Removing the plug from the sewer yourself with video. How to properly install and easily remove a plug on a sewer pipe? How to remove a plug from a sewer

IN multi-storey buildings build very complex engineering structures, and the installation of these structures must be compact and accessible. Naturally, such maintenance is very expensive, but not all residents of multi-storey buildings want to understand this.

For this reason, utility workers sometimes have to take extreme measures. After all, convince residents to pay on time and in full public utilities pretty hard. One of effective ways, which can cause inconvenience to the resident, is the installation of sewer plugs for debtors for the period until he pays debts on utility bills.

Companies that provide utility services often have to come up with newer approaches to convince residents to pay their utility bills. But doing this in multi-storey buildings is not easy, since there are many defaulters, and in addition to their obligations, they also have their own rights.

If the water is turned off in an apartment building because of several debtors, there will be a lot of outrage. There is no other way, because the water is in apartment house supplied through a single riser.

Theoretically, there is an option to shut off the water for one apartment, but there is one “but”. According to the current law, housing is inviolable property, and therefore the owner of the apartment has the right not to allow inspectors into the house.

In this regard, utility companies found another way out of the situation - blocking the sewerage system for debtors using a plug. And if you have any thoughts about whether it is legal for debtors to put plugs on sewers, then the answer is simply simple - yes, it is legal.

There are 2 types of plugs:

  1. Solid. This type of plug will completely stop the movement of wastewater.
  2. Lattice. The grate plug allows wastewater to move through the drain, but the solids will remain level and gradually cause blockages to form.

As a result, the debtor experiences inconvenience, and the utility company expects payment of the debt.

Installation of plugs

The installed plug on the sewer serves as a barrier to the downward movement of contaminated water.

Since utility workers do not have access to the inside of the riser, they have to look for other ways to solve the problem. Today it is possible to use video cameras with remote control and special equipment.

The procedure for installing the plug is as follows:

After the plug is installed, movement in the apartment stops Wastewater either partially or completely.

On this moment There are many companies that provide services for installing and removing plugs. You can find out from them how much it costs to remove a plug from a sewer, and in what time frame this company can complete such work.

If you are not satisfied with the price of removing the plug from the sewer, then you can try to do this work yourself.

Self-removal of the plug

Naturally, in order not to have to remove the plug from the sewer, you need to pay your utility bills on time and in full. However, debtors do not always admit their guilt in this situation and look for other ways to solve the problem.

It is noteworthy that the sewer plugs installed by debtors can be removed by apartment residents themselves, and there are no illegal actions in this.

When a resident in an apartment panicked because they put a plug in his sewer, what should he do and what should he do - he should pull himself together and calm down. This is not a hopeless situation; there are plenty of ways to solve this problem.

In order to understand how to remove a plug from a sewer yourself, you don’t need a lot of intelligence. But doing this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In fact, it is technically almost impossible. After all, installing a plug on the sewer is done using special equipment, and to remove it you will have to remove the toilet, which is filled with feces.

To understand how to remove a plug from a sewer yourself, you need to study general design connecting the apartment's sewer system to a common riser. If the apartment has a riser made of metal-plastic or PVC, then the procedure for removing the plug is less problematic.

The plug can be removed mechanically and chemically, but do not forget that these actions can lead not only to damage, but also to clogging of the riser.

I would also like to note that sewer plugs for debtors are not legal. Therefore, no company will be able to prove anything; if they notice that the debtor removed the plug on his own, then they will silently install it again.

By the way, today there are many types of equipment, the principle of which is similar. With the help, the manipulator is lowered, the main task of which is to install the plug.

To equipment that can remove plugs mechanical method, include: Octopus, Whale and others.

Blocking by Sprut system

When the owner of an apartment has arrears in paying utility bills, he is sent a notice in writing. If the debtor ignores the notification received, then the utility company has every reason to block the apartment’s sewer system.

In general, blocking the sewer system with the Sprut system consists of the following elements:

  1. Manipulator.
  2. Camcorder.
  3. Probe.

According to the Sprut system, the plug leaves a gap of 3 mm. A gap of this size is quite sufficient to drain contaminated water. But the sewer system in the apartment will not be able to fully function.

System "Kit"

Another sewer blocking system is the Kit system, which is similar in principle to the Sprut blocking system. Components of this locking system are:

  • Probe with attached video camera.
  • Remote control.
  • Reel with cable wire.
  • Plug with removable lock.

The Kit system works as follows: a probe is brought through a common riser to a specific outlet and a plug is installed there.

In general, sewerage is disconnected for non-payment of utilities. In order not to complicate your life, it is better to pay your utility bills on time.

Stop valve

A sewer shutoff valve is needed to allow wastewater to flow down, but it does not allow it to move back up. It is recommended to install such a valve for residents of apartments on the first and second floor. There is no point in using a sewer shut-off valve for residents of other floors.

This option is only suitable if the toilet is attached to the floor with bolts. If the plumbing fixture is filled with cement (a common occurrence in old apartments), then it will not be possible to disassemble it without damage. In this case, you will have to try to use other methods of removing the plug or buy a new toilet.

First, turn off the water and only then remove the toilet. Next, disassemble the socket to the first connection, which is the exit to the common riser - there is a plug located there, which can sometimes even be seen. The plug is not solid - it usually looks like a mesh or plug with a small hole. Don't make the mistake of trying to push it into your boner! This can cause it to clog, then not only you, but also your neighbors will not be able to use the sewer - the plug must be pulled out into the apartment. First try to remove it with pliers. If you can’t get it, you can use a fishing harpoon or other similar tool. When painting the plug (it can be metal or plastic), remove it piece by piece.

Removing the plug through revision and using chemistry

You can get to the socket without dismantling the toilet through the inspection window, if there is one. Prepare in advance a thin, long stick with a metal hook attached to the end. You can also use the same harpoon with a rope tied to it. Before starting work, put on suitable work clothes and gloves - no one can guarantee that other residents will not use the sewer when the plug is removed.

Open the inspection hatch and try to hook it with a hook or harpoon with a rope, then pull out the plug. Minus this method The problem is that you will have to act blindly, relying only on the sound produced when the hook touches the plug. Another drawback is the use of the sewer by residents, because of which, at the most crucial moment, you can miss the almost removed plug and plug the entire riser. Therefore, it makes sense to carry out work at night.

The chemical method consists of using preparations containing hydrochloric or oxalic acid (for example, a sewer cleaner). This method will be effective if the grille-plug is metal, plus it will take at least a week of time. It is worth remembering that the management company, having learned about the removal of the plug, may carry out repeated measures to disconnect the sewerage system.

Recently, more and more often, management company employees use the method of influencing the defaulter. utility payments by limiting the supply of services. One of the enforcement measures is sewer plugs for defaulters, which limit the volume of the pipeline. The appearance of a stub leads to the accumulation fecal matter, which do not move along the pipe, and the vertical main risers remain functional, are removed sewage from other apartments.

According to the installers, this method of influence should encourage the debtor to pay. However, many people do not agree with this and are looking for other methods to solve such a delicate problem.

Plug installation process

A specialist inspects the sewer system, counts the number of risers in the defaulter’s house or apartment, and understands the scheme internal system waste collection. After assessing the design, the specialist selects a place to install the plug (usually an internal pipe), determines the area for entering the drain system and installing equipment.

The process of disconnecting the toilet

Removing the plugs is a labor-intensive procedure, since they are installed from the roof using special probes with manipulators. The installation has a camera, thanks to which the operator accurately places the device in required hole sewerage.

They can also be installed to protect the pipes during repairs or before transportation, so that the structure is not damaged.

What plugs can be installed?

Plugs for plastic and cast iron pipelines can be of the following configurations:

  • continuous type, completely blocking the passage of wastewater;
  • lattice type, retaining only feces without blocking the passage of wastewater.

There are also decorative plugs that have different shapes and shades designed to dampen holes in pipes.

installing a plug in a pipe

Plugs can be installed in the following ways: flanged, flat weld, wafer, elliptical, spherical plastic and rotary.

Pneumatic plugs can also be installed on sewer pipes. They differ different parameters, resistance to high temperatures and remote installation. There may be a plug with a valve and a padlock for wells.

self-removal of the plug

The valves completely seal the pipes and prevent the entry of debris, water and dirt. They serve to protect pipes from mechanical damage.

Stoppers can be made of metal, plastic, polyvinyl chloride, metal-plastic and polypropylene. Each type of device is used on pipes made of a specific material. So, metal plugs are placed on cast iron pipelines.

connecting the toilet to the sewer pipe

Polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride plugs have numerous advantages. With their help, it is possible to quickly block the sewer, they are durable and reliable, resistant to aggressive environments and easy to install. But they can be torn off incorrect installation to exhaust pipes. Some plugs cannot be removed without special tools.

Requirements for installation of plugs on sewer systems the following:

  • the risers have direct exits without branches;
  • determination of pipeline material, type, parameters and number of branches in the house;
  • the presence of a safe exit to the area where the risers are located;
  • availability of free area above the riser with a height of 0.8 m;
  • receipt by the debtor of a notice to restrict the diversion of water in accordance with the law.

setting marks on the pipe

Rules for performing dismantling work

Before you remove the plug from the sewer system yourself, you can watch the video and follow the basic rules for performing the work:

  • To dismantle the plug you will need some knowledge in working with plumbing equipment. Before carrying out work, it may be necessary to dismantle the toilet;
  • Work related to the plumbing system. Always take risks. Therefore, precautions are required, as well as turning off the water;
  • The plug cannot be pushed into the depth of the riser, but only pulled out;
  • You need to prepare all the necessary tools.

Removing a plug from a sewer pipe

The best solution to clearing the stub is to pay off the debt. In this case, a specialist will come and dismantle the plug himself. But if such a method is unacceptable, then there are several alternatives:

  1. One option is to remove the toilet, especially if it is bolted to a floor base. But if the toilet is filled with concrete, then this method will not work, otherwise it will not be possible to put the structure in place. If it is possible to remove the toilet, then first turn off the water, remove the tank and unscrew all communications. After this, the fasteners securing the toilet are removed and the socket is disassembled to the initial connection. Basically, it serves as an exit to the common riser and the plug will be visible from it.
  2. Mechanical method. The area where the obstacle is located is determined by tapping on the pipes. If heard ringing sound, then this indicates an empty pipe, and a blank pipe indicates the presence of drains. After this, a drain point is installed as close as possible to the main collector (that is, a bathtub, toilet, shower or sink). At this point the water starts, after which you need to wait until it reaches the drain grate. A plunger is installed above the grille in the form of a hemisphere and sudden movements create excess pressure. If the plug is loosely secured, it can be pulled out. If the plunger does not help, then the plug can be pulled out of the pipe by other means. This may require a harpoon, cable or pliers. All plugs have holes that you can easily grab onto and push the plug out, freeing the drain.
  3. Revision. You should open the inspection window, place a special stick with a hook in it, to which a rope will be tied for easy pulling out. The valve is hooked with a harpoon and pulled up. You should be careful when pulling out the plug, because neighbors above may wash off feces at this moment. But this method has disadvantages, since it is carried out blindly, but you can easily distinguish the sound of the harpoon touching the plug.
  4. Usage chemicals. There is another way to remove the plug from the sewer yourself - this is to use a solution of hydrochloric or oxalic acid or products containing such substances. They contribute to corroding the cork if it is made of metal. The result may appear in a week.

The choice of method for removing the plug depends on the circumstances and the arsenal of available plumbing fixtures. The mechanical method of intervention is a troublesome process, but the most effective. The chemical procedure for removing the plug is considered less effective, but its simplicity is justified.

It is better to choose a method in accordance with the characteristics of the pipeline. But if the plug was removed the first time and utility services installed it again, then it is advisable to pay all debts in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Main feature installed plug- water does not drain from the bathroom, kitchen sink, drain does not work washing machine simultaneously. That is, in the case of a normal blockage, part of the sewer is blocked, and the rest works. however, different plugs are installed, for example, maybe meshes - in this case, the water still leaves, but the feces do not, gradually completely blocking the sewer.

If you put a plug on the sewer, you need to do something!

Remove the plug installed from the sewer () management company or utility companies for non-payment, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The war with defaulters has long turned into a guerrilla war; every month more advanced plugs installed in the sewer riser appear. From the experience of our master plumbers, I can assure you that most often after installing the plug, you will have to disassemble the riser for removal. The easiest way is to remove the inflatable plug, pierce this ball and you're done, you can enjoy the benefits of a working sewer system.

How to prevent the installation of a plug in the sewer?

Blocking the sewerage system makes the apartment uninhabitable and does not comply with sanitary and epidemiological safety standards; accordingly, the actions of public utilities to limit or suspend water disposal may be considered illegal. If the court determines the illegality of the actions, you can demand compensation for moral damage.
Before installing a sewer plug, the management company or housing and communal services must notify you, without fail, of the “restriction of sewerage services.” When such a notification arrives, it’s time to take preventive measures. A through pin or bolt a few centimeters above the tee will prevent the plug from being installed. Of course, the riser refers to house communications and this is NOT LEGAL, but as you know - “in war, as in war...” We survived.

How to remove a plug from a sewer

If the plug is already installed, you will have to first look at it or try to pierce it. In this case, the apartment is located on the top floor, i.e., if you disassemble the riser, nothing will flow from above. The plug is installed firmly, but can be easily removed from above after disassembling the riser. As a precaution, I screwed in a through pin, so now neither I nor the neighbors below will be able to install a plug.

This is what the installed steel plug looks like from above.

Extracted sewer plug, pay attention to the bracket. Such a plug cannot be squeezed out or pushed through. To push it down or up the riser, you must first tear off the bracket.

A broken tee in the common riser in which there was a plug. Subsequently replaced with a new one.

Egor Trubetskoy - experienced plumber

How to remove a plug in a sewer with your own hands

Egor Trubetskoy - foreman:

Before removing the debt plug installed by the housing and communal services or management company yourself, you must clearly understand that your sewer system is a pipe from the general sewer riser, the tee and the riser itself are the responsibility of the housing and communal services, if something goes wrong and the case goes to court, it will be difficult for you to explain what you did there. However, it will be difficult for housing and communal services to prove anything in court, unless of course you give them access to your apartment to conduct an examination. A judge may request such an examination, but from an independent organization.
In short, you have to poop, you can’t run into your neighbors - what can you do?

  • 1) You can try to remove it yourself if you are sure you can handle it.
  • 2) Call a plumber to replace the sewer pipes and agree with him to remove the plug. Plumbers are reluctant to take such actions, but in this case, responsibility for the work falls on you, because you are the owner. Even if the master refuses to remove it, you can remove it yourself, after dismantling the old pipes and before installing new ones.

Despite the fact that the procedure for installing sewer plugs is becoming a real problem for the population every day, it is still possible to cope with it. So, the question arises: How to remove the plug from the sewer and resume the use of the drainage system in your home?

This question arises mainly among those who have personally encountered this tough measure that water suppliers are taking. As a rule, this happens to those who owe debt to service companies large sums money. And yet, this measure seems inhumane and inhumane to many, which makes people look for independent methods removal of plugs.

Removing the plugs is a very labor-intensive process, because they are installed from the roof using special probes with manipulators. The equipment is equipped with a camera, which allows the operator to accurately install the plug in the desired sewer hole. Therefore, it is almost impossible to remove the plug using the same method, but without the same equipment and camera. But there are several other ways.

We are trying to get to the stub

One of the options for removing the plug is dismantling the toilet. But this method will be practical if the toilet is bolted to the floor. Typically, new toilets have this method of fastening. If it is old and filled with cement, it is not worth taking it, otherwise it will be impossible to install it again in the old place.

If it is possible to remove the toilet, then first of all you need to turn off the water. After this, you need to remove the tank and unscrew all communications that lead to it. Then we unscrew the bolts that hold the toilet in place and disassemble the socket to the first connection. As a rule, it is the exit to the common riser, and from it you can already see the plug.

Note! Some people make serious mistakes when trying to push the plug into the riser. But this will inevitably lead to clogging, and the whole house for a long time will not be able to use the sewer system.

The best way to remove the plug is by dragging it into the apartment. How to do it?

Simple pliers can serve as an assistant. If the plug is not installed close and is difficult to reach, you can use a fishing harpoon or homemade hook. All plugs have holes, so it won’t take much effort to catch on. It is important to remember that the plugs are either metal or polypropylene. The latter are easier to break and even crumble. If this happens, it is necessary to remove all parts so that the sewer can continue to function smoothly. After removing the plug, the toilet can be put back in place and the water supply system can be installed.

To complete this process, you will need the following tools:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • set of wrenches;
  • flashlight;
  • pliers;
  • latex gloves.

Dowels, a hammer, and other tools may also be useful, depending on the depth of placement of the plug in the pipe.

Revision – important detail plumbing, which is a kind of tee and allows you to clean the riser. If the toilet is cemented, but there is an inspection, you can only hope for it, although it does not give a 100% guarantee.

To remove the plug yourself, you will need a pre-prepared harpoon or a long stick with a hook attached to the end.

Note! It is important not to forget to tie a rope to the harpoon so that if it slips out of your hand, you can easily pull it out.

Then everything is simple: open the lid, insert a harpoon or stick into the riser, hook the plug and pull it towards you. It is important to keep safety in mind while performing these steps. You need to wear thicker clothing and don’t forget to wear gloves, since during work neighbors can use the sewer for its intended purpose and even pour boiling water into it.

The disadvantage of this method of work is that it is carried out blindly. But the sound of the harpoon touching the pipe is different from the sound of touching the plug. If you are careful, your chances of successful extraction increase.


Nowadays there are many drain cleaning products containing oxalic or hydrochloric acid. They can corrode the plug, but only on condition that it is metal, and the owner must have time and patience, because the result will be noticeable in at least a week.

Which method to choose should be decided based on the circumstances and the availability of plumbing supplies. Mechanical intervention is a troublesome process, but the most effective. Chemical method solving the problem is less effective, but is justified by its simplicity.

Installing plugs is an extreme measure that water utilities or communications companies are forced to take. And if they become aware that the plug has been removed, they will likely reinstall it.

Comfortable use of the benefits of civilization is impossible without paying for them. Therefore, if you diligently pay for utilities, then you will probably never have to deal with removing plugs, performing hard, dirty, and sometimes hopeless work.


Watching this video will help you make the final decision on how to remove the plug yourself, or pay for water: