Siluanov is the latest Minister of Finance. Anton Siluanov, Minister of Finance. Siluanov's early years

Anton Germanovich Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow into a family of famous professional financiers. Father - German Mikhailovich Siluanov worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR and the Russian Federation, retired in 1996. Mother - Yanina Nikolaevna worked in a leading economic publishing house, then in the editorial and publishing department at the State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Since conversations about economics in the family were a constant topic, there was no question of where to go.


Siluanov Anton Germanovich has higher education, is a doctor economic sciences. After graduating from school, the future Minister of Finance becomes a student at one of the oldest Russian universities training specialists in the field of economics - the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI), which, after reorganization in 2011, becomes the Financial University under the Government Russian Federation (Financial Academy). During his student years, Siluanov was active, engaged in social and organizational activities and went with his fellow students to “potato harvest.” He works in a construction team and eventually goes to BAM, where, as the politician himself believes, he gains invaluable experience. At the same time, the future minister has no problems with studying at the institute; at the university, Siluanov is on the list of the best excellent students. In 1985 he received a diploma of higher education. In 1994, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “State Budget Policy in the Transition to Market Relations” and received an academic degree.


As a fifth-year student in 1985, Siluanov was assigned to the Ministry of Finance. He occupies the position of first private, then senior economist. In 1987, he joined the ranks of the Soviet Army and ended up in a unit under the control of the KGB. For two years he acts as the head of the financial department, manages the cash register, accrues wages and is on duty. Siluanov ends his service with the rank of senior lieutenant. After demobilization, he returned to the Ministry of Finance, where he worked from 1989 to 1992. Initially, he holds the post of leading economist, then becomes deputy head of the income department and consultant to the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation. From 1992 to October 1997, he was an employee of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Joins the department as deputy head of department budget management, then moves to the budget department, where he initially holds the post of deputy head and head of department. At that time, Siluanov was only 29 years old. Having established himself as an excellent specialist and professional, in 1997 he took the post of head of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Banking at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 1999, he joined the board of directors of Rossiysky Credit Bank. In 2000, he was a member of the supervisory board at Rosselkhozbank. In the spring of 2001, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2002, he served on the board of directors of the state corporation ACRO (Agency for Restructuring credit institutions). In July 2003, he held the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia. Siluanov held this post for a year, after which he headed the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Siluanov joined the board of directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency corporation and the supervisory board of Vneshtorgbank. In 2007, he became a member of the supervisory board of the state corporation “Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform”, and in April 2009 - the board of directors of OJSC UralVagonZavod. At the same time, in 2005 he became Deputy Minister of Finance. Since September 2011 - acting minister in the same department. During this period, he was a supporter of the single-industry towns program aimed at socio-economic development settlements related to the activities of city-forming enterprises. In December 2011, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in agreement with President Dmitriev Medvedev, signed a decree appointing Siluanov to the post of Minister of Finance of Russia. The head of the Ministry of Finance is included in the Russian Security Council, at the same time Siluanov represents Russia as a manager in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as in the World Bank. Member of the Anti-Crisis Council of the Eurasian Economic Community. He still holds the post of head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Also, since January 2013, Siluanov has held the position of dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics at the Financial University under the Government of Russia.


During this period he joined the ranks of the All-Russian political party"United Russia". In May 2012, he joined the supreme council of the structure that determines the party’s development strategy.


Siluanov, being a person with an analytical mind, is a supporter of strict monetary policy and, after taking the post of head of the country's main financial department, begins to work to restore the investment attractiveness of Russia. In 2015, he joined the supervisory board of Sberbank of Russia. Special attention devotes his time to the country's banking sector and personally oversees issues of budgetary relations between the constituent entities of the federation. At the end of 2014, after the collapse of the national currency, he did everything to stabilize the ruble. Siluanov explains the situation by falling oil prices and geopolitical issues. The main task of the department is the stability of the state budget and the ability to control the quality of expenditures. Declares that the country should not pay attention to sanctions, but is obliged to monitor price quotes on stock exchanges. In the summer of 2017, Siluanov gave an optimistic forecast regarding Russia's economic growth. During a conversation with journalists on the sidelines of the G20 in Hamburg, he stated that the Russian Federation could catch up with the eurozone countries in terms of economic growth by the end of 2017. Your vision economic development countries, Siluanov widely represented during the discussion at the St. Petersburg International economic forum. According to the minister, to achieve stability, one should not deviate from the estimated $40 per barrel of oil, on which planning directly depends, but to achieve growth, one should rely on attracting private investment, especially in infrastructure construction. Such a program is already being developed by the department. The minister emphasizes that it is not the quantity that is important for the country Money, which is available in Russia, but the quality of money and expenses. There is no point in betting on easy income from oil sales; you need to rely on what actually exists. Siluanov notes that capital should be invested not only in budget balance and economic growth, but also in human capital, in teaching Russians new skills, and this is not a question of money, but of the efficiency of professionals. It is important to build long term perspective trend towards stability budget system state, and when “life ends in debt”, it is possible to ensure a balance between the financial sector and the task of growth. In February 2016, he left the Supreme Council " United Russia" On May 18, 2018, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.


Anton Germanovich Siluanov is officially married and has a son, Gleb, born in 1999. Family life the minister prefers not to show it off. It is known that the official’s wife is a financier. Siluanov raises his only son in strictness, and calls himself a good family man who, despite being constantly busy, finds time for loved ones. Weekly dinners at a restaurant have become a unique tradition in the family, where preference is given to Mediterranean cuisine. Siluanov speaks German.


In 2001, Siluanov’s work was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2002, he received two Letters of Gratitude from the President and the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. At this time, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal “200 Years of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.” In 2003, Siluanov received a medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.” In 2004 he was awarded the Gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. In 2006 he was awarded a medal Federal service state statistics "For merits in conducting the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2006." In 2007, he received the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class. In 2009, Siluanov’s work was awarded a certificate of honor from the Government, a medal “For Assistance” from the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, a medal “For Merit in Development transport complex Russia" from the Ministry of Transport. In 2010 he was awarded the distinction “For services to strengthening cooperation with Accounts Chamber Russian Federation". During the same period, he received medals “For interaction with the FSB of Russia”, “For strengthening the customs commonwealth” from the Russian customs service, “For commonwealth in the name of salvation” from the Ministry of Civil Defense, emergency situations and disaster relief, as well as a certificate of honor from the President and memorial sign"90 years of the Republic of Karelia." In 2011, Siluanova received the medal “For Military Cooperation” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the badge “For Development international cooperation» Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Siluanov Anton Germanovich- Russian economist and politician. Today, the main thing in the biography of Anton Siluanov is the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and education of Anton Siluanov

Anton Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. The parents of the future Minister of Education and Labor History were associated with financial activities.

Father - Siluanov German Mikhailovich— worked in the USSR Ministry of Finance.

Mother - Yanina Nikolaevna Siluanova— worked at the publishing house “Finance and Statistics”. Currently an employee of the editorial and publishing department State University Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (former Academy of Budget and Treasury).

Brother - Siluanov Vsevolod Germanovich(born 1976) - received higher education first at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then at the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Anton Siluanov’s entire family are professional financiers. It is not surprising that Anton followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.

After graduating from school, Anton Germanovich Siluanov entered the Moscow Financial Institute to major in Finance and Credit.

“Anton Siluanov was never the leader of the course, but he also did not shy away from social life, did not break away from the team: he went to the potato harvest and attended meetings,” recalled the former dean of the Faculty of Finance and Credit. Boris Suprunovich.

He also noted that Anton Germanovich was an excellent student and “it was noticeable that in the world of numbers he felt like he was in his element.”

“Anton Siluanov surprised me most when, in his 5th year, he asked to be assigned to work at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, where our graduates generally did not aspire: the salary there was low, the work was boring, and the department itself did not do much at that time. decided,” the dean was quoted as saying by Sobesednik.

Labor activity and career of Anton Siluanov

In 1985, Anton Germanovich Siluanov began working as an economist and then as a senior economist in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. In 1987, Anton Siluanov was called up for military service in Soviet army. In 1989, he returned to the Ministry of Finance, taking the position of leading economist, later he was an economist of the 1st category, deputy head of a subdepartment and consultant, according to Anton Siluanov’s biography on the Wikipedia website.

Siluanov continued to move up the career ladder, holding leadership positions at various levels until 2011. Finally, in September 2011, Anton Siluanov was appointed acting minister of the financial department, and then by decree of the prime minister Vladimir Putin in agreement with the President Dmitry Medvedev Anton Germanovich Siluanov became the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The Minister of Finance also admitted that he was secretly present in in social networks. Siluanov said that he has accounts on Facebook and Instagram, but he runs them under a pseudonym.

“I hardly write myself, I have a minimum of friends there - no more than a dozen people. On social networks, I am interested in discussions of events and user comments,” said Siluanov.

In 2017, Vladimir Putin, before the start of a meeting with members of the government, congratulated Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on his 54th birthday and presented the birthday boy with a collection of essays statesman Russian Empire Sergei Witte.

Anton Germanovich Siluanov – economist, politician. A true “financial careerist”, at the age of 48 he has already reached the dizzying peak of his career, becoming the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance. He combines public service with successful political activity, is engaged in economic science and teaches at the Financial University.

The childhood of Anton Siluanov

Anton Germanovich was born into a family of professional financiers. Mother, Yanina Nikolaevna, was an employee of a leading economic publishing house; now she continues to work in the editorial and publishing department of the State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. His father, German Mikhailovich Siluanov, held a position in the USSR Ministry of Finance and retired in 1996.

Since childhood, Anton often heard conversations related to finance, this topic was close to him, so when the question arose about his future profession, he chose without hesitation Finance Department MFI.

Here he, being a diligent student, went with his classmates to grow potatoes, attended meetings, and carried out public assignments. Despite his outstanding activity, the young man studied with excellent marks. Anton went to work in a construction brigade from his first year, and a little later he went to BAM. The future financier was attracted not by money, but by the “highway” of adventure.

In 1987, after graduating from college, Anton went to serve in the army. In his unit, which was under the control of the KGB, he served as chief of finance for two years. While studying financial support, Siluanov ran the cash register, paid the soldiers’ salaries and, at the same time, acted as the unit’s duty officer. He finished his service with the rank of senior lieutenant.

Career growth of Anton Siluanov

While still a 5th year student, Anton asked to be assigned to the Ministry of Finance, despite the fact that the salary there was initially low and the work was quite tedious. From 1985 to 1987, he served as an economist, then as a senior economist. Having been demobilized from the army, Siluanov continued his labor activity at the specified institution. From 1989 to 1992, being the leading economist of the organization, he became deputy head of the department, consultant to the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

Already at the age of 29, Anton Siluanov received the position of deputy head of a department of the Ministry of Finance and continued his work until 2011. career, holding leadership positions at various levels, up to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In September 2011, Anton Germanovich Siluanov was appointed Acting Minister of the Financial Department, and in December of the same year, by decree of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in agreement with President Dmitry Medvedev, he was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Taking the place of previous Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, Siluanov represented Russia as a governor at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at the World Bank.

Minister Anton Siluanov on budget cuts in 2015

Anton Germanovich Siluanov took the position of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation at a difficult time for the country. Sharing the views of his predecessor, former Minister finances of Alexei Kudrin, he did not approve of the level financial costs for military needs established today.

Anton Siluanov. Exclusive interview

Being a man of analytical mind, Siluanov supported a tight monetary policy and, together with his team, worked to restore the innovative level of Russia's rating. In January 2015, he was approved as a member of the supervisory board of the main financial center country - Sberbank of Russia.

Working in the field government controlled, Anton Germanovich found time for scientific activity. Being a Doctor of Economic Sciences, since January 2013 he has supervised the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation as dean.

Anton Siluanov: pensions will be unfrozen in 2016

Being a member of the large United Russia party, since May 2012 he joined the Supreme Council of the party.

Anton Siluanov’s professionalism was awarded the highest state awards: Certificate of Honor and Gratitude from the President and the Ministry of Finance, orders of III and IV degrees for services to the Fatherland.

In February 2016, Anton Siluanov, together with Dmitry Livanov and Alexander Khloponin, left the ranks of the Supreme Council of United Russia due to a renewal of the composition.

Family of Anton Siluanov

Anton Siluanov does not talk about personal life a lot, quite rightly considering it a “private matter.” It is known that he is married and has a son, Gleb (born 1999). His wife’s activities are also related to the financial sector.

In the Forbes list for 2015, Anton Siluanov was in 16th place among the twenty richest families in the Kremlin. His family income is 38.019 million rubles, personal income is 36.386 million rubles. The Siluanovs are the owners of several apartments located in different areas of the capital, some of which were purchased, and some were inherited.

Anton Germanovich is an exemplary family man. In an interview with one of the Vesti journalists, he said that almost every weekend he dines with his loved ones at a restaurant, where he prefers to order Mediterranean dishes.

The family does not boast of its wealth. According to some reports, it is known that Siluanov demands modesty from his son Gleb so that he does not “stand out” among his peers.

Anton Siluanov today

After the presidential elections in 2018 and the formation of a new cabinet under the leadership of Dmitry Medvedev, Anton Siluanov was nominated as a candidate for the post of first deputy prime minister, which was previously held by Igor Shuvalov. He will combine this post with the post of Minister of Finance, for which a “combined” position has appeared in the list of government positions in the Russian Federation.

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Siluanov's representative declined to comment.​

What is Siluanov known for?

As Dmitry Medvedev said in 2017, the Ministry of Finance turned into a “super department”: the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service, Rosalkogolregulirovanie were transferred to its jurisdiction, and the powers of the liquidated Rosfinnadzor were transferred to the Treasury. In addition, the department administers insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds and oversees government procurement. “These decisions made it possible to improve control over the flow of revenues to the budget and move the coordination of work in this area into one hand,” Medvedev.​

Anton Siluanov has worked in the Ministry of Finance since 1989; since 2005, he was the deputy of Alexei Kudrin, who then headed the department. In 2011, after President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Kudrin, Siluanov headed the department. At the same time, Siluanov remained faithful to the economic policy of Alexei Kudrin: he is a supporter of a tough budget policy and has consistently defended the introduction of a new budget rule, and in a more conservative version.

During the period when Siluanov headed the Ministry of Finance, the Russian economy experienced a sharp drop in oil prices, the introduction of sanctions and the devaluation of the ruble. At the same time, the department managed to keep the budget deficit within 3.5% of GDP and maintain low level state debt, as well as save part of the funds of the National Welfare Fund and the Reserve Fund.​

Siluanov’s economic views are more likely to be weighted average than conservative, says Alexandra Suslina from Economic expert group. “During the time that he headed the Ministry of Finance, in his words and actions I did not notice a thirst for reforms for the sake of reforms, but at the same time some completely new initiatives were proposed by the Ministry of Finance under his leadership. For example, the “22/22” tax maneuver was proposed by the Ministry of Finance. This is a rather unconventional, unexpected initiative,” Suslina gives an example. Reforms are not always new expenses, she notes.

Siluanov’s promotion can be understood in such a way that the country’s leadership is satisfied with the Ministry of Finance in its current form, Suslina suggests, and Siluanov’s unconditional merit is that he “kept the small budget from big appetites" “Basically, the budget is essential element economic policy. I don’t think that in his new position he will begin to sharply increase ineffective expenses. Because he, like no one else, has an understanding that our expenses are ineffective,” says Suslina.

What will happen to the Ministry of Economic Development?

Shuvalov, with the rank of First Deputy Prime Minister, oversaw a wide range of financial and economic issues: labor productivity and employment support, public investment, competition development, monetary policy, housing market and real estate, corporate governance, taxes, trade relations with other countries, etc. d. Some of them were under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin. A representative of the Ministry of Economic Development refused to comment on whether the department will remain in its current form after Siluanov’s appointment, or whether there will be a redistribution of tasks with other departments, including the Ministry of Finance.

According to Tatyana Stanova, head of the analytical department of the Carnegie Moscow Center, there is no further way to weaken the already unstable department. “Perhaps some kind of administrative reform, we do not know whether this ministry will survive at all. But the very fact of strengthening the financial authorities and expanding their place within the government - this, of course, narrows the corridor of opportunities for the future Minister of Economy,” says the political scientist.

Previously, the media have repeatedly written that the government is discussing the idea of ​​merging the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED). According to Stanova, the unification of departments is a large and ambitious project of the Ministry of Finance, but then the question arises of who will be involved in the economic development of the country. “It is also important what position Andrei Belousov (aide to the president, and former head of the Ministry of Economic Development) will take on this issue. RBC),” she added.

Siluanov Anton, Minister of Finance

Illustration: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Siluanov Anton Germanovich, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. His parents worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation. Therefore, Anton Germanovich’s future profession was largely predetermined.

In 1985, he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 1994, he defended his dissertation on the topic “State budget policy in the context of the transition to market relations. Using the example of the Russian Federation" and received a PhD in Economics.

After graduating from university, Siluanov was assigned to work as an economist at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. From there, in 1987, he was called up for military service.

In 1989, after demobilization, he returned to the Ministry of Finance as a leading economist. Here, until 1992, he worked in the following positions: economist of the first category, leading economist, deputy head of a subdepartment and consultant.

In 1992, the Ministry of Finance merged with the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR, resulting in the formation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation, where Siluanov served as deputy head of the department. In the same year, the department was divided into the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. Anton Germanovich received the position of deputy head of the budget management department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A little later, he became deputy head of the budget department, and then head of the department and head of the budget department of the ministry.

In 1997, Siluanov headed the department of macroeconomic policy and banking. In 2001, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, Anton Germanovich was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin. In this position, he oversaw issues related to the budgets of various subjects of the federation and macroeconomic policy.

In 2004, the number of deputy ministers was reduced, and Siluanov was appointed director of the department of interbudgetary relations.

In 2005, the staff of deputies expanded again, Anton Germanovich again took the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, where he oversaw issues of regional activities of the Ministry of Finance.

Since September 27, 2011, after Kudrin’s resignation, Siluanov served as acting Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

On December 16 of the same year, he was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Alexey Kudrin, in one of his interviews, commented on this appointment: “I can only say about Anton Siluanov that he is a professional who masters all the mechanisms of work, all the levers and has a very great experience, therefore he is worthy of the post of minister.”

During different periods of his work at the Ministry of Finance, Siluanov was a member of many government working groups and commissions, as well as on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of various credit organizations and state corporations.

So, in 1999, he became a member of the board of directors of the Russian Credit bank. In 2000 – member of the supervisory board of Rosselkhozbank. In 2002, he was included in the board of directors of the Agency for Restructuring of Credit Institutions. In the same year, he became part of a group under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) to finalize proposals for reform banking system. In 2003, he became a member of the Russian Government Commission on solving the problems of closed administrative-territorial entities. In 2005, he worked in the government commission on issues of the fuel and energy complex and reproduction of the mineral resource base. In 2007, he became a member of the supervisory board of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund. Since 2011, he headed the board of directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency and the National Banking Council, and was included in the Russian Security Council. Since 2012, he has been a manager for the Russian Federation at the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.

Siluanov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Married, he has a son.