View perennial flowers. Perennials (70 photos): All the best varieties and ideas for a luxurious garden. Medium-sized unpretentious perennials

Creation of flower beds on summer cottage- pleasant and difficult work. After all, you should carefully choose colors. Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are perfect option and the dream of any gardener. After all, such flowers easily tolerate harsh winters and do not require annual planting.

You can easily decorate your cottage with flowers. After all, there are a large number of flowers that do not require any hassle during planting and care. It is necessary to choose and choose the right plants that will emphasize the originality and seasonal features of the site. The dream is possible, so you can admire the beauty of flowers from spring to autumn.

Flowers are a decoration for a summer cottage and the pride of a gardener. After all bright colors Flowering plants create comfort and harmony. The floral world is amazing in its diversity. You need to choose flowers for decorating your summer cottage that will delight you with beauty and harmony all season long.

What perennial flowers to choose?

Some gardeners prefer annual flowers, as they are unique in their colors. But many people choose perennial flowers.

Benefits of perennial flowers for the garden:

  1. Do not require approximately 2 years.
  2. Withstands light frosts.
  3. Amazing .
  4. Does not require additional.
  5. Look great throughout the warm season.
  6. Can be used as a basis for creating flower beds.
  7. Growing perennial flowers is much cheaper, since during transplantation the plant can be divided into several parts for.

In order for the flower garden to delight throughout the warm season, you need to take care of it in the fall. Autumn is not a time to be discouraged; you need to work in the garden so that flowering plants are pleasing to the eye.

Planting perennial flowers can be of three types:

  1. Bulbs.
  2. Roots.
  3. Seeds.

You can plant entire compositions that will not require replanting in the coming years.

Rules for planting perennial flowers

  1. Decide on a plan for what it will look like.
  2. You need to clearly know what type and size of flowers you are planting. Low growing plants should be in the foreground, tall plants in the background.
  3. Remember to place border flowers along paths and.
  4. Consider color scheme, flowering time and harmony of each plant.

Perennial flowers that are planted in autumn

Let's look at perennial flowers for the garden with photos and names so that every gardener can choose the flower that will look perfect in the flowerbed.

Bloom in spring

– there are 4 types, the most popular are Dutch hybrids. Each species blooms at different times in the spring, so plant all varieties.

– the plant begins to bloom in April. There are more than 30 varieties, which differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Daffodils - there are a large number of plant varieties, different colors and shapes. The bulb of the plant overwinters well, so in the spring it will be able to delight you with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Tulips. There are a large number of groups of tulips that differ in color, shape and variety.

Periwinkle is a low-growing flower, reaching a height of 20 centimeters, the flowers are small and blue. Grows wonderfully in the shade.

Adonis Amur is a low-growing plant. It blooms with yellow, red and pink small double flowers.

Perennial flowers for the garden that bloom in late spring and all summer

Daylily – tall flower, which has a variety of colors: pink, orange, white and so on.

Pansy - tender perennial flower which is mesmerizing original form and an unusual combination of colors.

Peony is one of the spectacular tall flowers that look great not only in a summer cottage, but also in flower bouquet arrangements.

Phlox paniculata is a fragrant, bright, tall flower that pleases the eye with its diversity.

Lily is a delicate and incredibly cute flower. The buds amaze with their beauty. A capricious plant, sensitive to diseases. But if you carefully care for it, the flower will give you gorgeous flowers.

Cornflower is an extraordinary delicate plant. There are several species with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers.

Astilbe - perennial tall plant, which blooms all summer and delights with bright colors. The flowers of the plant are small and can be pink, white, or purple. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests and does not require special care.

Hosta. The flower has large leaves that can be of different colors. Flowering stems are long, can reach 125 centimeters.

Bluebell - if you properly care for the flower, it can bloom until the cold weather. The type and color of bells is varied, so they can be found in almost every flowerbed of a summer cottage.

Choose perennial flowers that bloom all summer so that they are easy to care for. In order to create a flowerbed at your summer cottage that will not be difficult, it is enough to plant from 8 to 10 varieties of perennial flowers that bloom at different times. This method will ensure continuous flowering of your loved ones and most beautiful flowers. You need to clearly decide on the assortment and you can start.

Remember that almost every plant blooms for about 3 weeks. During this period, 2 or 3 plants can bloom, without creating a repeat blooming picture in the flower garden. There are many perennial varieties flowers that are resistant to pests and diseases. Thanks to photos of perennial flowers, you can understand in advance what kind of flower will be during the flowering process. This will help you create a flower garden or flower bed correctly and harmoniously.

Giving preference to perennial plants, flower growers long term determine appearance your site. In order not to make a mistake with the selection of crops, it is useful to look at the catalog describing perennial flowers with photos and names.

World ornamental plants incredibly big. But when choosing flowers for their flowerbeds, borders and borders, beginners often follow the lead of colorful illustrations and do not take into account such important criteria, like the timing of flowering and the dimensions of a particular plant. What flowers should I plant in my dacha so that they bloom all summer long, are clearly visible, unpretentious and go well with the other “residents” of the site?

Tall garden perennials with photos and names

Planning flower beds begins with choosing plants that will occupy the main places in the plantings. If you want to create a flowerbed with an all-round view, its “main characters” will be tall, clearly visible flowers. In a flower garden located near a house or fence, such tall perennials are also irreplaceable.

It is important that the perennial flowers chosen for the garden not only decorate the area with bright colors, but also have decorative foliage, which, after flowering, will serve as a background for lower plants.

Various varieties of meadowsweet bloom in the first half of summer. Lush brushes, reminiscent of light, pinkish or white clouds, not only float gracefully over carved foliage, but also repel horseflies, midges and mosquitoes, which are especially annoying at this time of year, from the area. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters, the culture is winter-hardy and even has medicinal properties.

From the end of June or the first ten days of July, the time for luxurious stock roses begins. Tall, powerful peduncles hold up to 20 large simple or double corollas of all shades from white, yellow to purple.

Stock roses, or large-flowered mallows as they are called, are considered heat-loving plants, so not all regions of Russia will be able to survive the winter calmly. However, they can be easily replaced. For example, for the Urals there are perennial flowers that bloom all summer, with a photo and name close to the previous crop.

This is a zebrina mallow with showy lilac-violet flowers, decorated with characteristic patterns in their veins. The non-capricious plant forms a loose herbaceous bush up to 1.5–1.8 meters high with numerous green foliage and erect inflorescences of 10–15 flowers.

Buzulnik is even more winter-hardy and no less decorative, growing and blooming well in the harshest conditions.

The dense, erect inflorescences of foxgloves look incredibly impressive. The cultivated varieties amaze with the variety of colors of the numerous bell flowers. This perennial garden flower will decorate the area from June to August.

In mid-summer it is time for various species and varieties of saplings to bloom. Lilac, pink, white or reddish caps of its inflorescences will look great on open areas, near bodies of water, next to dissected rudbeckia, or golden balls, and the same unpretentious alpine asters.

The latter crop is not very tall, but it must definitely be included in the list of names of perennial flowers for Siberia, the north of Russia, the Urals and other regions where plants are required to have endurance (photo above).

On small area Where the garden is adjacent to vegetable beds, Jerusalem artichoke or tuberous sunflower with dense heart-shaped foliage, caps of yellow flowers and stems, sometimes exceeding a height of 2-3 meters, can be planted along the border.

Perennial flowers for a medium-sized garden

The middle zone of a flower garden or flower bed is left with flowering plants with a height of 40 to 80 centimeters. This catalog of perennial flowers for the garden with photos and names is incredibly extensive and for different regions of the country can include dozens and hundreds of noteworthy crops. Moreover, in most cases, not only flowers, but also foliage can serve as decoration for a flower bed.

For example, already in early spring, light green leaves of the Persian poppy appear from under the snow, with a fancifully dissected edge. And huge corollas of red, orange and even blue colors appear from the first days of summer along with numerous types of garden daisies, aquilegias, multi-colored lupins and luxurious irises.

The perennial flower Kandyk, well known by its photo and name in Siberia, will also be of interest to gardeners middle zone.

Blooming in April or early May, the plant is an excellent diversifier for a flowerbed with already traditional types crocuses, mouse hyacinth or muscari, also famous for their hardiness and excellent survival rate beyond the Urals.

They thrive well under the crowns of trees that have not yet fully blossomed and in the shade of buildings. They bloom in May, and then, until the second half of summer, the garden is decorated with a dense clump of wide-lanceolate leathery foliage with bright beads of scarlet fruits.

Recently, anemones, which do not bloom for very long, but are always lush and bright, have become increasingly popular.

Along with the traditional bulbous flowers, well known to everyone by name and photo, there are perennials in the garden and vegetable garden that are no less spectacular, but at the same time useful. These are available to gardening enthusiasts today. perennial species onions with large inflorescences-caps of purple, pinkish, white or greenish tones.

Equally unpretentious and beautiful are the cultivated varieties of ordinary yarrow, which bloom in the first month of summer and practically disappear under the snow with inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and orange shades.

The hot summer months are the time of flowering of aerial gypsophila, which rivals in tenderness such “stars” of the garden as astilbe, which feel best not under the scorching sun, but in shady corners.

Beginning in August, the variegated caps open above the dark green foliage of phlox and the bright corollas of daylilies, included in the list of names of perennial flowers that bloom all summer, as in the photo, for the North-West. At the same time, the time comes for plants of the aster family.

Above the bright rosettes of leaves rise the inflorescences of Doronicum, small-flowered frost-resistant chrysanthemums, and perennial gaillardias. The bushes of perennial asters are colored with lilac, pink and white colors.

Perennial low-growing flowers for the garden with photos

The foreground of the flower bed is given over to low plants, creating the effect of a continuous carpet. If you look at the catalog with photos and names of perennial flowers for the garden, this result can be achieved with the help of sedums of different types, which preserve the decorativeness and freshness of the greenery throughout the summer.

Dense cushions of carnation and low-growing carnation will look like excellent, bright spots against their background.

For open places Arabis can be planted in areas with light aerated soil. This plant will quickly take its allotted place and in the second year will delight you with pink or white piles of flowers.

The group of low-growing garden perennials includes flowers called duchenea. Decorative strawberries form a beautiful green cover, covered with yellow flowers, on the meta of which red, but, alas, inedible berries later appear.

When decorating your dacha with perennials, you need to take care to protect them from the cold, which most people suffer from bulbous plants, lilies, clematis and decorative shrubs. They should be covered for the winter with a mulch mixture, peat or dry leaves, and then protected with non-woven material.

Perennial flowers for the garden - video

The topic of floriculture is alien and indifferent to those who are not able to understand and feel the soul of these lovely creations of nature, the enchanting and silent harmony of color.

True connoisseurs of the music of flowers need only look at this natural masterpiece to imagine with their hearts and personally create the magic of unearthly perfection, combining style, shape, color and sound together.

Unpretentious spring flowers

Inexperienced gardeners are concerned with the question - what unpretentious flowers should be planted at the dacha, so that with the onset of the first warmth, they will announce the arrival of Spring with their blossoms, filling the soul and heart with joy?

After all, the arrival of heat, especially in the Russian central zone, is often delayed. The seeds of annual flowers have not yet been thrown into the ground. And perennials are just beginning to break through the unheated soil.

But there is no need to be upset - bulbous crops have already formed future buds since the fall and with the onset of spring they will color the flower beds with a rainbow spectrum.

On the first thawed patches, with gentle rays spring sun, white, blue, yellow and striped corollas will appear on your site - this is how they bloom.

These primroses will delight their owners all spring, and then they retire until the next favorable time.

They vary significantly in height - from seven to fifteen centimeters.

When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that these are sun-loving individuals. Warm and well lit discreet place– this is their favorite corner. Light partial shade near trees and shrubs that have not yet blossomed is also suitable.

Planting of bulbous firstborns is carried out in traditional times - in August and September.

Without a doubt, the owners of a country estate will receive the highest aesthetic pleasure when planting crocuses in groups. During flowering, they will appear in all their splendor, effectively decorating flower beds.

A festival of colors of incredible beauty with large white flowers and blue stripes will delight you until the onset of summer. The inflorescence can have a blue or blue color. The height of the stem can reach 20 centimeters.

Like many bulbous plants, Pushkinia prefers good lighting or light shading.

They look harmonious and impressive with small daffodils, broken hearts and motley carpeted sedums

From the beginning of April to the end of May, low - up to 20 centimeters, tender flowers bloom. Their stems are crowned with graceful inflorescences that figuratively resemble bells.

Mouse hyacinth, also called muscari, is rightfully included in the TOP of the most unpretentious garden crops.

Once you plant a bulb under the crown of a tree or, for example, next to a lilac bush, you will welcome spring with this amazing flower for many years.

You can renew or thin out muscari with the onset of summer - in June. But only when you see that the blue flower and its elongated leaves have faded.

A small reminder - during the period of vital activity, the plant needs additional soil moisture. At this point, the troubles are practically over, leaving only the advantages: excellent proximity to other flowers and unpretentious care.

It’s hard to imagine a country “residence” without these flowers, striking in their delicacy and simplicity. Perhaps it is they, well, perhaps also tulips, that are business card spring.

Agree that the spring scent of narcissus is difficult to confuse with other crops.

From the beginning of April until the last calendar days of spring, this small fragment of the sun delights with its beauty.

The plant can grow up to 60 cm - it all depends on the chosen variety.

Again, their color depends on the variety. It can be simply white, without losing its tenderness and grace, as well as with a long or short crown, which is framed by fringe.

The place for growing daffodils should be rich in minerals - this is ideal. In addition, they are very unpretentious to lighting. And they feel comfortable both in bright sun and in a slightly shaded place, hiding under the crown of budding trees.

Narcissus is a harmonious flower. It cohabits and decorates, growing with bergenia, tulip, various garden plants, dicentra and other plants.

Over time, they form a snow-white carpet with yellow splashes, which looks very impressive.

As necessary, it can be thinned out by transplanting the bulbs to another place. But it is advisable to do this after a decrease in their vital activity - somewhere in the beginning of summer.

The daffodil tolerates frosty winters relatively calmly. But if in the spring you notice some bare areas, then in the summer they can be planted with young bulbs.

Daffodils in the photo:


Avid gardeners consider the tulip to be the king of the home ornamental crops. Others, on the contrary, due to the extremely few requirements on his part regarding care, are classified as “commoners.”

The number of varieties, shapes, and colors is so great that true fans of this delightful creature grow only it, allocating its own zone for each variety.

Believe me, tulips blooming is a truly mesmerizing experience. Those who have been to the tulip parade in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea understand what we are talking about.

After all, by skillfully selecting varieties in accordance with the time of their flowering, you can create a fairy tale for a long time both on an alpine hill and in a wonderful flowerbed near the house. After all, the tulip throws out its first color in March, and the most late varieties delight lovers of this beauty before the onset of summer.

Just as the varieties vary, so do the stem sizes. They can reach 50 centimeters.

In order for a fairy-tale picture to appear in the spring, you need to take care of this beauty in the fall. It is better to plant and renew the bulbs in September, placing them in loose, fertilized soil.

Important advice. During the flowering period, occasionally check the condition of the plants. If they are affected by a fungus, remove the flower immediately, as this disease cannot be treated.

Variety of tulip varieties in the photo:

During the active period, tulips need good watering, which should be limited in the summer, when the bulbs are resting.

There is no doubt that early bulbous primroses are long-awaited and desired. They are bright and unpretentious. By looking at the photos of varieties and reading the names, you can choose the most unpretentious flowers for your garden. But the trouble is that their foliage is not able to maintain its decorative effect for a long time and decorate your home for a long time.

You need to think in advance about planting other plants next to them.

Lily of the valley

This is, if you like, an axiom or a classic spring flower bed. They replace the first wave of flowering. May is their month. Thanks to their good root system, they can easily survive winter. In spring, tubular leaves first emerge from the ground, and then stems with surprisingly delicate, fragrant white bells grow from the inside - up to 20 in number. And the flower itself can reach thirty centimeters.

After a bright phase, which lasts until early summer, red berries appear.

Here you need to protect children from eating them - the berries are very poisonous.

The undoubted advantage of lilies of the valley is their unpretentiousness. They thrive in both shade and sun.

- This is a surprisingly versatile creation, equally suitable for both open sunny lawns and shady corners.

This is one of the representatives shade-tolerant plants. These ground cover household members can grow as shrubs, instantly and unpretentiously growing into the ground.

From mid-spring, they will decorate your home with greenery and bright colors of incredible diversity: blue, turquoise, pink, white, purple or a mixed palette of all these shades.

This name is known to few amateur gardeners. The appearance of this beauty gave another, more sensual and dramatic name - a broken heart.

After hibernation, having bravely endured the winter cold, dicentra blooms its foliage with the first rays of the spring sun, and in May it blooms with white, pink or two shades of inflorescences, surprisingly, without exaggeration, resembling tiny hearts.

The active life period reaches two months. And what’s surprising is that under the soft transparent shadow the color saturation is higher than in the open sun. In such conditions, the inflorescence retains its beauty longer.

A plant that can reach a meter in height after shedding " broken hearts", will become a wonderful green background for your other favorites.

May is the most favorable month for under the treetops, along artificial reservoirs and paths, Brunnera appeared in all its heavenly beauty. It is precisely this heavenly, soft blue color that the flowers of this amazing natural creation appear before your eyes.

The height of the plant is relatively small - up to 50 centimeters.

Brunner will be a wonderful addition to any of your locations. It can fit into any landscape and created composition.

Not requiring daily attention, the plant reproduces well by dividing the bush.

Summer luxury

  1. Sunny side or slight shading.
  2. Soil with good moisture absorption.
  3. Good watering.
  4. Moderate feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Planting (separation) of bushes at least once every five years.
  6. Flowers can be used to create cozy areas, or bushes can serve as borders.

Viola or pansy

The second name is more familiar. The charming, unpretentious simplicity of these small plants leaves no one indifferent.

The spectrum and number of shades is simply amazing - these are yellow, sky blue, blue with red spots, white like snow, velvety black, lilac, purple colors and different variations of their mixtures.

They are very undemanding to themselves, but it is still worth creating the minimum conditions for their living comfort. Plants do not like lowlands, where moisture lingers for a long time. Their regular diet is ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. But manure, especially unrotted manure, should be excluded from feeding.

If you want to extend the flowering period, then regularly pick out the resulting seed boxes, because the process of their ripening will require a lot of additional strength and energy.

Clusters of soft pink flowers attached to a thick stem, and rounded shiny foliage - this is how it can be briefly described.

Your work will be appreciated if you maintain soil fertility. In this case, the growing area should not be heavily shaded. Shortage solar energy will significantly shorten the bright period in the life of this culture.

You need to remember minimal attention to the plant, especially in spring.

During the period of awakening, the flower is very sensitive to fungi. Therefore, treatment with protective drugs will be very useful.

Where will the culture take root better and look more impressive? These are rocky locations in garden plots, flower beds where groups of various types, borders and (rectangular flower beds).


Colchicum is the middle name of Colchicum. It convincingly resembles a crocus. But its flowers are slightly larger and endowed with a delicate aroma. The bulb of this individual is very prolific and can form up to four inflorescences.

The short flowering period, which is just over three weeks, is compensated by the beauty it creates, albeit short-lived.

The crop is quite undemanding both in terms of fertilizing and lighting, as well as in soil composition.

Colchicum looks advantageous not only on alpine hills, but also in flower beds with long flowering. Yes, simple flower beds are also suitable.

captivated gardeners with its unusual bright color and size of leaves, which create a fabulous background on the site.

In addition, its long flowering period and absolute unpretentiousness have brought it into the category of the most sought-after representatives of the decorative community.

He is comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. But too bright rays can discolor greenery.

It needs moderate watering, but the soil will need to be saturated with minerals. Organic matter and mineral fertilizers should be applied in spring and early autumn.

When preparing a perennial for winter, it is worthwhile to mulch (cover) the soil with peat, after cutting off the stems to the very roots. But there is no need to cover the rhizomes with soil - it tolerates frost well.


Gardeners call this flower. This perennial has an erect appearance, consisting of shooting stems. Just by looking at a photo of a loosestrife, you can immediately fall in love with this beauty, decorated with bright yellow or red flowers.

A significant part of loosestrife varieties, such as common, dotted, lily-of-the-valley (cletro-shaped), and coin-like, love the sun. Only some prefer the darkened coziness.

Almost all varieties of lysimachia are capable of growing in one place for up to 10 years. However, it needs to be thinned out periodically by cutting the base rhizome.

Minor care includes:

  1. Fairly moist soil.
  2. Regular watering.
  3. Fertilizing with combined mineral fertilizers once a month.

When preparing for winter, there is no need to cover the flower. It is enough to cut off the dried stems at the root.

Gazania is called the South African chamomile not only by landscape designers, but also by avid flower growers. This is due to some similarity in shape and amazing colorful painting. This is where the natural artist did his best work.

The Gazania genus includes almost forty varieties. But in conditions cold winter not everyone is able to fulfill the mission of perennials.

Suitable for them:

  1. Rock gardens.
  2. Decorative flowerpots.
  3. Area for curbs.
  4. Hanging boxes.

All the flower needs is more sun and an open area. They are unpretentious to water. Even in dry summers, minimal watering is required.

Turf with sand is the optimal soil for them.

The long-lived long-liver looks like flowering shrub. It is covered with small pink and white inflorescences, creating the presence of a delicate haze.

Wherever the flower is planted, it will look advantageous in any place, be it a distant recreation area, a wall, a hedge or a stylized alpine slide.

The perennial ornamental crop, having increased resistance to winter cold, is extremely painful when it comes to “moving” to another place. Therefore, carefully consider the layout of your territory in advance. Well, if there is an emergency need for replanting, then treat the roots with nutritional stimulants.


This garden perennial miracle needs no special introduction. Both his beauty and love for him have no boundaries.

But believe me, beauty requires some attention to itself. Therefore, it is worth considering that gladiolus loves an open area, moderately illuminated by the sun. This stately beauty does not like drafts and excessively wet soil.

But in regions with arid climates and high temperature To grow it you need to select shaded corners.

In moderate climatic zones Even slight shading can delay the appearance of flowers and deteriorate the appearance.

Sandy loam soil that loves should be saturated with organic additives, preferably to a depth of 30 centimeters.

These qualities make it possible to plant survivors in the most problematic areas. A minimum of light and attention are the biggest requirements that a flower makes for its care.

Rocky hills and slopes, the base of a fence, Bottom part tree trunks around the circumference - such zoning will be ideal for a long-lived beauty.

She is not afraid of planting and transplanting. They can be produced painlessly throughout the entire summer season.

The initial seed planting of this perennial is carried out in March. Designers advise to sow densely so that the flower bed turns out bright and lush.

It is advisable to use seeds different varieties, such as:

  • Lilac spiral;
  • South Stream;
  • Pink Sunset;
  • Summer morning;
  • Morpheus;
  • Lavender Obelisk;
  • Pledge of Youth;
  • Karavan et al.

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil up to 0.5 cm.

Regular moistening and loosening of the soil is extremely desirable for delphinium. It is worth knowing that moderate and proper watering prevents the formation of diseases such as powdery mildew.

The variety of dacha flower beauties is so great that definitive recommendations would be inappropriate. Exclusive taste, minimal knowledge about types and varieties, love and gentle care- these are the necessary qualities that will help transform your dacha or Vacation home, into an amazingly fairy-tale world.

Flowers that plant themselves

The video below is a review of flowers for the dacha, ideal for a “weekend garden,” so to speak, “for the lazy.” All these crops reproduce well by self-sowing, tolerate transplantation well if necessary, and, of course, are beautiful.

Along with beautiful flowering plants, among perennials there are many plants with inconspicuous flowers, but very decorative leaves, for which they are irreplaceable .

You can grow perennials yourself from seeds and get your own seedlings, or you can purchase rhizomes or already mature plant in a container. A fairly common option is to take a plant you like from your neighbors in the form of part of a rhizome with shoots.

If you want to grow perennials yourself, under no circumstances sow the seeds directly into the ground. For perennials, only the seedling method is suitable. Plants of this kind are subject to great “pressure” from the environment, open ground they may not rise.

So, the easiest to care for perennials for your garden:



Speaking figuratively, lupine is a “perennial weed”, it is so adapted to life in any conditions. Lupine seeds even germinate in the cracks between the stone path slabs. But at the same time he is so elegant! Lupines come in a great variety of colors; variegated lupins are especially beautiful. Plus, this flower is tall and has very decorative carved leaves, so lupins can be safely planted “solo”, in separate clumps - and these will be noticeable accents of the site. Well, naturally, it is irreplaceable in a flower garden - the shape of its inflorescences will wonderfully complement the structure of the flower “filling” of any flower bed. Lupine reproduces very well by seeds, so you can easily grow its seedlings, just plant the seeds early, and if you plant its rhizome, then you are guaranteed to bloom the same year. The soil doesn’t matter to him, care is normal, “to a minimum.” But, however, lupine loves the sun, so you should not plant it in the shade. If you cut off the faded “candles” of lupine, it will bloom again. By the way, you can collect lupine stems with pods - this is a wonderful dried flower.

It is difficult to imagine a garden without this, it is beautiful not only in the flower garden, it is also indispensable for, relaxation corners, very suitable for creating monoflowers. It reproduces simply: by dividing the rhizome, it is better to do this in early spring. Irises come in different varieties: some love open sunny areas, others prefer partial shade and humidity, such as Siberian irises. These flowers have a huge variety of sizes and colors. There are also miniature bulbous irises, they are simply irreplaceable for alpine slides. Irises are unpretentious, but they need sufficient watering and periodic “earthing,” as their rhizomes often become exposed over time. It is better not to prune them for the winter; leave it until spring, so they can better withstand harsh winters.


Herbaceous peonies

Unlike the tree peony, the herbaceous peony is a plant for “dummies”. If you plant its rhizome in early spring or late August, it will already be next year will delight you with flowering. The only pity is that its flowering period does not last long! Peony loves abundant watering, fertilizing is only mineral; it does not tolerate organic matter well. It definitely needs good drainage - add sand to the soil when planting.


Garden chamomile

A truly “folk” flower, a win-win decoration for any flower bed. Chamomile blooms for a long time and lasts a long time when cut. It propagates by dividing rhizomes, but you can also start it with your own seedlings by sowing the seeds in cups at the end of February. It is better to plant chamomile in the ground at the end of summer. Watering and fertilizing are normal. It should be noted that chamomile can be completely replanted throughout the season; you only need to shade it for 2-3 days when replanting. In addition to cornflower - the well-known white chamomile, there are also colored "daisies" - pyrethrums, their flowers are smaller, but they are very bright.


Hosta, astilbe, daylilies, dicentra

Why are all these plants placed together? They have a wonderful overall quality: they are all great for decoration shady corners: They also bloom in the shade. All these plants are best planted with rhizomes; seeds will be less successful. Their planting material It’s very easy to get – it’s always on sale. Caring for them is also similar: watering, sometimes fertilizing, best with mineral fertilizers during flowering, and in the spring with organic matter and timely removal of faded inflorescences. Any soil is suitable for them. Hosta is a plant with the most decorative leaves, which are green, blue, variegated, with a white border, and yellow. And the size of the leaves can be any: there are dwarf hostas specifically for, and there are simply giants. Although this plant is mainly an ornamental foliage plant, it also blooms with beautiful lilac “bells” on long stalks.


Astilbe, daylilies and dicentra can also be called decorative foliage: they also have very “characteristic” leaves, and each plant has its own leaf shape. But the main thing is their flowering. All these plants bloom very beautifully and for quite a long time and are also distinguished by a variety of colors: astilbe can be red, pink and white, the same shades are found in dicentra, daylily can be orange, yellow and red. Dicentra pleases us with flowering in spring and early summer, and astilbe and daylily in the second. Over time, you will even have to limit the spread of these unpretentious, lushly growing perennials.


Rudbeckia and Echinacea

These perennials are even similar in appearance; they are tall, showy, and bright. They will help to create an ensemble in any flower garden, give it structure and decorate the background, and their inflorescences are in harmony with any other “ landscape forms"in your flowerbed. And in terms of agricultural technology, they also have a lot in common. It is best to get your seedlings by sowing seeds at the end of February in pots. They have no problems with germination, you are sure to take root in a permanent place and it will also be very successful. It can be planted in the ground either in spring or summer; at first, carefully weed out and water abundantly. The soil doesn't matter. You can fertilize with mineral fertilizers and organic matter, but you don’t need to fertilize too often. These plants overwinter well and start early in the spring.


Perennial asters

A very attractive, trouble-free flower, guaranteed to brighten the garden from spring to frost. That’s right, because this group includes not only the familiar autumn asters. Perennial asters have many types. In late spring and early summer, the alpine aster blooms; this flower is not tall, 25–30 cm. The Italian aster blooms all summer, this plant medium height, 40–60 cm. Well, at the end of summer, New England and New Belgian asters begin to bloom, and they bloom until frost (until November). During the same period, the heather aster also blooms; this is the one you most likely saw; it is the most common in our gardens. It blooms with lilac flowers. In general, perennial asters have a wide range of colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, red, lilac, purple. Perennial asters prefer nutritious soil, organic matter, and always lime. It is better not to thicken the plantings so that the plants are well ventilated. Tall asters need to be tied to supports. Asters need to be propagated once every 3-4 years, when the bush begins to become bare from the inside. The plants need to be dug up, the roots divided and transplanted to a new location. This should be done either in August or early May.



They are indispensable in the garden easy care, and indeed in . There are many varieties of phlox, with flowers of different colors. There are even phloxes - “chameleons” that change their color depending on the lighting from crimson to lilac! At the same time, the essence of the plants has not changed - these perennials behave like weeds - they take root well and grow powerfully, sometimes displacing other plants. Phlox grows well in both sun and partial shade, and even partial shade is preferable for them. In general, without any care, phlox can grow and bloom for up to 8 years, but their flowers gradually become smaller. Therefore, they sometimes need to be fed with organic matter or any flower fertilizer and from time to time water abundantly - then the flowers will be large, and the lower part of the stem will not be exposed. Once every 6 years they need to be divided: dig up and cut the rhizomes and move them to a new place. You can even divide the bush with a shovel right on the spot - dig up the bush, chop off part of the root and move it to another place, and fill the hole with the remaining part of the root again. It is better to plant phlox in early spring. But if you had to do this in the fall, you don’t need to cut off the stems and leaves.


"Golden Balls"

This perennial flower is familiar to everyone! It is just one of those plants that “grows on its own.” "Golden Balls" are popular name. In fact, the flower is called rudbeckia dissecta. At its core, it is a malicious weed; it grows everywhere, always, and even with complete lack of care. You need to keep an eye on it so that it does not fill the entire area and sweep out other types of decorative perennials.

Flowers in the garden create a special atmosphere: they give a riot of colors, enjoyment of aromas, and decorate the surrounding space. With their help you can create a unique and harmonious landscape design.

A Question of Choice

A responsible approach to choosing new garden inhabitants will allow you to find the desired comfort: visually highlight relaxation corners with the help of flower beds, decorate garden paths or decorate the entire garden with flowers. But before we decide what to plant in the garden, let’s decide on our priorities.

The choice has to be made among:

  • the whole gamut of colors, aromas, shapes and sizes;
  • capricious and unpretentious (we choose according to the climate of the region);
  • ripening at different times (early, late flowers);
  • annuals and perennials.

Flavor combination

Beautiful and strong aromas Matthiola bicornuum or levkoy (annual spherical bush with small light purple flowers), white acacia, and oriental lilies are depleted. The latter must be treated with caution: the aroma of lilies in large quantities may cause headache. The same can be said about wild rosemary - these fluffy flowers should only be planted on outdoors and no more than one bush.

The fragrant aroma of violets, fragrant matthiola (night flower), phlox, meadowsweet ( medicinal herb with white or pink small flowers), garden jasmine (or mock orange).

When choosing fragrant flowers for the garden, remember that the strong smell attracts not only butterflies, but also bees and bumblebees. If these insects are not welcome guests, opt for more subtle scents.

Rosemary (a subshrub evergreen plant with small purple flowers), lavender, clove.

Lilacs, roses, hyacinths (“rain flower”, garden variety Bismark), lilies of the valley, sweet peas, mignonette (a herbaceous plant with fragrant leaves and flowers) deplete the delicate sweet aroma.


They have a subtle aroma:

These garden flowers should be planted along paths.

Incredible shapes

You can choose plants for a flower garden various shapes- ground plants (unpretentious periwinkle), stem flowers, herbaceous plants, spreading shrubs. The latter include Korean abelia. And also a flowering rosemary bush and a charming hydrangea. Often in Russian gardens you can find chrysanthemum bushes (although there are also herbaceous varieties).

Focus on resilience

Happy owners of flowers that are familiar and loved since childhood want to complement the appearance of their garden with exoticism and nobility (expensive types of flowering plants). But…

Some perennial flowers (showy ranunculus or “Asian buttercup”, exotic tigridia, multi-colored freesias) are not able to survive winter in harsh climates. Therefore, you have to choose taking into account the characteristics of care.

In our gardens you can often find cosmos (they can still be found in well-kept city courtyards and along park alleys), brunnera (similar to forget-me-nots), peonies, marigolds, asters, reticulated iris, curly lilies, paniculate hydrangea, chrysanthemums, tricolor violets , daisies, cornflowers, petunia, bush varieties of roses (similar to rose hips). Less commonly, daffodils, double and hybrid tulips, hollyhocks (biennial), muscari, yellow crocuses, hyacinths, callas. The popularity of these garden flowers is due to the relative ease of care.

Lily of the valley is one of the most persistent: these flowers are not only hardy and do not require special care, but also grow well; it is possible to allocate a limited, but sufficient large territory. Cornflowers, daisies, cosmos, and low-growing primrose are unpretentious.

Irises are not too whimsical; they are light-loving and prefer dry soil. The Siberian iris variety is considered especially resistant. And also daffodils, botanical tulips, iridodictiums (cute, undemanding little ones) and crocuses, although the latter do not bloom well.

The rhizomes of hellebore and anemones (ranunculaceae family), poppies, speedwells (plantain family), phlox, and some varieties of irises (Siberian and Japanese) are called capricious in storage. It is better to buy planting material immediately before the start of seasonal work.


The most capricious flowers are orchids, begonias (but there are also not very capricious varieties), cannas, noble lotuses, and roses. Roses are very popular here, so gardeners decide to plant them at home, despite all the difficulties of care. When choosing a variety, we advise you to give preference to the most frost-resistant and disease-resistant ones - hybrid, Bengal, climbing roses, variety "Cordessa" or "Floribunda".

Among the popular garden flowers in Russia and exotic ones there are both capricious and unpretentious varieties. Local shops will tell you which ones will grow in your region.

A win-win option for beauty and stamina experienced gardeners called: astilbe, autumn anemone, hellenium, geranium, catnip, sage, doronicum, cornflowers, evening primrose, brilliant rudbeckia and oriental poppy.

Varieties for different regions

Popular or rare - whatever flowers you are looking for for your garden, choose varieties that can survive in your region. For example, to plant canna flowers, which are rare in our country, in the garden, you can take their special variety Amerika.

In central Russia you can find wild rosemary, hyacinth varieties Gertrude or Marie, a variety of blue hyacinths common in Russian gardens, hybrids of anemones, speedwell, peonies, bazulnik, monarda, cornflowers, astilbe, periwinkle, lilies of the valley, adonis.

In harsh conditions (in the Urals), varieties of garden flowers called “Siberian” grow well - these are winter-hardy and not whimsical varieties. Frost-resistant (up to - 32 degrees) variety of tall wild rosemary - Elite. Or Fondant hyacinth. As well as corresponding varieties of asters, lilies, astilbe, anemone, rudbeckia, primrose. Even paniculata hydrangea and Siberian phlox have taken root in the Urals and Siberia.

In the warm regions of Russia, you can safely grow the most whimsical flowers (petunias, roses and orchids).

Pay in order!..

Let's imagine the flowers that can often be found in Russian gardens. In what order do they ripen? Do they replace each other, do they complement each other? You can plant flowers in different parts of the garden, so that from mid-spring and all summer long, luxurious and lovely bouquets will bloom in it in turns or in pairs:

  • April - wild rosemary April Reign (early flowering, light pink);
  • end of April (in central Russia), May - lilies of the valley,
  • late May-mid June - irises;
  • June - peonies;
  • July - cornflowers and calendula;
  • late July-early August - lilies;
  • by September 1 - a special, often eponymous variety of asters (“Alpine” blooms in late March-early April).

The only thing missing from this splendor is annuals that bloom all summer or even until mid-autumn, for example, petunias. Or the charming hydrangea shrub, which blooms from mid-summer until late autumn.

Or you can create several flower beds in which various plants will bloom harmoniously - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, replacing each other and as if playing a beautiful flower symphony. To create such a miracle you need to think through a lot:

  • select varieties of garden flowers that are different in height, shape and size, and mark them on a schematic plan suitable places for them;
  • for variety, take several shades (so that they don’t bloom at the same time) different types white flowers, blue or red);
  • choose varieties of garden flowers so that they do not bloom at the same time, but bloom in turn during all three seasons of the year (or maybe four, if you add coniferous and evergreen plants to the flowers). First, early flowering perennials (crocuses, primroses, anemones, etc.), then annuals and late flowers and shrubs.

Annual or perennial?

When creating a flower garden in the garden, many will prefer to choose perennial plants. And this is reasonable: we’ll plant it once and every year we’ll enjoy our favorite flowers. But annuals also have their advantages, which should not be denied.

Firstly, some annual flowers, completing their life cycle in the year of planting, produce seeds that germinate by themselves the next year (aster, calendula).

Secondly, biennial flowers that grow the next year after planting are also classified as annuals - Carpathian bellflower, "Rosa rose", Vitrocca violet, garden daisies.

And finally, many varieties of annuals are able to bloom all summer until frost.

Popular annuals in our gardens are asters, marigolds, cornflowers, tricolor bindweed, Turkish or Chinese carnation, dahlia, sweet pea, calendula, Carpathian bellflower, chamomile, levkoy (matthiola), lobelia the thinnest or "Erinus", poppy or " Samoseyka, hybrid mimilus, monarda, daisies, petunia, sunflower, white or fragrant mignonette, yarrow, Vitrocca violet, pansies, phlox "Drummond", chrysanthemum of various varieties, graceful or narrow-leaved zinnia. There is plenty to choose from to decorate your garden!

The list of perennial flowers for the garden is also impressive: hyacinth, carnation and minuartia from the same family, skullcap (a beautiful labiate plant), nasturtium, cosmos, peonies, irises (can grow in one place for up to 7 years), garden daisies (should be planted after 5 years), daisies, etc.

Where to look

In April-May, flower bulbs and seedlings appear not only in specialized stores “Everything for the Garden” and garden centers, but also in hypermarkets. You can calmly take a closer look at the future inhabitants of the garden in the appropriate online stores. Here you can immediately read the detailed characteristics of the plants, find out the features of care and the procedure for growing them.

It’s worth visiting local markets: not all Russian cities have lost the friendly grandmothers with their “own-produced” goods.


If cultivated varieties of flowers that are popular in Russia are already growing in your garden, we also recommend planting unpretentious perennials (hyacinth, hyacinths, minuartia, skullcap, nasturtium, daisies, daffodils, tulips, muscari, yellow crocuses, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, callas) and annuals (convolvulus , dahlia, sweet pea, matthiola, poppy, mimilus, monarda, mignonette, pansy, phlox, chrysanthemum, zinnia). Or capricious but noble cannas, orchids, lotuses and, of course, roses. If you wish, you can even grow such a southern miracle as begonias.

Choose flowers for your garden according to their intended purpose. Among the shrubs that will decorate the perimeter of the garden, give preference to chrysanthemums, petunias, hydrangea, rosemary, and Korean abelia. For a lasting aroma, choose fragrant flowering herbs (meadowsweet). For a unique flower garden, from a huge variety of varieties, you can choose low-growing, stemmed plants with large flowers, and even shrubs. Among the early flowering ones we recommend crocuses, anemones and primroses. Of the long-lasting ones - hydrangea.

Now you know what to look for when deciding what flowers to plant in your garden. Make your choice and bring to life your bold ideas for decorating your favorite dacha.

What to do if you want to get a beautiful front garden on your summer cottage, but you don’t have the time or energy to care for it? The article is devoted to describing the most popular crops among “lazy” gardeners. Have a hassle-free summer!

Rules for creating a flower garden that blooms all summer for the lazy

In order to be able to almost completely forget about caring for an unpretentious flowerbed after planting, you still need to work a little and create a well-thought-out composition. Here are some tips that will help you relax with clear conscience upon completion of work:

  1. Low-maintenance crops are not always plain and boring. Don't be afraid to add some bright colors to your flowerbed;
  2. Which crops to choose? If you are pursuing the goal of building a front garden, all blooming season, select plants that have different flowering times;
  3. Place crops that prefer the same conditions in your “lazy” flowerbed so that they feel comfortable growing in one place;
  4. To avoid having to pay a lot later, take care of good quality soil;
  5. The best place flower garden for the lazy - sunny or semi-shaded.

Carefully selected crops planted on good soil and in a good place, they will thank you in the future with lush and long-lasting flowering, without requiring special care procedures. However, it is still worth noting that the statement “set it and forget it” in this case is not entirely true. You need to take care of the flowerbed, but not so often: weeding a young front garden, watering during drought, fertilizing as needed and removing dead inflorescences whenever possible will not take much time and effort.

It is also worth remembering that it is imperative to trim and cover plants for the winter season, otherwise your “lazy” flower bed will die.

The most unpretentious garden flowers (video)

Beautiful unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden

The absolute favorites of flower beds for lazy gardeners are low-maintenance perennials that can spend their entire life cycle almost independently. Below are the most popular crops today that do not require special skills in floriculture.


One of the longest flowering perennials: astilbe is able to delight its owners with bright inflorescences for up to 10 weeks, starting from the middle of the summer season and ending with the onset of the first frost. This unpretentious crop grows up to 1.5 meters, so you can safely plant it in the middle of the flowerbed. Astilbe prefers sun or partial shade.

The only treatment this herbaceous tall perennial needs is regular pruning for the development of side shoots and growth control. Its bright yellow flowers really look like small sunflowers and will decorate any front garden.


The dream of a summer resident who is always busy with business: this crop requires nothing more than a fairly sunny place. Another advantage of the plant is its simple but charming daisy flowers of bright colors, depending on the variety. Refers to tall inhabitants of flower beds.


Not all bulbs can be classified as unpretentious, but tulips are one of them. Their bright buds are among the first to bloom after winter and decorate the flowerbed until the end of spring.

Like tulips, this perennial crop can take care of itself and blooms at the same time. The main advantage of the daffodil is its ability to look good in various flower arrangements. In addition, their foliage is succulent green tint preserves for a long time decorative properties.

Lilies of the valley

Capable of growing in one place for up to 10 years, lilies of the valley will be a wonderful decoration for your garden in the spring, and in early summer they will bear fruit in the form of red berries. They tolerate both sun and shade well.

Tulips, daffodils and lilies of the valley are being replaced by a crop such as aquilegia, or columbine. Blooming in the second year of its life, this easy-to-care perennial is designed to decorate your site from late May to early September. When its bell-shaped inflorescences fade, the decorative properties are transferred to the leaves - they become lilac or purple.


Geranium is a fragile-looking plant that blooms from May to August. One of the features is short life a single flower, which is immediately replaced by new ones. At the end of flowering, geranium foliage acquires bright shades: red, orange, yellow.


Best friends lazy gardeners, because they are one of the most unpretentious and get along on different soils and with different neighbors. Lilac, pink, violet and will become an excellent background for peonies, nivaria and other beautiful flowering crops.

Turkish clove

Spreading by self-seeding and blossoming on for a long time, this plant rightfully deserves to be among the most undemanding ornamental crops. Carnations will paint your garden with bright colors and give any flowerbed a summer mood!

Frost-resistant, unpretentious flowers for the garden (video)

Low-maintenance flowering annuals

In addition to perennial crops, the market can offer gardeners a variety of annual ornamental plants that are no more demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. They will perfectly complement the “framework” of the already created one. Such crops are usually grown from seeds, they do not need the procedure for propagating seedlings.


Despite the fact that petunia is considered, the only wish of this crop in relation to the soil is its constant and moderate moisture. In gratitude for the little troubles she will thank the owner with lush and spectacular flowering; The appearance of petunia flowers can be varied and depends on the variety.

People also call them marigolds: these bright ones, like little suns street flowers, scattered throughout the garden, leave the most pleasant impressions of the site. In addition, marigolds are drought-resistant and grow very quickly.

Sweet pea

Refers to vines, perfect for vertical surface design. True to their name, the flowers have a pleasant aroma and delight the eye for 50-60 days.

Easily recognizable by everyone Cosmos can be found in almost any dacha. This plant, which prefers to grow in poor soil, has amazing ability bloom up to 80 days. Her delicate flowers all shades of pink and light, openwork foliage will add a spirit of romance and carefree to any flowerbed.


Drought-resistant, highly ornamental plant. Zinnia flowers do not require special care procedures, stay on the peduncle for up to 50 days. The only condition: plant the flower immediately permanent place, he does not tolerate transplantation well.


Another bright, sunny spot in the flowerbed is marigolds, or calendula. The plant is medicinal and is considered a good honey plant.. The culture looks great in combination with eschscholzia, cosmos, chamomile and cornflowers.

They will add a bit of variety to your flowerbed. In order for chic baskets to appear on the flower stalks in time, you only need to timely water and loosen the soil around the roots.

Popular large unpretentious garden flowers

Tall, spreading flowers are a good frame for any flower bed. As a rule, the larger the plant, the less attention it requires.


A symbol of wealth and prosperity, the peony decorates almost every average garden in the middle zone. This perennial plant blooms very luxuriantly and at the same time is not at all demanding on growing conditions. During drought, it can be watered once a week.

Large bright flowers irises occupy one of the first places in popularity among lazy gardeners. Iris is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, blooms almost all summer and can live in one place for up to 7 years. It is difficult to think of something more suitable for a flower garden that does not require maintenance. However, it should be taken into account that the crop prefers light, moist soil.


Orange-red, bright helenium inflorescences on tall, erect stems are often found in front gardens. All the care it requires is watering on dry days and shelter for the winter.


One of the favorites among high-growing crops. Its pyramidal inflorescences of various colors appear twice during the summer: in June and in August. Drought resistant, shade-tolerant and tolerates low temperatures.


Tall subshrub with purple inflorescences. A common crop due to the absence of any care requirements during cultivation on the site. Grows well on heavy soil and in the shade.

Drought-resistant perennials for flower beds (video)

Easy to care for ground cover flowers

If you are pursuing the goal of creating a flower carpet rather than a flower bed, then you should pay attention to low-growing plants that creep along the ground.

This perennial groundcover can transform a dull lawn into a riot of color: just plant several varieties nearby that differ in the shade of the inflorescences. The plant will spread quickly and will be an excellent frame for flower beds, mixborders or paths.


Herbaceous, beautifully flowering, creeping plant. Lives for many years; small bright crimson flowers are visible from afar and attract attention to the flowerbed where the plant is planted. Externally, the jacket resembles a small fluffy mound.

Medicinal plant and seasoning, thyme not only serves practical purposes, but also makes an excellent ground cover. Its thick, dense carpet exudes pleasant aroma, and the small pinkish flowers look very neat.


An indispensable plant when it comes to framing shaded flower beds, rockeries and borders. Periwinkle is extremely unpretentious; In spring it is covered with sky-blue fragile flowers.

A “lazy” flower garden is not a gardening myth at all, it’s quite possible to create it at your dacha. Before you breathe out a sigh of relief, you just need to work a little and think carefully about where to arrange the flowerbed and what plants to plant. All in your hands!