Download operational quality control schemes for construction, repair and installation works. Operational control Map of operational control of installation of reinforced concrete trusses and beams

Technological control consists of checking the compliance of characteristics, modes and other indicators technological process established requirements. Variety technological control is operational control. At operational control product quality checks compliance with specific regulatory requirements, implemented during the execution of the next technological operation. Its purpose is to detect and eliminate defects in the process of manufacturing products or constructing buildings and structures. Performer operational control is production personnel (workers, foremen, foremen). This type of control is considered as labor quality control.

During operational control the following is checked:

Hidden parameters of the product, control of which is subsequently impossible or difficult (reinforcement cages, etc.);

Compliance with the technology for performing construction processes specified in work projects;

Compliance of the work performed with working drawings, construction codes and work regulations and standards;

Stability of parameters of products included in the control range finished products;

Product parameters depending on quality and condition technological equipment and technological process (thickness of the protective layer of concrete, location of embedded parts, curvature and non-straightness of the surface).

Operational control is carried out according to special operational quality control schemes (OSQC) for all construction and installation processes, attached to technological maps or labor process maps. SOKK is a project document that defines the performers, composition, method and time of quality control of construction processes for operations. It is developed based on requirements regulatory documents and state standards. It lists specific operations and indicates the requirements of the standard (or building codes) that are observed when performing this operation, and also provides a description of the tool with which operational control is carried out. The card also indicates who specifically carries out control (worker, foreman, foreman, technical control department, etc.).

Operational control must be carried out after completion production operations or construction processes and ensure timely identification of defects and their causes, as well as

timely adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

Operational control should be carried out by work producers and foremen, and self-control - by work performers. Construction laboratories and geodetic services should also be involved in operational control. The main working documents for operational quality control should be operational control schemes developed as part of work projects.

The operational control scheme must contain:

  1. design sketches indicating permissible deviations in dimensions and required measurement accuracy, as well as information on the required quality characteristics of materials;
  2. a list of operations or processes, the quality of which must be checked by the work performer (foreman);
  3. a list of operations or processes controlled with the participation of the construction laboratory and geodetic service;
  4. a list of hidden works that are subject to inspection and the drawing up of a report;
  5. requirements of building codes and regulations, and, where necessary, the main characteristics of the quality of the material (structure);
  6. data on the composition of the control established on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents and working drawings, indicating what needs to be checked;
  7. instructions on the method of monitoring performed operations;
  8. timing of control.

Operational control is entrusted to foremen and foremen, and its organization is entrusted to chief engineers of construction and installation organizations.

7. Acceptance control.

Acceptance control finished products are carried out at the final stage of the technological process. The number of parameters checked must meet the requirements of standards and building codes. Internal inspection control is carried out according to a schedule approved by the management of the enterprise, usually at least once a quarter. Acceptance control should be carried out to check and assess the quality of completed construction of enterprises, buildings and structures or their parts, as well as hidden work and individual critical structures. All hidden work is subject to acceptance with the drawing up of inspection reports. An inspection report for hidden work must be drawn up for a completed process carried out by an independent department of performers. Drawing up inspection reports for hidden work in cases where subsequent work must begin after a long break should be carried out immediately before subsequent work is carried out. Individual critical structures, as they are ready, are subject to acceptance during the construction process with the preparation of an interim acceptance certificate for these structures. The list of critical structures subject to intermediate acceptance is established by the project.

Except production control in construction and installation organizations (input, operational, acceptance) the quality of construction is monitored by state and departmental control and supervision bodies, acting on the basis of special provisions on them (fire, sanitary, mining, etc.). Construction organizations must develop organizational, technical and economic measures aimed at ensuring construction quality control. These activities should, in parity, include the creation of construction laboratories, geodetic services, advanced training and skill of performers. At all stages of construction, in order to check the effectiveness of previously performed production controls, selectively carry out inspection control. It is carried out special services, if they are included construction organization, or commissions specially created for this purpose. According to the results production and inspection quality control Construction and installation work develops measures to eliminate identified defects, taking into account the requirements of designer's supervision design organizations and government oversight bodies.

1.23. Operational quality control should be carried out during construction processes or production operations and ensure the timely identification of defects and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

1.24. With operational control, the work performer checks:

· compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations;

· compliance with the technological regimes established technological maps and regulations;

· compliance of quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations

The results of operational controls must be documented.

(12-01-2004, clause 6.1.6)

1.25. The performers of operational control are the work producers, foremen and employees of construction laboratories, geodetic and other services of the construction organization, as well as representatives of the customer and the design organization.

The results of operational quality control are recorded in logs or in section 4 of the “General Work Log” (Appendix 3)

1.26. During the construction process, an assessment must be made of the performance of work, the results of which affect the safety of the facility, but in accordance with the adopted technology become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as completed building structures and plots utility networks, the elimination of defects identified by inspection is impossible without dismantling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of utility networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervision bodies, designer’s supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The contractor shall notify the other participants of the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of design and regulatory documentation, are documented in certificates of inspection of hidden work (Appendix 12). The developer (customer) may require a re-inspection after eliminating the identified defects.

(12-01-2004, paragraphs 6.2, 6.2.1)

Acceptance control

1.27. To the conformity assessment procedure individual designs, tiers of structures (floors), the contractor must submit inspection reports of all hidden work included in these structures, geodetic as-built diagrams, as well as test reports for structures in cases provided for in the design documentation and (or) the construction contract. The developer (customer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic diagrams presented by the contractor. For this purpose, the performer of the work must preserve the alignment axes and installation guidelines fixed in kind until the completion of acceptance.

The results of acceptance of individual structures must be documented in acceptance certificates for critical structures (Appendix 13).

1.28. The manual provides forms of inspection reports for covert work and acceptance of critical structures.

The list of covert work and critical structures is determined by the design documentation.

1.29. When constructing complex and unique objects, inspection reports for hidden work and acceptance of critical structures must be drawn up taking into account special instructions and technical specifications project documentation.

1.30. In accordance with clause 4.4 of chapter SNiP 3.01.03-84, the design organization must also determine the list of critical structures and parts of the structure that are subject to executive geodetic survey when performing acceptance control.

1.31. Inspection of hidden work and intermediate acceptance of critical structures is carried out by commissions with the mandatory participation of representatives:

· bridge construction division;

· technical supervision of the customer;

· design organizations - when accepting critical structures and hidden work stipulated by the contract for designer supervision.

1.32. Inspection and acceptance of work according to clause 1.31 is carried out as soon as they are ready. The bridge construction division is obliged to call representatives of the technical supervision of the customer and design organizations in advance.

1.33. Certificates of inspection of hidden work and acceptance of critical structures are drawn up in duplicate and, after signing, are kept by the contractor and the customer.

1.34. Before acceptance of hidden work, it is prohibited to carry out subsequent work. It is also prohibited to load completed critical structures of bridges and pipes with construction and operational loads until an acceptance certificate for these structures is issued.

1.35. The following documentation must be presented during acceptance inspection:

· as-built drawings with any deviations or changes made (if any) and documents on their agreement with the design organizations that developed the drawings;

· factory technical passports, certificates, factory inspection certificates for steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures;

· certificates or passports certifying the quality of materials used in construction and installation work;

· certificates of inspection of hidden work;

· acts of intermediate acceptance of structures;

· executive geodetic diagrams of the position of structures;

· work logs;

· quality control documents welded joints;

· test reports for structures (if tests are provided for in working drawings);

· other documents specified in the working drawings.

(3.03.01-87, clause 1.22)

Technical Supervision

1.36. Technical supervision of the developer (customer) of construction is carried out by:

· checking that the contractor has quality documents (certificates in certain cases) for the materials, products and equipment he uses, and documented results input control and laboratory tests;

· control of compliance by the contractor with the rules of warehousing and storage of materials, products and equipment used; if violations of these rules are detected, the technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of improperly stored and stored materials;

· control of compliance of the operational control performed by the contractor with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-2004, clause 6.1.6.

· control of the availability and correctness of execution documentation by the work contractor, including assessment of the reliability of geodetic as-built diagrams of completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of elements;

· control over the elimination of defects in design documentation identified during the construction process, documented return of defective documentation to the designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transfer of it to the contractor;

· monitoring the execution by the contractor of the instructions of state supervisory authorities and local government;

· notification of state supervisory authorities about all cases of emergency conditions at the construction site;

· monitoring compliance of the volumes and timing of work with the terms of the contract and the construction schedule;

· assessment (together with the work contractor) of the compliance of the work performed, structures, sections of utility networks, signing bilateral acts confirming compliance; control over the fulfillment by the contractor of the work of the requirement that subsequent work is inadmissible before the signing of the specified acts;

· final assessment (together with the work contractor) of the compliance of the completed facility with the requirements of legislation, design and regulatory documentation.

To carry out technical supervision, the developer (customer), if necessary, forms a technical supervision service, providing it with design and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as instrumentation and tools.

1.37. In cases provided for by law, the developer of project documentation carries out supervision of construction. The procedure for the implementation and functions of designer supervision are established by the relevant regulatory documents.

Comments from representatives of the developer's (customer's) technical supervision and designer's supervision are documented. The facts of elimination of defects based on the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

(12-01-2004, paragraphs 6.4, 6.5)

1.38. Author's supervision is carried out on the basis of an agreement (administrative document) and is carried out, as a rule, during the entire period of construction and commissioning of the facility, and, if necessary, initial period its operation.

(SP 11-110-99, clauses 4.1,4.2)

1.39. When carrying out author's supervision over the construction of a facility, a journal of author's supervision of construction (hereinafter referred to as the journal) is regularly maintained, which is compiled by the designer and transferred to the customer. Forms for filling out the journal are given in Appendix 5.

(SP 11-110-99, clause 5.1)

1.40. Log keeping can be carried out both for the construction site as a whole and for its launch complexes or individual buildings and structures.

The magazine must be formatted in accordance with GOST 2.105-95. The magazine must be laced, numbered, signed with all signatures on title page and sealed with the customer's seal. The log is transferred by the customer to the contractor and remains at the construction site until its completion. The log is filled out by the manager or specialists carrying out architectural supervision, the customer and the contractor’s authorized person.

After completion of construction, the contractor hands over the log to the customer.

Each visit to the construction site by specialists is recorded in a log.

The records and instructions of specialists are presented clearly, with the necessary references to the current building codes and rules state standards, technical conditions.

(SP 11-110-99, clauses 5.1-5.5)

1.41. Representatives of state control (supervision) bodies, upon notification of the work contractor, can participate, in accordance with their powers, in procedures for assessing the conformity of the results of work hidden by subsequent work and individual structures.

(12-01-2004, clause 6.9)

1.42. When identifying inconsistencies, state control (supervision) bodies apply sanctions provided for by current legislation.

Any construction and installation work is accompanied by quality control of the actions performed. Operational quality control of work is part of the activities of supervisory authorities involved in regulating the creation of new capital construction projects. Specialists from these bodies monitor all types of technical activities for compliance with current legislation.

The regulatory authorities will not have any complaints during construction and installation work:

  • if you strictly adhere to the construction requirements established in the rules and regulations;
  • carry out all activities in accordance with state standards and documents of state supervisory authorities;
  • take into account all the requirements of the design documentation.

The objects of operational control are the materials used. In addition, during the inspection, the condition of equipment and machinery, the availability of the necessary construction and installation documentation, and much more are checked.

Operational control is carried out on different stages construction: in progress earthworks, at the stages of foundation arrangement, installation, carpentry and finishing activities.

Let's take a closer look at each of these stages.

Excavation control

Initial construction work is associated with the land plot on which a new facility is being built or an existing one is being reconstructed. At this stage, backfilling, excavation, and construction of trenches and embankments can be performed.

When carrying out control activities, specialists visually check the marks for deviations of land construction formations from the design parameters. In addition, specialists check compliance geometric parameters and pits to the values ​​​​specified in the design documentation. At the same time, specialists from the supervisory authority check documents to ensure they comply with general regulatory requirements.

Thus, the operational control scheme at this stage is aimed at checking compliance with the correct arrangement of the selected area for subsequent construction work.

Laying the foundation

One of the most important stages of construction and installation work is laying the foundation, which begins immediately after completion of the excavation work.

The quality of the foundation of a capital construction project will subsequently determine its entire integrity, reliability and durability.

Control measures at this stage are aimed at checking the soil layer on which the foundation will be laid. Specialists check the composition of the soil, which should not contain construction debris, ice and snow particles, or any other rotting elements.

At the same time, specialists from the supervisory authority determine the characteristics of the blocks and structures that are planned to be used when laying the foundation of the structure. The installation quality is also controlled building elements, the correctness of their location in structures, distance from each other, density of information and integrity. Any violations identified at this stage, if not eliminated, may subsequently lead to negative consequences and significantly reduce the service life of the facility.

Control of installation work

Supervision of installation work involves a large amount of activity. At this stage, the installation of reinforced concrete columns, beam elements, floor slabs, shafts and panels is controlled.

The entire supervisory process can be divided into two stages:

  • external and measuring verification of used building materials and structures (assessment of compliance of beams, slabs and other materials with the requirements of design documentation);
  • control of installation actions after their completion (checking the installation of objects for compliance with the initially determined location).

At the first stage, surfaces are inspected, the presence of cracks, concrete sagging and other defects is checked. At the second stage, existing deviations and the reliability of fastenings are assessed. The results of the control measures carried out are the basis for drawing up a report of hidden defects.

Control of carpentry and finishing works

At the next stages, carpentry and finishing work is supervised. As a rule, carpentry activities include the installation of window and door units. Before their installation, the characteristics of the material used are checked, including its compliance with the stated requirements. Evaluated appearance, the accuracy of the parameters, after which the installation actions, insulation of block structures, and the correctness of their locations are directly controlled.

After this, the finishing work is checked: the quality of materials, their compliance with environmental and design requirements.

Completion finishing works entails control operational properties finishing. At this stage, possible coating deficiencies are identified and recommendations are given for their elimination.

Roofing, insulation and finishing measures

Almost every project involves the implementation of hydro, noise and heat insulation measures. They are mandatory for both residential buildings and most industrial facilities, and are designed to neutralize negative factors affecting the facility from the outside.

Particular attention is paid to roofing work when monitoring.

Both basic designs and quality are checked roofing materials, their density and reliability.

Thus, operational quality control includes a whole set of measures that must be implemented at each stage of construction and installation activities. Control measures include high degree responsibility on the part of the inspection structures, since the quality of operational control directly affects the safety of operation of the construction site.

Quality control of construction work must be in a special place. That is why the organization of such events requires, first of all, the organization of the labor process at high level. At the same time, this includes not only the direct participation of persons during the construction of the facility, but also logistics, which determines the methods, timing and quality of delivery necessary materials or ready-made elements for the construction site. Therefore, simultaneously with the work associated with the creation of a new facility, actions are taken to coordinate and check the quality of the stages already completed.

Operational quality control of construction and installation works is part of the activities of supervisory authorities, which are designed to regulate work in the field of creating new capital construction projects. They monitor all types of technical activities for compliance regulatory framework RF. Each type of activity at a certain stage involves special rules and requirements that must be met.

Excavation and first inspection

The initial and main work is primarily related to the land plot on which it is planned to construct a new facility or reconstruct old buildings. The guidelines for quality control of construction and installation works state that, if necessary, the soil area should first be checked to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Is it necessary to additionally fill the area to bring it into a more even configuration?
  • Is it necessary to create trenches, embankments or excavations to create a favorable construction environment and to meet operational control requirements?

During the creation of new capital construction projects, it must be remembered that it is important for inspection organizations to document each stage and each action in writing with technical designations. The best option will become a magazine in which all technical documentation and the quality control system will be evaluated.

The operational quality control scheme at this stage is aimed at verifying compliance by citizens or legal entities the correct location of the foundation, the correctness of the chosen area and the volume of construction work. This also includes the definition of use in accordance with the urban planning plan land plot and the points established in the construction permit.

At this stage of activity, a legal check of available documents takes place, as well as a visual inspection of the territory for compliance with the parameters of permitted construction and the presence of indentations.

Laying the foundation

The most important stage, since it is the one that determines subsequent actions. The integrity of the entire object, its service life and the quality of all activities of the construction organization as a whole will depend on the quality of the foundation of the real estate object.

The organization of quality control of construction work in this case is aimed at checking the soil layer directly in the place where the foundation will be installed. To do this, it is additionally necessary to create a quality log of construction and installation works, which will be based on the survey submitted by the surveyor. So there shouldn't be any construction waste or objects that can disturb the foundation layer. Also, all work must be carried out under normal conditions. weather conditions, without precipitation, or violation of the integrity of the soil and its normal condition.

It is important to consider the quality of structures that are made of either concrete or iron materials, their distance from each other and installation methods. Any violation of the scheme can lead to negative consequences and significantly reduce the life of the building.

The tasks of operational quality control of construction work at the time of direct activity on the construction of buildings or structures are:

  • Creation of a specific scheme for operational quality control of used building materials and mixtures. Visual inspection of bricks, blocks, beam elements and floor slabs for external condition, exclusion of chips, damage and other defects that prohibit the use of such elements in construction. Indication in the log of defects and measures taken to replace them;
  • Taking into account the operational quality control scheme upon completion of the installation of the main structures. Thus, a log is kept indicating the order of construction and installation of blocks and other systems (floor slabs, beam elements and columns).

Such problems are always solved in two stages. Initially, an inspection takes place, and then a check for compliance with the construction project. The entire range of these checks is recorded in the work log and can then serve as the basis for drawing up a report of hidden deficiencies in the activities of installation organizations. It is important to remember that any deviations from the standards at this stage will affect the quality of operation in the future. That is why organizations must first of all think about security, which will guarantee the quality of their work.

Definition of roofing and insulation works

The start of repair and installation work occurs with the installation of insulation systems from water, noise and other negative factors. The construction scheme does not differ from the type of buildings. Therefore even non-residential premises must be finished in such a way that the rules established by the technical supervision service are fully complied with.

If we're talking about about the reconstruction of any object, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the this moment all systems of this structure. Therefore, in this case, control comes down to checking the current state of the waterproofing and noise insulation elements, and then developing a plan to strengthen or replace the current systems.

As can be seen from the above, operational control consists of many systems that cannot operate separately from each other. A clearly developed scheme and maximum responsibility for the work done are required.

The “Operational Control Card” is developed by an enterprise that manufactures, installs or repairs equipment (pipelines) or a specialized design and technological organization and serves to record the results of work control primarily during the preparation and assembly of parts for welding.

The “Map...” should reflect the following information:

name of the enterprise and service performing operational control;

name of the equipment (pipeline) and designation of the drawing or welding form;

availability of markings and/or documentation confirming acceptance of the material (semi-finished product) during incoming inspection;

cleanliness and absence of damage on the edges and adjacent surfaces of parts;

shape and dimensions of edges, boring (expansion, calibration) of pipe parts;

the presence and type of special methods for preparing and assembling parts (surfacing on edges and internal surfaces, hemming);

under the condition of bending, the temperature of the metal during this technological operation and the bending angle are indicated, and under the condition of surfacing, its dimensions, welding method and welding materials used, indicating the batch number (melt) and the standard, specifications or passport;

compliance with the requirements of the PDD of the material, shape and size of the backing rings (meltable inserts);

compliance with the PDD of gap values, edge displacements (from the outside and inner sides), fracture of the axes and planes of the parts being connected in a joint assembled for welding;

the presence of a protective coating on the surfaces of parts (in cases specified by the PDD) and the width of the zone of its application;

correct assembly and fastening of parts, dimensions of the assembled unit (the latter - in cases specified in the PDD);

date of control, last name, first name and patronymic of the person (persons) who performed operational control and his (their) signatures;

conclusion on the preparation of parts for assembly for welding.

The conclusion on the quality of preparation of parts and assembly of joints for welding is signed by the head of the preparation and assembly work and the head of the service that performed the control.

Program for training specialists for legal certification

performing work and managing work on visual

and measurement control


A. General technical course

Topic 1 Design and installation of thermal power plant and nuclear power plant equipment

1.1 Equipment of thermal and nuclear power plants. Types of thermal and nuclear power plants. The main elements of thermal power plants and their purpose. Physical Basics nuclear energy. Schematic flow diagrams of nuclear power plants. Purpose and classification of pipelines and equipment of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. NPP equipment and pipeline groups; categories of welded joints. Categories of steam and hot water pipelines. Manufacturing, enlargement and installation of pipelines, structures and technological equipment.

1.2 Materials science.

General information about metals, alloys and their properties. Types of steels, their characteristics, the concept of micro- and macrostructure, the relationship between the structure and properties of steel. Technological features of various steel grades and areas of their application. Steels and alloys used for the manufacture of thermomechanical equipment, pipelines and structures of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. Influence of physical and mechanical properties of steel (alloy) on the choice of non-destructive testing method. Basic concepts about destructive testing methods of metals and alloys; methods of destructive testing and areas of their application.

1.3 General information about welding and heat treatment of welded joints.

Welding methods used in the manufacture, installation and repair of equipment and pipelines of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. Welding materials and areas of their application. Heat treatment of welded joints of products and its purpose. Influence heat treatment on the properties of welded joints. Welded joints. Types of welded connections of pipelines; requirements for structural forms of welded joints. The main zones of a welded joint are: weld metal, fusion zone, heat-affected zone and base metal. The influence of the structural features of the welded joint and the metal of the product on the choice of non-destructive testing methods.

1.4 Types of defects (discontinuities) in welded joints and base metal.

Concept - discontinuity (defect). Classification of defects in welded joints and base metal of products. External (surface) and internal defects. Planar and volumetric defects. Types of defects, causes of their occurrence in welded joints and base metal of products; characteristic types of defects inherent in various welding methods. Measures to prevent the occurrence of defects. The influence of defects on the properties and technological strength of the base metal and welded joints. Methods for correcting defects. Control methods, scope of control and standards for assessing the quality of corrected sections of welded joints. Number of corrections in the same area.

1.5 Technical requirements for the quality of welded joints and base metal.

General requirements for the quality of the welded joint and the base metal of the product. Incoming quality control of base and welding metals. PDD requirements for control during preparation, assembly, welding (surfacing), heat treatment and when correcting defects. Technical requirements for structural forms and location of welded joints on the product. Acceptance quality control of welded joints. NTD requirements for the quality of welded joints of thermal power plant and nuclear power plant products.

1.6 Basic methods of quality control of welded joints (surfacing) of products.

Methods for monitoring welded joints (surfacing) and base metal of products using non-destructive (physical) and destructive (laboratory) testing methods. Areas of their application and physical essence. Visual and measuring control of welded joints (cladding) and base metal of products. Non-destructive testing methods: capillary, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, radiographic and tightness (gas and liquid). General information about destructive testing methods of welded joints. Advantages and disadvantages of non-destructive testing methods. Integrated use of methods for monitoring welded joints (surfacing) and the base metal of products.