Plastering old walls by hand. How to quickly and correctly plaster walls with your own hands: video. Types and forms of plaster mixtures

They say that repairs can only begin, they cannot be completed, so plastering work will always be in demand, regardless of the time of year and the condition of the building. Multiple expert advice and recommendations are often contradictory and unclear. The technique of plastering walls with your own hands is not as complicated as it might seem. It’s better to see once than to read a hundred times, so if you have to plaster the walls with your own hands, the video will give you a lot of sensible advice on the work technique.

What is the difference between plastering brick and concrete walls?

Theoretically, working with brick and plaster concrete surface similar, but there are a few small but important differences:

  1. If you look closely at the surface ceramic bricks and concrete surface, you can see that the first one looks like a microsponge, easily absorbs the solution and tenaciously holds the plaster layer;
  2. Concrete surfaces are very dense and do not adhere well to cement or sand-cement plaster;
  3. The drying speed of the mortar on a concrete wall is much lower than on a brick wall, which means that the first hardened layer of plaster can simply break off before the contact layer dries.

Important ! A brick wall does not need to be moistened at all before laying the spray plaster; for a concrete wall, preparation often requires the use of special adhesives.

Do-it-yourself plastering of walls made of concrete and silicate stone

The initial step in applying plaster to any walls is to measure them, check for movement of the masonry or violation of the geometry. This is necessary, first of all, for the proper placement of beacons or landmarks along which the plaster layer is leveled, whether for concrete or brick walls. For the placement points of the beacons, we select vertical lines, 10-15 cm away from the corners, at the same distance from the edge of the wall, and place several profile beacons on the plane of the wall. The distance between the profiles should be 20-25cm less than the length of the rule. The size of the latter is already chosen based on the size of the room.

On outdoors you can work with your own hands and a one and a half meter tool, and indoors a meter long is enough.

We plaster a concrete wall with our own hands

First of all, we apply small cuts 8-10mm deep on the surface of the concrete walls; it is better to do this yourself using a hammer drill, since the procedure is physically difficult, and with a large wall area it can take a lot of time. We especially carefully check the geometry and condition of the corners in the near-ceiling areas of the wall.

The sequence of applying plaster on a concrete wall with your own hands:

We cover the profiles themselves with a glue solution to impart rigidity and stability, so that a thin support strip remains on the surface along which the rule will slide. After the adhesive has dried, we proceed to applying the plaster mass.

The plaster dries indoors, depending on air temperature and humidity, for up to three days.

Advice ! The profile can be left under a layer of plaster if there are no conditions in the room for its corrosion.

Features of using reinforcing mesh and profiles for corners

Often, mesh for reinforcing the plaster layer is used for both external and internal walls. When choosing a mesh, give preference to a glued and more rigid option, this will improve adhesion to plaster mortar and is guaranteed to prevent delamination of the plaster.

To secure the mesh to a brick or concrete surface, an adhesive composition based on cement and polymer additives. The consistency is creamy. It is carefully applied with your own hands with a notched trowel onto the prepared surface, in a layer 7-8 mm thick. In the corners, the amount of mineral glue is increased to install a plastic corner profile.

Such material is easily cut with your own hands with scissors, and after specifying the size, it is fixed on the coal on top of the applied layer of mineral glue.

Before the final grouting of the edges of the corner with adhesive solution, the position of the profile is adjusted with your own hands relative to the edge of the corner according to the building level. The side flanges of the corners are sealed with an adhesive solution. Internal corners are strengthened in the same way.

The edge of the reinforcing mesh is attached to the plastered surface of the side flange of the corner by hand and leveled. After specifying the position, the lower edge is trimmed, and the main canvas is carefully slammed with a spatula onto the primed surface.

The remainder of the plaster mortar is applied with your own hands to the side flanges of the corners, and then the entire mesh panel is successively rubbed over with the original composition. The thickness of the layer is adjusted to the needs of the plaster configuration. On top if necessary adhesive composition a regular plaster solution is applied and successively sanded with a wooden float.

DIY ceramic brick wall plaster

As is the case with concrete walls, the first step in plastering red brick is always correct installation beacon profiles. To do this, several threads or fishing line are pulled along the wall, between the dowels hammered in the corners, along which the vertical profiles of the beacons are installed. Most often, beacons are attached to the wall surface with alabaster mass - this is faster and more convenient. The distance between the profiles is slightly less than the length of the rule.

The first operation is to wet the wall and apply a liquid plaster solution - spray. In summer you need to water abundantly brick wall, in cold wet weather in summer or autumn, you can get by with a little spraying with a brush.

The consistency of the solution is liquid sour cream. It is more convenient to apply the composition with a ladle or similar utensils, evenly distributing the solution over the wall. The technique is easy to understand from the video

The spray sticks well to the brick; if done correctly, its thickness will not exceed 10 mm. Upon completion of the first stage, check the thickness of the preliminary layer with your own hands using the gap between the rule and the plaster. The first layer is allowed to dry until tack-free and a second layer is applied, this time thicker. It dries and sets faster, so periodically go over the applied layer with a rule, thereby adjusting the plane and thickness of the plaster.

After an hour, you can remove the beacon profiles by carefully prying the strip with a trowel or a sharp tool; the resulting vertical grooves can simply be filled with mortar and rubbed with a float to the level of the main layer of plaster. If this is not done, the profile will rust and destroy the wall.

The final stage is grouting. Before grouting, remove imperfections in the plaster layer with your own hands; after several hours of drying the plaster, begin finishing sanding.

A small amount of water is sprayed onto the surface of the plaster with a brush, and the wet plaster is immediately treated with a trowel.

Important ! One of the most important criteria The strength of plaster is its drying speed. The longer it dries, the stronger the plaster.

Therefore, in the hot season, fresh layers are periodically moistened by spraying water with a brush or spray.


The technique of applying plaster with your own hands for walls made of concrete and brick is in many ways similar; there are differences in some details of preparing walls for plaster. Therefore, having acquired the first skill of working with your own hands with internal plasters, you can safely proceed to any of the exterior finishing options.

It’s easy to prepare the surface before painting or wallpapering with your own hands. Large cracks are filled with putty and the surface is leveled with plaster. Let’s talk in more detail with our readers about how to properly plaster the walls in an apartment or house and what application features you should know.

Advantages of wall cladding in various ways

Finishing with plaster is the easiest way to level their surface to perfection. According to the method of applying plaster, there are two types of materials:

  1. Dry method - using ready-made sheets of gypsum plasterboard or gypsum plasterboard (moisture-resistant material).
  2. Monolithic method - using a mixture based on gypsum, cement or limestone.

It is easier to plaster walls with your own hands by choosing dry installation methods. GKL sheets have standard size and different thicknesses. Attached to the surface on a lathing made of bars or using metal profiles. Seams and screw heads are masked using putty and sickle.

Do-it-yourself monolithic plaster of walls is more labor-intensive. It is not always possible to apply plaster in an even layer without additional knowledge and skills. It is easier to carry out work using metal beacons. You can use even bars as beacons.

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Preparatory activities

Before applying the mixture, the surface must be properly prepared. This stage is usually not given of great importance, but it is important for obtaining high-quality and durable walls.

If the apartment is decorated with old wallpaper or paint, then they should be removed. It is easier to remove wallpaper by first wetting it with water using a sponge or spray bottle. We talked about it in one of the previous articles.

Important! After the old finish is removed, inspect the surface. Large cracks and differences must be covered with putty or cement-sand mixture. Seed tape is glued at the corners and at the joints of gypsum board or gypsum board. It will prevent cracking of the plaster in the future. If the walls have many cracks, then fiberglass can be glued on top. We told you how to make plaster with fiberglass.

Important! The putty should dry for 1 to 3 days. Then the joints are grouted. With help sandpaper, wrapped around a small block, you need to align all the seams. This stage is the most difficult, as it requires perseverance and time.

Important! After grouting, the rooms are cleaned of dust and covered with antiseptic compounds and primer. The primer is purchased for a specific type of plaster, but you can use a universal one. An antiseptic is necessary to prevent the development of fungi and mold in the walls. It will be more economical to buy a ready-made 2 in 1 product right away. Primers with the addition of various antiseptics are produced by all well-known manufacturers.

Installation instructions

Plastering the walls in an apartment with your own hands is not as easy as it seems to beginners. Do-it-yourself monolithic plaster of walls is carried out in several stages in compliance with technology. But first you need to purchase tools and materials:

  • Wide spatula.
  • Metal beacons.
  • Plaster.

For plastering walls, choose a material based on factors:

  1. Purpose of the premises (for damp ones you need to purchase a moisture-resistant composition with silicone additives; for bedrooms an inexpensive plaster-based one is suitable, cement based).
  2. The type of material from which the walls are assembled (for aerated concrete, a special thin-layer resin-based mixture is purchased).

We recommend purchasing ready-made plaster, which does not need to be diluted before use. It is difficult to accurately maintain the proportions of water and dry mixture at home and the coating may crack after drying.

Work progress:

  1. Beacons are attached in increments of 60–80 cm in level.
  2. The first rough layer of plaster is applied.
  3. The wall is leveled with a second layer along the beacons.
  4. The solution must dry, then the beacons are removed and the resulting cracks are sealed with the same composition. Plastering the walls with your own hands using beacons is easier, since they are already level.
  5. The finished walls are rubbed down using a wet sponge or fine sandpaper until a flat and smooth surface is obtained.

The plaster needs to dry for several days. The room can be regularly ventilated, humidity is maintained no higher than 45%. After this, they begin painting.

Video material:

The video shows in detail plastering walls with your own hands.

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Plastering walls with your own hands is the most common way to level surfaces and prepare walls for subsequent work. This technology is very versatile, suitable for working with both flat planes and surfaces with obvious depressions, cracks or bumps. Plaster can eliminate any defects and curvature. In addition, it is an additional protective layer against external influences: excessive humidity, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes.

The classic technology of surfaces is the use of beacons to define the desired plane. But sometimes this procedure is skipped. This happens in cases where a perfectly flat surface of the walls is not important.

Thus, we can highlight the differences between the two technologies:

  • When placing beacons you use more material because you need a thicker layer of plaster. We can say that when using the second technology you save significantly.
  • Placing beacons will require more time from you, that is, the second method of plastering walls is less time-consuming. You don’t have to measure and place beacons, or wait for them to dry completely before continuing work.
  • If you decide not to bother placing beacons, know that perfectly smooth and smooth walls you won't achieve it. Do-it-yourself plastering of walls without beacons is shown in the video below.

We will consider in detail two methods of plastering walls: with and without beacons.

What materials do we need?

The material you choose will depend on overall result. Therefore, it is important to determine for which walls you will use plaster so that the layer lasts well and for a long time. Main types:

  • Brick walls. For such coatings, mixtures based on cement, lime and gypsum are suitable.
  • Concrete surfaces. Here it is better to use solutions based on cement and gypsum.
  • Walls made of wood. For such a surface, lime-gypsum mixtures or clay-based mixtures are used.

Materials such as cement are used in plaster compositions, finishing the premises with high humidity or damp bases. Lime mixtures Suitable for walls not exposed to moisture. Cement-lime composition is used to treat the external surfaces of buildings. For dry rooms, lime-gypsum, clay or gypsum solutions are used.

When finishing the walls with plaster with your own hands, do not forget that all mixtures, except gypsum binder, can be diluted with a reserve and in large quantities. Most often, a concrete mixer is used for this, while a construction drill with a special mixer attachment is used to prepare gypsum-based solutions. It is better to use this solution immediately in the next 20-25 minutes, until it dries and hardens. If the plaster in the container has already set and you haven’t had time to use it all, you shouldn’t mix it again. This will only reduce the strength of the texture, so it makes sense to prepare a new solution.

Storage of compositions based on clay or lime is possible for several days by covering the container with a damp cloth. Before starting work, you will only need to mix the plaster (possibly adding water if necessary) and apply it to the walls.

If you are preparing a cement composition, make sure it is clean. Sand and cement should be sifted through a sieve to remove traces of debris and dirt. Cement plaster DIY walls are shown in the video below.


The choice of tools for work must be approached with special care. The type and quantity of tools will depend on your professionalism and construction skills.

Also make sure that you have household appliances in the form of stepladders, tables. The main thing is that they must be stable.

Plastering without placing beacons

Where is it most common to level walls with plaster without using beacons? This method is suitable in buildings intended for household purposes, as well as in small interior walls. Even if there is no emphasis on aesthetics in the premises, this does not mean that plastering needs to be done in any form. To create a certain geometry and simplify work, devices such as:

  • Husks are templates for internal corners.
  • Malka - this template is needed when working with window slopes and doorways.
  • Usenok is a template used to work with external corners.

Plastering walls with your own hands without beacons takes place in several stages. First we will look at the stage of preparing the walls for finishing. Let's start preparing the surface:

Now let's start drawing landmarks

  • Using a ladle, draw several horizontal lines (top, bottom and exactly in the middle).
  • You need to remove excess from these lines using a trowel. Thus, we are, as it were, constructing something like lighthouses, only from a mixture.
  • We wait for the material to dry completely.

We begin to level with plaster

  • All areas between the landmarks must be filled with plaster. We use the rule, following the guidelines made. This way we will get a smooth surface and get rid of excess mortar on the wall. We work as a rule only with a slightly set solution.
  • After leveling, let the mixture dry, then correct holes and small cracks by troweling the wall with a trowel.
  • We should have smooth walls, ready for finishing before finishing.

Plastering with display of beacons

This method of plastering walls is more effective, since as a result we get smoother and even walls. We will need the beacons themselves; it is better to use T-shaped ones made of metal. The work process is also divided into several stages, the first of which will be the preparation of the walls. We'll tell you how to plaster walls using beacons with your own hands for a beginner:

Let's start placing beacons

We will describe the process of how to properly plaster walls under a lighthouse with your own hands

Now you have become familiar with the nuances of the process of plastering walls with and without beacons. You can carry out the work yourself without involving professionals. Carefully follow the instructions in the video and rely on the experience and recommendations of professionals.

In addition to decorative purposes, according to all modern trends, plaster has a number of significant advantages:

  • Prevents moisture from entering the room and does not prevent air from entering;
  • The special composition gives the coating heat-insulating and noise-absorbing qualities;
  • A wide selection of textures allows you to give the coating a very different structure;
  • Has the ability to make visual changes in the future.

Plastering the external walls of a house will be an excellent way to make the building brighter and more noticeable against the general background. Plaster mixtures are:

  • Silicate;
  • Silicone;
  • Mineral;
  • Polymer;
  • Self-cooked.

In addition to the main components, all these compositions are allowed to contain:

  • Polymer particles that provide heat retention;
  • Stone chips for visual effect;
  • Glass sand will add shine;
  • Small particles of crushed stone will help create an original texture.

How to plaster external walls? It is necessary to consider in more detail:

  • Silicate solutions are ready for use immediately after hiding the original packaging. Such mixtures are not represented in the widest range color scheme. Full use of the product is necessary, since it can no longer be stored once the container is opened. This type plaster is a reliable barrier to moisture penetration and can withstand moderate mechanical loads;
  • Silicone mixtures are also quite elastic, have good resistance to various atmospheric phenomena, and are prone to self-cleaning. The plaster coating has high performance characteristics. The disadvantages include quite high cost in comparison with other finishing options;
  • Mineral mixtures. Cement is the main component. Dry components require dilution with water according to the manufacturer's recipe. Plaster mixtures of this type are inexpensive, “breathe” well, and are easy to work with. The disadvantages include not very good elasticity, and high requirements for the surface that will serve as the basis for the plaster layer.

If you are a beginner and don’t know the best way to plaster the exterior walls of a house, use polymer plaster mixtures. They are suitable for almost all substrates, are resistant to temperature changes, and create an attractive cladding that has a long service life.

Such properties are made possible thanks to the artificial resins included in the composition.

You can also do self-cooking mixtures. To do this, you will need to take cement, fine sand and water, and then mix them in the proportions specified in the recipe. This is an affordable, but quite labor-intensive method, which is very attractive for its financial accessibility.

It is important not only to know how to plaster external walls, but also on what surfaces the solution will adhere well:

  • Stone surface;
  • Wooden;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Monolithic concrete.

A separate approach is required for concrete pavement. When choosing what to plaster the outer walls of a house with, you need to take into account the fact that the material both absorbs moisture and releases it back. It turns out that exterior decoration should be softer than the main surface. Such measures will help prevent cracking, and the correct product will not lead to evaporation and condensation.

Plastering external walls made of gas silicate blocks should proceed differently than brick or concrete surfaces. It is unacceptable that plastering of external walls made of blocks is carried out cement-sand mortar, since in this case it is not necessary to disrupt the vapor permeability and internal climate in the house.

Plastering external walls made of aerated concrete is carried out using special lightweight plaster mixtures. One of the best options is a mixture of lime, sand, and a small proportion of cement.

And if the external walls are made of plaster, what should I use to plaster them? For such a base, gypsum will be the most the best option. You can also use gypsum mixtures with the addition of lime. Cement mixtures are not suitable for these purposes, as chemical incompatibility occurs.

Plastering external walls with your own hands requires careful preparation of the surface. This stage is very important, since the final result and further service life of the surface will depend on it. The process includes:

  • Removing the old layer of plaster material;
  • Inspecting and checking the base for integrity and strength;
  • Removing visible contaminants such as dust and oily stains. Creating a dry and clean surface will ensure good adhesion to the applied product;
  • When working with brick wall you will need to additionally enlarge the joints and create holes that will improve adhesion;
  • Next, the surface needs to be treated with a primer. You can use a brush or roller to apply the product. Give preference to deep penetration formulations;
  • Now you need to install the painting mesh on the wall, and remove all detected irregularities and cracks with putty. The use of a reliable and proven method is also encouraged - installing beacons. By strictly following all the rules for their installation, you can get a perfectly flat surface.

The technology for plastering external walls includes enough simple steps. If you have some experience repair work- You can do everything yourself.

To plaster outer wall at home, you need to learn certain steps:

  • Spraying. To complete this stage of work, you will need to prepare a liquid solution into which liquid PVA glue is added. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the surface using a small ladle. The process should take place in a measured manner. The more roughness there is on the wall, the better the entire material will adhere. Before continuing work, you need to wait for it to dry;
  • Applying the base layer. The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. Application occurs by applying between beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the narrow side of the rule to the beacons, move it from side to side, and then smoothly moving upward;
  • The finished composition should be like thick sour cream. Application occurs by applying between beacons. The layer should not exceed 5 mm. Having attached the narrow side of the rule to the beacons, move it from side to side, and then smoothly moving upward;
  • To finish grouting the coating, you must use a special grater, which will help smooth out small cracks. We move in a spiral from a small circle to a large one;
  • Drying also needs to take a certain amount of time. It will take about 5 days to set;
  • The plaster, which gives the wall texture, is not applied in a continuous layer of mortar, but at small intervals. They close by stretching the solution when it begins to dry out.

For those who have decided to learn all the information about how to plaster a wall on the street with their own hands, you need to learn about how the material is applied to the base and corners of the building.

The basement is one of the special areas of the house that require special protection. That is why it is coated only with moisture-resistant cement-based compounds. Also, at the boundary between the wall and the plinth, the installation of waterproofing materials will be required. If this area is solid, then it is plastered with the wall, which is not typical for a protruding one.

Work on the corners is left for later. To finish them, you need to use polymer types decorative plaster, which is characterized high degree resistance to mechanical stress.

No one will argue that during construction it is important external plaster walls The materials used for this do not always provide high-quality results if important requirements and technologies have not been met.

Those who are so interested in the question: how to plaster an external wall with their own hands should adhere to a number of rules:

  • On a newly built house, the process of applying plaster becomes possible after a couple of months. Ideally if given period will increase to six months. Otherwise, cracks may appear as a result of shrinkage of the building;
  • Plastering on the outside is carried out only after implementation interior work fully finished;
  • Before plastering the outer wall of the house, it is important to complete all types of repairs - carry out all communications, eliminate all holes, fill openings if necessary;
  • It should be taken into account that the base must always be stronger than the material being applied. The opposite situation should not be allowed to happen. Cement mixtures can be classified as strong plasters and lime-based materials as weak;
  • Having chosen a specific plane for finishing, it is necessary to gradually complete the entire range of work without interrupting the finishing;
  • Monitor the outside temperature during repair work. It should be moderate and not fall below 5 degrees Celsius. This is explained by the fact that the plaster will not adhere properly to a frozen wall, but if it is too hot, it will simply slide off. If the air outside is still hot, spray the plaster with water to prevent cracking.

There are a number of most popular types plasters that are successfully used to create the original façade: textured, cement-lime, thin synthetic. They have significant differences in composition, but they are all equally suitable for wall decoration.

The pebble structure can be considered the most popular finishing option. This plaster looks nice, but also has good practicality. To obtain a specific result, plaster layer can be processed almost immediately after finishing and after hardening.

The crumbs can be present both in the composition and on its surface using a special sprayer. After drying, the surface is secured with glue, which promotes good adhesion and creates a damage-resistant surface.

Very original solution there will be an imitation wooden surface, spoiled by bark beetle. For creating this effect upper layer processed with a grater, which is held at a certain angle.

Colored cement-lime plaster looks very colorful. You can replace lime with marble dust, and then the effect will be simply amazing.

This option is not particularly cheap. However, complete surface decoration may not be performed. Just pick a few important areas, and the rest, for example, should be covered with pebble.

Thin-layer plasters are very plastic, and allow you to make thin plaster due to the reduction of layers. They are different in composition and are suitable for use on the most various surfaces. Silicate plaster can also be classified as thin-layer. It is excellent for treating large areas of façade buildings.

After reading this article, you will know how to plaster external walls with your own hands. This process is doable. The main thing is to follow the prescribed instructions. By following the recommendations, you will definitely achieve positive results, and the beautiful facade of your home will delight you for a long time.

How and with what to properly plaster the external walls of a house with your own hands: video

Plastering work is labor-intensive, dirty, with harmful factors and at the same time requires high qualifications. Because of this, the cost of the work is high, and exceeds the cost of materials several times, so anyone who started a renovation wondered: is it possible to plaster the walls with your own hands? At least just the walls, to begin with, and after getting your hands on a little, you can try. Or, say, give the ceiling to a professional, and plaster the walls intended for cladding yourself, without achieving perfect evenness.

Two big differences

First of all, there are two fundamentally different types of plaster - dry and wet monolithic. Dry plaster is nothing more than plasterboard (gypsum fiber sheets, gypsum fiber board). It costs one and a half to two times less than a monolithic one, but is fragile, does not hold (tiles, porcelain tiles, stone), and with the most careful execution and careful handling it lasts no more than 10-12 years. The technology of dry plaster is completely different from that of monolithic plaster, so it is not considered further.

Monolithic plaster with your own hands is quite doable and does not require any superpowers. There are only two initial conditions: stable nervous system and a sober (well, except for holidays, in moderation) lifestyle. The “friends” of the green serpent and the subjects who are “sausaged” do not make plasterers - their hands are not strong. But before you get ready for work, you need to decide how much you can save? Is the game worth the candle?

Plaster price

Average cost of plaster for square meter in the Russian Federation as of November 2013 was from 250 rubles. for a layer of 10 mm, up to 550 rub. for a 40 mm layer, per square meter for a finished area of ​​up to 2000 sq.m. total. When increasing the area to 5000 sq. m the price drops to 200-450 rubles. respectively. For materials you need to add about 125 rubles/10 mm per sq.m.

Video: plastering with cement mortar without beacons

Plastering on beacons

Plaster beacons are special narrow oblong parts that form an imaginary flat surface above the wall, see fig. A spatula or falcon is drawn along the beacons, leaning on them, from bottom to top, rubbing the solution between them. On a brick or well-prepared wall made of ordinary concrete, some types of ready-made dry mixtures can be plastered without spraying: apply the solution to a trowel or a wide spatula and rub it in.

Installation of beacons under plaster on walls that are even within 3 mm is done using flea screws or mounting glue. At uneven walls installation of beacons becomes more complicated.

First, in the upper corner of the wall, a self-tapping screw is driven into the dowel and a plumb line is lowered from it. Self-tapping screws with a slot for a flat-head screwdriver or a universal one are convenient for this; A plumb string is inserted into the vertically oriented slot of the self-tapping screw.

Further down the cord, drive a second self-tapping screw and, adjusting both, ensure that MINIMUM distance from the wall to the cord was equal to the height of the lighthouse. After this, the cord is removed, and several piles of thick mortar are thrown up the wall; The beacon is placed on them, aligned with the heads of the screws and pressed down.

Then the cord is lowered and the beacon is pressed along it until it is level. After the mortar under the beacon has set, apply the same plaster mortar on the sides with a spatula, then install the beacon in the opposite corner in the same way, pull the cords horizontally and install the remaining beacons in increments slightly less than the width of the falcon or wide trowel. Plastering is done by turning the tool slightly obliquely, back and forth.

Once the gaps between the beacons are filled to the top and the solution has set, another 1-2 mm of primer is added to cover the tops of the beacons.

Galvanized steel beacons can rust and rust will appear on the walls. To avoid this, use the following methods:

  • Removable beacons.
  • Plastic beacons.
  • Homemade plasterboard beacons.
  • Overhead beacons.

Removing beacons from not completely hardened plaster leaves wide rustications, which are sealed with a plaster mixture for soil. Without experience, after this, stripes of depressions or convexities may appear on the finished wall.

Plastic beacons are very expensive, as they are made of carbon fiber or comparable in strength and rigidity. They can be replaced with strips of gypsum board impregnated on both sides with a water-polymer emulsion, cut according to a pattern using a jigsaw. They are attached to the wall either with glue or by pressing them into piles of spray, but such beacons do not stick firmly to the wall, and you need to work carefully so as not to knock them down, especially when splashed.

Surface beacons for plaster are made by highly qualified professionals when plastering complex surfaces. They represent small areas plasters, the flat tops of which correspond to the final surface. Do-it-yourselfers and ordinary plasterers, as a rule, do not master the techniques of aiming beacons.

Video: plastering walls using beacons

Corners and slopes

It is convenient to rough-shape the internal corners of the walls with a large square falcon or a special corner trowel, similar to a plow with a protruding angle at the top of 90 degrees. They are brought to evenness by rolling them over the beacons with a piece of plastic pipe 60-100 mm in diameter. Old methods of rolling corners - a bottle, a ball - developed at a time when plastic pipes hasn't happened yet, but steel pipe It's uncomfortable to ride.

Door and window slopes should have some expansion inward - the dawn of the slope. The obtuse angles required for this are formed either by applying it to the frame wooden slats the required thickness, or with special beacons for slopes. Clean corners are also rolled with a pipe.

Video: plastering the outer corner

Video: plastering the inner corner

Video: plastering slopes

Wood plaster

Wooden walls to be plastered are first covered with felt, and the felt with roofing felt or glassine paper, otherwise the pile will prevent the plaster from sticking. Then they knock down a two-layer sheathing of shingles, or shingles - thin narrow flakes along the fibers from ridges or blocks of industrial wood.