Table setting print. How to properly set the table. There are general rules for table setting

The rules for setting the table are not just about preparing it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea. This is a kind of art that depends more on the taste of the person setting the table, and not on his financial means.

The aesthetics of the table depends on the tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, dishes, flower arrangements, present on the table, as well as from the overall harmony with the interior of the room, its color range and style.

In addition, the table setting rules have the following requirements: compliance with the type and occasion of the feast, combination with the menu and correct location serving items.

There is a certain sequence of actions that helps to quickly and correctly arrange numerous serving items.

First, cover the table with a tablecloth, which must be spotlessly clean and ironed. It is desirable that the ends of the tablecloth hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 25-30 cm, and the corners of the tablecloth should cover the legs of the table.

After this, the plates are placed. It is recommended not only to wash and wipe them well, but even to polish them until they shine with a towel or napkin. The snack plate should be placed strictly opposite each chair at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. A pie plate is placed at a distance of 5-15 cm to the left of the snack plate. In this case, the center of the plates should be on the same line. Depending on the type and occasion of the feast, there may be several plates. In such cases, small dinner plates are placed under the appetizer plates, and the pie plate (bread plate) can be placed so that the edges of the plates farthest from the edge of the table are in line with the small dinner plate.

Serving examples for a two-course menu.
A deep plate is used for the main course. The dessert plate is served later as needed. Cutlery is arranged in such a way as to avoid confusion in its use: the knife and fork lie next to the main dish and, accordingly, are intended for it. The dessert spoon lies behind the plate with the handle facing to the right. If wine is served, then on the right behind the knife there is a corresponding glass for white or red wine. If several drinks are served (beer, juices, water), the remaining glasses should be placed in the same place.

In this case, a deep plate intended for spaghetti sits on a large stand. A bread plate is a must with Italian dishes. Spaghetti is eaten with a spoon and fork, so the knife is replaced with an appropriate utensil, the dessert spoon lies in the same way as in the previous case, and the butter knife lies on the bread plate. Water is always served with Italian dishes, so a glass of water (mineral, for example) should be in the first position, closer to the dish. The wine glass is located on the top left behind the water glass.

Cutlery is laid out immediately after arranging the plates. If present a large number of knives, forks and spoons, then start with cutlery for the main course. Knives are placed on the right side, blade towards the plate, forks - on the left side, tip up. The soup spoon is placed with its spout up, next to the knife. If the menu includes several dishes that require the use of separate appliances, proceed as follows. A table knife is placed closest to the plate, next to it to the right is a fish knife, and last is a snack knife. By the way, if you serve butter with bread, then place a small butter knife on the bread plate (or pie plate), which should be located to the left of the fork. If soup is served, the soup spoon is placed between the snack knife and the fish knife. It can be used instead of a fish knife if a fish dish is not provided. On the left side of the plates there are forks corresponding to the knives - table, fish, diner. The distance between the devices should be slightly less than 1 cm, as well as the distance between the plate and the devices. The ends of the cutlery handles, as well as the plates, should be 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Now it’s the turn of glass (crystal) dishes. Each drink has its own serving item. If it is intended to serve only water, then a wine glass or glass is placed behind each plate, in the center or slightly to the right. It should be located at the intersection of the top edge of the plate with the end of the first knife. If kvass or fruit drink is served instead of water, then instead of a wine glass a mug is placed, with the handle facing the right. For alcoholic drinks your own dishes are provided, which are placed next to the wine glass, to the right of it. When there are several items for drinks, the wine glass is moved to the left of the center of the plate, and next to it, to the right, the rest of the items are lined up on the same line. But it is not customary to place more than three items in one row. When fully served, drink items are arranged in two rows. The distance between objects should be at least 0.5-1 cm.

Serving examples for a four-course menu.
There is a deep plate and a soup cup on a stand. The soup spoon lies on the right along the outer edge, then the knife and fork for appetizers. The knife and fork for the main course lie next to the plate. Remember, guests always start eating with cutlery that lies on the outer edge, and then take cutlery towards the plates as they change dishes. Next: the dessert spoon is placed behind the plate. A glass of white wine, which is supposed to be used for appetizers, is located on the top right behind the soup spoon. If water is served, the glass for it is placed on the left behind the glass for wine. And finally, the red wine glass for the main course is placed in a straight line above the other glasses.

A soup plate and a deep plate stand on a stand. Next to the left, just above the forks, is a plate for bread. The cutlery is located as follows: the soup spoon is on the right next to the fish knife, the fish fork is on the outer left edge, and for the main dish, the corresponding fork and knife are located near the plate. A small knife for butter and snacks lies on a pie plate. Dessert utensils lie above the plates: the fork is with the handle to the left, the spoon is with the handle to the right. Glasses are placed in the following sequence from the soup spoon to the right and up: for white wine for appetizers, a glass for water and a glass for red wine for the main course.

A napkin is an indispensable attribute of table setting, which is laid out immediately after placing glassware (crystal) on the table. There are many ways to roll napkins, both simple and requiring some skill. Folded napkins are placed on each guest's appetizer plate. In some cases, linen napkins can be replaced with paper ones.

The final chord of table setting is the arrangement of cutlery with spices, vases with flowers and other decorative elements. Utensils with salt and pepper are placed in the middle part of the table on special stands. If there is a need for it, the device with mustard is placed nearby. You can also place bottles of vinegar next to the spices, vegetable oil or hot sauces.

And, of course, only flowers will add a festive touch to the table. Plants must be spotlessly clean; petals, leaves and pollen must not be allowed to fall onto the table. Flowers can be placed on the table in any flat dish or low vases so that the bouquets do not obscure the people sitting at the table or the dishes for which the setting was carefully selected.

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Have you ever wondered what is the main sign of the housewife’s attention to her guests? Of course, this is proper table setting. Unfortunately, not all housewives know how to do this. Many people believe that beautiful table setting the table takes a lot of time. However, this opinion is wrong. Knowing and observing certain rules, you can create a festive mood not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.
For creating unusual decoration table you can attract household members. Most likely, they will enjoy this activity, and you will save time and effort.


It is incorrect to assume that in ordinary life you don’t have to bother, and all the difficulties of decoration are used exclusively for holidays. Psychologists say that from appearance dishes and the table as a whole depend on the mood and taste perception of food.
Table setting at home differs from a formal one in the smaller number of cutlery and decorative details.

  1. Keep in mind that stand plates are a must. Using them, you will avoid soiling the tablecloth. Agree that sometimes it is very difficult to remove borscht stains from it.
  2. It is not recommended to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth. To make the table look “elegant”, sometimes it is enough to lay a checkered cloth on it. Of course, everything should look harmonious and the tablecloth should match common interior kitchens.
  3. If your menu includes a first course, then deep plates are a must. It’s much easier to walk around with a saucepan and pour broth for everyone than to rush around with plates.
  4. There should be a container for side dishes under the deep plate.
  5. To avoid constantly running for forks and spoons, provide them in the required quantity in advance.


Why is table setting necessary?

Everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to eat at a chicly set table. If everything is organized correctly, then the daily meal turns into a holiday.
It is not necessary to prepare gourmet dishes; you can use ordinary inexpensive products. The idea of ​​design is important dining table.
Planning table settings for specific meals
Introduce new traditions into your family. Due to lack of time in modern world not every family can afford to have meals together. In this case, you can limit yourself to one common meal, which will take place in evening time.
Not only for a festive meal, but also for a simple dinner, you can arrange the table setting in an original way. Children will be happy to help you with this; as a rule, they really love arranging plates and laying out napkins.
At this table you can chat with all family members. The cozy atmosphere is conducive to confidential conversations, everyone can talk about their problems or achievements. This tradition will bring a piece of joy into everyday life. Once everyone gets used to getting together at home for dinner, you can begin to introduce weekend gatherings into family traditions.


Table setting rules

  1. You need to use the same devices.
  2. Each dish should have its own serving.
  3. When arranging items, it is necessary to take into account that for each person you need to allocate about 80 cm of space. This condition will allow guests to feel comfortable.
  4. The plates are placed in the middle of the allocated space, at a distance of two cm from the edge.
  5. When planning to serve several dishes, place deep dishes on flat ones.
  6. Plates for sweets or bread are placed at a distance of 10 cm to the left of the person.
  7. Spoons, forks and knives are placed with the tip up, knives on the right, forks on the left. If dessert is to be served, the soup spoon is placed above the plate.
  8. Glasses and glasses should be placed on the right. If alcohol and water are served at the same time, then the container that should be combined with the first course is placed closer.
  9. All utensils must have clean look without stains or streaks. Before serving, it must be wiped with a dry towel.

How to choose the right tablecloth

A mandatory attribute is a tablecloth. It can be used both for everyday use and for formal occasions. What recommendations do experts give when choosing tablecloths?

  • for a banquet, a tablecloth made of natural fabrics, preferably white, is used;
  • for everyday dinner or lunch, you can use an acrylic attribute; it should match the shape of the table;
  • It is important that the tablecloth is of a suitable length, it should cover the entire surface, and the edges should hang down by 20-25 cm.

Required condition!!! Any tablecloth must be clean. Therefore, you need to have several options available.

Plates placement

So, the tablecloth is laid. Now you need to arrange the plates. The scheme is very simple. There should be a decorative plate in the very center; it should not be too close to the edge. A plate for snacks is placed on it. If there are liquid dishes on the menu, then a deep container is also placed on decorative plate. It is important to note that when serving puree soup, you need to serve a soup bowl, and when serving broth, you need to serve a cup. The bread plate is placed to the left of the decorative one.

Instrument location

Serving provides for a specific arrangement of all appliances. Everything must comply with etiquette standards:

  • cutlery should be placed on the sides of the plates, in some cases they are placed on top;
  • there should be forks to the left of the main plate;
  • knives are placed on the right, their blades should be directed towards the plate;
  • There should be a soup spoon on top of the plate;
  • The dessert spoon is placed on the right side, it should enclose a row of knives.

Important!!! The utensils that will be used first should be closest to the plate. The utensils for first courses should be the furthest away. Please note that all devices must be freely accessible for use.

How to choose glasses

For serving festive table It is very important to choose the right glasses. For each drink there is a certain type of wine glasses or glasses.
For red wines, cognac and brandy, “pot-bellied” glasses are used. And for white wines, small glasses are used. The tallest or narrowest glasses are for champagne. Juices and water are served in glasses designed for cocktails.

Using napkins

How to set a table beautifully? One of essential elements Decorations when decorating any holiday or banquet are napkins. A lot of techniques have been invented, following which you can create an exquisite and unusual composition from them. When choosing napkins, you need to pay attention to the color. You can buy napkins in the same color as the holiday candles.
Napkins should be folded so that when unrolled they do not look too wrinkled. This decoration is placed on a plate for an appetizer. Using napkin figures, you can make your table very stylish.


Setting the table for dinner

  1. Festive dinner with family. Beautiful candles and plates are placed on the table, wine and light snacks are stocked. Later you can serve a hot dish, dessert and fruit. Remove the glasses and replace them with cups and saucers.
  2. How to beautifully set the table for a romantic dinner? A small table is set, at which two people sit opposite each other. The presence of candles and flowers is mandatory. A dark-colored tablecloth will add a special flair to the romantic mood.
  3. For a themed dinner. You can serve dishes prepared from products grown in your dacha. The table is decorated with compositions of vegetables. All dishes are simple, prepared from natural products.
  4. For dinner with a friend. No unnecessary details. Delicate tablecloth, minimal cutlery, light dishes. Perhaps cold cuts or seafood.
  5. Dinner for friends. Friends come to visit for simple informal communication. Therefore, forget about solemnity, everything should be simple. But of course, cook some delicious dishes


Table setting for a children's event

Organizing a children's event is always a special concern for parents. We need to take care not only about the deliciousness of the food and the beauty of the presentation, but also about the safety of the children.
How to properly set the table for a children's party?

  1. To make children feel like adults, set a separate table for them.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the design in the same range. It would be better if you choose some cartoon theme. It must be present in everything.
  3. Disposable tableware is a real godsend for parents who need to organize children's party. Just don't think that we're talking about about simple disposable plates. In stores you can buy very beautiful dishes made of durable plastic or special cardboard. Such dishes are very practical, because they do not break. She is very beautiful, so kids will be delighted with her.
  4. Do not prepare a variety of salads and meat dishes. This is a children's holiday, and children don't like to eat this when visiting. Surprise them with beautiful buffet appetizers that are exactly what they will love.


The benefits of proper table setting

If your family gets used to eating in a cozy and beautiful environment, then food will be a real pleasure. Children will grow up cultured, knowing the place of each item on the table. Evening gatherings around a beautifully set table will bring your family together. And this family tradition will be passed on from generation to generation.

The word "serving" comes from the French servir, which means to serve and has two meanings:

  1. Preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea (arranging dishes in a certain order),
  2. A set of items intended for this purpose (dishes, table linen, etc.).

Table setting is one of the main elements of the interior of the hall and has great importance for creating Have a good mood at the guests' place.

The main requirements for table setting at present are the following: simplicity, practicality, coordination with the interior of the room, and compliance with the food served. Along with the great attention pays attention to the aesthetic orientation of table setting: shape, color, design of dishes; the color of the tablecloth and napkins; compliance with its service theme, use of national characteristics, etc.

Table setting, as well as the whole process of serving guests, is ceremonial in nature and is distinguished by its many options, but it is based on general rules, which are determined by the national labor organization of service personnel, as well as the need to provide maximum convenience to consumers.

Basic rules for table setting

Table setting is carried out in a certain sequence: the table is covered with a tablecloth, then plates are placed, cutlery is laid out, glasses, napkins, and spice utensils (menage) are placed. Each serving element should have a specific place on the table.

Covering the table with a tablecloth. This operation is performed so that the ironed central seam of the tablecloth is located on the axis of the table and both sides of it are at the same level from the floor.

The edges of the tablecloth should fall equally on all sides by at least 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair. A smaller descent gives the table an unaesthetic appearance, a larger one is inconvenient for those sitting. The corners of the tablecloth should go down along the table legs, covering them, and be at a distance of 35–40 cm from the floor.

When covering a table with two tablecloths, the first is laid on the far side of the table (in relation to the main entrance to the hall), the second is placed on top of the first with the side on which the edge was previously turned inward so that a straight line is formed.

Table setting with plates

Depending on the type of service, a small dining room, snack or dessert plate is placed opposite the guest’s chair. The distance from the plate to the edge of the table top should be approximately 2 cm. The emblem or design, if any, on the plate should be facing the guest.

When serving a banquet, the appetizer plate is placed on top of the shallow dining table. In this case, it is advisable to place a napkin between them, but so as not to cover the emblem.

The pie plate is placed on the left side of the main one (small dining room or snack bar) at a distance of 10–15 cm from it, depending on the number of cutlery (forks) to be placed later.

There are various options for placing a pie plate in relation to a small dining room or snack bar.

When placing the plate on the table, take it large and index fingers, which pull in one direction along the side, the remaining fingers only support it.

Table setting with cutlery. Cutlery is placed to the right and left of the central (small dining room, snack or dessert) plate: knives are placed on the right, with the blade facing the plate, forks on the left, teeth up.

Table setting begins with knives

They must be placed on the right side of the plate, placed in the direction from left to right: tablevyy, fish, snack bar. It is customary to place forks on the left side of the plate, placing them in the direction from right to left: table, fish, diner. The guest uses the cutlery in the reverse order while eating.

The butter knife is placed on the right side of the pie plate. The tablespoon is always placed on the right side, with the indentation facing up.

Dessert cutlery is placed behind the plate (small table or snack bar) in the following order (from the plate to the center of the table): knife, fork, spoon. When setting the table with a dessert plate, dessert utensils are placed to the left (fork) and to the right (knife) of it. Often, when serving, only one of the dessert utensils is placed or in pairs - a spoon and fork, a knife and a fork. The cutlery is placed at a short distance from the plate, and next to each other, but so that they do not touch.

The following guest places are served at a distance of 70–80 cm (from the center of the main plate).

Table setting with glasses

The glasses are placed last, holding them by the stem or bottom edge. The glass that is placed first is called the main one. This is usually a water glass and can be placed centrally behind the plate or moved to the right until the top edge of the plate intersects the end of the first knife.

Then the remaining glasses are installed. In this case, there are three ways to arrange them: in length, in a semicircle and in a block, but with any of them you must adhere to the following rule: lower glasses are placed in front of tall ones (the principle of “organ pipes”). This makes pouring drinks easier.

Today there is a tendency to reduce the number of glasses. Even at the most formal dinners, one glass (universal) or two are placed - a glass for water and a glass for wine (universal). All subsequent glasses are served additionally, if necessary, with the corresponding dishes. Beer glasses are usually placed next to the appliances in homes, but in restaurants they are served only upon order.

Setting the table with napkins

Linen napkins are placed on a snack or dessert plate, paper napkins are placed in special stands and vases. It is possible to place the napkin on the pie plate or directly on the tablecloth between the cutlery (knife and fork). Various options folding napkins are shown in Figure 1.

1 – envelope, 2 – book, 3 – “into space”, 4 – cap, 5 – crown, 6 – umbrella, 7 – double crown, 8 – cap
Figure 1 - Options for folding napkins


Finally, salt, spices and seasonings are placed on the table. For mass service during the daytime, salt and pepper can be placed on the table. In other cases, it is recommended to add only salt when serving; other spices and seasonings are served with the appropriate dishes or at the request of consumers.

Characteristics of different types of table settings

Preliminary table setting. This is done before guests arrive. Daytime service (breakfast, lunch) includes a snack bar and pie plate, cutlery (knife and fork; knife, fork, spoon) cutlery, wine glass, linen napkin, and spice set.

In the evening (dinner), it is necessary to supplement the serving with snack utensils and remove the tablespoon. You can put dessert cutlery.

When setting the table for serving tea or coffee, the tea (coffee) saucer is placed to the right of the main plate at the level of its upper edge. The cup is placed on the saucer with the handle to the right. The tea (coffee) spoon is placed on the saucer to the right of the cup parallel to its handle.

Additional table setting. It is carried out at the time of serving guests after receiving an order for a particular dish. May include all utensils, utensils and drink glasses needed to serve custom-made meals.

Service methods

Depending on the number of serving guests, the class and equipment of catering establishments (restaurants, bars), various methods service. The most common are the French, English, American and Russian service methods. All methods of service use the labor of waiters.

French service.This type of service is common in haute cuisine restaurants, where it emphasizes the elegance of the service. French service is considered the most impressive and expensive in the world. A large dish with food laid out on it is shown to the guests. This takes into account a person’s visual perception of beautifully served food, which undoubtedly stimulates the appetite.

Approaching from the left side, the waiter places food from the dish onto the guests' plates. The French type of service can be used both when serving individual guests and a large company.

English service(service from side table). In this method, the waiter places food on the guest's plate on a side table, then serves it from the right side. This type of service is labor intensive and is therefore only recommended for serving a limited number of guests (4-6).

American service.Food is prepared and plated directly in the kitchen. The waiters serve and place plates to the guests. This type is popular due to its simplicity and efficiency.

German service.The food is laid out on a large dish and placed on the table at an accessible distance from the guest so that he can serve himself.

Russian service. Food is served on a service platter. The waiter divides it into portions in front of the guests, then the guests themselves put these portions on plates.

Serving (from French. servir - serve) has the following meanings: preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner; proper placement of dishes, cutlery, and table linen intended for these purposes on the table.

Basic requirements for table setting:

    compliance with the type of service: breakfast, business lunch, lunch or dinner according to the custom-made menu;

    aesthetic orientation (correspondence of the shape and size of the plates to the shape and size of the table, combining them with the color of the tablecloth and napkins, the forms of folding the latter);

    coordination of serving items with the decorative design of the interior of the hall;

    compliance of tableware with the range of dishes, snacks and drinks served;

    reflection of national characteristics and thematic focus of the hall or table.

There are two types of table setting: preliminary and additional. Preliminary is called serving, which is carried out when preparing the restaurant hall for service before the arrival of consumers, which significantly speeds up the service process and gives the hall solemnity and elegance.

Additional serving carried out in accordance with the accepted order and taking into account the range of dishes and drinks served.

Preliminary sorting of the table is carried out in the following sequence:

    covering the table with a tablecloth;

    serving with plates;

    serving with cutlery,

    serving with glassware;

    laying out napkins;

    arrangement of cutlery with spices, vases with flowers and other table accessories.

The specified sequence ensures quick serving and safety of the dishes Covering the table with a tablecloth is carried out as follows. First, the tablecloths, ironed and folded in four along the length, are laid out on the tables, then each one is unfolded and placed along the length of the table (Fig. 5, a). Take the edges of one of the sides with both hands (Fig. 5, b); the tablecloth is raised and lowered onto the tabletop with a sharp movement, as if shaking (Fig. 5, c). The air cushion formed between the unfolded tabletop and the tablecloth makes it possible to lay it in the desired position (Fig. 5, d). In this case, the central fold of the tablecloth should coincide with the center of the table (Fig. 5, d), the perpendicular fold should also run through the middle of the table.

When covering round and square tables, the edges of the tablecloth should fall equally on all sides of the table at least 25-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop, but not lower than the seat of the chair. The corners of the tablecloth should go down strictly along the table legs, covering them. When covering rectangular tables, the descent of the tablecloth from the ends increases to 35-40 cm.

It is not allowed to level the tablecloth by pulling the corners or stroking its surface with your hands. After covering the table with a tablecloth, the chairs (armchairs) are arranged, which is a guideline for the correct placement of plates on the table.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a diagram of covering the tabletop with moulton, a tablecloth, a naperon, and arranging chairs. When setting a table with two small tablecloths, first cover the table with the tablecloth on the side opposite the entrance to the hall, then with the second tablecloth.

The tablecloth is replaced if a large stain has formed on it (Fig. 18). The waiter stands at the end of the table and pulls the tablecloth towards himself so that the opposite side is located along the edge of the table (a), then the tablecloth prepared for replacement is placed on the table, folded in four so that its middle is located at the bottom (b), the bottom the side of the clean tablecloth is lowered over the opposite edge of the table (c); Hold the middle edge of a clean tablecloth with your index and thumb, and with your middle finger

and ring fingers - the edges are stained. Gradually remove the dirty tablecloth and at the same time cover it with a clean one, moving towards you. The table top should not be exposed when replacing the tablecloth (d). Before changing the tablecloth, dishes and drinks are moved to the utility table. If the stain on the tablecloth is small, it should be squeezed out with a towel and covered with a napkin.

Utility tables, which are placed next to dining tables during service, are also covered with specially sewn tablecloths or large napkins.

Table setting with plates Depending on the type of service, table setting can begin with arranging serving, snack or pie plates. Plates (serving, snack plates) are placed on the tables strictly in the center of each chair (armchair) at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, pie plates - 5-10 cm from the edge of the table and 5-10 cm to the left of the snack plates. The company logo on the plate should be located on the side opposite the edge of the table.

When setting a table with serving plates, the waiter takes a stack of each type of plate in his left hand and arranges them with his right hand. You can place a handbrake or a napkin folded in four on your left hand under a stack of plates. Each plate is pushed forward slightly with the thumb of the left hand, then with the right hand they are removed one by one and placed on the table. The table is set in the same way with snack plates, which are placed on serving racks. In both cases, the waiter moves clockwise (from right to left). Then the table is set with pie plates, holding the stack in the palm of the right hand, placing them on the table to the left with the left hand. At the same time, the waiter moves along the table from left to right.

Table setting with cutlery. After the preparatory work (wiping, polishing with a handbrake), the waiter lays out the cutlery on a medium tray covered with a napkin, or on a small dinner plate with a napkin folded in an envelope. The cutlery is placed on the tray in the order in which the table is served (Fig. 19). If the cutlery is placed on a plate, then table knives, snack knives, table and tea spoons are placed inside the envelope; Table and snack forks are placed under the folded corner of the napkin.

The table can be set with cutlery by holding it in a handle folded into an envelope, so that the cutlery is directed deep into it.

First, the table is set with knives and spoons, holding the handbrake in the left hand, then the table is set with forks, placing the handbrake with utensils in right hand. To the right of the plates (serving and snack bars), knives are laid out with the blade facing the plate at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table to the handle of the utensil in the following sequence: table knife, table spoon (for dinner), snack knife. To the left of the plate, lay out the forks, tines up, in the following order (from right to left): table forks, snack forks. The distance between the plate and the device, as well as between the devices, should be no more than 0.5 cm. All devices should be located on the table parallel to each other.

Table setting with glassware(Fig. 20). On a tray covered with a linen napkin, place wine glasses in the amount of 4 or more units (a). The waiter approaches the table and places a wine glass along the axis of the serving or appetizer plate with his right hand. This arrangement of glass or crystal is called centric. You can place the wine glass to the right of the plate at the line where its top edge intersects with the end of the first knife. This arrangement of glass or crystal is called right-handed. The distance between the plate and the wine glass should be 0.5 cm.

Table setting with glass can be done by hand, holding four wine glasses between the fingers of your left hand. by the legs with the containers down (the hand is turned palm up)(b). When setting a table with glass, the waiter moves clockwise with the tray, stops on the right side of the chair, takes the wine glass with his right hand by the stem, without touching the container, and places it on the table to the right.

Laying out napkins. A napkin is a mandatory table setting item. It should be well ironed and beautifully folded. The linen napkin should not be heavily starched. The most convenient to use is a semi-soft napkin. When folding napkins, take into account the possibility of folding them comfortably and simply so that when unfolded they do not look wrinkled.

When setting the table, the waiter places napkins on appetizer plates, and in the absence of the latter, on the table between the cutlery.

When serving consumers on a daily basis, paper napkins are sometimes included in table settings for breakfast or business lunch. Each napkin is beautifully folded and placed in vases, stands and directly on the table. Do not cut paper napkins into pieces and place them in vases and stands.

Arrangement of cutlery with spices. The waiter places a salt and pepper shaker on a small dinner plate, covered with a linen napkin folded in an envelope, and an ashtray under the folded edge of the napkin and places the device with spices closer to the center of the small table or along the axis, and the ashtray closer to the edge of the table on the opposite side . In this case, the salt and pepper shaker should be placed in the right hand between the thumb, middle and index fingers, without touching their upper part. For a table for six or more people, two or more spice utensils are recommended. They are placed on the table asymmetrically on both sides behind the pie plates in line with the wine glasses. Often, devices with spices are placed on special stands. Next to them you can place bottles with vinegar, vegetable oil and hot sauce.

TABLE SETTING TABLE SERVING. Everyday. To protect the table from traces of hot dishes, and also to ensure that the tablecloth lies more evenly, oilcloth or soft, dense fabric is placed under it. In the middle of the table there is a bowl with seasonings (mustard, vinegar, pepper), a salt shaker with a spoon for salt, a plate (or bread box) with bread. Small plates are placed at equal distances from each other. A knife (with the sharpened side of the blade facing the plate) and a spoon are placed to the right of each plate, and a fork is placed to the left of the plate. Both spoons and forks should be placed with the convex side down. If the menu includes an appetizer, then a small appetizer is placed on top of a small plate, and dishes and plates with appetizers are placed closer to the middle of the table.

Cloth napkins are placed in rings with initials or other marks indicating which family member uses each one. Napkins are placed either on top of the snack plate or to the right of the shallow plate, next to the spoon.
Paper napkins are the most convenient and hygienic. They are placed, rolled into a tube, in a glass or vase in the middle of the table.
After the appetizers and appetizer plates have been cleared from the table, soup is served. A bowl of soup, a spoon and a stack of deep plates are placed to the right of the place occupied by the hostess. She pours the soup into bowls and passes it to the diners. After they have finished eating the soup, they remove the bowl, deep plates and spoons, and place a dish with the second dish in the middle of the table. Before serving sweets, remove all used dishes and cutlery from the table and sweep away crumbs from the tablecloth. Kissels, compotes, jellies, mousses and other dessert dishes are served in a cup or in a special vase on a saucer.
Setting the table for breakfast or dinner is not much different from setting the dinner table. As a rule, the breakfast and dinner menus do not include soup, so a spoon is excluded from the set-up and deep plates are not served.
The table for evening tea can be covered with a colored tablecloth rather than a white one; There is a dessert plate for everyone; place a napkin on top of the plate; to the right of the plate is a dessert knife, and to the left is a dessert fork.
A crouton with cookies, a vase with jam, a plate with lemon, etc. are placed in the middle of the tea table. Tea utensils and a small teapot are placed at the place occupied by the hostess. It is convenient to place a samovar or a large teapot on a small special table, which is moved to the edge of the common table where the hostess sits.
Festive table setting quite significantly different from everyday life. The table for a festive lunch or dinner is covered with a large, carefully ironed, moderately starched snow-white tablecloth. A colored tablecloth is also suitable for festive evening tea. It is advisable that the napkins be the same color as the tablecloth and made of the same material.
A vase with fresh flowers is the best table decoration. But we must keep in mind that the most beautiful vase and the most elegant bouquet will be unnecessary if they take up a lot of space and obscure those sitting at the table from each other. It is recommended to make small bouquets and place them in low and wide bouquet holders. A bowl of fruit, bowls of pepper, mustard, and vinegar are placed in the center of the festive table. On opposite sides bouquet holders with fresh flowers are placed. If fruit is not served at the table, then vases of flowers are placed in the center of the table. Cold snacks are placed closer to the center. White and black bread, cut into neat thin slices, are placed on opposite sides of the table. You can also put it on each device by wrapping a slice of white and black bread in a napkin. Wines and drinks are placed closer to the center, along the middle line of the table, but not in one, but in different places.
Large shallow plates are placed at equal distances from each other. A snack bar is placed on top of the small plate, and a small pie plate is placed on the left side. Fold the napkin into a square or triangle and place it on a snack plate.
Cutlery is placed in the same way as for everyday serving. When serving especially special dinners, in addition to ordinary cutlery, you can add snack bars and fish dishes. In this case, fish and snack knives are placed next to the table fork, and fish and snack knives are placed next to the table knife.
Shot glasses, shot glasses, glasses or wine glasses are placed in front of the plate. With a variety of drinks on the festive table, the number of glasses and glasses can reach up to 5 for each device. They are placed in 2 rows: at the beginning - a small glass for strong drinks, next to a glass for Madeira or port wine and a wine glass for mineral water; in the second row - a colored glass for white table wine and a glass for champagne.
The dessert utensil, if the size of the table allows, is placed behind the glasses parallel to the shallow plate. You can serve a dessert knife, fork and spoon along with a dessert plate at the end of dinner, after all other cutlery and plates have been removed from the table.
Wines, except champagne, are placed on the table uncorked. Regular plugs can be replaced with special curly ones. Champagne is opened at the table before it is to be poured.
All dishes and snacks that are placed on the table must be served separately with a spoon, fork, spatula or tongs, which are used to place food from a common dish onto your plate.
It’s good to place small salt shakers in several places, or even better - one salt shaker for each device. See inset.

Concise encyclopedia household. - M.: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A. F. Akhabadze, A. L. Grekulova. 1976 .

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