Download presentation symbols of military honor and glory. Presentation for the life safety lesson “The battle flag of a military unit is a symbol of military honor, valor and glory.” The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded for services to the state and people related to the great

The combat banner of a military unit, awarded to divisions, brigades, regiments, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons) and equal military units, as well as military educational institutions, is the official symbol and military relic of the military unit, personifies its honor, valor, glory and military traditions , indicates the purpose of the military unit and its affiliation with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The combat banner of a military unit, awarded to divisions, brigades, regiments, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons) and equal military units, as well as military educational institutions, is the official symbol and military relic of the military unit, personifies its honor, valor, glory and military traditions , indicates the purpose of the military unit and its affiliation with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

1. Approve the Regulations on the Battle Banner of the military unit; 3. Recognize as invalid the section “Battle Banner of the Military Unit” of the Internal Service Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1993 N 2140 “On approval of general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”

Federal Law 68-FZ of May 7, 2007 “On the Banner of Victory” In order to perpetuate the people’s feat in the Great Patriotic War, in commemoration of the merits of soldiers of the Soviet Armed Forces to the Fatherland and as a token of gratitude from descendants to the victors of the fascist invaders, this Federal Law establishes the status of the Banner of Victory , legal basis for its storage and use.

Arseny Nesmelov

  • “... And with the battalion there was a banner,
  • And the lieutenant prayed in a terrible hour,
  • So that the sky closes down on us,
  • So that God will save our shrine..."
The Battle Banner of a military unit is a symbol of military honor, valor and glory. In ancient times, the original role of the banner
  • Performed certain figures (eagle, owl, etc.),
  • placed at the top of the shaft, and from the 9th century. a banner is a piece of cloth attached to a pole
In the Russian army, carrying the banner to the unit is always
  • Met with great honors
  • The regiment took weapons on guard, the officers saluted, the music played, the drummers beat the march
The banner is the soul of the army
  • The banner is a great symbol of the immortal defense of the Motherland
  • Many people, at the risk of their lives, preserved and carried the unit’s banner out of battle without losing the honor of their military unit.
In the “Regulations on the Battle Banner of a Military Unit”,
  • Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 14122, it is determined:
Battle banner of a military unit,
  • awarded to divisions, brigades, regiments, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons) and their equal military units, as well as military educational institutions of professional education,...
  • the official symbol and military relic of a military unit, personifies its honor, valor, glory and military traditions, indicates the purpose of the military unit and its affiliation with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies
The battle flag is awarded to a military unit
  • In a solemn ceremony, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, by a representative of the relevant federal executive body, which provides for military service
  • when forming a military unit;
  • when the Battle Banner was replaced due to its dilapidation, significant damage, as well as due to the approval of new models of battle banners;
  • when restoring the right of a military unit to a new Battle Banner, if the Battle Banner was previously lost due to the fault of the personnel of the military unit
When presenting a military unit with a battle flag
  • she is given a Certificate from the President of the Russian Federation to the Battle Banner.
When assigning a military unit
  • The title “Guards” is awarded to her with St. George banner ribbons and a pommel
  • The battle banner with St. George banner ribbons and a pommel is called the “St. George Banner” and is the highest insignia of a military unit
To the battle banner of the military unit,
  • awarded with orders of the USSR and foreign countries, their order banner ribbons are attached.
  • The Battle Banner is always with the military unit, and the combat area is in conditions that preclude the capture of the Battle Banner by the enemy
Military personnel of a military unit in cases
  • Threats of losing the Battle Banner are obliged to take all possible measures to save it, selflessly and courageously defend the Battle Banner in battle and prevent it from being captured by the enemy
In exceptional cases in case of immediate danger
  • capture of the enemy's Battle Banner and the absence of a real possibility of its protection and rescue. The Battle Banner is subject to destruction by order of the commander (chief) of the military unit.
Military personnel responsible for the loss of the Battle Banner,
  • are held accountable on the grounds and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
If the loss of the Battle Banner occurred
  • due to the fault of the personnel of the military unit, it is deprived of all its distinctions.
  • The decision to restore the right of a military unit to a new Battle Banner is made by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the relevant federal body in recognition of the new merits of the military unit.
In the "Charter of Internal Service"
  • (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495) states: “A serviceman must ... protect the Battle Banner”)
! conclusions
  • Military units (starting from the regiment and above) have Battle Banners
  • The status of the Battle Banner in our country is defined in the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and in the “Regulations on the Battle Banner of a Military Unit”
  • The Battle Banner is presented to the military unit on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation
  • The highest insignia of a military unit is the “St. George Banner”
? Questions
  • What is the purpose of the Battle Banner for a military unit?
  • What is the role of the unit’s Battle Banner in instilling high moral and combat qualities in a warrior?
  • In what cases is the Battle Banner taken to a military unit?
  • Why is a military unit that has lost its Battle Banner subject to disbandment? Justify your answer.
  • Using the section “Additional materials” and other literature, prepare a message “History of the military banner in different eras”
Additional materials on the topic PAGES OF HISTORY
  • Among the ancient Slavs, until the end of the 15th century, banners were called banners.
  • With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the face of Jesus Christ was placed on the banner
  • Before the battle, on their knees they prayed for victory and salvation at the sacred banner, like an icon.
  • The banner, dug into the ground with its shaft during the battle, indicated the prince's headquarters and the center of the battle formation.
  • A fallen banner meant defeat
In the 18th century, Peter I established the shape and design of the banner with appropriate colors for various parts
  • The significance of the banner has always been enormous.
  • It has always been believed that the banner is the emblem of honor of the regiment, the emblem of honor of those who gathered under it
  • Honor and Motherland - two closely related ideas embodied in a military sign.
  • Every warrior must sacrifice his life to defend the banner
  • The role of the military banner is to establish a connection between the present and the past, in order to make the former worthy of our glorious history.
The cult of the banner was defined in the Military Regulations of Peter I.
  • The oath of allegiance to the service of the Sovereign and the State was taken by the soldiers under the dissolved banners with the acceptance of the obligation “... never to leave the company and the banner, but while I am alive, I will certainly follow it voluntarily and faithfully, as my honor pleases me, I will follow with my life... The one who does not protect his banner until the last hour of his life; he is not worthy to bear the name of a soldier.”
In the Russian army, soldiers were taught
  • that the banner is a sacred military banner, under which all warriors faithful to their duty are gathered and with which they go into battle with the enemy.
  • The banner was a reminder to the soldier that he had sworn an oath to serve the Motherland until his very life.
  • The greatest shame for the unit was the loss of its banner.
  • Such a unit was disbanded, and the people who were directly entrusted with guarding the banner were subject to the death penalty.
Military banners appeared in the Red Army in 1918.
  • The Honorary Revolutionary Red Banners became the first official Soviet state collective award.
  • Already on August 20, 1918. The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved the first Resolution on awarding the Honorary Revolutionary Banner with the Red Banner - it was received “for the selfless and brave defense of the city of Kazan” by the 5th Zemgale Latvian Regiment.
  • Subsequently, many distinguished units of the Red Army were awarded Banners of Honor
  • In June 1926, a single model of banners was approved for units of the Red Army
  • February 5, 1944 New models of military banners of the Red Army and Navy were approved
  • Since 1975, the Military Banner began to be called the Battle Banner
Thank you for your attention.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

The Battle Banner of a military unit is a symbol of military honor, valor and glory. Life Safety Instructor and Organizer Degtyarev A.I.

2 slide

Slide description:

The combat banner of a military unit is a sign that unites a military unit and indicates its belonging to the armed forces of the state. The presentation of the Battle Banner, St. George banner ribbons and pommel to the military unit is a military ritual.

3 slide

Slide description:

In ancient times, the role of a banner was initially performed by certain figures (eagle, owl, etc.) placed at the top of the staff, and from the 9th century. A banner is a piece of cloth attached to a pole. In battles, banners indicated the location of military leaders and individual units. In the Russian army, bringing the banner to the unit was always met with great honors. The regiment took up arms on guard, the officers saluted, the orchestra played, the drummers beat the march. The banner is the soul of the army. The banner is a great symbol of the immortal defense of the Motherland. Many people, at the risk of their lives, preserved and carried the unit’s banner out of battle without losing the honor of their military unit. The “Charter of Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495) states: “A serviceman must... protect the Battle Banner of a military unit.”

4 slide

Slide description:

The “Regulations on the Battle Banner of a Military Unit” defines: “The Battle Banner of a military unit, awarded to a military unit, is the official symbol and military relic of the military unit, personifies its honor, valor, glory and military traditions, indicates the purpose of the military unit and its affiliation with The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

5 slide

Slide description:

The Battle Banner is presented to a military unit in a solemn ceremony on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation by a representative of the relevant federal executive body, which provides for military service: when forming a military unit; when replacing the Battle Banner due to its dilapidation, significant damage, as well as in connection with the approval of new models of battle banners; when restoring the right of a military unit to a new Battle Banner, if the loss of the Battle Banner previously occurred due to the fault of the personnel of the military unit.

6 slide

Slide description:

When a military unit is awarded the Battle Banner, it is given a Certificate of the President of the Russian Federation for the Battle Banner. When a military unit is given the name “Guards,” it is given St. George banner ribbons and a pommel. The Battle Banner with St. George banner ribbons and pommel is called the “St. George Banner” and is the highest insignia of a military unit. Their order banner ribbons are attached to the Battle Banner of a military unit awarded with orders from domestic and foreign countries.

7 slide

Slide description:

The Battle Banner is always with a military unit, and in the area of ​​combat operations - in conditions that exclude the capture of the Battle Banner by the enemy. In the event of a threat of loss of the Battle Banner, military personnel of a military unit are obliged to take all possible measures to save it, selflessly and courageously defend the Battle Banner in battle and prevent it from being captured by the enemy. In exceptional cases, when there is an immediate danger of capture of the Battle Banner by the enemy and there is no real possibility of protecting and saving it, the Battle Banner is subject to destruction by order of the commander (chief) of the military unit.

Compiled by:

Battle Banner

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. at

about the title of Hero of the Russian Federation

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"
created for
rewarding citizens for
particularly outstanding
services to
state related
development of Russian
achievements in work,
strengthening peace,
friendship and cooperation
between peoples, for
significant contribution to the business
defense of the Fatherland.

Order of Zhukov
The Order was established by Presidential Decree
Russian Federation dated March 6, 1995
The Order of Zhukov is awarded to:
commanders of fronts and armies, their
deputies, chiefs of staff, chiefs
operational departments and operational
departments, heads of military branches of the fronts and
armies, commanders of corps, divisions, brigades,
awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union
or awarded orders for distinction in
leadership of troops during combat
operations during the Great Patriotic War
wars of 1941-1945;
commanders of fleets, flotillas and their
deputies, commanders of squadrons, naval bases, brigades, awarded the title of Hero
Soviet Union or awarded orders
for holding together with the Red Army
military operations during the Great
Patriotic War of 1941-1945;
senior officers, as well as
senior officers in the position of commander
divisions (brigades) and higher of the Armed Forces
Russian Federation for merits in the development and
their successful conduct of major operations in
period of military operations to defend the Fatherland.
The Order of Zhukov is awarded
by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
The Order of Zhukov is worn on the right side

Order of Courage
The Order of Courage is awarded
citizens for their dedication,
courage and courage shown during
saving people, protecting public
order, in the fight against crime, in
times of natural disasters, fires,
disasters and other emergencies
circumstances, as well as for courageous and
decisive actions taken
during military performance,
civil or official duty in
conditions associated with risk for
The Order of Courage is worn on the left

orders of the Russian Federation
located after
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"
IV degree.

Order of Military Merit
The Order of Military Merit is awarded to
military personnel:
for exemplary performance of military duty
military personnel of subordinates
divisions, units, formations,
impeccable performance of their duties
responsibilities and achieving high combat
for the high combat readiness of troops and
ensuring the defense capability of the Russian
for high personal performance at work
activities, courage and courage shown
when performing military duty;
for services in strengthening the military commonwealth and
military cooperation with friendly
Awarding the Order of Military Merit
is carried out for the specified merits and at
subject to conscientious service of at least 10
calendar years.
The Order of Military Merit is worn on the left
side of the chest and in the presence of other orders
Russian Federation is located after
Order of Courage.

Order of Honor
The Order of Honor is awarded
citizens for excellence in
state, industrial,
scientific research, sociocultural, public and
charitable activities,
allowed significantly
improve people's living conditions by
merits in preparation
highly qualified personnel,
education of the younger generation,
maintaining the rule of law and
law and order
The Order of Honor is worn on the left
side of the chest and if there are other
orders of the Russian Federation
located after the Order "For
military merits."

Order of Friendship
The Order of Friendship is awarded
citizens for their great contribution to
strengthening friendship and
cooperation between nations and
nationalities, high achievements in
development of economic and
scientific potential of Russia, for
particularly fruitful activity
on rapprochement and mutual enrichment
cultures of nations and nationalities,
strengthening peace and friendly
relations between states.
The Order of Friendship is worn on the left
side of the chest and if there are other
orders of the Russian Federation
located after the Order of Honor.

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"
I degree
II degree
This is a government
award from the Russian Federation
Established by Decree
President of the Russian
dated March 2, 1994
№ 442.
By Presidential Decree
Russian Federation
dated June 1, 1995 No. 554
a new one was approved
edition of the Regulations on

Medal of Honor"
State award of the USSR and
Russian Federation. Was established 17
October 1938 to reward soldiers
Soviet Army, Navy
and border guards for personal courage and
courage in battles with the enemies of the Soviet Union
when protecting integrity
state borders or when fighting against
saboteurs, spies and others
enemies of the Soviet state.
Among the first recipients of this medal
there were border guards N. Gulyaev and F.
Grigoriev, who detained a group of saboteurs
near Lake Khasan.
By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
dated March 2, 1992 No. 2424-1 medal
remained in the Russian Federation award system.
Re-established by Decree
President of the Russian Federation from 2
March 1994 No. 442.

Medal "Defender of Free Russia"
The medal is awarded
President of the Russian Federation.
Medal "Defender of Free Russia"
awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation,
foreign citizens and stateless persons for
courage shown in defending the constitutional
building during the period
coup attempts August 19-21 1
, for services in implementing democratic
transformations, economic and political
reforms, strengthening of Russian statehood,
for his contribution to solving national problems.
Presentation for awarding the medal "Defender"
free Russia" and its delivery is made in
the procedure established by the current
legislation on
state awards of the Russian Federation.
This medal is worn on the left side of the chest and
the presence of orders and medals is located after
Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War"
war 1941-1945."

Medal "For saving the dead"
This medal is awarded
citizens for salvation
people during natural disasters
disasters, on the water, under
earth, when extinguishing
fires and other
She wears it on the left
side of the chest and
availability of other medals
Russian Federation
located after
"For courage."

Suvorov Medal
The Suvorov Medal is awarded
military personnel for personal courage and
courage shown in defense of the Fatherland
and state interests of the Russian
Federations in combat on land,
during combat service and combat
duty, during exercises and maneuvers, during
performing security service
Russian state border
Federation, as well as for excellent
indicators in combat training and field
The Suvorov medal is worn on the left
side of the chest and if there are other
medals of the Russian Federation
located after the medal “For Rescue
those who died."

Ushakov Medal
State award of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from
March 3, 1944.
By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1992
Medal No. 2424-1 was retained in the Russian Federation award system.
Established again by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated
March 2, 1994 No. 442.
The Ushakov medal was awarded to sailors and soldiers, foremen and
sergeants, midshipmen and warrant officers of the Navy and
naval units of the border troops for courage and bravery,
demonstrated during the defense of the socialist Fatherland at sea
theaters, both in war and peacetime.
The Ushakov medal was awarded for personal
courage and bravery demonstrated by:
in battles with the enemies of the socialist Fatherland at sea
when protecting the state maritime border of the USSR;
when performing combat missions of ships and units of the Navy and border troops;
when performing military duty in conditions associated with
risk to life.
The Ushakov medal is worn on the left side of the chest and, if available,
other medals of the USSR is located after the medal “For Courage”.

Nesterov Medal
State award of the Russian Federation.
The Nesterov Medal is awarded to military personnel
Air Force, aviation branches and branches of troops
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and
internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs
Federations, civil aviation flight personnel and
aviation industry for personal courage and bravery,
demonstrated in defense of the Fatherland and state
interests of the Russian Federation, while carrying out combat
service and combat duty, during exercises and maneuvers; behind
special achievements in development, operation and maintenance
aviation technology, high professional skills
aircraft navigation; for excellent performance in combat
training and aerial training.
The Nesterov medal is worn on the left side of the chest and
availability of other medals of the Russian Federation
located after the Ushakov medal.

Medal "For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border"
Awarded to military personnel of border guard agencies and
border troops, other military personnel, as well as other citizens.
Awarded the medal “For Distinction in the Protection of State
borders" is produced:
for military exploits and special merits shown during the protection
state border of the Russian Federation;
for courage and dedication shown in hostilities
when detaining violators of the Russian state border
for skillful leadership of the combat operations of the border detachment during
protection of the inviolability of the Russian state border
for high vigilance and proactive actions, as a result
of whom state border violators were detained
Russian Federation;
for the skillful organization of the border service and exemplary work on
strengthening the state border of the Russian Federation;
for impeccable service in protecting the state border
Russian Federation;
for active assistance to border authorities and border troops in
their work to protect the state border of the Russian Federation.
The medal "For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border" is worn on
left side of the chest and in the presence of other medals of the Russian
Federation is located after the Nesterov medal.

Jubilee medal "50 years of Victory in
Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
The medal was established by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5336-1 of July 7, 1993.
Jubilee medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."
are awarded:
military personnel and civilians who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces
USSR forces took part in combat operations on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War,
partisans of the Great Patriotic War, members of the underground, military personnel and
civilians who served during the Great Patriotic War in
Armed Forces of the USSR,
persons awarded medals "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War"
war 1941-1945", "For victory over Japan", as well as persons with
certificate for the medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War
1941-1945" or a certificate of war participant;
Home front workers awarded for selfless work during the Great Patriotic War
Patriotic War orders of the USSR, medals "For valiant labor in the Great
Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” “For Labor Valor,” “For Labor Distinction,”
“For the defense of Leningrad”, “For the defense of Moscow”, “For the defense of Odessa”, “For the defense
Sevastopol", "For the defense of Stalingrad", "For the defense of Kyiv", "For the defense of the Caucasus",
"For the defense of the Soviet Arctic", as well as persons with the sign "To the Resident
besieged Leningrad" or a certificate for the medal "For valiant labor in
Great Patriotic War 1941-1945";
former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places
forced detention created by the fascists and their allies during the period
Second World War;
citizens who worked for at least six months in the period from June 22, 1941 to
May 9, 1945, excluding the time of work in areas temporarily occupied
Presentation of the anniversary medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." made on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation:
persons who left the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Federation, - military commissariats at the place of residence;
persons who left the troops and internal affairs bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation,
troops and state security bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation, military commissariats at the place of residence or the corresponding

Zhukov medal
The medal was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
No. 930 of May 9, 1994
The Zhukov Medal is awarded to military personnel and persons
civilian personnel of the Red Army, Navy,
NKVD troops, partisans, members of the underground for bravery,
perseverance and courage shown in combat against the Nazi invaders, Japanese militarists, and in
commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of G.K. Zhukova.
The basis for the award is the documents
confirming direct participation in the Great
Patriotic War of 1941-1945 as part of the current
army or in combat against Japan.
The Zhukov medal is presented on behalf and on behalf of
President of the Russian Federation by heads of bodies
state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads
administrations of districts, cities, military commissars and
military leaders.
Persons awarded the Order of Zhukov do not receive the Zhukov medal
is awarded.
The Zhukov Medal is awarded to military personnel of the Ministry
defense of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments, in
which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for
military service, for courage and courage shown in combat
actions in defense of the Fatherland and state interests
Russian Federation.
Military personnel are awarded the Zhukov medal in
in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on State Awards
of the Russian Federation as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
Federation dated June 1, 1995 N0 554 “On amendments to
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1994 N 0 442
"On state awards of the Russian Federation."
The Zhukov medal is worn on the left side of the chest and is located
after the anniversary medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

Insignia "For Impeccable Service"
This badge is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation
Federations elected or appointed to office in
in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and
federal laws, as well as state
Awarded with the insignia “For Impeccable Service”
is made for a specific contribution to development
Russian statehood, other fruitful
activities that brought significant benefits
To the Fatherland.
If there are merits, they are presented for awards
insignia “For Impeccable Service”:
military personnel who have served impeccably for at least
15 calendar years and awarded the order or
medal for personal courage and courage shown during
fulfilling military duty; XX, XXV, XXX, XL, L
(years) - citizens who have served impeccably
respectively 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 years and awarded
state award.
Military personnel are awarded the insignia “For
impeccable service" on the St. George ribbon, others
citizens - on the ribbon of the Order of Merit
The insignia “For Impeccable Service” is worn on
on the left side of the chest and in the presence of orders and medals
is located below them.

Medal "Gold Star"
State award of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Installed
since 1939 as an additional insignia to
title of Hero of the Soviet Union. After the breakup
Soviet Union medal restored in 1992
as a badge of honor for the title of Hero of Russia.
The medal was established on August 1, 1939 by Decree
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "O
additional insignia for Heroes
Soviet Union" for citizens awarded
highest degree of distinction - rank
"Hero of the Soviet Union". Originally medal
also called "Hero of the Soviet Union"
however, according to the Decree
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 16
1939, an amendment was made to articles 2-4 of the Decree of 1
August; from now on it began to be called a medal
"Golden Star".
The design of the medal was developed by the chief artist
State Sign I. I. Dubasov.
On November 4, 1939, the medal for
No. 1 Hero of the Soviet Union pilot
A. V. Lyapidevsky, awarded the high title
back in 1934.