I want to know the network of educational centers. Course “I want a baby: how to prepare for an easy and healthy pregnancy. Preparing for a healthy pregnancy with Lyudmila Sharova

Preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam at the School “I Want to Know” is a real chance to pass the exams well!
We are proud of all our graduates, but especially those who managed to pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points in 2016! And there are many such examples in “I Want to Know” over seven years of work.
Thanks to Yuri Spivak’s unique author’s methodology, thousands of schoolchildren have passed through our preparatory courses. After all, leading in the services market additional education, we have created a new format of courses that involve a short-term but deep immersion in the study of the necessary material.
Studying with us is convenient! Not every school can boast of spacious classrooms in the very center of Moscow! Wandering around Red Square before and after our classes is a dream come true. After all, the “I Want to Know” School is located on Nikolskaya Street, near the Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya and Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro stations.
We successfully prepare schoolchildren in fourteen subjects for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Namely - in mathematics and social studies, Russian language and literature, physics and chemistry, geography and biology, computer science and history. In English, German, Spanish and French as well.
Having come to our preparatory courses at “I Want to Know”, students write a test paper that fully corresponds to the topics official sample OGE and Unified State Exam. Based on its results, teachers see in which topics it is worth strengthening their preparation, and what can be excluded from curriculum at all.
Based on this principle, it is determined comfortable program training and a mini-group with a similar level of knowledge is selected. A teacher is selected who can convey to students as clearly as possible necessary information. Subsequently, such knowledge diagnostics are carried out continuously throughout the entire training period. This helps teachers have an objective picture of the performance of the group as a whole and of each student in particular.
It is these actions that can significantly enhance preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Many years of practice have verified that after studying at the “I Want to Know” School, all students pass exams by 30-40 points better.
Additional educational elements in working with our students have become such formats as: video lessons posted on our YouTube channel. Where more than 1,900 posts have already been posted with analysis of the theory and practice of solving problems, reviews from our students and their parents. The channel’s audience is now the largest in the educational topics of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination. And this is our common merit.
Well, as for the criterion for selecting new teachers for the “I Want to Know” team, it has long been known - we hire only specialists from specialized universities, and even then, only one out of ten who come to us for an interview. We hire real professionals and unique people who have passed the OGE and the Unified State Exam with 90 points + and who can pass on their unique experience to our students in the shortest possible time in our courses.
In other words, it is not possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam with our teachers. only effective, but also interesting!
We invite schoolchildren and their parents to the Days open doors, where you will learn in detail all the advantages of how you can study as effectively as possible at our School.
Sign up for preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam at the “I Want to Know” School today. After all, once you contact us, you will definitely become one of those whose results we will be proud of!

Yuri Spivak School "I want to know" for preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, Moscow

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam (GIA) in Moscow In mini-groups from 2 to 8 people. 4 large classes per month (3 academic hours each). Selection of a convenient schedule and the ability to make up missed classes in another group. Classes are conducted using Yuri Spivak’s unique teaching method.

Preparation in all subjects in one educational center. The selection of the group corresponds to the level of knowledge of the listener. Work with 100% results until you fully understand the subject. Training strictly according to the standards of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination (GIA), taking into account changes in FIPI in KIMs. No templates: solving problems only through logical calculations. Not a step forward in learning until the task is completely understood.

School Teachers "I want to know"- graduates and senior students of leading Russian universities. Experience shows that students are often embarrassed by adult teachers and are afraid to ask a question if they don’t understand something. During classes, young teachers motivate children and give everyone the opportunity to reveal their abilities.

Subjects: mathematics, Russian language, social studies, physics, history, biology, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature, geography, English language, French, German, Spanish.

Details: LLC . Legal address: 125212, Moscow, Leningradskoye Shosse, 41, building 2, office 8. INN/KPP 7743795222 / 774301001. OGRN: 1107746813393. Date of assignment of OGRN: 10/06/2010.


Daria February 12, 2013
The “I Want to Know” school differs from others in that classes are held in an interesting way. You can both laugh and get good mood. And of course knowledge! They become clearer and therefore enjoyable to learn. Science is becoming an interesting mixture of knowledge.
Website: http://education.superinform.ru/pcs/502

Alina 2015-08-01
I remember this mathematics course and the teaching methodology. Overall, I liked the course; I don’t have to add anything. I liked the teacher for his sense of humor. The accelerated course helped me improve my knowledge in mathematics!!!
Website: http://ege-finder.ru/courses/khochu-znat

Other courses: TwoStu Maximum “Hodograph”

I WANT TO KNOW: 0 comments

  1. user Svetlana reports: 08/05/2016 at 09:19

    I was very worried before taking the Unified State Exam, so to be on the safe side I went to the “I Want to Know” Unified State Exam preparation school and never regretted it. There they tested my existing knowledge and advised me to improve my mathematics a little. They developed it for me individual plan training that touched on exactly the topics that I have problems with. My teacher was Victoria Berezneva - an excellent specialist, she can convey without any problems necessary knowledge, because he explains everything in simple and accessible language. I had 4 individual lessons with a teacher 1 on 1 for 3 ac. hours and after that I went to take the Unified State Exam with complete confidence in my abilities. I received 85 points and I think this is a good result.

  2. user Inna Egorova reports: 08/03/2016 at 18:46

    My daughter and I contacted “I Want to Know” in March of this year, they wanted to improve her Russian before the Unified State Exam, and signed up for 8 individual lessons of 2 academic hours each. Our tutor was Angelina Dudorova, a specialist with her competent and interesting approach to learning. My daughter’s Russian is at a decent level, so the teacher Special attention I devoted a lot of time to testing so that my daughter could improve her skills before the upcoming exam. My daughter said that it was difficult for her, the teacher demanded a lot, gave a lot of new information, asked me to prepare notes for each lesson, my daughter really studied a lot. And here’s the result: we passed with 94 points and my daughter was accepted into the Law School. Academy on a budget. Thank you again for the quality and professionalism.

  3. user Marina Dyachenko reports: 07/21/2016 at 19:37

    This school for preparing for the Unified State Exam “I Want to Know” was recommended to me by my classmate. She went there at that time. I also decided to go because I was very worried and worried that I might not pass the Unified State Exam. I liked that I came here and they immediately tested the level of my existing knowledge and said that it wouldn’t hurt to work on mathematics. Kolokoltsev Kirill was my teacher, I had 8 individual lessons 1 on 1 for 2 ac. hours. The teacher explained and explained everything well and clearly. When I took the Unified State Exam, I felt confident because I already knew approximately how it would go. Received 81 points.

  4. user Eugene reports: 07/14/2016 at 12:08

    My daughter decided to go to college and in order for her to successfully pass the exams, I enrolled her in this school for preparing for the Unified State Exam “I Want to Know.” The managers quickly contacted me and my daughter and I came to the open day, then passed a preliminary knowledge diagnostic test. He showed that it is necessary to learn mathematics. I enrolled my daughter in group training for 4 lessons per month, lasting 3 academic hours. The teacher who was involved in the training, Victoria Berezneva, is a very qualified and experienced teacher. Educational material She explained things well and intelligibly, and solved problems similar to those that will be on the Unified State Exam. So, in the end, this helped the child a lot, since in terms of knowledge and morally she was already prepared to take the exam, which she ultimately passed well. So thank you very much to them for the quality work done.

  5. user Ekaterina Solovyova reports: 07/14/2016 at 11:04

    I wanted to go to college and in order to pass the entrance exams without problems, I decided to go to the “I Want to Know” Unified State Exam preparation school and I was right. The teachers here are truly experienced and qualified, they find an answer for every student. individual approach. I signed up for a group course in mathematics, 4 lessons per month, 3 hours each. The material was explained to me by Sladkikh Artemy, he was attentive and a qualified specialist, as for me. He explained and explained everything in great detail and clearly, and gave many examples similar to the task in the Unified State Examination. Therefore, as a result, I passed the exams with absolutely no problems and I am very happy about it.

  6. user Eugene reports: 07/13/2016 at 12:36
  7. user Oksana reports: 06/16/2016 at 08:33

    Before taking the Unified State Exam, my parents enrolled me in social studies courses at the “I Want to Know” school. As a sociable person, I chose group classes for myself. It’s convenient that I myself chose the time when I could go to classes. Fixed 4 classes per month for 3 academic hours for 4990 rubles are not that cheap, but the courses gave me the opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam with 180 points, which means the price is worth it. I liked Alina Bagshanova, a social studies teacher, because she was attentive to everyone and explained everything very clearly. Thanks to 3 hour testing that I took at this school - I learned what I was capable of. This school She helped me a lot with passing the Unified State Exam.

The main function and task of every woman is procreation, giving birth and raising children. But today everything more women face problems of conception, pregnancy and complicated childbirth. This happens for a reason. How to avoid problems and difficulties, carry and give birth to a healthy baby?

Preparing for a healthy pregnancy with Lyudmila Sharova

Today, a union is not immediately marked by pregnancy and the appearance of a baby. Couples get married, live “for themselves,” using protection, and only after a few years decide that they want children. And at this moment the first difficulty occurs - it is not possible to get pregnant.

Psychologist and professional gynecologist Lyudmila Sharova is sure that the reason lies in the fact that married couple For a long time I did not let the baby into my life. Over the years, the accumulated attitudes have worked and affected the body.

In the course “I Want a Baby: How to Prepare for an Easy and Healthy Pregnancy,” Lyudmila Sharova answers women’s pressing questions:

  1. How to prepare for pregnancy so that the waiting period is a joy?
  2. How to plan a pregnancy and fit it harmoniously into your life?
  3. How to overcome the fear of childbirth that appeared after the colorful stories of your friends?

Prepare your body and mind for pregnancy with Lyudmila Sharova. Course “I want a baby: how to prepare for an easy and healthy pregnancy” - a positive approach to the most important event in family life.

  1. Click on the green “Course Details” button.
  2. You will be taken to detailed page course by Lyudmila Sharova. Please read the information provided on it carefully.
  3. Follow the instructions to place your order for the course.
  4. Be sure to include a current e-mail. All information will be sent there, in particular regarding access to the course.
  5. If you are not yet ready to purchase a course, we recommend that you first master