Air conditioning systems for hospitals, pharmacies, clinics. Air conditioning systems for clean rooms. Ventilation of clean rooms Requirements for ventilation of clean rooms

In the design of any clean room, a significant place is given to the ventilation system. The ability to maintain the required level of cleanliness without special effort. Improperly equipped cleanroom ventilation can ruin all efforts to equip them.

Our company has been specializing in the design and installation of air flow circulation and purification systems for clean rooms for a long time, so our employees use exclusively modern techniques and tools. And this is the key to successful and long-lasting service of the system as a whole.

ISO class
(classification number N)

Limits of maximum concentrations (particles/m3 of air) of particles with sizes equal to and larger than those given below, microns

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 1,0 5,0
Class1 ISO 10 2 - - - - nd
Class2 ISO 100 24 10 4 - - nd
Class3 ISO 1 000 237 102 35 8 - nd
Class4 ISO 10 000 2 370 1 020 352 83 - nd
Class5 ISO 100 000 23 700 10 200 3 520 832 29 5+
Class6 ISO 1 000 000 237 000 102 000 35 200 8 320 293 50
Class7 ISO - - - 352 000 83 200 2 930 100
Class8 ISO - - - 3 520 000 832 000 29 300 100
Class9 ISO - - - 35 200 000 8 320 000 293 000 500

What is installation of clean room ventilation?

This element of building equipment requires the creation of increased cleanliness conditions; modern systems have now been developed to ensure air circulation and filtration. For this purpose it is used a large number of elements directly to ensure air supply and exhaust, a group of filters and equipment for dispatch control.

All this must be in a clean room without fail, since this equipment allows you to solve a group of important problems:

    Maintaining aerosol particles in the air within acceptable limits.

    Control and creation of indicators of the correct microclimate in the room such as humidity, temperature, air mobility.

    Preventing the occurrence of pressure differences between clean rooms and the rooms that border them.

    Regular supply to the premises clean air and removal of air stagnant there.

With the help of innovative systems, all this works automatically and does not require special efforts on the part of premises workers. Manufacturers of modern ventilation equipment guarantee a long service life and constantly improve it so that the operation of the devices creates a minimum of noise and does not interfere with the comfortable stay of people in the room.

How the system works

The ventilation of the clean room works properly and allows you to ensure all standard indicators thanks to the correct organization of all elements of the system:
  • · Before air enters the room, it goes through 4 stages of filtration using 4 different filters, each of which cleans the flow from a specific group of contaminants.
  • · A laminar air flow is provided, which allows for the directional movement of purified air, which in turn removes aerosol particles from the existing air.

    The main element of the entire installation is the system central air conditioning, created in a special “hygienic” design. This is where most of the air purification and preparation processes take place.

    · Equipment for automation and dispatching of the entire system, which includes a lot of sensors for monitoring indicators, elements of remote command transmission, etc., makes it easy to manage and maintain constant cleanliness in the room.

The operating status of all devices in the system after its commissioning is easily monitored by employees working in the room, and if there are any deviations in operation or emergency situations, the software will promptly report this.

The main task for proper functioning similar equipment is competent initial design and installation. Otherwise, the owners and employees do not have the slightest problem.

Features of offers from our company

We will help each client avoid mistakes in the preparation and installation of ventilation equipment, since the company employs only specialists of the highest category. In addition, the product catalog contains exclusively modern and reliable elements of ventilation systems.

If you contact us, you will receive:

    · A system integrated with related systems such as power supply, software, etc.

    · Energy-efficient equipment that will operate with minimal electricity costs and, accordingly, financial investments.

    · Equipment that operates with minimal noise and does not create discomfort for everyone in the room.

    · Reliable room equipment with quality certificates and a guarantee.

Our specialists will help you choose the optimal solution for each specific room, which will reduce financial investments and achieve maximum efficiency work. All this allows us to say that ventilation systems, ordered from us, will last long years and won't create problems.

With the increasing volume of construction in our country of healthcare facilities, laboratories, enterprises for the production of microelectronics, medicines etc., the demand for ventilation systems for “clean rooms”, which will be discussed in this publication, has sharply increased.

Clean room concept

A clean room (CH) is usually called a room or group of rooms with all related structures, in which the countable concentration of suspended particles and microorganisms in the air mixture is maintained at a strictly defined level, determined by GOST ISO 14644-1-2002; SNiP 41-01-2003(8); sanitary standards and the required cleanliness class. The USA, Germany, France, Great Britain and the European Union have their own standards for the purity of the air mixture.

Depending on the countable number of suspended particles ranging in size from 0.1 to 5.0 microns per 1 m 3 in a state of emergency, and the concentration of microorganisms in it, 9 classes of sterility have been defined.

Based on the maximum permissible concentration of microorganisms, class 5 iso is divided into two subtypes:

  • “A” - maximum permissible concentration of microorganisms no more than 1/m 3;
  • “B” - maximum permissible concentration of microorganisms no more than 5/m 3.

For an emergency, its iso class and state are used: “operated”; "built" and "equipped".

Equipment for creating “clean air exchange”

Creating competent ventilation and air conditioning systems for clean rooms is a complex process that requires knowledge of the features of air exchange, special equipment and specific technical solutions.

The air in such a room must be supplied already purified of contaminants, bacteria and microorganisms, therefore a special role in creating a sterile microclimate in “clean rooms” is played by a filtration system for the supply air mixture. A popular cleaning system is the installation of three groups of filter elements after the blower fan:

  1. The first group consists of a coarse filter to remove mechanical impurities.
  2. The second group of filters consists of a set of fine filter elements and an antibacterial filter.
  3. The third group consists of HEPA microfilters with absolute purification supply air.

In addition to filter elements, the ventilation of clean rooms involves: fans, air intake and air distribution equipment, automatic maintenance devices required humidity and temperature, shut-off and control equipment, airlocks, etc. The choice of a particular set of equipment depends on the purpose of the emergency and the air cleanliness class required for the operation of this facility.

When designing emergency ventilation systems, much attention is paid to the design and coating of air ducts and filter chambers, which must undergo periodic antimicrobial treatment.

Features of air exchange

To maintain air purity, in technologically clean rooms ventilation with an excess volume of inflow should be used, compared to the exhaust in adjacent rooms.

  • If the room has no windows, then the inflow should prevail over the exhaust by 20%.
  • If the emergency situation has windows that allow infiltration, then the air supply capacity should be 30% higher than the hood.

It is this air exchange system that prevents the penetration of contaminants and ensures the movement of air from the clean room to the adjacent rooms. Much attention by designers is paid to the methods of supplying the air mixture to such objects and depends on their purpose.

The inflow into emergency situations with cleanliness class from 1 to 6 must be supplied by an air distribution device from top to bottom, creating uniform unidirectional air flows of low speed, from 0.2 to 0.45 m/s. In rooms with a lower cleanliness class, it is possible to create a non-unidirectional flow through several ceiling diffusers. The air exchange rate for emergency situations is set depending on their purpose, from 25 to 60 times per hour.

Most common schemes

When designing ventilation for clean rooms, one of the major problems is proper organization air mixture flows. Today, designers use several solutions for the location of air distribution devices, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the emergency. Let's consider the most common schemes for organizing ventilation in the operating room.

  • A) unidirectional air flow through an inclined ventilation grille;
  • B) non-unidirectional flow of air mixture is produced through the use of ceiling diffusers;
  • B) supply air is supplied to the operating room through a perforated ceiling panel with the creation of a vertical unidirectional air flow;
  • D) the supply air mixture is supplied through the ceiling air distributor, which creates a unidirectional air flow in work area;
  • D) the air is not unidirectional through the ring air hose.

Exhaust ventilation of clean rooms in operating rooms is carried out using exhaust fans and overflow wall grids with check valves.

As practice has shown, the best device for creating unidirectional laminar air flow in the operating room is ceiling-type mesh air distributors. For example, a laminar ceiling with dimensions of 1.8 by 2.4 m in an operating room with an area of ​​40 m 2 will create a 25-fold air exchange with an air exit speed from the device of 0.2 m/s. These indicators are sufficient to assimilate excess heat from the operation of equipment and the number of personnel in the operating room.

Designing ventilation and air conditioning systems in emergency situations is a complex process that requires knowledge of air exchange processes and the intricacies of using air distribution equipment. That is why, to create ventilation at such facilities, you should contact only professionals.

FAVEA designs, supplies and installs ventilation and air conditioning systems for clean rooms, including control and dispatch units for these systems.

General principles

The main task of ventilation and air conditioning systems is to create and maintain the following parameters in clean rooms:

Air cleaning

Before being supplied to clean rooms, the air goes through a 4-stage filtration system. Coarse and fine filters are located in the central air conditioner. Ultra-fine filters, the so-called HEPA and ULPA filters, are located directly in the air distributors, i.e. before air enters the clean room. These filters are capable of capturing particles up to 0.01 µm in size.

Laminar air flow

Unidirectional (laminar) air flow is used to create local clean zones. IN this stream air movement occurs in one direction and “displaces” aerosol particles from the clean zone. Also, in a laminar flow there are no turbulences or mixing of air flows, which allows particles to remain in the flow field for a minimum time.

Laminar flow is ensured through the use of special laminar air distributors and laminar ceilings, which are part of the ventilation and air conditioning system.

Central air conditioner for clean rooms

The main element of any ventilation and air conditioning system is the central air conditioner - a device in which full preparation air before supplying it to the premises.

For clean rooms, central air conditioners in a special “hygienic” design are used.

A standard central air conditioner consists of a housing that contains the following elements: a set of filters, heat exchangers for heating, cooling and dehumidifying air, a humidifier, fans for supplying air to and removing air from the room.

Automation and dispatching of ventilation and air conditioning systems

To control central air conditioners, as well as the entire ventilation and air conditioning system, the complex provides automatic regulation, control and dispatch systems.

The automatic regulation and control system allows:

  • maintain and regulate basic system operating parameters, such as temperature, humidity, fan speed, pressure drops;
  • protect the heat exchangers of central air conditioners from freezing during low temperatures outside air;
  • signal the occurrence of emergency situations, such as fan failure or the need to replace the filter.

To organize the operation of such systems, they are mainly used various sensors, relays and programmable controllers that are an integral part of any modern system ventilation and air conditioning.

The dispatch system is used to display system operation data from controllers on the screen of a personal computer, with the ability to control system parameters from this computer.

FAVEA implements dispatch control systems as part of automated systems and integrates with external systems such as power supply, lighting, fire and security alarm, elevator equipment, etc. Dispatch systems provide, among other functions, multi-level user authorization, storage of parameters of all processes with maximum detail, constant monitoring of the availability of communication with controllers, the possibility of remote access via the Internet or via local network without special additional software, multilingual interface.

Automated systems are built on the basis of modern controllers, sensors, control valves and drives and electrical components from the world's leading manufacturers, such as Siemens, Sauter, Schneider Electric, Eaton, Legrand, Danfoss, Belimo and many others. etc.

Our systems are highly energy efficient thanks to to great attention given to the most precise adjustment of regulators, the use of modern control algorithms and the ability to set detailed operating schedules and automatically change set values.

Our specialists have extensive successful experience in solving non-standard automation problems various equipment, concept development and complex algorithms management to meet all customer requirements and wishes.