Seam sealant - insulation of seams with sealant in a wooden house. Insulation of a wooden house: sealant Warm seam Sealing using “warm seam” technology

On construction forums you can often come across the question: is “Warm Seam” sealant used inside a rounded house? Manufacturers position such houses as the warmest and most reliable, since the logs in the crowns fit tightly to each other due to precisely worked joints.

But wood is a living material, and even perfectly precise connections of profiled timber can significantly change the geometry after shrinkage. In addition, sealant for insulating seams can also be used to seal deep cracks, which are also not uncommon in houses made of rounded logs. What kind of insulation is this and what are the advantages of sealing the seams and corners of the log house?

Advantages of polymer compounds

Sealant “Warm seam” for wooden houses has become a good alternative to traditional insulation materials: moss, tow, jute fiber, etc. Even a large log house can be processed much faster, and the result will be more durable.

Seam sealant is an elastic liquid mass based on polymers that can be easily placed into the cracks between the crowns using a special tool. After contact with air, it hardens and fills all the space allotted to it. In addition, due to its low thermal conductivity, it retains heat well and protects the house from the cold.

Finishing rounded logs with joint sealant has several advantages:

  • It does not contain any toxic components and does not harm the environmental friendliness of the home. Moreover, unlike conventional insulation, it is not touched by birds and rodents, it is not damaged by insects, rot and mold.
  • The sealant does not change color over time, so it is used not only for insulation, but also for decorative finishing log house It gives a wooden building a neat appearance and does not lose its qualities over time.
  • Insulating seams using sealant is the least labor-intensive process: special tool allows you to carry out work much faster than using conventional natural insulation materials.
  • Due to their elasticity, sealants do not collapse even with sudden temperature changes and changes in humidity. A wooden house “breathes”, that is, when humidity fluctuates, the logs dry out and swell again. Special formulations are able to withstand all these changes, and the strength of the insulation will not be compromised.

Manufacturers offer modern acrylic sealants in a wide range color scheme: They can be white, beige, brown of all shades. This allows them to be widely used for home decoration: they do not disturb its pleasant natural appearance.

Areas of use

Finishing seams in rounded logs is not the only option for using acrylic sealant. It allows you to carry out a lot of repair work in an old house and get good result. Here are some common ways to use it:

  1. Sealing of door and window frames in old buildings. It makes it possible to close cracks in wooden frames and protects windows from blowing. This work will significantly improve energy efficiency and rid the room of drafts.
  2. To eliminate cracks in logs. If the width of the crack exceeds 5 mm, you must first place a cord in it, then fill it with the compound, it must dry completely.
  3. For repair wooden floors and stairs, as well as eliminating gaps in any other elements and structures of the building. It is easy to use and very convenient solution.

Caulking seams using special compounds

The sealant is available in two versions: in tubes or in tapes. The first option is more convenient for working with cracks, and it is easier to fill long seams with tapes. It’s easy to work with: remove it from the finished tape protective film, after which it is firmly pressed along the entire length of the seam and rolled with a roller. After this, the protection is removed from the second side, and the composition quickly hardens in air.

In order for the insulation to last a long time and not have to redo anything, you need to take into account several rules:

Caulk modern means allows you to reliably protect your home from cold and draft. The sealant looks beautiful, it can be either completely invisible or contrasting, in which case it attracts attention as decorative element. White sealants for painting and tinted compounds are available for sale, which are selected in accordance with the type of wood. All of them must comply with environmental standards, so the atmosphere of the house will not be disturbed.

All modern sealants are made on polymer acrylic base, they are produced in the USA, Europe and Russia. The question of whether to trust to domestic producers, is controversial: many craftsmen confirm that modern Russian products are no longer inferior to imported samples and are much cheaper.

Insulation wooden house- the most important stage of construction. We use modern insulation « Warm seam", the price of which is included in total cost project, which we calculate before starting construction.

Insulation of a wooden house: caulk

Previously sealing and insulation wooden buildings were carried out according to the principle of caulking using tow, jute, flax and moss.

Disadvantages of caulking:

  • Caulking the walls is quite labor-intensive;
  • The caulking process must be repeated regularly;
  • the appearance of the log house after some time is far from ideal.

An innovative method of insulating a wooden house "Warm seam"

Today, experts almost never use caulk in practice. Developed new technology called “Warm seam”, which is successfully used when it is necessary to insulate houses made of rounded logs or hand-cut houses.

Features of the "Warm seam" technology

Sealing compounds have high degree elasticity, thanks to which they easily penetrate into any cracks and cracks. After hardening, the mass forms a very strong but elastic film that can take any shape.

Characteristics of acrylic sealants:

  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • not affected by ultraviolet sun rays;
  • mold and harmful microorganisms cannot “live” on their surface;
  • they do not change their color over time.

Advantages of the "Warm seam" technology

Work on insulation of internal inter-crown seams is carried out at any time of the year. In this case, residents will not experience any inconveniences, such as bad smell, noise or dust.

Important! Specialists of the Russian Mansions company carry out insulation of external crown joints with acrylic sealants only at stable above-zero temperatures environment, when the average daily temperature is not lower than +10 degrees.

Features of acrylic sealants "Remmers"

Remmers sealants have long been successfully used for insulating wooden houses in countries with harsh climatic conditions.

Important! Acrylic sealants are completely safe for human health.

Acrylic sealants in the interior of a wooden house

Walls can be sealed both from the inside and outside. Applying sealant indoors makes it possible to create an original interior. Creative design projects log houses often include the use acrylic sealants, which exist in a wide range of colors.

You can choose white, cream and beige shades or opt for a brown palette.

Color range of Perma-Chink sealants
Cost of seam sealing work

Important! Insulation of a wooden house will perform all the functions assigned to it if the seams are sealed by professionals who know all the intricacies technological process and using special tools in their work!

Useful articles about insulating wooden houses

Shrinkage processes occurring in wooden building during the first years after construction, inevitably lead to the formation of cracks. Previously, there was only one way to insulate log house- caulking. Today, many owners of wooden houses traditional caulking prefer more modern way thermal insulation using “warm seam” technology. This technique allows you to efficiently and quickly isolate the cracks formed in the inter-crown seams of logs during the shrinkage of the log house. Usually, specialists are hired for this work who competently and professionally perform sealing. In this review you will find practical recommendations, how to properly make a warm seam for wooden houses with your own hands, and also learn what typical mistakes non-professional craftsmen most often make.

There are several types of sealants that can be used to insulate roof joints and cracks:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • polyurethane;
  • bituminous.

The most popular of the presented types is acrylic composition. Among its advantages are:

  • elasticity;
  • good adhesion;
  • moisture resistance;
  • biosustainability;
  • color fastness;
  • simplicity and ease of application.

Silicone based sealant holds up well high temperatures and humidity, due to which it is often used to seal cracks in baths and saunas.

The polyurethane composition also has decent characteristics, but due to the fact that it contains toxic components, it can only be used for external insulation.

Bitumen mastics have a very high degree of moisture resistance, so they are usually used to seal the dampest places: basements, basements and roofs.

More detailed characteristics acrylic and other types of sealants can be found in the article.

Types of packaging

The sealant is produced:

  1. In cartridges. This packaging is intended for use in special construction guns.
  2. In tubes. The mass is squeezed out of the tube directly onto the seam, and then it is given the desired shape with a chisel. Leveling is carried out within 10 minutes after application, otherwise the sealant will polymerize and it will be quite difficult to correct the frozen shape.
  3. IN plastic buckets. In this case, the sealant is applied using a spatula.

Log and timber houses can be insulated no earlier than 1-2 years after construction. The exception is houses made of laminated veneer lumber, which can be sealed almost immediately after construction.

To achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to carry out sealing outside and inside the house. However, it is also only allowed external thermal insulation seams.

The sealant can only be applied in dry weather at a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius.

If work is carried out in summer in hot sunny weather, first seal it shadow side. When the sun is active, the sealant dries quickly, which is undesirable, since the technology is disrupted.

When applying sealant to a previously painted surface, it is necessary to first conduct an adhesion test with the dye on a small area.

Instructions for sealing seams

Effective insulation can only be achieved with strict adherence to technology. Sealing includes several mandatory stages which must be performed in strict sequence.

Required Tools

To complete the work, in addition to the sealant, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • putty knife;
  • construction gun;
  • primer composition for wood impregnation;
  • polyethylene cord for sealing wide cracks;
  • an aqueous solution to moisten the spatula blade when leveling the seam;
  • brushes;
  • masking tape.

Preparatory operations

The walls of the log house must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust. If the sealant will be applied to a new house, then it is necessary to remove the previous one. paintwork. If the seams were previously caulked, you need to remove the old caulk.

To improve adhesion, the surface to be treated is primed before sealing. The primer is made from a mixture of water and sealant in a ratio of 10:1. Then moisten a brush or rag in the resulting solution and wipe the joints of the logs. After all preparatory activities You need to dry the surface well.

Preparation is an important step in sealing. An insufficiently cleaned surface prevents adhesion; the sealant will lie unevenly and lag behind the walls.

It should be noted that antiseptic treatment of wood is carried out after applying the sealant. Antiseptic compounds sharply reduce the adhesion of materials.

Applying sealant

  1. To prevent the composition from getting onto areas that are outside the application area, masking tape can be glued to the side edges of the logs. Usually this operation is done when the work is performed by non-professionals. Specialists apply sealant without tape exactly to the required places, covering an area of ​​1.5-2 m in one pass, but such accuracy comes with experience.
  2. Using a chisel, a sealing polyethylene cord is placed in the gaps between the intervention seams, which tightly fills the openings and at the same time serves to save sealant.
  3. A warm joint is applied using a gun to the joints of the logs. It should cover the surface of the logs 0.5-1 cm on each side.
  4. Then the seam is sprayed with a little water and leveled with a spatula, while removing excess sealant.
  5. After this, final alignment is carried out. To do this, use a brush slightly moistened with water.
  6. Then, with a rag, thoroughly wipe both sides of the warm seam, removing stains left by the water. If this is not done immediately, the stains will harden and then removing them will be quite problematic.
  7. After finishing the work, remove the tape.

It takes two weeks for the sealant to dry completely, after which it can be coated with paints and varnishes. When using an acrylic composition, you must also use acrylic dye.

Self-sealing errors

Non-professional craftsmen, when sealing the crown joints of a log house on their own, inevitably encounter problems. To do the job correctly yourself, you need to know certain subtleties and nuances.

Among typical mistakes, which are most often performed by untrained masters, can be distinguished:

  1. Wrong choice of sealant.
  2. Carrying out work in inappropriate weather conditions.
  3. Violation of work technology.
  4. Poor surface preparation, as a result of which the sealant does not adhere well and lags behind the wood.
  5. Careless application of the composition, which is why the warm seam looks rough and sloppy.

So that the warm seam is made efficiently and accurately, and serves you long years, contact professionals.

The Mater Srubov company has many years of experience in insulating houses made of timber and logs using the “warm seam” technology. In our work, the main priorities are quality indicators. They work for us experienced craftsmen highly qualified. Our company has established a two-level system for checking the integrity and quality of work performed, which is carried out by the construction supervision department and the quality control department.

When you trust us to seal your home, you can be sure of excellent results. You can contact us using the coordinates on the page.

Wood sealant “Warm seam” can become the basis for the thermal insulation protection of a building. Undoubtedly, there are other ways, but this one is the most convenient. If you have started to think about insulating your home, then you should resort to this technology. Comparing with traditional system thermal insulation of inter-crown gaps, where hemp, jute or flax batting insulation is used, it is worth noting that filling cracks in the inter-crown space with sealant increases the thermal resistance of the walls and reduces heat loss. If we're talking about As for natural insulation materials, they are capable of allowing cold air to pass inside, which significantly reduces the thermal resistance of log walls.

Consumer reviews about the effect

Warm joint wood sealant has many advantages. According to users, with its help you can achieve a comfortable indoor microclimate. Such thermal insulation makes the temperature and humidity conditions optimal, while saving energy, because there is no heat leakage from the inter-crown gaps. House heating costs are minimal.

Owners of private wooden houses say that after thermal insulation work using the described technology, drafts disappear, log walls are not blown out during cold and damp weather. You can count on the material not being damaged by biological organisms. The gaps are sealed as much as possible, mold no longer forms in them, and insects do not penetrate inside.

If you use Warm Joint Wood Sealant, you can save money. According to buyers, they no longer have to invest additionally, which is required for periodic caulking. Among other things, you will end up with quite attractive walls, the joints of which will match the shade of the wood.

Reviews about the advantages of “Warm seam” over caulk

Previously, the insulation of wooden houses was quite often carried out using the caulking method; today this technology is being replaced by a system called “Warm seam”. The latter technique has many advantages. For example, caulking walls is quite labor-intensive, and it must begin no earlier than a year after completion of construction. According to the owners of private houses, this cannot be called convenient. Among other things, the caulking process will need to be repeated regularly, since flax and moss are pulled away by birds, and the seams also increase due to shrinkage. Modern consumers emphasize that the appearance of a log house after completion of the caulking stage cannot be called attractive. Over time, the walls completely lose their aesthetic appearance.

Reviews on the characteristics of sealants for performing work using the “Warm seam” technology

Wood sealant “Warm seam” is chosen by customers because it has many advantages. According to home craftsmen, these compositions are not at all afraid of temperature changes; harmful microorganisms and mold do not appear or develop on their surface. As practice shows, the described sealants are not exposed to sunlight, and over time they do not lose their original color. According to buyers, sealants have high level adhesion to wood, they are characterized by elasticity, which is especially evident when compressing the inter-crown gaps. This allows you to complete these works and forget about them forever. You can apply “Warm Seam” sealant for wood, which has only the most positive reviews, at any time of the year. At the same time, residents will not experience inconvenience such as dust, odor or noise. The house can continue to be used. Using acrylic compositions, you can hide some and after completion of the work the house will gain an aesthetic appearance.

With the use of acrylic sealants, the master has the opportunity to carry out work both outside and inside the building. According to users, the use of these compositions makes it possible to create original interior. This is also due to the fact that sealants can be found on sale different shades. For example, in the product range you can find beige, cream, as well as white and brown shades. The “Warm Seam” sealant can be made on an acrylic rubber base; it can be used to seal seams not only in wooden houses, but also in other places. After drying, this composition can be sanded several times, as well as subsequent painting.

Why else is it worth insulating a wooden house using the “Warm seam” technology?

If you decide to choose “Warm Seam” sealant for thermal insulation work, it is recommended to read reviews about it before going to the store. This will allow you to understand that acrylic compounds can even prevent the processes of wood rotting; they will not let dampness into the house. According to users, using these compositions can be accomplished in the shortest possible time. After applying this technique, there is no need to additionally seal the inter-crown seams, as well as eliminate cold bridges.

Features of using Neomid sealant

Wood sealant “Warm seam” “Neomid” has gained popularity among consumers; its use requires compliance with certain rules. For example, before final application it is necessary to caulk the seams, for which jute or linen tow is used. Then, using a spatula, a sealant is applied to the surface, which makes it possible to insulate the resulting gaps using a combined method.

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Insulation of wooden houses


The main problem of wooden houses made of rounded logs is improper insulation inter-crown joints of logs and seams. In this case, they are blown out, and the house becomes very cold.

Caulking is a method of insulating a log house, which has already become traditional, for example, when building a turnkey bathhouse from a log. This method was known not only to our great-grandfathers, but much earlier, when most houses were made of wood. Then people also sought to preserve heat in their homes, and therefore needed to insulate a wooden house.

Caulking a wooden house is the sealing of joints and gaps between logs. When performing work, tow, jute insulation, flax batting and moss are used, they are hammered between logs and into cracks using special devices. This type of work is usually carried out 1-2 years after complete shrinkage of the logs, not earlier. Fibrous material is laid across the grooves, with which, using special spatulas, all the cracks are tightly clogged. During the compaction of the crowns, fiber is periodically added to fill the space between the logs as densely as possible. Doing this kind of work requires special attention, because ultimately the height of the log house will increase by about 15 cm. And during natural shrinkage, caulking can shrink by 3-5% if the work is done poorly.

The work of caulking round logs is hard handmade, which takes a lot of time and requires patience. During the work process, it is necessary to take into account that caulking, not carried out simultaneously, can lead to distortion of the entire structure. Therefore, the work must be performed sequentially along the entire perimeter of the log house. The first to caulk is the lower groove along the entire perimeter of the building, then the next row, after work they move on to the third and so on. After work is completed on exterior decoration log house, you should systematically switch to the internal one. Such work should be carried out by proven specialists who already have experience in performing such work and have a set of specialized tools.

Previously, caulk was used to eliminate cracks in chopped wooden house was inevitable work. However, now she has found a great one Alternative option– rounded logs and inter-crown insulation. This modern material is made of jute and can save time, make the work less labor-intensive and less costly from a financial point of view. When performing work, the interventional insulation is immediately placed in the grooves, and after complete installation, compaction work begins. As a result, the jute fibers stick together and prevent moisture and wind from penetrating into the building. Usage interventional insulation In most cases, they allow you to do without caulking if a rounded log of the correct geometry was used during the construction process. For example, produced at our enterprise, located in the Kirov region.

Innovative technologies aimed at protecting and insulating a wooden house

“Finding new ways to protect your wooden house would not be so important if we did not do it so beautifully”

Warm seam for a wooden house- This new way insulation of wooden houses using special sealants. As a result of insulation, your home will receive comprehensive protection from dampness, cold, drafts, rot and mold.

The advantages of this modern technology:

  • during the cold period, the temperature inside the house increases by an average of 10°C;
  • inter-crown connections are sealed and do not allow cold air to pass through;
  • the appearance of your home will be transformed by smooth and neat seams;
  • Heating costs will be reduced by up to 30%.

We use modern impregnations and sealants from the Weatherall Company, Inc. (USA), which are designed specifically to create a so-called “warm seam” between the logs of a log house, at the same time the crowns acquire a unique appearance for many decades.

It is undeniable that wood is one of the the best materials for building a house, however, wood is natural material, therefore, over time it tends to undergo a number of structural changes. These features must be taken into account without fail. Usage traditional ways for insulating crown joints and protecting a wooden house - a temporary measure; in addition, it is ineffective, short-term and quite expensive. In addition, the entire caulking process will have to be repeated every 2-3 years, which makes this method even more expensive. Wood is a material that in itself is an excellent heat insulator, and the sealant between the logs creates additional conditions for normal heat exchange in the house; from the point of view of heating engineering, this material turns a wood wall into a monogamous structure.

When is it recommended to insulate and seal the seams of a wooden house:

  1. New construction. It's always easier and more convenient to do everything necessary work for insulation and sealing of seams of a new house made of rounded logs inexpensively even at the construction stage.
  2. When the time has come for periodic caulking of the log house, during which the house inevitably rises. Such work is unacceptable in an already finished house; raising the house will lead to an increase in gaps in windows and doorways. You need to understand that caulking is a temporary measure that does not give the required effect and requires regular repetition every 2-4 years.
  3. Drafts and cold air blowing through cracks in the walls of a wooden house. This may occur due to insufficiently tight fit of the logs or due to their deformation; it may also be a consequence of poor caulking or its absence. Drafts also appear after the house settles.
  4. Cold. Due to the cracks, cracks and gaps in the logs that may be present if the house is poorly assembled, it becomes impossible to maintain a suitable temperature regime V winter period, also in this case, the owners spend enormous amounts of money on heating, while essentially heating not the house, but the street.
  5. High humidity. If the natural circulation of steam in a building is disrupted, the air humidity can rise to uncomfortable and even hazardous levels. Dampness can cause various diseases, and mold or mildew may appear in the house, which will subsequently destroy the wood and floors.
  6. Ugly appearance. Tow can hang down and sometimes fall out of the seams due to the use of cheap fibrous materials.

The use of sealants provides a number of undeniable advantages before using traditional methods used for insulation and insulation of a wooden house:

  1. Applying sealant to the seams is carried out once and for all, periodically carry out any renovation work not required.
  2. The acrylic membrane is sealed against moisture, but has excellent vapor permeability, which is similar to the characteristics of wood and does not interfere with the movement of water vapor in the solid wall from the room to the outside. This sealant does not disturb the unique microclimate inherent only to wooden houses, but at the same time creates an insurmountable barrier to moisture and dampness.
  3. The sealant is heat resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures from -60 to +80°C.
  4. Excellent elasticity characteristics, which will allow the warm seam to withstand heavy loads that appear when the log house is deformed.
  5. The sealant consists of 100% acrylic latex, which is an environmentally friendly material that is absolutely harmless to people and the environment.
  6. Absence of any smell.
  7. The installation process is accelerated due to the quick drying of the warm seam.
  8. After applying the sealant, there is no need to carry out additional insulation work on a wooden house made of rounded logs. In winter, the air temperature in the room increases on average by 10-15°C after applying the sealant, which allows you to save about 30-40% of the funds used for heating.
  9. There are no “cold bridges” in a sealed wall. A special microclimate is created in the seam, which is closed with a sealing cord and sealant.
  10. Improvement appearance wooden house - this is another advantage of sealants.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the process of applying sealant has a number of subtleties and features, ignorance or neglect of which will most likely negatively affect the quality of the final result. Installation of a warm seam must be trusted to professionals who have the required skills and experience, which will guarantee you get the desired result and high-quality work, as well as protect yourself from unplanned costs for redoing poorly performed work by unqualified specialists.

The KrovMarket company has a certificate for carrying out a full range of work on sealing and insulating the seams of a wooden house.