compare two texts based on the story “Vaska” by O. Perovskaya.

1) We took a good look at Vaska. It was a clumsy little tiger cub. The tiger cub had a large, wide head with round green eyes, a wide forehead and short ears. The front legs were thick and strong, while the hind legs were thinner and weaker. The tiger cub's body was thin and puny, and its tail was long, like a snake.

2) We took a good look at Vaska. It was a clumsy little tiger cub with a large, wide head, round green eyes, a wide forehead and short ears. His front legs are thick and strong, his hind legs are weaker and thinner. Vaska’s body is thin and puny, his tail is long, like a snake.

Which text do you think is more successful? Re-read it and answer the following questions.
Determine the type of speech. Indicate the features characteristic of this type of speech.
++ Which of the editing methods made the text better: 1) replacing it with a word synonymous for the given text; 2) exclusion of repetition of the word in “given”; 3) replacing a noun with a pronoun?
++ Write down the adjectives in the comparative degree. Form and write the superlative degree of these adjectives.

Exercise 39. Copy, insert missing letters, missing punctuation marks, open the brackets.

Researchers talk about the existence of an unusual species of brown bear in Kenya - the kerite.
Kerith is the most mysterious monster in Africa. He is larger than a brown bear, thick_ dark fur covers the shoulders and paws of the beast.
It is believed that it lives in dense forests and is nocturnal. He always attacks people and animals at night. When attacked, it (doesn’t) jump over fences, but pokes holes in them. Thorn bushes and hedges are not a hindrance for him.
Scientists have not yet (not) given an answer to the question of what kerite is - an unknown predator or just a myth?

(Based on the book by I. Akimushkin “Traces of Unseen Beasts”)

++ Form comparative and superlative forms from the highlighted adjective. If it is impossible to form a simple shape, form a compound one.
++ Find comparative and superlative adjectives in the text and underline them as parts of the sentence.

Exercise 40. In what parts of speech is an ending possible? -ies ? Write down 3-4 examples.
What parts of speech are possible in writing? -ii at the end of words? Give 4–5 examples.

Exercise 41++. Copy, insert missing letters, missing punctuation marks.

1. Common squirrel food: seeds of coniferous trees. 2. I followed the wolf's trail. 3. Now I don’t see any hare tracks near our house. 4. I have more than once admired the miracles of bird tracks. 5. Black grouse is the most beautiful of hunting birds. 6. On cold winter nights we often heard a hungry wolf howl. 7. Among the cat_ and dog_ tracks on the outskirts_ of the city on the boulevards you can also see fox_ and tracks. 8. Experienced hunters know that in bear hunting, first of all, order is needed. 9. The fox’s trail stretches out in a long line. 10. Hare_fox_bird_footprints are painted on the white_ tablecloth of snow. 11. A fishing boat splashes by the bridge.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

++ Find the superlative adjective in the sentences, write it down, analyze it by composition; give 2–3 examples of adjectives with the same composition.

Exercise 42. Copy, insert missing letters, missing punctuation marks.

1. The forest path turned and I came out onto a sloping cape. 2. The autumn wind was blowing and raindrops were falling (A. Apukhtin). 3. In the lower_ hollow lived a redstart and the upper_ floors were occupied by bats (G. Korolkov). 4. In the summer the weasel was in summer clothes, and in the fall she changed her clothes and dressed in a white coat. 5. India is the ancient homeland of bluebirds (N. Sladkov). 6. Barn owls are huge birds of mountain heights (N. Sladkov). 7. Golden eagle is the largest eagle (N. Sladkov).

Write down two phrases “adjective + noun” and analyze them.
Make diagrams of the first two sentences.
++ Write out the superlative adjective. Write down the comparative degree of this adjective.

Exercise 43. Copy, insert the missing letters, highlight the endings of the adjectives.

1. Through tight_ I squeezed through a wall of alder bushes towards the water. 2. In a spruce forest that woke up from its winter slumber, I met a squirrel. 3. I love listening to nightingales on clear May days. 4. Morning dawn appears in early spring. 5. Even at midnight the summer forest is completely quiet. b. The night dissolved in the stream of dawn. 7. In the dim light, visions appeared dilapidated_ a barn, a low_ fence and a young_ maple with carved_ leaves.

(According to G. Korolkov)

Find synonyms for the highlighted words.
Write down the adjective with a diminutive suffix.

Exercise 44. Write down, insert the missing letters.

1. After a gloomy night bright_ The late autumn dawn flared up with colors. 2. A thin_water_dust_wet_and_cold_layer lay over the sodden ground (L. Andreev). 3. Behind the snowy fields, a blue strip of spruce separated the gray sky from the white fields (A. Chapygin). 4. The fog was silver with prickly sparks (A. Chapygin). 5. The ants lined up under the old pine tree huge_ forest palace

Choose antonyms for the highlighted word in the first sentence.
Select synonyms for the highlighted word in the last sentence, arranging them in order of strengthening of the feature.
Parse the last sentence.

Exercise 45. Write down, insert the missing letters.

In the winter fog there is a cold, dim sun. The snowy forest sleeps. It seems as if everything has frozen due to this cold.
I go out into the forest clearing. I see a thick old spruce forest. All the trees are full of large cones.
Suddenly, as if a spring breeze rustled over the forest. This flock of crossbills flew over the clearing. The birds grabbed the cones tenacious_ claws and pull out delicious seeds from them.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Make a morphological analysis of the highlighted word.
Outline the last sentence.

Exercise 46. Write down, insert the missing letters. Highlight the endings of the adjectives.

1. Unfriendly_in_ , cloudy day with multi-colored glass glaring (A. Apukhtin). 2. A cool leaf flies from the tree with a light whistle (N. Rubtsov). 3. Size_m in_em quiet flax color_tet (B. Oleynik). 4. Chains iceman_ the obedient pond is bound and the blue mirror is equal to the banks (P. Vyazemsky). 5. In the serene silence, the songs of the talkative birds unfurl in the heights (Ya. Polonsky). 6. Already above the spruce forest, from behind the tops of the thorny trees, the gold of the evening clouds shone (Ya. Polonsky). 8. Albatrosses fly above the leaden clouds, watching the seething waves from the sky (K. Balmont). 9. A clean breeze rushes along the narrow streets (N. Rubtsov). 10. White lily flowers, silvery, grow from the deep bottom, where golden rays do not shine (K. Balmont). 11. River crystal sleeps behind the coastal bushes (S. Klochkov).

What means of expressive language are used in excerpts from poems by different authors?
Sort out the highlighted words according to their composition. Write out adjectives with the same suffixes from the sentences.
Parse the 2nd sentence.
Make an outline of the 10th sentence.
++ Write down two phrases “adjective + noun” with qualitative and relative adjectives. Sort out these phrases.

Exercise 47. Write down, insert the missing letters. Indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

The bear is clumsy_; bread smells_; lily of the valley_fresh_; the frost is crackling_; hedgehog_thorn_; dense boron_; borsch_hot_; nice day_; looks_ like a brother; terrible sushi_.

Exercise 48++. Copy the text by inserting the missing letters.

The obez_ik untied the drawstring of the bag and took it out of it small_nk_ trembling lump. It was a little fox. Very tiny, with a fluffy tail and a pair of pointy ears. The body is small, puny and very light.+ Neck thin_nk_+. The head is large, with a pointed nose. Cheerful_, round_, like buttons, little eyes and the black_wet_tip_of the nose. The skin is greyish-yellow, and the cheeks, throat and belly are white.

(According to O. Perovskaya)

Read the text expressively. Determine the type and style of speech. Name the characteristics of this style.
++ How did the author of the text manage to avoid repetition - a defect in the “given”?
++ Write down two adjectives and nouns each, the suffixes of which have a diminutive meaning.
In those marked with "+» In sentences, underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.
Find in the text a synonym and antonym for the highlighted word

Exercise 49. Copy, insert missing letters, missing punctuation marks.

I got to Svetl_ Lake already late in the autumn when the first snow fell. Here and there a yellow leaf still remained on the birch trees. The dry autumn grass looked like a yellow brush from under the snow. Dead silence reigned all around. Transparent_n_ the water darkened and heavy autumn water rushed noisily into the shore.

(According to D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Make a morphological analysis of any adjective.
++ Write down two phrases “adjective + noun”, in which one adjective is qualitative, the other is relative.
Choose antonyms and synonyms for the highlighted word.
Make diagrams of the first and last sentences. Parse the last sentence.

Exercise 50. Write down, insert the missing letters.

There was a hut in the dense forest. Various flowers smiled around her: red, blue, yellow. The blue grass gravitated towards the sun. + On the silver bushes the red squirrels were clicking nuts.
Near the porch of the hut stood a very old pine tree. Her top has grown to the sky. At night little stars played hide and seek in it, and in the mornings a tired cloud slept on it. In the evening, big-eared Uncle Owl looked out from the black oak tree and told fairy tales to the forest people.

(L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus)

Outline the second sentence.
Parse the sentence marked with the “+” sign.
From the last sentence, write down the functional parts of speech. Write down their names and 2-3 of your own examples next to them.
Find in the text words whose structure corresponds to the diagrams:

Write down 2-3 examples with the same composition of words.

Exercise 51++. Match the nouns with adjectives that denote shades of color.

Sample: dark golden ear, fiery red spark, blue-blue snow.

Frost, sky, grass, dawn, star, smell, sunset, smoke, sea, water, fog.

Exercise 52++. Copy, open the brackets, insert the missing letters.

1. In the (white) bluish flashes of lightning, a gloomy ridge appeared from the darkness every now and then as a flying vision. 2. The (dark) blue_ sea burns with changeable colors (M. Gorky). 3. The stone glowed with a (bluish) bluish flicker. 4. The shine of the river is (bluish) bright where it flows out into the length covered with (thick) blue fog.

Write down two adjectives whose structure matches the diagram What meaning do these suffixes give to adjectives?

Exercise 53++. Copy, open the brackets, insert the missing letters, missing punctuation marks.

Amber is the hardened resin of coniferous trees. People have noticed it since ancient times. This solar stone comes in different shades: from (light) transparent to (dark) yellow. Sometimes there are pieces of clouds of amber with quirky_ patterns that resemble either a cumulus cloud or tongues of flame. Amber can be (radiantly) transparent, (yellow) brown, (light) lemon. The walls of the famous Amber Room, which the Nazis took from the territory of Russia, were made from this gem. She has been missing since then. Now it is being restored by Russian craftsmen.

(Based on materials from the book “100 Wonders of the World”)

Find synonyms for the highlighted word.

Exercise 54. (Orally.) Prepare a coherent story on the topic “Adjective as a part of speech.”


I. Find the correct wording:

A. An adjective is a part of speech that means:

1) a sign, but as an object;
2) a sign of an object;
3) condition of the item;
4) the action of the object.

B. The adjective answers questions:

1) Which? What?
2) Who? What?
3) Which? whose?
4) whose? How?

B. Adjective:

1) in full form agrees with the noun in gender, number and case;
2) belongs to one of three genera;
3) in a sentence in full form it can be a predicate or a definition;
4) in short form it changes by numbers.

D. Short adjectives:

1) change by gender, number, case;
2) decline, change according to gender;
3) do not decline, change by number, in the singular - by gender;
4) in a sentence they are usually a definition or a predicate.

II. Which part of the sentence is the highlighted word?

A. Winter this year cold .

B. Autumn days Briefly speaking summer

1) Subject; 2) predicate; 3) definition; 4) circumstance.

III. Specify adjectives with endings:

V. Find words with a soft sign at the end:

1) because of the clouds_; 2) birth_; 3) hear_; 4) good_.

V. Find adjectives whose structure corresponds to the following schemes:

VI. Find errors in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives:

1) the most beautiful of all; 2) thinner; 3) least successful; 4) the most beautiful of all; 5) excellent.

Spinning on a branch pretty bird: yellow belly, and in the middle black belt to the neck, white cheeks, green back, on the head Little Red Riding Hood.

Exercise 323. Read; indicate which nouns the highlighted adjectives are related in meaning to and what questions they answer.

Exercise 324. Compose and write sentences that include the following adjectives:

dark, warm, green, cheerful, wide, deep, large, tall, red.

Exercise 325. Parse these sentences into sentence members; indicate which nouns the highlighted adjectives are related in meaning to.

Spring rain irrigated the fields.
Winter bright flashed like an emerald.
Morning the sun shines cheerfully through the window.
Turns white from dew thick, tall grass.
It stood all summer clear, hot, dry weather.

Exercise 326. Choose one adjective for each of the following nouns: winter, road, trees, snow, frost. Make up sentences with these words.

Exercise 327. Choose the appropriate adjective for these nouns:

sportsman, tractor driver, blacksmith, hunter.
Sample: The athlete is strong, agile,...

39. Changing adjectives by numbers.

Exercise 328. Read and name the adjectives in the singular and plural; indicate which nouns they are connected with in meaning and what questions they answer.


The Siberian taiga is widespread. There seems to be no end or beginning to it. Spreading cedars, mighty larches, centuries-old pines, slender spruce trees almost reach into the sky. The gloomy forest giants seem to be whispering something to each other.

Exercise 329. Choose suitable adjectives for these nouns, singular or plural, as appropriate according to the meaning.

Birch, birch trees, streams, ravine, banks, reeds, sedge, bushes.

Exercise 330. Rewrite by changing the singular to plural.

High mountain, narrow valley, stone house, young scout, deep lake, shady garden, thick cloud, navigable river, dense forest, beloved sister, quiet evening, narrow street, autumn rain, grain field, night watchman, blue sea, marshy swamp , wide steppe, blue sky.

Exercise 331. Write down adjectives given in the singular, adding the plural to them.

Steel, iron, wood, brick, earthen, clay, glass.

Sample: steel - steel.

40. Changing adjectives by gender.

1.Red flag - red ribbon- red banner;
young forest - young grove - young tree;
winter day - winter weather - winter morning

2. Razdolnye fields, wide rivers, high mountains, rich collective farms, big cities, new factories, new factories, new schools - this is my homeland!

Exercise 332. Join the given adjectives below to the masculine, feminine and neuter nouns; observe how the endings of adjectives change:

new, white, blue, small, blue, summer.

Exercise 333. Match the nouns to the following adjectives:

fast, angry, early, blue, cheerful, forest, frosty, foggy, quiet, white, playful.

Exercise 334. Copy the poem; Underline adjectives with one line, and endings of adjectives with two lines. Verbally state which noun each adjective refers to.

Asphalt, new, in all its glory,
Through pine forests, washed by rain and dew.
Through the honey meadows, rolled along by wheels,
A highway stretches across the wheat fields!
Strawberry glades, -

S. Mikhalkov.

Exercise 335. Choose adjectives for these nouns; Underline the endings of adjectives.

1. Frost, day. 2. Winter, night. 3. Sun, morning.

Exercise 336. Read the article. Write down the adjectives along with the nouns they refer to. Underline the endings of the adjectives.


Quiet summer morning. Large park. Ancient pines and spruces stretched their shaggy paws high up. And at their foot, like a fairy-tale dwarf town, is a pioneer camp. Small plywood houses are located in a semicircle. In the middle there is a podium and a high mast with a flag: the morning and evening lineups are held here. The camp looks cheerful and elegant: blue houses, bright flower beds, sandy paths give it a festive look.

Exercise 337. Copy the sentences and underline the endings of the adjectives,

1. The sky was covered with dark clouds. 2. Stately aspen trees raised their tops high. 3. The orchards are filled with rosy apples. 4. A gray cloud was rushing across the sky. 5. Swift-winged swallows flew over the pond. 6. Feathered guests are flying to us from the south. 7. Winter time has come. 8. Morning dew covered the grass. 9. Violent winds rose, black clouds dispersed.

41. Repeating exercises on what has been covered
about the adjective.

Exercise 338. Write down and underline the adjectives.

1. Here it is, our cheerful White Tents,
Pioneer camp, Flame flags.

2. Light lakes, dark forests. Birds' voices begin to whistle. Know your beloved homeland well, explore your native land with benefit.

Exercise 339. Copy the article “Autumn” and underline the adjectives along with the nouns they refer to.

From the end of August the air begins to get colder, and in September there are sometimes light frosts. Golden branches appear here and there on the birch tree. The aspen is also all red and golden. The fields are empty. Only tall haystacks remain to winter in the meadows. The flowers have disappeared. Yellow, dry grass bends to the ground. The birds are getting ready for a long journey.

Exercise 340. Complete these sentences with adjectives that suit their meaning.

At noon on a July day I decided to go to the river. There was... a path leading to it. Near the river there were... willow bushes. The banks of the river were... . Fish flashed in the clear water. Swallows flew over the water with cheerful chirping. On the opposite bank there were... meadows. They were covered... with grass. The grass was full of... flowers. In the distance was a blue... forest. On the mountain one could see... a village.

Words to insert: dark, aspic, hot, low, fast-winged, narrow, frisky, tall, thick, bright, large.

Exercise 341. Form adjectives from these nouns.

Joy-joyful, courage, sun, light, happiness, freedom, holiday, night, danger, fun, fear, benefit, fire, youth, spring, strength, bad weather, cold, south, steppe, sea.

Exercise 342. Copy the article and underline singular adjectives with one line and plural adjectives with two.


The Bystritsa river flows near our village. Its shores are sandy and low. Old willows grow near the water. Their weeping branches hang down to the water. There is a deep place under the willows. We swim there. There are a lot of water lilies in Bystrica. Their large leaves sway quietly on the water.

Exercise 343. First write down the adjectives with the accent on the base, and then with the stress on the ending.

1. The blue vault of the sky was dotted with stars. 2. Golden fields, like the sea, are noisy. 3. A young, slender maple beautifully spread its branches. 4. The children wandered into a dense, dark forest. 5. A large red flag fluttered over the Kremlin. 6. The tractor is driven by a cheerful collective farmer. 7. The blue sea is agitated. 8. Today is a clear, sunny day.

Exercise 344. Write a coherent story using these nouns and adjectives:

warm summer day, clear blue sky, a large crowd of children, a dark pine forest, a restless chorus of birds, a playful agile squirrel, a spotted woodpecker, a beautiful forest clearing, a fast clear stream, cold clear water.

Exercise 345. Read the sentences; pay attention to how highlighted adjectives are written; write them down in your dictionary.

1. Gets stronger brotherly Union of Peoples of the USSR. 2. Yesterday was cloudless day, 3. Alyosha Yastrebov - talented boy. 4. December the frost penetrated us to the bones. 5. Bloomed yellow dandelion. 6. I sat on hard sofa. 7. Bought a new one tin kettle. 8. We read interesting story, 9. Quiet came July evening. 10. January the day is short. 11. This year late leaf fall 12. Got up horrible wind.

Exercise 346. The same task as in exercise 345.

1. Moscow - Soviet capital. 2. Arrived November cold. 3. Walks along the street night watchman 4. My brother Vasya received monthly vacation. 5. On the river slippery ice. 6. Predatory The wolf came out onto the road. 7. Suddenly stood up horrible wind. 8. Morning the breeze blew cool. 9. Our district The center is the city of Kolomna. 10.Yaroslavl - regional city.

Exercise 347. Determine the gender and number of highlighted adjectives.

The weather is fine beautiful. Shines meekly April sky. Shiny young birch leaves. Wide flat the road is all covered small grass. Quietly swaying thick rye greens. It's getting dark in the distance conifers forests, ponds sparkle, villages are visible.

Review questions.

1. What is called an adjective?
2. What question do adjectives answer?
3. Choose adjectives for nouns: wind, night, sea, clouds.
4. What are the endings for masculine, feminine and neuter adjectives in the nominative singular and plural?
5. How to determine the gender of an adjective?

Exercise 1.

Complete the sentences with adjectives.

1. One winter we went to the forest. It was quiet in (...) the forest. Everything is covered (...) with snow. There were (...) (...) fluffs in the (...) air. The branches were decorated with (...)frost. In this (...) (...) outfit, every branch seemed (...).

2. The view (...) of the forest is magnificent. Everything is covered (...) with snow. (...) the air is thin and burning. The snow covered (...) the trees and bushes. (...) (...) rays slide over them and sprinkle them (...) with shine. But now the frost begins to subside, and the brightness (...) of the sky fades. (...) a cloud covered the horizon.

Exercise 2.

Determine the category of the adjective.

Z vicious character; blue lampshade; wooden cornice; stone object; great character;yesterday's newspaper; Bear Den;voracious appetite; sad look;dangerous competition;goose feeder; Golden ring; beautiful evening;inclement weather; clear sky; favorite hero; talented artist; ringing voice; winter morning; fresh snow.

Exercise 3.

Write out the phrases “Noun + adjective” from the text. Determine the category of adjectives. perform a morphological analysis of three adjectives.

Master Russian speech

You speak natively,
You speak briskly.

Russian language doesn’t matter
you know, my baby!

Listen to the poet,
be diligent in future

So that with the mighty Russian speech
good to own.

This speech is full of greatness,
proud simplicity,

It contains a wealth of beautiful words,
the power of beauty.

Let's say, to foreign countries
keep your way by sea,

In front of your companions you want
show off your knowledge -

In conversations or arguments
with friend or foe

You will use it boldly
in Russian!

Because you, a frisky schoolboy,
be more diligent in future!

You owe Russian speech
good to own.

( I. Grishashvili )

Exercise 4.

Read the text and complete the tasks.

The Greatest 3 the wealth of a people is its language!<...>The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands of them! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and are not visible 3 that boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight...

The eras that gave rise to proverbs are different. The vast diversity of human 3 relationships that are imprinted in minted folk sayings and aphorisms. From the abyss of time, human joy and suffering, laughter and tears, love and anger, faith and unbelief, truth and falsehood, honesty and deception, hard work and laziness, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudices have come to us in these clots of reason.<...>The publication of Russian proverbs, collected over several decades of the last century by dialectologist and writer V. I. Dahl, will serve the great and noble cause of studying the inexhaustible riches of our domestic 3 culture, our great and mighty language.(According to M. A. Sholokhov)

    Find adjectives in the text that belong to different categories.

    From the first paragraph, write down the phrases “adj. + noun”, indicate the gender, number and case of the adjective.

    Find cases of using an adjective as a modifier and as a predicate (determine the type of predicate).

    Make a morphological analysis of the indicated words.

Test on the topic “Adjective”

1. The general grammatical meaning of an adjective is:

A) action

B) a sign of an object

B) a sign of a sign

D) a sign of action

2. Morphological features of an adjective are:

A) gender, number

B) gender, number, case

C) gender, number, person

D) person, number

3. The syntactic features of the adjective are :

A) definition, predicate

B) definition, circumstance

B) definition, addition

D) addition, circumstance

4. In which row are all words adjectives?

A) mighty, first, strong, fox

B) merciless, fictional, colored, white

C) impatient, must, khaki, well-fed

D) dressed, unhappy, angry, expressed

5. Qualitative adjectives are adjectives that mean ...

A) the material from which the item is made

B) a sign according to its affiliation

C) signs indicating various qualities of an object

6. List the relative adjectives.

A) young (man), handsome (drawing), white (snow)

B) wooden (house), fox (tail), mother's (scarf)

B) spring (morning), iron (nail), sports (clothing)

7. Identify possessive adjectives.

A) spring (song), winter (morning), kind (boy)

B) prickly (hedgehog), fresh (air), beige (color)

B) donkey (ears), wolf (trace), fathers (scarf)

8. In which row are all the adjectives qualitative?

A) seaside village, green ball, sports ground

B) emerald green, correct answer, difficult question

B) swimming pool, clean hands, clear voice

9. In which row are all adjectives relative?

A) summer night, birch sap, tin ring

B) morning mail, silver voice, dad's scarf

B) raspberry jam, raspberry beret, stone face

10. In which row are all adjectives possessive?

A) wolf howl, hare sheepskin coat, fox speech

B) deer antlers, fisherman's catch, grandma's pie

C) washing machine, meat broth, fox hole

11. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, choose the line that gives the correct answer:
I'm here again, in my own family! My land is thoughtful and gentle!”

A) dear (f.r.), thoughtful (m.r.), gentle (m.r.)

B) dear (m.r.), thoughtful (m.r.), gentle (m.r.)

C) dear (m.r.), gentle (m.r.)

12. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, choose the line that gives the correct answer:
Early in the morning I approached the majestic river. The spring water gave off a breath of freshness.”

A) early (m.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.)

B) early (w.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.), freshness (f.r.)

C) early (w.r.), majestic (f.r.), spring (f.r.)

13. Find the adjective in the simple comparative degree .

A) the fastest

B) most beautiful

B) brighter

D) lighter

14. Specify the adjective in the compound comparative degree .

A) less complex

B) more difficult

B) the most difficult

D) the most difficult

15. Find the simple superlative adjective .

A) more beautiful

B) calmest

B) louder

D) less severe

16. Indicate the adjective in the compound superlative degree.

A) deeper

B) the deepest

B) deeper

D) deepest

17. Indicate the option without an error in the formation of the form of degree of comparison of adjectives.

A. sharper, less steep, higher

B. longer, most beautiful, sweetest

V. very small, more beautiful, shorter than everyone else

G. longer, better, tastier

18. Indicate the option with an error in the formation of the form of comparison of adjectives.

A) the most cheerful, the least, the tallest

B) younger, whiter, harder

C) hottest, smartest, quietest

D) most wonderful, worst, loudest

This leads to two classes adjectives: one is closer in character to a noun, the other is closer to a verb character.

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I began to understand the world of emotions a little better.

Question: vision- is it something neutral, positive or negative?




The non-constant features of adverbs include the degree of comparison. Superlative adverbs, unlike adjectives, only composite is possible.

Adjective. The concept of an adjective. The meaning of an adjective in speech.


Dissemination of text by inclusion in it adjectives.

Compiling a story based on the picture and this beginning with inclusion in the story adjectives.

Adjective. The meaning of an adjective in speech. Agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender, number and case.

Spelling of gender and case endings adjectives in singular and plural.

Coordination adjective with a noun in gender, number and case.

Coordination adjective with a noun.

Spelling case endings adjectives.

The teacher, who, as can be seen from the article, does not want his students to memorize words, needs to use a lively conversation to find out the validity of calling God heavenly father, and so, as you can see, he looks at this name only as adjective.

Not for every new type of representation a special form is formed, but just as in the organic field morphologically equivalent organs can still perform significantly different functions, so it is with the verbal genders of a noun, verb, adjective etc.

The meaning of verbal forms of noun, verb and adjective is expressed only in the fact that in their difference they also point to that unity; every verb indicates a subject, every adjective indicates a noun.

For the property that is expressed adjective, where it has a purely sensory meaning, as, for example, in color, is not at all separated from the idea of ​​​​an object, it is stable, like this latter.

The analogy of grammatical form thus allows us to compare them with things, since their relation to adjectives and verbs must be the same as concrete nouns.

But since these latter are thought of as emanating from a stable foundation, such adjectives, which designate a thing as capable of action, as ready for it, as always performing it.

Consequently, not only all those verbs that express ideal activity related to objects, but also adjectives and adverbs which, like “true and false,” express the relation of my idea to the thing to which it relates, or “like beautiful and good,” express the relation of the content of the idea to the scale of evaluation.

This occurs where direct perception comes only to such an impression, which, by another analogy, is denoted by a verb or adjective, and the corresponding thing is imagined only by association on the basis of previous experience.

That synthesis which applies to every sensory sensation, expressed primarily through adjective or a verb, a thing is invented, and in these cases, therefore, it is either not fulfilled at all or, in any case, it is fulfilled unclearly.

Among the statements that contain a predicate - a simple verb or connected with adjective or by a noun the verb “to be” - without a clearly and definitely designated subject, it is necessary first of all to distinguish between two classes: real and only apparent impersonals.

The very distinction between the verbal forms of a noun, adjective and the verb prepares and leads us to this separation of both syntheses - the one that contains the name, and the one that the named phenomenon attributes to the material subject.

We form from verbs and adjectives abstract nouns that establish as independently conceivable that which usually appears only as dependent on a thing.

Those judgments about the individual, the subjects of which are abstract concepts, and the predicates are adjectives or verbs - these judgments cannot be reduced to the categories of thing and property or activity.

If in judgments whose predicate is expressed adjective or a noun, the judgment is not made by simply placing it next to each other (? ??? ???? ??????, ? ?? ????? ?????), but the verb to be is used to help, then this latter is not, by virtue of its meaning, an element expressing the fulfillment of a judgment; on the contrary, the function of judgment lies only in the form of its inflection.

The latter, unlike adjectives, no longer contain in their form a relation to anything else, but in their meaning they can already perform the function of a predicate from the very beginning, since they have a general meaning, and the latter is attributed to a certain individual thing only through the judgment of a name. An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object, for example: clever - smart, beautiful - beautiful, green - green, hungry - hungry, brave - bold.

Speaking of comparison adjectives, adverbs, about with the accusative case, about sentences of circumstances of the manner of action - we prepare the ground in our minds for the department of poetic comparisons; Let's take the replacement of names with pronouns - work in this case provides material for mastering the concept of clear and unclear; we compare one, three, thousand, with few, many; first, second, fortieth, - with extreme, middle, initial, last, and here is a typical example, an attachment point for the concept of accurate and inaccurate.

Summary of a group speech therapy session for writing and reading deficiencies caused by general speech underdevelopmentIII level, 2nd grade.

Topic: Proposal. Agreement of the adjective with the noun in number and gender.

Goal: updating knowledge on topics, correcting writing.

Objectives: development of graphomotor skills,correction of specific errors in syllabic analysis and synthesis at the word level, correction of specific errors at the level of phrases, sentences and text.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

1) Hello guys, today I propose to travel around the land of proposals. In order to hit the road, you need to start the engines of our cars (finger exercises using massage balls)

Well done, so we arrived at the station called “Parts of Speech”.

Tell me what is the noun? (An independent part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? What?)

What is an adjective? (This is a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and expresses this meaning in the inflectional morphological categories of gender, number and case). Well done, we completed the task and now we can go to the “Letter” station

2) a) Divide your notebook into 2 columns, in one column write down all the words that answer the question who? What? And in another column write down the words that answer the question, which one? Which? Which? Which?

(Words on individual cards: sky, beautiful, doll, sun, weather, mood, strong, brave, wind, smart, evil, table)

b) Complete the appropriate adjectives.

Doll (what?)_________

Table (what?)__________

Cloud (what?)_________

Sky (what?)________

Weather (what?)________

3) Great, let's hit the road, and the next station is “Ending.” Fill in the missing endings by asking questions.

Sample: the sky is (what?) blue

The ring is golden..., the bear is big..., the tree is green..., the weather is winter..., the cat is fluffy..., the dog is affectionate..., the cloud is grey..., the potatoes are delicious..., the music is loud...

4) Complete the story with adjectives.

Beautiful dog.

On the street I saw a beautiful dog. He (what?) ______, only on his chest (what?)_______ spot. His fur is completely (what?)_______. The tail (what?)________, and the eyes (what?)________. I really liked this dog, and I ran to my mother to leave him with us. My mother is very (what?)_______. She allowed me to leave the dog at home.

5) Write down the sentences, putting the highlighted words in the singular form.

Sample:Mirrors hung on the wall. - The mirror was hanging on the wall.

In the swampthe frogs croaked.

Dens bearsempty.

On the porchbeautiful cats were sitting.

On the shelfthere were beautiful figurines.

Guys, our journey is coming to an end and we need to go home.

Thanks for the lesson.