How much does it cost to open a children's club from scratch? Overview section of the planned event. Financial investments and profits

  • Where to begin?
  • Selecting a room
  • Mandatory documents to open
  • Necessary equipment
  • Business payback

Are you a novice businessman who wants to open his own business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. IN this business The main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business; it is very difficult to save on children, sometimes sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. On this type There is always a stable demand for services. In this article we will look at a small business plan on the topic “How to open a children’s Entertainment Center from scratch".

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need much more time and Money. This is justified by the fact that you will need a license to conduct educational activities, select appropriate personnel, and develop or purchase mandatory teaching methods. With the opening of a children's entertainment center, everything is much simpler. An entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage you will save on wages, and perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Mandatory knowledge is not required to open a children's entertainment center from scratch; you also save on obtaining a license.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises is very important parameter, which affects the payback and profitability of the business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in big city, then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents coming for shopping will be able to leave their child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Mother-friends who came for shopping will leave their children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a children's room with entertainment will serve as a salvation for parents. If you decide to open a business in small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. In small towns it is rare to find entertainment centers for children, so this may become great idea to open a business.

People pay a lot of attention to education these days. After all, this is the key to a successful future and the opportunity to get a great life in life. The early development of preschool children is especially relevant. From the first months of life, young parents are ready to hire specialists who will comprehensively develop their child at home. No state kindergarten or nursery provides such services. Therefore, educational clubs for kids have become very relevant recently. In this article we will tell you how to open a children's development center from scratch, because this line of activity has every chance of becoming a popular business.

What is a "Children's Development Center"?

A developmental club for preschoolers is an organization staffed by professional teachers and educators who have special knowledge and skills that help young children develop from the first year of life. In addition, in such an institution, people who have Teacher Education, get the opportunity to realize their potential. Considering that the work of a teacher does not apply to, although this also applies to any other cities, every teacher has the desire to find a job in a private company involved in the early development of children.

It is clear that few professional educators have the opportunity to open a children's development center that would work according to the author's methodology or any other system popular today (Montessori, Nikitins, etc.). Teachers who have a certain amount of money in order to open a personal children's development center for children should understand that this is a great way to become a wealthy person, because the sphere early development Although children are relatively small, they are very promising.

Types and formats of developmental institutions for children

Where to start opening a children's development center? First of all, you need to study all the information about this establishment and analyze the level of competition in this area in the city where you live.

The first thing you need to open a children's development center is to figure out what type it can be and in what format it can actually organize work. Today there are three main types of children's preschool development centers:

General developmental institutions are institutions where children receive knowledge and develop in standard directions. A schedule of developmental classes is drawn up in a children's center (such as in a school), which includes:

  • Music;
  • Drawing;
  • Reading;
  • Arithmetic;
  • Letter;
  • Foreign languages ​​and much more.

Scheme of directions in the children's digestion center

Narrowly focused - institutions where you can choose one or several developmental courses. Most often, this type of center for children is opened by teachers who are philologists by profession - they can teach foreign languages ​​to preschoolers at an early age.

Children's development center from one year. Parents can bring their daughters and sons to such institutions for the whole day, just like in a regular kindergarten. The educational program of such institutions is most often associated with the development of children’s creative abilities.

The second thing you need to open a children's development center is to choose the format in which you want to implement your business. Let's look at the three most current options:

  • "Mini" - an opportunity with minimal investment open kids club development center. The idea is to rent a room for classes by the hour. It's not very convenient option due to the fact that you will have to constantly adapt to the people from whom you rent a room. If you don’t have a lot of money, then it’s better to try to open a children’s development center at home, but it’s unlikely that you’ll get much profit from this type of work. In addition, if information that you have opened a children's club development center without a license at home reaches the tax authorities and other authorities, then you may be in big trouble;
  • “Studio” is a great way to open a children’s development club for those who have money to invest in business. Using this format, you can rent not a room, but an entire office to equip it for yourself and not depend on anyone;
  • "Premium" is the most promising option. It involves renting a large room or building where you can create several specialized rooms for classes with children of different ages.

How to register an educational business?

Having decided on the type and format of the future business institution, you need to address the issue of how to obtain a license for a children's development center and register it in the register of private enterprises. To do this, first decide for yourself whether you want your institution to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC.

If you want to open a children's club development center without a license (so that it has nothing to do with educational licensing), then it is better to give preference to individual entrepreneurs. Just keep in mind that the activities of your institution can only be related to the development of the child’s creative abilities. Hire professional teacher you won't have the right.

If it is important for you that the children's development club is directly related to educational activities, then you need to register it as an LLC and collect a decent list of documents to obtain a license from the education committee, namely:

  • Handwritten purchase application educational license;
  • Develop and approve the charter of your institution;
  • Get a certificate of state registration with OKVED code (if you provide services to children social type, then your code is 85.32, if it is a club type - 95.51, if you provide personal services, then 93.05), in which the TIN of the institution will be registered;
  • Describe the structure of your organization;
  • Provide technical certificate the premises in which your educational center will be located;
  • Provide conclusions from the SES and fire service to confirm the suitability of the premises you have chosen;
  • Provide approved information about educational program which you want to implement in your institution for preschoolers;
  • Provide complete information about the teaching staff who will work in your educational institution;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Choose a tax system. As a rule, everyone prefers the simplified tax system (STS) so as not to waste additional funds for accounting.

How to choose and arrange a room

An important issue in the list of those related to the topic of how to open your own children's center from scratch is the choice of premises in which the main activities will be carried out. In this matter, we recommend that you focus on the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009, which state that:

  • The premises for the “palace of creative and mental development”, aimed at children, should be non-residential and allocated in independent block(apartment or multi-storey building);
  • It should have two exits - the front door and the fire exit;
  • The height from floor to ceiling should be three meters. It is recommended to whitewash or paint ceilings with water-based paint;
  • It should contain children's locker rooms with lockers or hangers, rooms for activities and games, a staff room, a reception office, a room for children to rest and sleep, as well as several toilets (there should be separate toilet rooms for boys, girls and staff);
  • The walls of the room must be smooth and amenable to wet cleaning daily;
  • Floors are smooth, non-slip, without cracks or other defects;
  • The temperature in the room where children will be should be 19–21°;
  • Electrical sockets cannot be located lower than 1.8 m from the floor;
  • Lighting in rooms for children must be of high quality;
  • Sewage and ventilation must be checked by the relevant authorities.

You will also need special equipment for the children's entertainment center:

  1. Furniture (desks, chairs, cabinets, shelves). We recommend making it to order to save money and get good products;
  2. Stationery for classes and various toys. These materials must be of high quality. It is not recommended to save on this;
  3. Educational supplies: textbooks, notebooks, cards for each subject that will be taught in your developmental club for preschoolers;
  4. Office equipment: copier, printer, computer, TV or multimedia screen, stands.

Features of personnel selection

Another important point, where to start opening a children's development center - recruiting qualified personnel. In order for the right atmosphere to reign in your establishment, it is necessary to hire nannies and educators who really love their work, have some experience in their profession, and have not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. Be sure to check the references of applicants for vacant positions and their portfolio of achievements. We recommend recruiting the following specialists:

  • Psychologist;
  • Speech therapist;
  • Teachers of early childhood development;
  • Teachers preparing children for school;
  • Choreographer;
  • Vocal and music teachers;
  • Acting teacher;
  • Fine arts teacher;
  • Educators;
  • Accountant;
  • Administrator;
  • Health worker.

Cost of services at the early development center

Depending on the type and format of work of your educational out-of-school institution for children, as well as the number of staff who will need to be paid stably wages, you determine what the average cost of a monthly subscription to your development club should be. As a rule, it should not exceed 60-70 dollars. If you have chosen the format of a “palace of creative and mental development for kids”, in which classes are held hourly, then the cost of one hour cannot exceed four dollars.

Business plan for opening a children's center

Now let’s look in detail at how much it costs to open a children’s development center of the “Premium” format (designed for 10 children). We chose this format because it is in greatest demand among potential clients.

We present to you sample business plan for a children's development center for starting investments:

  • It will take 10 thousand rubles to prepare documents and register a private enterprise or LLC;
  • For the renovation of the premises in which classes will take place - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For purchase necessary equipment for a children's development center - 250 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising a children's development center, which is necessary to attract customers, will cost about 80 thousand rubles;
  • For the first salary for children's club employees - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For renting the premises - 65 thousand rubles.

Total start-up capital should be equal to 705 thousand rubles. With such calculations of the business plan for a children's development center, the founder will have to spend 300 thousand rubles monthly, of which:

  • Rent – ​​65 thousand rubles;
  • Salaries – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses that include communal payments– 35 thousand rubles.

Video on the topic

Income and business payback

Every month, one child who attends your educational institution will bring you a net profit of 35 thousand rubles, and 10 people, respectively, 350 thousand. From these calculations it turns out that the starting investment will pay off in the most optimistic scenarios in one or a year and a half.

If you can find it right away a large number of clients, then you can actually cut the payback period in half and return the invested funds in six months, and then have a monthly net profit of two thousand dollars or more. The answer to the question whether it is profitable to open a children's development center is obvious - definitely yes. If you have the required amount of money, then it makes sense to develop just such a type entrepreneurial activity, because the educational sector is in great demand at any time.

  • It is necessary to open an institution of this kind in those areas of the city that have just been built up, which is why there are no kindergartens, nurseries, or other development centers in them yet;
  • If you are confident in own strength no, it's better to buy ready business or franchise;
  • Make some kind of identification mark for your center - a “zest” that will turn your institution into a brand - organize holidays, master classes, organize summer camps at your development centers.


A developmental center for kids is not only interesting and profitable business, it has a lot of prospects, since it is relatively new in our country, and there is little competition here. This is one of those areas of activity in which you can earn stable, good money and at the same time be calm and confident in tomorrow, feel spiritual harmony and receive moral satisfaction from work.
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The ancient Chinese thinker Confucius once said: “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Two charming women, Sofia Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, decided to follow this aphorism and turned their life’s work into a very successful and profitable project. Being teachers not only by education, but also by vocation, they opened a wonderful children's eco-club “Umnichka”, which for the past 5 years has continuously delighted children with its exciting activities.


However, they decided not to stop there and last year they founded a new business project “Your Club”, the main objective which - to provide practical help everyone who dreams of opening their own children's center. In their interview, they explained where to start your business, how to develop it, and what mistakes to avoid.

How and when did you come up with the idea to open your own children's club? Why did you choose this type of business?

S.T. I am a teacher by profession primary education. After graduating from Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.I. Herzen I worked at a school for several years, where I gained invaluable experience, since working with children allowed me to more deeply assimilate the knowledge that I received at the institute. After working at school for several years, I returned to my home university and became a teacher in the department of pedagogy and psychology.

I really liked my work, and I couldn’t even imagine that I would someday have to part with my department, where I held the position of deputy dean. But fate decreed otherwise. My husband is a military man. He was transferred to Moscow. His transfer and our move coincided with the birth of my daughter Yaroslava. At first I enjoyed my wonderful family life, fully experiencing the joys of motherhood. However, a year later, a quiet, measured life no longer seemed so wonderful.

I wanted vigorous activity, activity, with results and achievements. And then I noticed that I was already for a long time seriously interested in the developmental features of very young children. I didn’t have enough knowledge of my own, I wanted to communicate with equally enthusiastic mothers, and I began to take my daughter to the children’s club. In total, we traveled there for about a year.

And from lesson to lesson I was struck by the unprofessionalism of the methods. Children were offered tasks that were not suitable for their age. That’s when I got the idea to open my own children’s club and do everything there in my own way, invest my wealth of knowledge and wealth of experience in my own business. I wanted to create something special, where the best teachers will work, and children will study according to the best programs and visit best activities.

A.Sh. I had the idea of ​​starting my own business when I was 13 years old. However, I had no exact idea of ​​what exactly to open. After finishing school I entered pedagogical university to the defectology department with a specialty in speech therapy and successfully completed it. During my teaching practice, I had the opportunity to see how all educational institutions work from the inside, and also to observe how children learn in kindergarten and at school.

Most institutions had enormous requirements for record keeping, while teacher salaries were very low. It was in practice that I realized that I would definitely not work in budgetary organizations. Already in my last years of university, I began to look for a job where I could realize myself. So I came across an ad that determined my choice. This advertisement was about searching for teachers for a new children's club.

The club was located not far from my home and suited me in all respects - employment, salary, as well as creative work with kids. I actively participated in the life of the club, played a mouse for free at all New Year's performances, decorated the club with interest, and created various activities for children. The work captivated me completely and gave me great pleasure.

At one point, I realized that my desire to create something of my own had not gone away and began to pop up in my head more and more often. Coincidentally or not, it was at that moment, after just a year of working at the club, that I received an offer that I, of course, could not refuse. So, at the age of 21, I co-founded a wonderful children's club.

Where should you start opening a children's club? What's the first step to take?

S.T. In order to open a children's club, you need to determine the initial investment in the business, and for this you should. This mandatory stage business planning, since the profitability of your club will directly depend on how carefully you think about your place among competitors, define your pricing policy, and decide what range of activities to offer in your club.

Before drawing up a business plan, you should definitely decide on the mission, decide what exactly your club will be, what goals and objectives you will set for yourself. Will it be a theater studio where children's creative abilities will mainly be revealed? Or will it be a club with an English slant, where children will get their first acquaintance with the magical world foreign words, songs and poems.

Then an analysis should be carried out target audience, monitor competitors and form at least an approximate image of your children's club: schedule a clear schedule of classes, determine the operating hours of your institution, think through advertising methods, choose the organizational and legal form of registration of your enterprise, etc. And after that, move on to clear calculations - the financial part your business plan.

Where to get initial capital? And approximately how much should it be?

S.T. Good question. I know that many people who are planning to open their own small business are very scared to take out loans. Of course, they can be understood, since the realization that you will owe the bank a decent amount, and the sword of Damocles will hang over you in the form of a loan, evokes fear and instills genuine anxiety. And in the minds of some people there is still an illusion that it is possible to get by own funds.

But, unfortunately, this is practically impossible, unless, of course, there are rich relatives. I didn’t have such an opportunity, so I opened my club with borrowed funds. My friend, owner successful business in another city, he offered an interest-bearing loan. This is how the first 300 thousand rubles were found for our “Umnichka”.

A.Sh. I completely agree with Sophia. Without borrowed money difficult to get by. I come from a very ordinary family, I don’t have wealthy parents or rich relatives either. At the time the club opened, I was only 21 years old, so I had no personal savings either. I had to take out a loan. This is how our children's club was opened.


  • Legal registration: registration of an LLC with a legal address: 15,000 rubles
  • Repair: (wallpaper, carpet, Iron door, curtains): 160,000 rubles
  • Furniture (tables, chairs, shelves, reception desk, sofa for parents, aquarium): 65,000 rubles
  • Toys, educational materials: 65,000 rubles
  • Cash machine, photocopier: 16,000 rubles
  • Payment for last month rent: 145,000 rubles
  • Large colorful sign: 32,000 rubles
  • Authorized capital: 10,000 rubles
  • Tape recorders: 2 pcs. - 6,500 rubles

Total: approximately 660,000 rubles

What is the approximate cost of providing services in this business segment?

A.Sh. Pricing is influenced by many factors: the region where the children's club is located, the social status of the area, the level of the club - premium class or economy class, the qualifications of teachers. Therefore, prices for classes are different everywhere. But thanks to this variability, parents have the right to choose a child care center depending on the size family budget, the opportunity to take the child to classes, etc.

Is there a bonus payment system, promotions, discounts?

S.T. Benefits and bonuses are very important important role in the development of a children's club. Because they help solve a number of serious issues: they help increase the number of clients in the children's club, help retain the client, stimulate the first purchase and timely payment for services.

Some bonuses help ensure that groups are full in summer time and during long public holidays. There are also social benefits, for example, for single mothers or parents with a disabled child. Therefore, benefits, discounts and promotions are a very important marketing tool that should never be forgotten.

Is your activity subject to licensing?

S.T. This is a rather slippery moment, since there are legislative subtleties here. In accordance with the Law “On Education”, the activities of preschool educational institutions subject to mandatory licensing.

However, here it is necessary to understand the terms and give a definition of what children's preschool. In accordance with the same law, a preschool institution is an organization that, in addition to educational activities, also provides supervision and care for children. Thus, if you conduct classes with minor children in sections, clubs and studios, then in accordance with the Law “On Licensing individual species activities" such activities are not subject to licensing. Therefore, if you are opening a children's club, and not kindergarten, then you do not need to obtain a license.

A.Sh. At the first stage, the entire advertising campaign of your club should be aimed at attracting the target client. In this case, outdoor advertising means begin to actively work : sign on the house, display windows of the children's club, pillars, banners, streamers, signs, etc..

In addition to outdoor advertising, you can distribute leaflets on the street, hang ads in elevators, etc. Placing advertisements in magazines and websites dedicated to children's leisure and development, publishing information about your club on relevant forums, blogs and online communities will be very effective. And, of course, we must not forget about word of mouth, since the best advertising is satisfied reviews from parents.

I personally have never treated my club only as a business. For me, our clients are, first of all, friends with whom it is always interesting to communicate, listen to their suggestions and improve your club accordingly. Personal and trusting relationships in our business are the key to success and the best advertising.

What methods are taught in your club?

S.T. In our club, very close attention is paid to methods. As a teacher, I understand that the methodology must be effective and give a guaranteed result. So that any child with different levels development could learn to read, distinguish a square from a circle, make a plate, etc. However, one of the main advantages of our club is our own methodological manuals.

Anastasia and I are the authors of numerous methodological books for children's clubs, published by the famous pedagogical publishing house "Yuventa". This includes “Development of color perception in children”, and “Outdoor games”, and “Modeling for children”, and “Finger gymnastics” and much more. All of these are unique teaching aids that are the result of our many years of experience working with children.

In addition to leading your eco-club “Umnichka”, you are co-founders of the business project “Your Club”, within the framework of which you conduct training seminars and master classes for those who want to open their own children’s club. Tell us what prompted you to start this project?

S.T. We are own experience We know that opening your own business in our country is a very difficult matter. Before our eco-club “Umnichka” became a successful and profitable enterprise, we had to break a lot of wood. We collected all the information bit by bit. There were many questions to which I had to look for answers, studying numerous literature, delving into various sites.

And now we understand that if we had had a professional consultant back then who would have warned us at every step, then many problems and unnecessary expenses could have been avoided. Over the years of managing our eco-club, we have accumulated a lot of useful and necessary information about the opening, functioning and development of a children's club. We know how to find good teachers, how to advertise ourselves, how to avoid problems with tax authorities and fire authorities, etc.

Like any other commercial endeavor, opening a children's center cannot be done blindly. Therefore, all beginners will definitely need theoretical knowledge and practical advice. And our project is ready to help you with this, the website of which contains materials related to the opening, work and development of a children's center.

What topics do your seminars cover?

A.Sh. We try to dedicate our seminars to the most current topics that concern our clients. People come to our lectures from all over our country: from Syktyvkar, Nizhnevartovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, as well as from neighboring countries: from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc. Therefore, all our seminars are purely practical in nature.

A person who attends our class should receive all the answers to his questions on the stated topic. At seminars we talk about the motivation of teachers, and about the features of organizing and conducting complex classes for children different ages, and about accounting nuances. Moreover, all information comes to our visitors, as they say, first-hand.

How profitable is it now to open children's clubs in Russian regions?

A.Sh. Competition certainly exists. There is no escape from this. But I prefer to see in everything positive sides. Competition forces you to never sit still, to constantly move and develop: improve your club, come up with new directions, develop new methods. Of course, the rules for doing business are the same, but the success of the club largely depends on the personality of the leader, his values ​​and beliefs. In your club you need to implement the idea in which you believe. Only then will the club be real, alive, feeling the care and warmth of its owners. And this means that when large selection children's clubs and development centers, each has its own client, since the clubs still turn out to be different.

S.T. In our club everything is arranged for us. I love the smell wooden furniture, I love the cleanliness of the club and the nice plastic of expensive toys. This is all for me and for our clients. In addition, my club has everything my children need. My daughter wanted to sing - we found an excellent musical director and we formed a wonderful vocal group that participates in festivals, competitions and wins well-deserved certificates.

How many projects do you have at this stage? How do you plan to grow your business? Are you planning to sell the franchise?

S.T. Now we run the children's eco-club “Umnichka”, we have opened dance studios that have their own names and participate in competitions and festivals, our children are invited to auditions for TV series and advertising. Now we are exploring a new direction - mini garden for children from 2.5 to 4 years and from 4 to 9 years.

Now that more and more parents are aware of the importance of early development and education of children, opening a children's center can be very profitable business project. So what do you need to consider if you are seriously wondering: “How to open a children’s development center?”

Step one. Developing a concept

First of all, decide who and how you will develop. Set age limits, think over a work schedule, select appropriate programs and methods. You also need to decide whether you will have groups of short-term or long-term stays for children, create a schedule of classes, and decide on additional services.

Currently, there are many time-tested educational and developmental concepts. Each of them has its own pros and cons, admirers and opponents. You can choose one program or create your own development concept, which will include individual elements and installation of different techniques.

Step two. Preparing documents

Before opening a children's center, it will need to be registered and officially issued. To get started you need:

  • – from the Law “On Education” it follows that individual entrepreneurs have the right to engage in teaching activities on the same basis as legal entities. You can start working from the moment of state registration.
  • To decide on, as a rule, this is 85.32 - child care and supervision, 92.51 - organization of club-type institutions, 93.05 - personal services.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Register with the tax authorities.
  • Choosing a taxation system is the most reasonable option of the simplified taxation system (simplified taxation system). It requires minimal accounting costs.
  • If required, enter into agreements with third-party organizations for various services: removal of solid waste, disinfection work, recycling of energy-saving and fluorescent lamps, etc.

Please note that if you plan to provide educational services, you will definitely need to obtain a special license. To complete it, you need to collect and submit to the department or committee of education a whole package of documents:

  • Agreement for the lease of premises or ownership.
  • Conclusion of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  • Certificate confirming tax registration.
  • Charter
  • Educational program.
  • Availability confirmation educational materials, methodological literature.
  • Data on teachers and educators, number of children.

Due to the fact that the process of obtaining an educational license is long and difficult, initial stage It is better for business to limit itself to opening a development center.

Step three. Finding a room

There are certain requirements for the premises in which it is planned to open a children's center. First of all, it must be separated into an independent block - this can be a separate building or an apartment in multi-storey building, designed as non-residential premises. It is desirable to have two exits - the main one and the fire exit. Must be installed fire alarm, it can only be installed by companies with the appropriate license.

When preparing the premises, you must be guided by the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009 and comply with the following rules:

  • The height from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 meters;
  • The room must have: a dressing area with lockers or hangers, a room for activities and games, a toilet;
  • The walls must be smooth and able to withstand wet cleaning, for finishing ceilings it is recommended to use whitewash or water-based paint, floors must have a non-slip coating without cracks or defects;
  • The premises must maintain constant temperature regime without sudden temperature fluctuations. Optimal value– 19-21°;
  • Sockets and switches must be located at a height of at least 1.8 m.

You only need to obtain permits and approvals from Rospotrebnadzor if you will be engaged in educational activities. In all other cases, it is enough to simply notify officials about the start of work.

When the room is ready, we order furniture, purchase toys, teaching aids, Consumables for classes, sports equipment. It is better not to skimp on quality and purchase products from reputable and well-established companies.

Step four. We invite specialists

Your income and the fate of your business will depend on how competent, professional and child-loving your teachers are. Pay attention to the education of applicants; take the time to check their references. Attend their classes regularly. Monitor the reactions of children and parents.

In addition to teachers, you will also need: an administrator, a caretaker, a cleaner, and a security guard. If you plan to provide Additional services, you will have to look for a qualified psychologist or speech therapist. Are you planning to create long-term groups for children? Seek a medical professional immediately.

Please note that depending on OKVED, the requirements for employees to have a personal medical record book change. But in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, it is better to play it safe and undergo regular medical examinations.

Step five. We attract clients

  • Advertising in transport.
  • Banners and streamers on the streets.
  • Distribution of leaflets and business cards.
  • Own website.

Or unusual:

  • Weekly performances at the playgrounds of nearby houses.
  • Conducting a lottery or competition.
  • Viral advertising.
  • Communicate on local parent forums.

Before the beginning advertising campaign Be sure to decide on a budget. Focus primarily on the residents of the area in which you are opening your children's development center. If possible, arrange a bright and unusual opening.

Step six. We develop business

Think about how else you can increase the attractiveness of your center and get the most out of it. You can create a club for parents or a fitness section for mothers with children based on the center, open a children's entertainment center or a special baby cafe, hold exhibitions or organize various master classes.

In any case, at the very beginning you should imagine where you would like to move and how to develop. And it doesn’t really matter whether you limit yourself to one studio, open several branches, or decide to completely change the concept - you must have a plan on how to do it.

Some numbers

So, let's look at the financial component of a business project to open a children's development center. Calculations are given for the following data: non-residential premises on the ground floor apartment building with total area 80-100 square meters. The calculations used national average prices. They may vary in each specific region, which will affect the final profitability and payback period.

One-time expenses:

Monthly expenses:

Monthly income:

The approximate payback period for a children's development center will be 2-2.5 years.

Of course, working with children is difficult. But believe me, the genuine delight, sparkling eyes and words of gratitude of your pupils will fully compensate for all the worries and excitement associated with the opening of a children's development center.

How to open a children's club - the relevance of the business + 7 steps to opening it + description of the "Umnichka" franchise.

Capital investments: from 1,000,000 rubles
Payback period: from year

Currently, many parents pay a lot of attention to education and... But, unfortunately, kindergarten and school alone cannot do this.

For this purpose, various institutions are being created where children can acquire the knowledge and skills they need.

Despite the ever-increasing competition in this area, the question of whether how to open a kids club, is quite relevant. Therefore, if you are looking for an idea for a business that will bring not only income, but also pleasure, then this business is definitely for you.

Why is opening a children's club important?

Most likely, many of you have noticed bright signs of children's clubs and development centers.

At first glance, it may seem that there are a lot of clubs and centers, and this niche is already completely occupied. But still, the demand for such services is constantly growing. Why?

This happens for several reasons:

  1. Unlike state kindergartens, which operate according to uniform standards, in children's clubs, parents have the opportunity to choose what is right for their child - study foreign languages, simply prepare for school, or attend only developmental classes.
  2. Today, parents understand that quality education need to invest, and also that they will find highly qualified teachers in the children's center.
  3. Not every mother, even devoting all her time to her child, is able to independently give him the necessary knowledge.

    Many people prefer to trust professionals, and this is the right choice.

    Children's clubs are not just a place where children gain new knowledge and skills.

    Here they meet and communicate, being in an environment that stimulates them to new achievements.

Opening a children's club from scratch: advice from experts at the Umnichka business school for children's clubs

Opening any business starts with writing.

It has two parts: descriptive (contains information about the activities of the enterprise, defining its mission and concept, developing a plan for opening a business) and financial (calculating investments, forecasting income and profits).

Step 1. Analysis of the scope of activity.

To analyze the scope of activity it is necessary:

    Determine the mission of the children's club

    The course of your actions and the principles of operation of the children's club depend on the correct formulation of the mission.

    For example, in some centers child development They focus on learning foreign languages, in others they prepare for school, and in others they reveal the creative abilities and talents of children.

    Thus, we can distinguish several main types of activities in children's clubs:

    • preparation for school - reading, writing, counting;
    • developmental programs for children of different ages;
    • learning foreign languages;
    • various clubs: dancing, sports, drawing, modeling, etc.

    And based on the chosen direction of classes, you can imagine what your future children’s club will look like: how many rooms it will have, how they will be decorated, what programs need to be drawn up, what teachers you will need to look for.

    Determine your target audience

    The size of the initial investment and development will depend on this point pricing policy children's club. And for this you need to decide on the age and number of children, as well as social status their parents.

    For example, you can open a premium children's center, and, therefore, your services will be aimed at children of wealthy parents.

    In this case, you should take care of the location in the city center or an elite area, luxurious renovation of the premises, and the search for highly qualified teachers. And the price tag for the classes conducted will be appropriate.

    But you can also open a more affordable children's club, where children of parents with average incomes will study. Consequently, they will be much less, the same applies to the cost of classes.

    Assess your competitors

    To do this, you need to make a list of private development centers that are already open in your city, study their location, services, cost of visits, and methods of advertising them. As a result, you will be able to analyze the market situation and understand what is in demand.

    Imagine that in your area there are three children's centers aimed at preparing for school, but there is no club with the study foreign language or various developmental clubs.

    Open another children's club with preparatory classes will be less expedient than providing services that are not available in existing child development institutions.

Step 2. Development of the concept of a children's club.

The conclusion to the descriptive part of the business plan for opening a children's club is to combine all the information collected and analyzed. And as a result, you will be able to decide on the organizational and legal form of the institution, describe the stages of starting a business, develop training programs for classes and draw up a work schedule.

The choice of legal form will depend on the following points:

  • how ready you are to bear financial responsibility (unlike an individual entrepreneur, an LLC is liable only for the invested funds);
  • Do you plan to expand your business in the future (the opportunity to implement a network of children's clubs is provided only for LLCs);
  • Do you have a partner or will you act independently (an LLC can be opened by several co-founders, with an individual entrepreneur you will own the business alone).

Step 4. Selecting a room.

Also, before registering, you need to take care of renting a suitable room. But first, you must decide on the location where your children's club will be located:

    In large cities, it is more advisable to consider residential areas.

    Moreover, everything here will depend on what kind of children's development center you will open - premium class or more affordable.

    In the first case, you need to look for premises in elite areas of the city, where your target audience will live.

    In small towns, it is definitely worth choosing the center.

    If there is already a similar institution here, then suggest potential clients services that are not available in other children's development clubs.

Basic requirements for rented premises:

  • presence of a separate entrance;
  • availability of parking and convenient access for cars;
  • optimal area - 45 - 300 sq.m. The premises must provide the opportunity to equip a play and study room, a locker room and a hall, and a bathroom;
  • compliance with SES and fire safety standards.

Step 5. Selection of teachers.

The most important thing in opening a children's club is finding qualified teachers. They will be the ones who will be in contact with children, conduct classes and create a pleasant atmosphere.

How the teacher organizes exciting and effective classes, and will also inspire confidence in children and their parents, the success and reputation of your children's club depends.

Therefore, during an interview you should pay attention not only to education, qualifications and work experience, but also to the personal qualities of the applicant: neat appearance, friendliness, optimism and desire to develop.

It also doesn’t hurt to listen to your gut instinct. If a person repels you in some way, then don’t torture yourself, don’t hire him. Remember that you will have to constantly work with teachers, and it is best that there are no employees in the team who cause you personal hostility.

Step 6. Attracting clients.

To do this, you can use the following marketing tools:

  • bright sign at the entrance;
  • distributing leaflets in busy areas of the city and at playgrounds;
  • posting advertisements;
  • banners and streamers;
  • advertising on the city’s social networks and on thematic children’s websites;
  • publication in local media.

If you are opening a children's club in a big city, then it would be a good idea to advertise on radio and television.

You can also create your own website where parents will find information about classes, schedules and costs of visits.

Step 7. How much does it cost to open a kids club?

The main question that worries a novice entrepreneur is: how much money should you invest in your future business? Let's calculate the costs of opening a children's club.

Expense itemAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 1,230,000
Business registration (+ authorized capital)50 000
Indoor renovation (walls, floors, new bathroom)300 000
Premises equipment (furniture, signage, appliances, telephone, internet)300 000
Toys, literature100 000
Website creation40 000
Cash machine20 000
First and last month of rent200 000
Realtor services100 000
Advertising100 000
Additional expenses20 000

Approximate monthly expenses:

About business profitability:

To reach the break-even point, you need to earn about 540,000 - 560,000 rubles per month (including taxes), that is, daily revenue should be approximately 20,000 rubles.

Let's assume that the cost of one lesson is 1,000 rubles. That is, a day you need to conduct classes for 20 children, these are 3 groups of 6-7 people.

At first, these are quite realistic indicators, thanks to which the business will pay for itself within a year of stable operation. If you can attract more clients, the club’s profitability will increase, and the business will pay off even earlier.

It’s easy to open a children’s club as a franchise

If you decide to open a children's club, then you have three paths that you can follow to implement this idea:

  1. do everything yourself - collect bit by bit necessary information and learn the intricacies of drawing up a business plan;
  2. take advantage of expert advice and purchase ready materials for the full activities of the children's club;
  3. purchase a franchise, that is, the right to open a children's club under the franchisor's brand under certain conditions.

The first path is the most difficult, since you will have to do everything yourself - look for suitable premises, think through renovations, search for teachers and develop a schedule.

As for the second method, on the website of the Business School for children’s clubs “Umnichka” and in S. Timofeeva’s manuals “Children’s Club. From idea to profit" and "Profitable children's club" you can find a lot of information about opening and operating a children's club.

Also on the website you can purchase ready-made teaching aids and receive individual advice on opening and running a business.

The third option, purchasing a franchise, is the simplest, since you get the right to use trademark, style and methods of a particular children's club.

In order to become a franchisee partner, you need to make a lump-sum (initial) contribution. Then you will pay monthly royalties - a fee for the fact that the franchisor ensures that you comply with all the standards and principles of the children's club.

If you want to join the Umnichka network of children's eco-clubs, you will receive:

  • a complete guide to opening a child care center;
  • consultations at all stages of business;
  • club owner training;
  • assistance in finding personnel;
  • lawyer consulting;
  • your website;
  • PR support.

In addition, you will have the opportunity for self-realization. If you're full creative ideas who can really help business development, they will be happy to support you.

In order to join the network of children's eco-clubs “Umnichka”, leave a request on the website, and you will be contacted.

As for the conditions for purchasing a franchise of the children's eco-club "Umnichka", the investment in opening a business starts from 1,500,000 rubles, and the size of the lump-sum contribution depends on the area of ​​​​the premises for the future children's club.

More detailed information can be found at the link:

A short tour of the children's eco-club “Umnichka”:

Making your kids club better

If you are already the owner of a children's club, then you probably want to stand out from your competitors. To do this, you need to constantly strive to improve your business and move forward.

Let's look at several methods that will help improve the efficiency of the children's club:

    Motivate teachers to improve their skills and personal development.

    Various courses, seminars and master classes will help with this.

    By the way, you, as a business owner, must keep up with the times and never stop learning.

    Look for new ways to generate income and expand your range of services.

    To do this, you can organize children's parties (birthdays, New Year), open a mini-garden on the basis of your children's club.

    Showcase your students' results.

    All parents want to know what success their child has achieved during the time spent in the children's club.

    Therefore, create something like a board or album of achievements that should always be visible.

    Don't forget about quality service.

    Keep in touch with clients, ask why the child was not in class, give gifts to your students for the holidays.

    Also organize a bonus and preferential system.

    Organize trial classes.

    Give children and their parents the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of your children's club.

    And if they like it, they will definitely become your clients.

Of course, in one article it is difficult to cover all the information related to opening a children's club and increasing the efficiency of its work...

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