A strong prayer for happiness and good luck. The most powerful prayers, rituals and conspiracies for good luck in business and wealth

Luck and success in life are perhaps the most desirable things in the life of any person. A believer is no exception; on the contrary, he is looking for how to pray for a good day. He asks experienced Christians and priests questions about what needs to be done so that prayer for success and good luck in everything is constantly accompanied in life.

The scale of well-being in business is determined differently for everyone, because the concept of this state is different for everyone. For some, tea with bread and their own garden are enough. And someone never has enough money, even if he is the owner of more than one multi-digit bank account.

“Angel of God, why are you standing behind my back today and forever!” You see every deed of mine, you hear every word, you read every thought. My sinful soul turns to you and asks for help. Pray with me to the Lord for my sins, past and future. Guide me on the true path leading to our Father. Help in righteous deeds, protect from evil. Bring prosperity into my life in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

It is important to understand whether in spiritual life there is Orthodox Christianity- prayer for good luck. What does this concept include? After all, the path of Christ is the path of suffering, how is it combined with success. Video about this from brief explanation in the word of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'

An Old Powerful Prayer for Business Success

The world is changing rapidly. But the desires of a modern entrepreneur are not much different from those of a businessman of past centuries. The goal of success in business is profit. For a believing entrepreneur, achieving this goal must necessarily be consistent with the laws of spiritual life. He also pays attention to luck and success in life, like a businessman who is far from faith.

Lord, our Savior, our merciful Father!
May my word fly up to Your Throne, may it not be lost in the prayers of others, may it not be defiled by sinful thoughts!
Every child is yours to live a righteous and joyful life.
You forgive and have mercy on every child who repents, healing with Your love and washing away the vices from the sinner’s brow.
Those who constantly pray find peace and happiness at your feet.
Grant me, Lord, Your forgiveness and good luck in pious deeds pleasing to You.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

If the understanding of the word “luck” includes the concept of God’s help, and the business will be built for the glory of Christ, then prayer for success and good luck in business will become a truly powerful support, regardless of how old the text of the prayer is. But time is the most important test of the power of words, so after taking a blessing from a priest, you can pray with the words of the “old” prayer.

Prayer for good luck at work

Prayer that everything will be fine at work, a very useful strong help, especially if there is a large team, the work involves risk and responsibility. If the work is relatively calm, you also want to feel God’s help and for good luck in business and luck, know the cherished words.

“Son of God Jesus Christ, Almighty Savior of the human race, I, the Servant of God ( given name) I offer a prayer to You. I turn to You, All-Merciful, with a request from the depths of my heart, attract good luck into my life. Grant me the opportunity to improve my work affairs. Let it be so that daily work brings me pleasure and joy, and also be for the good and benefit of everyone around me. Make sure that my work brings me good income and my financial situation has stabilized. May everything work out well around me, and may I meet good people along my path. Protect me, Savior, from human evil and the envy of enemies. Save me from the unkind glances of ill-wishers, so that they do not harm me. Help me fix a good relationship with my colleagues and ensure that management treats me favorably. I ask you, Lord, hear me and do not leave my request unattended. I sincerely believe and glorify the power of our Lord and will accept everything that does not happen to me. Amen".

Every saint has equal divine power. But reading the lives of saints, looking at their icons, we intuitively choose the image of the saint that is closer to our soul. If you start turning to it constantly, gradually such a prayer will become your personal prayer for good luck.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for good luck

A strong prayer for success and good luck in everything is read to the Guardian Angel, the bright spirit closest to us. It is given to a person to help him through life after the sacrament of Baptism. The guardian angel is constantly with the soul entrusted to him until the end of a person’s life. But he shows his presence and support if a person prays to him and his prayer for success and luck in everything does not contradict God’s commandments.

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from heaven by the Lord, I diligently pray to You, enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

The Guardian Angel warns against dangerous, wrong steps, sometimes through circumstances he prompts The best decision question. Don't be afraid, for example, to take a different route to work if you've never taken it before and suddenly decide to change your route. Perhaps this solution will save you from trouble.

Prayer for good luck in front of the icon “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

A sincere, sincere prayer for success and good luck in everything to Nicholas the Pleasant will help set the circumstances for a favorable outcome of specific events or set the tone for the coming day. When turning to a saint in an unexpected situation, a prayer that everything will be fine can be said in your own words if you do not remember the canonical text.

Download the text of the prayer for success and good luck in all matters

The power of prayer and conspiracy lies in faith and energy message. It doesn’t matter what words of prayer you say and in what order. What is more important is your desire, strength of thought and energy. In moments of difficulty and trouble, most believers say prayers or spells for good luck. Appealing and asking for help from higher powers gives faith, hope and strengthens consciousness. A request coming from the heart will always be heard!

A strong prayer for good luck in any matter

If you need to enlist the support of your guardian angel in some matter, you can read a prayer for good luck:

I call on my guardian angel to touch my destiny, to direct my path towards prosperity and good luck. When my guardian angel hears me, my life will take on a blessed miracle new meaning, and I will find success in today’s business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of my guardian angel guides me. Amen.

Prayer for wealth and good luck

A prayer to attract money is read not only in extreme need, but also in cases when money is urgently needed, or when it is necessary to resolve some financial issue.

The Lord is my shepherd. I will lack for nothing: He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters, He strengthens my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. You have prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you have anointed my head with oil, my cup is overflowing. Thus, may Thy goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will abide in the house of the Lord many days. Amen.

If you are faced with severe financial problems and feel that you cannot cope with the problem, take advantage of the advice of those who have already walked the path from poverty and debt to well-being and happiness. Real life stories confirm that prayer really works miracles.

Prayer for good luck at work

It is customary for Orthodox believers to ask Saint Tryphon for help in their work:

Holy Martyr Tryphon, our quick helper. Be my helper and protector from evil demons and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to the Almighty, may he give me the joy of work, may he always be next to me and fulfill my plans.

Reading prayers is a very personal process. The prayer can be read either aloud or silently. The most important thing is to feel and believe in the power of words. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.02.2015 09:35

By using effective conspiracies for all occasions you can get rid of any troubles, and prayers...

How important it is to have Good work and be successful in its implementation! Because this is completely...

“Lord Heavenly Father! You know what I need to do so that I can bear many good fruits in Your Kingdom and on this earth. I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, to guide me in the right direction. Grant me to learn quickly and effectively and move forward. Grant me Your dreams, Your desires, destroy dreams and desires that are not from You. Grant me wisdom, clarity and understanding as to how I can move in the direction of Your will. Grant me necessary knowledge, the necessary people. Grant me to be in in the right place at the right time to do the right things in order to bear much good fruit.”

Orthodox prayer for luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, help me to bear many good fruits in my life in those areas where You have given me abilities and talents. Grant me to bring beautiful, very necessary, durable and high-quality fruits that will bring a lot of benefit to people and a lot of benefit in Your Kingdom. Teach me what I need to do to bear many good fruits, teach me how I can do this. Give me the necessary knowledge and skills for this, teach me to pray for fruits, give me Your dreams and Your desires. Give me the necessary literature for this, the necessary software and others necessary tools. Grant me the necessary connections and meetings with the right people at the right time. Lord, grant me life circumstances that will contribute to this dream of mine. Grant Me to be in the right place at the right time. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck in business for profit and prosperity in the home

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for my finances and my financial situation. I ask You, grant me and my family abundance in bread, clothing and all the essentials for life. Bless me and my family so that we will never go hungry or experience want. Grant me the strength and opportunity to help the hungry, the needy and orphans. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck at work

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me a job I love. Grant me a job in which I could (could) realize all the talents and abilities that You gave me, which will bring me joy and pleasure, in which I could (could) bring a lot of benefit to people and where I would receive ( a) good wages. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for success in business

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for success in all the works of my hands. Whatever I do and whatever I undertake, grant me success in abundance. Grant me abundant blessings on all my deeds and on the fruits of my deeds. Teach me to work effectively in all those areas where You have given me talents and deliver me from fruitless deeds. Teach me success in abundance! Enlighten me in what and how I need to do in order to have abundant success in all areas of my life.”

Orthodox prayer to the Hieromartyr Blasius Bishop of Sebaste for help in everyday affairs, for blessings

You have been adorned with the anointing of sanctification and the torment of blood, O glorious Blasie, you shine everywhere, rejoicing in the Highest and gazing upon us, who have come to your temple and in it continually call to you: keep us all.

Most blessed and ever-memorable Hieromartyr Blasius, wondrous sufferer and warm representative of ours, after your departure into eternal life those who call upon you holy name help and promise to be heard in all requests! Behold, now to you, the saint of God, as to the true intercessor of salvation, we come and humbly pray: come to our aid, bound by the bonds of sins, move to your all-powerful prayers to God and pray for us sinners: we dare to call you, unworthy, to intercede , and we wish to receive liberation from all our sins through you. Oh, Holy Blaise of God! In the contrition and humility of our hearts, we fall before you and pray: shine upon us, darkened by the slander of the enemy, with the light of grace from above, so that walking in it, we will not stumble our feet on a stone. You, as a vessel chosen in honor and filled with the grace of God, we pray: grant us sinners the desired acceptance from your fulfillment, and heal our mental and physical ulcers, and ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins and for our mental and physical health, salvation that is beneficial, so that we may always glorify Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession for our souls and bodies, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to St. John the Merciful for help in poverty and need

In your patience you have gained your reward, Reverend Father, in your prayers you are unceasingly patient, loving the poor and satisfied with this, but pray to Christ God, the merciful, blessed John, to save our souls.

You have squandered your wealth on the poor and now you have received heavenly wealth, John the All-Wise, for this reason we honor you for all of you, fulfilling your memory, by giving alms to your namesake!

Saint John of God, merciful protector of the orphans and those in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, as the quick patron of all who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows. Don’t stop praying to the Lord for everyone who flows to you with faith! You, filled with Christ’s love and goodness, have appeared as a wonderful palace of the virtue of mercy and have acquired for yourself the name “merciful.” You were like a river, constantly flowing with generous mercies and abundantly feeding all those who thirst. We believe that after you moved from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace increased in you and that you became an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness. Create, through your intercession and intercession before God, “all kinds of joy,” so that everyone who comes running to you will find peace and tranquility: grant them consolation in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of everyday life, instill in them the hope of eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven. In your life on earth, you were a refuge for all those who were in every trouble and need, the offended and ailing, and not a single one of those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy was deprived of your grace. Likewise now, reigning with Christ in Heaven, show all those who worship before your honest icon and pray for help and intercession. Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also raised the hearts of others to the consolation of the weak and to the charity of the poor. Move even now the hearts of the faithful to intercede for the orphans, to console the mourning and reassure the needy. May the gifts of mercy not become scarce in them, and, moreover, may peace and joy in the Holy Spirit dwell in them and in this house, which watches over the suffering, to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer from hunger to prosperity

In the flesh, an angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, who received food from the angel and nourished the widow in times of famine, and be a gracious nourisher for us who honor you.

In order to have stable success in business and successfully cope with all the difficulties that arise, you should regularly read prayers, turning to God for help. The Almighty will help you in difficult times and turn the circumstances of ambiguous situations in your direction.

Prayers for good luck and success are read regularly to achieve the most effective results and consolidate the positive impact. Be strong and unyielding in your faith, and you will succeed.

This article contains many different prayers for good luck and success addressed to different saints. Thanks to this, you have the opportunity to choose exactly your patron. By reading a prayer directed to a specific saint, you increase the chance that your request will reach God and receive a positive response.

Orthodox prayer for good luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! You know what I need to do so that I can bear many good fruits in Your Kingdom and on this earth. I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, to guide me in the right direction. Grant me to learn quickly and effectively and move forward. Grant me Your dreams, Your desires, destroy dreams and desires that are not from You. Grant me wisdom, clarity and understanding as to how I can move in the direction of Your will. Grant me the necessary knowledge, the necessary people. Grant me to be in the right place at the right time to do the right things in order to bear much good fruit.”

Orthodox prayer for luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, help me to bear many good fruits in my life in those areas where You have given me abilities and talents. Grant me to bring beautiful, very necessary, durable and high-quality fruits that will bring a lot of benefit to people and a lot of benefit in Your Kingdom. Teach me what I need to do to bear many good fruits, teach me how I can do this.

Give me the necessary knowledge and skills for this, teach me to pray for fruits, give me Your dreams and Your desires. Give me the necessary literature, the necessary software and other necessary tools for this. Grant me the necessary connections and meetings with the right people at the right time. Lord, grant me life circumstances that will contribute to this dream of mine. Grant Me to be in the right place at the right time. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck in business for profit and prosperity in the home

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for my finances and my financial situation. I ask You, grant me and my family abundance in bread, clothing and all the essentials for life. Bless me and my family so that we will never go hungry or experience want. Grant me the strength and opportunity to help the hungry, the needy and orphans. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for good luck at work

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, grant me a job I love. Grant me a job in which I could (could) realize all the talents and abilities that You gave me, which will bring me joy and pleasure, in which I could (could) bring a lot of benefit to people and where I would receive ( a) good salary. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for success in business

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for success in all the works of my hands. Whatever I do and whatever I undertake, grant me success in abundance. Grant me abundant blessings on all my deeds and on the fruits of my deeds. Teach me to work effectively in all those areas where You have given me talents and deliver me from fruitless deeds. Teach me success in abundance! Enlighten me in what and how I need to do in order to have abundant success in all areas of my life.”

Orthodox prayer to the Hieromartyr Blasius Bishop of Sebaste for help in everyday affairs, for blessings

You have been adorned with the anointing of sanctification and the torment of blood, O glorious Blasie, you shine everywhere, rejoicing in the Highest and gazing upon us, who have come to your temple and in it continually call to you: keep us all.

Blessed and ever-memorable Hieromartyr Blasius, wondrous sufferer and warm representative of ours, after your departure into eternal life, assist those who call on your holy name and promise to be heard in all petitions! Behold, now to you, the saint of God, as to the true intercessor of salvation, we come and humbly pray: come to our aid, bound by the bonds of sins, move to your all-powerful prayers to God and pray for us sinners: we dare to call you, unworthy, to intercede , and we wish to receive liberation from all our sins through you.

Oh, Holy Blaise of God! In the contrition and humility of our hearts, we fall before you and pray: shine upon us, darkened by the slander of the enemy, with the light of grace from above, so that walking in it, we will not stumble our feet on a stone. You, as a vessel chosen in honor and filled with the grace of God, we pray: grant us sinners the desired acceptance from your fulfillment, and heal our mental and physical ulcers, and ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins and for our mental and physical health, salvation that is beneficial, so that we may always glorify Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession for our souls and bodies, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to St. John the Merciful for help in poverty and need

In your patience you have gained your reward, Reverend Father, in your prayers you are unceasingly patient, loving the poor and satisfied with this, but pray to Christ God, the merciful, blessed John, to save our souls.

You have squandered your wealth on the poor and now you have received heavenly wealth, John the All-Wise, for this reason we honor you for all of you, fulfilling your memory, by giving alms to your namesake!

Saint John of God, merciful protector of the orphans and those in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, as the quick patron of all who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows. Don’t stop praying to the Lord for everyone who flows to you with faith! You, filled with Christ’s love and goodness, have appeared as a wonderful palace of the virtue of mercy and have acquired for yourself the name “merciful.” You were like a river, constantly flowing with generous mercies and abundantly feeding all those who thirst. We believe that after you moved from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace increased in you and that you became an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness.

Create, through your intercession and intercession before God, “all kinds of joy,” so that everyone who comes running to you will find peace and tranquility: grant them consolation in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of everyday life, instill in them the hope of eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven. In your life on earth, you were a refuge for all those who were in every trouble and need, the offended and ailing, and not a single one of those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy was deprived of your grace.

Likewise now, reigning with Christ in Heaven, show all those who worship before your honest icon and pray for help and intercession. Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also raised the hearts of others to the consolation of the weak and to the charity of the poor. Move even now the hearts of the faithful to intercede for the orphans, to console the mourning and reassure the needy. May the gifts of mercy not become scarce in them, and, moreover, may peace and joy in the Holy Spirit dwell in them and in this house, which watches over the suffering, to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer from hunger to prosperity

In the flesh, an angel, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, who received food from the angel and nourished the widow in times of famine, and be a gracious nourisher for us who honor you.


A strong prayer to the Guardian Angel to give us good luck

Very good result Prayer directed to your Guardian Angel is famous. He should be the first to offer prayers for the granting of any good luck, from everyday troubles to difficult matters in acquiring material wealth. It is the Angel who is able to give you advice or send some kind of hint, which in the human world is called providence, in order to protect you or instruct you in the righteous.

  • Every morning you should read a prayer to your Guardian Angel, asking him to send you on the coming day that success in business that will give you happiness.
  • Every evening, when going to bed, you should offer thanksgiving prayers to your Angel for protecting and taking away your sorrows, giving you instructions and tips.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel
(This prayer is read in the morning)
“Oh, holy angel (name), interceding before our Lord for my soul, my body and my sinful life! Do not leave me, a sinner, and do not depart from me for all my sins. Please! Do not let the evil demon take possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my weak and pliable soul and direct it to the true path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul! Forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Lord. I ask you, pray for me before our Lord, so that His mercy and peace of mind may come to me. Amen".
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
(This prayer is read in the evening, before going to bed)

“Holy Angel of Christ, my benefactor and protector, I appeal to you, my thoughts are about you, as through you and about the Lord God. I sincerely repent of my sins, forgive me, the accursed one, for I committed them not out of malice, but out of thoughtlessness. Those who have forgotten the word of the Lord and sinned against faith, against the Lord. I pray to you, bright angel, heed my prayers, forgive my soul! It's not my fault, but my weak understanding. Having forgiven me, unworthy, pray for the salvation of my soul before our Heavenly Father. I appeal to you with this, and through you to the Lord God for forgiveness and mercy. I am ready to bear atonement for my sin in order to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray for me, holy angel. Amen".

Do not think that prayers will go unconsidered by your Guardian. Sometimes we are accompanied by accidents that turn out favorably in the end; this is the unnoticed work of the Angel who guides you through life. The main thing is to listen to your inner voice - this is the voice of the Angel. And pay attention to the signs sent from above; nothing happens to us by chance.

Ritual to bring good luck into life

When it becomes difficult for you to survive and everything seems to be collapsing around you, then remember the road to the temple, apparently your heart has forgotten God, and that is why problems appeared. The devil is always on the alert and sets his traps in order to cause despondency, sadness and disappointment in the human soul.

A person who has fallen into despondency becomes an easy prey for the devil, who is capable of dragging such a soul into his hellish bonds. If you follow the path of evil and whistling in the fight against troubles, then your fate will turn out to be a toy in the hands of the devil. It depends only on you which path you choose in the struggle for happiness and success.

The most common mistake is to invoke the power of a demon using spells and magic. The lucky ones who choose the Almighty and prayer find themselves winning, finding their luck here on earth and later in the Kingdom of Heaven.

To invite luck into your life, first of all, confess and take communion. From these simple and at the same time very important steps the road to eternal happiness begins. After confession, any voluntary or involuntary mistakes you have made are forgiven. And you can easily, having let the Creator into your heart, can offer a prayer to grant you blessings in good luck and help in business.

Big prayer

“Great and eternal God, Holy, loving of mankind, who has made us worthy at this hour to stand before Thy unapproachable glory, to sing and praise Thy wonders, cleanse us Thy unworthy servants, and grant us grace to those with a contrite heart, to offer Thee the Trisagion of praise and thanksgiving. Your great gifts, which you have created for us, and always create in us. Lord, remember our weakness, and may you not destroy us through our iniquities: but do us great mercy with our humility, so that having escaped the darkness of sin, we will walk in the days of righteousness, and having been clothed with the weapons of light, we will abide unscathed from all the wiles of the evil one, and with boldness we will glorify all, to You, the only true and Lover of Mankind. Thine is a truly and great sacrament, Lord of all, and Creator, the temporary solution of Thy creatures, and the hedgehog for now, and the rest of the hedgehog forever: We confess grace to You for all, for our entrances into this world, and our departures, Our hopes of resurrection and incorruptible life are pre-engaged by Your false promise, which we will receive at Your future second coming. For You are also the Chief of our resurrection, and the unwashed and humane-loving Judge of those who have lived, and the Master and Lord of rewards, Who also shared with us in sincere flesh and blood, condescension for the sake of extremes: and our irresistible passions, sometimes by will to put into temptation, we accept generosity as mercy, and in it You yourself suffered, having been tempted, and being tempted by us, you became a self-promised helper: in the same way, You also brought us into Your dispassion. Accept therefore, Master, our prayers and supplications, and give rest to all fathers, and mothers, and children, and brethren, and only-begotten sisters, and begotten sisters, and all souls that have previously fallen asleep: in the hope of the resurrection of eternal life, make their spirits, and their names in the book animals, in the bosom of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the land of the living, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the sweet paradise, Thy bright angels, leading all into Thy holy abodes, co-raising our bodies in the day that Thou hast determined according to Thy holy and unfaithful promise. For, Lord, there is no death for Thy servant, who comes to us from the body, and who comes to You our God, but repose from the saddest to the most useful, and the sweetest, and to peace and joy. Even if we have sinned against You, be merciful to us and to those who have not yet been clean from filth before You, even if there is only one day of his life, are You the only one who appeared on earth, our sinless Lord Jesus Christ: in whom we all trust in mercy receive, and remission of sins. For this reason, for our sake, as God is Good and Lover of Mankind, weaken, forgive, forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, presented and forgotten: even in deed, even in thought, even in word, even in all our lives and movements. And grant to those who have departed freedom and weakness, but bless us who are here, granting us and all Your people a good and peaceful end, and open the womb of mercy and love for mankind to us, at Your terrible and terrible coming, and create for us worthy of Your Kingdom.”

In front of the icon

This prayer is offered before the icon of the Holy Trinity and has a very strong influence on our destiny, for it calls upon the Almighty to intercede for us. Usually it is read every morning, hoping for the protection of the Holy Spirit throughout the difficult day, so that he will be your mentor and guardian of your soul.

  • In this case, an icon dedicated to the Holy Trinity will be mandatory. They praise her the most strong prayers in fulfillment of requests and petitions for mercy of good. Remember that icons are not bought in random places and are not taken from magazines, because they are empty pictures. Only an icon consecrated in a church carries the Holy Spirit, to whom we offer our prayers.
  • But don't forget that every morning prayer they read on an empty stomach, having drunk only a few sips of holy water. Also, a lit lamp will become an indispensable attribute during prayer - this is a symbol of our soul dedicated to God.
  • Read your daily prayer diligently, and the Lord will have mercy on you, granting his protection. Remember that the mercy we hope for will be given to us only through fervent prayer and sincere faith.

Songs of the biblical king David to help us for luck and success

To those powerful prayers that should grant us God’s help in finding good luck, it is worth adding songs from the Psalter. They contain a higher encoded meaning that can solve not only a number of problems, but also drive out despondency and sadness from our souls, protect us from the machinations of the devil, and give tips for success in work and financial matters. Psalms that protect our loved ones from life’s troubles and bad luck have special power.

Be sure to support your prayers to the Almighty with psalms containing the support that you need to find success in this moment. But remember that in addition to offering prayer to the Lord, you must also make efforts yourself in order to achieve the fulfillment of your wishes.


How to become lucky?

Which of us can say with confidence that we can do without luck in our lives? No matter how good a person is in himself, no matter what abilities and talents he possesses, in all his endeavors he needs precisely her - Lady Luck, capricious, willful and often deceptive.

A short video on the topic of luck:

How to make luck always be on your side and never leave you?

How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The solution is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and widespread types of magical intervention in a person’s destiny.

  1. Even our distant ancestors, in dark and harsh times, resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe, who, before each warrior went out hunting or into battle, called upon spirits to help and conjured good luck.
  2. So why do you hope for chance and not provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important business, like conspiracies that attract good luck? A very great helper in attracting good luck and luck is white magic, the luck charms of which can be used independently by any of us without mandatory magical training.
  3. For example, if you are going to a government house, and there is constant red tape, shifting your papers from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials, then you can save time, nerves and money by reading the following conspiracy (read to yourself while holding the door handle state house):

Protect me from evil deeds, help me, and bring me strong luck.

You need to negotiate with someone or you sit down at the gaming table and want to win - sit at the table at which the business will take place, slightly pull it towards you and quietly whisper:

Everything is mine, everything belongs to me.

There are also ways to attract good luck through money. Find three shiny new coins not issued in leap year, put them under the threshold so that they are not moved or seen from there, and say:

Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money to this threshold in this house.

There are very strong conspiracy for good luck in business. For the ritual you will need a small green bag. In it put ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried peel powder of three apples, three copper coins and one of white metal, tie the bag with a ribbon, read a spell on it and hang it over the place where you conduct business, good luck will always be with you if every Monday you crumple the bag in your hands and read this plot:

Things are behind, things are ahead, profits are in the middle.

Here is an excellent plot to attract good luck (you can also read about the plot to work). Take a small plate and pour three tablespoons of coarse salt into it, pour the same amount of sugar on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice cereal on top of it. Next, you will need a new safety pin, which you need to stick the point into this slide, and leave this structure overnight. In the morning, fasten the pin to your clothes so that it is not noticeable, and read the following plot before leaving the house:

From the sky you, Sun, shine and give warmth to the earth. Well, give me luck so that my business will succeed. You are the source and source of life, Sun bright light flow. Well, give me success so that I can become more successful than everyone else!

Prayers for good luck and luck are also very popular among the people, but every person should remember at least one conspiracy by heart; here is an example of such an easy-to-remember and powerful conspiracy:

What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely blow away, I attract luck and money to myself.

If a streak of bad luck has begun, then there is a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a candle as large as possible:

The candle should be taken with two palms. “Adjust” your breathing so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Look at the flame with adoration and visualize your most cherished desire (learn more about the conspiracy to make a wish come true). The candle is charged with the energy of your desires and dreams and gives you confidence that everything you dream about will certainly come true.


  • Rituals and spells for good luck on the full moon are considered the most effective, here is an example of one of them: on a full moon at night, place the cauldron on the table, place a saucer in it with a dry mixture of several pinches of cinnamon and cedar needles, put three new shiny coins on the table next to the cauldron , hit each of them index finger right hand and say to each coin:
  • After this, the coins are placed in a cauldron on a saucer with herbs, right hand move over the cauldron seven times clockwise, saying:
  • Take a pre-prepared small bag of green or brown fabric and pour coins with herbs into it; you need to carry it with you all lunar cycle, and then store it at home so that no one sees or touches it except you.

Natalia Stepanova's spells for good luck are also very popular, we present you one of them. We take thick threads (the kind for knitting) and begin to weave a braid. During the weaving process, imagine your luck in those matters in which you have to take part, and how you get the result by achieving their successful solution.

The cord is woven from threads of four colors:

And here is another conspiracy for good luck in life from her:

The spells of the Siberian healer are considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you another of her spells for happiness and good luck (read when leaving home in order to return with a profit):

The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and spells for good luck are not an empty phrase, but real word magic that will always help you. And don’t forget to deserve the help of higher powers yourself; magic doesn’t like lazy people, remember this!


Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!

Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need or sorrow, begins to call upon the holy your name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil.

And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.


  • Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; Having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.
  • Divine food, most blessed, enjoying in Heaven endlessly, glorifying your memory with songs, cover and preserve from all needs, drive away animals that harm the fields and always cry out to you in love: Rejoice, Tryphon, strengthening of the martyrs.
  • With Trinitarian firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end, you were all-glorious, you were honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors, in Christ the Savior you received the crown of your martyrdom and the gift of Divine healings, as if you were invincible.

One saint, Pachomius the Great, asked God to teach him how to live. And then Pachomius sees the Angel. The angel first prayed, then began to work, then prayed again and again began to work. Pachomius did this all his life. Prayer without work will not feed you, and work without prayer will not help you.

Prayer is not a hindrance to work, but a help. You can pray in the shower while working, and this is much better than thinking about trifles. The more a person prays, the better his life is.

Prayer before starting any work, any business

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Prayer at the end of the case

You are the fulfillment of all good things, O my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only One who is most merciful, O Lord, glory to You.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.


A strong prayer for good luck in any matter

If you need to enlist the support of your guardian angel in some matter, you can read a prayer for good luck:

I call on my guardian angel to touch my destiny, to direct my path towards prosperity and good luck. When my guardian angel hears me, by a blessed miracle my life will take on a new meaning, and I will find success in today’s business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of my guardian angel guides me. Amen.

Prayer for wealth and good luck

A prayer to attract money is read not only in extreme need, but also in cases when money is urgently needed, or when it is necessary to resolve some financial issue.

The Lord is my shepherd. I will lack for nothing: He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters, He strengthens my soul, He guides me in the paths of righteousness. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. You have prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you have anointed my head with oil, my cup is overflowing. Thus, may Thy goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will abide in the house of the Lord many days. Amen.

If you are faced with severe financial problems and feel that you cannot cope with the problem, take advantage of the advice of those who have already walked the path from poverty and debt to well-being and happiness. Real life stories confirm that prayer really works miracles.

Prayer for good luck at work

It is customary for Orthodox believers to ask Saint Tryphon for help in their work:

Holy Martyr Tryphon, our quick helper. Be my helper and protector from evil demons and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to the Almighty, may he give me the joy of work, may he always be next to me and fulfill my plans.


Yakov Porfirievich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

In life, we constantly face troubles and failures. Sometimes a whole series of unpleasant events and total bad luck happen. It's called the black stripe. How to make life cheerful again? Where do lucky people come from? Is it possible to become lucky if everything falls out of hand? To what kind of people does success come?

There are answers to these questions. No person is born with the label of failure. Everything that happens to us is the fault of enemies, adversaries, unfavorable circumstances and their confluence. It is very difficult to remove these factors from life alone. You can become a successful and very lucky person if you inspire this in yourself and the Higher Powers and use the help of prayer. The texts are time-tested; thousands of people have already used them. The effect of this method has been tested by life itself.

How does a prayer for good luck work?

When a person sincerely asks for help from the Higher Powers, they answer him. If you do righteous deeds, but feel that life is unfair to you, it does not reward you for your work, turn to God. A strong prayer for good luck can sometimes do more than a lucrative contract, a well-timed compliment and other tricks in the pursuit of success.

How does prayer work? This is a text that is repeated repeatedly. The words of the prayer must be clear to you, then it will work. While pronouncing, you need to concentrate on your request. An ardent desire to change the situation and constant repetition of the same magic words will gradually transform your reality into better side. All in your hands. Fold them to thank God for what you have and prepare for new pleasant events in life.

Preparation is important

Before praying, you must prepare yourself physically and mentally. Select the time of day. It is better if it is in the evening or at night, when it is easy to concentrate on your appeal to the Higher powers. Prayer is also a way to be alone with yourself, away from the bustle of the world.

Some simple rules, compliance with which will increase the chances of quickly achieving what you want:

  1. It is very important to pray in church.
  2. The most powerful prayer will only work when you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts.
  3. Concentrate on your request.
  4. Try reading a few prayers. Always use the one that is closest to your heart.
  5. When praying at home, light a lamp or church candle. Once you know the text by heart, it will be easier for you to focus on its fire.

If you have not yet been baptized, talk to your confessor, he can put you on the right path. Prayer does not harm a believer, but it can create a real miracle. Remember, ask for what really matters to you. God does not harm anyone without reason, but severely punishes those who disobey him.

How to get lucky in paperwork

If you are caught up in red tape government agency, use this prayer. It will help you avoid long periods of standing in queues, and your case in a government department will be resolved faster. This text is suitable to be read before trial. It instills confidence in a person and favor of employees. The words must be learned and pronounced to yourself, holding the door handle of a government house:

Read also: Evening prayers: the most important prayers before bed

If you want to strengthen the effect of this effective prayer, if the situation is urgent and cannot tolerate delay, you should pray to the Council of the 12 Apostles. Saints protect in difficult situations and relieve problems of a wide variety of nature. When turning to this text, remember that the 12 apostles will try for you, so be extremely grateful if the matter is successful. This is a powerful prayer that brings good luck for a long time.

“Consecration of the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Jude, Simon and Matthew! Hear our prayers and sighs, now offered by our contrite hearts, and help us, the servants of God (names), through your powerful intercession before the Lord, to get rid of all evil and enemy flattery, and to firmly preserve the Orthodox faith that you have devoted to us, without any wounds in it through your intercession, We will not be belittled by reprimand, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but we will live a peaceful life here and be honored to see good things on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the One in the Trinity, glorified and worshiped God, now and ever and to the ages centuries. Amen."

The effect of prayer on good luck

Your requests for good luck should not harm anyone; do not put anger and the desire to take revenge on offenders into your prayer words. Higher powers come to meet those who are happy, kind and self-sufficient. Don't risk your reputation with them.

Moreover, it is advisable to ask not for yourself, but for others. For example, so that your loved ones don’t need anything when everything gets better at your job. Or to make people happy with the products you sell. Or so that everyone around you will be pleased to look at you as lucky and successful person. Put your sincere intention into your prayer, and everything will definitely work out.