Scheme of the frame of the wall of the frame house. The walls of the frame house with their own hands. Properties of mineral wool

The category of frame buildings can be attributed to any buildings, the walls of which are a combination of strong load-bearing elements (racks and strapping) and lightweight materials with good heat-insulating properties. This refers to foam block buildings with reinforced concrete columns, and half-timbered, and from ready-made SIP panels. However, most often this is how Canadian-type houses are called - with wooden frame, the cells of which are filled with insulation during the construction process, and then covered with sheeting. The walls of this design will be discussed in the article.


The frame technology has many advantages. It allows you to do without powerful equipment and a large number of workers: a team of two people is quite capable of bringing a house under the roof under the roof and preparing for finishing a house with an area of ​​150–200 m2 in a season. An important advantage over the use of bricks and expanded clay concrete blocks lies in the small mass of the walls: it is possible to save on the foundation by choosing, for example, a structure made of screw piles and steel rand beams. If we compare a classic Canadian house with one assembled from factory panels, then the first one will cost significantly less (1 m2 of a wall made of 200 mm thick SIP panels, including installation, costs 2600–2900 rubles, and a frame wall costs 1800–2200 rubles). However, in practice, things are far from being so clear cut.

Structure of the frame wall: 1, 2 - plasterboard sheets; 3 - vapor barrier film; 4 - mineral wool; 5 - windproof membrane; 6 - imitation of timber or blockhouse

It is well known that in shield country houses, built 20-30 years ago, it is uncomfortable to spend the night even in May, and it is simply impossible to live in them in winter. In addition, in a short time, most of these structures were very dilapidated and lopsided. Of course, the point is not in the shortcomings of the frame structure as such, but in the extreme negligence of the then builders, the unsatisfactory quality and the ridiculous amount of materials used. Shields with a thickness of no more than 100 mm were filled with rolled glass wool at best, and at worst with fragments of foam. The elements of the walls were somehow knocked down with nails, not paying attention to the cracks, because the finish would close them. Well, when constructing wind protection and vapor barrier, they relied entirely on short-lived glassine.

Frame wall construction: 1 - drywall sheet; 2 - vapor barrier; 3, 5 - OSB; 4 - mineral wool; 6 - windproof membrane; 7 - vinyl siding

Since then, the level of building culture in our country has noticeably increased, a detailed set of rules SP 31-105-2002, developed on the basis of Canadian experience, has appeared, materials with improved properties have become available. And yet… There are many contradictions and dark places in the standards and instructions, which each designer interprets in his own way. In addition, sometimes customers, in an effort to save money, make their own adjustments to the adopted technology - and contracting firms implement the wrong decisions without objection. Understanding will help you avoid mistakes. general principle"work" of the frame wall and the nuances of its construction. Or you can go.

When insulating frame walls, first of all, pay attention to thermal insulation properties material and ease of installation. We recommend using the innovative Light Butts Scandic material. One edge of the plates is springy, which simplifies their installation in the structure, the work is accelerated, and the amount of waste is reduced - the plate is inserted between the racks with a slight pressure and fits snugly against them. With this installation, the qualifications of the builder are not important, so the work can be done independently. As for the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, it depends on climatic conditions and structural material of the walls. An online calculator developed by Rockwool Design Center specialists and presented on the company's website will help to correctly calculate this parameter for each specific case.

Natalya Pakhomova

Rockwool Design Center Design Engineer

Pile and tape (c) deep foundations will last at least 50 years, and wooden floor may require repair much sooner.


Consider the main stages in terms of construction theory and practice.

  • Frame assembly

The classic technology provides for the so-called platform frame with floor racks. It is assumed that first, on a slab, tape or foundation grillage, a beamed ceiling of the first floor with draft floors is erected. Further, on this site, in a horizontal position, the frames of the walls of the first floor are assembled, which are then lifted and fastened with an upper strapping. Then comes the turn interfloor overlap, and then - roof structure attic. The cross section and pitch of the frame elements are selected based on design load and insulation thickness. Usually boards 40 × 150 mm and bars 50 × 200 mm are used.

In practice, the order and principle of assembly may be different. For example, if there are not enough working hands and there are no devices to lift vertically and fix the finished frames of extended walls, the structure is made up of fragments 2–4 m long. Often such fragments are immediately sheathed with moisture-resistant oriented particle boards(OSB-3), which allows you to do without temporary stiffness bonds.

There is no "crime" in mounting the frame in a vertical position, rack by rack, on the bottom trim, anchored to the foundation. True, in this case, the assembly accuracy will decrease (deviations in cell sizes will be at least 10 mm), and time will increase.

A gross mistake should be considered the construction of a frame made of wood natural humidity and without amplification by horizontal jumpers ("bridging"). Big troubles threaten to exceed the maximum allowable step of the racks (60 cm), as well as the wrong choice of fasteners, for example, the use of non-galvanized plates and self-tapping screws.

  • Installation of wind protection

To prevent blowing through the wall and the destruction of the insulation by air flows formed in the thickness of the structure, rolled windproof materials help. They are located with outer side frame, pressing against the racks with slats with a section of 25–40 × 40 mm, to which the sheeting is subsequently attached. The strips are mounted horizontally, starting from the bottom, with an overlap of at least 10 cm. With this design, sufficient reliable protection from wind and atmospheric moisture, as well as ventilation of the insulation (due to the gap under the skin).

If the wall is assembled from panels already sheathed with OSB, the wind protection is placed on top of the slabs. In this case, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap under the facade cladding. Materials with a vapor permeability coefficient of less than 0.05 mg/(m ● h ● Pa) should not be used for wind protection. Such films prevent water vapor from leaving the building envelope, and the insulation becomes damp.

As a rule, walls or their fragments are assembled in a horizontal position on a floor platform, and then lifted vertically. This method greatly simplifies the installation of the frame. Photo: Green Building

Sometimes, in order to save money, customers refuse sheet outer cladding, limiting themselves to lining. This solution is acceptable, but the frame will need to be reinforced with struts. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev/Burda Media

The assembly of the frame will be simplified if you use modern fastenersspecial ties and plates. A power tool, such as a nail gun, will significantly speed up the work. Photo: "Canadian hut"

Fiber cement facade panels much more durable wooden lining and even vinyl siding. Such a finish is non-combustible, able to imitate wood, brick and stone well, but its installation is quite laborious. Photo: Enterit

Often, the project provides for the same design of external and internal walls, although it is better to use drywall rather than OSB for partitions. Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev/Burda Media

  • House cladding outside

Sheet material, attached to the frame from the street side, increases the strength of the walls, imparts spatial rigidity to the frame of the house and serves as an additional barrier to wind. The outer skin, as a rule, is made of OSB-3 boards with a thickness of 10-15 mm. They are nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws from 50 mm long in increments of 150-200 mm. Plates must be mounted with a distance of at least 20 mm from the base, and between them, compensation gaps of about 5 mm wide should be left; to increase the geometry of the wall, they are remembered with foam or elastic sealant.

Instead of OSB, you can use paraffin-impregnated fiberboard windbreak panels with a polymer coating (in this case, a diffusion membrane is not needed) or boards on cement base, which will increase the strength and fire resistance of the fence. Warming. According to traditional technology, the frame cells are filled with soft plates made of natural or synthetic fibers. Today, heaters from mineral wool. It is important that the material does not shrink over time, so when choosing, you should ask if the manufacturer has carried out the appropriate tests. And pay attention to the vapor permeability coefficient - it must be at least 0.3 mg (m ● h ● Pa).

IN middle lane In Russia, the required thickness of mineral wool slabs in the walls is 200 mm, and the “skeleton” of the house is often assembled from boards 40 × 150 mm, since 50 × 200 mm beams are supplied only to order and, in terms of cubic meters, are more expensive than standard lumber. In this case, they resort to two-layer insulation, that is, they mount an additional layer of extruded polystyrene foam on the outside of the frame (of course, after a ventilation gap of at least 25 mm).

The thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene is lower than mineral wool, and some customers insist on using this material as the main insulation. The result is always negative: it is extremely difficult to cut foam sheets so that the resulting fragments fit snugly between the frame elements. There will be voids in the structure that will become conductors of cold.

As for ecowool, taking into account the mechanized application service (only the wet-glue method is suitable), it will cost 20-25% more than mineral wool boards and will limit the work to the warm season.

For outdoor decoration frame house can use a wide range of modern facade materials, however, it is worth choosing a specific option, taking into account the specifics of the installation of the finish and the design features of the wall. For example, it is desirable to attach siding to the leveling sheathing, and not directly to the OSB boards, so as not to damage the membranes that protect the insulation from moisture and provide a windproof wall. Heavy, such as fiber cement, decorative panels cannot be mounted on wooden crate- it is necessary to use special metal profiles and fasteners provided by the manufacturer. For a plaster facade, silicate and acrylic compounds, which are applied to OSB or XPS with a polymer mesh reinforced on them.

Timofey Tesin

Head of the design and technology department of the company "TEREM-PRO"

Vapor barrier installation

Best insulating films made of two layers of polyethylene or polypropylene and reinforced with synthetic fiber; they are strong and elastic, so they are difficult to damage during installation. The strips of the film are placed perpendicular to the racks of the frame, starting from the upper section of the walls and providing an overlap of strips of about 10 cm.

Sheathing from the inside

It is advisable to make the inner lining with two layers of moisture-resistant drywall, providing a gap of at least 30 mm between the gypsum board and the vapor barrier, which is necessary for laying cables and mounting sockets and switches.


Almost the main enemy is moisture, and not atmospheric, but contained in room air. In winter, a diffusion flow can form inside the fence, directed towards the street. At the same time, vapors from the room penetrate into the insulation, as they approach the outer surface of the wall, they cool down and turn into water. As a result, the insulation becomes damp, its thermal conductivity increases, which means that heating costs increase. Moisture inside the walls also threatens with more serious troubles - the deterioration of the microclimate in the house, the destruction of the frame and cladding. Vapor barrier helps to fight condensate, the main requirement for which is the integrity and continuity of the layer. But even a well-made vapor barrier does not guarantee that the insulation will not get wet: during rains with wind, water can “crawl” under the external wind and moisture protection. Therefore, it is necessary to allow the material to dry, providing ventilation gap under cladding or wall trim.


  1. Assembling the frame from wood of natural moisture and using fasteners that are not resistant to corrosion.
  2. Incorrect choice section and pitch of frame elements, insufficient number of connections between them.
  3. Use as the main insulation of polystyrene foam boards. They cannot be precisely adjusted to the size of the frame cells, which is why cold bridges are formed.
  4. Refusal of the external ventilation gap. As a result, the insulation does not dry out, the wall loses its insulating properties and collapses faster.
  5. Laying communications in the thickness of the outer walls. As a result, the integrity of the vapor barrier is violated and the likelihood of dampening of the walls increases.


  • Fast warm-up capability

A house, the walls of which consist mainly of insulation, can be warmed up relatively quickly, which is very convenient if you spend the weekend in the country not only in the warm season. In addition, compared to a stone and log (timbered) building, such a building suffers less from zero crossing, that is, it withstands more freeze / thaw cycles (if the vapor barrier is properly implemented).

  • Probability of sudden changes in room air temperature

Alas, the medal also has a downside: it is very difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature regime in the rooms. Since the walls do not have heat storage capacity (thermal inertia), you have to carefully monitor the heating equipment and the weather, or purchase expensive automated equipment.

  • The complexity of organizing air exchange

In a frame house, it is difficult to deal with an increase in air humidity and carbon dioxide content in it. The fact is that when airing through open windows the room is cooled down as quickly as it is heated, and until the outside air is heated by a radiator (which takes from 15 to 45 minutes), the room is chilly and uncomfortable. Solving the ventilation problem different ways. The best choice is the installation of a modern channel system with heat recovery. If this option is not possible, air heating, a water heated floor, as well as window supply valves will help to increase the comfort of the home.

What is the principle of house building technology from frame structures? Basically, the wall frame is a combination of racks and braces, it is customary to build it from sufficiently strong and reliable materials, for example, wood or metal, after which the resulting space in the wall is filled with special heat-insulating materials.

Frame wall insulation

A few decades ago, it was customary to insulate the outer walls of a frame house with such simple materials as porous stone, clay, and adobe. As a result, an additional margin of safety was obtained.

On a note

Today, in order to achieve this goal, a decision is made to place more modern types of materials with better heat-insulating properties, lightness and durability.

The main advantages that the walls of a frame house have are economy, high thermal efficiency, as well as the efficiency of construction, even significant space savings, which is associated with a decrease in the total thickness of the structure. Next, it is proposed to consider the device of the wall of a frame house.

Frame wall device

The external walls of the frame house are equipped as follows:

  • The basis for the exterior finish is an OSB board or isoplat. Elements such as a counter-batten, a gap for ventilation, protection against possible wind, made of a vapor-tight type membrane, are used. Used, racks installed independently, .
  • Diffusion membrane is used as waterproofing. It is used as an outer skin with a conventional insulation, with additional sound insulation. Also, lining, block house or siding is used for exterior decoration.
frame internal partitions.

Interior walls include dust protection film fixed (moisture content of timber should be between 14-16%). Additionally, the wall frame is treated with special antiseptic components and compounds, which increases the service life.

The inner lining of the walls of a frame house is different, so the thickness of the walls of a frame house varies within 100 millimeters. A basalt insulation is laid between the outer and inner skin, as a result of which a pie of the frame house wall is formed.

Construction stages

Considering the structure internal walls frame house, it is worth indicating how their construction is carried out, finishing work is carried out. The assembly of the building takes place in several separate stages.


At this stage, the master coordinates everything with the future owner of the object technical points, a decision is made on planning, an estimate of the future project is drawn up. It is determined at the design stage and the thickness of the walls of the frame house, which can reach up to 600 mm. This value is set on the basis of an analysis of the materials and components used (primarily insulation). For example, for regions located in the north, it will be necessary to use cotton wool 200 mm thick, in the south 100 mm is enough, given the climate.

Plan of the second floor with designation of premises.

Preparing for installation

On preparatory stage to perform regulated work with the frame. It is best to acquire wood in advance, and be sure to pay attention to the material being treated with a special antiseptic composition. It is best if these are edged, unplaned boards. Layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation, after which the beds for the lower trim of the frame house are mounted. The logs themselves are placed on the edge, after which they rest with their ends on the harness.

Frame walls

The walls for the frame house are assembled at the bottom, after which they are installed on the lower trim by means of shields. It is recommended to attach the shields to the strapping exclusively with ordinary nails, while the structure will not collapse, there is no doubt about it. When the correct frame wall of the first floor house is ready, the frame of the second floor can be erected using a similar technology. Similarly, prepared sets of boards are installed on the upper harness. The corners of the frame house are controlled, the correctness of their geometry is checked.

Proper building pie

What insulation for the walls of a frame house should be used? One of the important stages of construction is the insulation of the walls of a frame house. As a rule, it is best to use polystyrene for these purposes, however, this is a budget option, for objects that are more solid in cost, you can use the same Rokvol.

Construction cake device.

Warming starts from the floor, the insulation boards are laid directly on the rails, previously nailed to the logs. In turn, it will be necessary to lay a floor from OSB sheets on the logs, after which partitions and walls themselves can be placed on it.

As soon as the external and internal walls of the frame house are delivered, it is necessary to proceed to the choice of materials for finishing and wall insulation. Insulation for the walls of a frame house must be chosen so that it fits in all respects: thickness, density, durability, thermal insulation properties. The thickness of the walls of the frame house will depend on the chosen insulation.

At the last stages of work, the installation of the roof, the arrangement of the roof is carried out. Waterproofing elements should be installed and wind protection is needed for the walls of the frame house, strengthening the finished structure. To ensure proper vapor barrier, it is customary to use special membranes that can reduce the likelihood of moisture penetration.

On a note

Reinforced polyethylene, which was previously actively used in construction, has proven itself quite highly as a material for vapor barrier. wooden houses. To its advantages, it is worth noting the low cost; for budget construction, this is the best option.

Recently, mastics have been widely used, which are applied to the walls and floor of the house immediately before the start. exterior finish. Remarkably, for applying mastic, there is no need to install a wall sheathing, the composition can be applied in several layers, but you need to let each one dry. When the main part of the work is done, the “box” is ready, you can immediately start finishing work inside the premises.

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Frame house one of the most affordable and budget options suburban construction.

But as soon as it is laid down, an equally important stage begins: a device that has its own characteristics in such buildings.

They must be studied before starting. construction works to avoid in the near future overhaul the whole structure.

For frame house frame wall structures have only two types:

  1. Carriers, which have increased resistance to impacts and mechanical loads: both vertical and horizontal. Usually they are made from a solid board or giant I-beams. doorways in bearing walls ah are assembled using at least 2 jumpers, fastened with nails in 2 rows, which avoids their deformation.
  2. Non-bearing (internal), which serve as partitions for dividing the building into rooms and are not designed to withstand the weight of the building. Lintels over doorways in such cases should have a width equal to the width uprights, and be made of material with a thickness of more than 40 mm.

Reference! Internal partitions designed for zoning living space are often made of 40x100 timber, since they do not need a thick layer of insulation. For load-bearing walls, materials with a cross section of at least 50x150, and preferably 50x250, are taken in order to be able to increase the thickness of the heat-insulating layer.


What material are the walls of frame houses made of? If you have chosen frame houses for your housing: wall material can be completely different.

It is determined not only by aesthetic properties, but also by the ability to withstand certain loads, climatic and relief features of the site, weight and other characteristics.

For the device of wooden frame walls and partitions, they mainly use:

  1. wooden beam made from wood conifers or maple. Its cross section is square, and the standard size is 150x150. Thicker timber (150x200 and 200x200) is ideal for multi-storey buildings or houses with an attic.
  2. Edged board from coniferous wood. The cross section of the racks is usually 50x150.
  3. Wooden I-beam, which is two timber beams fastened with a jumper from OSB-plate. It allows you to freely adjust the shelves depending on the thickness of the insulation and the size of the foundation. According to experts, the use of such a material minimizes the risk of deformation of the frame during shrinkage of the structure and provides better thermal insulation.
  4. Materials for outdoor and inner lining frame. They are treated as standard wooden planks, and prefabricated panel-type structures made of OSB-boards, hydrophobic plywood or boards. And the use of magnesite sheets is also allowed. At the same time, it is important that the materials are well dried and that there are no cracks and defects in them, which can later cause shrinkage and destruction of the house. As an antifungal protection, they must be treated with special antiseptic compounds.
  5. . They are soft - insulation based on fiberglass, basalt wool- and rigid - expanded polystyrene and its extruded modification - type.
  6. Decoration Materials. These include vinyl and metal siding. The latter is characterized by increased strength, easy installation and high corrosion resistance. Vinyl siding attracts with less weight and a large selection of colors, but is afraid of temperature changes and direct sun rays. And also a block house is often used (calibrated boards with an oval transverse profile and lock connection, which outwardly completely resemble a rounded log) and imitation of timber (panels with rectangular section and bevelled corners). Frame houses with finishing by means of artificial stone, acrylic coatings and decorative plaster.
  7. designed to protect the house from blowing and moisture. She looks like roll material, resembling a film, but at the same time vapor-permeable to prevent freezing of the insulation in the wall in the winter season. Mostly for these purposes, they buy a diffusion membrane for waterproofing.
  8. vapor barrier, which is used as a vapor barrier membrane.

Reference! According to one of innovative technologies, the supporting frame of the building is completely made of galvanized thermal profile, and internal insulation is shotcrete concrete or foam concrete. This makes it easy to build a solid and reliable house with a number of floors from 1 to 5.


Frame house can be built different ways, since today several effective technologies for creating its walls are known. The most popular among them are: the construction of the wall of a frame house according to Finnish technology and Canadian. Their differences lie in the fact that, in accordance with the Scandinavian method, wall panels are assembled right at the construction site, but building technology from Canada, they suggest mounting a frame from ready-made SIP panels (frame-panel technology).


Finnish looks like this:

  1. A frame made of timber is mounted on it, after which it is assembled.
  2. Panels are assembled, for which OSB-plates are used, with which the spans of walls are sheathed both from the inside and “from the street”.
  3. A heat-insulating layer is installed, after which a draft floor is laid on the floor.
  4. The main components of the structure are interconnected with metal brackets and beams are installed floors.
  5. On the interfloor ceiling, the wall panels of the second floor are assembled and installed vertically.
  6. Roof rafters are mounted, a waterproofing layer is fixed on them and the roof is laid.
  7. Perform interior and exterior finishing work.


When designing a building By Canadian technology the algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. A strip foundation is poured, on which panels and floor beams are mounted.
  2. Bars are placed in the gaps, which are interconnected, and the gaps are isolated using polyurethane foam.
  3. After installing the ceiling, the walls are installed, starting from the corners. IN two-storey houses installation of interfloor ceilings and walls of the second floor is being carried out. In this case, the panels are attached to the beams with self-tapping screws every 10-15 cm. All joints are securely sealed with mounting foam. Fastening is carried out according to the tenon-groove principle, and the thermal gap between the wall panels is 3-5 mm. At the same time, window and door openings are made.
  4. The final stage is the installation of the roof.


What is the wall of a frame house made of?

No matter how exquisite the design of your frame house, and no matter how expensive materials are used, the design of the frame wall with insulation, especially the load-bearing one, will be almost identical.

It is multi-layered and is called a “sandwich” or “pie” in construction jargon.

So, the frame wall: the design consists of layers:

  1. Frame directly.
  2. Internal finishing layer.
  3. vapor barrier layer.
  4. Insulation.
  5. waterproof layer.
  6. OSB boards.
  7. Outdoor decorative finishes.

Important! It is much easier to make the internal partitions of the building: the frame wall scheme contains only frame racks, a heat-insulating layer, a vapor barrier membrane installed on both sides, and drywall or OSB-board.

Proper Pie frame wall can be very different and depends both on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owner, and on external conditions and internal loads to which the structure will be subjected. Consider the arrangement of the walls of a frame house in detail. The most common options are:

  1. Frame wall cake with mineral wool. The right frame house wall cake with mineral wool is ideal for buildings in which there should be good sound insulation. For this, the wall frame with outside sheathed with chipboard and lined outside with a waterproofing film. Mineral wool is attached on top of it, which can be supplemented with extruded polystyrene foam. A vapor barrier membrane layer is installed on top of the thermal insulation layer (from the inside): it is fixed with a stapler. Then a crate is mounted to better hold the heat-insulating layer and produced final finishing walls. It is important that moisture does not penetrate deep into the wall, as this will lead to the loss of mineral wool, which has an increased hygroscopicity, of its insulating properties.
  2. Frame house wall pie with ecowool. It is considered the safest for human health, since ecowool is completely safe and provides breathability inside the wall, preventing condensation. This insulation is lightweight and has excellent heat-shielding properties. The “pie” itself consists of the following layers: an inner finishing layer, a vapor barrier film, frame elements, ecowool (it is evenly blown over the entire surface of the wall, which avoids joints, as in the case of other heaters, and the penetration of cold into the house), a windproof membrane and the outer finishing layer, which separates the ventilation gap from the previous one.
  3. Pie wall of a frame house with basalt insulation. This is an expensive solution, however, basalt wool not only has good heat and sound insulation properties, but is also resistant to vibrations, mold and mildew. The composition of the frame wall in this case will be standard: interior decoration, vapor barrier, frame construction, basalt filler, windproof membrane and exterior finish.
  4. Frame wall pie with OSB (or OSB). Such plates are used to give the walls greater rigidity and stability. The classic arrangement of layers, which provides optimal moisture removal and "breathing" properties, looks like this: interior trim, vapor barrier layer, insulation (mineral wool or other), frame racks, OSB-plate, windproof layer, ventilation gap, exterior finish.
  5. "Pie" with Isoplat panels. Recently, they have been very popular among builders, as they reliably protect the wall from moisture penetration, are additional protection from the cold and completely replace wind and hydro protection. In a frame house, the layers of walls are arranged as follows: interior finish, vapor barrier film, heat-insulating layer, frame racks, Isoplat panels, crate, exterior finish.
  6. "Pie" according to the EIFS system. Structural elements of the building frame often become a kind of "bridges" of cold, which requires additional - the formation of a polystyrene foam cocoon from their outside. The composition of the frame house wall in this case will be as follows: interior decoration, vapor barrier, frame layer with mesh, rigid polystyrene boards PSB-S 25F, wind protection and exterior finish layer.

Important! In the above variants of the "pie" wind protection layer is understood as a layer consisting of waterproofing and wind protection. Since there must be a waterproofing layer outside the wall, which protects the insulation from external moisture.

Drawings, diagrams and sections

If you are going to build a frame structure yourself, you can’t do without a detailed drawing, which will also indicate the frame wall in the section.

This will allow you to clearly imagine the location and installation order of all load-bearing structures and internal partitions and avoid the most common mistakes.

Important! The drawings clearly indicate not only the connection options structural elements among themselves, but also schemes for laying engineering communications.

Largely modern drawings of the walls of a frame house are made in specialized computer programs, where parameters such as type and are entered, the location of load-bearing walls and partitions, the number of rooms, external parameters such as humidity, type of soil, average temperature in the area, etc.

The scheme and structure of the wall of a frame house necessarily contains the following:

  1. Type of wall and its dimensions.
  2. The nuances of the structural connection of the walls to each other, as well as to the floor and roof.
  3. Location of windows and doorways.
  4. The sequence of layers (thermal insulation, vapor barrier, etc.), their thickness, installation features and the type of materials for each of them.


What is a frame house wall knot?

The wall of the frame structure consists of the following nodes, the nuances of which you should know:

1. Adjoining the wall to the floor in a frame house. The frame posts of the wall must be nailed with 3 nails measuring 90 mm, and this is done through the post in the log. This applies to load-bearing structures. If the wall is located on the strapping of the log or lintel, then the third nail is hammered into them. In the case of partitions, one 90 mm nail driven into each joist is enough.

2. Joining the walls of a frame house. To ensure a reliable connection of the frame walls - to connect the side and facade walls of the building, it is necessary to make an additional rack in the side frame, deployed perpendicular to the corner rack of the frame structure located on the edge. This will allow you to correctly form inner corner and simplify the process of finishing with plywood or OSB-boards.

3. The corner of the frame wall. Simply connecting bars with a section of 150x150 (or boards with a section of 50x150) in a corner is fraught with its freezing in winter. Therefore, the corner is made according to the 2 + 1 scheme. A third one is nailed to one of the extreme racks of the frame structure, which is turned at 90 degrees. You can also strengthen the structure by adding a fourth board.

Two racks are connected parallel to each other or at a slight angle using 5 90 mm nails with a distance of 6 cm between them. Before finishing the corner, it is imperative to put a heater.

4. Ukosina. This is one of the most important elements walls, which gives it spatial rigidity and avoids distortions in the structure. They are cut into both the lower and upper trim strictly at an angle that does not go beyond 45-60 degrees. They must be used if sheathing of house panels with plywood or OSB boards is not planned. It can be wooden with a section of 25x100, 50x150 or metal.

5. Window and door openings.

Important! In Canadian and Finnish technology, they are amplified a little differently, so these nuances should be taken into account.

In Canadian technology, double racks are used to create them. Under and above the opening, shortened posts are mounted, the distance between which remains the same as between the main posts. A header is placed above the opening, made of a double or triple board 10-25 cm high, depending on the width of the opening and the beam load. Horizontal boards are also mounted under the opening, cutting the additional rack in half: they will support the weight of the window.

In the case of doorways or the use of Finnish technology, instead of a header, a crossbar is installed - a board placed on an edge that crashes in front of bottom harness at the very top of the frame racks, both inside and outside. The crossbar can be either single or triple. For him, take boards measuring 50x200 mm.

6. Connection of wall and roof. Racks are mounted strictly perpendicular to the wall, but can be parallel in partitions or on the gable of the roof. The beams must be monolithic, and at least 2 racks should be placed in the outer corners of the wall frame.

7. Connection of wall and floor. Shown above in the figure to point 1.


Sectional wall of a frame house: photos are presented below.

Useful video

How to make a frame wall cake is additionally described in the video below:


Arranging the wall of a frame house is a rather important and painstaking process, but if you want and want to learn and take into account any nuances, even a non-professional builder can handle it without any problems.

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Frame housing construction has a solid list of advantages. Due to the peculiarity of the walls of frame houses, 2 times less wood is spent on the construction of the facility than for timber or log structures. To ensure the same thermal characteristics, the required frame house is much less in comparison with walls made using any other technology.

Having a smaller wall thickness, with the same building area, an additional usable area is obtained at the exit of the house.

The lightness of the frame walls can significantly reduce the cost of. The modern materials used provide high thermal insulation properties of the house. With the same wall thickness, the thermal insulation of a frame house is two times better than that of a brick house, and more than 3 times better than that of walls made of.

All these advantages, as well as the speed of construction and affordable price frame house makes it popular with the consumer. But when developing a project, one must remember the main functions of any home: to be warm and. It does not matter whether the house will be built with your own hands or with the involvement of specialists, to know how it looks right at home, erected by frame technology, will not be redundant.

What is the wall of a frame house made of?

The structure of the wall of the frame structure includes several mandatory nodes:

  • rigidly connected frame of horizontal strapping (lower and upper), additional elements and vertical racks;
  • internal filler of frame cells, which performs the functions of heat and;
  • on internal and external areas, fixing the frame contour.
  1. timber imitation
  2. membrane
  3. wood board or
  4. Wall frame - or
  5. plates
  6. Soundproofing
  7. Internal crate
  8. soundproofing material
  9. or wood board
  10. or exterior trim

This design of the frame wall wooden house received the name "" from specialists. Let's look at what kind of pie is right, "delicious".

According to technology, the construction of the walls of a wooden house should be made of high-quality dry wood. The consequence of the use of undried wood will certainly be gaps, since due to natural drying over time, the width decreases edged board.

If you take a raw board 150 mm wide, then, in the process of natural moisture release, its width will become 145-147 mm.

This will not only lead to the formation of cracks in the walls, drafts, blowing, but also to a decrease in fastening characteristics. Therefore, in order not to resort to warming the corners in a year or two, it is necessary to follow the technology during the construction process and use dried lumber for the frame. Most often, the construction of the walls of a wooden house is made from the most popular sizes of edged boards - 50 * 150 mm or 50 * 200 mm. The size in width is selected taking into account the estimated thickness of the heat-insulating layer required for a given climatic region.

Frame wall insulation

As a heater in the pie, various thermal insulation materials:, foam insulation, ecowool and others. Selecting them for modern market big enough. The main thing is that the material in the wall is stable in the vertical plane - it does not settle and does not gather like an accordion in the lower part of the structure, leading to the appearance of uncovered upper sections (cold bridges). To do this, use slab thermal insulation, or foam fixation.

When used as a heat insulator, gaps must be closed along the contour to ensure tightness along the junction perimeter. Given the cost of mounting foam, the use of cheap insulation does not always save money.

So that the insulation inside the walls does not pick up moisture (which not only reduces its thermal insulation properties, but can also lead over time to bad smell indoors) a vapor barrier film is used. Arranged along the inner surface of the wall, always from the bottom up with an overlap. The overlap line is usually marked on the film roll. To ensure tightness, the joints are sealed with self-adhesive tape.

Important! the use of a vapor barrier film leads to the formation of enclosed air during indoor areas Houses. Therefore, in frame houses, a properly calculated effective ventilation system is very important.

The outer side of the frame is sewn up depending on preferences: oriented strand board (OSB), cement particle board(OSB), moisture-resistant plywood or other similar. These materials not only perform a tightening role, provide structural strength, but also protect thermal insulation from external influences.

The design of the walls of a private house in engineering solutions

Technologically frame structure the walls of a private house can be performed in two different ways:

  • Assembly of the frame structure at the construction site. Directly on the construction site, sawn timber is cut and walls are installed.
  • Assembling a house from prefabricated panels or panels. They are delivered to the building site, made in size according to project documentation. The construction team is not engaged in sawing piece parts, but only performs installation work. On the one hand, this method reduces the production time, the contour of the house is assembled in a very short time. On the other hand, the mass of elements of the house can be quite significant and for the production of work it is necessary to use either a large team or lifting mechanisms (crane).

The wall structure is released panel house in several versions.

  • Shields sewn on one side.

With this technology, the walls are insulated only after the assembly of the power kit (box) is completed. In the future, you can proceed to the lining of the second side.

  • Double-sided shields (). The panel includes a dense layer of expanded polystyrene, with oriented strand boards glued to it under pressure on both sides. This type the shield is much stronger than the usual frame.

Installation of frame walls

Structurally, the frame house has the following nodes: upper and lower piping, height posts, fastening slopes, ceilings, piping of doorways and,. The order of installation of these nodes is determined by the selected technical and technological solutions.

  • Most often, the installation of a frame structure along the base is used. This method is called platform. At this method assembly of the house, parts of the walls in the form of connected frames are mounted on the surface of the platform and attached to basement on black floors. In the same way, the walls of the second, attic or one and a half floors are assembled. That is, first they equip the floors between the floors, after that the walls are mounted.

The advantages of such an engineering solution are in a simpler work performance. A flat lay-out area provides more accurate cutting, facilitates the work of builders, and ultimately increases the speed and quality of work.

The disadvantage is that it is necessary to have a considerable amount of covering material in case of rainy weather in order to prevent the materials of the subfloor from getting wet (usually DSPs serve as the material for such floors).

But the main disadvantage of installation work in this way is that the frame structure for repairing the walls of the house or ceilings during operation will serve as a hindrance. After all, the main wall is located directly on the beams. If over time it is necessary to replace the beams, this will lead to significant labor costs.

Of course, if the floor beams are properly treated with antiseptic and protective ones, the operating conditions exclude exposure to high humidity, then this disadvantage will not be significant. But in the basement, where the aggressive environmental impact is usually higher, it is preferable to provide for the possibility of periodically checking the floor elements.

  • It is possible, of course, to lay the beams and the draft floors of the basement after installing the frame blocks of the first floor. However, this option complicates the process of assembling frame frames due to the lack of a flat surface. In addition, it is difficult to fit the subfloor and thermal insulation at the junction of the ceilings with the wall surface.

  • Another solution is to cover the basement in the form of an independent box inside the wall perimeter. True, to apply such an engineering solution, a width is needed that allows you to place on it frame wall and floor beams. This solution allows you to first make a basement platform, then assemble the frames of the frame wall on it. On the one hand, in this option, the cost of the foundation increases, on the other hand, the construction time is reduced, and as a result, the cost.

For frame houses, it is possible to use virtually any type of foundation. The most low-cost - point and without a grillage device. For tying a point foundation, use a thick

The simplest and fast technology erecting the walls of the house, is a frame. Frame walls and buildings are distinguished by excellent thermal insulation characteristics, seismic resistance, and durability. And of course it is impossible not to note the financial side of the issue. A frame house is a cost-effective solution due to its special design and the use of inexpensive materials.

Frame walls: what is it?

Frame walls are a technically simple, but effective structure that includes:

The frame wall device may have its own distinctive features, for example, the use metal racks, but the design itself remains unchanged.

Frame walls and stages of their construction

It is noteworthy that anyone can build a frame wall on their own and this will not cause any special problems. Moreover, it is not necessary to have special education or vast experience in the field.

So where to start?

The lower harness and logs must be treated with an antiseptic!

The walls can be built from piece elements, that is, by installing each load-bearing beam in turn or as a prefabricated structure. In other words, fragments of the frame are prepared in advance, which are then attached to the beam of the lower trim.

Also one of the types frame construction is the construction of a house from prefabricated panels (shields). They are produced in the workshop according to a pre-agreed project. Such panels are delivered to the site assembled, that is, they have window openings, places for installing doors, etc. It remains only to fix the shields to the frame and the walls are ready. This technology can significantly reduce the time of work, but has limitations on the variability of execution. In addition, the panels can be heavy and may require a crane to install them.

wall structure

When the installation of the frame is completed, then you can proceed to the device of a multilayer wall structure. Here, each of the constituent elements plays a specific function, so it is necessary to observe a special construction technology.

Exterior finishing options

Of course, the outer walls of the frame structure can hardly be called aesthetically attractive. However, after finishing, they cannot be distinguished from more expensive wooden or brick counterparts.

Traditionally, walls are decorated in two ways:

Exterior decoration in the form of masonry is also practiced. decorative brick. This design option will give the frame building elegance, sophistication and a unique appearance.