Agave syrup benefits and harms. Royal Forest syrup Light agave nectar - “Agave syrup: healthy or not? Let's figure it out! Review for those who want to buy but are unsure. What to use with and where to buy?” Agave syrup

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Agave is well known even in those countries where this plant has never been grown. This popularity is due to the fact that it is the raw material for the preparation of two famous drinks: tequila And pulque. But this is not all the agave “products” with which a person can decorate his table. There is another name, the raw material for which is agave, but it has nothing to do with alcohol. This is agave (sounds interesting, right?) syrup - “agave juice that has not become tequila.” We will talk about it in this post.

Preparation and taste

The syrup is made in approximately the same way as the maple syrup, which we talked about in one of the previous posts (). The sap of the plant is placed in large containers and gradually evaporated until it thickens and produces a slightly sticky, sweetish liquid called syrup. Depending on the duration of heat treatment, it can be either transparent light yellow (slightly lighter than fresh flower honey) or dark, “the color of beer.”

Despite frequent comparisons with honey, agave syrup does not taste like honey at all. Those who have tried it say that it is “special” or that the product does not have a specific taste at all. Some point to a “vegetal” flavor, others say there is something “creamy” in the syrup, while others say it is very similar to molasses. In general, based on all these comparisons, you can say without even trying this product that it will turn out to be quite good.

The recipe for making syrup has existed for dozens, if not hundreds of years, but this product has only recently reached a wide range of consumers. It has been used for just about a decade. But even during this time, he had already accumulated a fair number of fans who readily recognized his worth as a product for. What are its beneficial properties?

Benefits of Agave Syrup

1. It is a natural sweetener; its sweetness is slightly higher than that of sugar, so even with almost the same calorie content (306 kcal), consuming syrup is more “profitable”. If you replace all the sugar in your diet with agave, you will consume less sweets overall. This is a positive thing for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight and/or maintain healthy teeth.

2. The sweetish taste is due to the presence in the product not only of glucose and fructose, but also of inulin. This substance does not belong to the “light” sugars that are dangerous for the figure, but has almost the same sweet taste. Inulin has virtually no effect on blood glucose levels and is excreted by the kidneys. It makes agave syrup a sweetness harmless to the body, which can be used as a sweetener for people with impaired glucose tolerance and some forms of diabetes.

3. There are observations that agave syrup has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines and improves its regular functioning. In this, it is somewhat similar to lactulose, which can also act as a soft. And this same feature greatly distinguishes agave syrup from other sweets, because they, on the contrary, cause a tendency to.

So for people with related problems, consuming agave syrup is a chance to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And for those losing weight, who were already mentioned above and who are the main consumers of syrup, this is an opportunity to get rid of “ballast” in the intestines and prevent constipation when following high-protein diets.

4. Some sources also say that agave syrup:

  • allows you to strengthen your immune system due to the presence of useful biologically active components;
  • has a drainage effect, removes excess fluid from the body;
  • reduces body temperature during fever.

We cannot unequivocally agree with these statements, because a search for such information in scientific sources did not produce results. There is no reliable data on this yet, so agave syrup should not be overestimated.

Apparently, the appearance of such false evidence is due to the fact that our compatriots, who are generally stingy with praise, cannot stop lavishing compliments when they are convinced of the quality and benefits of a particular product/medicine/item. Talking about its merits, everyone strives to add something of their own. But agave syrup does not need such “protection”: it is objectively a useful product, which, even despite the lack of the ability to lower the temperature, can be recommended to literally everyone.

Harm of agave syrup

A sweetener can be harmful only in two cases: if you eat it too much and too often, or if someone has an intolerance to its components (allergy to agave).

A single “overdose” of syrup can lead to diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, and chronic overeating can lead to weight gain, because despite the slight danger of agave for the figure, its syrup still contains. As for the allergic reaction to syrup, like any other food allergy, it usually manifests itself in the form of urticaria: the appearance of pinkish itchy protruding elements on the skin that last from several hours to 2 days.

For those who cannot tolerate syrup, it is better to completely avoid using it. For the rest, we can simply recommend moderation.

Reviews. Where to buy agave syrup?

The first thing that lovers of agave syrup pay attention to is that it is an exception to the rule “healthy means tasteless.” It is recommended to fearlessly add it to any dishes and drinks that require sweetening, from yogurt and baked goods to tea and coffee.

Many also say that agave has helped them achieve slimness. True, there is no talk here about the active effect of the syrup itself on weight, because it is not used for weight loss itself, but only to alleviate the longing for sweets.

Most of the reviews concern syrup from companies Sunny Via, Sunny Bio And Naturel. But other manufacturers producing pure syrup without additives will undoubtedly delight customers with the remarkable properties of their products.

You can buy agave syrup in online stores, health food stores, large supermarkets and sometimes in pharmacies. One jar or bottle of syrup with a capacity of about 300 g costs about $10. Without a doubt, this is quite a bit for such a product. Even the author of this article, who is usually indifferent to sweets, had a desire to go in search of agave syrup. Who tried it, tell me: how did you like it?


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Agave syrup has been used in the West for quite some time as a natural sugar substitute. Recently, its popularity has reached us. Therefore, many people want to get an answer to the question of what are the benefits and harms of agave syrup.

Unfortunately, the answer can only be partially given, since industrially produced agave nectar has no benefit at all. But you can talk about the harm in some detail.

How is agave syrup made?

Agave is a deciduous plant native to Mexico.

To produce syrup, or "nectar" as it is often called commercially, the juice is squeezed from the central stem of a 10-year-old agave plant. And this juice contains sugar, but it also contains fructo-oligosaccharides that are healthy - the same compounds that are abundant in.

However, during further industrial production, agave syrup is heated, causing all fructooligosaccharides to break down into monomers.

Depending on the intensity of heating, agave syrup comes in three main colors:

  • natural, so-called “raw” - quite dark in color, has a caramel taste, similar to;
  • light – much lighter than “raw”, has a lighter taste;
  • amber – the same color and taste as “raw”.

Despite the fact that the “raw” version of the syrup, it seems, should be natural, that is, not heated, in fact, this is often not the case. Usually it is also heated, but a lower temperature is used.

Thus, during industrial processing, refined syrup is obtained from natural agave syrup. The natural syrup of this plant is quite useful, since it does not contain much sugar and contains a lot of fructooligosaccharides. But the syrup they sell in stores is harmful.

This is a product of deep industrial processing, in which all beneficial fructo-oligosaccharides are replaced by extremely harmful fructose.

Myths about the benefits of agave syrup

1. Agave nectar is a natural sugar substitute a, which has been used by the indigenous people of Mexico for centuries.

Only if you prepared it yourself. Everything that is on store shelves today is a refined product that has virtually nothing to do with the natural agave syrup used by the Mayan Indians.

2. Agave nectar is low in calories

There are as many of them in industrial syrup as in regular sugar.

3. Agave syrup has a low glycemic index

Yes. But this is of little use. This only indicates that the product contains a lot of fructose, which does not lead to rapid insulin selection.

But fructose has the following negative properties:

  • increases production

And gava is a perennial plant growing in deserts and semi-deserts that looks like aloe. In North and Central America and Mexico, its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. To make agave syrup, the juice of the plant, rich in polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals, is used. Due to the predominant content of fructose (80-95%), the resulting nectar is one and a half times sweeter than sugar, with a low calorie content.

With moderate consumption, syrup improves metabolism, helps absorb calcium and magnesium, and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Syrup and agave nectar are equivalent names for the same product. It is obtained from the juice of the core and leaves of the plant; it contains the probiotic inulin, which stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, helps accelerate metabolic processes and eliminate toxins. The syrup is a natural sweetener and has a subtle honey aroma with caramel notes.

History of syrup

Sugary agave juice was used by the ancient Aztecs to prepare sweet dishes and drinks. Mexican Indians used it to treat wounds due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. After the discovery of fermentation properties, tequila became a famous drink made from agave.

Interest in the plant in the 21st century was attracted by its rare carbohydrate composition combined with a low level of glycemic index.

The pleasant, delicate taste of agave syrup has made it a common sugar substitute in cooking: it does not distort the aroma and texture of baked goods, maintains the softness of biscuits, and its fairly thick consistency allows you to accurately measure the required amount.

How to make syrup

The pith and leaves of the plant are used to make agave nectar. After evaporation for 48-72 hours, the pulp is crushed and crushed to extract the juice. After filtration, the resulting broth is heated at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, which allows preserving all valuable enzymes and vitamins. As excess liquid evaporates, the product thickens.

Drink varieties

Blue agave syrup is famous for its best taste. Depending on the type of processing, light and dark varieties are distinguished. Pekmez is prepared without the inclusion of sugar and additional additives by heating, settling and straining natural juice. The long evaporation process gives the nectar a dark amber color and a rich molasses aftertaste. Light varieties undergo careful filtration, are not enriched with fructans, have a golden hue and a light taste of floral honey with the smell of caramel and fresh herbaceous notes.

Benefits and harms

Agave syrup is used in dietary nutrition instead of sugar. Its advantages include:

  • rich mineral and vitamin composition;
  • inulin content, which lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • due to the sweeter taste, less nectar is required to add to dishes and drinks;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • removing toxins and excess fluid from the body;
  • provides quick satiety and reduces appetite;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Agave juice sweeteners should be used with caution as a sugar substitute for people prone to allergic reactions. If consumed in excess, there is a risk of rapid weight gain, since excess fructose leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits.

In case of pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, or hormonal disorders, a preliminary consultation with the attending physician is necessary. Due to the natural contraceptive substances contained in agave, it is not recommended to include the product in the menu when planning pregnancy. The benefits and harms of agave syrup are associated with moderation of its consumption and the individual characteristics of the body.

Chemical composition

Product includes:

  • selenium;
  • calcium and magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus and iron;
  • potassium;
  • beta-carotene, vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, K;
  • essential oils.

Nectar is 80-90% fructose, which is absorbed by the body more slowly than glucose, which prevents a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. The inulin content promotes the production of beneficial bacteria and optimizes intestinal motility.

Nutritional value

Agave nectar contains 76% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat, 0.1% protein, and contains no cholesterol. In moderate doses, it is suitable for diabetics; the nutritional value of agave syrup is lower than that of sugar.

Calories and glycemic index

Nectar is used for fasting days and dietary nutrition due to its reduced calorie content, which is 310 kcal per 100 g of product. Fructose helps maintain optimal metabolism and stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body. The GI (glycemic index) of agave syrup is 16-20 units, which is due to the low percentage of glucose.

Compared to sugar, which has a GI of 70 units, nectar is broken down by the body gradually and does not provoke a sharp release of insulin. Sweet agave syrup for type 2 diabetes will be an alternative for adding to baked goods and tea.

Using syrup in cooking

Agave nectar is one hundred percent susceptible to yeast fermentation, completely dissolves in water, and does not lose its beneficial properties when heated, which allows the syrup to be used when baking sweet pies and biscuits. The light creamy caramel aroma of the sweetener does not change the taste of the products and maintains the fluffiness and softness of the dough. Nectar is used in preparation:

  • pies made from yeast dough;
  • sponge and shortbread cakes;
  • cookies, muffins and gingerbread;
  • cocktails and smoothies;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • cream and other desserts;
  • compotes, jelly, fruit drinks.

Pancakes, pancakes or waffles poured with syrup will acquire a delicate and pleasant taste. Soaking the cake layers will give the cake softness and a light, unobtrusive caramel aroma. The nectar will serve as an excellent topping for ice cream, muesli and coffee, adding subtle notes of honey.

The product combines harmoniously with green, black, white and herbal tea. The daily consumption rate is no more than two to three spoons. Suitable for vegetarians and raw foodists.

What to replace syrup with?

If you have individual intolerance and other contraindications, you can take similar products instead of agave nectar.

Maple syrup

A useful substitute is nectar obtained from maple sap. It contains over 50 antioxidants and minerals. It does not cause food allergies, has healing properties, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increases the body's immune defense, and has a mild caramel taste. Nutritional value is 260 kcal. However, glucose predominates in the syrup, so it is contraindicated for diabetes.


Honey grass, which grows in South America, is ten times sweeter than sugar, has a zero glycemic index and zero calorie content. Normalizes blood glucose levels and has antibacterial properties. But you need to get used to the specific taste.


A natural sweetener extracted from sugar cane stalks, corn cobs, and birch wood. It does not cause a spike in blood sugar, has a reduced calorie content, and has no foreign tastes. However, in some cases it gives a laxative effect; in case of overdose, it provokes diarrhea and flatulence.

Replacements for agave nectar include honey, rice and artichoke syrups, and lucuma powder. Despite the reduced calorie content, all types of sweeteners are recommended to be used in moderation and taking into account individual contraindications.

With growing interest in proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, the demand for dietary products has increased, including agave syrup, used as a natural replacement for white sugar. The benefits and harms of agave syrup are the main topic of the article with details about the beneficial properties, contraindications for use, application and existing alternatives.

The history of syrup

The homeland of agave is Mexico. This is a fairly unpretentious plant that does not require fertilizers or pesticides and produces a rich harvest. Outwardly, it resembles a huge aloe with small blue flowers. Valuable nectar is extracted from unopened buds by cold pressing. The resulting product is 1.5 times sweeter than white sugar. The ease of growing agave has ensured its popularity and widespread distribution.

How to make agave syrup

The variety used to produce nectar is called blue agave. It is also an ingredient in the preparation of such a popular drink as tequila. The juice is squeezed out of the buds using a press, then the nectar is thickened by heating to 46 o C. There are production technologies that completely eliminate heating: then a thick consistency is achieved with the help of special additives.

Some manufacturers use filtration to produce different shades of the product.

Composition of agave syrup

  • fructose - 85 - 95%;
  • dextrose - 3 - 10%;
  • sucrose - 1.5 - 3.0%;
  • inulin - 3 - 5.0%.

This high fructose content is what makes the syrup sweet. The total weight of carbohydrates in the product is 76%.

Calories and glycemic index of agave syrup

The glycemic index (GI) is an indicator that determines the ability of a food to raise blood sugar levels. If the foods we eat have a high GI, then the glucose level in the body increases rapidly. The GI of agave syrup is low: from 15 to 17 units, which, combined with its low calorie content (310 kcal per 100 g), has helped it become a worldwide popular product in dietary and special diabetic menus.

The fact that agave carbohydrates do not cause a spike in sugar has a positive effect on maintaining the health of the body. Due to its high fructose content, agave syrup is one and a half times sweeter than white or cane sugar, which makes it economical to use to achieve the desired taste.

What are the benefits of agave syrup?

If you look at the pages of online health and diet food stores that sell agave syrup, you can find a lot of information about its beneficial properties. Review sites are filled with opinions from satisfied customers. The basis for such statements is the low GI mentioned above. Consumption will not cause a sudden spike in sugar, which, given its low calorie content and high fructose concentration, speaks in favor of using agave syrup for those who suffer from diabetes or simply follow a healthy lifestyle.

The Aztecs knew the beneficial antiseptic properties of the plant, lubricating wounds with its tincture.

Real, properly prepared agave syrup has beneficial properties:

  • contains a complex of vitamins;
  • due to the fructose content, it is able to normalize metabolism;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • contains saponins, which help fight germs, inflammation, and help strengthen the immune system.

The fructan substances in the product, represented by inulin (in unfiltered dark varieties) and other varieties, have the following properties:

  • create a feeling of satiety;
  • reduce appetite;
  • provide antioxidant effect;
  • lower bad cholesterol;
  • improve calcium absorption by 20%.

Thanks to fructans, agave syrup is not only successfully used to combat excess weight and in the menu of diabetics, but is also recommended in moderate quantities in old age to increase bone density.

The plant is also used to prevent pregnancy, because the dinordrin and anordrin it contains are herbal contraceptives.

Steroidal saponins in the plant help against rheumatism.

Thus, the numerous beneficial properties make agave a home remedy.

How is agave syrup used in cooking?

Agave syrup can be used in cooking instead of regular sugar, but due to its high cost, this practice is not widespread among housewives. It is most often used in confectionery and in the production of expensive drinks: alcoholic (vodka, wine) and non-alcoholic (for example, lemonade).

In its homeland, the sweet drink is considered an aperitif - a way to improve appetite before lunch. It is served in its pure form and after meals, dosed in 50 ml glasses, as well as in cocktails with tequila and liqueurs.

Harmful effects of agave syrup and contraindications for consumption

In addition to the benefits, the product has a negative effect on the body. To avoid harm, it should not be abused.

Having discovered the possibility of using agave syrup as an alternative healthy sweetener in dietary nutrition, it was recommended to patients with diabetes. At the same time, they did not focus on its possible harm.

Later it was discovered that only plant juice that has not been subjected to heat treatment has beneficial properties. When heated, beneficial fructooligosaccharides are converted into fructose, which has a less clear effect on the human body.

Indeed, fructose does not increase blood sugar levels, but its systematic use can suppress a person’s ability to naturally produce and use the hormone insulin, which is essentially a prediabetic condition, fraught with the development of type 2 disease.

In addition, in large quantities, fructose causes harm by overloading the liver, as a result of which it is transformed into fats, some of which can pose a danger to the cells of the liver itself and provoke fatty disease of the organ.

Only unrefined nectar will have real benefits. Industrial filtration products partially or completely lose their benefits.

Data on the properties of the plant allow us to conclude that regular inclusion of agave syrup in the diet causes harm to the following irreversible disorders:

  • development of hypertension;
  • intense fat deposition;
  • the appearance of insulin resistance - insensitivity to insulin;
  • weakening of liver functions.

There are groups of people who have contraindications:

  • diabetics who should not consume syrup on a regular basis;
  • with a tendency to obesity;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Attention! It is not advisable to introduce young children to drinking syrup.

What is the difference between dark agave syrup and light agave syrup?

The color of agave nectar indicates its quality, preparation method and degree of filtration. There is light, dark and amber syrup. Light and dark varieties are produced from the same raw materials. But in the second case, the product is filtered less: then it is rich in inulin. The properties of a light or dark yellow tint depend on the duration and intensity of heating during thickening. The taste of light syrups is less intense.

How to replace agave syrup

Sometimes those who want to use a recipe with agave syrup as an ingredient are puzzled by the question: what to replace it with? Previously, corn syrup, which had similar properties, served as a substitute. But it was banned for use due to the risk of developing obesity. Preference was given to the more beneficial agave. But this product should not be abused. Maple syrup contains fewer calories.

Alternative natural sweeteners are also considered:

Xylitol is a natural sweetener, the benefits of which have been known to medicine for half a century. The human body independently produces it in small quantities. In product compositions it is designated as E967. The study of its properties gives grounds to assert that there is no harm to the body.

Erythritol is another natural substitute that is safe for the body and has minimal caloric content - only 6 percent of the calorie content of white sugar.

Stevia is a South American crop whose leaves are used to produce a sweetener in the form of a dry plant, powder or liquid. This is the leader in sweetness among other substitutes: 10 - 15 times higher than sugar. Stevia has almost zero calories, making it useful for weight control.

Important! For those who suffer from diabetes, the selection of a sweetener is permitted only after consultation with an endocrinologist.


The benefits and harms of agave syrup remain a completely unexplored and therefore controversial topic.

The properties discussed represent this exotic sugar substitute in two aspects. On the one hand, produced from organic plant materials using a gentle method, it is very popular and valued in nutrition. But its high fructose content can be a risk factor for people with diabetes and obesity, so the use of an alternative sweetener should be strictly dosed.

Agave syrup is a product unique in its properties, which has become widespread in our country due to its availability and relative cheapness. The use of syrup has become widespread in Eurasian countries relatively recently and came to us from Mexico. This product has a very sweet taste, the richness of which is many times greater than the sweetness of granulated sugar that we are used to.

Agave is a plant of the same family, and most people associate its appearance with aloe.

The juice of the plant, which has a strong sweetness, is extracted from the unopened flowers of the blue agave. This process is quite labor-intensive and consists of cold pressing of nectar. Although this method is not used in industrial production due to its low productivity.

The syrup is saturated with fructose, which, unlike sugars, is more easily absorbed by the body, although no less harmful when used in food in large quantities.

This article will tell you how to use this product, unique in its properties, in various areas of life, what you should avoid, and what indicators to guide your choice.

Using Agave Syrup

The use of agave syrup has found its niche in various spheres of human life.

In cooking

Agave juice is used in cooking as a sweetener and is also used in the production of homemade vodka. Although the latter is a rather expensive activity, because the cost of the sweetest product is relatively high due to its overseas origin. Agave juice is used in the production of homemade wine drinks and artificial honey.

Agave syrup is used in cooking in the preparation of desserts, as well as in the production of drinks.

You just need to use the highest quality product for food. In the best quality syrup, the amount of glucose should be close to 50%. Of course, such syrups will be more expensive than their analogues, but they will cause much less harm, and in some situations they will even bring invaluable benefits.

In medicine

In folk medicine, the juice of the plant is used as an active dietary supplement that can fight inflammation of various organs. It is believed that the product has the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and slow down the growth of various types of tumors. The product is also used as a stimulator for the production of substances responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body, which becomes relevant for older people.

Another manifestation of the beneficial properties of agave syrup is its ability to quickly relieve pain and relieve tension in the following conditions of the body:

  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • bruises;
  • sprains.

The pharmaceutical industry produces drugs based on natural agave juice, which have a contraceptive effect and are quite effective in helping to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

In cosmetology, sweet agave juice is used to prepare masks that help strengthen hair.

The product has a beneficial effect on skin affected by acne and boils. The action of the plant is close to the action of the agave we are used to. You just need to use either fresh agave juice or a special cosmetic preparation obtained by cold method.

What can I substitute for agave syrup?

Many people who have ever seen this ingredient in a recipe wonder how to replace agave syrup. In the recent past, it was believed that corn syrup did an excellent job of this, but after laboratory studies that confirmed the danger of developing obesity when consuming the latter, agave syrup was preferred. Although it is also unsafe, like all sugars, regardless of their origin and method of production.

Another possible substitute is maple syrup, which is also lower in calories.

Properties and quality

The properties of agave syrup have long been studied, as well as their effect on the human body as a whole. It has been proven that this product of good quality and produced by a conscientious manufacturer contains about 97% fructose. The permissible deviation is considered to be 85% fructose saturation.

The quality of the product and its properties also depend on its color, and this, in turn, depends entirely on the method of obtaining the syrup and the degree of its filtration.

There are light, dark and amber colors of the finished product. Each of them differs in chemical characteristics, in particular, the amount of the main component in it. The composition of the sweet product obtained by non-industrial method is as follows:

  • fructose;
  • dextrose;
  • sucrose;
  • inulin.

The maximum specific gravity among all components belongs to fructose, and the remaining substances occupy approximately equal shares in the total amount.

Medicine has proven that, in comparison with other sugars, the use of fructose has a more beneficial effect on the body and the metabolic processes occurring in it, although it cannot be considered completely safe.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of agave syrup have long been studied by doctors and scientists, and meanwhile people are actively using the product in their diet. Today, many families use this syrup instead of granulated sugar due to its less harmful effect on the body. And reviews of this product from consumers are quite good.

But science does not hold this opinion, and more and more facts are being found indicating that by using in their diet a seemingly natural substance, which a priori cannot be harmful, people cause great harm to their body.

People started talking about the benefits of the product when agave juice began to be used in dietary nutrition and nutrition for people with diabetes, positioning the product as an absolutely harmless substitute for traditional cane or beet sugar.

The fact remains undeniable that blue agave juice has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, and therefore the product is more completely broken down in the body, and less effort is spent on its processing. But at the same time, it has been proven that regular use of this sweetener can play a cruel joke and suppress the natural ability of the gastrointestinal tract systems to correctly and fully absorb insulin.

Consequently, using exclusively agave juice for food can cause the following persistent and irreversible disorders in the body:

  • rise in blood pressure;
  • rapid deposition of subcutaneous fat, especially on the abdomen and buttocks;
  • stimulating insulin resistance;
  • deterioration of liver function.

And although this syrup is positioned as the most harmless, you should not use it if you have diabetes, a tendency to obesity, pregnancy at any stage and breastfeeding, as well as in early childhood.

Moderate use of this nectar is acceptable for people who do not suffer from liver disease and do not fall into the above categories.

When using any product unfamiliar to regional cuisine, it is always advisable to use it in small doses, and also strictly monitor the manifestations that may occur in the event of an allergic reaction to the components.

The naturalness of the product undoubtedly attracts people's attention, but when deciding to use this product in your diet, be sure to weigh the pros and cons based on your own beliefs.

Beneficial properties and contraindications of agave syrup

Agave syrup is very popular in some countries. Agave is a plant growing in the southwestern United States of America, in the middle and hot parts of Latin America, as well as on the Black Sea coasts of Crimea. There are about 300 species of agave in Mexico. Outwardly, it is associated with aloe and also has large, powerful leaves. There are many types of agave in nature.

Agave is famous for its nectar, which is also called agave syrup. In fact, agave syrup bears very little resemblance to the nectar that has been used in Mexico for thousands of years. Making syrup begins by extracting the agave juice. This juice contains high amounts of sugar and beneficial substances called fructans. The juice is extracted from the still unopened buds of agave flowers.

Separate the light agave syrup and the dark one. The difference is that the dark one is subjected to less filtration and is additionally enriched with fructans, in particular inulin. They have a beneficial effect on the body's metabolism and strengthen the human immune system. But during processing, fructan compounds are destroyed. The liquid produced resembles high fructose corn syrup.

Fructose is considered more beneficial than sucrose, since it has a lower glycemic index. The low GI is due to the fact that almost all of the sugar in agave syrup is fructose.

It does not enter directly into the blood, which is why it does not cause a particular increase in sugar and insulin levels in the circulatory system. This is why products containing high concentrations of fructose are often considered healthy. However, the glycemic index is not the only advantage. Agave syrup, the benefits and harms of which are discussed below, has more positive properties.

  • 1 Useful properties of agave
  • 2 Harmful properties of agave syrup

Beneficial properties of agave

  • The plant is often used in cooking. Flowers, for example, are edible and are often added to all kinds of salads. The leaves, rich in juice, which has a huge number of healing qualities, are eaten. The juice is used to make honey, sugar and wine drinks. Agave stems are fried and eaten after roasting. Blue agave root is used to make tequila. To make a liter bottle of tequila, you need several kilograms of agave roots.
  • Due to its low GI, it is often used as sweeteners and sugar substitutes. Agave juice is sweeter than regular white sugar and has a less noticeable flavor than most sweeteners, which is why it is popular.
  • The content of saponins in the plant gives an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to increase the tone of the body's immune system. Even in ancient times, Mexican Indians used agave syrup to treat wounds due to its antibacterial effect.
  • The substances that make up fructans have a beneficial effect on humans and have many pleasant properties. Research shows that using agave as a sweetener can help people with weight problems. Fructans give you a feeling of fullness, which helps reduce appetite.

  • Some substances included in the syrup reduce blood cholesterol levels and even prevent the occurrence of certain forms of cancer.
  • Protection against unplanned pregnancy. This is facilitated by anordrin and dinordrin. Agave syrup for contraceptive purposes is sold in pills and should be taken no more than 2-3 times a month.
  • Agave syrup is very beneficial for older people. It helps strengthen bone tissue and increases the amount of calcium received by the body. This can be a real help as bones become weaker with age and agave nectar will help strengthen them.
  • The syrup is absolutely harmless also for diabetes. In addition, although its calorie content is almost the same as that of regular sugar, the use of such a sweetener is more advantageous. It will not harm your figure, will help those who want to lose weight, and in some cases normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harmful properties of agave syrup

Agave syrup in the form of a sweetener or sweetener can only be harmful if too large a dose is used, or if you are allergic or intolerant to agave.

In the case of a single overdose, diarrhea or simply discomfort in the intestines may occur. If there is repeated overeating, this can lead to weight gain.

In case of an allergic reaction to agave syrup, red rashes and spots appear on the body, which last for about 2-3 days. If you are intolerant, it is better to avoid syrup.

Many companies violate production technologies, which entails a decrease in the quality of the goods produced. This applies not only to syrup, but also to other products containing fructose. But there are also companies that comply with them and strive for excellence.

Such companies use the experience of peoples who have been using agave since ancient times. They also do not expose raw materials to high temperatures, which helps preserve nutrients. When creating syrup, the percentage of glucose in it is reduced to 50%.

You can buy syrup in various online stores or in health food stores, in large supermarkets, and sometimes in pharmacies. Attracts low cost for a product that has so many useful properties.

Agave: benefits and harm

The agave plant grows in the southern and western United States, in Central and tropical South America, and on the Black Sea coast of Crimea. In appearance, agave resembles a large rosette formed by large fleshy leaves. Types of agave are very diverse (sisal, Mexican, American, Queen Victoria agave, etc.).

Agave has been cultivated for centuries, first by Native American populations and then by Europeans. It was brought to Europe by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the 17th century. American agave, agave reticulum and many other species are now being grown as greenhouse plants.

Each rosette of agave grows slowly and blooms only once. When flowers are about to appear, the agave shoots out a tall stem (peduncle) growing from the center of the rosette. A large number of short funnel-shaped flowers of a yellowish-green hue appear on it.

After the inflorescence develops, the original plant dies, but shoots usually emerge from the lower part of the trunk.

Domestic agave is rare, as it very rarely blooms indoors, and is also huge in size and prickly. If you still want to grow agave at home, buy seeds of the American agave variety.

This plant loves sun, well-drained soil and temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. Does not require frequent watering (especially in winter and autumn). During these periods, it is better to move the agave to a cool and dry room at home, where the temperature is maintained at 6 to 8 degrees.

The benefits of agave and its potential risks

The four main parts of the agave plant are used in cooking.

  • The flowers are edible and can be added to various salads.
  • The leaves are rich in juice which has health benefits and can be eaten.
  • The stems of the plant are eaten fried.
  • Blue agave is used to make alcohol (tequila). Moreover, not the entire plant is used to produce alcohol, but only the root, which is shaped like a pine cone. It takes 7 kilograms of root to create a liter of tequila.

Agave juice is also not wasted and is used to make sugar, honey and wine.

Agave syrup as a sweetener has a low glycemic index. This means that when consumed, it will not cause a sharp rise or fall in blood sugar levels.

Here is a list of sweeteners and their glycemic values. The higher the value, the greater the effect of the sweetener on blood sugar levels.

Organic Agave Syrup – 27. Fructose (fruit sugar) – 32. Lactose (milk sugar) – 65. Honey – 83. High Fructose Corn Syrup – 89. Sucrose (sugar) – 92. Glucose – 137. Glucose Tablets – 146 Maltodextrin – 150. Maltose – 150.

Agave syrup can contain up to 90% fructose. For reference, corn syrup contains 55% fructose. Some researchers believe that frequent consumption of fructose will not provide health benefits. And it may even contribute to the development of liver and kidney disease, high blood pressure, and signs of premature aging.

However, there are scientists, such as Lisa Cohen, an employee at the University of Maryland in the USA, who are confident that fructose has no effect on blood pressure. Cohen, in particular, draws attention to the fact that if fructose really posed a health hazard, then eating a large amount of apples would lead to a “jump” in blood pressure.

Fructose can only be dangerous if you consume more than 25 g per day. This applies not only to agave, but also to any products containing fructose.