Chocolate factory Mars. History of Mars

Mars is the chocolate of my childhood, for me it is the most delicious. I decided to cook it myself. I like making chocolates, I already have a full hand. But the Mars chocolate bar turned out to be much more difficult to prepare than truffles or marmalade. The video is clear, everything is written clearly and clearly, but the recipe is long and difficult. I'm tired of nougat. But for the result - respect to you! Real Mars, the same taste.

It always seemed that candy could only be made in a factory: technology, temperature conditions, proportions - all this is not for home cooking. And then I came across a video on how to make a Mars chocolate bar. Indeed, everything is necessary: ​​both the temperature and the grams. But how simply the grandmother and granddaughter showed it! Three days later, my family said in unison: “And we will eat as many Mars as we want!”

I never thought that I would make my own Mars bar. I never liked them, but now I try not to eat sweets at all. But my son tried it once and now he asks constantly. I love your site and am glad that I was able to find a recipe for a Mars chocolate bar here. Because I don’t really want to buy foreign-made sweets made from unknown materials for my child. And I trust you.

I’m a skinny guy, and to get in shape I need to lift the barbell in the sweat of my face. If you don’t throw a couple of candy bars into yourself after that, it’s a tough, corpse-like life. And that evening, I remember, the mars bar was left on the window, because there wasn’t a single coin. Give me, I think, I’ll wrap it in granny, I’ll intercept a hundred. And then the pretzels, my nephews, look out, smeared with chocolate: “Baushka Mals bathed in chocolate!” Wow! A complete meal! I took a bite: a real Mars chocolate bar – and better than the store bought one – IMHO.

I think many people are interested in how to make a Mars chocolate bar. After all, Mars chocolate is one of the most popular in the world. It's interesting to try to do it yourself. I felt like a laboratory employee while I was preparing your recipe. And everything turned out perfect, thanks for the recipe.

What a miracle these Grandma Emma recipes are! At a time when we are in a hurry eating food purchased and stuffed with chemicals, she calmly shares her invaluable experience on how to prepare this food ourselves. Mars bar: it seemed like there was no easier way to buy it in a store and eat it on the go. But, made at home for your loved ones, it will become an island of happiness in the world of fast food.

The process of making chocolate bars at home has been of interest to me for a long time. I read a lot of recipes, but I never came across one that would, as they say, light me up. I really liked your Mars chocolate bar recipe. The nougat has to wait quite a long time, but it’s worth it.

Many times I tried to please my children with homemade delicacies, but they stubbornly insisted: the store is better. I saw the recipe for a Mars chocolate bar from Grandma Emma when my hands completely gave up. It turns out that sugar is sugar, but caramel requires confectionery glucose. For a Mars bar, the chocolate should not be overheated, and when tempering, you need a food thermometer. Armed with everything I needed, I secretly performed magic in the kitchen. And then she wrapped her product in store-bought wrapping. More! - my twins screamed. And when they saw the mountain of ready-made sweets, their delight knew no bounds.

Mars bar is the most famous chocolate bar! It’s great that now I can cook it! I didn’t even expect that this was even possible. The products are all completely accessible and inexpensive. It's not particularly difficult to cook. And with your video there is no problem at all. And the taste is exactly what Mars should have. Thanks for the recipe!

Oh, how many strange things you can find on the Internet! Someone is making a mars bar, since you are posting the recipe. It's even strange. That’s not why I’m here, I wanted to thank you for the Cooking Tricks section. Very useful section!

At the dawn of my distant youth, I loved my current husband very much, and he loved a chocolate bar called Mars: they say they fill a man with energy and positivity. At that time it was rare that when I took out a fashionable chocolate miracle, we both felt good. And now the children and I were thinking about how to surprise dad for his birthday, the thought struck me: Mars is the candy bar of our youth! We'll do it ourselves. Alas, the caramel was a little burnt, and the nougat turned out not so tender, but dad was moved to tears, and everyone had a good time.

I needed 4 bars of chocolate, half a liter of milk and half a kilo of sugar, not counting other little things, to intrigue and entertain the entire department. The birthday boy tries to bring some kind of trick for the tea party, and I decided to make a Mars chocolate bar, the recipe Grandma Emma showed in a cooking video. It turned out awesome, but we didn’t guess the name right away. Suddenly one of our men, devouring the third bar, exclaimed: “Yes, this is Mars chocolate!” And that’s what we call grandma Emma – sweet grandma.

Delicacy. It was first made in 1932 in the UK and was marketed as Couverture chocolate.

History of appearance

In 1932, Forrest Mars, the son of American candy manufacturer Frank Mars, rented a factory in Slough and, working with a team of twelve people, began producing a chocolate bar consisting of nougat and caramel. The bar was topped with milk chocolate and modeled after Milky Way, which was already popular in the United States. Currently, the basic recipe remains unchanged, but the size of the bar and the proportions of the main components have changed more than once over the years. With slight variations, this classic version is sold all over the world (except in the USA), and everywhere the chocolates are packaged in black wrapping with red lettering.

Recent Changes

In 2002 appearance"Marsa" has been revised and its logo has been updated to a more modern one. Its price has also increased slightly. The composition of the Mars bar has also changed - the nougat has become lighter, the chocolate layer on top has become thinner, and total weight The chocolate bar was slightly reduced.

In Australia, the Mars logo has never changed - and to this day the appearance of the packaging is the same as before 2002. The original advertising slogan, which is now used almost all over the world, sounds like “The pleasure you can't measure.”


"Mars" is a candy bar that appears on sale in in various forms. In addition to the classic packaging weighing 58 grams, you can purchase miniature bars weighing 19.7 grams and 36.5 grams. Previously, “Mars King Size” was often on sale, which weighed 84 grams. It has now been discontinued and replaced by Mars Duo, which consists of 2 bars of 42.5 grams each.

Previously, the standard “Mars” weighed 62.5 grams, until it was reduced by the manufacturer’s decision. In Australia, the mass of the classic bar produced is 53 grams. This change was not announced initially. But when consumers noticed how much smaller the usual Mars bar had become, the manufacturer commented on the innovation as a means of combating mass obesity. The company later confirmed that the real reason for the change was due to rising costs.

Features of sales in the USA

“Mars” (bar) is sold unchanged in almost all countries of the world, with the exception of the USA. The American version was discontinued in 2002 and was replaced by a Snickers variety with nougat, almonds and milk chocolate on top.

Limited editions

In addition, “Mars” is a chocolate bar that was produced in a limited edition with a modified composition in different countries. Moreover, in some regions these versions are available for sale almost regularly.

So, there is “Mars Dark”, which is produced in Canada on an ongoing basis and appears in the form of limited editions in European countries. Its difference from the classic version is that it is covered with dark chocolate on top, not milk chocolate.

Also available in some countries different shapes of this chocolate, tied to any events. Known for "Mars" in the form of Easter eggs, which is available in Europe every spring.

Release in Australia

Australia is the only country where Mars (bar) is produced in many variations to this day. In addition, it was the only place where various original chocolate packaging came out. The most famous of them are the following.

“Mars Triple Chocolate” is a variant that, despite its name, includes chocolate nougat and chocolate caramel. Also made available as a limited edition in the UK in August 2011 and then re-released in 2015 as Mars Xtra Choc.

The Mars Cold bar (available not only in Australia, but also in New Zealand and the UK) featured an original wrapper. The name was written on the packaging not in red, but in white, which turned blue when placed in the cold.

In August 2007, Mars Rock was released, which added chocolate nougat and a thick layer of caramel. The bar was coated in milk chocolate with added crunch (the main ingredients being wheat flour and sugar).

Mars Red is currently available for sale. It has a red wrapper and the name is written in black. This option is considered lower in calories.

Mars 100% Caramel has been available in Australia since January 2011. It is a standard sized bar but does not contain any. It was made available in the UK in a limited edition in 2012.

Also, “Mars” (bar) is available in vanilla (nougat has the flavor of vanilla) and honey (nougat has the taste of honey in a honeycomb).

Other brand products

Since this manufacturer's chocolates have become popular all over the world, a number of other products with the same name have appeared. The most famous and widespread of them are candies and ice cream. They are available in many countries, including Russia and the CIS.

Ice cream is available both in the form of bars and in large packaged portions, and is a mixture of nougat, caramel and ice cream.

Also popular in European countries is the “Mars” series of drinks - chocolate cocktails and energy drinks.

Why are Mars bars being recalled?

At the beginning of 2016, news appeared that plastic impurities were found in some batches of Mars. In this regard, the manufacturer decided to recall some of the products sent to various countries. In total, several batches of chocolates were returned from 55 countries. As it turned out later, these events did not affect Russia.

Dangerous bars were not imported to Russia

Mars is recalling its confectionery products in 55 countries. Pieces of plastic were found in the chocolate. This was announced by company spokesman Rule Govers. The red plastic elements, he said, were found in a Snickers bar. They turned out to be part of a plug that is used in production at a factory in the Dutch city of Wechel. According to the Food Safety Authority, such foreign objects can cause choking. The recall will affect Mars, Snickers, Milky Way bars, as well as Celebrations candy sets, TASS correspondent in the Netherlands Vitaly Chugin reported.

“4 million chocolate bars and packages of sweets are being recalled in the Netherlands alone; the company does not say about the total number of products. The protective cap got into the chocolates. According to an official representative of the Mars company, the likelihood of detecting plastic in chocolate is very low, even the chances of winning the lottery are much greater, but the company does not want to take risks, and is recalling the entire batch, which could contain pieces of this plastic,” Kommersant FM told » Chugin.

The concern has nine of its own factories in Russia. Chocolate bars are produced in the Ulyanovsk region and Stupino near Moscow. The enterprises provide both the domestic market and the market of the CIS countries. That is why the products will not be recalled in Russia, Elizaveta Alexandrova, director of corporate relations for the Mars-chocolate in Russia segment, told Kommersant FM.

“This is exactly the case in France, Germany and the UK. First of all, we as Mars and our colleagues in European countries, by alerting the regulatory authorities, are warning our consumers that such an emergency has occurred, and we are doing everything possible to remove this product from sale, which was produced in December-January 2015-16,” noted Alexandrova.

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Obukhov has already appealed to Rospotrebnadzor with a request to check Mars products in Russia. In his opinion, this is necessary to protect the health of consumers. Plastic could have gotten into the chocolate only due to the carelessness of one of the company’s employees, says Andrey Korkunov, vice-president of Opora Rossii and founder of the Korkunov chocolate brand.

“I worked with Mars for a long time, I know their quality standards and line automation, but there may be some kind of human factor here. Whatever the automation, there is always access to the product. In my practice, at the very beginning we were testing equipment and, unfortunately, a cap from a fountain pen fell in, we then stopped the entire batch - it was a small amount, 100 tons, but we stopped it anyway - and checked the whole thing. And the fact that they decided to take such an action just confirms the reputation of Mars - to recall their products despite losses,” Korkunov said.

Consumers have until the end of March to return potentially hazardous products. All information about this is posted on the manufacturer’s official website. However, on Tuesday, due to a large number of requests, the online resource was unavailable to users.

Anastasia Roizman

Mars is a candy bar produced by Mars Incorporated. Forrest Mars (the son of the founder of the confectionery company) first made such a chocolate bar in 1932 in the English town of Slough. The bar was similar to the Milky Way produced by Forrest's father Frank. It also contained nougat. In addition to nougat, the Mars bar contained chocolate and thick caramel.

Like all products of this company, it was brought to Russia only in 1992 and quickly gained popularity. Some people find it too cloying, while others, on the contrary, say that the sugar content in the bar is just right. Many people love it for its lack of nuts and soft consistency.

But hardly anyone will decide to argue with the fact that Mars is a chocolate bar that combines three of the most famous and delicious ingredients. There really is nothing superfluous or original in the bar, but this simplicity makes it even tastier and more attractive.

Mars chocolate, having gone through a journey of more than 80 years, has not changed its composition even once. During this time, it has become one of the most popular chocolate bars not only in the United States of America and English-speaking countries, but throughout the world.

Interesting: from the production of Mars chocolate (English)

Mars is available in only one flavor.

How are billion-dollar corporations born? Where does their procession begin and how much work and effort was invested in their creation and development?

It is difficult to answer these questions. And each such company had its own path. But no matter how the circumstances developed, this path was always difficult and only the perseverance and faith of the creators led them further to the goal and success.

Today I want to tell you the story of the creation of such famous brand, How Mars.

As in many similar cases, it all started with a small family business, when Frank Mars and his wife own kitchen in a modest house in the city of Tacoma (USA, Washington state), small sweets with butter filling were made at night. No matter how simple these sweets were, they were loved by the locals.

That's why in 1911 The Mars family registered their first company, Mars Candy Factory. But fame and first big success Mars brings creation to the family Milky Way chocolate bar. This unusual bar not only allowed Mars to expand production, but also to move to Chicago (USA, Illinois).

In 1930 in American markets there is a new chocolate one Snickers bar, which costs only 5 cents each. The company's turnover and profits grew by leaps and bounds.

Frank Mars He was quite happy with this course of life, and he never sought to create a large, world-famous corporation. He already wanted a quiet life in abundance, which he managed to provide for himself. But here his grown son Forrest Mars he wanted almost world domination and therefore in 1932, having received 50 thousand dollars and a recipe for a Milky Way bar from his father, he left for England.

Forrest creates a new bar that calls its name Mars, and unlike Milky Way and Snickers, it uses high-quality, smooth milk chocolate and caramel filling. To attract the attention of Europeans to his products, he is positioning a new Mars bar, not just as a sweet treat, but as a healthy treat. The slogan appears in commercials that Mars is a charge of energy and strength and he helps relieve fatigue.

But Forrest's main discovery and the main product of his company was the appearance M&M's candy. Thanks to special containment Such candies did not melt in your hands, and their multi-colored coating attracted the attention of children.

But since 1950, Forrest begins to buy up and absorb many companies, and not only those involved in the production of sweets. The Mars company began to produce animal feed, various drinks, products instant cooking, chewing gum and much more.

And in 1970, the Forrest Mars Corporation developed and introduced vending machines throughout America. chocolates and bars, and later it became possible to charge these machines with tea, coffee and even ice cream. Forrest begins opening production facilities around the world.