Sergei Ermakov: “I dream of living to be a hundred. Sergey Ermakov: restless hearts of the fatherland What the heart ached about

Consistently held positions: senior foreman, deputy chief, chief of the Oktyabrsk locomotive depot.

He was a deputy of the legislative assembly of the first convocation until 1999. He was not elected as a deputy of the second convocation and in March 2000 was hired by Diatomite-Invest LLC as a process engineer. In 1996, he lost the election for the position of mayor of the city. And after that, in February 1997, he went to work on a permanent basis in the Legislative Assembly. On March 22, 2010, he left the position of mayor due to the expiration of his powers.

Allegations of sexual harassment

In May 2011, he was accused of sexual harassment by the party's project coordinator " United Russia" - “Moms recommend” by Evgenia Milanskaya.

On June 6, 2011, the Investigative Directorate of Russia for the Ulyanovsk Region made a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of signs of a crime.




  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born on October 4
  • Born in 1937
  • Born in Ufa
  • Heads of Ulyanovsk
  • Deputies of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation 1993-1995

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Eremin, Mikhail Fedorovich
  • Finite difference method

See what “Ermakov, Sergey Nikolaevich” is in other dictionaries:

    Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich

    Ermakov, Oleg Nikolaevich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Ermakov. Oleg Ermakov ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov, Sergey- Ermakov is a Russian surname. Famous carriers Men Ermakov, Sergei Alexandrovich (b. 1965), writer, author of numerous detective stories. Ermakov, Alexander Yurievich (b. 1952), actor of the Maly Theater, People's Artist of Russia (1999) Ermakov, Alexey... ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov- Ermakov is a common Russian surname, included in the list of the 250 most common Russian surnames. Derived from Ermak is a shortened form of the names Ermolai, Ermil. Also a toponym. Contents 1 Known carriers 1.1 Men ... Wikipedia

    Sergey Ermakov- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov, S.N.- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov S.- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov S. N.- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia

    Ermakov S.N.- File: Ermakov Sergey Nikolaevich.jpg Sergey Nikolaevich Ermakov (born October 4, 1937) head of the municipal formation “City of Ulyanovsk”. Biography Born on October 4, 1937 into a working family at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Dema district of the city ... ... Wikipedia


  • Fundamentals of organizing the activities of a commercial bank. Textbook, Ermakov Sergey Lvovich, Yudenkov Yuri Nikolaevich. Designed in accordance with government requirements educational standard in the course "Organization of the activities of a commercial bank", taught in higher education institutions educational institutions countries... Buy for 1763 RUR
  • Internet technologies in the banking business: prospects and risks. Educational and practical manual, Yudenkov Yuri Nikolaevich, Ermakov Sergey Lvovich, Tysyachnikova Natalya Aleksandrovna, Sandalov Ilya Vladimirovich. Dedicated to the problems of introducing Internet technologies into banking in order to study the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of their use, as well as determining control parameters and...

Born on October 4, 1937 in the family of a worker at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Demsky district of the city of Ufa); father is a lineman, mother is a housewife.

In 1945 he entered the high school No. 26 at Kropachevo station, Chelyabinsk region. In 1953 he entered the Railway School in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. In 1968 he graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (Moscow).

Awarded the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree, diploma from UN Habitat and UCLG. He is an Honorary Citizen of Ulyanovsk and an Honorary Railway Worker. Academician of the International Academy of Real Economics, holder of the Order of the Patrons of the Century.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Since 2012 and currently - Chairman of the Ulyanovsk Regional Council veterans war, labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies.

Sergey Nikolaevich widowed October 23, 2018, has a son and grandchildren. (“I’m a railway worker. And my wife worked as an assistant dispatcher. So we met there, and out of fear I got married. So as not to remain single,” Ermakov joked).

Sergei Ermakov is scrupulous about everything that concerns him appearance and physical condition(“I get my hair cut once a month. Twice a year I cleanse my face, when I’m relaxing at the Volzhsky Utes, I put on masks. And my face comes into shape a little. Sometimes, it happens, I go to our salon in Kindyakovka when a pimple pops up, I regularly go to Bubnovsky's salon. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Well, I don't overeat. I have an iron rule - don't eat after seven o'clock in the evening").

In May 2011, he was accused of sexual harassment by the coordinator of the United Russia party project - “Moms Recommend” Evgenia Milanskaya (on May 25 she filed a statement with the prosecutor’s office of the Ulyanovsk region). On June 6, 2011, the Investigative Directorate of Russia for the Ulyanovsk Region refused to initiate a criminal case due to the absence of signs of a crime. In an interview with our portal Sergei Nikolaevich commented on that situation: “It was an outright setup. I know who paid her the money. I didn't talk to this person. I could have gone to court, but I decided to leave. Then she got caught anyway. They were caught in Orenburg. By nature she is fraudster. They took the drawn money, went to the old people, and said: they gave you a bonus, but we only have big ones, give me the change. I even rejoiced in my heart.”

Sergei Nikolaevich, until 1990, from the beginning of your working career, you worked on the railway. And suddenly, on the eve of troubled times, they came to power. How did it happen? Did you know what you were getting into?

I knew perfectly well what I was going into. That's why I didn't want to do it. Now people are striving for power, but I resisted to the last opportunity. I was then the head of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Kuibyshevskaya railway, I had a huge farm stretching a thousand kilometers, twenty-three self-supporting enterprises, large freight stations, fifteen thousand workers. We had our own hospitals, and our own schools, and our own farmsteads, and energy supplies. We didn't depend on anyone. It was, in essence, a state within a state. I am a specialist, I lived by the railroad and felt great.

But in the spring of 1990, elections to the city Council of People's Deputies took place, the positions of chairman of the council and chairman of the executive committee were divided, Viktor Vasiliev refused the post of the pre-city executive committee. Secretary of the CPSU City Committee Yuri Kolpakov came to me and said that a decision had been made to recommend me for this position. I categorically refused. The next day, the chairman of the regional executive committee, Yuri Frolovich Goryachev, called me and gave me a choice: either I agree, or... “a party card on the table.” Older comrades remember what this meant. I had to promise that I would think about it, and the next day I announced my decision...

- How did you feel at first in your new position?

Of course I had great experience in economic affairs, but this is a city! It took me about a year to get into the right rhythm and get to know the entire city economy down to the smallest detail, study the people with whom I had the opportunity to work, and feel confident in this chair.

You were in office at a turning point in Russian history - in August 1991. How did the abrupt transition from socialism to capitalism affect your work?

This, of course, was the most Time of Troubles. Changed politic system, the usual economic structure was breaking down. But you can’t stop life overnight, you can’t turn the hands of a clock. Man, as Karl Marx said, must drink, eat and dress. Funding from federal budget, local enterprises began to feverishly, continuous rallies and strikes began. Even now I don’t fully understand how I managed to survive then. But I would not say that all the troubles befell us instantly. First they announced the liberalization of prices: yesterday a loaf of bread cost thirty kopecks - today it cost three rubles. Then they stopped paying child benefits and started delaying pensions. It was terrible. And when everyone is shouting “Down with it!”, it is impossible to think about construction and any future prospects. We lived through the day - and that was good... There is no fuel oil in the city, there is nothing to buy it with, and it’s winter outside. We must pay tribute to Goryachev - he helped and supported, and we resolved many issues together. Somehow we got out...

Sergey ERMAKOV. Born on October 4, 1937 at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. In April 1990, he was appointed chairman of the executive committee of the City Council of People's Deputies, and in December 1991, head of the city administration. He served as mayor until December 30, 1996. He held this post again in 2004–2010. In 2011, he was chairman of the Public Chamber of the region. Honorary citizen of Ulyanovsk.

- How did you manage to hold out? It was still warm in the houses...

They went into debt. Administrative resources were used. Representatives of the FSB were present at the meetings, and those who supplied gas were more accommodating. They also extracted tax debts from federally subordinate organizations.

Connections have been preserved from the time of railway management - in factories, in gas services. You come and ask for a loan. They believed me. Somehow, in the area there was only a day left of fuel oil, and we burned two trains per day. I flew by helicopter to Nizhnekamsk to the oil refinery. I asked the director for a loan of two trains - fortunately, the relationship was good. Mutual assistance helped to survive. And there were many such examples.

What did my heart ache for?

- Having experienced such difficulties, youno less, re-nominated themselves for mayor after two terms?

After me, Vitaly Marusin took over the city, and with the groundwork that I and my team made, he managed to hold out for some time. But the city began to lose ground in all areas - in utilities, road repair, and energy. In addition, relations between the city and regional authorities have become so strained that they have become antipodes. And this doesn't end well.

As a result, Marusin did not even try to run for a second term, and the people with whom I worked asked me to participate in the elections. But then a powerful team of political strategists who worked for Pavel Romanenko, a native of the FSB, came out against me. But his lack of economic experience affected him. And he himself soon realized what a burden he had taken upon himself. And his team was, in my opinion, very weak, everyone “pulled the blanket on themselves.” In addition, relations with Governor Shamanov did not work out. In general, the city was not worried better times. And then, in 2004, I was going to be elected to State Duma, collected signatures. There was confidence that they would be elected. And then the same people who worked against me in the previous elections came to me and promised support. My heart still ached for the city, especially after several years when the most basic things were missing, when Ulyanovsk was freezing...

So I agreed. And he won the elections. People have already begun to understand that it is not rallies that are needed, but professional work - including in government.

- How did you manage to improve relations with the regional authorities after so many years of conflict?

Sergei Morozov, who was elected governor at the same time as me, immediately declared his readiness to cooperate. He said: “We must put the city in order.” I immediately felt supported and perked up. In addition, Morozov had experience as mayor of Dimitrovgrad, so it was not difficult for us to find mutual language on almost all issues. And the situation was difficult even then. The entire regional budget was nine billion rubles. Now it has increased more than fivefold. I was lucky to put together a good team, where no one had to be pushed - everyone knew their job. To manage, you need to know what you are managing, and to know, you need to see everything with your own eyes. Here's just one example... In the fall of 2004, my first deputy reported that a pipe break in the Zheleznodorozhny district left several high-rise buildings without water. Restoration work scheduled to start in the morning. The time is 17:00... I tell him: “Yuri Alekseevich, can you imagine, people will wake up in the morning, and they won’t have a chance to wash, go to the toilet, or drink tea...”. He ordered a team of workers and a tractor to be called. I warned that I would arrive at the work site in two hours. I arrived, looked into the pit, saw that the workers were already changing the valve and swearing that “some smart guy forced them to work - neither drink tea nor smoke...”. I sent my deputy to get pies, tea and cigarettes. At two o'clock in the morning the water was supplied. So I put the responsibility system in order, and it began to work...

Students' time

- How long did the charge that you left last?

I look at everything from the outside now. If I see something wrong somewhere, I call the people in charge. The worst thing that was done after me was to immediately disperse the old experienced team. Some positions were filled with people who had absolutely no idea what they were supposed to do. And the population felt that many services were filled with incompetent people, but with ambitions. Now it’s a different matter: Sergei Panchin (Head of the city - Ed.) is my student, we worked a lot together, I appointed him head of the administration of the Zasviyazhsky district, and he then pulled out the district. And now he often consults with me, and the city has created a structural system that does not allow the situation to deteriorate. And the funds are now completely different - one and a half billion rubles have been allocated for the reconstruction of roads alone, and this is a huge amount of money that has never existed before.

- Do you now have leverage over the situation in the city?

Since 2012, I have headed the regional Council of Veterans, approved as co-chairman of the regional organizing committee “Victory”, and these public positions provide an opportunity to influence issues of medical and social services veterans, systematic work in municipalities on patriotic education, improvement, maintenance of monuments... Of course, I cannot give an order, but it is often enough to point out shortcomings and give recommendations. I write quarterly memos to the governor with a list of tasks and how they are being accomplished. And the Veterans Council has the right to contact any government structure with its requests, proposals and even demands. Public control is playing an increasingly important role.

- I see that you have a lot of energy left. What are you dreaming about now?

I dream of living beautifully and long. I still have twenty years left.

- Where does this figure come from?

My mother once told me that I would live to be a hundred. I believe her...

The generation of winners - front-line soldiers, home front workers, the last military call, children of war - those who defended the Motherland, forged Victory in the rear, restored the national economy destroyed by the war - they all have one name - veteran.
The country bows to them and cares as best it can for people whose age, difficult life and inexorable time take away their strength and health. But not memory. They are the last living witnesses of those fiery years, the keepers of memory. And if this memory is not erased from the minds and hearts of new generations, then more and more people will distort it beyond recognition. And today, veterans have taken on the difficult responsibility of talking to young people about how it really was. We talked about this with the chairman of the regional council of war veterans, labor and law enforcement agencies, Sergei Nikolaevich Ermakov.
— What you are absolutely right about is that the years take their toll. But don’t think of us as decrepit and weak people. We must remember and realize: a veteran is wisdom and experience.
“However, lately, veterans at meetings with young people have been acting as “wedding generals” - they came, they told, and... they forgot.
- Completely wrong! Now our veterans are a fighting force in strengthening military-patriotic work with young people. With their help, school museums are replenished, children write the stories of their families, piece by piece, together with their parents, restoring what has been preserved in the memory of generations.
An information and propaganda lecture group has been created and operating under the regional council of veterans for a quarter of a century. In their work on military-patriotic education, they Special attention pay attention to exposing the facts of falsification of the results of the Great Patriotic War. The group performs in schools, universities, lyceums in Ulyanovsk and the region, but its main purpose is to work in rural schools. Members of the presidium of the regional council periodically travel to the districts of the region to provide practical, methodological assistance in organizing the work of regional councils of veterans on the ground.
— Sergey Nikolaevich, does the work of the regional veterans’ council extend beyond the region?
- How else? We fruitfully cooperate with veteran organizations of Privolzhsky federal district, entered into appropriate written agreements with them. We meet, exchange experiences, visit our neighbors, and receive guests ourselves. Our colleagues from Yekaterinburg visited Ulyanovsk, our activists of the veteran movement got acquainted with the work of the councils of Kazan, Cheboksary, and Ufa. During the celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, we visited the sites of the battles near Stalingrad. We have adopted the best from the experience of the Stalingrad Veterans Council. Such cooperation enriches the methodology of our work.
“Today we stand on the threshold of the greatest date, the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
“And this is the main event of our time.” Last fall, on the initiative of the regional council of veterans, cluster seminars were organized on the topic of preparation for the anniversary. Local veterans' councils have done a tremendous job. Actions were held
“I remember, I’m proud,” and the initiative to form the Immortal Regiment unit received the deepest resonance among the population. For example, in the Kuzovatovsky district there are 24 monuments to fallen soldiers and 400 memorial plaques. In the Radishchevsky district, children planted 70 tulips at monuments and obelisks. And so it is in almost every district of the region. At the initiative of the regional council of veterans, the idea of ​​​​creating and installing a monument to “Children of War” was voiced and accepted by the governor, the government and the population with great approval and understanding. Today the monument is erected. Thank you very much to those people who donated money for its creation from their personal savings. I will name only a few names: Irina Mikhailovna Selezneva from Cherdakly, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Fedulova, Ekaterina Grigorievna Naumova and Nina Vasilievna Zhidkova from Ulyanovsk, Maria Mikhailovna Skorobogatova from Kuzovatov... You can’t list them all. Heartfelt thanks to them.
— Sergei Nikolaevich, let me return to the beginning of our conversation. Time spares no one. A bitter poetic line sounded: “The ringing of medals is getting quieter and quieter, and the system is not so impeccable...”. But to put it bluntly: the generation of winners is leaving, we talk a lot good words gratitude, we talk about caring for veterans. How are things going in real life?
— Firstly, in the region, with the participation of the regional council of veterans, the “Care” program, known throughout the country, was again intensified. This is an integral part of the work of all veteran organizations. Specifically: in the Staromainsky district, veteran activists together with social workers took part in the “Health Train” campaign. Medical workers They literally examine veterans at home, prescribe them a course of treatment, and monitor the health status of older people. Over time, this action began to work on a regional scale. In the Radishchevsky district, all veterans who needed improved housing conditions were awarded certificates for the purchase of housing. In the Zavolzhsky district, the Veterans Council created the “Good Deeds” Foundation. This made it possible to provide veterans medical care on preferential terms. The regional council and local veterans' councils ensure that targeted assistance is provided regularly to low-income veterans. This is just a small part of a large, everyday, not noisy and not loud job.
- Sergei Nikolaevich, these are anniversary days - the victory marches will end, the fireworks will die down, the holiday will end. The work of veterans' councils will not be judged by the past holiday - here everyone did everything they could. You have been heading the regional veterans council for four years. Much has been done, much remains to be done. How do you yourself evaluate the work of your colleagues and the regional council of elders as a whole?
- Why should I give an assessment? This is our reporting year. From June to veteran organizations The reporting and election campaign begins, which will end in October with the reporting and election regional conference. There people will tell us how we worked, and this will be the most objective and impartial assessment.
Until then, we'll do our job, the main objective who cares about people.
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Sergei Nikolaevich Ermakov was born on October 4, 1937 in Bashkiria. In 1955 he graduated from the railway school, worked in a locomotive depot, and served in the navy. In 1968 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. Since 1985 - head of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Kuibyshev Railway. In 1990, he was elected chairman of the Ulyanovsk City Executive Committee. From 1991 to 1996 - head of the administration of Ulyanovsk. 1995 - 1999 - deputy of the ZSO. In March 2004, he was again elected as a deputy of the ZSO, and in December 2004 - mayor of Ulyanovsk. Since April 2012 - Chairman of the regional council of war veterans, labor and law enforcement agencies.

Born on October 4, 1937 at the Dema station of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the family of a worker - a trackman. Sergei Nikolaevich began his career in 1955 at the Electric Locomotive Depot of the city of Zlatoust of the South Ural Railway as a mechanic, and then as an assistant driver of an electric locomotive. From 1957 to 1960 he underwent urgent military service, at the end of which he worked in Parovozny, and then in the Locomotive Depot of the city of Oktyabrsk as an assistant driver of an electric locomotive, and subsequently as an electric locomotive driver. At the same time he studied at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in Moscow. Consistently held positions: senior foreman, deputy chief, head of the locomotive depot in the city of Oktyabrsk.

In 1979, Sergei Ermakov became deputy head of the locomotive service of the Kuvbyshevskaya Railway Administration, and six years later - head of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Kuybyshevskaya Railway.

Knowledge of industry problems and having your own practical experience allowed him to effectively resolve issues of railway development. Over 35 years of work in this field, Sergey Ermakov has proven himself to be an initiative worker, a good organizer and business executive, and a skilled team leader.

Sergei Nikolaevich's outstanding personal qualities and high successes in mining activities were noted by the leader of the country, and in April 1990 he was elected chairman of the executive committee of the Ulyanovsk City Council of People's Deputies.

In December 1991, by Decree of the President of Russia, Sergei Ermakov was appointed Head of Administration (Mayor) of the city of Ulyanovsk. He worked in this position until December 30, 1996.

From 1993 to 1995 he was a member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. In December 1995 he was elected deputy Legislative Assembly Ulyanovsk region of the first convocation, where until December 1999 he worked as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

In March 2004, Sergei Ermakov was again elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Ulyanovsk Region, where he headed the Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government.

Over the years of fruitful activity in the field of management, Sergei Nikolaevich gained respect and trust among city residents and on December 5, 2004, he was elected Head of the City of Ulyanovsk by popular vote. The period of leadership of Sergei Ermakov was marked by positive changes in various fields cities. Extensive experience in the field of state and municipal administration, knowledge of the processes of socio-economic development municipalities, the ability to identify the main and primary ones from a mass of problems, to competently assess the situation and find the right ways to solve problems, the ability to establish interaction with other authorities, business activity, efficiency and a developed sense of responsibility to the population and the team allowed Sergei Nikolaevich to achieve significant success in the development of Ulyanovsk .

Behind successful activities The mayor of the city was awarded letters of gratitude and Certificates of honor from the heads of municipal and state power. In February 2007, the Presidium of the International Real Economy awarded Sergei Ermakov a diploma for conferring the honorary title “Academician” for his many years of work in the railway transport system, for his contribution to improving legislative activities and ensuring the socio-cultural and patriotic education of the population of the Volga District.