Education system in Thailand: pros and cons. Where to go to study. Higher education in Thailand

Education in Thailand

Thailand is one of the most popular resorts in the world, and recently many Russians have rated this country as the most suitable for permanent place accommodation. Please note that in Thailand you do not need to register anywhere, prepare numerous certificates and overcome bureaucratic red tape, as is done in Russia. This issue also concerns education. Schools in Thailand are not only directly Thai, but also Russian and multinational. Therefore, if you decide to move to this piece of paradise, then the interests of your child will not suffer.

The main features of education in Thailand.

Education in Thailand begins not at school, but in kindergarten. Here are the most different types nurseries, for example: with a mathematical bias, with the study of languages, games and some others. Pre-registration is required for international kindergartens, however, this is rare here. Please note that attendance can be not only constant, but also daily, that is, attend classes only a few times a week. The situation in Thailand regarding education is as liberal as possible. Schools in Thailand, like every kindergarten, have their own programs and plan. As a rule, they are divided into each semester - everything is completely planned in advance. There are also holidays in kindergartens, just like at school.

Key moment - academic year begins not in September, but in May and lasts until March. This happens because summer here is considered not in the usual months for us, but in April, when the hottest month begins. It is in April that the “local” New Year is celebrated. Holidays also take place in October, so children have time to relax. Some kindergartens are already called schools, but here it’s normal.

Local customs.

All schools in Thailand do not require vaccinations upon admission. Regarding nutrition, everything is also liberal. You can collect your child’s meals either with you or eat at the school itself. All food is prepared without traditional spices, so this is a plus for visiting Russians. You can bring your children to kindergarten or school yourself, or you can order a bus from home.

On average, visit educational institutions in Thailand it starts at 2-3 years. The younger groups study for one and a half to two and a half years. General classes must alternate with additional ones. You can choose drawing, music lessons and many others. After a child reaches a certain age, he is awarded the title of bachelor. It is worth noting that all kindergartens and schools in Thailand are required to wear a school uniform. Prestigious kindergartens even arrange exams and clearly monitor the progress of each child. If you do not want to send your child to kindergarten, then this is not at all necessary. Your child can begin education at the age of six, right from school. A kindergarten with nannies costs about 6 thousand baht per month, which is not much by local standards. In addition, you will have to buy a uniform, pay for food and travel.

Schools in Thailand have systematic classes, each lasting 40 minutes. Classes are diluted with mandatory time on the playground (this is for junior groups). Charging is carried out in the morning and after lunch. After lessons they organize additional classes. Their support is provided at the state level. In principle, the entire educational system is fully supported by the Ministry of Education and the state.

Thais love to show...

The Thai people, by nature, love to work for show. Your child will be met at the car and taken to the morning assembly, and in the evening they will also be escorted to the car. There will be a mandatory entry in the diary about how the student spent the day and what his progress is. Full loyalty will be ensured - no corporal punishment, although no fighting or bad behavior will be enforced with due severity.

Pattaya and features of local education.

The schools in greatest demand in Pattaya are The Regent's School, Satit Udomseuksa School and Wuttichot School. All subjects are studied carefully and in depth. For example, in the free English language the child will speak in three months, and after the same amount of time in Thai. In total, schools in Thailand are attended for nine years, and general education(including kindergarten attendance) is a total of 12 years. Next comes higher education.

Every school in Pattaya, as in other cities, includes "degrees" in education. For example, 3 years of the first and 3 years of the second intermediate levels - a total of six years. Elementary education also lasts six years. Schools in Thailand are also divided according to professional levels, there are also ones with an academic bias - here it’s up to you to choose where to send your child. If you are planning to receive higher education (its duration here is approximately 4 years), then you should immediately decide on an academic school. By the way, training is carried out immediately with the possibility of employment.

The school in Pattaya, like other educational institutions, includes compulsory attendance for the first six years. To enter the gymnasium, you must complete three more years of intermediate level. Next, knowledge tests are taken: simple or complicated (O-NET and A-NET). In total, training lasts either up to 14 years or up to 17 years. Interesting fact is that at the end of the semester each student can leave his opinion about the teacher. For example, “this teacher is very funny and always says what he knows...”. Most teachers try to make learning interesting and fun for the child.

Schools in Thailand are an ideal education with great prospects.

Education in Thailand is administered by the Ministry of Education. Constitution local residents free twelve-year schooling is guaranteed; for foreigners it will be paid, but if mom or dad is Thai, then the child can also study for free. There is no free preschool education, so sending a child to a nursery or kindergarten is only possible for a fee. There are many private low-cost organizations in the country, where the cost varies from three to seven thousand baht monthly. How more expensive garden, the higher the status of the educational institution and the more classes the child receives there.

Education in Thailand begins from the nursery. Children under three years old are taught modeling, drawing, writing, and all this in a playful way. Then, up to 6 years of age, if desired, children can attend kindergarten, where classes will continue; in some kindergartens, children even learn English. In kindergarten, children are already given homework. Upon leaving kindergarten, the child will have to take a test. Classes start at eight in the morning and end at four in the afternoon. On at this time nap and four meals a day.

From the age of six, a child goes to school, where he will spend 12 years, nine of which are compulsory, and the rest are optional. The academic year consists of two semesters. Children go to school not in the fall, as is customary here, but in May and study until October. This is followed by a month of rest, and from November to March - a new semester. The longest holidays begin in spring, but during this period there are many clubs and courses that children can attend voluntarily. They are also called summer school. There are many schools in Thailand with the British education system, where three semesters of education are provided, and long two-month holidays fall in the summer.

There are several levels of education at the school: from 6 to 8 years old - primary, from 9 to 11 years old - second, from 12 to 14 - third (during this period, children can choose special courses, the most popular are “mathematical”, “scientific”, “linguistic”), from 15 to 17 years old - the last level of secondary education. The final level is not mandatory, but it provides many opportunities, as it is divided into two directions: academic - it is chosen by those who plan to enter a university and professional - for those who are thinking of going further to work. There are also many gymnasiums in the country that combine both directions. At the end of their studies, students take a national exam.

It should be noted that in an exotic country, all educational institutions are divided into three types: state, bilingual (teaching is conducted in Thai and English) and international. Foreigners more often send their children to international schools, where education is considered better and leaving such a school provides more prospects in the future. After graduating from such a school, children receive American-style diplomas, but education here is quite expensive. Most a budget option- bilingual schools. Here the child will master Thai and English, but upon completion will receive a Thai diploma. Local private schools where additional disciplines are taught are interesting. It could be Chinese or Japanese languages, and instead of physical education, martial arts, football or tennis.

Please note that in Thailand foreign languages Only native speakers teach, so language teaching is of high quality. Also in schools there is a rule expressed in an old Thai proverb - any action should bring pleasure. For this reason, teachers try their best to keep children interested in lessons so that they never get bored. Therefore, Thai children usually love to go to school. The school day lasts from eight in the morning to three in the afternoon, one lesson takes 40 minutes. But even after school ends, many children stay for additional clubs and activities.

Thai schools are well equipped, but rural schools, are usually worse equipped than in cities. The standards of education there also suffer, especially with regard to the English language, so many schoolchildren prefer to travel 60-80 km to nearby cities to study. There are also over three hundred large schools in Thailand. Previously, training there was one of the best in the country, but in last years they began to lose their positions.

Higher education is also developed in Thailand. There are more than 80 state universities and about seventy private higher education institutions in the country. It is worth noting that there is no free higher education for anyone in the country. All universities are open to foreigners; in total, more than four hundred master's programs are offered, created specifically for foreign students. Teaching takes place in English or Thai, so you should take this into account before enrolling. Your language level will be checked before admission. Every year, about 20 thousand foreigners enroll in local universities. Most often they study in the following areas: business administration, marketing and international business. On entrance exams You have to write an essay and solve tests in mathematics.

The first year takes place in the form of adaptation; in the second, professional subjects are introduced, and classes are taught by specialists from Canada, the USA, and Australia. The student evaluation system is based on points. All interested students can take a master's course after completing the main program.

Education received in Thailand is valued in most developed countries, and it is also relatively inexpensive. An annual course at a university will cost an average of two to four thousand dollars. Foreign students are provided with a dormitory. The bulk of popular universities are located in Bangkok, but there are well-known ones in Phuket.

Another feature of Thai education is the uniform. They begin to wear it from infancy until the end of training at any level. Already in kindergarten, little girls wear red skirts and white blouses, and boys wear red shorts and white shirts. The school uniform is not so bright: dark blue or black long shorts and pale shirts with short sleeves for boys and dark knee-length skirts with white blouses for girls. The outfit is completed with knee socks and black shoes. Boys are allowed to wear long trousers in high school. Universities have white up and black down. Girls are allowed to dress in blouses and pleated skirts, and boys are allowed to wear long trousers, long sleeve shirts and blue ties. Teachers also wear uniforms - often they resemble military style.

From all of the above, one valuable conclusion can be drawn that education received in Thailand opens up new opportunities and future prospects.

What schools are there in Thailand, how to distinguish an international school from a Thai one with an English-language program and what documents are needed for admission - advice from an expat based on personal experience

Natalia Orlova lives in Thailand for 4 years, has two daughters, 6 and 4 years old, both study at St. Andrews International School in Pattaya: my husband and I decided a long time ago that we wanted to give our children an international education. First school, then university. And in order for children to have the opportunity to choose any university in the world, any specialty, it is important to lay the foundation at school.

What schools are there in Thailand?

🏡 Public Thai schools - education in such schools is conducted in Thai, the emphasis is on studying basic sciences (language, mathematics, science), and also a lot of attention is paid to religious and cultural education. In schools, wearing a uniform is mandatory; teachers are often quite strict and may use physical punishment. Education is free, Thai citizens and children who have one parent who is a Thai citizen can study. Sometimes children of foreigners are taken to school;

🏡 Private schools with Thai, English, American, Chinese and other educational programs. Here it is necessary to highlight paid and free schools(most often schools are free religious organizations- Christian, Muslim and so on and charitable foundations); Thai (with Thai and English-language programs) and international schools (certified according to the international education system, accredited by associations of international schools), as well as other national schools (Chinese and Singapore, for example).

The cost of education in a Thai private school starts from 30 thousand baht per year, in an international school from 200 thousand per year for junior classes - the older you are, the higher the price. A significant advantage of educating children in an international school is the fact that the child can continue studying in the same program (for example, IB) in any other country and from the same “place” - the program is standardized and in every corner of the planet children study according to the same program ( the only difference is additional subjects, which are mandatory in the country where the school is located. In Thailand, for example, these are Thai language lessons)

🏡 Russian schools. There are Russian educational centers in Pattaya, Samui and Phuket, but only high school at the Russian Embassy in Bangkok. Students in grades 1-9 can either attend an educational institution or undergo external training. You can take the Unified State Exam and receive secondary (complete) education at a school at the Russian Embassy in Laos.

“Our” person, who grew up in the days of state educational institutions, when lyceums, gymnasiums, even private ones, were strictly controlled by the Ministry of Education, has a very difficult time abroad, where the rules of commerce and tough business apply, and an organization called “school” may not be such at all is. So:

👆Each school in Thailand, regardless of whether it is public or commercial (private), Thai or with another educational program (Chinese, German, French, English, international) must have an appropriate license, be registered in the equivalent of the Russian district department of education and be controlled either by the Ministry of Education (Thai school) or ONESQA (an organization for certification and quality control of international schools - any school teaching in a non-Thai curriculum and certified in it).

Therefore, at school we ask for a license, screen it and then ask someone who knows Thai to translate. Too lazy to translate? Simple check: Only a licensed school registered in the district is authorized to issue Non-ED visas to students. If you are told that a school with a non-Thai program cannot issue a visa, they almost certainly have a different type of license - most often a la educational center. It's like going to a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation surgery, who has a license as a simple cosmetologist. I think you understand the analogy? 😜

All teachers in the school must either be Thai and have the appropriate education, or be foreigners and have the appropriate work permit and special visa. Are teachers working illegally? This means that if something happens, they are not responsible for the physical and emotional health of your children, nor for their education. Often, in so-called schools, teachers teach without teacher education, combining incompatible items (((

👆From the previous point it follows that a school certified in a non-Thai program and teaching according to it automatically becomes a contender for international status. And to be truly international, it must be a member of ONESQA and affiliated with the association of international schools ISAT. This is the first place where you should check the school for honesty. Go to the ISAT website and look for the required school in the list. No? They are blatantly fooling you! Hanging on concrete wall a sign “made of marble”, you can’t turn a wall into marble 😜

👆 Let's talk further about international schools. In addition to control by ONESQA and ISAT, schools undergo certification in the chosen training program and further quite serious control (this applies to the program itself, the equipment of the school, and the selection of teachers and their qualifications). The school declares itself to be a shoe school for the IB program - don’t be lazy to go to their website and check the school’s list of certified ones. Isn't the school on the list? This means that it is not licensed in this program and the quality of education is solely on the conscience of the school owners 😟, this also applies to other programs.

In addition, strict control is carried out by associations of international schools (inspections come to the school every 1-2 years, depending on the association and either confirm the status or deprive the school of its status), so do not be lazy to check the school in the lists of associations that the school has declared. Repeatedly I encountered a situation where school objective reasons were deprived of accreditation, and the school itself kept silent about it and joyfully told parents about its coolness.

What is an "international school"

Essentially, this is a school with a certified non-Thai curriculum, regulated and controlled by the non-governmental organization ONESQA, as well as associations of international schools and the organization that issued the program in which the school is taught, which provides high quality knowledge and preparation of children for adult life .

What is the difference between an international school and a private Thai school with, say, an English-language curriculum? Public Thai schools are strictly controlled by the Ministry of Education: both the subjects to be studied and the teachers (even if the children receive very weak knowledge). Private school, although it is regulated by the Ministry of Education, it is free to choose its own curriculum and hire teachers. If they wanted to hire a person without a pedagogical education, they took him. The owner, as they say, is a master. It's the same story with the training program. If a school is not certified, then it does not receive control over the quality of teaching, does not update and modernize the program in a timely manner, and teachers do not undergo advanced training.

With an international school, everything is different: schools are certified in the curriculum, undergo constant inspections and receive updates, they are controlled by both ONESQA and associations of international schools, which set strict requirements for compliance with standards - from the premises and equipment of the school to teachers and their qualifications.

Once again about the differences:
🎓 Curriculum: an international school provides education according to a specific program and is certified in it. It could be British, American, French, Chinese, Singaporean, IB program, etc.;

🎓 All teachers of the international school have specialized higher education, are certified teachers and constantly undergo advanced training. In an international school, a mathematics teacher cannot teach literature or history at the same time; ONLY and exclusively native speakers teach, no “upper intermediate” or anything else;

🎓 Most often, the school is part of a group of international schools, is a branch of a school in England, America, Singapore, etc., a school at a university, or is under the patronage international organization UNESCO or the embassy of a certain country (for example, a French school in Bangkok) - and this means additional control and additional experience, because schools share their effective findings in the field of teaching and creating environment for schoolchildren;

🎓 All international schools are accredited by associations of international schools. Obtaining such a status is not at all easy; years can pass from the moment of submitting the application to receiving accreditation; the school is carefully checked for compliance international standards education: classrooms and school equipment, norms for the number of children in groups, syllabus and qualifications of teaching staff.

List of major school associations in Southeast Asia

ISAT - International school association of Thailand, all international schools in Thailand are members of this association, the website has a list of schools indicating their accreditation

ONESQA - Office of National Education Standards and Quality Assessment, a Thai non-governmental organization for certification of international schools and verification of the conformity of their quality

CIS - Council of International school, one of the most influential and oldest associations of international schools, providing accreditation of educational levels, selection of teachers and control over the quality of education

COBIS - Council of British International Schools
FOBISSEA — Federation of British International Schools in South and South-East Asia
CfBT educational trust – Center of British Teachers Educational Trust
CIE - Cambridge International Examinations, Cambridge international schools - associations of international schools in British educational program

WASC - Western Association of Schools and Colleges
NEASC - New England Association of Schools and Colleges - associations of international schools according to the American educational program

IBO - International Baccalaureate Organization - organization for certification of educational institutions under the IB program (Primary Years, Middle Years, Diploma)

Which school to choose in Thailand

🎓 For many, one of the main criteria for choosing a school is its cost. This is understandable - we are accustomed to free public schools in our native countries, albeit with constant fees “for repairs”, “for holidays”, “for books” and so on. But in Thailand you have to pay for education. And now who has enough thickness of wallet for anything.

Regular Thai schools cost from 30 thousand baht per year, private schools with a Thai or English program - from 80 thousand baht per year, international schools - from 200 thousand baht per year, but most likely an annual course will cost you from 400 thousand baht. With each class, the cost of training increases; you need to pay separately for meals and transfers, additional classes, and excursions. I did not find out the cost of training in Russian centers and the school at the embassy;

🎓 The length of your stay in Thailand is the second very important factor in choosing an educational institution. If you have come to “overwinter” for several months, then it is worth considering the option of distance learning at your school, online learning, fortunately, this is becoming popular and there are at least a dozen sites associated with schools, and supplement it with a visit to a “summer” camp at one of the local schools (according to financial capabilities). If you want to spend several years in Thailand, then first ask yourself the question “what’s next”;

🎓 The same question “what next” is the third fundamental criterion when choosing a school. After living in the tropics for several years, do you plan to return home and the children will continue their education at a “Russian” school or go to university, or are you going to move further around the world and the children will receive education abroad? In the first case, I would recommend staying on distance learning/home learning or studying at a Russian school at the embassy. Or send him to a good private Thai school with an English curriculum and at the same time study standard subjects of our schools. There is no point in educating a child in an international school if he will not study abroad.

In the second case, there are options - if you are planning a long life in Thailand and studying for your children at local universities, choose a Thai or international school. Are you planning to move to China in the future? There are specialized Chinese, as well as other national, schools that prepare children before entering universities in a particular country. Your future is vague, but you won’t go back, or you immediately decided to give your children an international education - then it’s worth giving your treasures to an international school.

I would like to say a few more words about the fact that Russian education very different from Thai or international. On the one hand, in “our” schools they teach much more knowledge (including absolutely unnecessary), on the other hand, they pay little attention to health, harmonious growth and child development, communication skills, group work, practical applications skills and knowledge, oratory, the art of discussion, and generally do not prepare for life in the adult world. But this is exactly what an international school or a good private Thai school gives to children. And then the choice is yours!

International schools in Pattaya and prices for the 17-18 academic year for Year 1

📚 Regents International school Pattaya is one of the first oldest international schools in the city, operating since 1994 and located in the north of Pattaya. Education is conducted according to the British program from pre-nursery to year 13, additionally IB Diploma and IGCSE, part of the Nord Anglia Educational school group of schools. Accreditation: ONESQA, CfBT, CIS, FOBISIA, IBO, ISAT. Cost: from 478 thousand baht per year for Year 1

📚 St.Andrews International School Green Valley is the second international school in Pattaya, opened in 1996. Located south of the city towards Rayong in beautiful rolling hills. Education according to IB (PYP, MYP, Diploma) and the British program, IGCSE exams, is part of the Cognita schools group of schools. Accreditation: CfBT, ONESQA, CIS, FOBISIA, IBO, ISAT, Cambridge. Cost: from 488 thousand baht per year for Year 1

📚 Garden International school celebrates 22 years since its opening this year, located south of Pattaya towards Rayong. The British educational program from the first to the eleventh year, then IBD. Accreditation: ONESQA, CfBT, CIS, FOBISIA, IBO, ISAT, Cambridge. Cost: from 348 thousand baht per year for Year 1

📚 ISE International school is located north of Pattaya in the town of Laem Chabang and opened in 1994. The school operates according to the American educational program plus IBD. Accreditation: ONESQA, WASK, ISAT. Cost: from 431 thousand baht per year for Grade 1

📚 Mooltripakdee International School opened in 2010 in the north of Pattaya. Here children study from pre-school classes to Year 7 according to the British educational program with Montessori elements (kindergarten groups). Accreditation: ONESQA, ISAT, but this school is not included in any other international school association; I did not find information about certification in the British program. Cost: from 216 thousand baht per year for primary school

📚 Tara Pattana International School - new recently open school in the east of Pattaya. Education is conducted according to the British curriculum. Accreditation: ONESQA, ISAT, the school is a candidate for accreditation from CfBT and CIS. Cost: from 335 thousand baht per year for Year 1

📚 International School of Chonburi is a school north of Pattaya in the city of Bang Lamung, opened in 2009. Education for children from 2 to 10 years old (EY1-Y6) in English according to the national calendar (the country is not indicated, but I suspect that it is British 😜, but it’s worth checking with the school if anyone is interested). Accreditation: ISAT, ONESQA, no information about certification in the British program. Cost: 273 thousand baht per year for Year 1

International schools in Phuket and prices for the 17-18 academic year for Year 1

🎓 BIS - British International School Phuket was opened in 1996 in the west of the island and is a boarding school with the possibility of living. British educational program plus IBD. Accreditation: CIS, NEASC, ISAT, FOBISIA, BSA, ONESQA, Cambridge. Tuition fee: 533 thousand baht per year for Year 1

🎓 Phuket International Academy was opened in 2008 in the northern part of the island not far from the main highway. IB educational program (PYP, MYP, Diploma). Accreditation: CIS, IBO, AFEC, ISAT, ONESQA. Tuition fee: 523 thousand baht per year for Grade 1

🎓 HeadStart International School opened in 2005 in the central part of the island. Education is conducted according to the British curriculum. Accreditation: Cambridge, CfBT, ISQM, ISAT, ONESQA. Tuition fee: 271 thousand baht per year for Year 1

🎓 Quality School International opened in 2005. Education is conducted according to the American program. Part of the QIS group of international schools. Accreditation: ISAT, ONESQA, MSA/CESS. Cost of education on request.

🎓 KIS - Kajonkiet International School Phuket was opened back in 1954, since 1999 it has opened an English education program. The school is located in the center of the island, not far from the main highway. Accreditation: ONESQA, ISAT, candidate for accreditation from CfBT. Tuition fee: 239 thousand baht per year for Year 1

All other educational institutions and schools in Phuket, even those with the word International in their names, are not international schools, are not accredited by associations of international schools and are not on the ISAT list.

International schools in Samui and prices for the 17-18 academic year for Year 1

🎓 International School of Samui is one of the oldest schools on the island, opened 20 years ago in the Bophut beach area. Educational program according to the British calendar starting from kindergarten and up to high school. ISS has agreements with leading British universities. Accreditation: ISAT, ONESQA, CfBT, COBIS, FOBISIA, Cambridge. Tuition fee: 323 thousand baht per year for Year 1

🎓 PanyaDee, the British School of Samui opened in 2005 on Chaweng Noi. Children are trained according to the British educational program. Accreditation: Cambridge International Examinations, the school is not part of ISAT, is not accredited by the associations of international schools and ONESQA. Tuition fee: 180 thousand baht per year for Year 1

‼️ LIS Lamai International School and SCL International School are not international: they are not certified in the Cambridge International Examinations program (although this is stated by SCL), are not accredited by ONESQA, ISAT and are not part of the association of international schools
‼️ Always check the school’s documentation, look for the institution you are interested in in the list of accredited schools of international associations and on the ISAT website, you should not trust the education of children to deceivers.

Studying abroad is always a difficult choice. There are many universities in Thailand that are willing to accept international students. Universities offer programs for different specialists, ranging from bachelors to doctors of science. It must be said right away that almost all programs are held in English and some in Chinese. Universities are located throughout the country - from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and from Khon Kaen to Phuket.

Most Thai universities operate according to the standards of the Thai Ministry of Education.

Usually the academic year consists of two semesters of 16 weeks with summer holidays:

  • 1st semester: June - October (5 months);
  • 2nd semester: November - March (5 months);
  • Summer holidays: April and May (2 months).

Some universities follow the British system:

  • 1st semester: August - December;
  • 2nd semester: January - May;
  • Summer holidays: May - August.

There are programs that offer training over three semesters without summer breaks (namely programs, not universities). This is usually practiced when the training lasts one year.

In addition to standard on-campus training, one university in Thailand offers online training. It is Assumption University of Thailand, which offers five different programs at once, involving distance learning. This type of training has become very popular around the world in recent years.

In addition to choosing a university, faculty and form of study, another issue arises - obtaining a student visa. To apply for a student visa, you must do the following:

  • Apply to the program that the student has chosen;
  • Fill out the “Letter of Acceptance” (the letter arrives from the university after the application has been processed);
  • Submit your visa documents to the Thai Embassy in your country of residence along with the Letter of Admission, a copy of your passport and photographs;
  • The first student visa is given for a period of 90 days; during this time, upon arrival in Thailand, the student is required to register and pay tuition for the relevant semester; only after this is it possible to apply for a visa extension for the entire period of study;
  • Regardless of how long a student stays in Thailand, it is mandatory to inform the migration service about his place of residence every 90 days.

It is worth noting here that you cannot legally work in Thailand with a student visa.

List of the best higher educational institutions in the Kingdom of Thailand (from left to right: Thai ranking, world ranking, name of the University):

  1. 166 Kasetsart University
  2. 200 Mahidol University
  3. 207 Chulalongkorn University
  4. 230 Chiang Mai University (Chiang Mai)
  5. 234 Khon Kaen University

Kasetsart University, or Kaset as it is also known, opened in 1943 and was the first to specialize in agricultural sciences, including social, economic and natural sciences. The university has 7 campuses throughout Thailand, with its flagship campus in Bangkok. Website:

Mahidol University, which opened in 1888 as the "School of Medicine", later became the School of Medicine educational institution. Mahidol offers 17 faculties, 6 colleges and 8 research centers. Website:

You can find out more about other universities on the official websites:

  • Chulalongkom University:
  • University of Chiag Mai:
  • Khon Kaen University:
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Every year more and more Russians come to Thailand and stay here for a year or more. Many of them are faced with the issue of their children's schooling. Despite the fact that Asian countries are often considered underdeveloped, their education system is high level. And to help you understand this issue in more detail and understand which school is best to send your child to, we will look at Thai, international and Russian schools in Thailand.

Thai schools are divided into two types: Thai-English and English-Thai. In Thai-English schools, most subjects are taught in Thai (about 70%), while in English-Thai schools, on the contrary, more attention is paid to English, but Thai lessons are also taught. Foreign children also often enroll in Thai schools as they are the cheapest in Thailand. However, in order to enroll in such a school, you need to pass an exam on your knowledge of Thai or English (depending on the type of school you choose). The cost of studying at a Thai school is on average 60,000 baht per year, and upon admission you also need to make an initial payment of 20,000 baht. Upon completion of training, the student receives a Thai certificate.

International schools

There are many international schools in Thailand, which mostly teach in English. If you want your child to enter a foreign university, then these schools are best suited. International schools are mainly taught by teachers from Europe and America. However, a significant disadvantage of such schools is high price training. Prices in primary and secondary classes are from 100,000 baht per year and above, and in senior classes - from 250,000 baht. Upon completion of training, the student receives a European or American certificate.

There are international schools in many cities and resorts in Thailand, such as Pattaya. Bangkok, Samui, Phuket, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai and others. For example, International School of the Eastern Seaboard, Garden International School in Pattaya, nist international school, Bangkok Prep in Bangkok, Chiang Mai International School in Chiang Mai, Haven Academy, British International School, International Academy Day School in Phuket, International School of Samu , The British School of Samui on Koh Samui.

However, another significant disadvantage of international schools is that if a Russian child goes to an international school from the first grade, he will not be able to properly read and write in Russian. We can definitely say that he will know English better than his native language.

Russian schools

If you want to educate your child according to the Russian curriculum, then there are Russian schools in Thailand. Russian teachers teach there. The cost of training in a Russian school ranges from 12,000 baht per month and above. Upon completion of training, the student will receive a Russian-style certificate.

Russian schools operate in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket and Samui. For example, Russian schools “Knowledge” and “Diplomat” have been opened in Pattaya. The “Knowledge” school is optional, so you need to clarify about obtaining a certificate. There is a Russian school in Bangkok at the Russian Embassy, ​​which is located at 78 Sap Road, Surawongse, Bangrak. Phuket International Kindergarden & School and Spectrum schools are open in Phuket. Phuket International Kindergarden & School teaches according to the Singaporean curriculum, but you can take Russian language classes. Children from different countries. At the Spectrum school, classes consist only of Russian-speaking children, they are taught according to the Russian curriculum, and at the end of their studies, students will receive a Russian certificate.

Where to go to study?

It is up to you to decide which school to choose, Thai, international or Russian. I believe that if you live abroad, in a non-Russian speaking country, then it is better to send your child to an international school. There he will learn to speak excellent English and communicate with children from different countries. The only thing is that the child will have to additionally teach the Russian language so that he can read and write correctly in native language. For example, in Phuket there is a school called Phuket International Kindergarden & School, which separately provides Russian language lessons for 3,000 baht per month.