A strong conspiracy to return a loved one from a rival. How to destroy your rival morally

Our life is very diverse, the experience of my many years of practice shows that not every person can cope on their own with the problems that arise on their way, sometimes the help of a strong magician is simply necessary. Someone wants to make a love spell, someone needs career, and there are those who cannot get rid of annoying rivals. It's the latter that we'll talk about.

As you know, the female population suffers more from problems in the love sphere. After all, when in our world the number of men and women differs sharply, then each young lady tries to “grab” the best one for herself. Therefore, rivalry arises, which entails many problems. Even if a man is already married and has children, he does not stop being a desired object for others. Especially if personal happiness is at stake. I have often witnessed similar stories, when the girls could not share one gentleman and came up with various tricks to emerge victorious.

So, today I will tell you how to get rid of your rival forever. Just a few days ago, a young lady came to me and said that a certain girl was not giving her husband access. It turned out that they had been married only recently, but had known each other since school, and therefore their feelings were time-tested. And yet, one of the fans turned out to be so annoying that the husband begins to bend under her charms. After all, she watches him everywhere. Tired of this, the girl decided to use her last chance - to come to me. After listening to her story, I decided not to refuse to help her.

I chose one of the most strong rituals, using a snapshot. And now you can also find out how to eliminate your photo rival once and for all. Any professional magician is able to establish an energetic connection between the image and its owner. And only then act on the person himself through this invisible thread. In very difficult situations, you can use a drawn silhouette of someone who caused you pain and suffering. The main thing is to organize and conduct the ceremony correctly. If for some reason you are unable to get to a specialist, here are some tips on how to do everything at home. However, you need to know some features before practicing it yourself.

Features of ritual behavior

Do not rush to carry out this or that ritual, even if it seemed most suitable to you. Everything needs to be done consciously, with an understanding of what exactly you are doing. You need to be able to interact with an external force, which, in essence, is a guarantee that the ritual will work. Without this, any ritual is just a useless set of movements. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a specialist. In addition, there are several more features that need to be taken into account when performing rituals. Let me give you some of them:

It is necessary to carry out rituals to get rid of a rival on the waning moon, this means that the external force will in the same mode reduce the influence of the rival, gradually reducing it to zero.

Rituals must be carried out impartially, removing all your emotions. Everything needs to be done with a cool head. Change your attitude towards your opponent, you can’t wish bad things on her. Remove all hatred and anger, otherwise the external force will not join this process, and your anger and aggression will be directed against you and those around you.

When you pronounce the words of spells or spells, you cannot read them from a piece of paper or from your phone, you must know them by heart and pronounce them freely. And not just pronounce, but delve into the meaning of each word.

You cannot let anyone in on what you are doing or tell anyone about the rituals you performed, even those people you trust. Other people's impulses can involuntarily distort the result you are seeking. Keep everything secret.

There is no need to do rituals out of revenge or just suspicion. If your rival is not like that, and your suspicions are unfounded, the ritual performed can bring very undesirable consequences for yourself. Be careful in this matter.

When performing rituals, you need to see a picture of the expected future. Try to see what you are striving for as if it has already happened.

Get rid of your photo rival yourself

Take a photo of the homewrecker and put it in a glass of water. The ideal time for this action is winter or late autumn. But if time is running out, put the glass in the refrigerator and let the water freeze thoroughly. After ice has formed in the container, remove it from there along with the photograph. Investing all your strength and desire to free yourself from the third wheel in your relationship with your loved one, break the ice and scatter it in all corners of the room. Then say the following words: “Just as ice melts, as water flows away, let the sympathy (name of competitor) evaporate from your heart. And never again will you pursue my beloved (name). Let your love pass, passion decrease and soon you will forget that when "I was so obsessed. My word is strong, my will is strong. Amen."

Another conspiracy on how to punish an enemy can be carried out using a candle. This ritual is suitable if your husband or boyfriend nevertheless succumbed to temptation and ended the relationship with you for the sake of a new passion. The feeling of emptiness and the desire to return the one with whom you were so happy provokes the most daring actions. After all, you have to fight for yours!

For everything to work out, you need to buy two black candles, and also get a joint photo of the couple you are going to destroy. You will place it on a smooth dark surface, face up. When everything is ready, place the candles in such a way that the wax drips onto the faces of the people shown in the photo. Take a knife with a black handle and with a slight movement draw a line between the man and the woman. And then imagine yourself cutting off all connection, love and affection. Clearly paint a picture in your head of how they break up, not wanting to be together anymore. At the same time read the plot: “I am laying a path of discord and misunderstanding between you (the names of the lovers on the card). From now on, you will not be together, because a wall of hostility, resentment and mutual reproaches will stand in your way. You will swear, shed tears, hate each other. You will never be together again. And as the candles melt, so does your attraction decrease.” Repeat these words six times, and then with a sharp movement cut the photo in the middle. Don't wait for the candles to burn out, let them stand all night. The wax should literally soak through the image. In the morning, bury it in the ground, and take the cinders to the place where this couple lives.

Eliminate an opponent with the power of fire

How to destroy a rival if you need to act quickly without performing too complex rituals? For this there are external sources forces, for example, fire. From this source you can charge yourself with incredible power that can sweep away any enemy or rival. I did exactly this for one of my clients. She was in a hurry and asked to do everything as soon as possible. Close girlfriend stole her husband from her and she wanted only one thing - to return her beloved. When asked how to eliminate from a photo and win back your betrothed, I offered her this strong, effective method. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to look through the fire and concentrate on a joint photo of your rival and spouse, if, of course, there is such a photo. The most important thing here is to gather within yourself the maximum strength of the element of fire, which basically requires a very serious load. When the concentration is sufficient, you need to invest all this force and tear the picture. We put the halves of the photographs in different vessels and burn them. During this process we read: “Your love will go away with ashes forever. And you won’t be together, you won’t experience happiness. Discord and quarrels will come to your home. You won’t find mutual language and not save your feelings. Everything goes away and you won't be there. My words are true and it will be as I say." At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to scatter the ashes into the wind in different directions.

I want to say that the above method can only be done by an experienced specialist who has a colossal source of Power.

Ritual of breaking

This ritual is carried out in order to break the connection between your loved one and the homewrecker, sow discord and misunderstanding between them, both on one side and on the other. It is very ancient and effective method, which is often used by shamans.

You need to take a sheet of paper and with a simple pencil draw on it the face of your loved one, and next to it the face of the homewrecker. No artistic skills required - just draw how it turns out. Most importantly, imagine, feel that you are drawing this particular person, putting your whole soul into this drawing. When the drawing is ready, sign the names below - your loved one and your rival. Then set the drawing aside for a few hours.

You need to wait until midnight, turn off the lights and light a candle. Take the drawing in your hands and carefully tear it apart to separate his and her images so that they remain on different halves. When performing this action, you need to pronounce the spell: “I am not breaking the drawing, but the connection of the youths (the name of the man and the name of the woman) I am separating. From now on, they won’t live together, won’t love each other, won’t raise children. There will be forests and mountains between them, quarrels and discord. Truly."

After this, part of the drawing with the image of a woman must be torn into small pieces and placed in an ashtray and burned from a candle flame. When the fire lights up, say the spell: “I burn it, I remove it from my path.” Throw the ashes into the street, and put the second half of the drawing with the image of your loved one in discreet place so that it is not available to anyone.

Ritual on a man from a rival

This ritual will help cool a man’s feelings for another woman. To implement this, you will need regular table salt. Before preparing any food, set aside a small handful of salt in advance and read this spell on it: “White salt, take away my pain, bring back peace and happiness, turn my betrothed (man’s name) away from (woman’s name). So that he doesn’t look in her direction, doesn’t want her, doesn’t want her. Be that way." Then, when cooking, use this salt and make sure your man eats this food. If you do everything right, he will forever distance himself from your rival.

Ritual for a rival

This ritual is designed for the homewrecker herself, so that she is the one who turns away from the man. For the ritual you will need a fresh chicken egg, preferably not from the store, but from the village. And you also need to know the name of your opponent.

So, in the evening, shortly before bed, take an egg prepared in advance and start moving it in a circle, clockwise, over the pillow on which your man always sleeps. At the same time, pronounce the following spell: “I conjure you (the name of the rival), I withdraw your interest in (the man’s name). Don’t have affairs with him, but forget him forever.” While moving the egg over the pillow, this spell must be cast at least ten times. Then, at night, the egg should be placed under the bed, under the side of the bed where your man sleeps.

The next day you need to take the egg out and take it to the forest or nature, break it with the words: “I break the egg, I seal the plot.” And without looking back, go home.

Conspiracy from a rival for fish

This ritual and conspiracy will help cool down your rival’s feelings for your other half. This is done using fresh fish. In the morning you need to go to the market and smoke any fresh fish. When you buy it, do not bargain with the seller and do not take change.

Come home and clean and gut the fish, collect all the insides and take it outside, leave it so that the yard dogs or cats can eat it. Returning home, take the fish in your hands and say the following spell: “Just as this fish will no longer swim in the sea, so my rival (name) and my husband (husband’s name) will not be together.”

Then prepare any dish from this fish and you must have your man try it.

Conspiracy from a rival on her husband's shirt

If you want your rival to stop pursuing your betrothed, you can perform a very effective ritual using your husband’s belongings - his shirt. This is also a very powerful ritual that will allow you to attract your husband’s attention to yourself, refreshing old feelings.

So, take your husband's shirt and cut off the top button. Light a regular candle and start sewing on the button again. While you are doing this, say the following spell: “As strong as this thread is, so will I and (husband’s name) love each other. Hold on tight to the button, and leave your rival with her husband, now and forever.” After the button is sewn, burn the remaining thread in a candle flame.

Then the shirt needs to be washed, ironed and for the husband to wear it.

The Power of Prayer to Eliminate Your Rival

And the last thing I would like to tell you about is how or an ill-wisher prays. Many people have enemies and rivals, but some of them poison life so much that you want to get rid of them once and for all. The steps that I will describe are quite simple and do not require any special accessories. But you need to deeply understand what you are doing. Always carry a coin equal to one penny in your pocket. After all, when you meet your ill-wisher on the street or somewhere else, it will come in handy. When you meet a hated person, take out this money and cross his back, first with your left hand, and then with your right twice. Of course, do this as inconspicuously as possible, even barely moving your hands. Try not to let anyone see this, but say to yourself: “I don’t give you a blessing, but I baptize you. And whatever bad you wish for me, I will return to you. Amen.”.

In conclusion, I would like to warn you that all violent actions have a dual nature and can affect you yourself. You can use them only if you restore justice. It is impossible to perform rituals out of a simple feeling of revenge and a desire to harm. Otherwise, everything can turn out unpredictably, including against you. And if you do not have experience with such rituals, contact me for help. After all, only a strong magician can restore happiness to someone who has undeservedly lost it.

A rival is an enemy who has quietly entered your family’s territory. Where did it come from and why? Is it worth meeting him face to face? And how best to deal with it?

In this article we will try to answer these questions.

No matter how a man tries to hide it, a woman immediately senses the appearance of a “third man”. This someone is invisibly present nearby, evaluates her through the eyes of a loved one, speaks in his voice, even when he smiles and says that everything is fine. A beloved, dear person suddenly becomes somehow... a stranger. He increasingly uses expensive perfume and lingers longer than usual in front of the mirror, pays more attention to his clothes, even underwear! He is no longer interested in household chores, but sudden delays at work and unplanned trips with friends to a bar or to football are becoming commonplace, and mobile phone turns into the Ring of the Dark Lord, which no one can touch except himself. The annoying whisper of intuition turns into suspicion, suspicion keeps you awake at night and turns into knowledge, powerless, devoid of evidence. What should I do? How to eliminate the frightening ghost of a rival and not destroy the family ship with a brewing storm?

First of all, you need to understand one thing for yourself - a storm, storm, tornado and any other scandal will first of all turn against you. Yes, yes, rushing around the house alone probably more than once made you want to immediately rush to your loved one, grab him by the lapels of a fresh new shirt and shake out the whole truth to the last comma. But is it necessary to do this? Think for yourself, in whose favor will the show play, where you appear in the image of an unbalanced hysterical woman, with a tear-stained, swollen face and a slightly crazy look?

The best thing in such a situation is to order the heart to temporarily become just a vital muscle without any “voice” there. And start thinking with your head.

Why do men leave? They get bored. They want variety. They simply have nothing more to gain here. The beloved woman is clear, understandable, everything is known about her, she is like the territory of the Indians, over which his flag has been flying for many years.

You have the power to change everything. It's not difficult at all.
First of all, you need to understand what stage their relationship is at. If this is just the beginning of a “candy-bouquet office romance”, and they mostly spend time at work or corporate events, you need to do everything so that even while there, your loved one mentally strives to go home, where you, a well-groomed, beautiful and affectionate woman, will surround him tenderness and attention and you will not burden him with household problems, but instead you will serve him his favorite dinner, steamy cold beer, flashing new sexy lingerie in the neckline of his blouse. At the same time, do not hesitate to surprise him, give him surprises and most importantly, remain calm. And even better - mystery.

The territory may be captured, but does he know it as well as he thinks?

If you do everything right, he will begin to strive home in the same way as he previously strived from home. He will become interested. He will be mentally next to you again, and he will have no strength or desire left to communicate with another woman.

Everything here is based on the same thing: don’t try to get him to talk, or let him know that you know everything. It will end badly.

Most likely, their relationship is based on sex alone; he wanted novelty, thrill and variety. Having played with her enough, he will return to you, but only if you do not give up and again do everything right.

  1. Look after yourself. Figure, hair, nails, clothes - you should look perfect. Affection, tenderness, attention. Imagine that you are the Queen, and let your King run around playing with the ladies-in-waiting, you should look ten, a hundred times better than any of them;
  2. Comfort and order in the house;
  3. Delicious, hot dinner.
The rival, no matter how desirable she may be for him now, is the same woman. And after just a few meetings, your man will begin to notice shortcomings in her, sooner or later, he will run into the thorns of her character, he will have to put up with her habits, who would want to get involved in all this, when in his “fortress” it is always warm, light, smells delicious fried meat, and the Queen is patient, steadfast and faithful. She’s also damn attractive, she lost a couple of kilograms, got a new hairstyle and bought beautiful lingerie.

However, the comfort of the fortress is not everything. Remind your man that you are not just his vest and reliable shoulder. Remind me what you have common interests, visit together interesting events, have fun. Erotic evenings, exploratory forays into the city, picnics in nature (preferably with common relatives), where you will be cheerful and fearless.

Become your own Rival, a mysterious, beautiful, sexy, interesting and sought-after woman with whom you want to be close all the time. Your enemy will then feel confused, scared and abandoned. It is unlikely that she has your wisdom, so very soon she will begin to throw tantrums at him - and this is a sure way to break any relationship.

Very soon your man will realize that he is much more comfortable with you. That you don’t need anything from him except himself, while his mistress constantly demands something. Become the most necessary, the most irreplaceable for him, and then your enemy will surrender himself. Of course, she may try to get in touch with you and by hook or by crook she will begin to prove that your man loves her and only her. But should the Queen be interested in the opinion of her maid of honor? Don't show her your hurt and pain - that's exactly what she wants. She needs scandals to start raging in your house.

Do you need it?

It is best to let her understand that you are well aware of their relationship, and you are not worried about it, because all his previous girlfriends ended extremely poorly, and in your eyes they all, and she, too, look very pathetic, because they are capable They only grab what belongs to others, and are completely incapable of creating something of their own.

The desire to meet this bitch and tear out all her “patties” is natural, because you are hurt, offended and scared. This desire needs to be nipped in the bud and not returned to it again, because she will probably also have something to tell you. And her speech will probably begin with words about what a bad wife you are, since you are not able to keep a man. Then she will immediately be in a position of strength. This is of no use to you. In addition, remember that he will definitely find out about this conversation, and then no plans will help.

Remember - this is your man. You have every right to fight for it. And the most best strategy in this struggle is to be a Woman with capital letters, no matter how difficult it may be for you. Calmness, resilience and a gentle smile are yours best friends. No screaming, tears or showdowns. Don't follow him, don't call him, and don't rummage through his things under any circumstances. Don't humiliate yourself or threaten. Play. Become for him again the woman with whom he once fell in love. Show him how interesting, affectionate and attractive the woman he was ready to exchange so thoughtlessly is. Let him see that you are much better and wiser than your mistress, that you are his person, his best and most understanding friend, always ready to support and help him. That he simply can’t do without you.

Men cheat - and that's a fact. But cheating is not the end of the world. This is a lesson that both you and him need in order to take a sober look at the relationship and understand what exactly needs to be changed and what needs to be treated with more attention. Just don’t become a bitch under any circumstances, because bitch means “carrion” and “rotten.” Let the one who tries to steal your man remain a bitch. And you are a Woman. Stay that way.

To achieve what you want, expanding the range of your capabilities, you can use magic. Various rituals, prayers and conspiracies, as methods of energetic influence on the person of interest, help resolve a lot of problems, including love ones. To improve relationships with your lover, strengthen your connection with him or get rid of your rival, you can use special conspiracies. And today we will talk about them.

Love magic is a fairly popular way to arrange your personal life. And it is quite natural when a woman tries by any means to protect her family and loved one from the attacks of her rival.

If someone else appears in the life of your loved one, you can easily ward her off with the help of this plot.

By performing the ritual to eliminate your rival on the full moon, you are guaranteed to get rid of the contender for your man’s love.

To perform the ritual, determine the period of the new moon. On a clear moonlit night, take bread or your lover’s favorite food. Go outside under the moonlight and place food in your palms. Read the magic words above it:

“I will get up and, without blessing or crossing myself, I will go along underground paths to the sea-ocean. There, on a blue stone, sits a merman with a crowberry. They sit with their faces apart and get angry and quarrel. So let my dear (his name) quarrel with another woman (her name) and separate. Let what I have said come true.”

After completing the ceremony, return to the house. You can go to bed, and in the morning you will need to feed the charmed food to your loved one. This way you can a short time eliminate another woman from the life of your loved one.

Strong rite from photo

More strong conspiracies from a rival are used when she has become a homewrecker. To get rid of the other woman and return your spouse to the family, you can do the following. Find a picture that shows two people - your husband and his mistress. If this is not possible, you should take a blank sheet of paper and write their names on it next to each other. In addition, to implement your plan you will need:

  • candles;
  • matches.

Determine when the full moon will be. On one of these nights, after 12 am, light the candles. holding a photo together(sheet with names), read the plot to eliminate your mistress:

“I’m not breaking the photograph, but the connection (say the name of the husband and rival). Not to be together, not to raise and baptize children, not to wait for grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Don’t share their happiness, don’t while away the night. I break their feelings forever. Amen".

At the same time, tear the picture in half. On one there should be an image of a loved one, and on the other - a rival.

To ward off another woman and get your husband back, separate the halves:

  • place the part with the image of your spouse in the most secret place of the house;
  • break up with your mistress.

As you throw the pieces into the trash bin, say the words of prayer:

“I don’t just throw away rubbish, I separate it. Forever".

This conspiracy against a rival “works” not only against her influence. It energetically influences the spouse. During the first weeks, his feelings for his mistress will begin to cool. He will return home soon.

A simple ritual with salt

It happens that powerful spells are not required, since another woman who has recently appeared in the life of your loved one is only interested in him. To prevent the emergence of a relationship between them, use lighter spells on your rival.

One of these is a conspiracy that prevents your lover from developing reciprocity towards a potential mistress. To perform the ritual you will need salt. You need to speak to her with the words of prayer:

“I am conjuring salt against my homewrecker rival (her name). Let the servant of God (his name) not look in her direction and not reciprocate. Just as this salt is salty, so let it not be pleasant to him. Amen".

After repeating the magic spell three times, add salt to the salt shaker. Use the charmed seasoning when preparing food for your loved one. It is even recommended to add salt to your dishes. But in this case, you will have to make sure that the man eats the entire dish. Such conspiracies against another contender for your boyfriend’s feelings are quite effective. The more a man consumes the charmed salt in his food, the faster he will be able to get rid of his rival.

A curse on fish

To cool the feelings of your rival and remove her from the life of your loved one, you can perform this ritual. For this you will need to purchase fresh fish. The purchase must be made exactly on the day when you are going to perform magical actions and read prayers. It is advisable to choose one of the “men’s” days for this ritual (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

Bring home the fish, clean it of scales, entrails, and remove the tail and head. Take it all out of the house and give it to someone else's cat. When you return home, read the following words over the fish carcass:

“This fish has no head, no tail, no bladder. My rival (her name) will get what she wants, when this fish has a head again and a tail grows back. In the meantime, don’t share her happiness, love and bed with my dear (his name). What I said will come true. Amen".

After that, start cutting up the carcass. Fry the pieces and treat your loved one with it on the same day. You can also eat a piece yourself. Reading the text of this prayer will help you get rid of your rival.

It is very disappointing when a loved one begins to be attracted to another woman - the reason for this may not be her beauty or permissiveness in intimate relationships, but the usual male psychology suggesting polygamy. It is extremely difficult to get rid of such a rival - scandals aggravate problems, pushing a person to outside seductresses.

To ward off such a woman, it is worth using magic, which is unusually powerful in matters of love and relationships. Therefore, it is worth studying conspiracies to remove a rival - they allow you to return everything to its original place while the situation can be quickly corrected.

The only limitation is that such methods should be used after completely clearing the mind of negative emotions, for which it is best to use prayers.

A conspiracy against a rival, involving the use of food, helps well against a homewrecker. Make some of your own delicious dishes for your loved one, presenting his image in maximum detail. Food should bring pleasure to a person - otherwise the conspiracy will not gain the necessary power.

After the prayer dedicated to the patron saint of your husband or boyfriend, say the words while bending low over the table with food:

“I will stand high, I will see everything,
what is happening on the earth around.
I will go to the blue sea, to the black stone,
Yes, I will find a deep hole there.
A goblin sits in that pit and quarrels with the goblin.
And Satan himself sits on them and quarrels with the Satan.
And on top of them a wonderful thing sits and looks into the water.
I’ll drive them all away and look at the sky.
And in heaven there are angels and saints, and Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
I will ask them for forgiveness and pray for their intercession.
Do not refuse my request, be merciful! Amen!".

If your loved one is no longer at home, you shouldn’t give up - the spell can work at a distance, but it’s worth making a lot more effort.

Ordinary bread will help to remove your rival, over which you need to read words similar to those given above. When you go out at dawn, scatter this bread, making sure that the birds eat it without leaving a trace.

For the spell to work, also say:

“Birds fly high, bring the news to your loved one that they are waiting for him at home, that love has not cooled down.”

In addition, poppy seeds will help get rid of an evil woman - however, this ritual will only work if there is no love between her and the man. In this case, conspiracies against a rival are pronounced for seven days in a row - you need to sprinkle a pinch of seeds on the threshold and say:

“Thirty and three ravens flew over a black field, and they carried thirty and three black stones in their beaks. They threw them into the field, and they sprouted as a wondrous seed.

The seed sprouted and withered immediately. So this poppy will never sprout again,
and there will never be love between the servant of God (the name of the beloved) and the unworthy one (the name of the rival).

Let the black crows peck her eyes if she looks in the direction of my glorious husband.
Let wondrous seeds grow from her body if she desires my husband. It will be like this forever, and not only with her!

Three times Amen!

Damage as a serious method of influence

Such conspiracies from a rival do not always have good result- Sometimes energy protection a person can withstand very strong blows. Most in an effective way to discourage such a woman may be the imposition of damage, with the help of which you can send the following to her:

  • disease;
  • madness;
  • death;
  • serious trouble.

However, it is unethical to use such techniques against a living person - therefore, experienced sorcerers advise using milder methods of elimination that do not involve causing serious harm. They involve influencing the opponent's mind - to achieve this, you need to be very persistent. In addition, to prevent the force of such a blow from hitting you back, you should get rid of negative emotions through prayer and meditation.

The best plot to get rid of the presence of the enemy must be read very a large number of times - it is advisable to reach the number 40. Its advantage is that it allows you to return your loved one from your rival even in the case when there is true love between them.

Starting in the morning, say the following words:

“I pray to our God, I pray to his son, Jesus Christ, for help, for intercession, for benefactor. Do not refuse me, and I will reward you. If I close myself with three locks from the evil eye, I will defend myself better than others from it.

My first castle is the king of heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, the just. My second castle is his mother, the Mother of God Mary, the wise. And the third castle is the heavenly angel himself, strong and intolerant of evil.

Help me get rid of the evil and unjust servant of God (name of my rival), protect me from evil intentions. Yes, put your mind into my husband’s mouth and eyes, so that he can see that there is no one more beautiful in the world than me.

And if you help, then I will be forever grateful to you and will never forget your kindness. May it be so everlasting! Amen!"

It is best to start reading the plot after prayer, so as not to turn to God with a heavy heart. It will help you quickly get rid of your rival without the slightest delay. Their relationship will become increasingly worse as your prayers begin to achieve their goal.

IN family life anything can happen. Quarrels, disagreements, and it happens that a woman has a rival. Women go to great lengths to bring their husband back to the family, to bring love and harmony back to the home.

There are various ways to return your husband to the family. Sometimes, women use magic and spells on their rival. When no amount of persuasion or conversations with your chosen one help, then you can try to plot against your rival.

A conspiracy against a rival is best carried out by a specialist in this field, but if you have no desire to contact a stranger, then the conspiracy can be done at home.

All the same, a woman needs to understand what she is doing and weigh all the pros and cons. Any wrong action can return with double force to the woman who is plotting against her rival.

So, in order to get rid of your rival and carry out a conspiracy, you need to know a few basic rules.

Firstly, you should never wish harm on your rival, especially death. Since the consequences will be terrible not only for the rival, but also for the family of the woman who is plotting against her rival.

Secondly, the text of the conspiracy itself must be learned by heart and all the words must be known. Any mistake can lead to the wrong result.
Thirdly, a conspiracy against a rival is best carried out on a waning moon, since it is believed that such a moon helps people break up better, which means there will be a double effect from the conspiracy.

Fourth, you must not let anyone know what you are about to do. Do not tell anyone about the plot against your rival, under any circumstances.

Fifthly, a woman who is plotting against her rival must believe in what she is doing. You cannot think about anything extraneous during the ritual, read the text of the conspiracy clearly, and believe in the result. The result also depends on the faith of the fortuneteller.

There are several ways to remove your opponent. Rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies against a rival. A conspiracy against a rival is a separator, and also serves to cool the feelings of both the husband towards the rival, and vice versa.

Before starting a conspiracy against a rival, a woman must prepare all the materials - photographs of both participants, if there is no photo, then write the names of her husband and rival on a piece of paper. Choose a day, be sure to be on the waning moon. Prepare candles for the plot in advance.
What is the conspiracy to remove your rival. When you light the candles, you need to start tearing up the photos you have or the sheet of names. The very words of the conspiracy are that when you tear the paper, you also tear their feelings. After the entire conspiracy has been pronounced, the husband’s photo must be hidden in a place where no one will find it. And throw away the remains of your opponent’s photo, burn it, and wash it off with water.

The simplest turn away from a rival that any woman can do is associated with the moon itself. You need to speak the words of the conspiracy on the waning moon, from the very beginning, until the full moon comes. The power of this conspiracy against a rival lies in the fact that it must be spoken every day.

There is a conspiracy that not every woman will decide on. Also, on the waxing moon, go to the cemetery, find a grave with a name like your husband’s, read a special spell.

Usually, any conspiracy and turning away from a rival begins to take effect after 3-4 weeks of the ritual. Be careful and careful.
There is also a conspiracy related to water. You need to fill a pan with water and wait until it boils. When boiling, pronounce the special words of the spell, then divide all the water into even parts, four pieces, sprinkle all the corners in the house, also saying the special words of the spell.
A conspiracy against a rival associated with poppy. Buy a poppy and scatter it near the door, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. The meaning of the words is that the bird, pecking at the poppy, pecks away the feelings that the rival and husband have. Recite for twelve days.

Conspiracy - to ward off a rival

Conspiracy - to ward off a rival

There are many conspiracies to ward off a rival. Let's look at some.

For example, a simple conspiracy with chicken egg. Such a conspiracy is carried out if you are sure that from the very beginning the initiative for separation and a new relationship came from your rival, and not from your husband.

You need to know your opponent's name. When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need fresh egg draw circles around the sleeping husband's head. Say the spell twelve times, very quietly. Only then hide the egg under a place on the side where the husband usually sleeps. Don't throw it away until you see the result. Typically the process itself lasts from eight to twelve weeks.

There is a well-known conspiracy against a rival, which can easily be carried out at home. It is especially effective when you know that the new relationship is mutual. A conspiracy related to salt, but not the new one you bought, but the old one you use at home. Before cooking, take salt in your palm, say a spell, then add it to your husband’s food.

It is worth noting once again that any conspiracy can turn into bad signs for the fortuneteller. Therefore, when carrying out a conspiracy against a rival, you need to be careful, observing all the rules, and in no case wish harm to anyone, much less death, which is dangerous for all parties to the conspiracy against a rival.