Hydraulic accumulator relay diagram. Diagrams for connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a water supply system. Options for membrane closed containers

IN country house It’s not enough just to make an autonomous water supply system. The water supply system must provide for trouble-free operation of the equipment included in it, even with pressure drops in the system, because if the water supply is unstable, there is a possibility that household appliances will simply fail. Connecting a hydraulic accumulator to the water supply system allows you to solve this problem, but for the right choice device you need to know its features.

Hydraulic accumulator connected to the water supply system in a wooden house

Why do you need a hydraulic accumulator, its difference from an expansion tank

Hydraulic accumulators are often confused with expansion tanks, even despite the fundamentally different problems that these devices solve. Expansion tank needed in heating and hot water supply systems, since the coolant, moving through the system, inevitably cools and its volume changes. The expansion tank is set up when the system is “cold”, and when the coolant warms up, its excess, which is formed due to expansion, has somewhere to go.

The hydraulic accumulator is needed for completely different purposes: if it is not installed in the water supply system, the pump will be activated every time a tap is opened. If this happens often, then not only the pump, but the entire system wears out faster, since each time the pressure increases abruptly - a so-called water hammer occurs.

As a result, a hydraulic accumulator is installed with the aim of getting rid of water hammer and extending the service life of the system as a whole. In addition, the accumulator has other functions:

    Creates a certain supply of water (useful if there is a power outage).

If there are frequent interruptions in water supply, the hydraulic accumulator can be combined with a storage tank

    Reduces the frequency of pump startup. The reservoir is filled with a small volume of water. If the flow rate is small, for example, you need to wash your hands or wash your face, water begins to flow from the tank, while the pump remains turned off. It is activated after very little water remains;

    Maintains stable pressure in the system. In order for this function to be performed properly, an element called a water pressure switch is provided, capable of maintaining a given pressure within strict limits;

All the advantages of hydraulic accumulators make this device an indispensable element of any autonomous water supply system in country houses.

Design and varieties

The hydraulic accumulator is a special sealed metal tank, which inside is divided in two by an elastic membrane. The membrane itself is made in the form of a diaphragm or cylinder. The first one is mounted across the tank, and the bulb is mounted at the inlet near the inlet pipe.

Hydraulic accumulators are equipped with two-level protection - pressure gauge and mechanical valve

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Hydraulic accumulators have different purposes. First of all, devices are divided into those intended for hot and cold water supply and heating systems. The latter are painted red, and the water ones are blue. Tanks used in heating are usually smaller in volume and more affordable. This is due to the poor quality of the membrane material, since in ordinary water supply drinking water, and in heating technical.

Hydraulic accumulators are also divided by type of placement - devices located vertically or horizontally. In the lower part vertical models there are legs with which they are placed on the surface, and some models provide special plates that allow them to be attached to the wall.

Connecting a hydraulic accumulator, as well as selecting its characteristics, is not the easiest task

Hydraulic accumulators installed in heating systems, equipped with radial membranes that look like plates. For plumbing systems, devices with a rubber bulb are more often chosen.

Principle of operation

The work cycle is divided into several stages:

    If there is only air inside the accumulator, then the pressure will be standard - 1.5 atm (factory or set independently, depending on the pressure in the system).

    When the pump is activated, water is drawn into the bulb, causing it to become larger in volume. The air located between the membrane and the tank wall is compressed as the tank fills.

    When the air pressure reaches the set pressure, the pump will turn off and the system will stabilize.

    If you open the tap, the pressure in the system will drop and air will begin to push water out of the accumulator. It will flow until the air pressure drops below the specified mark. Then the pump will turn on again and the cycle will repeat.

The system is configured in such a way that at high water flows, for example, if you need to fill a bath, the pump begins to pump water in transit, that is, without pumping it into the tank. The latter will be filled when all the taps are closed. An element such as a pressure switch turns the pump on and off.

Battery Installation

The connection diagram of the hydraulic accumulator to the pump and the water supply system may differ, since during the work not only a submersible, but also a surface pump is used. Each of the schemes has its own connection features.

Scheme with surface pump

If water is pumped into the water supply system through a water supply system (that is, there is no need to submerge the pump), it is mounted directly next to the battery. The connection diagram is not complicated, but you should familiarize yourself with the nuances.

Before installing the device, an accurate calculation of the operating and minimum pressure is necessary. IN various systems Different pressures are set, but if a standard, small system is considered, then the standard here is a pressure of 1.5 atm. It happens that a device is connected to the systems, which requires high pressure to operate, so the parameter increases up to 6 atm, but not more, as this can negatively affect the pipes and their connecting elements.

Scheme with a submersible pump

Scheme of installing a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system using a submersible pump model. This case is relevant if water for the system is drawn from a well or a pump installed underground.

The described scheme has a key feature - a check valve is installed in the system. This device prevents backflow of injected water. The check valve should be installed before subsequent elements of the system are connected. It is mounted directly to the pump (at one end), and a pipeline leading to the accumulator is connected to the other.

The procedure for connecting the battery to the pump is as follows:

    First of all, measure the depth to which the pump will be lowered (it should be located 30 cm above the surface of the bottom of the well or borehole). It is convenient to measure the distance with a rope to which the load is attached;

    The pump, to which the valve is already connected, is lowered into the well and secured with a safety rope;

    The pipe from the pump, which goes to the surface, is connected to a water pressure switch, for which a special fitting is used;

    A hydraulic accumulator is also connected to the fitting, consuming water supply and the control system. Based on this, a fitting with five connectors is most optimal. It is important that all connections are airtight, for which FUM tape or ordinary tow, which should first be impregnated with sealant, are excellent.

Video description

How to connect a submersible pump and a hydraulic accumulator, see the video:

If you plan to install a hydraulic accumulator, then it is important to know how to determine the critical pressure. Based on the operating value, you must first determine the minimum pressure, that is, the one at which the pump starts operating. The pressure switch is set to this value. Next, the pressure in the empty battery is measured. The result should be below the critical parameter by approximately 0.5 - 1 atm. Then the system is assembled. Its center, as in the previous situation, is a fitting with five connectors, where they are connected in turn: a battery, a pipe from the pump (it is connected to a water source), household water supply, a relay and a pressure gauge.

How to install plumbing system equipment

How to install a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems is clear, but all equipment must be carefully adjusted in order for the resulting system to function effectively. The key element to pay attention to is the pressure switch. Although the device looks simple from the outside, it can take several hours to set it up. As a rule, a specialist copes with the task quickly, but if there is no special knowledge, then the device can be damaged.

Video description

How to set up a hydraulic accumulator, see the following video:

To set up the pressure switch, first of all, remove the cover from the device. Underneath there are four bolts and four springs. It is these bolts that are responsible for turning the pump on and off when a certain pressure is reached. The standards noted in the instructions for the device state that the difference between the modes is 2 atm. A couple of screws need to be adjusted to set the value. This is done as follows:

    The pump is in working condition, while one of the nuts is rotated until it turns off;

    To effectively regulate the pressure, you should open the taps in the house. Here it is important to pay attention to the indicators of the pressure gauge - it is necessary to fix the mark at which the pump starts;

    If necessary, the minimum pressure in the pipes is adjusted - for this, the upper nuts are rotated. It is very important to rely on the readings of the pressure gauge and the standards stated in the instructions;

    The lower pair of nuts is responsible for the pressure indicator at which the pump turns off;

    The adjustment should be carried out until the difference between the on and off states of the pump is 2 atm.

Setting up a pressure switch is a rather difficult task, but if it is done correctly, then the adjustment work can be considered complete.

To correctly adjust the pressure switch, you need appropriate knowledge and experience, so it is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist

In addition to the direct adjustment of the hydraulic tank, much depends on the correctly selected connection diagram. And if everything is done correctly, then there will always be a stable water pressure in the country house.


A hydraulic accumulator is a special device whose task is to stabilize the pressure in the water supply system. It is important to correctly install the hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, but you should also carefully consider the choice of device. During the work process, many different parameters are taken into account, starting with the installation location of the device and ending with the choice of container volume. It is also important to understand how the unit itself works. This knowledge will allow you to assemble a reliable and stable plumbing system.

When installing an autonomous water supply system, it is necessary to achieve stable pressure in the network. Pressure surges and water hammer affect the comfort of using communications and, more importantly, can cause breakdowns household appliances. To normalize the operation of the water supply system, hydraulic accumulators are installed. IN autonomous systems they perform the same functions as water towers in centralized networks. The hydraulic accumulator is the main unit connecting the pump group with the internal water supply. How to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump? How to choose and install it correctly?

There are hydraulic tanks different forms, volumes and configurations. For each system you can select best option

How different types of hydraulic accumulators work

The main structural elements are the body, the membrane and the nipple. The storage tank body is a sealed cylinder designed to operate under a pressure of 1.5-6 atmospheres. Maximum load – 10 atmospheres. A membrane is fixed at the neck of the housing, access to which is only possible through a special flange with a valve. WITH opposite side There is a nipple embedded through which air is pumped into the tank. The entire structure is mounted on legs.

Depending on the configuration, vertical and horizontal storage tanks are distinguished. They work on the same principle with the difference that large-volume vertical models (over 50 l) have a special valve through which air is released. This is necessary because during operation of the plumbing system, excess air gradually accumulates. Therefore, a valve is installed on top of vertical accumulators, and a drain or tap is installed in horizontal accumulators. In small-volume tanks, the air is vented, completely draining the water.

Video: operating principle and functions of hydraulic tanks

Diagram for connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump

In order for the pump to properly serve its intended life, it must be operated in the mode provided technical characteristics. Submersible equipment should be turned on no more than 5-20 times per minute (exact indicators are indicated in the documentation for the specific model).

The pressure switch gives a command to turn on the pump when the pressure in the system drops to the specified parameters. If a hydraulic accumulator is not installed, the pressure drops even with minimal water flow, and the equipment will constantly turn on and off. This will lead to rapid wear and breakage.

Connect to the water supply circuit storage tank, which allows you to reduce the frequency of turning the pump on and off and extend its service life. The volume of the device is also selected taking into account the intensity of water consumption, power and installation height of the pump.

Diagram: installation location of the hydraulic tank in an autonomous water supply network

Tank connection procedure

  • A pressure hose is removed from the mounted pump and connected to a pressure switch through a manifold with five connectors (“five-piece”).
  • The flow is diverted from the “five-piece” to the hydraulic tank.
  • One collector pipe is connected to the water supply network, and another to the control unit.
  • A check valve is installed between the “five-piece” and the pump. It is needed so that when the pump stops working, the water does not drain back into the well or borehole.

Video instructions for assembling a pump group with a storage tank

Features of installing a hydraulic accumulator

The hydraulic accumulator is attached to the floor through rubber gaskets. Flexible adapters are used to connect to pipes. If the device is new or has not been used for a long time, it should be filled very carefully for the first time so as not to damage the membrane, which may stick together due to long-term inactivity. It is advisable to remove all air before filling.

The location for mounting the hydraulic accumulator is chosen so that it has easy access for maintenance. If you don’t have the skills, it’s better not to take risks and install the device yourself, but turn to more competent people, especially if you have to connect two submersible pump to one hydraulic accumulator.

How to set up the device correctly

New hydraulic accumulators are set up at the manufacturing plant. Typically the pressure is 1.5 atmospheres. However, it may take a long time before the sale occurs, and performance declines. Therefore, the first thing you need to check is the pressure. An electronic or mechanical pressure gauge is suitable for monitoring. You can use a car one.

Some models of hydraulic tanks are specially equipped with pressure gauges. But you can choose any device. The main thing is that it is accurate. Even 0.5 atmospheres affects the operation of the drive. For the same reason, it is better not to use plastic Chinese pressure gauges. They rarely show accurate data.

If you need to achieve high pressure in the network, leave the “factory” 1.5 atmospheres. If the water is used only for domestic household needs, the indicator can be reduced to 1 atmosphere. The higher the pressure, the more air in the hydraulic tank and the less water volume. Therefore, many homeowners bleed off excess air to increase the capacity of the tank and reduce the frequency of pump activation.

The pressure switch sets the upper and lower limits at which the pump will turn on and off. For this purpose, two nuts and springs are provided under the device cover. You can use them to adjust the settings. Optimal difference between the pressure on and off is 1-2 atmospheres. Too large a difference is also undesirable, because this will lead to rapid wear of the hydraulic tank membrane.

When choosing a hydraulic tank model, you need not only to determine the required volume and technical characteristics, but also to find out what material the membrane is made of. The seller must have certificates of conformity, a sanitary and hygienic certificate, which indicate the scope of application of the drive. You need to choose a model designed for systems with cold drinking water.

As for manufacturing companies, the brands Aguasistem, Varem, Wester Line, Zilmet, and Reflex have proven themselves well. Hydraulic tanks are equipped with spare flanges and membranes. When purchasing, make sure they are in stock. If the hydraulic accumulator is selected and installed correctly, in a dry place, and the owner carries out timely Maintenance, the device will last for many years.

Ensuring uninterrupted water supply to taps and Appliances, is impossible without the use of a hydraulic accumulator. Interruptions in the water supply create additional stress on household appliances connected to the water supply and pumping equipment. Particularly dangerous is the increase in pressure, which in a short period of time can damage the dishwasher or washing machine and also damage the pump.

It is to ensure constant pressure in the system and provision soft start pumping engine, special tanks were created that accumulate water and create pressure in the pipes. Currently, there are several types of hydraulic accumulators, differing in the method of use.

What it is?

Any hydraulic accumulator is a tank-shaped container, the body of which can be made of steel, cast iron or especially durable plastic. Inside there is a membrane or, as it is often called, a pear. The membrane is attached to the body using a flange with a pipe through which water flows.

The housing has a technical hole for the nipple, through which it is pumped into the tank. required volume air. For ease of placement, the accumulator is equipped with legs and a platform in the upper part of the housing for installing the pump.

A block is mounted on the pipe automatic control with a pressure gauge and pressure switch - this is the “heart” of the entire plumbing system.

Operating mode

The operating principle of the device is extremely simple and at the same time effective. Using a pump, water is pumped into the bulb, causing it to expand. The air located under the housing casing (between its walls and the bulb) creates external pressure, which pushes water into water pipes, thereby creating the necessary pressure and water pressure. Air also prevents rapid wear and tear of the bulb. The standard air pressure is 1.5 bar.

The pressure in the system is controlled automatically using a control unit, which is responsible for turning the pump on and off in a timely manner. The upper and lower readings (on and off) can be seen on the pressure gauge. The relay is configured according to the technical data sheet of the pump. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum recommended by the pump manufacturer.

All hydraulic accumulators are divided into three types:

  • intended for cold water and water pipes (painted in Blue colour);
  • designed for hot water(Red);
  • special for heating systems (they are often called expansion tanks).

It is believed that the hydraulic accumulator, due to proper pressure regulation, protects pumping equipment from rapid wear. The larger the accumulator tank, the less often the pump turns on and wears out. However, the larger the battery, the higher its cost on the market. And this factor holds back many owners when purchasing a battery for home plumbing. Manufacturers today offer various models with a capacity from 5 to 100 liters. The largest battery will cost 15,000 rubles. With the help of these devices you can establish.

How to connect?

The algorithm for connecting the hydraulic accumulator has slight differences depending on the type of installation and type of pump.

Water supply with surface pump

This is the most common engineering solution for country house. In this case, the pump is always located inside the utility room, and sometimes even the living space. Next to it is a hydraulic accumulator with an automatic control unit.

Battery connection algorithm:

  1. The air pressure is checked using a car pressure gauge through the nipple. Its value should be 0.3 bar less than that set by the manufacturer on the pressure switch.
  2. Assemblies and materials for connection are prepared: a fitting with five terminals, FUM tape or tow, a pressure gauge and a pressure switch (included with the equipment).
  3. The fitting is mounted to the battery using a flange with a bypass valve.
  4. All other elements are fixed. Water pipes for water intake and supply are screwed in, a relay and a pressure gauge are connected to the corresponding terminals of the fitting.
  5. The pump is turned on and all connections are checked for leaks.

Water supply system for two residential buildings from one pump

This is a rare engineering solution that allows you to use one source for water intake.

Battery connection algorithm:

  1. The air pressure in both batteries is checked in the manner indicated above. The pressure must be the same, otherwise water will not flow into one of the batteries!
  2. The water supply system is being routed into two separate systems. To do this, a tee is installed in the well, connected to a pump and two water pipes in different houses.
  3. The automation is mounted only to one of the hydraulic accumulators. Pipes for water inlet and supply, as well as a pressure gauge, are connected to the second.

More practical solution There will be an installation of one battery for two houses with a tee inserted. Such installation requires more powerful pumping equipment, but there are no problems with setting up hydraulic accumulators (pressure synchronization is not required).

A similar connection principle is used to enhance a previously installed pumping station. The second hydraulic accumulator will reduce the load on the engine, allowing the pump to turn on less often.

Connecting a submersible or well pump

The most important thing in such a water supply system is the installation check valve, which is mounted immediately behind the pump in front of the water intake pipe and ensures that pressure is maintained in the system (water does not flow out arbitrarily).

The work order is as follows:

  1. The depth of a well or borehole is measured using a rope equipped with a sinker.
  2. The pump is lowered into the shaft to a depth of approximately 0.5 meters from the bottom. A check valve is pre-installed on it!
  3. The water intake hose or pipe is connected to the pressure switch. For this purpose, a fitting with five connectors is used.
  4. A pressure gauge and water supply are connected to the fitting. And the fitting itself is attached to the hydraulic accumulator.
  5. All connections are checked for leaks. It is necessary to use FUM tape to ensure the tightness of the entire system.

Pressure switch installation

When connecting this vital technical unit You need to pay attention to the special labels. To do this, remove the protective cover from the relay. Below it there are contacts indicated by the corresponding indicators. “Pump” is the connection point for the specified unit, “network” is the point for connecting the electrical power cable.

If no marks are found (this deficiency is present in some models of hydraulic accumulators), the owner will have to contact an electrician, since it is impossible to determine the connection method by eye. To seal the junction of the relay with the fitting, technical flax (tow) with sealant or FUM tape is used.

Operating rules

Experts recommend that when choosing a hydraulic accumulator, you should focus on the intensity of water consumption and the number of family members. For a family of two people, a 24-liter device is sufficient. Homes with large families and high water consumption need a larger battery. When installing a 24-liter model and connecting powerful household appliances, the pressure in the system will constantly drop, causing the pump to turn on frequently and wear out.

Maintenance of the device includes regularly checking the air pressure using a car pressure gauge. If the pump is turned on too often, you should be alerted. This is a sign of depressurization of the accumulator or rupture of the rubber bulb. Both problems are easily fixed. However, delay in repair may cause pump failure.

It is necessary to adjust the factory settings of the pressure switch for a specific water supply system and pump. The optimal difference between the upper and lower pressure readings (according to the built-in pressure gauge) is one to two atmospheres.

The main elements of an autonomous pumping station are a pump, a storage tank, a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator and a check valve. The pressure unit pumps a given volume of water into the network. The hydraulic accumulator accumulates and maintains constant pressure to supply water to the consumer. The control unit ensures a stable operating cycle of the cold water supply system equipment. Let's take a closer look at where it is used and how to configure the hydraulic accumulator and pressure switch.

Hydraulic accumulator in a cold water supply system

Direct connection of submersible or surface pump causes unstable water supply. The pressure unit runs idle with minimal water consumption. The presence of a gravitational or pneumatic accumulator in the system does not require permanent job primary pressure pump. Reserve capacity supports constant flow water for household and drinking needs. The water supply reduces the dependence of individual water supply on external factors.

The gravity design of the hydraulic accumulator is an atmospheric tank with float sensor level. An open tank is installed in the attic of the house, above the water intake points. The pressure in the system creates the weight of the liquid column. The operation of the pump is controlled by a float mechanism or level sensors.

Modern hydraulic accumulators for autonomous water supply operate due to excess pressure in the air chamber. The operating principle of pneumatic accumulators is based on the interaction of compressed air and water. The pump pumps water into a rubber bulb located inside the housing. Volume air chamber decreases and pressure increases. In the intervals between turning on the unit, air pushes the water supply from the membrane into the consumer network.

Water does not come into contact with the inner walls of the sealed container. An air chamber separates the membrane from the metal housing. If the accumulator is used in a drinking water supply system, then the membrane material is chemically neutral rubber. When using a battery tank in a heating or hot water supply system, membranes with high resistance to high temperatures are used.

There are vertical and horizontal models pneumatic storage tanks of various capacities. The connection diagram of the hydraulic accumulator is determined by the type of pump and the model of the storage tank. Horizontal tanks are used for remote surface units. The pressure blower is installed on the platform in the upper part of the storage tank body (i.e. the cylinder is located below the self-priming pump).

Pumping stations with submersible units equipped with vertical storage units. The hydraulic accumulator is located above the installation level of the deep-well pump.

The volume of the hydropneumatic storage tank depends on the hourly water flow, the power and frequency of pump activation, and the height of the pipeline system. The higher the water flow and the lower the pressure difference when turning the pump on/off, the greater the capacity of the accumulator.

Structural elements of the hydraulic accumulator:

  • sealed metal case designed to work under pressure (1.5–6 atmospheres);
  • elastic membrane - internal container for water storage;
  • a flange with a valve for attaching the membrane to the body and filling it with water;
  • nipple for pumping air into the air chamber of the cylinder;
  • valve for releasing air from the water chamber (for hydraulic accumulators with a volume exceeding 100 liters);
  • bracket for mounting a small container on the wall or support legs, with rubber mounting pads for larger capacity models;
  • The horizontal tank kit includes a support bracket for joint installation of a surface pump with a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch.

Calculation of accumulator volume

The hydraulic accumulator selection method is intended for individual houses that consume a large number of water (sewage, bath, shower, several faucets, bidet, washing and Dishwasher). Based on the number of water withdrawal points, the total consumption coefficient and the maximum water consumption for household and drinking needs are determined. The volume of the accumulator is determined by the formula:

V is the volume of the hydraulic accumulator, l;
Qmax - maximum water consumption for household and drinking needs, l/min;
a is the number of system starts per hour (recommended value 10 starts);
Pmin - pump activation pressure, atm;
Рmax - pump switch-off pressure, atm;
Po - pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator, atm.

Standard water supply installation for small house with seasonal accommodation, as a rule, they are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 24 liters. For a house with more than three collection points, choose a 50-liter storage tank. Moreover, in technical passport The equipment manufacturer indicates the total volume of the cylinder (including the air chamber).

Adjusting the working pressure of the hydraulic accumulator

For domestic water supply one-story houses, a pressure of one atmosphere is considered sufficient. However, it should be taken into account that the air pressure of the air chamber must exceed the static pressure of the highest point of water extraction.

The maximum shut-off pressure value depends on the pressure characteristics of the pump. The pressure that the pump pumps, divided by 10, corresponds to the value of the upper response threshold for the automatic water supply system. Corrections are made for linear hydraulic resistance, the actual voltage of the electrical network, technical condition equipment and the height of the house's water supply system.

The recommended difference between the pump on and off pressure for autonomous water supply is 1.0–1.5 atmospheres. Increasing the factory setting (1.5 atmospheres) will reduce the reserve volume and increase the pressure in the system. High pressure Cold water supply increases consumption and leads to irrational use of energy resources.

Formula for calculating the required pressure in the accumulator:

Hmax is the height in meters from the center line of the hydraulic accumulator to the top point of water extraction (for a two-story private house 6?7 meters).

The air pressure in the air chamber of the damper tank is checked and adjusted before installation, if the settings fail or the water supply operating mode is disrupted. During adjustment, the power to the pumping station is disconnected from the network, and the water from the accumulator is drained.

The pneumatic air chamber valve is located under the decorative cap on the tank body. The correspondence or deviation of pressure from the specified operating parameters is determined using a pressure gauge connected to the spool. Based on the measurement results, excess air is released or the pressure of the air chamber is pumped up with a car pump.

If adjusting the operating parameters of the hydraulic accumulator does not bring the desired result, then check the settings of the pressure switch.

Pressure switch device for hydraulic accumulator

The pressure switch controls the operation of the pump and regulates the filling of the pneumohydraulic accumulator. The device integrates, controls and regulates the operation of cold water supply system equipment.

The appearance of the pump control unit resembles a small plastic box. The device is mounted at the entrance to the storage tank. The pressure switch for the hydraulic accumulator consists of a mechanical and electrical part.

Elements of a standard pressure switch design:

  • plastic case (cover with screws and base);
  • metal membrane cover (with a nut for connection to the pipeline);
  • rubber membrane;
  • brass piston;
  • two studs with threads and nuts;
  • large and small adjustment springs;
  • metal base plate;
  • articulated platform;
  • electrical contact unit with flat spring;
  • cable clamps;
  • terminal block.

Spring adjusting mechanism and the connection box is protected by a plastic cover. The metal base plate is supported from below by a plastic housing. The base separates the working element (membrane with piston) from the actuator (hinge platform, two adjusting springs on studs and an electrical contact unit).

The electrical part of the water pressure switch is a two-contact switching relay electrical circuits. The legs of the electrical contact assembly are sandwiched between a metal base plate and a plastic housing. Two couplings for clamping the cable (from the mains and the power supply line to the pump) and the connection point for the relay to the hydraulic accumulator are located on the base of the plastic case.

Standard diameter of the inlet pipe? inches. On the device side, the internal cross-section of the nut fastening to the adapter is limited by a rubber membrane. The reciprocating movement of the elastic membrane is communicated to a brass piston, which transmits force to a hinged metal platform.

From above, on the movable edge of the platform, a large and small spring presses, which counteract the force of the piston. The degree of compression of the large spring regulates the moment the pump turns on. The deformation range of the small spring ensures that the pressure unit is turned off.

Methods for connecting a pressure switch to a hydraulic accumulator

There are different diagrams for connecting a pressure switch to a hydraulic accumulator for water and electricity.

How to connect a water pressure switch?

The connecting pipe of the unit connecting the hydraulic accumulator pressure switch to the pipeline is rigidly fixed. The device is installed in assembled condition. Before starting assembly, it is necessary to ensure sufficient space for rotation of the housing when installing the pressure switch.

The device is screwed onto a thread separately cut into the pipeline or installed directly on the outlet pipe of the hydraulic accumulator through a special fitting. A fitting with five outlets allows you to install a control pressure gauge next to the pump control device.

How to connect a pressure switch to a hydraulic accumulator electrically?

Direct connection of the pressure switch is carried out from a 220V network, provided that the operating current of the pump does not exceed 10 Amperes.

Before connecting the cable, remove the protective cover from the device. plastic cover. Electrical cable the power or pump lines are inserted into the appropriate coupling. The wire is secured from the outside with a nut with a plastic crimp ring. The designation of contact groups is indicated on the housing. The end of the cable is divided into cores. The phase, neutral, and grounding are stripped of the insulating braid and connected to the terminals of the contact group.

Rules for adjusting the pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator

The relay controls the minimum and maximum pressure in the storage tank and maintains the pressure difference when the pump is turned on/off. The limit of permissible relay setting values ​​depends on the hourly flow rate and pump power.

The characteristics of the factory settings are indicated in the technical data sheet of the product. Standard value pressure switch settings for water supply systems - 1.0?5.0 atmospheres. Starting pressure - 1.5 atmospheres. The operating range of the pump motor is 2.5 atmospheres. The maximum shutdown pressure of the unit is 5.0 atmospheres.

If the factory settings are not relevant or the installation malfunctions, then the water pressure switch is configured and adjusted independently, using a pressure gauge. The control and measuring device is installed on the accumulator manifold. The correction is made according to the pressure gauge readings after the pump is turned off. The pressure difference is created by opening the tap at the water intake point closest to the accumulator.

The hydraulic accumulator pressure switch is adjusted under pressure, without disconnecting the pumping station from the power supply. The pump must fill storage capacity and increase the pressure in the network. When the relay operates and turns off the unit’s engine, it is necessary to remove the plastic housing cover and completely loosen the tension level of the small spring mechanism.

How to adjust the water pressure switch to the minimum pump activation pressure?

Adjusting the large adjustment spring:

  • the clamping nut is rotated clockwise to increase the starting pressure;
  • weakening the tension - reduces the pressure at which the relay operates and the engine starts;
  • To check the result of the adjustment, open the water tap and drain the water until the pump turns on.

How to adjust the accumulator pressure switch according to the pump shut-off pressure?

Setting the small adjustment spring:

  • the nut on the small spring stud is tightened to increase the pressure difference;
  • loosening the tension allows you to lower the engine shutdown pressure;
  • The correction result is checked by test turning on the pump.

If the pressure gauge reading coincides with the required value when turning the engine on/off, then the adjustment is complete. If it is impossible to adjust the existing device on your own, use the services of qualified specialists or buy a new device. If you decide to buy a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator, then pay attention to compatibility with pumping equipment and the method of connecting the device to the power supply.

The air pressure of the accumulator air chamber does not affect the operation of the pressure switch and the pumping station as a whole. The absence or lack of air leads to excessive stretching of the membrane and activation of the pump every time water is drawn from the system. Increased excess pressure of the air chamber reduces the volume of water reserve in the membrane and the response interval of the pressure unit. Frequent switching on and off of the pump reduces the service life of the unit.

Normal operation of the pumping station is possible provided that the pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator is 10% lower than the pump start pressure. Proper setup and adjustment of the pressure switch and hydraulic accumulator will ensure the pump operates without overload and optimal filling of the storage tank with water. A complex approach to setting up and adjusting equipment will extend the service life of the membrane and increase the reliability of the autonomous water supply system.

The main elements of an autonomous pumping station are a pump, a storage tank, a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator, etc. The pressure unit pumps a given volume of water into the network. The hydraulic accumulator accumulates and maintains constant pressure to supply water to the consumer. The control unit ensures a stable operating cycle of the cold water supply system equipment. Let's take a closer look at where it is used and how to configure the hydraulic accumulator and pressure switch.

The relay regulates the switching on and off of the device supplying water to the hydraulic tank

Hydraulic accumulator in a cold water supply system

Direct connection of a submersible or surface pump causes unstable water supply. The pressure unit runs idle with minimal water consumption. The presence of a gravitational or pneumatic accumulator in the system does not require constant operation of the primary pressure blower. The reserve tank maintains a constant flow of water for household and drinking needs. The water supply reduces the dependence of individual water supply on external factors.

The gravity design of the hydraulic accumulator is an atmospheric tank with a float level sensor. An open tank is installed in the attic of the house, above the water intake points. The pressure in the system creates the weight of the liquid column. The operation of the pump is controlled by a float mechanism or level sensors.

Photo: pumping station with hydraulic accumulator

Modern hydraulic accumulators for autonomous water supply operate due to excess pressure in the air chamber. The operating principle of pneumatic accumulators is based on the interaction of compressed air and water. The pump pumps water into a rubber bulb located inside the housing. The volume of the air chamber decreases and the pressure increases. In the intervals between turning on the unit, air pushes the water supply from the membrane into the consumer network.

Water does not come into contact with the inner walls of the sealed container. An air chamber separates the membrane from the metal housing. If the accumulator is used in a drinking water supply system, then the membrane material is chemically neutral rubber. When using a battery tank in a heating or hot water supply system, membranes with high resistance to high temperatures are used.

There are vertical and horizontal models of pneumatic storage tanks of various capacities. The connection diagram of the hydraulic accumulator is determined by the type of pump and the model of the storage tank. Horizontal tanks are used for remote surface units. The pressure blower is installed on the platform in the upper part of the storage tank body (i.e. the cylinder is located below the self-priming pump).

Pumping stations with submersible units are equipped with vertical storage tanks. The hydraulic accumulator is located above the installation level of the deep-well pump.

The volume of the hydropneumatic storage tank depends on the hourly water flow, the power and frequency of pump activation, and the height of the pipeline system. The higher the water flow and the lower the pressure difference when turning the pump on/off, the greater the capacity of the accumulator.

Photo: typical diagram autonomous water supply from a well

Structural elements of the hydraulic accumulator:

  • sealed metal case designed to work under pressure (1.5÷6 atmospheres);
  • elastic membrane - internal container for water storage;
  • a flange with a valve for attaching the membrane to the body and filling it with water;
  • nipple for pumping air into the air chamber of the cylinder;
  • valve for releasing air from the water chamber (for hydraulic accumulators with a volume exceeding 100 liters);
  • bracket for mounting a small container on the wall or support legs, with rubber mounting pads for larger capacity models;
  • The horizontal tank kit includes a support bracket for joint installation of a surface pump with a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch.

Important! The initial filling of the hydraulic accumulator cylinder with water is carried out gradually so as not to damage the integrity of the bulb, because After storage, the walls of the rubber membrane usually stick together.

The pumping station will help to achieve a complete autonomous water supply to the dacha

Calculation of accumulator volume

The method for selecting a hydraulic accumulator is intended for individual houses that consume a large amount of water (sewage, bathroom, shower, several faucets, bidet, washing machine and dishwasher). Based on the number of water withdrawal points, the total consumption coefficient and the maximum water consumption for household and drinking needs are determined. The volume of the accumulator is determined by the formula:

V is the volume of the hydraulic accumulator, l;
Qmax - maximum water consumption for household and drinking needs, l/min;
a is the number of system starts per hour (recommended value 10 starts);
Pmin - pump activation pressure, atm;
Рmax - pump switch-off pressure, atm;
Po - pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator, atm.

The water supply design consists of: 1 - hydraulic accumulator; 2 - pump; 3 - pressure switch; 4 check valves; 5 - power supply

A standard water supply installation for a small house with seasonal residence is usually equipped with a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 24 liters. For a house with more than three collection points, choose a 50-liter storage tank. Moreover, in the technical data sheet of the equipment, the manufacturer indicates the total volume of the cylinder (including the air chamber).

Adjusting the working pressure of the hydraulic accumulator

For domestic water supply of one-story houses, a pressure of one atmosphere is considered sufficient. However, it should be taken into account that the air pressure of the air chamber must exceed the static pressure of the highest point of water extraction.

The maximum shut-off pressure value depends on the pressure characteristics of the pump. The pressure that the pump pumps, divided by 10, corresponds to the value of the upper response threshold for the automatic water supply system. Corrections are made for linear hydraulic resistance, the actual voltage of the electrical network, the technical condition of the equipment and the height of the house’s water supply system.

Accessories for adjusting water pressure in the hydraulic tank

The recommended difference between the pump on and off pressure for autonomous water supply is 1.0÷1.5 atmospheres. Increasing the factory setting (1.5 atmospheres) will reduce the reserve volume and increase the pressure in the system. High pressure of cold water supply increases consumption and leads to irrational use of energy resources.

Formula for calculating the required pressure in the accumulator:

H max is the height in meters from the center line of the hydraulic accumulator to the top point of water extraction (for a two-story private house 6÷7 meters).

The air pressure in the air chamber of the damper tank is checked and adjusted before installation, if the settings fail or the water supply operating mode is disrupted. During adjustment, the power to the pumping station is disconnected from the network, and the water from the accumulator is drained.

All elements are fastened together using fittings

The pneumatic air chamber valve is located under the decorative cap on the tank body. The correspondence or deviation of pressure from the specified operating parameters is determined using a pressure gauge connected to the spool. Based on the measurement results, excess air is released or the pressure of the air chamber is pumped up with a car pump.

If adjusting the operating parameters of the hydraulic accumulator does not bring the desired result, then check the settings of the pressure switch.

Relay device for hydraulic accumulator

The relay controls the operation of the pump and regulates the filling of the pneumohydraulic accumulator. The device integrates, controls and regulates the operation of cold water supply system equipment.

The appearance of the pump control unit resembles a small plastic box. The device is mounted at the entrance to the storage tank. The pressure switch for the hydraulic accumulator consists of a mechanical and electrical part.

Relay for hydraulic accumulator disassembled

Standard design elements:

  • plastic case (cover with screws and base);
  • metal membrane cover (with a nut for connection to the pipeline);
  • rubber membrane;
  • brass piston;
  • two studs with threads and nuts;
  • large and small adjustment springs;
  • metal base plate;
  • articulated platform;
  • electrical contact unit with flat spring;
  • cable clamps;
  • terminal block.

Design and adjustment

The spring adjustment mechanism and the connection box are protected by a plastic cover. The metal base plate is supported from below by a plastic housing. The base separates the working element (membrane with piston) from the actuator (hinge platform, two adjusting springs on studs and an electrical contact unit).

The electrical part of the relay is a two-contact relay for switching electrical circuits. The legs of the electrical contact assembly are sandwiched between a metal base plate and a plastic housing. Two couplings for clamping the cable (from the mains and the power supply line to the pump) and the connection point for the relay to the hydraulic accumulator are located on the base of the plastic case.

The standard diameter of the inlet pipe is ¼ inch. On the device side, the internal cross-section of the nut fastening to the adapter is limited by a rubber membrane. The reciprocating movement of the elastic membrane is communicated to a brass piston, which transmits force to a hinged metal platform.

Pressure gauge is used to measure water pressure

From above, on the movable edge of the platform, a large and small spring presses, which counteract the force of the piston. The degree of compression of the large spring regulates the moment the pump turns on. The deformation range of the small spring ensures that the pressure unit is turned off.

Methods for connecting a relay to a hydraulic accumulator

There are different diagrams for connecting a pressure switch to a hydraulic accumulator for water and electricity.

How to connect a water pressure switch?

The connecting pipe of the unit connecting the hydraulic accumulator pressure switch to the pipeline is rigidly fixed. The device is installed in assembled condition. Before starting assembly, it is necessary to ensure sufficient space for rotation of the housing when installing the pressure switch.

The device is screwed onto a thread separately cut into the pipeline or installed directly on the outlet pipe of the hydraulic accumulator through a special fitting. A fitting with five outlets allows you to install a control pressure gauge next to the pump control device.

Connecting wires to the accumulator relay

How to connect the relay to the hydraulic accumulator electrically?

Direct connection of the pressure switch is carried out from a 220V network, provided that the operating current of the pump does not exceed 10 Amperes.

Before connecting the cable, remove the protective plastic cover from the device. The electrical cable of the power line or pump is inserted into the appropriate coupling. The wire is secured from the outside with a nut with a plastic crimp ring. The designation of contact groups is indicated on the housing. The end of the cable is divided into cores. The phase, neutral, and grounding are stripped of the insulating braid and connected to the terminals of the contact group.

Important! Electrical installation and adjustment work is carried out with the equipment disconnected from the network. Electrical connection is carried out in compliance with regulatory rules technical operation and safety precautions in electrical installations.

The relay automates the operation of the pumping station and turns off the water supply when a set point is reached

Rules for adjusting the accumulator relay

The relay controls the minimum and maximum pressure in the storage tank and maintains the pressure difference when the pump is turned on/off. The limit of permissible relay setting values ​​depends on the hourly flow rate and pump power.

The characteristics of the factory settings are indicated in the technical data sheet of the product. The standard pressure switch setting value for water supply systems is 1.0÷5.0 atmospheres. Starting pressure - 1.5 atmospheres. The operating range of the pump motor is 2.5 atmospheres. The maximum shutdown pressure of the unit is 5.0 atmospheres.

If the factory settings are not relevant or the installation malfunctions, then the water pressure switch is configured and adjusted independently, using a pressure gauge. The control and measuring device is installed on the accumulator manifold. The correction is made according to the pressure gauge readings after the pump is turned off. The pressure difference is created by opening the tap at the water intake point closest to the accumulator.

Connecting the automation unit to a submersible pump

The hydraulic accumulator is adjusted under pressure, without disconnecting the pumping station from the power supply. The pump must fill the storage tank and increase the pressure in the network. When the relay operates and turns off the unit’s engine, it is necessary to remove the plastic housing cover and completely loosen the tension level of the small spring mechanism.

How to adjust the relay to the minimum pump activation pressure?

Adjusting the large adjustment spring:

  • the clamping nut is rotated clockwise to increase the starting pressure;
  • weakening the tension - reduces the pressure at which the relay operates and the engine starts;
  • To check the result of the adjustment, open the water tap and drain the water until the pump turns on.

Adjustment is carried out using two nuts: large and small

How to adjust the pump shut-off pressure?

Setting the small adjustment spring:

  • the nut on the small spring stud is tightened to increase the pressure difference;
  • loosening the tension allows you to lower the engine shutdown pressure;
  • The correction result is checked by test turning on the pump.

If the pressure gauge reading coincides with the required value when turning the engine on/off, then the adjustment is complete. If it is impossible to adjust the existing device on your own, use the services of qualified specialists or buy a new device. If you decide to buy a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator, then pay attention to the compatibility of operation with pumping equipment and the method of connecting the device to the power supply.

Automation with dry-running protection based on four fittings

Important! Increasing the starting value of the factory setting of the accumulator pressure switch (above 1.5 atmospheres) creates a critical load on the accumulator membrane. The operating range of the pump is changed taking into account the maximum permissible pressure for the water fittings. The maximum pressure for which the sealing rings of mixers and taps are designed is 6 atmospheres.

The air pressure of the accumulator air chamber does not affect the operation of the pressure switch and the pumping station as a whole. The absence or lack of air leads to excessive stretching of the membrane and activation of the pump every time water is drawn from the system. Increased excess pressure of the air chamber reduces the volume of water reserve in the membrane and the response interval of the pressure unit. Frequent switching on and off of the pump reduces the service life of the unit.

Normal operation of the pumping station is possible provided that the pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator is 10% lower than the pump start pressure. Proper setup and adjustment of the pressure switch and hydraulic accumulator will ensure the pump operates without overload and optimal filling of the storage tank with water. An integrated approach to setting up and adjusting equipment will extend the service life of the membrane and increase the reliability of the autonomous water supply system.

Video: review of the relay, assembly of the pump group for connection