Jokes with girls examples. How to learn to joke well in any situation: how to be funny with a girl. How to cheer up a girl in correspondence

In correspondence in contact, seduction will save you more than once. Thousands of my examples and examples of my students say that thanks to this, you can turn the situation around to face yourself even when it seems that everything is already lost.

And in general, the ability to amuse girls in correspondence gives communication a lot of brightness and liveliness, creating the feeling of a “live” conversation.

About what not to do

If you want to achieve good result in contact, then forget about those “types” of jokes that everyone is already tired of. These include jokes and so-called “hackneyed” jokes that are repeated from mouth to mouth.

Example: When talking to a girl about getting ready for parties, a tired joke would be the one that talks about how long it takes for women to get ready.

(Of course, a lot depends on exactly how you make a joke. But, still, you need to try to joke on more original topics. And the topic of long gatherings for women has long been included in all possible jokes.)

Therefore, it is much more effective to joke in an original, unusual, fresh way and be able to find something new even in banal topics.

How to cheer up a girl in correspondence

Reception No. 1. Banter.

The most favorite technique of many seducers. And he is beloved because he allows you not only to cheer up a girl, but also to make it clear to her that she has yet to earn the guy’s interest.

In addition, by using banter, the guy shows his absence, which is perceived by the latter as a manifestation of confidence and desirability among the opposite sex.

Reception No. 2. Flirting.

If you notice an interesting detail in her profile or photograph that somehow characterizes the girl, then be sure to use it for communication.

The simplest example: a girl helps homeless animals find their owners. After talking with her on this topic, you can address her with the word “my caring.”

If you saw a photo of her in which she has a curly hairstyle, you can call her “curly.”

This approach will allow you to introduce notes of positivity, friendliness and sex into communication.

How else can you cheer up a girl in correspondence on VKontakte?

There is one interesting way, which all my students and myself use.

Reception No. 3. Album with an alternative reality.

This is a screenshot from my alternate reality album. The point is what you do history in the form of pictures and photographs. And you tag the girl you want to cheer up in several photos.

As you can see in the example above, it all starts as if a group of friends went on a trip. Then their plane crashed on a desert island.

And just below is a continuation, “telling” how they tried to survive, had an interesting time, and were in search of something interesting and unusual. How did they encounter local residents etc. In general, everything will be limited only by your imagination.

After you make an album like this, tag the girl whose attention you want to attract. For example, in the first screenshot of the sea with a lot of splashes. I tagged a few of my friends there, imagining we were swimming and the splashes were flying. Friends were very willing to support, and a discussion of this topic began. And, of course, among my friends there were those girls whom I soon seduced.

This technique of creating alternative realities adds a touch of romance to your communication. And because people like to associate themselves with the main characters of different stories, then in any case you will receive an emotional response.

Reception No. 4. Identify her with someone else

This technique is very similar to the previous one, only here alternative realities are not created, but a banter version is used.

You can cheer up a girl on VKontakte by tagging her in this photo, imagining that she is one of those girls who swim in a puddle.

You can also find a photo of a girl stealing a cherry in the garden, upload it to your album and tag it. And in general, any photograph or picture you find on the Internet should be considered from the point of view of the opportunity to amuse a girl.

Found interesting picture? Upload to your album and tag the girl you like. There will be a whole wave of emotions.

Now you know how to cheer up a girl in correspondence on VKontakte. With a little practice, you will be able to not only get it right, but also come up with your own.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 242

Nowadays there is a lot of stress and negative emotions. It’s the same with girls, and sometimes they just don’t have enough positivity, fun, and just to smile.
To the question “how to cheer a girl up?” You could answer in one phrase - learn a couple of jokes. But I want to analyze this in more detail, so that after reading the article, you can give positivity to anyone and easily cheer up any girl, be it a date or just a casual meeting.

I always smile

It all starts with you internal state, and this is very important. Often people, experiencing certain emotions, want to show others, but few succeed. An actor with 10 years of experience will probably be able to do it easily, but a guy who is 25 years old and who is not familiar with acting skills, this will be more difficult.

We first need to set ourselves up in a positive way, i.e. always smile and be cheerful.

  • One ritual will help with this

My morning ritual

In life, I communicate with everyone friendly and generally think positively. People often ask me: how to cheer a girl up? And my morning ritual helps me with this, and it will also help you if you follow everything.

Why in the morning?

Because in the morning, when we wake up, our facial muscles should also be put to work, they need to be stretched with light gymnastics, and for this you need to laugh heartily for about 5 minutes.

How to do it?

When you wake up in the morning, take your phone and watch funny videos. Let's say it could be 1000-500 or Yeralash, or Comedy club (depending on your taste). I check my Instagram feed, because I subscribe to different funny and cheerful accounts, the videos last one minute, and during this time I receive so much positivity that I am charged with positive energy for the whole day.

By the way, my girlfriend appreciated this ritual, and we both do this trick in the morning. We need to be cheerful ourselves before we can cheer someone else.

After we have completed this ritual, we can safely get ready and go conquer girls or give positivity, since we ourselves are charged.)

By the way, here's a video about cats. Yes, yes, everyone loves them, no one can resist such cuteness))

How to cheer up a girl on VK by correspondence?

90% of Russians are on VKontakte, maybe your classmate or the girl you work with is your “friend” and you wanted to cheer her up, or somehow cheer her up. There is one big disadvantage in communicating on the Internet – the difficulty of conveying emotions! But!

We will do this with words. Let's say you are scrolling through your VK feed and see a photo

Let’s say the first photo I see is of a girl with a doshirak. I know her, she’s not one of those people who eats extra bread, but it’s more like a joke. I’m writing “my people” here, joking to make her laugh.


It is not necessary to write exactly this, it all depends on your imagination. If you visited a friend’s page on VK and saw something unusual on her avatar. For example, there is a unicorn smoking in the background, then you can embellish it and write about it. This will be very funny 

The conclusion is to look for fun and positive things in everything, to be creative and not only in social media. networks, but also on a walk, on a date. Be creative!

By phone

With a phone call, everything is much simpler, you can even just call and hang up) Or for example, you called your beloved and silently breathe into the phone, she will appreciate it)) Seriously, when you are talking, you can use any phrase to cheer up girl.

Example of a telephone conversation:

You: Hello, hello
She: Oh, hi
You: How are you?
She: I'm great, are you?
You: I'm fine, look back
She: What do you mean?
You: Just look back
She: I look, so what?
You: Smile 
She: What's wrong with you? "laughter"

There was some kind of intrigue here, she thought that I was nearby and perhaps watching her. It's funny, there are a lot of such examples. Now it’s one in the morning and my eyes are already tired, I’ll describe the examples separately with screenshots.


You need to use your imagination with text messages. Like this? For example, you can write an SMS with a trick

"Hi where are you? I'm near"

she will immediately think...?
That's right, she will think that you are somewhere nearby.
But in fact, you just said that you were morally close and reported this...
After such an SMS, the girl can call or write a response with questions.
At this moment we may not answer for 5-10 minutes, so the girl will have an emotional leap))
Which is what they love))

A man needs to cheer up a girl. Someone may ask, why does a girl need to be amused?

At the beginning I wrote that nowadays there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding and sometimes a girl just wants to smile. Here we can help her with this and quite simply. Well, if you came to read the article just for fun, and are still afraid to talk to a girl, then this video is for you. See below.

I believe that life is a boomerang. Everything you do comes back to you, so give joy, positivity, a smile and receive the same in return. Isn't that cool? When you start following the ritual described at the beginning, you will see that life has simply become more fun. It was you who did this for yourself!

I will write a separate mini article about how to think positively in any circumstances.

Not everyone can communicate the way I described, but you must admit that a girl is not interested in a guy who is sad and cannot give emotions. She came to the date expecting to have a good time. You can give her positive emotions on a date. So, knowing this should motivate you so that you start practicing all this and in the end can cheer up any girl.

It's no secret that girls are quite emotional creatures who quickly get upset or depressed. But they are easy to cheer up and cheer up even in correspondence, SMS and social networks. In this matter, the internal mood of the interlocutor is important, so being upset yourself will not solve the situation. You also need to be natural and friendly, attentive. Together we will learn how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, via SMS, even if she is not a lady of the heart, but only a friend.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

Before you think about how to entertain a girl on VK, remember a few basic nuances:

  • Don't get down to business if you're in a bad mood, because every word she says will irritate you;
  • Be attentive, listen and be a vest you can cry on;
  • Do not be ironic or aggravate the situation, humor lifts the mood, but only in a good way;
  • Try to distract her from the problematic topic;
  • Give positive examples.

Cheering a girl via SMS is even easier than in person. Because there is time to think through the answer, catch the mood and say a lot of pleasant things that are scary to say in person.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networks where most people communicate. Therefore, the problem of how to cheer up a girl in contact arises for many guys. To get started, you can send a song, a funny video or a funny photo. If we're talking about about your beloved, then send her pictures and clips together, this will definitely lift her spirits and show your support.

If you haven’t been communicating for a long time, then persistent calls may be unnecessary, but we’ll tell you how to make a girl laugh over text. It is important not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes on girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Lots of obscene language;
  • Vulgar phrases.

It’s better to give her a few compliments, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and funny situations at work (with friends, at school). Don’t forget to include cute affectionate nicknames like bunny, ray of sunshine, baby. Although, in the question of how to cheer up a VK girl, you need to take into account personal characteristics and character. Some people prefer to express everything that hurts so that it becomes easier. In this case, jokes or pet names will be inappropriate, and the above options for how to make a girl laugh in correspondence may not work.

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

Cheering a girl via SMS or VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way- tell funny story from your life, but not the one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help make the situation ironic. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, more simply, her mood will rise and she will forget about what happened.

How can you still cheer up a girl in contact? Tell jokes with hidden compliments, which everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broaden your horizons and allow you to take the conversation to another steppe, to distract you.

Regardless of how you decide to tease a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert phrases like this into every sentence;
  • There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words;
  • You should not bring up the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talk about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will make the situation worse;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • You shouldn't talk while drunk, nothing good will come of it.

If you don’t know how to tease a girl in correspondence, in a kind but funny way, go to her photographs or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and supplement the correspondence of others with pictures. It’s enough to use your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It makes both of you happy and uplifting. You can even go to community groups where people share funny events from their lives, and send them to a friend. Try it different ways and you will understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous public pages. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up without special effort. Especially creative people can personally shoot a video of themselves and send it to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the character of your friend. If some people don’t like dark humor, others treat it ironically and may make similar jokes in response. It definitely works for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from your life. The rest – individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give good mood and cheer up even in SMS. And recommendations on “how to cheer up a friend in contact” are not needed. To do this, you don’t have to give expensive gifts, rewrite jokes from a comedy, or seem better than you are. Girls subtly sense pretense, falsehood and insincerity. Also, you should not try to take advantage of a lady’s condition to persuade her into a relationship or sex. This approach backfires and ruins the relationship forever. Women love those who can listen to them, support them, give them a compliment and insert a funny joke into place.

Learn to choose the right moment for humor. When it comes to humor, timing is very important! This is especially important for humor that addresses the current situation. For example, if one of you just knocked over a glass of drink in a cafe, it's time for a funny joke that will cheer you up. But be careful if the girl at this moment is very upset about something happening in her life.

  • If a girl's pet recently passed away or she failed an exam, trying to cheer her up with one-liners will probably fail and even upset her more.
  • Also, if you yourself have problems or are not in the mood for jokes, do not force yourself to joke.
  • Try to understand what exactly seems funny to your girlfriend, and act in that direction. Every girl is different, so try to adapt to your friend's personality to make her laugh. Ask her simple questions to gather for yourself useful information. For example, you can ask: “Did you watch yesterday’s episode of Evening Urgant?” If she says yes, then she probably likes the show's style of atmospheric jokes! If a girl mentions a certain comedy movie or TV show, try to use a similar style of humor to them.

    • For example, if a girl mentions the series “Sasha + Masha” or a specific episode of “Good Jokes,” then you will have a certain idea about her preferences.
  • Remember that humor should be light. Of course, some girls like dark humor and sarcastic remarks, so they are also acceptable when you are sure of your friend’s preferences! In general, everyone will be better off if you stick to light and funny jokes. Extreme sarcasticity or cynicism can seem aggressive and strange. If you constantly demonstrate dark humor, there is a high probability that the girl will get tired of such an atmosphere or she will decide that you are under the influence of drugs.

    • Be sure to avoid making sarcastic remarks about the girl herself, especially if you don’t know her very well yet.
  • Laugh with the girl, not at her. Laughter is contagious, and enjoying a funny situation together can strengthen your bond and make her like you more. However, there is no need to laugh at the girl. If you yourself are laughing and having a good time, your girlfriend should be able to do the same.

    • Imitating her own sense of humor is one way to laugh with a girl. If the girl’s humor is quite risky, you can also try to go a little beyond the bounds of decency. But if possible, keep it natural: if your usual humor is cheerful and tactful, trying to switch to dark humor and sarcasm can come out very unnatural.
    • Follow her lead only if you are completely confident in her style of humor. And forgive the anxious silence on her part if she doesn’t know how to react to your actions.
    • Ask her about your loved ones
  • Hello!
    Well, are our holidays coming to an end and harsh everyday life lies ahead?
    Nonsense, let’s break through, because we also need to think about the liver, right?

    It’s winter, where there’s snow, where there’s slush, where it’s just rain, the sky is gray, so is the mood, and therefore, it will be very important to talk about how to lift it - this is the mood, or rather, how to lift your girlfriend’s mood, and even more precisely, how to cheer up a girl?

    After all, when your girlfriend is in an upbeat and cheerful mood, then you are not so sad either. Do you agree?

    This article is not necessarily about your girlfriend. It could be a student sitting next to you, or your neighbor, or just a beauty walking towards you. I hope you read my article, especially point number 4

    So, here we go:

    How to cheer up a girl.

    Before we get to the answer to the question “How to cheer a girl up?”
    You must answer one question: “Can you joke about your personality, about yourself?” I should note that this is not subject to everyone, but only to strong and self-confident individuals. So, if you answered in the affirmative, then you are doomed to success in terms of amusing the girl, if - NO, then using the powerful arsenal given below, you will definitely achieve success.

    The main desire!!! After all, cheering up a girl means lifting her spirits, and that’s what we’ll do now.

    I warn you, not all methods are ethical, witty, decent or witty, but...

    Method number 1:

    Method number 2:
    Buy a bottle of wine and watch a comedy over a glass of it (for example, with my beloved Jim Carrey).

    Method number 3:
    A great way to cheer up a girl, as well as yourself at the same time, is to go to a room of laughter (distorting mirrors). I promise you an instant mood boost!

    Method number 4:
    If a girl loves animals, then a great way to cheer her up is to take her to the zoo. (

    Method number 5:
    Take a guitar and sing to it the lion cub’s song “I’m lying in the sun...” This especially works if you don’t know how to play the guitar and you don’t have a voice or hearing

    Method number 6:
    Start biting and tickling her (further depending on the circumstances)

    Method number 7:
    You can cheer up a girl

    Method number 8:
    One of the most successful ways to cheer up (maybe even cheer up) a girl and take her shopping. All girls love it!!! (
    Take your girl to an ice cream parlor, because, as you know, sweets have a beneficial effect on your mood.

    20 ways to cheer up a girl.

    Method No. 11:
    Surprise your girlfriend. Preferably, with your own hands.

    Method number 12:
    It’s good if you know the girl thoroughly, i.e. You know her preferences, hobbies and factors that can cheer a girl up and lift her spirits.
    So learn, observe and remember. This will make it much easier to find her “switch” of a good mood!

    Method number 13:
    Give an armful of wildflowers or my favorite snowdrops, with the words “I wish you happiness, health, POOH!”

    Method number 14:
    Have mind-blowing sex in an exotic location. And then endorphin will do its job (

    Method number 15:
    Have a romantic dinner and suddenly “remember” that you urgently need to run errands. Quickly pull yourself together, apologize and leave.
    And exactly a minute later, ring the doorbell and come back with the words “Here I am...” and beautiful bouquet flowers (hidden in advance on the stairs or in the car).
    It will work, lift your spirits and make your girlfriend happy 100%. Tested for yourself!

    Method number 16:
    Somewhere recently I read a joke that will definitely help cheer up a girl: “A little elephant walks along and sees an adult man relieving himself. The elephant stood and looked
    and asks the man. “How do you eat with such a small nose?” Personally, this “masterpiece” cheered me up for the whole day.

    Method number 17:
    Collect it best friends and give the girl a surprise, for example, a picnic outside the city (although it’s a little cold now)

    Method number 18:
    If a girl loves “sharp” and unconventional humor, get tickets to the next performance of “Comedy Club”, well, if - Petrosyan (accept my condolences), then get tickets to the concert of this “monster” of humor

    Method number 19:
    Order a girl her favorite song on the radio.

    Method number 20: