Am I a strong person test. Weak person

1. Do you often think about the impact your actions have on others?

a) very rarely;

c) quite often;

d) very often.

2. Do you ever say something that you yourself do not believe, out of stubbornness, in defiance of others, or for “prestigious” reasons?

3. Which of the following qualities do you value most in people?

a) persistence;

b) breadth of thinking;

c) showiness, the ability to show oneself.

4. Do you have a tendency to be pedantic?

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you?

6. Do you like to analyze your actions?

7. When in a circle of people well known to you:

b) remain yourself.

8. When starting a difficult task, do you try not to think about the difficulties awaiting you?

9. Which of the following definitions best suits you?

a) dreamer;

b) “shirt-guy”;

c) diligent in work;

d) punctual, neat;

d) "philosopher" in in a broad sense this word;

f) a vain person.

10. If, in the heat of controversy, your opponent “breaks down” and makes a personal attack against you, what will you do?

a) answer him in the same tone;

b) ignore this fact;

c) be demonstratively offended;

d) suggest taking a break.

11. If your work is rejected, it will cause you to:

a) annoyance;

12. If you get into trouble, who do you blame first?

a) yourself;

b) “fatal” bad luck;

c) other “objective” circumstances.

13. Do you feel that the people around you - be they managers, colleagues or subordinates - underestimate your abilities and knowledge?

14. If your friends or colleagues start making fun of you, then you:

a) be angry with them;

b) try to retreat;

c) without getting irritated, you begin to play along with them;

d) respond with laughter and, as they say, “zero attention”;

e) you pretend to be indifferent and even smile, but in your heart you are indignant.

15. Having finished the argument, do you continue to conduct it mentally, bringing forward more and more new arguments in defense of your point of view?

Answer Evaluation Table

Question answer

Calculate your total points scored.

Below 14 points. Alas, you are a weak-willed, unbalanced and, perhaps, carefree person. For the troubles that happen to you, you are ready to blame anyone, but not yourself. It is difficult to rely on you both in friendship and in work.

14 23 points. You have a fairly strong character. You have a realistic outlook on life, but not all your actions are equal. You also have breakdowns and delusions. You are conscientious and quite tolerant in a team. And yet, you have something to think about in order to get rid of some shortcomings, because you can do it.

24–30 points. You are one of the persistent people and have a sufficient sense of responsibility. Value your judgment, but also consider the opinions of others. You correctly navigate situations that arise and, in most cases, know how to choose correct solution. Avoid narcissism and always remember: strong does not mean tough.

Over 30 points. Maybe this amount of points is the result of a not entirely objective assessment of one’s actions and behavior? I just can’t believe that there are people with such ideal character. And if there is, then they simply have nothing to recommend.

Business psychology Morozov Alexander Vladimirovich



To calculate points and determine your result, use the following “key”:

1. “a”-0,”b”-1,”c”-2;

2. "yes" -0, "no" -1;

3. “a” – 1, “b” -1, “c” -0;

4. “yes” -2, “no” -0;

5. “yes” -0, “no” -2;

6. “yes” – 2, “no” – 0;

7. “a” – 2, “b” – 0;

8. “yes” -0, “no” -2;

9. “a” – 0, “b” – 1, “c” – 3, “d” – 2, “d” – 2, “f” – 0;

10. “a” – 2, “b” – 0, “c” – 0, “d” – 0;

11. “a” – 0, “b” – 1, “c” – 2, “d” – 0;

12. “a” – 0, “b” – 2, “c” – 1, “d” – 3;

13. "a" -2, "b" -1, "c" -0;

14. “a” – 2, “b” – 0, “c” – 0;

15. “yes” -0, “no” -2;

16. “a” – 0, “b” – 1, “c” – 2, “d” – 0, “e” – 0;

17. “a” – 2, “b” – 0, “c” – 1;

18. “a” – 1, “b” – 0, “c” – 2;

19. “yes” – 0, “no” – 2;

20. “a”-0,”b”-1,”c”-2;

Less than 15 points - alas, you are a weak-willed person, not balanced and, perhaps, carefree. For the troubles that happen to you, you are ready to blame anyone but yourself. Both in friendship and in work, you are difficult to rely on (think about it!).

From 15 to 25 points - you have a fairly strong character. You have a realistic outlook on life, but not all your actions are equal. You have breakdowns and delusions. You are conscientious and quite tolerant in a team environment. Still, you still have a lot to think about to get rid of some shortcomings (you can rest assured that you can do it!).

From 26 to 38 points - you are one of the people who are persistent and have a sufficient sense of responsibility. Value your judgment, but also consider the opinions of others. You correctly navigate situations that arise and in most cases know how to choose the right solution. This indicates that you have strong character traits. Just avoid narcissism and always remember: strong does not mean cruel.

Over 38 points - sorry, but it’s difficult for you to say anything definite. Why? Because I simply can’t believe that there are people with such an ideal character. Or maybe this amount of points is the result of a not entirely objective assessment of one’s actions and behavior?

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Test No. 9 Do you have a strong character? Strength of character is most important quality human, helping to survive in the most difficult conditions. And in order to determine the presence and degree of this quality with a sufficient degree of objectivity, one should choose the most

What is character? These are the properties that a person is endowed with, manifested in his behavior and attitude towards the people around him and the environment as a whole.

It is worth noting that in many ways a person’s character is connected with his fate; more precisely, a person’s fate influences how successfully he adapts to changing living conditions.

What kind of person is called the owner of a strong character? A person with a strong character is persistent, he has willpower and knows how to achieve his goals.

Do you have a strong character and can you assess situations realistically? Or perhaps you are short-tempered, shy or calm?

If you take the following character test, you will be able to find out what kind of character you have, understand yourself better, and give yourself a chance to succeed by improving what you lack in yourself by eliminating shortcomings:

Character test:

1. You received a letter that was not addressed to you (the postman mistakenly put it in your Mailbox letter intended for your neighbor). What will you do?

A) you will throw it away because it is of no value to you (0 points);
b) you will read the letter (carefully open it and then seal it), and then put it in your neighbor’s mailbox (1 point);
V) you will immediately go up to your neighbor and give her the letter, saying that you received it by mistake (2 points).

2. Do you tend to think about how your actions will affect others?

A) yes (2 points);
b) no (0 points);
V) sometimes (1 point).

3. Have you ever said something that you don’t believe in, for example, out of stubbornness or for other reasons?

A) yes (0 points);
b) no (2 points);
V) This happened only 1-2 times (1 point).

4. Do you tend to analyze your actions?

A) no (0 points);
b) yes (2 points);
V) sometimes (1 point).

5. If you are offered a highly paid job, but it is of little interest to you personally, will you accept this offer?

A) no, for you work is something that should not only be interesting, but also bring joy (2 points);
b) yes, and you won’t even think about it (0 points);
V) you will agree, but you will think that you deserve better in terms of interest in your position (1 point).

6. Imagine that you are walking in the park. You see little hooligans mocking a bird whose wing is broken. What's your reaction?

A) you will pass by (0 points);
b) you will drive away the evil boys (2 points);
V) you will try to help the bird (1 point).

7. When you are around people you know well, you...

A) you try to behave as you have proven yourself in this circle (1 point);
b) remain yourself (2 points).

8. Among your friends, you heard a story that you know. What will you do?

A) you listen carefully to this story again (2 points);
b) you will interrupt the speaker and take the initiative of the narrator (1 point);
V) you will tell those present that you have known this story for a long time (0 points).

9. Do you think about the difficulties you may have to face when you begin a difficult task?

A) sometimes (1 point);
b) no (0 points);
V) always (2 points).

10. When discussing various issues with colleagues, you...

A) agree with the majority opinion (0 points);
b) express your point of view, despite the fact that the majority opinion differs radically from your own opinion (2 points);
V) remain silent if you realize that your opinion differs from what the majority of the discussion participants think (1 point).

11. Your immediate boss unexpectedly called you into his office. How will you feel?

A) anxiety (0 points);
b) concern (1 point);
V) indifference (2 points).

12. If your boss cancels your project, will you feel angry or frustrated?

A) anger (1 point);
b) annoyance (2 points).

13. Do you sometimes feel like management underestimates you?

a) yes (0 points);
b) no (2 points).

14. Who would you take as your assistant if you were assigned to complete an urgent task?

A) gifted and proactive person (1 point);
b) executive and obligatory person (2 points);
V) a person who has knowledge in an area relevant to the task you have been assigned, but is inclined to argue (0 points).

Let's summarize:

23-28 points— you are a persistent girl with a sufficient sense of responsibility. You never back down, you always express your point of view, but at the same time you take into account what other people think on this or that issue. Whatever the situation arises, you navigate it correctly, and in most cases you manage to make the right decision. And all this in general suggests that you have a strong character. But don’t forget just one thing: being strong does not mean being too tough.

11-22 points- you have a fairly strong character: your actions and views on life are equivalent - they are realistic. You can be called conscientious and tolerant in a team, but you still have shortcomings that you need to get rid of (you know about them).

5-10 points— judging by your answers, you are a rather carefree person and probably weak-willed. But even if you are not a person with a strong character, do not despair: character can be developed and strong-willed qualities can be cultivated. But for this, of course, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

0-4 points- unfortunately, people like you are called weak-willed individuals. You are unlikely to achieve much success in your career due to your lack of determination. If you get into trouble or have problems completing tasks at work, you blame everyone but yourself. It is likely that friends and colleagues find it difficult to rely on you because, having promised something, you often do not fulfill your obligations. Think about it and try to change.

Each person is endowed with his own energy. It can be congenital or acquired during life. There is weak energy, and there is strong energy. According to experts in the field of esotericism, the personal development and a person's success in life. How to determine your energy field?

There are no specific ways to test a person for his energy power. Energy cannot be measured with instruments. But you can feel it. As a rule, an active, purposeful and active person has a large supply of vitality. And the one who constantly complains about a lack of energy is a person with low level energy.

Energetically strong man, as a rule, always happens in good mood. He knows how to control his emotions, knows what he is capable of and boldly goes towards his goal. He is not afraid of difficulties, because he feels within himself the strength that will help in difficult times.

People with strong energy are more successful in life. They are cheerful and positive. Their attitude and good health make it easy to achieve their goals. Energetic people can manipulate others, defend their point of view and win attention to their person.

However, those with high energy potential must be able to control their strength. It is better to direct energy for the benefit of yourself and others. If you have strong energy, then there is a possibility that you can put the evil eye on a person and harm his biofield.

An energetically weak person often gets sick. If he has any good ideas, then he is in no hurry to implement them. People with low energy get tired quickly. They are easily offended or influenced.

Energy levels can be more accurately determined by dreams. What do you dream about most often?

If in a dream you often walk into rivers, forests, or thickets, then this is a sign of an excess of energy. This may also be indicated by music in a dream or a belt that tightly tightens your waist. In this case, everything is fine with energy. True, it happens that excessive energy does not lead to good things. If your forces are directed for good, they will be of real benefit. But if you waste it on trifles, then you will not get anything good from your inner strength.

If you constantly dream of ruins, old houses, abysses, emptiness, hunger, thirst, quarrels, fights, narrow roads and corridors, then you are experiencing a lack of vitality. This is a sign that you urgently need to change your life and restore energy.

Do not rush to despair if you suddenly realize that you are not energetically strong. There is an opinion that human energy is constantly changing. It can be congenital, hereditary (its level depends on many factors, such as place of birth, energy of birth, circumstances of birth, etc.) and acquired.

The acquired energy can change depending on the lifestyle a person leads, what he does, where he lives and with whom he communicates. Based on this, you can easily increase your energy level. There are many ways to do this.

  • Firstly, you need to eat well and establish a daily routine.
  • Secondly, you need to be alone with yourself and your thoughts more often in order to better understand yourself and your desires.
  • Thirdly, you need to give preference to something that brings moral satisfaction.
  • Fourthly, you should communicate more with people who set you up for positive emotions.

Knowing your energy potential, you can strengthen it yourself (if it is weak) or direct it in the right direction to achieve your goals. With inner strength, you can achieve anything you want. The main thing is to constantly work on energy, not to let it fail and be able to control it when necessary.

23.10.2013 16:31

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