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Original presentation of dishes always raises appetite and mood, which is especially important in the morning when you need to get energy for the coming day. A non-standard and beautiful scrambled egg with a sausage in the shape of a heart is a great start to a new day, and even a child can decorate such scrambled eggs! Let's color an ordinary morning with the colors of sun and warmth, season the dish with a loving smile and sincere wishes " Have a good day! - this is our life!

Fried eggs with a heart and sausage will appeal to a child who needs to have a quality breakfast before school. With this breakfast you will show your child the full power of your love and care.

And he will give his beloved one scrambled eggs with a heart-shaped sausage good mood and will help you understand that even an ordinary meal can become a holiday and a surprise that speaks of love.

The secrets of heart-shaped fried eggs

  • For the dish, choose long sausages to provide enough space for the egg.
  • Before decorating the sausage in the shape of a heart, it must be slightly lowered. hot water so that it becomes flexible.
  • Place the sausage on a well-heated frying pan over low heat.
  • Cook the scrambled eggs over low heat.
  • Salt only the whites, otherwise grains of salt on the yolk will ruin the beauty of the treat!


  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • Sausage - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - for sprinkling + -


  1. Place the saucepan to heat over low heat. Boil the sausages slightly, cool slightly, and peel off the casings. We cut each lengthwise into two parts, slightly shortening the cut to the end - by 1-1.5 cm. We open the cut and wrap the sausage strips, forming a heart. We fasten the junction of the strips with a toothpick.
  2. Pour oil into a saucepan, place the hearts and fry one side (you don’t have to fry, but fried ones are more beautiful). Turning the shapes over, press them to the bottom of the saucepan, trying to achieve a snug fit.
  3. We beat one egg into each heart, trying not to miss and maintaining the integrity of the yolk. Salt only the whites and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. If a little egg white has spilled beyond the borders of the heart-shaped figure , then carefully cut off the excess with a knife.
  4. Place the finished scrambled eggs on a serving plate, remove the toothpicks and sprinkle with herbs. If a child or loved one does not like greens in a dish, then decorate the edge of the plate with a couple of parsley leaves.

Have a joyful and cheerful morning!

In addition to fried eggs with hearts and sausage, we can prepare an omelette with hearts, which also looks impressive on the plate.

Omelette with sausages


  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Sausages – 4 pcs.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Milk – 100 g
  • Greens - if you like


  1. We make hearts out of sausages and secure the shapes with toothpicks. Salt the eggs, mix with a fork (do not beat) and dilute with milk, mix again. Place the “sausage hearts” in a frying pan with butter, fry on one side and turn the fried side up. We place the hearts in an attractive sequence, for example, with sharp tips in the center of the saucepan.
  1. Carefully, in a thin stream, pour the eggs and milk inside each heart, and then around all the figured products. Close the lid and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  1. Place the finished omelette on a flat serving dish, trying to maintain the order of all the elements. Sprinkle with herbs or cheese.

Enjoy your breakfast!

This simple recipe has won the heart of more than one man! Take advantage of this sweet way to show your loved one the depth of your feelings and tenderness.

The technology is simple:

  1. Fry a square of toast (square white brick) bread on one side (or fry in a toaster).
  2. Using a mold, cut out the outline of a heart in the middle of the bread piece that has already been dried in a frying pan. If you don’t have a heart-shaped mold, you can easily do this with a sharp knife.
  3. Next, put the toast with the cut out figure in the frying pan with the toasted side up, beat the egg into the figure, add salt and cook the scrambled eggs over low heat.

  • To prevent the egg from leaking beyond the boundaries of the cut out figure, you need to ensure that the bread completely adheres to the bottom of the pan. To do this, place the toasted pieces of bread on the table before frying the scrambled eggs and press them down with a small weight, for example, cutting board, on which place a half-liter jar of water (for example).
  • Also, the pan must be hot so that the egg white “seizes” immediately and does not leak beyond the borders of the toast.
  • In addition to the heart, you can cut out any figures in the bread and amuse your loved one with your fantasy finds.

There is another option for fried eggs in the shape of a heart - not in toast, but on toast! Those. toast the toast, cook the egg separately and place it on toast. And then you cut out a big heart from the toast - just like your love!

When you are in love, you don’t just want to drown in this feeling, you want to give all of yourself, and do everything so that your chosen one (chosen one) is the most happy man in the world. Therefore, every day I want to please and give gifts, fighting for the most beautiful smile on earth. One of these “tricks” can be the notorious “breakfast in bed.” And here there is no need to joke about the fact that breakfast is better served on a plate, the main thing is that it is made with love. Because feeding and caring for your loved one is the most pleasant feeling.

To prepare breakfast you will need:

- sausages – 2 pcs.;
- eggs – 2 pcs.;
- chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
- vegetable oil, salt and pepper;
- wooden skewers.

How to cook with photos step by step

Choose sausages that are wide and long so that when you start cutting them they don’t tear into shreds. To begin with, you can boil them a little, then they will be softer and more flexible. Then they should be cut along the entire length, without cutting about 2-3 cm to the end.

Then turn the cut pieces outward to make sausage hearts and secure them with a skewer.

Heat a frying pan and sprinkle it vegetable oil. Place your hearts and fry a little on one side.

Then turn it over and crack the egg into the middle of the heart. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. If you wish, you can add more spices to the sausage and egg hearts at your discretion.

Then, carefully, using a spatula, remove the egg heart from the frying pan and place it on a plate.

By the way, you can cook it with sausages in a slightly different design - in the form of flowers.

Using a knife, carefully remove the protein that has leaked beyond the sausage heart. Do the same actions with the second heart.

After this, remove the skewer and place your sausage hearts with eggs on a nice and clean plate. Place chili pepper on top of the heart. This breakfast can be served in bed or left in the kitchen for your still sleeping loved one, seasoning it all with a bright wish!

And for dessert we suggest preparing