Do-it-yourself wooden bench: how to decorate your garden plot (54 photo ideas). Do-it-yourself garden bench with a wooden back Bench for a photo shoot with your own hands

Benches and benches in the garden at the dacha are a popular place to relax. Sometimes putting up an ordinary bench is not interesting and banal.

After all, it is possible to build a whole corner for relaxation and comfort, so that you can not just sit on a bench, but already enjoy nature, your garden, and the fruits you planted with your own hands. There are many different ideas here.

The construction of benches is usually lightweight and does not require special skills. Anyone can create a relaxation corner with a bench, if they wish.

Options for ideas

Everyone has seen the photo of an ordinary bench. But the most a simple bench I don’t want it for my garden, I want something more original and beautiful.

If everything in your garden is already decorated and the whole area is in order, then a bench will never become superfluous. And, if you are just starting to equip your site, then it’s time to start with equipping a bench.

Wooden bench

A DIY wooden bench will harmonize well in the garden with all sorts of flower beds of beautiful flowers.

The simplest option for building a garden bench is two wooden boxes in which inflorescences grow, and between them a couple of sanded boards. If necessary, this bench can be placed near the wall, if possible.

Many people don’t like material like wood, because it gets wet quickly and is very difficult to care for. Instead of wooden material stone and concrete come to the rescue.

In order to make a bench with a back, you need to try a little. For the backrest, they most often buy already treated wood. The easiest way to secure the seat is with metal corners.

TO concrete material they can be attached using dowels, and to wooden material using self-tapping screws from the bottom or through bolts.

Many summer residents are wondering how to make a bench on their own for their home and garden. And every year this question is gaining popularity.

Many people give preference to shop benches that are already ready, but by doing the work yourself, you can completely surrender to the process and use your imagination completely.

Metal bench

Metal benches are installed by a minority, since they, of course, are aesthetic and original products, but in summer time– this is a material that heats up to crazy temperatures, and if it gets even a little colder, the material becomes icy, and it is impossible to sit on it.

If you really want to use metal in the process of creating a bench, then you should combine two materials in the work: metal and wood. At the same time, the seats and backrests are made of wooden material, and the designs of the legs and additional elements are created on the basis of metal.

There are many different original options benches in this style.


Pipe benches have become very popular recently. From profile pipe using boiling, rectangles are made, and jumpers are attached to the side walls, on which the bench seats will rest. This is a very reliable and safe option for creating a bench with your own hands.

If this option is slightly improved, then armrests are used for greater convenience and comfort. A bench in the garden with a wide seat, like a sofa, will also look elegant and original. This is comfort, convenience and luxury!

For complete comfort You can put decorated pillows on such benches so that you can not only sit, but also take a nap in nature.

Benches made of boards

A simple bench made of boards will also look aesthetically pleasing, the main thing is to know how to make it. There are the simplest designs, like ordinary benches, and there are more complicated ones in the form of a sofa or an elongated chair.

IN modern style It’s easy to assemble such a bench; you just need to connect rectangles with partitions made of thin boards together.

The main thing is to turn on your imagination. Not even the most hard work could be the source of a masterpiece.


On the basis of thin boards it is possible to make various shapes benches. For example, in the shape of the letter P. The main thing here is to fix the seats and legs well and securely. This bench is easy to make, but will last a long time.

DIY bench photo


Landscaping and landscaping of a personal plot is not a matter of one day. You will have to spend a lot of effort, time, use your imagination, be patient, and only then the result will be obvious. But even after painstaking work has been carried out, the area will require attention: cleaning up fallen leaves, dust, somewhere something needs to be touched up or corrected.

And so that the site does not seem ordinary, it can be periodically supplemented with various decorative elements: , fashionable in last years- in addition, you can install in the garden beautiful benches... That’s exactly what this review will be devoted to benches and benches.

Is a bench needed at all on the site?

The question immediately arises: is a bench needed in the garden at all? The answer is clear - of course, it is necessary! We argue that at every site there must be a place where you can take a break from work, hide from the hustle and bustle, just sit, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the fresh air, read a book, and, in the end, dream.

How to make a bench with your own hands (video)

Any person needs all this, thus he gains strength, strengthens his nerves, discovers the hidden potential in himself, because it is not for nothing that the Eastern sages spend so much time in their gardens, meditating. In addition, we have all known for a long time that many creative people They look for inspiration in precisely such calm, beautiful corners at any time of the year.

Where to put a bench

When choosing a place for a future bench, it is better to give preference to that part of the site where trees grow, flower beds are thought out, fruit bushes, and a babbling brook runs nearby. After all, it is in such places that unity with nature is most clearly felt; here a person will relax calmly, and his nervous system will quickly recover from the stresses of everyday life and other negative factors. Also, the best place for a bench will be in work areas, next to flower beds or beds. After weeding or watering the plants, you can immediately sit down on a bench and gain strength for further work.

DIY pallet bench (video)

Bench selection

As for choosing a bench, the range in stores is really wide, you can purchase metal bench, wooden, plastic, stone (marble, granite, quartzite), combined. Models with carved wood elements or forged metal additions are in great demand. If you want something more exclusive, you can make a sketch of the future product yourself and visit a carpenter with it, he will be happy to make your dreams come true. When choosing this product, we recommend that you take a closer look at benches with a back, as well as handles; they are comfortable to sit on in a completely relaxed position. But benches without a back are not intended for long gatherings, since sitting on them you will need to constantly keep your back in good shape.

Unusual shop with three XXX do it yourself (video)

Bench to site style

First of all, you need to build on the style direction of the site if the garden is designed in Japanese style, a bamboo bench painted red will fit wonderfully here, which should be located near a pond.

In the Chinese garden, a bench with a lattice back entwined with climbing plants. And there should be a gravel road leading to the bench, winding path.

Country style implies the presence of the most simple but comfortable wooden bench, traditional natural color or painted in a discreet brown tint.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the Provence style, borrowed from the inhabitants of the provinces - France. The bench should be quite modest, a little antique, in a vintage direction, white, blue, purple or light blue.

A garden in the Art Nouveau style can be supplemented with benches of strict shapes, possibly with forged elements, or stone benches in the shape of animals, insects, etc. By the way, stone benches will look great near the impromptu Alpine slides.

Plot in Italian style beautiful benches with stucco elements are successfully emphasized. This bench can be placed near small pond, with sculptures on its shore.

English is reserved but excellent organized garden, it is better to complement it with stone benches with wooden or metal inserts; the color may contain golden shades.

The natural style, which is otherwise called forest style, can be emphasized with a bench made from tree cuts, on a hemp-like base (legs).

The colonial style, which originated in early America, is best complemented with wicker benches, but you can also install an ordinary wooden bench in metal frame.

Garden benches - photos

Time at the dacha involves not only activities on the site, but also relaxation among the trees and blooming greenery. Best choice Garden benches are used to create a relaxation area. They perform not only the functions of furniture, but can also become an element of decoration of the territory. The choice of style solution depends on the architecture of the main building on the site, while the overall design will look elegant and harmonious.

Comfort and safety

In pursuit of unusual options garden furniture, do not forget about the requirements for this item. They are directly related to the purpose of the garden bench.

  1. Convenience. The shape of the seat and backrest must correspond to the structure of the human body. This will allow you to rest comfortably.
  2. Safety. Reliability of assembly and the ability to withstand considerable loads will be ensured by high quality materials. This requirement applies to fittings and fasteners.
  3. Resistance to atmospheric factors. Based on the fact that garden benches are installed on outdoors, they must be resistant to bad weather and withstand any changes external conditions.
  4. Mobility. This property will allow without special labor change your vacation spot. For example: in summer it is preferable to hide in the shade, but in autumn and spring you are tempted to soak up the gentle rays of the sun.

Selecting a location

Placing a bench on the property is not an easy task. Several factors influence this decision. If there is a pond on the site, then you should choose this picturesque place. The contemplation of the water surface is calming; the proximity of water will give the desired coolness on a hot day. A good option maybe a corner in the shade of mighty trees or next to a hedge.

When placing a bench, it is important to imagine what kind of view will be available to the person sitting on it. It's not interesting to look at knots and holes in neighbor's fence. Aesthetic pleasure after working day will give a view of a blooming flowerbed, alpine slide, fountain or other elements landscape design. Or maybe the site offers a picturesque panorama of the river, sea, mountains or other natural beauty? This gift is worth using when planning a vacation spot.


There are several options for garden furniture, differing in design.


The simplest type of bench. Has legs and a seat. You won’t be able to rest comfortably on it - just sit down and take a breather.

Bench with backrest

This option is much more pleasant for spending time. It allows you to sit comfortably for a long time.

Garden group

A garden bench, complemented by a table, is a great place to gather with the whole family or with friends.

Furniture for any weather

If you equip the structure with a light canopy, you will get a distant relative of the gazebo. Of course, it won’t save you from a windy downpour, but you can get minimal protection. If there are no trees on the site yet that provide shade, then this species will hide from the sun.

Works of art

Garden benches can look like artistic objects. I want to present them for everyone to see. Carved sides made of wood or stone, openwork patterns metal parts and other techniques transform ordinary furniture into an object that evokes admiration.

There are also stationary and folding benches. For the first type, massive structural elements are used that are not afraid of the influence of changes in temperature and humidity. The second type requires lightness. They are usually made of plastic or wood.


In the production of outdoor furniture they use different materials: wood, metal, stone, plastic. The product can be made from one type or a combination of several components.


The owners loved the wooden garden bench summer cottages most. The fact is that natural warmth, purity and ease of processing allow you to create products for any garden design. Wood species that are resistant to rot are most often used. For example: oak, larch, hazel, cherry, teak, etc. The cost of furniture directly depends on the price of the material.


The main advantage of stone benches is their long service life. But sitting on such furniture is not very comfortable. In the warm season, comfort can be increased soft pillows, and in the cold season nothing will help. They are often used for decorative purposes. Marble, quartzite and granite look incredibly beautiful. Another minus - high price.


Openwork designs that look light and airy look best. They will decorate any area. For a comfortable rest, you will need a mattress or pillow that fits the size of the seat and backrest.


Garden shop made from such material does not shine with special beauty. Under the influence of sunlight, the bright color quickly loses its original appearance, and the material is destroyed. But at the same time, such furniture is easy to care for and can be easily moved from place to place. The price of such products is pleasingly affordable.

Combined options

In this case, the scope for imagination is not limited by strict boundaries. The materials combine perfectly with each other. As a result, the garden bench acquires more advantages and gets rid of some disadvantages. Wood or rattan is chosen for the seat, metal is used for the back, and the supports are made of stone, metal, and concrete. Interesting solution is the use of gabions. Blocks from metal mesh filled with fragments of stones, glass, large pebbles, etc. Such furniture looks unusual and beautiful.

How to make a bench with your own hands

You can create a garden bench with your own hands if you have some work skills. You need to start with a drawing to decide on the design and materials. If this is your first experience in making furniture, then you should use wood. The simplest option is a garden bench with a backrest. Detailed drawing You can find it on the Internet, determine the dimensions and calculate the amount of materials:

  • bars for support;
  • boards for back and seat;
  • elements for fastening.

It is important to carry out the installation, observing the accuracy of connecting the parts, in order to avoid distortions and breakage of the furniture. Wooden parts are treated with a special impregnation or opened with a layer protective varnish.

If available great experience working with wood, you can build a set of furniture. It consists of a table and two benches. Each item is assembled separately, and then the elements are connected into one product using bars, two on each side. The tabletop is fixed on cross-shaped legs. In order for the structure to become stable, the benches are fixed first, and then the table, exactly in the middle. And now, you are already the owner of a comfortable corner for a common meal on fresh air.

A garden bench provides an excellent opportunity to realize creative ideas. For the manufacture of unusual looking products are suitable, for example, trimmings plastic pipes. Securing them with connecting elements and liquid nails, you can create unique things. An interesting solution that will please both children and adults is a wooden bench in the form of a swing. A flight of fancy may suggest other solutions, but, first of all, you need to remember to maintain convenience and safety.

Each personal plot should have several benches and benches with backs so that you can good weather relax outside, sit under the gentle sun and just take a break from working in the garden. You can buy such a wooden or metal bench, or you can simply make it yourself. In this article we will look at what types of benches there are and how you can make one of them yourself, having everything at hand necessary tools and materials.

How are there species?

There is a bench with a back a large number of and every owner country house or a dacha chooses for himself the option that is most suitable for the exterior of his personal plot.

Benches come in a variety of varieties depending on their scope of application.

  • Ordinary benches with a back are suitable for any personal plot and will fit perfectly into the exterior of the yard. They are comfortable and very practical, as they have simple design and unpretentious in their appearance. Suitable for installation near the house, in a gazebo, near a pond, etc. They can be made of wood, metal, stone, and also be combined (wood and metal, wood and stone, wood and brick, plastic and others building materials).
  • Corner benches will look great where you can’t put a regular large bench with a back. They can be placed in the corners of the gazebo, in gardens, as well as in any convenient location on a personal plot. Such benches can be metal, wooden, stone or combined.
  • Ordinary benches without a back can be installed anywhere, as they are universal and convenient enough for any country house. They can be easily made with your own hands, since they are made according to the most common standard drawing of the classical type.
  • Oval, round or semicircular benches with and without a back will look great in the center of the same round gazebo, in the center of the garden or in another place where they will create an aesthetic exterior for the entire garden plot, as well as perform their direct functions. Also in the center of a round bench a tree, green bush, or blossom can grow beautiful flower bed or even a children's sandbox. Here everything depends on the imagination of the master and the functional needs of the owners of a country house or dacha. They can be made of wood, metal, stone, and also in a combined form from various natural materials compatible with each other.

Photo gallery: do-it-yourself garden benches with a wooden back - types and designs

    Wooden bench with metal legs for the garden Wooden bench with forged metal legs for the garden Corner wooden bench with brick support Semicircular wooden bench on a brick support Bench made of wooden beams for the garden with a back Decorative wooden bench for the garden with supports made from flower boxes Classic wooden garden bench with handrails and backrest Round wooden bench with back for the garden Original bench made from solid logs for the garden Wooden bench on supports made of natural stones for personal plot Wooden bench with concrete supports in the form of flower beds Wooden bench with wooden supports in the form of flower beds Wooden bench with wicker back for the garden Stone designer bench for the garden Square wooden benches for the garden

Preparatory stage: drawings, dimensions, angle of inclination

Before you start making a bench for your personal plot from any type of material, you need to take all measurements and draw up an accurate drawing of the future structure. This is necessary so that it turns out smooth without distortions and rolls. Also, the design diagram will help to calculate required amount material for making benches of any type.

For the manufacture of wooden structures For a personal plot, pine, oak, birch boards or logs are usually used, as well as pear, hornbeam and durable larch. Almost any tree is easy to process and has excellent decorative qualities, and also aesthetically fits into the suburban landscape. The main advantage of wood is its beautiful aesthetic appearance. But meanwhile, it negatively tolerates exposure to sunlight, high humidity And low temperature (very coldy). Therefore, it is best to install wooden benches in closed gazebos, on terraces covered with awnings or make them portable (collapsible) so that they can be put away in an enclosed space (pantry, basement, closet) for the winter.

Steel supports will be the most competent choice for making a bench with a wooden seat and back to place it on the territory of a summer house or country house. This bench will serve you for at least 15 years, and you will not need to remove it during snow or rain.

How to make a wooden bench with a backrest with your own hands

To set up a wooden bench we will need:

Before you start making a wooden portable bench, you need to cut the boards into certain elements:

  1. All prepared boards must be sanded, all side parts smoothed and thoroughly soaked with antiseptic. Then leave until completely dry.
  2. We mark the height of the bench at 40 cm. Starting from the very middle at the top of the elements of the longest legs that will hold the back, you need to make an oblique cut at a slight angle of about 20°. Then all the corners of the bars must be cut down and sanded on both sides. In this case, the back will have an inclined shape. The cuts must be strictly identical, otherwise the bench will end up skewed and have an unattractive appearance, and it will be uncomfortable to sit on.
  3. Assembling the bench legs. The distance between the legs should be about 28 cm. The front (facade) and rear wooden pairs of benches for support on the invisible inner side must be fastened using prepared bars and screws. We connect the legs with a beam, which we cut to cover the entire width of the structure - 50 cm. It is best to do a double strapping - top and bottom.
  4. In order to protect self-tapping screws and screws from premature corrosion, it is necessary to pre-drill required holes and slightly deepen their heads into the board.
  5. On the frame of the bench, as shown in the drawing, we nail or screw the planks at certain intervals (1 or 2 cm). Three planks will be used for the seat and two planks for the back. After all the elements are filled, it is necessary to check with a level the correctness and evenness of the entire structure. For greater reliability, stability and rigidity, the legs at the bottom are secured with strips on both sides. It is advisable to leave gaps of several centimeters between the slats for better air circulation and drainage. We attach the backrest (the first bar) at a distance of 20 cm from the seat, and the second - at a distance of 38 cm from the seat.
  6. The structure of the bench needs to be strengthened and for this it is necessary to bottom trim legs To do this, we take two beams 1.5 meters long and screw them to the front and rear legs of the bench frame.

Bench decoration

After completing all carpentry work the bench must be completely treated with fire retardant and then covered with waterproof varnish in several layers or regular oil paint.

If you want to make the bench more aesthetically pleasing and designer-friendly, you can simply saw the boards lengthwise and then stuff them diagonally, crosswise or in a herringbone pattern.

Making a garden bench from wood and metal

A bench with a back, a wooden seat and durable metal legs will the best option garden furniture that can be installed in your garden plot. This design can be left outside without any problems even in winter.

Material calculation and necessary tools

To make a bench we will need:

  • One iron corner with a shelf measuring 40 - 50 mm;
  • One beam for making a bench seat 40 mm thick;
  • Special bolts;
  • Hacksaw or grinder;
  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric or gas welding machine;
  • Sandpaper or sanding machine.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The metal corner must be cut into four pieces of one meter each to make vertical supports for the structure. Cut five pieces of half a meter and two pieces of one and a half meters to make a frame for installing a seat and back boards on it.
  2. To make the back and seat, we cut seven strips of timber, 1.5 meters long and 10 cm wide. We sand them and smooth all the side parts well. We soak all the boards well with an antiseptic and leave until completely dry.
  3. We cut the ends of the joining parts from iron corners exactly at an angle of 45° and then connect them in series using hot welding. First, we make a frame for the seat and weld the iron legs well for the subsequent attachment of the backrest to them, as well as the stops. During the welding process it is necessary to use protective equipment.
  4. In the boards of the seat and back, where the fastenings will be located, it is necessary to drill holes for special bolts. After welding work metal structure It is necessary to sand well at the seams in order to eliminate all irregularities and bumps. Then treat the metal with a special anti-corrosion coating and oil paint in two layers.
  5. We bolt the finished back and seat boards to the finished metal frame. We first impregnate the boards with a fire retardant (preferably saline) and then cover them with a good layer of water-repellent varnish or colored paint.
  6. It is necessary to make markings on the ground for the legs. To do this, you need to dig four holes about 50 cm deep and pour river sand(about 10 cm), and on top there is fine gravel (about 20 cm). We lay pieces of roofing felt on top and place reinforcing mesh. We install the bench legs into the holes and check the horizontal evenness of the structure with a level. Then fill the legs with concrete (ratio of sand and cement 3:1).
  7. If you plan to place the bench on a regular asphalt or paved surface, then you do not need to make a concrete foundation. The legs of the structure are made from four pieces of iron angle, about half a meter long. For greater stability to the bottom of the corners, it is necessary to weld square “heels” or strengthen the entire structure using a lower metal frame.


All metal structural elements must be treated with anti-corrosion agents and primed. Then paint with regular oil paint.

We impregnate the wooden elements with special antifungal agents and fire retardants, and then paint them with waterproof varnish or colored oil paint.

If desired metal parts benches can be decorated with various forged iron patterns, which you can forge yourself or purchase ready-made from special companies.

Bench for a personal plot on brick supports

Material calculation and tools

To make a bench we will need:

  • Construction brick;
  • Wooden boards (thickness about 40 mm);
  • A pack of self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws;
  • Several bags of cement, fine sifted sand (6 bags or more) and gravel.

Step by Step Actions

On stone-paved and concreted areas, the bench must be placed on a cement foundation. On soft ground it will be necessary to make a columnar foundation.

  1. We mark the area for the installation of brick racks and remove upper layer soil (turf). We dig holes with a diameter of 20x20 cm and a depth of about 50 - 60 cm to construct the foundation. At the very bottom of the well we pour sand 10 cm thick and on top crushed stone 20 cm thick. We compact all this well, water it a little and leave it for a day.
  2. We put several pieces of roofing felt on top and place a bundle of five reinforcing rods in the hole. We fill it all with concrete and let it harden for about three or four days. To mix concrete, we take cement, sand and fine gravel (1:3:5).
  3. Place a small layer on the prepared foundation liquid concrete(1–2 centimeters). This will be the basis for the future brick decorative base. Next, we begin to lay the brick with the dressing. The masonry is made to the width necessary for the structure, that is, the same as the bench itself or a little narrower. The height of the brickwork should be about 50 cm. Inside the masonry on the top row we leave space to form a shelf for the subsequent installation of a bench seat.
  4. We fasten the seat boards together using boards and self-tapping screws. Then we install the finished bench on the prepared brick supports. We impregnate the wood with fire retardant, let it dry and cover it with a special water-repellent varnish or colored paint.
  5. Also, depending on how long the bench will be, you will need to make several brick supports. Corner or shaped (semicircular, round, oval) structures are best installed on a solid brick base, which will be located on a strip-type foundation.

Bench decoration

We treat all wooden planks with antifungal agents and fire retardants, and then prime and cover them with waterproof varnish or regular oil paint. Brickwork does not need additional finishing, as in itself it looks quite beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. If you still want to make it a different color, you can also paint it with oil paint.

Video: how to make a bench for a country house yourself

If you make a bench out of wood and metal with your own hands, you can long years enjoy the fruits of your labor and relax on it in the shade fruit trees. With proper and timely care, such a wooden bench with metal or brick supports will serve for many years. But in order to prevent it from being damaged by heavy rains or snow in winter or autumn, it is best to put it indoors, if possible. Regular care can significantly extend the life of your bench in your garden.

Country bench decor ideas

A garden bench is an integral part of landscape design. With the help of such a bench you can create a relaxation area in any area. It helps create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness on the site. A bench can become a favorite place to relax, read a book or have an intimate conversation. Such structures are made from various materials: wood, metal, stone, plastic. The material for a garden bench can be various remnants of building materials, car tires and even completely inconspicuous driftwood. When choosing a material for a garden bench, you should remember that a summer cottage is an ecological corner where you want to take a break from the city noise, so it would be reasonable to use organic materials. What to make garden benches from.

Bench-flower garden at the dacha

The garden will be perfectly complemented by a bench with small flower beds. You can easily build such a bench with your own hands. Work should begin with assembling flower boxes. Then the back and seats are assembled. The entire structure can be secured using special furniture corners.

Bench around a tree

In the shade of a large spreading tree, you can install a circular garden bench, which will become a place where you can hide from the scorching sun on a clear summer day. This design is easy to install yourself. To build a circular bench, you can use almost any available material: boards, metal pipes, poles. A circular bench can be installed around a small garden fountain or beautiful flower bed. The advantage of such a bench is that a large number of people can hide on it from the hot sun at the same time, and the entire structure will not take up much space in the garden.

Bright bench with mosaic in the garden

A bench decorated with bright mosaics will create an atmosphere of a permanent fairy tale in the garden and bright holiday. In addition, such a garden bench is very practical. She is not afraid of snow or rain. Soda benches decorated with mosaics can amaze everyone with their bright patterns and original form. Such an original bench can be made from the most conventional design. The material for the mosaic can be anything: broken dishes, tiles, multi-colored glass, pebbles, bottle caps, etc. What else to decorate with a mosaic.

Garden bench under canopy

A bench under a canopy will be a full-fledged place to relax at the dacha. On such a bench you can spend time talking or retire to read your favorite book on a clear sunny day, or hide under a canopy during rain. You can assemble the structure yourself in a few days.

The seats for such benches are usually made of wood. It can be solid, or consist of several interconnected wooden beams. The seat can be made soft. To do this, use liquid nails or glue to secure the entire surface of the foam rubber, previously covered with fabric. You can decorate the back of a garden bench in the same way.

The bench canopy can be made from boards, plywood, polycarbonate, and metal. If the structure is made of plywood or boards, before installing it, all wooden parts must be coated with paint or varnish. This will extend the life of the canopy and protect it from various pests and moisture.

Stone garden benches

Benches made of stone are not very convenient to use, but they can add to the design summer cottage the spirit of antiquity, as they always look like they are not from our time. A stone bench can be used for its intended purpose only in the warm season and at the same time, straight lines should not fall on it. Sun rays, otherwise the bench seat will be too hot. The disadvantage of stone benches is their fairly high cost.

If we take untreated stones as the material, then interesting design You can do it yourself for the garden. This bench is suitable for landscape design made in the style of Japanese minimalism.
An excellent alternative to the usual garden bench can be a shape made of stones in the form soft chair, covered with lawn turf.

Benches with forging elements

Forged garden furniture It looks very elegant and does not weigh down the design. But it’s better if forged elements in furniture are combined with wood. Such a bench will look great both under a forged arch or perloga, and surrounded garden trees and bushes. Most often, forged elements are used as legs and handrail supports. The back and seat of the bench are made of wood. Forged elements are good because they can be made based on any sketch, thereby choosing a bench design to suit every taste.