Strong expressions of the strong in spirit. Quotes: fortitude, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties

The strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved. Beckett Bernard

If you give up, don’t despair, there will definitely be something wonderful under your feet, don’t be afraid to raise it. If it becomes difficult and scary, it is important to feel how it becomes easy and clear for you what to do now. Serge Goodman

There is a force of aspiration in the human will that turns the fog within us into the sun. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A person is like a brick; when burned, it becomes hard. George Bernard Shaw

Happy, thrice happy is the man who is strengthened by the adversities of life. Genre Fabre

A person only achieves something when he believes in his own strength. Andreas Feuerbach

The highest characteristic of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most severe obstacles. Ludwig van Beethoven

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. great person, on the contrary, instills the feeling that you can become great. Mark Twain

The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll

Only when it is sparked in a person mental strength, he is truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and blazing does it become a visible image. Stefan Zweig

I often tell myself when things are bad,
And there are obstacles along the way.
The road is not always smooth,
There are both stones and potholes on it.
That I can survive any troubles,
I am strong, and tears suit me.
I'm not afraid of the vicissitudes of the weather,
I can overcome anything in the world.

Let yourself breathe full breasts and don't force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength. Elchin Safarli

Fell face down in the mud? Stand up and convince everyone that it is healing.

I became strong because I was weak
I'm fearless because I was afraid
I am wise because I was a fool.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong. Honore de Balzac

All our muscles are not a guarantee of strength, someday a day will come that will simply bring a person to his knees and the one who rises and continues to live and becomes even better - that’s the strong one!

I have me. We'll manage somehow.
Don't be afraid to face the truth - let it be afraid of you.
Don’t be afraid to not be perfect - have you met many ideal ones yourself?
Don't be afraid of criticism - this means NOT indifference,
Don't be afraid of the future - it has already arrived.

Even if it rains, tomorrow there will be sun. I will move forward as long as my heart beats. Max Lawrence

A person is what he believes in. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

If you feel like you're broken,
You are truly broken.
If you think you don't dare,
So you won't dare.
If you want to win, but you think
That you can't
You will almost certainly lose.
You don't always win the battles of life
The strongest and the fastest
But sooner or later the one who wins
It turns out that those who considered themselves capable of it!

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Desire expresses the essence of a person. Benedict Spinoza

A person is driven primarily by motivations that cannot be seen with the eyes. A person is guided by the spirit. Apuleius

What is in a person is undoubtedly more important than that what a person has. Arthur Schopenhauer

More than ten years ago
I decided to choose this path.
At first at random
But over the years, seeing the essence more deeply.
Who always goes forward
Even though sometimes the road is not easy,
Fortunately for him he will come,
Even if the chance is one in a hundred.

Without a shadow of a doubt
Without hiding my face,
Go towards your goal
Dear fighter.
Go till the end!
To end!

To move forward, a person must constantly have before him at the heights of glorious examples of courage... The future has several names. For weak person the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory! Victor Marie Hugo

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them based on previous experience - the person has not yet dared so much. Henry David Thoreau

If something is beyond your power, then do not decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius

Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight. Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

When all roads come to a dead end, when all illusions are destroyed, when not a single ray of sun shines on the horizon, a spark of hope remains in the depths of the soul of every person. Delia Steinberg Guzman

I'm not a lady. Everything that was taught
It swept over me like the wind.
But adversity did not break me,
Let me seem tough at times.

I'm not a lady. I am a fearless warrior
The one who looks only forward
The one who knows so well the value of war,
But in the distance the sunrise is already flaring up.

I fought for him and will fight,
And I will never forget in my life:
The South lost its war ingloriously
And I won my victory equally.

Touching the cotton fields with my hand,
I look with faith into the days to come...
- What helped you? - they will ask, surprised,
- Strength of spirit, just bring it back and save it!
gone With the Wind

Difficulties give rise to the abilities necessary to overcome them. W. Phillips

We are people with a strong spirit and resourceful mind; we can build help from any intrigues and obstacles! Juliana Wilson

A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. William Ellery Channing

We must look for our essence, our human origins, our inner strengths, our potentials. The height of a person does not depend on his physical height, but on the grandeur of his dreams. The horizons that open to him are outlined not by mountains, but by his self-confidence. He is young at heart; he is the bearer and keeper of hope, he has the eternal strength to remain optimistic, enthusiastic and maintain the ability to accomplish what he strives for. Jorge Angel Livraga

True defeat is the voluntary renunciation of one's rights. Jawaharlal Nehru

When you don't get the role you deserve, you have to write it yourself.

Fate brings strong people to their knees in order to prove to them that they can rise, but it does not touch the weak - they are already on their knees all their lives.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness! Overcoming difficulties makes you happier. George Sand

Strength of spirit makes a person invincible. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

You are very strong. I'm just very tired. Remember your wings, remember that you can fly. It's hard to walk on earth if you can fly. Spread your wings and fly. Despite the difficulties and circumstances. And despite the fact that many hold your wings. YOU are stronger!!! You will fly!!! Just believe in yourself!!!

With experience I learned -
There are no easy paths in our life.
But what won't kill me -
Tomorrow will make me stronger!
In this world everyone is alone
Free to control your own destiny,
But from start to finish
You just need to be yourself!

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure one more minute, do not retreat for anything - it is at such moments that the turning point in the struggle comes. Beecher Stowe

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; the dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - she is round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and stronger than anyone!

There is no need to be sad when fatigue controls the body, the spirit is always free. In the midst of the battle you are allowed to rest. Agni yoga

The Spirit alone, touching clay, creates Man from it. Saint-Exupery A.

The self-making spirit is tuned to the wave of the forces that control the world.

True man is not an external man, but a soul communicating with the Divine Spirit. Paracelsus

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it. Marcus Aurelius

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

The main thing is not the place where you are, but the state of mind in which you are. Anna Gavalda

The spirit is strong with joy. Lucretius

The joy of the spirit is a sign of its strength. Waldo Emerson

The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart. Vauvenargues

Don't be afraid of your fate,
After all, everything is extremely simple:

Rating 4.50 (3 Votes)

Which can be formed through perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Only thanks to the strength of spirit a person has the opportunity to achieve his goals and overcome the most difficult obstacles.

The Divine in Man

Much has been said about what fortitude is. This quality is often compared to willpower, or it is said that these two qualities go hand in hand. Human will is the ability to make decisions and strictly follow them. Fortitude is directly related to will, but it is more of an ideological concept.

The Slavic Magi of antiquity have a prayer. One of the quotes in it is about the strength of the spirit: “My body is a sheath for the blade of my spirit.” In many religious, as well as esoteric treatises, one and the same idea can be traced: the spirit is endowed with the nature of fire, or ether - that is, that place of the universe where the gods live. Regardless of concepts, this part of a person is considered to be given to him from above.

Some psychologists believe that alcoholics and drug addicts do not know what fortitude is. This is why the most expensive treatments are powerless against these addictions. From this follows the well-known principle that addiction cannot be cured - it only passes from one form to another. Therefore, a person can change as a person only by strengthening his spirit. Willpower is just one of the tools on the path to personal change.

Strength of spirit: definitions

The phrase “strength of spirit” has several definitions. Firstly, this is a quality that makes a person more courageous. It consists of several components: perseverance, willpower, perseverance. People who have this quality are metaphorically said to be made of iron. In this regard, we can quote about the strength of spirit of the poet N. Tikhonov: “If we could make nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world.” The poet said this about sailors who are ready to accept death. However, the development of inner strength is possible for every person; this process does not necessarily occur in the conditions of military service.

There is another definition of fortitude: it is a person’s ability to endure discomfort and unpleasant conditions in order to achieve future goal. From this point of view, fortitude can be developed when a person knows how to say to himself: “Today I will tolerate discomfort so that tomorrow my desired goal will be achieved.”

What does fortitude give?

Firstly, a strong person is faster able to disarm his inner critic. After all, on the way to any goal you cannot avoid obstacles. And at some point there is a risk of giving up, deciding that there is not enough strength to reach the end. Only those whose spirit is strong will have a chance of defeating this negative inner voice and further moving towards their goal.

This quality also allows you to draw the right conclusions from mistakes made and not get stuck in self-accusation. A strong person will not waste his life energy on unnecessary repentance. Nor will he ignore his mistakes. His strategy is responsibility for the actions taken. Therefore, the strength of spirit allows you to consider every step as an acquisition of new experience.

In addition, this quality allows a person to honestly face his fears. Leaving your “comfort zone” is never easy. However, if a person is strong, he knows that he will be able to cope with stress and move forward no matter what.


One example of fortitude is Pasha Pasynkov from the work of the same name by K. Chukovsky. At the cost of his own life, he decides to take the fire of all enemy anti-aircraft guns on himself. Pasynkov's plane burns and becomes uncontrollable, but he still manages to land on the Neva. So the hero managed to keep intact not only houses and several bridges, but also many human lives. All this is thanks to the willpower of the protagonist.

Also, an example of firmness of spirit can be found in the texts of L. Ovchinnikova. In them we're talking about about children besieged Leningrad. Many of them were left without parents; before their eyes, houses collapsed and people died of hunger. Children gathered at the first call in the Palace of Pioneers, despite hunger, cold and deprivation. There they practiced knitting, sewing, drawing, dancing and singing. Then they did not yet know about the power that art has. The kids came to perform on a military cruiser. Adults who had to deal with death every day were amazed at the strength of the children’s spirit.

V. P. Astafiev: an example of spiritual power

Also, an example of the strength of a person’s spirit can be found in the text of journalist G.K. Sapronov, who is also a member of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia. The author reveals this topic using the example of the biography of Viktor Petrovich Astafiev. He was able to go through many hardships in life - orphanhood, homelessness, the war years, as well as post-war poverty and devastation. However, he managed to cope with all the troubles and remain himself. At the same time, Astafiev worked tirelessly. Every day he sat down at his desk and completed the stories he created in order to feed his family. Despite all the hardships, he did not give up and continued to work for himself and his family. The author is confident that only a strong-willed person is able to endure all the trials of life, overcome obstacles along the way and at the same time preserve his best personal qualities. One cannot but agree with this position.

The story of the pilot Maresyev

The story of pilot Alexei Maresyev also tells us what fortitude is. His plane crashed behind enemy lines. After that, he crawled to his home for 18 days, as his legs were damaged. After the pilot's limbs were amputated, he began to learn to walk on prosthetics, and then to fly the plane again. Maresyev’s overcoming of all difficulties speaks of his unbending will and courage. This is a true example of perseverance and fortitude that has gone down in history.

The best way to learn about fortitude is from quotes from great people. This is what Lucretius said about this: “The spirit is strong with joy.” One cannot but agree with this statement. After all, it is thanks to internal psychological resources that a person can be strong. Vitality, love and energy reserves allow you to move on, despite any obstacles. Joyful events of the past may be forgotten, but they continue to exist in the unconscious memory, giving strength to overcome obstacles and new achievements. When the soul becomes sad, there is no faith in own strength If you are overcome by anxiety or fatigue, it is important to remember the words of Lucretius. By reflecting on good events, a person has the opportunity to strengthen his spirit.

Strengthening inner resilience

And here is what the French writer and entomologist J. Fabre said about this: “Happy, thrice happy is the man who is tempered by the adversities of life.” It is believed that by going through life's difficulties, a person becomes stronger. After all, a crisis is a turning point when previous actions turn out to be ineffective, and a person has not yet come up with new ways of behavior.

A mentally strong person is one who knows how to invent these ways of coping with a difficult life situation. Anyone who does not know what fortitude is has every chance of finding it in difficult circumstances. It is the positive experience of meeting difficult situations that strengthens a person. After all, this knowledge will give him confidence in the future. If he was able to deal with problems before, he will know that he is capable of solving these problems.

Circumstances in which a person has a chance to become stronger

Sometimes it happens that a difficult situation in a person’s life does not find a solution for a long time. In this case, the human spirit does not become stronger. One does not lose hope that everything can change for the better. The other simply adapts to new living conditions. In the latter case, the person does not become stronger, his spirit remains weak. After all, avoiding a difficult situation is not a way to overcome life’s obstacles.

For example, a person may quit a job where he is having problems. And at his next workplace a similar situation will await him. Or he can't build good relations, seeks to find a new husband or wife. In this case, he will also face similar problems. After all, in the previous situation he did not learn a valuable lesson, which means that life will continue to confront him with similar circumstances until he learns to strengthen his spirit and overcome the obstacles facing him.

Do you want to know what they think about feminine power and women making their choice, famous successful women?

We bring to your attention a selection of quotes and sayings from which you can draw inspiration and strength to move on.

1. “If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.”

Coco Chanel

2. “The strong one is not the one who can put you on your shoulder blades with one look, but the one who can lift you up from your knees with one smile!”

Juliette Binoche

3. “What attracts a woman is not beauty, but energy.”

Irina Khakamada

Until you feel like a treasure that needs to be cherished and cared for, you shouldn't expect that from other people.

Take a group meditation.

4. “To be a strong woman, you don’t have to be aggressive or strong-willed. Like a tree, find your roots, and then the wind will not be afraid of you.”

Angela Farmer

5. “After all these years of hearing, as a woman, almost constantly, “Not thin enough, not attractive enough, not smart enough, not enough of this, not enough of that,” I woke up one morning and thought, “Enough! I am enough!

Anna Quindlen

6. “How wrong a woman is when she waits for a man to create the world of her dreams, instead of taking on it herself!”

Anais Nin

7. “Strength does not come after a person has climbed a ladder or a mountain, not after he has achieved something. Gather your strength - an indispensable condition the process of achievement itself. The most essential power comes from attention to the nature of the soul and its development."

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

8. “If you always try to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

Maya Angelou

9. “What we fear most is not weakness, but our limitless strength. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.”

Marianne Williamson

10. “Being strong does not mean building muscles and playing with them. It means facing your own divinity and not running away from it, but actively living with it. wildlife in your own way. It means being able to learn, being able to endure what you know.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

=Fortitude, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties.=

Strength of spirit, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties. Best Quotes, aphorisms, statuses, poems.
The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll Only when a person's spiritual strength surges up is he truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and blazing does it become a visible image. Stefan ZweigThe strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved. Beckett Bernard

If you give up, don’t despair, there will definitely be something wonderful under your feet, don’t be afraid to raise it. If it becomes difficult and scary, it is important to feel how it becomes easy and clear for you what to do now. Serge Goodman

There is a force of aspiration in the human will that turns the fog within us into the sun. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A person is like a brick; when burned, it becomes hard. George Bernard Shaw

Happy, thrice happy is the man who is strengthened by the adversities of life. Genre Fabre

A person only achieves something when he believes in his own strength. Andreas Feuerbach

The highest characteristic of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most severe obstacles. Ludwig van Beethoven

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. A great person, on the contrary, instills the feeling that you can become great. Mark Twain

The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll

Only when a person’s spiritual strength leaps up is he truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and blazing does it become a visible image. Stefan Zweig

I often tell myself when things are bad,
And there are obstacles along the way.
The road is not always smooth,
There are both stones and potholes on it.
That I can survive any troubles,
I am strong, and tears suit me.
I'm not afraid of the vicissitudes of the weather,
I can overcome anything in the world.

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength. Elchin Safarli

Fell face down in the mud? Stand up and convince everyone that it is healing.

I became strong because I was weak
I'm fearless because I was afraid
I am wise because I was a fool.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong. Honore de Balzac

All our muscles are not a guarantee of strength, someday a day will come that will simply bring a person to his knees and the one who rises and continues to live and becomes even better - that’s the strong one!

I have me. We'll manage somehow.
Don't be afraid to face the truth - let it be afraid of you.
Don’t be afraid to not be perfect—have you met many ideal ones yourself?
Don't be afraid of criticism - this means NOT indifference,
Don't be afraid of the future - it has already arrived.

Even if it rains, tomorrow there will be sun. I will move forward as long as my heart beats. Max Lawrence

A person is what he believes in. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

If you feel like you're broken,
You are truly broken.
If you think you don't dare,
So you won't dare.
If you want to win, but you think
That you can't
You will almost certainly lose.
You don't always win the battles of life
The strongest and the fastest
But sooner or later the one who wins
It turns out that those who considered themselves capable of it!

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Desire expresses the essence of a person. Benedict Spinoza

A person is driven primarily by motivations that cannot be seen with the eyes. A person is guided by the spirit. Apuleius

What is in a person is undoubtedly more important than what a person has. Arthur Schopenhauer

More than ten years ago
I decided to choose this path.
At first at random
But over the years, seeing the essence more deeply.
Who always goes forward
Even though sometimes the road is not easy,
Fortunately for him he will come,
Even if the chance is one in a hundred.

Without a shadow of a doubt
Without hiding my face,
Go towards your goal
Dear fighter.
Go till the end!
To end!

To move forward, a person must constantly have before him at the heights of glorious examples of courage... The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory! Victor Marie Hugo

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - the person has not yet dared so much. Henry David Thoreau

If something is beyond your power, then do not decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius

Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight. Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

When all roads come to a dead end, when all illusions are destroyed, when not a single ray of sun shines on the horizon, a spark of hope remains in the depths of the soul of every person. Delia Steinberg Guzman

I'm not a lady. Everything that was taught
It swept over me like the wind.
But adversity did not break me,
Let me seem tough at times.

I'm not a lady. I am a fearless warrior
The one who looks only forward
The one who knows so well the value of war,
But in the distance the sunrise is already flaring up.

I fought for him and will fight,
And I will never forget in my life:
The South lost its war ingloriously
And I won my victory equally.

Touching the cotton fields with my hand,
I look with faith into the days to come...
- What helped you? - they will ask, surprised,
- Strength of spirit, just bring it back and save it!
gone With the Wind

Difficulties give rise to the abilities necessary to overcome them. W. Phillips

We are people with a strong spirit and resourceful mind; we can build help from any intrigues and obstacles! Juliana Wilson

A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. William Ellery Channing

We must look for our essence, our human origins, our inner strengths, our potentials. The height of a person does not depend on his physical height, but on the grandeur of his dreams. The horizons that open to him are outlined not by mountains, but by his self-confidence. He is young at heart; he is the bearer and keeper of hope, he has the eternal strength to remain optimistic, enthusiastic and able to accomplish what he strives for. Jorge Angel Livraga

True defeat is the voluntary renunciation of one's rights. Jawaharlal Nehru

When you don't get the role you deserve, you have to write it yourself.

Fate brings strong people to their knees in order to prove to them that they can rise, but it does not touch the weak - they are already on their knees all their lives.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness! Overcoming difficulties makes you happier. George Sand

Strength of spirit makes a person invincible. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

You are very strong. I'm just very tired. Remember your wings, remember that you can fly. It's hard to walk on earth if you can fly. Spread your wings and fly. Despite the difficulties and circumstances. And despite the fact that many hold your wings. YOU are stronger!!! You will fly!!! Just believe in yourself!!!

With experience I learned -
There are no easy paths in our life.
But what won't kill me -
Tomorrow will make me stronger!
In this world everyone is alone
Free to control your own destiny,
But from start to finish
You just need to be yourself!

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure one more minute, do not give up for anything - it is at such moments that the turning point in the struggle comes. Beecher Stowe

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; the dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - she is round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and stronger than anyone!

There is no need to be sad when fatigue controls the body, the spirit is always free. In the midst of the battle you are allowed to rest. Agni yoga

The Spirit alone, touching clay, creates Man from it. Saint-Exupery A.

The self-making spirit is tuned to the wave of the forces that control the world.

True man is not an external man, but a soul communicating with the Divine Spirit. Paracelsus

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it. Marcus Aurelius

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

The main thing is not the place where you are, but the state of mind in which you are. Anna Gavalda

The spirit is strong with joy. Lucretius

The joy of the spirit is a sign of its strength. Waldo Emerson

The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart. Vauvenargues

Don't be afraid of your fate,
After all, everything is extremely simple:
Become stronger
Don't let go of your dream
Just follow her.
Black obelisk.

Any business is argued in my hands,
Seething, boiling and sparkling with flames,
My energy is resurrected again,
And the bright spirit of a fighter is in my eyes
You will become stronger from difficulties!

We have the hidden ability to rise from life's storms and become even stronger

Women have a fortitude that cannot be matched by the valor of men.

The strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved.

No matter how strong a woman is in character, she becomes weak next to strong man...But she feels protected! Isn't this happiness?)

Tears characterize not so much the strength of a person’s spirit, but his soul... Sometimes very strong-willed people cry...

All hopes die only for the weak in spirit.

How is wisdom measured? Was it through years lived, through tears, through experience? - More like happiness...

A word, like the wind, has different temperatures and effects, but a word is not wind; once spoken, it retains its power. long years and leaves a mark on the soul.

Love your problems to death!

Of all the types of weapons that have been invented by man, the most frightening and most terrifying is the word, which can unnoticed destroy or elevate a person!

Everyone has the right to a moment of weakness, but depending on the strength of spirit, for some this minute turns into years, while for others it is reduced to a second.

Whoever comes to us with a sword, we will hit him with a brick.

Surround me with your tenderness and I will become your strength.

For a woman, the strength of her man is determined by her confidence in him.

Lean on me and I will feel the strength...

All people know their weaknesses, but only the strong in spirit are able to fight with themselves and win!

“Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.”

When you don’t have the strength to raise your face towards the snowstorm, you need to close your eyes... smile... and FEEL the sun in your soul... and the strength will come...

No strength for last step? Jump and you will find out how much you underestimated yourself.

Alcohol is for the weak... The strong enjoy depression.

Words coming from the soul have magical power - they console, encourage, heal!!!

The more I see how people deceive each other, the more often I ask the question: Is the inability to deceive a strength or a weakness?

A strong will breaks through rocks.

It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.

It is impossible to take by force what cannot be obtained by love.

The life of many will survive, only strong individuals remain, whatever one may say...

A woman is only as strong as her relationship with the man she loves.

There comes a time in the life of almost every woman when you want to feel weak so much that you have to be strong to control yourself...

Strength is not justice; justice is strength!

Despite everything, Be Happy!!!

We are RUSSIAN and let the enemy forever remember that only then do we kneel when we kiss the RUSSIAN flag!

The willpower of the weak is called stubbornness.

Life is a very fragile thing. Sometimes the strength of your spirit alone may not be enough to overcome difficulties. But the love of neighbors can work wonders.

One does not negotiate with the weak; conditions are dictated to the weak.

The word has great power: with one word a person can be lifted to heaven, and in the same way, with just one word one can cast him into the abyss... Be careful with words! Think before you say anything...

Courage is not in the strength of the hand or the art of wielding a sword, courage is in controlling oneself and being fair.

A strong woman is born when a weak one has died... and more often, when “she” has been killed...

“There is nothing in the world weaker and more delicate than water, but it can destroy the hardest object!”

A woman needs to be strong enough in character in life to preserve herself, who is weak...

Trouble is for someone who is smart but not endowed with a strong character.

Not a single animal can cripple a person the way its relatives can - in a word...

Let the clouds be gloomy, but smile and never, never give up! Statuses about fortitude of character

It is much easier to offend and drive away than to call back and obey.

A healthy lifestyle is, like, fashionable now! I, too, have all quit smoking: friends, guys at work... I’m the only one holding on! This is what I understand - willpower!

A woman seeks power, not money. And it’s not her fault that some semblance of power remains only in money.

Don't be afraid of challenges in life. Strong wind breaks only weak trees.

While you are waiting for the second wind to open, the main thing is not to close the first...

A woman is just as “adorned” by strength as a man is by weakness.

Strength is in loyalty, and you are so weak.

Strong in spirit is the one who has walked the road of despair and emerged with faith in himself...

Hate can be inherited, love can never be inherited.

It was not a hammer and a chisel that gave the perfect shape to these stones, but water—its softness, its dance, its melody. Where strength can only destroy, gentleness can sculpt.

You and I have a special thing, if we combine them, our lives will not be boring.

The Guardian Angel also sees those who have fallen... it’s just that in this situation it is difficult to help and reach out with your hand to the one who has lowered his hands.

There is nothing stronger than real tenderness; there is nothing more tender than real strength...

A girl who has the willpower to grow bangs is capable of anything!

The strong one is not the one who does not cry. The strong one is the one who smiles through his tears.

- You always smile, hum, and look great! My soul rejoices for you!
- Oh, you're the one who still got me GOOD mood did not see!

I can elevate you with words... I can also destroy you with them...

The main strength in a person is the strength of spirit.

While the indecisive are plunged into doubt, the determined are plunged into happiness.

For a strong person there is no good and no evil. There is only a goal.

Am I strong? Strong for now reliable support nearby, always supporting with a word, a look!

A weak character will whine from blows, a strong character will draw inspiration.

The worst thing for a gossip is... when you agree with him)
As a rule, gossipers are people who feed on other people's energy. And if you deprive them of this energy, they will wither and gradually dry out on their own...

A sense of humor is one of the indicators of vitality. And that’s why it makes you so happy in yourself and attracts others...

Strength is not that you shout that you are right, but that you remain silent about it.

If you have the desire and will, there will always be a path along which you can fulfill your dream.

Willpower is the most powerful global weapon for fighting yourself...

Strength doesn't lie where you expect it! - A herd of wild sheep is much stronger than a pack of wolves, but the strength of wolves is that they are not afraid to walk alone!

There are more disabled people among the healthy than there are disabled people among the sick)))

The skunk is the animal with the most developed fortitude.

It doesn’t take long to scold a person, but little benefit comes out of it.

Strong is not the one who is not afraid of death, but the strong one who is not afraid to live...

Beauty is a terrible power! Should I go to the salon and get some exercise...

Strength is excellent without mind. But mind without strength is impossible. Without strength you can’t even turn the page of a book.

How infinitely wrong is the person who thinks that the world can be conquered by force.

The strength of a person's character is determined by the number of weaknesses he has forgiven.

In anger, the strong spit in the face, and the weak in the back.

Moral power, like thought, is limitless.

The weak look for someone to blame, but the strong find a way out! The weak become depressed because of their problems, but the strong are considered!

I won’t stop waiting... I won’t stop believing... because I am driven by LOVE))))

Love, no less than pain, makes us stronger...

The weak run in packs, the strong walk alone)))

We are like newborn children. Our strength is to grow.

Strength of character, regardless of its content, is an irreplaceable treasure. It is drawn solely from natural sources soul, and education should most of all protect this strength, as the basis of all human dignity.

He who is able to forgive is majestic. This is the destiny of only the strong at heart.

Willpower is measured in kilograms for a woman, and in liters for a man.

It is better to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside than hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

Statuses about fortitude of character