How much does 1 pancake chicken egg weigh? How many grams are in one chicken egg? How much does a raw and boiled egg weigh?

A chicken egg is valuable product, which should be on the menu of everyone who cares about their health and appearance. It contains all the nutrients a person needs, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. For those who often prepare dishes using them or adhere to the system proper nutrition, it is very important to know how much it weighs egg.

general information

Each of us, when purchasing a dozen of these delicious components of any dietary menu, noticed that on the shell of each of them there are different letters and numbers. These can be C, O, accompanied by a certain numbering. This alphanumeric combination is called marking. Its simplest type will contain at least two characters - for example, C1. There are also more complex variations of stamps, where the manufacturer and other information are indicated. In order to easily and independently, without scales, determine the weight of a chicken egg, you should understand the labeling and learn to understand it.

The first symbol indicated in the labeling will indicate the type of dietary product, then its category is indicated - it can have an alphabetic or numerical designation. At the same time, the scope of application and shelf life depend on the first part of the stamp. Accordingly, there are two types of eggs:

  • D – dietary, which have a shelf life of no more than a week (7 days) from the moment the eggs are sorted at the poultry farm. If they have not been sold within a specified period of time, they become canteens;
  • C - tableware, which can be stored for up to 25 days.

In general, the table food is no worse in quality than the dietary food. It’s just that the second one will be fresher and will sit on the store counter for a shorter period of time. Such components of the dietary menu can be consumed both boiled, fried and raw, used as a valuable ingredient in confectionery, they are suitable for feeding small children.

The weight of an egg, depending on whether it is table or dietary, depends slightly, but it is still worth remembering that during storage of the product for a long time, moisture loss occurs due to the process of evaporation through the shell. That is why even eggs of the same category and the same size, but just laid by a hen, will be heavier than those that have been lying on the shelf in the supermarket for some time.

Minimum, average and maximum weight depending on category

Also, the labeling must include the designation of the category, of which there are only 5. Thanks to these “signs” it will be possible to determine exactly what the size and average weight will be. These are 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third, B - highest and O - selective categories. Knowing how much one testicle of a certain type weighs, you can approximately determine its weight.

Thus, it turns out that the average weight is about 50-60 g. Double-yolk ones, due to the double rate of yolk content, usually weigh from 80 g.

Recipes are always based on the smallest chicken eggs, category 3, weighing about 40 g.

By the way, this method of marking is used only in Russia and these are the indicator values ​​that will be relevant in our country. Abroad, the labeling will be completely different, and the average weight standards there are somewhat different from the usual ones. For example, in Europe letter designations will be like this - S, M, L, XL - and resemble clothing sizes. And the average weights there vary from 53 to 73 g.

Mass without shell

Each egg has three components - the yolk, white and shell. In this case, the share of the last component is 10-11.5% of total weight. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how much one shelled chicken egg weighs. And calculating this indicator is important for those who eat strictly according to a specific program, and who like to cook delicious dishes according to exact recipes.

The weight of the shell does not depend on its color - it can have any color, and this is more likely to indicate the breed of the bird than its weight.

However, the shell should not be considered an absolutely useless part. It is perfect for use on the farm - it is used as a feed additive for chickens, and it can be used to make an excellent fertilizer for flowers. And even children's crafts using crushed shells can decorate the house.

Raw and cooked

You can eat eggs in in different forms. At the same time, the boiled product is very popular; it is often included in the every day diet of any person, and can also be used to prepare all kinds of dishes. And for those who strictly monitor their diet, it is especially important to calculate how much a boiled chicken egg weighs when creating a menu.

Since during the cooking process the contents of the shell have nowhere to go, and no moisture loss is observed, we can say with confidence that the cooked product will weigh the same as the raw one. In both cases, the shell is not taken into account. But after frying, its mass will decrease somewhat.

Yolk and white mass

Sometimes you need to know how much protein a chicken egg contains by weight, as well as how much yolk it contains. These indicators can be calculated knowing percentage everyone components product. So, the protein contains about 55-58.5%, and the yolk - 30-35%. Approximate indicators can be found in the table.


Knowing how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg is especially important for those who monitor their health, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, and take care of their figure. Such people are recommended to eat only this part, separating the yolk from it.

Interestingly, it is the egg, despite its invaluable usefulness, that is considered a source of cholesterol. And most of this substance is concentrated in the yolk. Therefore, it is important to consume chicken eggs with caution. And knowing the weight of the product that chicken provides will help control the amount of cholesterol.

The raw weight of a chicken egg is important in determining the cost of the product. It depends on the breed of bird, the conditions of its keeping and feeding, the season, etc.

The weight of a cooked chicken egg (boiled, fried, etc.) depends on the type of processing.

Average weight of one chicken egg

According to statistics, the average chicken egg weighs 50–55 g.

Its size is influenced by a number of factors:

  • age;
  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;
  • quality and frequency of feeding, etc.

Testicular weight is important in poultry farming. This indicator is fundamental in determining the variety.

Why in retail trade Eggs are not sold by weight:

  1. The egg loses weight over time as the liquid through the shell evaporates.
  2. The fragility of the product implies the presence of a separate worker weighing the product.
  3. Active sanitary standards require a separate room for scales for the product.

All this increases the cost of the finished product.

According to the degree of freshness, eggs are divided into:

  • dietary– no more than 7 days have passed since the day of demolition, marked with the letter “D”;
  • canteens– more than 8 days have passed since the demolition, are marked with the letter “C”.

Important! The table variety is stored at room temperature 25 days from the date of demolition, in the refrigerator - 90 days.

Eggs are usually sold in packs of 12, but the quantity may be smaller (6 or 10).

Without shell

The weight of the shell is 10% of the weight of the entire egg, therefore, by looking at the labeling in the store, you can use simple arithmetic calculations to determine the weight of the product without the shell.

Weight of white and yolk

It is impossible to name the exact weight of the white and yolk. Much depends on the product category.

However, the main principles are as follows:

  • the mass of the yolk is 35% of the entire shelled product;
  • Protein accounts for 65% of the weight.

Raw and cooked

Eggshell– a unique natural filter. It allows sunlight and air into the testicle, and releases excess moisture and carbon dioxide. Therefore, in a pan of boiling water, the egg does not absorb water and does not release it. That is, the weight before and after cooking remains unchanged.

But if you break the shell and fry the egg, then after cooking it will be lighter. The product will lose about 15% of its weight due to the liquid evaporated during the heat treatment process.

There are five categories with testicles of a specific weight range (in the table below):

Category Weight Marking
Higher From 75 g and above IN
Selective From 65 to 75 g ABOUT
First From 55 to 65 g 1
Second From 45 to 55 g 2
Third From 35 to 45 g 3

There are several interesting facts about eggs:

  • It is worth storing the testicles with the sharp end down.
  • The calorie content of an egg is 80 kilocalories, which is equivalent to 100 g chicken meat or beef tongue.
  • Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of cholesterol contained in the yolk, it is safe to eat eggs. They contain lecithin, which completely neutralizes yolk cholesterol.
  • It is dangerous to consume the raw product due to the risk of salmonellosis. Before breaking a raw egg, the shell must be thoroughly washed to prevent the introduction of microbes into the egg liquid.
  • A laying hen lays on average an egg per day, depending on the breed and other factors. Of course, there are breaks, so 300 pieces per year is considered a good result.
  • Despite rumors about the greater benefits of eggs with dark shells, the properties of the product do not depend on its color.
  • Residents of the Japanese islands eat the most product in the world, where each person eats 1 piece per day.
  • To diagnose the degree of freshness of a product, you can use a container filled with tap water. The testicle descends there. The deeper his immersion, the... It is better to throw away the floating product.
  • Eggshells are actively used for the production of fertilizers.
  • One of the largest eggs listed in the book of records weighed 170 g.

When choosing eggs, pay attention to the variety and category in order to purchase a product of the right quality.

A chicken egg is a common food on our table. Store shelves are full of a huge selection of this product. And it differs not only in manufacturer and price, but also in weight category, which mainly determines the price. It is useful to know what this category is and what it depends on.

The meaning of egg markings

According to our current standards, any egg produced by a poultry farm has its own marking. The marking mark consists of two elements: letters and numbers. The letter is responsible for the type of product, and the number or letter for the size (weight). There are two types of letter designations:

  1. “D” - dietary, a week is allotted for its implementation;
  2. “C” - table food, must be sold in 25 days.

Important! For importedslightly different markings: S - Small (up to 53 g), M - Medium (53–63 g), L - Large (63 73 g), XL - Very Large (more than 73 g).

By weight they are divided into the following categories:

  • 3 - third category, the smallest;
  • 2 - second;
  • 1 - first;
  • O - selected;
  • B - highest.
Thus, if you see the “C1” stamp on a product, this means that it is table food, first category.

Average weight of a chicken egg

Each described variety corresponds to a certain amount of goods in grams.

Raw egg without shell

When athletes calculate their daily diet, it also matters to them how much an egg weighs without a shell. To determine the weight of the contents of the product, you need to know what percentage of its total mass is the shell. Its share accounts for approximately 12%. Based on the above data, you can get the following:

Yolk and white mass


It is important for dieters and housewives to know whether the mass of a raw product differs from a boiled one. To understand this issue, you need to delve a little deeper into the anatomy of the egg. Its shell is permeable to air, but it releases it much more slowly than it lets it in. Therefore, no losses occur during cooking. When we remove the shell, the weight of the cooked contents will be equal to the weight of the raw contents of the shell.

Important! It is necessary to take into account the fact that if a product is stored for a long time, its contents still gradually evaporate, and when you cook it, it may turn out that its weight will not correspond to that declared by the manufacturer.

Egg weight depending on breed

Regardless of which breed a chicken belongs to, they all have the ability to lay eggs. True, the size of the demolished product will vary. Most often, meat and egg chickens lay larger ones, and small ones lay eggs. To obtain a product of the highest category, selected layers are bred and fed according to a special scheme.
The average weight values ​​for the most common breeds look like this:

Breed Egg weight
Rhode Island 56 58 g
New Hampshire 58 59 g
Plymouth Rock 56 60 g
Moscow 56 58 g
60 62 g
60 61 g

The weight of a chicken egg for breeders is great importance, since it is this indicator that determines the type of product, and therefore its cost.

The size of an egg is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the age of the bird, its direction (egg, meat or decorative), breed and conditions of detention.

If the bird lays a lot, but the product is light in weight, its cost turns out to be low, and keeping the chicken is considered unprofitable because of this.

Average weight of one chicken egg

Before talking about the average weight of an egg, you should understand its category and grade. They are determined depending on the freshness and size of the eggs.

Based on freshness, the product is divided into table and dietary. Table eggs are most often found in stores. Their shelf life should not be more than 1 week, since after 7 days of storage, spoilage processes begin to develop in the product. These changes are not very noticeable, which is why you can easily get poisoned by eating a stale product. The category is marked - C.

Diet eggs cannot be stored for more than 3 days. If they are not sold within this time, they are transferred to the canteen category. Labeling of dietary eggs - D.

Chicken eggs, depending on their weight, are divided into varieties.

This product gradation looks like this:

  • choice(labeling O) - weight from 65 g to 75 g. Average weight - 70 g, without shell 60–70 g. Yolk weight 26–30 g, white 35–40 g;
  • first grade(marking 1) - weight from 55 g to 65 g. Average weight 60 g. Without shell, eggs weigh from 50 g to 60 g. Yolk weight from 19 g to 23 g, white from 30 to 38 g;
  • second grade(marking 2) - weight from 45 to 55 g. Average weight 50 g. Without shell - 40–50 g. Yellow weight 16–19 g, white 25–30 g.
  • third grade(labeling 3) - weight from 35–45 g. Average weight 40 g. Without shell 32–40 g. Yolk weight 12–16 g. White weighs from 19 to 25 g.

On average, chicken eggs weigh from 50 to 55 g.

Without shell

The weight of a shelled egg is primarily of interest to consumers. For the manufacturer, this indicator is not of interest, since the grade of eggs is determined by the total weight of the product. Women who are on a calorie-counting diet are especially concerned about the issue of the weight of a peeled egg.

The shell, despite being thin, weighs quite a lot. Its mass is 10% of the weight of the egg.

Thus, knowing the weight of the egg, you can quite accurately determine its approximate weight after cleaning. To determine the weight of one chicken egg without scales, you should look at its type and take the average weight as an indicator, from which the weight of the shell is subtracted.

Weight of white and yolk

The weight of the white and yolk varies greatly depending on the type of product. For this reason, their approximate weight should be determined based on average statistical data. According to them, the yolk accounts for 35% of the weight of a shelled egg, and the white, respectively, accounts for 65%.

Raw and cooked

Some housewives are interested in whether a boiled egg changes its weight. During the cooking process, it does not absorb water and does not release liquid from itself, and is also not subject to boiling. It means that the weight of the cooked product does not change and does not differ from the weight of the raw product.

A decrease in mass occurs only during frying, since during frying the liquid evaporates from the egg, which is not protected by the shell. In this case, it may become 10–15% lighter.

Chickens have been raised by humans for centuries. During this time, a lot has accumulated interesting facts about a chicken egg.

  • Unusual shell color. Everyone is familiar with white and red shells, but there are breeds of chickens that lay green and blue eggs. In terms of taste and composition of the egg different colors are no different from each other. The absence of unusually colored eggs on store shelves is due to the fact that chicken breeds that lay white and red eggs are more productive and are therefore bred en masse. Birds laying green and blue eggs are found mainly among hobbyists.
  • An egg with 5 yolks was laid by a hen in Great Britain.
  • A chicken egg laid by a decorative hen weighs only 10 g.
  • The largest egg, the weight of which is officially recorded, was laid in England. This egg weighed 450 g and had a diameter of 23 cm. The length of the unique egg was 32 cm.
  • The record for eating eggs belongs to an American, whose name remains unknown, who consumed 144 eggs at one time. This happened in 1900. It has not yet been possible to break the record, although attempts have been made.
  • The smallest egg was laid in Malaysia, it weighed less than 10 g.
  • The Chinese make artificial eggs. For them, a shell is created from calcium carbonate, and the yolk and white are made from gelatin with the addition of food coloring and flavorings. Such eggs are prohibited in Russia, and if they are attempted to be imported, they are regarded as contraband goods.

Egg with three yolks (video):

Chicken eggs are beneficial for the human body and their consumption is necessary, but only if there is no allergy to them.

Kira Stoletova

If you are going to raise chickens not only to please your own taste buds, but also to replenish your wallet, you should find out how much a chicken egg weighs without the shell and with it, because the price of the product and the category to which it belongs are in direct relation depending on its size.

Meaning of marking

The egg must be marked before being sent to the store. The marking can be seen directly on the shell or on the packaging; it consists of 2 characters. The first indicates the freshness of the product, the second - the category and approximate weight.

  1. C means "table", i.e. with a period of more than 7 days from the date of demolition.
  2. D - “dietary”, or, in other words, the freshest product “just” from the chicken. After 7 days it becomes a “canteen”.

The category is designated by the numbers: 1, 2 and 3, or by the letters O and B. In the European equivalent, the signs will look like this: M (1), S (2, 3), L (O) and XL (B). O means “selected”, and B means highest category. The average weight of each category is shown in the table:

If we talk about standard products, one glance at their labeling should tell about its characteristics. In regular stores, everyone has most likely seen (and sees) eggs marked c1 or c2 (that is, a table egg of category 1 or 2).

Weight without shell

Shells are rarely used in cooking, so it is quite natural that buyers are interested in the question, how much do the yolks and whites without shells weigh in one individual chicken egg? The average weight of the shell is 10% of the total mass of the raw egg.

The shells are not as useless as they seem (remember this the next time you throw them away). Shells are a source of calcium, beneficial for health and growth. poultry. Resourceful owners, instead of buying additives in pet stores, add crushed shells to their feathered pets' food. The shell is used in other areas of life, for example, it is used to make plant food and cosmetics.

How much does the yolk weigh and how much does the white weigh?

The weight of the white in one egg is 55% of the mass, and the yolk is 35%. As you can see, the bulk of the mass is protein, which in turn consists of 90% water. Water gradually evaporates during long-term storage, and consequently weight decreases. This is about the question of why the mass in a chicken egg bought in a store is less than it should be. Weight loss is inevitable, so don't consider it a scam. Let's look at how much the yolk and white weigh in the table:

How much does a chicken egg weigh?

Eggs for weight gain. My recipe.

The chickens began to lay large eggs.

Some interesting facts to note

  1. The weight of the raw and hard-boiled product remains almost the same, if you exclude the weight of the shell.
  2. Average weight is still average weight. It happens that chickens lay “unformatted” eggs. Sometimes paper newspapers and online publications begin to literally be full of reports that someone’s chicken has laid an egg weighing only 5 g (this is less than a quail!) and news about the appearance of an egg weighing 200 g or more. Non-format sizes in our table, of course, are not included, but poultry owners should be aware of such cases (and find in advance the addresses and telephone numbers of people who are involved in entering new records into the Guinness Book of Records).
  3. By the way, now the proverb “a black hen lays a white egg” has become somewhat irrelevant. Now it can lay not a white, but a blue or greenish egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed, but mineral composition“multi-colored” products are the same as regular white ones.
  4. Cholesterol - a myth or not a myth? Some diet advocates fear the cholesterol in yolks. It really is there, but it is not as much as the myths say. In other words, it can be eaten by those who are on diets, but, of course, in limited quantities. It is believed that you can afford an omelet with 1-3 yolks or the same amount of boiled products per day.

The benefits of eggs are undeniable, just read the list useful substances which they contain, so that you can be sure of this. So eat them and choose the best quality products, since now it’s clear how to decipher the incomprehensible signs on the shell. Now you know how much an egg weighs, the benefits and harms of this product.