Silite gel for toilet bowl. How to clean the toilet - the best cleaning products. What types of toilet surface contamination are there?

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Cleanliness and freshness in the house is the key to a comfortable stay in it. This is especially true for the toilet. Cleaning it and washing the toilet is inevitable. To reduce time and effort, they come to the rescue modern means, which not only give sparkling whiteness to plumbing fixtures, but are also able to remove stubborn limescale and rust. They disinfect the surface, get rid of various pathogenic bacteria and germs, thereby maintaining the health of the whole family.

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of such products, produced in the form of gel, cream or powder, the best of which Expertology specialists included in our rating. The main criteria by which the selection took place: effectiveness, safety, value for money.

Rating of the best toilet cleaners

Nomination place Name of product price
The best tool for cleaning toilet bowl from rust, limescale and pathogenic bacteria 1 310 ₽
2 169 RUR
3 181 RUR
4 123 RUR
5 87 RUR
6 98 RUR
7 250 ₽
8 131 RUR
9 96 RUR
The best tool for unclogging toilets 1 325 ₽
2 111 RUR

The best product for cleaning the toilet from rust, limescale and pathogenic bacteria

Over time, limescale and rusty stains appear on the toilet. With an ineffective product, you can thoroughly clean it every day, but the result will be zero. By choosing the right product, you can forget about labor-intensive work and enjoy impeccable cleanliness and freshness.

Ecover is an environmentally friendly Belgian-made product that not only guarantees excellent results after cleaning, but also absolute safety. It does not contain hazardous chemicals. The product will appeal to consumers who prefer products labeled ECO. Available in the form of spray, gel and cream.

It easily copes with lime deposits and rust. It has antibacterial properties, disinfects, removes unpleasant odors, and gives a fresh aroma. When inhaled, it is not harmful and prevents allergic reactions.

According to consumer reviews, the product removes the most stubborn stains the first time, smells pleasant, is gentle on hands, and a small amount of gel is enough for one cleansing. Ideal for use in homes where small children and people prone to allergies live.


    effective cleansing;

    safe composition;


    convenient application;



  • high price.

Toilet bowl cleaner "Frosch", lavender scent, 750 ml

Next in the rating is a representative of the famous German brand Frosch. It is effective for cleaning all types of plumbing fixtures, removes limestone, rust, and eliminates unpleasant odors. The hypoallergenic and biodegradable product is harmless to health and the environment. Tested by dermatologists, it guarantees safety for the skin and respiratory tract.

There are no synthetic additives, chlorine, or chemical fragrances. Natural citric acid is gentle on plumbing fixtures, does not scratch, and copes with the most difficult stains.

Lavender extract removes specific odors, leaving you fresh for a long time. floral scent. According to experts, this is the best hypoallergenic product in terms of price and quality ratio.


    environmentally friendly;

    cleansing stubborn dirt;

    pleasant floral aroma;



    careful care.


  • not detected.

Cillit Bang is one of the most effective means for the toilet, recognized by experts and consumers. According to research, it perfectly removes limescale deposits that have become ingrained. rust spots, unpleasant odor, gives crystal shine and freshness lemon aroma, which lasts quite a long time.

The composition includes concentrated hydrochloric acid, so it is advisable to work with the product while wearing gloves. Not recommended for use by people prone to allergies.

The product is available in the form of a gel. The well-designed shape of the bottle helps remove dirt without special effort in the most inaccessible places. The minimum amount of solution per application allows you to use one package for a long time.


    instant removal of contaminants;

    citrus aroma;


    thick gel consistency;

    convenient application;

    economical consumption.


Toilet cleaning gel "Zero"

“Zero” is another IVF product included in our rating. Its composition excludes absolutely all harmful substances: formaldehyde, chlorine, petrochemical products, synthetic dyes and flavors. The biodegradable product is safe for the environment and human health.

The cleansing effect is achieved due to citric acid, which perfectly removes stubborn stains of rust and limescale, giving plumbing fixtures radiant whiteness and cleanliness. Having an antibacterial effect, it prevents the emergence and proliferation of microbes.

Pine extract fights unpleasant odors. The convenient shape of the bottle helps clean the surface under the toilet rim. The gentle formula is gentle on your plumbing fixtures, preventing scratches and damage.



  • not detected.

Domestos "Expert strength" Ultra white

Domestos is one of the most popular manufacturers of household chemicals among Russian buyers. The toilet cleaner contains chlorine, so it is recommended that people with a tendency to allergic reactions. But it is precisely thanks to it that the result is achieved: rusty stains and limestone stones are removed.

The innovative dispenser will distribute the gel in hard-to-reach places, dissolving dirt and plaque. Having disinfectant properties, it prevents the appearance of germs and bacteria. The thick consistency will allow you to use one 1000 ml package for a long time.

The product removes persistent odors in the bathroom, filling it with an unobtrusive light aroma of freshness. The special formula gives the surface a crystal white appearance, returning it to its original appearance.


    effective removal;


    convenient dispenser;

    shining white surfaces;

    optimal price.


  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Sanfor "WC Gel" toilet cleaner and disinfectant

It is no coincidence that Sanfor “WC Gel” is included in the rating: Russian manufacturer together with the Institute of Household Chemistry, he developed an ideal formula for caring for plumbing fixtures. It removes lime deposits, rusty stains, and effectively copes with mold, grease stains, and soap stains.

The thick consistency prevents it from quickly flowing off inclined surfaces and works even under water. The antibacterial property helps remove harmful bacteria and prevent their reappearance.

The product neutralizes specific odors, filling the room with the pleasant aroma of cherry blossoms. The shape of the spout helps to reach the most difficult to reach places. The maximum effect is achieved within 10 minutes after application.


    removes all types of contaminants;

    antibacterial effect;

    quick results;

    perfectly neutralizes odors;

    thick formula;

    affordable price.


  • not detected.

Faberlic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 500 ml

This effective product from Faberlic does not contain chlorine or phosphates. Based on acids that are safe and used in the cosmetics and food industries, it gives excellent results after cleaning.

Rust, limestone, soap deposits are removed instantly without much effort, heavy dirt – 60 minutes after exposure to the gel. For maximum effect, it is recommended to clean the surface with a brush.

The very thick consistency does not allow the emulsion to spread, does not dissolve immediately under water, and retains its cleansing properties even under it. Due to the fact that there are no abrasive substances in the composition, the surface of sanitary equipment is not scratched and remains snow-white and clean for a long time.


    effective removal of contaminants;

    careful care of sanitary equipment;

    unobtrusive citrus smell;

    convenient cap with locking;

    thick consistency;



  • not detected.

Comet 7 days of toilet cleanliness

“Comet 7 days of cleanliness” is included in our rating, thanks to positive feedback housewives who have been using this product for quite a long time. Its important advantage is that after use for 7 days, the antibacterial effect remains, preventing the appearance of germs and mold.

The acids included in the composition remove 100% limescale formations, rust, and soap deposits. The convenient shape of the spout allows you to apply the solution under the rim of the toilet bowl, thereby removing bacteria not only on the surface, but also in all hard-to-reach places.

Economical consumption is another advantage of this product. A small amount of gel can restore the original appearance of sanitary equipment. The cap mechanism is equipped with a child lock.


    maximum effect;

    lasting results for 7 days;


    convenient dispenser with locking;

    restores whiteness;

    affordable price.


  • unpleasant smell.

Sanita Anti-rust 500 ml

A distinctive feature of this product is its low cost. Possessing an excellent cleaning effect, it easily copes with old stubborn dirt. Water stone, rusty stains, and lime deposits are removed the first time.

The universal gel is suitable not only for cleaning the toilet, but also for caring for tiles, bathtubs, sinks, faucets. Having a not very thick consistency, it is easily washed off with water, leaving no streaks or drops.

The gel neutralizes unpleasant odors, disinfects, and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. According to customer reviews, this is the most economical and at the same time effective remedy that helps solve the problem of old dirt, and also copes well with blockages.

"Bagi Pothan" is an Israeli fast-acting remedy. Available in the form of granules, which contain caustic soda and surfactants. To remove the blockage you need to add hot water. Reagents interact with each other to form a reactive mixture. After just 3 minutes, not a trace of the blockage will remain.

The drug should be used only for very serious traffic jams. For prevention, it is recommended to use more gentle and less aggressive means. Regular use has a negative effect on sewer pipes, their wear increases faster.

It should be remembered that this mixture is very aggressive and caustic, so you should take care of safety during work and protect your eyes, skin of your hands and respiratory organs as much as possible from getting it.


    instant effect;

    removes the most difficult blockages;

    convenient packaging;

    economical consumption;

    locking cover.


    acrid odor;

    high price.

Deboucher – product Russian production, designed to remove sewer blockages and prevent their occurrence. Having a gel consistency, it penetrates deeply into pipes, removing food debris, organic matter, and paper.

The convenient bottle is equipped with a locking cap to protect against spontaneous leakage and children. The solution is suitable for all types of pipes; its gentle effect on them has been confirmed by numerous tests.

The gel breaks through simple blockages immediately. To remove old plugs, you need to pour it in and let it sit for 1 hour. It is not washed off and its effect continues under water. The advantage of the product is that, in addition to its main action, it effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.


    gentle effect on pipes;

    actively removes blockages;

    gel consistency;

    neutralizes odors;

    locking cover;

    low price.


In our rating, we presented the best remedies for rust, limescale and blockages. They all have different compositions, effectiveness, and exposure time. To get the desired result, choose them correctly, and then all your plumbing problems will be solved.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

The toilet room and its cleanliness are what speak best about the neatness of the owner of the apartment. On modern market There is a rich assortment of all kinds of substances that can easily remove plaque and add neatness and luster to the bathroom. Toilet bowl cleaners easily defeat germs and clean porcelain surfaces. In addition, they greatly facilitate cleaning, making it simple, but at the same time quite effective.

Main types of toilet contamination

Depending on the type of contamination, it is necessary to use appropriate detergents.

Keeping the toilet clean is a top priority and it is not too difficult to implement. It is important to regularly pay attention to this accessory, otherwise you can wait for a situation where the dirt is firmly embedded and it becomes incredibly difficult to get rid of it.

It is worth noting that the following contaminants usually appear on the surface of the toilet bowl, which housewives have to clean:

  • limescale deposits, which occurs when tap water has a high salt content and a considerable level of hardness. To combat it, you need to use toilet bowl cleaners that contain alkaline substances;
  • rust can appear when the pipes through which water flows to the bathroom are not new and clean. Acid can deal with it;
  • household pollution that settles on the surface is removed using substances called surfactants;
  • the bad odor caused by multiplying bacteria can be quickly and easily removed with bleach; as a rule, most such products contain it. In addition, they contain fragrances that perfectly mask any aroma.

Gel is an economical and easy-to-use toilet cleaner.

It is worth noting that the following substances and means are used to combat contamination of plumbing products:

  • Chemically active, which quickly tidy up the surface of the toilet:
  • gel: it is perfectly applied to the surface of the toilet bowl, and its structure allows it to slowly spread and carry away all germs and bacteria. As a rule, for the convenience of applying such substances, a bottle with a spout is used, which is bent at a certain angle, which allows you to direct the flow of the product even in hard to reach places;
  • liquid: a less economical product that quickly drains into water;
  • powder: you have to constantly rub it into the walls of the product to clean them. Therefore, they are not very easy to clean;
  • cream: gently removes plaque without damaging the surface of the earthenware. Unfortunately, manual application deprives it of consumer popularity.
  • Preventative, the main task of which is to prevent contamination:

  • tablets, washers or cubes that need to be attached to the toilet so that flushed water passes through them, achieving the release of cleaning and refreshing particles;
  • magnetic rings that need to be installed directly into cistern. They have high cost, but at the same time effectively dissolve contaminants.
  • Folk remedies that have no worse ability to deal with unpleasant phenomena:
  • soda;
  • vinegar.

When choosing a product that helps to effectively clean the bathroom, you should, first of all, pay attention to the most economical ones, which, moreover, can be used without much effort.

The best toilet cleaner

An acid or alkali in the cleaning agent helps remove rust.

Any woman who runs a household is faced with the need to make a decision and choose the best toilet cleaner that removes plaque and gives the whole room a smell of freshness and cleanliness.

It should be noted that a properly selected cleaner copes with the following problems:

  • removes contaminants that appear during product operation;
  • dissolves lime deposits;
  • removes rust marks on the surface;
  • disinfects the toilet.

To achieve these goals, the cleansing substance contains the following ingredients:

  • Surfactants that fight organic contaminants and are necessary for high-quality toilet cleaning. As a rule, non-ionic ones are considered the safest type.
  • Acidic or alkaline compounds that make it possible to achieve the dissolution of rust molecules, as well as plaque, which quite often forms on the walls of the product. It is worth noting that they must be handled with extreme caution so as not to burn your hands or mucous membranes.
  • Chlorine compounds, which allow you to destroy bacteria and disinfect the bathroom.

Today the following brands are considered the most popular, and therefore effective:

  • Cillit Bang. This toilet bowl cleaner is formulated in a gel form, making application easy and convenient. In addition, the container is equipped with a spout, which allows you to bring the substance to the most difficult to reach places.

This gel contains hydrochloric acid, which dissolves and removes all contaminants, including rust. However, it must be used with caution, wearing gloves to prevent chemical burns.

The following advantages of using Cillit Bang gel can be noted:

  • high efficiency;
  • minimum level of spending;
  • ergonomic packaging for easy application.

Disadvantages of Cillit Bang gel:

  • not the lowest price;
  • The product is not equipped with a lid that children cannot open.
  • Domestos. This toilet bowl cleaner is also created in the form of a gel, which copes well with quite complex types of dirt. The acid in its composition perfectly dissolves rust stains, as well as fungi and bacteria.

This gel has important advantages:

  • its consistency is quite viscous and viscous, which allows it to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the toilet;
  • minimum possible consumption of substances for effective purification;
  • equipped with protection against opening by children.
  • the presence of a persistent and pungent odor.
  • "Comet 7 days of cleanliness." This gel has the ability to keep plumbing cleanliness under control for a whole week. As the manufacturer notes, it is enough to apply it once, after which it does an excellent job of maintaining order for 7 days. The product works thanks to the sulfuric acid it contains.

It is necessary to emphasize its following advantages:

  • ability to remove any contaminants;
  • low consumption with high efficiency;
  • low price;
  • prolonged protection of plumbing fixtures;
  • a lid that children cannot open.

Disadvantages of the cleaning product:

  • Quite a strong smell of chloride component.
  • "Toilet duckling" A gel that works on the basis of hydrochloric acid, thereby fighting stubborn stains.

The following advantages can be noted:

  • the presence of a spout that allows you to apply the product under the rim;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • affordable price;
  • effective fight against bacteria;
  • protective cap.


  • The consistency is medium thick, which is why the product is consumed quite quickly.
  • "Sanox Ultra". Enough good drug, it is produced by a domestic factory, which determines its low cost, and efficiency does not suffer from this at all. Active substance It removes both rust and plaque well, and smells pretty good.

Advantages of Sanox Ultra:

  • low price;
  • effective work;
  • presence of fragrance.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • not too thick consistency;
  • packaging that does not have child protection and a curved spout.

Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies

Hardware stores offer different means for cleaning toilets, which differ not only in their cost, but also in their level of efficiency. Nevertheless, every housewife is quite capable of cleaning plumbing using available folk remedies that are found in the house.

The following methods are recognized as the most popular in the fight for toilet cleanliness:

  • Vinegar. The most common and gives excellent results due to the fact that it is an acid. It should be used as follows:
  • apply to the walls and leave to act for a period of 20 to 30 minutes;
  • rinse with plenty of water.
  • Soda. It removes deposits and plaque well due to its abrasiveness. It must be applied to the walls of earthenware. In addition, it has the important ability to clean sewer drains.
  • Lemon acid. Allows you to clean the surface of the toilet bowl easily and simply. It is enough to apply it to the surface, after which you can get rid of both the annoying plaque and most microbes.
  • White. Contains chlorine and works great in cleaning the toilet. It must be applied in the evening so that the substance works throughout the night. After this, rinse the composition with water and do not worry about the presence of bacteria.

DIY toilet cleaner

Craftsmen have long developed their own toilet cleaner, which can cope with various problems with maximum efficiency, including bacteria, dirt, plaque and unpleasant odors, and at the same time costs very little. In addition, such a substance will be as safe as possible for people living in the house, especially if they have various types of allergies, and pets.

How to cook it? You need to take some essential oils, vinegar, starch and salt. If the components are selected in the right quantity, you can hope to create a product that will perfectly cope with all the problems of plumbing and its care.

Creating a toilet cleaner involves the following steps:

  • Place 3 teaspoons of coarse salt in a bowl and mix them with 3 tablespoons of starch.
  • Add 1/2 cup of water to the resulting mixture, then mix everything thoroughly.
  • Place the bowl on the stove and cook until thickened, constantly stirring its contents thoroughly.
  • Remove the container from the heat and add 15 ml of vinegar and a little essential oil with any aroma.
  • The mixture will be very thick, now you can form it into a ball, which you need to leave overnight, and then attach it to the toilet using wire or other improvised objects.

This completely simple procedure for preparing a toilet cleaner can please owners with excellent results at minimal cost.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that with the modern assortment of goods in hardware stores, which offer a wide selection of all kinds of cleaning products, cleaning the toilet will not be difficult. Nevertheless, regularly keeping it clean will minimize labor and costs, and will also preserve the comfort in your home and the health of its inhabitants.

Not really

Appearance urinary stone and limescale – it’s not a one-day process. It is unlikely to harm your health, but it is quite likely to harm sanitary ceramics. In addition, the sight of a dirty toilet or sink can ruin the whole picture of your spotless bathroom. Today we will tell you how to deal with worst enemies sanitary porcelain and earthenware.

Causes of deposits

In order to choose an effective way to combat deposits on sanitary ceramics (faience), you must first find out the reasons for their appearance, composition, etc. The proverb “You need to know the enemy by sight” is also appropriate in our difficult task.

Plaque not only spoils appearance, but also destroys the enamel of the plumbing fixture

Limescale is a deposit of minerals that are found in excess in tap water, on the surface of ceramic and chrome products. Mostly, pollution forms in flush areas in the form of yellow-orange smudges. Moreover, the more often the water is flushed in the toilet, the faster plaque forms.

Important! If deposits are not removed from the water supply nozzles in a timely manner, deposits can cause them to become clogged. Monitor the condition of each of your “home helpers”.

Urine stone is a deposit of mineral substances found in the human body. They are excreted along with urine and settle on the walls of the ceramic product. Combining with the minerals contained in the water, they form a dense and very unaesthetic layer of gray-yellow color. Irregularities in the ceramic coating aggravate and accelerate this process.

If the ceramics are initially of poor quality, then plaque will form on it faster due to the porosity of the material

When choosing sanitary ceramics, check the smoothness of the inner surface of the bowl. The ideal option is to purchase a product made from sanitary porcelain; unlike cheaper earthenware, it has a dense structure. This is achieved due to the increased temperature at which the product is fired. And it is the density that makes porcelain toilets smoother, and plaque and stone do not eat into the porcelain structure so quickly, so it is much easier to clean it by hand.

It should be understood that sanitary porcelain is a material for the manufacture of luxury sanitary ware, and therefore its price is much higher than that of models made of earthenware. Whether to classify this feature as a disadvantage is up to each user to decide for themselves.

Porcelain product

The main reason the appearance of deposits of any kind is the neglect of preventive methods of cleaning ceramics. It should be remembered that the more often the planned cleaning of the toilet room and cleaning of plumbing fixtures is carried out, the longer the toilet remains in its original form.

Cleaning with improvised and folk remedies

To clean a toilet, sink or shower tray from plaque, you don’t have to run to the store and spend money on expensive chemicals. In addition, effective substances are expensive, and you don’t want to spend money on ineffective ones. In order to save yourself from unnecessary waste, and the toilet from limescale and urinary stone, you can use improvised means that any housewife always has in her arsenal. So, several methods of cleaning plumbing borrowed from the people.

Lemon acid

The main enemy of limescale deposits is citric acid. It is very effective in combating deposits that have not reached their critical point.

Citric acid is an excellent plaque remover

To do this you need:

  • purchase 3-4 sachets of the substance;
  • apply to contaminated areas;
  • close the toilet lid;
  • wait 4-5 hours (preferably until the morning);
  • Rinse off the water, scrubbing thoroughly with a brush.

For greater efficiency, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Acetic acid

Works the same as lemon. But to use it, vinegar essence must be prepared:

  • measure 250 g of vinegar essence or food vinegar 9%;
  • heat the liquid to 45-50° C (be sure to cover the container with a lid to avoid the acrid vinegar smell);
  • pour warm vinegar into the toilet;

When working with acetic acid do not forget to protect the airway with a bandage
  • You can add a little for effectiveness. baking soda(2-3 tsp);
  • be sure to close the toilet bowl with a lid;
  • leave for 2-3 hours or overnight.

In the morning, rinse the bowl thoroughly with water and rub it with a brush or other brush.

Oxalic acid

This product is fading into the background these days and is found on store shelves less and less often. But if you come across it on the modern market, feel free to buy it because it’s cheap and effective way restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. The product should be applied to a slightly damp soft cloth or sprinkled on areas where urinary stones and plaque are deposited. There is no need to feel sorry for the substance. After treating areas where minerals accumulate, clean with a brush and rinse thoroughly. clean water.

Oxalic acid will clean the surface of the toilet bowl in a short time

Baking soda

Everyone has this drug in their kitchen. Using soda, you can enhance the effect of acid, acetic or citric. Soda applied to contaminated areas destroys the structure of minerals and completely removes plaque from the surface ceramic products. To clean the toilet you will need at least 200 g (1 pack). For greater effectiveness, it is better to leave the drug to work overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to clean the bowl with a brush, removing any remaining mineral deposits.

Coca Cola

No matter how strange it may sound, this wonderful drink can not only quench your thirst, but also remove old limescale. To do this, pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave overnight. It is unknown how the cleaning properties of Cola were revealed; we can only assume that the drink was poured into the toilet by a caring mother, who subsequently discovered that it had “ate” all the sediment.

Important! Although the available products do not have a high concentration of acids or alkalis, you need to wear gloves when working with them. And when using vinegar, you need to take care of the respiratory tract.

Some housewives even use Cola to remove plaque.

Chemistry guards purity

You can clean non-critical stains with improvised substances. When limescale deposits look more like the coating of a toilet bowl, and the formation of urinary stones has acquired a dark brown tint, folk remedies are useless. Only heavy artillery in the form of potent chemical cleaners can cope here.

Very important! With caustic chemicals It is necessary to work only with rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

It is best to use specialized detergents that are intended only for toilets. Be sure to read the product label before use.

After soaking the product, be sure to brush the nonsense

In case of critical and extremely abundant growth of mineral deposits, you can use a liquid electrolyte, which is used in car batteries. It can only be used as a last resort when other means have failed. It contains sulfuric acid, so be sure to take care of your own safety.

A snow-white toilet bowl is the key to hygiene and cleanliness of the whole house. To get rid of limescale, smudges and pathogens, use a toilet bowl cleaner. Manufacturers of such products guarantee multi-effect, but is this really so?

Types of cleaning products

All cleaning products can be classified according to their intended purpose. They are divided into:

  1. Products against limescale and rust. Most often, they contain acids or other aggressive components. With their help they effectively combat solid formations on a ceramic or earthenware bowl, remove brown stains. At the same time, it can often cause corrosion of the enamel, which is why the toilet bowl turns gray over time or even becomes covered with a fine network of cracks;
  2. Disinfectors. They do not help remove limescale, but they effectively clean the toilet bowl and water in the siphon from pathogenic microorganisms. They also contain acids, most often hydrochloric acids, and chlorine analogues. Provide not only quick cleaning from bacteria, but also slow down their reproduction for some time, providing a long-lasting effect;
  3. Universal. These are products that remove plaque, cleanse various contaminants and help get rid of bacteria. Contains several types of acids and other active additives. Compared to specialized products, they have a lower cost, but are also inferior in efficiency.

Review of popular products

For comparative analysis Toilet bowl cleaners, we have prepared a list of the most popular ones. These are Domestos (Domestos), Cilit (Silit) and others. All of these products have universal properties, so we will compare them based on their effectiveness.

Domestos is probably one of the most popular cleaning products in the CIS. The secret of success is not high efficiency, but an affordable price. Instead of acids, this product uses alkaline compounds. They do an excellent job of removing the bacterial layer on thickets, helping to remove rust, but do not help remove lime. In addition, when using Domestos you need to be very careful - the liquid emits vapors that can burn the esophagus and nasopharynx.

Domestos for the toilet – different types

Cilit (Silit) is one of the most effective products on the market. It costs more than Dosmetos. Contains inorganic hydrochloric acid, with which it copes well with almost any growths on the bowl. It has a quick effect, but destroys enamel surfaces. Known for its ability to restore whiteness even to old toilets.

Comet 7 days of purity (Comet) is a gel-like substance with a characteristic acidic odor. It also contains acids (sulfuric) and active additives. It is considered more effective than Silit, as it is able to clean the bowl within a few minutes after application. An undoubted advantage is the effect of slowing down the growth of bacteria, which is why a pleasant smell in the toilet is preserved, and no leaks form on the walls.

Dosia (Dosya) is a Russian product for cleaning toilets and bathtubs. It copes well with odor and traces of rust, but does not dissolve calcium buildup well. Its price is almost two times lower than that of Domestos, but its effectiveness is worse. Despite the manufacturer’s assurances about long-term disinfection and lime removal, the product does not cope well with these tasks. An almost complete analogue of Dusi is Tyron.

Sarma is a popular product for removing rust marks and disinfecting toilet bowls. A notable feature of this liquid is that it does not contain chlorine. As a result, the manufacturer achieved pleasant aroma and safety in use. Disadvantages of the product include a lack of long-lasting cleanliness and ineffectiveness in removing calcium deposits. It's more likely preventative measure rather than a means of getting rid of serious contaminants.

For convenient comparison, we have compiled a table where we describe the main criteria for choosing a toilet cleaner:

Name Price (at the time of writing) Active components Purpose
Domestos3 dollars (1 liter)Sodium hypochlorite and surfactants.Elimination unpleasant odor, removing contaminants (including rust) from the surface of the thicket, slowing down the growth of bacteria.
Cilit Plaque and rust7 dollars (1 liter)Oxalic acid, surfactant.Used exclusively for whitening the bowl and removing calcium deposits. To eliminate long-term growths, a specialized composition is used - Cillit spray to remove limescale and rust.
Comet 7 days of cleanliness4 dollarsPhosphoric and formic acid.According to the manufacturer, it whitens earthenware and perfectly disinfects. With the removal of bacteria, however, within a few days under experimental conditions, a decrease in the population of microorganisms was noticed.
Sarma and Dosya1 dollarAlkaline compounds.Cleaning of simple stains, bleaching, removing rust and stains, disinfection.

Safety precautions when working with cleaning products

A high concentration of acids in cleaning products requires compliance certain rules their operation. Before starting the toilet cleaning process, you need to wear gloves and ventilate the room well.

Household gloves are the key to healthy hands when cleaning the toilet

The best thing to do is leave it to air until you finish cleaning. What else you need to know when using toilet bowl cleaners:

  1. They should not be combined with other cleaning products. This can cause the release of chlorine gas, which is harmful to humans;
  2. If the toilet is not ventilated, it is best to wear a mask that will protect you from the fumes;
  3. Cleaning is carried out only with gloves. Salt acid is very aggressive and can not only remove lime, but also corrode the skin on your hands;
  4. None of the above products should be used to wash marble, stone, wood, etc. natural materials. If you need to disinfect the floor, it is better to buy a special product for a specific coating;
  5. Coverings and walls in the bathroom and toilet can be washed with disinfectants, but after that they will need to be completely rinsed off. Otherwise, they will not only corrode the surface of the tile or other coating, but also harm environment. Based on this, do not use similar products for cleaning bedrooms and kitchens;
  6. To ensure the safety of the toilet, it should not be treated with acidic compounds more than once a week. They are also not recommended for use on enamel coatings.