Sobchak demands to isolate her from the poor. White roses in a paddy wagon

Friends! I haven’t watched OTV or your program “TAU 9 1/2” in Murmansk for two weeks now. Your TV channel can only be watched on our Tricolor satellite dish. And I have it on the roof of a 5-story building. And two weeks ago, housing workers climbed onto the roof of the house to do something. management company. They are repairing something there, probably based on a complaint from the residents of the 5th floor, they are repairing the roof, because... the snow began to melt. I live on the 2nd floor. And these half-drunk bastards cut the cables of the satellite dish and probably damaged the fastening of the dish itself. Our local television is cowardly and does not want to make a story about it.

Answer: Probably, you just need to call an antenna installer to reinstall...

I would really like to see the repeat of TAU 9 and 1/2 air again at 7.00 in the morning, as before, and not at 6.00, as now. At 7.00 it is optimal time to view your news when you are getting ready for work. Is it possible to positively solve this problem? Valery.

Kochurin Valery Anatolievich

Answer: Okay. Let's try to decide. Thank you

People, be careful. They falsify documents for the real estate being sold, then provide the fake documents to the buyers, the buyers take out an illegal loan against a non-existent property. Until July 2018, I lived in the city of Iskitim, Novosibirsk region, with my disabled son, now I live in Yekaterinburg. Since my son is indicated for treatment in specialized spinal centers, we decided to use all the resources available to us. cash, buy a room in Yekaterinburg. The purchase of real estate in Yekaterinburg was due to vital necessity, since big city my son will be able to receive the necessary medical care. The son has been disabled since childhood with a complex medical diagnosis (1st group of disability with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system). He cannot take care of himself, his state of health requires constant help from outsiders, he has poor orientation in space and time, he cannot prepare food, take care of himself, or move indoors without the help of outsiders. My son requires a full-time "nurse" and also needs to have food, medicine and supplies delivered to him, as well as ongoing medical procedures. The main criterion for the purchased housing was the presence of gas in the house and the presence of water in the room, since when carrying out mandatory medical procedures vital for my son, water is needed, at the same time, these procedures cannot be carried out in common areas. In addition, transporting my son even over short distances is extremely difficult for me. I read an advertisement for the sale of a room at 15 Shefskaya Street, building 38, on the UPN website, which any resident of the country can visit while in Iskitim, back in May 2018. The ad stated that the room for sale had water, which was confirmed by photographs of the room. Since the possibility of leaving my son even for a short time I don’t have one, I was forced to buy a room remotely (without leaving Iskitim). I turned for help to my former classmate, a realtor whom I trusted, since she is a real estate agent. I offered her to look at other objects, for example, at 1/B Polzunova Street, at 7 Voinaya Street, a newer building made of brick, shared rooms in permanent buildings, but she advised against these options. As a result, this particular room was chosen at the address Shefskaya St. 15/38. She assured me that there was major renovation and everything is fine there, but this room costs more than a million and will require a mortgage. She assured me that since the seller is also a realtor S. Andrei Nikolaevich (director of the agency "GLOBUS-......" 8-963-031-...), the transaction will be absolutely legal and she will definitely finance this particular room bank. A realtor friend of mine agreed to make a partial payment for the room, made a partial payment in the amount of 30,000 rubles, and she, together with S., prepared the documents for the transaction. S. received certificates and documents for the sale of the apartment (I kept the receipts and checks in the name of S., because according to the transaction, the realtor - K. (my friend) demanded that I pay all the receipts. I transferred the money necessary to pay the expenses, and K. in return sent me receipts (originals), which I saved). K., just like S., prepared the documents for my transaction, namely, she, together with S., ordered a report for the bank, which she sent to me in Iskitim by courier mail (there is a receipt for payment for such a service), and as it turned out later ( after the transaction), the documents provided were forged. Unknowingly, we bought a property - a room - using fake documents and photographs. I still have the fake documents, they will be handed over to the court, as well as the prosecutor's office and the police. Everything in these documents has been falsified: both the percentage of wear and tear on the house and the material of the floors have been changed. general information about the main structural elements building, in the real estate valuation report (appraiser Sh. E.V.) photographs of a room of another property are inserted, the report also indicates that there is gas in the house, although there is no gas in the house, the report also indicates that the bathroom is in common areas, while the bathroom is located in the room and installed with all sorts of violations, information about the partitions has been changed. Photos of the room that were submitted to the bank (without plumbing), as well as photos of the kitchen (with gas stoves) do not belong this house. These photographs of a foreign object, which are simply inserted for the purpose of distorting information, and in order for the Bank to approve the above-mentioned property as a loan object and for further collateral. My lawyer is preparing a statement of claim to go to court to protect my rights. All this falsification of documents was necessary only for Sberbank to approve this room as the object of the transaction, without knowing that it was issuing loan money for a crumbling housing with a huge percentage of wear and tear and with an unauthorized water supply system installed in the room. The house itself, in which the above room is located, does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for sanitary and technical conditions. The room does not meet the requirements of the law on livability, does not meet all sanitary, engineering and technical requirements , which residential premises intended for the residence of citizens must meet. It also does not meet safety requirements. Thus, Sberbank PJSC issued a loan for a non-existent property, and took the above-mentioned property as collateral. The guilt of each participant (seller - Andrei Nikolaevich, realtor - Evgenia Konstantinovna, for forgery of documents, appraiser Sh. E.V.) must be established by the investigation. They sent me photographs of illegally installed plumbing in the room (photos are attached), but they said that everything was legal and there were all the documents to legalize the redevelopment, we would prepare all the documents. Since the presence of gas in the house and the presence of water in the room were the decisive factors in my choice of real estate, since water is vital for my son to exist and carry out medical procedures, I agreed to buy a room even with borrowed funds. The assessment report states that I provided all the documents, and I ordered this report, but this is not true, since I came to Yekaterinburg with my son, a disabled person of the 1st group, only after the transaction, which was carried out in the city of Iskitim. There is evidence of this: firstly, at that time I was in Iskitim, a little later, I signed documents at the Sberbank of Iskitim, and secondly, I have train tickets from which you can see the date when we arrived in Yekaterinburg. Thirdly, I cannot leave my son alone; he cannot be without outside help. And the Queen herself, after receiving the report, sent me all the documents (I can document this). Additionally, I would like to inform you that this transaction was made by me forcedly, I did not know the real state of affairs, and would never have signed the agreement if I had known about its real consequences for myself, the seller Saperov, and the realtor Koroleva, knowing about my life situation, through deception and abuse of trust, deliberately misled me, using false promises and forgery of documents in order to complete a transaction at an inflated price. It’s also true that Sberbank was misled; it issued loans for a “non-existent object.” Such a room, as indicated in the documents, simply does not exist. There is a wretched wreck that, according to Sberbank’s requirements, could not be financed and my transaction would never have been approved. The motive and goal of the seller and the realtor are clear and understandable to me, their goal was to sell the room at an inflated price, for which documents were forged. Saperov and Koroleva forged documents, deceived me, taking advantage of the fact that I did not know the prices on the market in the city of Yekaterinburg, and convinced me to buy this room with fake documents at an inflated price by about 1.5 times. I paid 990,000 rubles for the room, and I took out 310,000 on credit, for which I pay interest. This room was purchased by A.N. Saperov. December 28, 2017 at gr. Mamedova M.V. for 600,000 rubles, and in July 2018 it was sold to me for 990,000 rubles. Today, according to the Ural Chamber of Real Estate, in the house on the street. Shefskaya 15 two rooms worth 630,000 rubles and 710,000 rubles are put up for sale. Their deceptive actions were committed in an active form (forgery of documents), and also consisted of inaction (deliberate silence about facts that would prevent me from completing a transaction). I did not know the real state of affairs, and I would never have signed the purchase and sale agreement and would not have completed this transaction if I had reliable information. In fact, the house and room are a terrible sight: rotten floors, black damp ceilings, loose walls with holes from peeling plaster, etc. I saw all this after the transaction was completed. In addition, it should be noted once again that Sberbank would never have issued a mortgage loan secured by such real estate if actual documents had been provided to it. Today, we live with our wheelchair-bound son in a terrible dilapidated house, and we pay a mortgage for it, which “eats up” the main budget of our family, and we need this money so much for the treatment of my son. Before contacting the media and authorities, I tried to convince the seller Saperov to terminate the contract and return my money. He just laughed at me and said that I would never get money from him, no matter where I turned. This is how some agencies in our city work. Now the prosecutor's office and investigative authorities are dealing with my issue. I am ready to provide documents and photographs of real housing, so that other buyers dreaming of buying an apartment do not end up with a loan, but without an apartment. Tatyana Ivanovna Bukhlova (cell phone 8-996-172-....)

Answer: you need good lawyer to fight these "realtors". please try contacting...

In the house at Avtomagistralnaya str. 29, the this moment situation - a resident of one of the apartments at this address, in connection with the conflicts in Ukraine, brought her own mother. Time passes, the resident decides to arrange her personal life and moves out of this address with her children. The mother sends him outside. She no longer needs her. The chairman of the HOA repeatedly contacted the district police officer and talked with her daughter. The district police officer says that this is beyond their power. Daughter - that she is not obliged to support her. At the moment, an elderly woman walks around Pekhotintsev during the day. At night he returns to the entrance. sleeps, lives, in the entrance. The residents of the house are very indignant. This cannot go on for long. Please tell me where to go to stop this mess? Thank you in advance.

Melekhova Irina Sergeevna

Answer: film all this mess on your phone. you need to remove it horizontally for 4-5 minutes. woman...

In Kirovograd, Sverdlovsk region Since January 2019, they have stopped issuing prescriptions for subsidized drugs, citing the lack of funding from the Ministry of Health. They suggest asking questions by phone at the ministry. Nobody picks up the phone. Kirovgrad doctors offer to go to the ministry for an appointment. But what about those who are not at all transportable? Help me please. Details, if possible, by phone. This is the second time I have contacted you. Help.

Kazakova Valentina Grigorievna

Answer: please write in detail, what medications? what doctors? Full name? clinic?

I suggest you take a closer look at the Global Med company, which is located at st. Belinskogo 61. The company allegedly deals with various types of diagnostics, but in fact it imposes loans on people for “treatment.” Clients are persistently and regularly called by Glibal Med employees under the pretext of a free examination (number cell phones I don't know where they get it from). Yesterday, December 17, 2018, I wanted to take advantage of this “great” opportunity and get a free examination. I was scheduled for an ultrasound at 5 p.m. lower limbs without telling the name of the specialist. They asked you to bring ONLY your passport with you, and not your medical history, insurance policy and past studies, as usual. When I arrived there, I saw that everything was strange. The visitors are 90% elderly; next to the administrator there is an office of the financial (credit) department. There is no profile or full name of the doctors on the offices, only the serial number of the room. The staff is very untidy. EVERY visitor is followed by a consultant who is absolutely illiterate and has no medical training!!! Which clarifies your complaints and for one financial situation. Then, when the patient is examined and diagnosed with terrible illnesses, he is offered (forced) to take out a loan for treatment. Personally, I was able to undergo the examination because I refused treatment at this institution. That is, even before the examination, they told me in plain text that if I did not undergo treatment with them, then I would not need the examination, and in general why did I come to them if I knew about my illness. So I had to leave. I want to say that this company is primarily engaged in imposing loans on low-income and gullible citizens. Perhaps they even intentionally make incorrect diagnoses to intimidate their patients. 2GIS has a lot of reviews from affected citizens who can also confirm my words. Please take my message into development and check this institution. It’s a pity for older people who fall for this deception because of their own gullibility and good attitude towards people. Deception in the center of Yekaterinburg, under the nose of the Administration.

Answer: Yes, we know everything about this scam: we have already done more than ten reports. And you also...

Hello to all TAU people! While the United Russia pioneer Chukreyev is fighting against windmills made of glass and burnt alcohol, Novouralsk sneezed at him and did other indecent things. IN THE BUT they drank, they drink and will drink palenka and fufyri. We are all OK with this, fufyri for everyone almost stops, and his clothes are also probably full. So let him better take care of his health, especially his soul, otherwise he can overstrain himself and for what? Let him first read “Don Quixote” and think hard about the meaning of life, and then death - it comes unexpectedly, no one knows his last minute. But if it happens, he won’t have time to repent of all kinds of sins, and now this is very relevant - the Nativity Fast is for now, the Lord is calling, it’s time. Let him rush to the temple. And after Cervantes and visiting the temple may begin to revere the Gospel. To all TAU residents good health and long life. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. With God blessing! r.B. John

Answer: How sweet you are... You remember God a lot. And then you casually release festering words...

An incredibly lenient sentence... In the Sverdlovsk region, the ex-chief of police Polevsky “got off” with a fine for the theft of an official UAZ. In the Sverdlovsk region, the Polevskaya City Court today, December 14, 2018, convicted the former head of the local police department Igor Rzaev and his accomplice, businessman Andrei Jonas, a VEDOMOSTI Ural correspondent reports. The court sentenced the colonel to a court fine in the amount of 450 thousand rubles; Jonas, according to the verdict, will also be required to pay a court fine in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. Today's court verdict against ex-police chief Polevsky has already been called "incredibly lenient." This is due to the fact that initially Igor Rzayev was threatened with imprisonment for up to 6 years. Let us note that the trial in the “Rzayev case” started in Polevsky at the beginning of this year. The fact that the Deputy Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Chernyshev approved the indictment and sent the case against Rzaev and Jonas to the Polevsky court became known on December 22 last year. As Marina Kanatova, press secretary of the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor's Office, said at the time, both were accused under Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Fraud committed by a person using his official position) and Part 3 of Article 33 in relation to Part 2 of Article 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Organization of counterfeiting or destruction identification number vehicle committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy). According to the investigation, which was handled by the second department for investigating particularly important cases of the Sverdlovsk Department of the Investigative Committee, the accused stole a 2007 UAZ official car, which belonged to the garage of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region and was transferred to the use of the Polevsky Department of Internal Affairs. According to the plot of the case, the SUV that arrived at the police department Rzaev ordered to be replaced with a similar old dilapidated car made in 2000. At the same time, identification numbers on worn-out equipment were interrupted. Property damage from this fraud was estimated at 200 thousand rubles. The brand new UAZ stolen in this way was later used in a hunting area used by the police authorities. The substitution was discovered by the employees of the Polevsky Department of Internal Affairs themselves. They photographed an old UAZ parked on the territory of the Department of Internal Affairs and the number plates on it. Moreover, this information was brought to the Main Directorate own safety Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and she was given the move. According to the press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Valery Gorelykh, “the leader about whom we're talking about(former police chief of Polevsky Igor Rzaev - editor’s note), was dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs even before the verdict was passed.” Pension instead of trial. Colonel Igor Rzaev, who was removed from the post of head of the Polevsky Department of Internal Affairs in January 2017 in connection with a criminal case initiated against him, was removed from the staff according to an order dated November 3, 2018. In the near future he will be retired, after which he will be appointed to the post of head of the Department of Internal Affairs. new manager, without the prefix “and. O.". As the press service of the Polevsky City Court reported, today a hearing is taking place in the case of Igor Rzaev (by the way, he celebrated his birthday on November 2) and his accomplice. Depending on the role and degree of participation in the incriminated acts, they are accused of fraud committed by a person using his official position, and organizing the forgery or destruction of the identification number of a UAZ official vehicle. I would like to ask a question: Do you think the residents of the city of Polevsky can believe in the force of the law, if now in real time they are 40 km away. Are there obvious corrupt actions of all branches of government from the city of Yekaterinburg? I also ask you to give your independent assessment the above events with explanations, what should residents do if there is no hope for legality at all, ask everyone, everyone thinks so, but they are afraid of simple, primitive physical destruction by their own power?

Morozov Dmitry Evgenievich

Answer: Thanks for the question and information. We'll definitely figure it out and tell you

We live in Yekaterinburg, on Ispytaley Street. On May 21st we were disconnected hot water because Remstroykomlex LLC owes 353 plants 38 million for gas and electricity. rubles, and the most shocking thing is that from July 1 the electricity in our village should be turned off. LLC "Remstroykompleks" shifts its blame to plant 353 since the plant is bankrupt. If the electricity goes out, we will be left without electricity, gas and hot water. cold water, as in the Stone Age, and Remstroykompleks LLC will continue to charge for its services. My contact phone number is 8-904-544-55-19 Nadezhda

Answer: Tough. I don’t know what to do... It’s clear that debts need to be paid, but what does that have to do with you?...

But of course I did not rule out such a turn of events, but whoever doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne! There is risk everywhere, Our whole life is a risk, So we can’t live now or what! Sheremet Oh, what a pity that you live in times of unbelief and nihilism, you don’t need to allow cables, scum and moral necrophiliacs into yourself on the spiritual energy level in the subjective and objective order of life’s masturbation... You need to learn to exclude the infantile bastard and the delusional degenerating degenerate in yourself who cannot adequately answer for his words in life! What do I mean by all this, and to the fact that in our life everything can be and cannot be, and something cannot be, which certainly cannot be, but this too can be! Never be afraid of anyone or anything... You are a fairly well-known and public person, they will be afraid to lock you up in a psychiatric hospital! Kesha, read on the page... Tutta Larsen, her first post describes how she took this pseudonym, it’s very interesting!

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

Perfect for little ones soviet classics, which is famous for its simplicity, kindness and pleasant picture. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Flying Ship”, “ Winnie the Pooh", "Baby and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in primary school, cartoons of an entertaining nature are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, and teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, but more rude, there may be curse words, intimate overtones and adult problems are touched upon ( family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.

TV journalist Ksenia Sobchak announced plans to run for president of the Russian Federation in 2018. In the elections, she intends to act as a “candidate “against everyone”” - her election website is called “You want to show your active position, but your candidate is not allowed to participate in the elections? Don't have your own candidate? Tag Sobchak. You don't elect her for president. You simply have a legal and peaceful opportunity to say “Enough!” We got it!’,” she wrote in her campaign letter.

Sobchak began her path to the slogan “Against everyone” long before she announced her nomination. The Insider recalls who the TV presenter opposed over the years.

Sobchak against children

In March 2013 in in social networks there was a post telephone conversation, in which a woman with a voice similar to Ksenia Sobchak’s voice threatens the house manager and curses at the neighbor’s children. In the conversation, she expresses dissatisfaction with the noise that playing children make in the morning, and opposes the “quiet hour” during which children sleep and noise cannot be made. She declares that she "doesn't care about kids" and promises to throw "raver parties" in response to "quiet hour."

The TV presenter later stated that the telephone recording was a fake, “a mix of real phrases with voice imitation.”

Attention! The entry contains profanity!

Sobchak vs Katya Gordon

In July 2008, Sobchak spoke out against the host of the “Cult of Personality” program, Katya Gordon, accusing her of being a “understar.”

“Speaking seriously, the main complex is that you are not a star.”

“Don’t chew gum while on air. This is unprofessional. Spit it out."

“Why is she so angry? Has she not had a man for a long time, this presenter of yours, Katya Gordon? Katechka, relax. Some kind of massage therapist.”

“Katya Gordon sits and walks with red spots, and all the people sitting in the studio are just laughing at her, because this is an absolutely pathetic sight.”

“Listen, can you calm this woman down? It seems to me that she is having some kind of period.”

“Listen, who even put her on air here? Is it always so difficult for you to work with her?”

Sobchak against Greenpeace

In October 2014, Sobchak said on Instagram that she was starring in a new photo project, where artists try on the images of historical and literary heroes. She posted a photo of herself in a fur coat and, anticipating the protests of animal rights activists, accompanied the illustration with a short poem: “You don’t need to find fault with me, I’ll tell you, envious people: I need to dress in winter, why am I fucking giving birth to this fur coat? ?!!” I'm filming for one very beautiful project:))". Sobchak tagged the post with the tags #necheburashka and #greenpeace.

Sobchak against “fat people”

In August 2015, social network users were outraged by Sobchak’s statement that she hated “fat people.” She made this statement in response to comments from her Instagram followers on a post about the latest cover of a glossy magazine, which was adorned by two very thin models.

Posted by Ksenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) Aug 20, 2015 at 3:32 PDT

This is not the only time Sobchak spoke out against overweight people. In June 2013 she published clip, which made fun of “fat” women. The video became a kind of payback for a lost bet to TV presenter Tatyana Arno, who, in a bet with Sobchak, lost 10 kilograms in a month.

Sobchak vs. stewardess

In June 2016, Sobchak caused a scandal on board a plane flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The airliner's crew refused to let a passenger on board who had lost his boarding pass. The proceedings with the passenger lasted about 40 minutes, which outraged Sobchak, who was tired of sitting on the plane.

Sobchak against the poor

In May 2017, Sobchak criticized unsuccessful tourists in Monaco. The journalist said that it is necessary to introduce a law in the principality obliging travelers to spend at least $250 per day per person. Sobchak wrote about this on her Instagram.

Posted by Ksenia Sobchak (@xenia_sobchak) May 28, 2017 at 10:19 PDT

Sobchak against the “fitter from Mukhosransk”

The TV presenter has a particularly strong dislike for insolvent people. In 2005, in an interview with the famous Novaya Gazeta journalist Alexander Nikonov, she categorically spoke out against a certain “poor mechanic from Mukhosransk.”

“I think the poor mechanic from Mukhosransk will never be my happiness,” Sobchak said confidently. When asked why, the journalist replied: “It’s a stupid question. A man must succeed in life. He must become a talented businessman or a talented artist.”

- Well, is it really possible to become talented?

- But then he must be rich and famous - like Nikas Safronov.

- How much should a man earn per month to interest you?

- Well, I can’t evaluate, I’m not Forbes magazine. The main thing is that a person has an inner core. Even if you throw him out into the street naked, he will be able to put on clothes in a month or two, and in a year he will start earning money. And if a person does not strive for anything and drinks vodka in Mukhosransk, then I don’t give a damn about such a person. Here people like to do nothing and envy people like me.