Septic tank made of eurocubes with pumping. Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes. Step #3 - further maintenance

A septic tank made from Eurocubes allows you to provide effective cleansing drains at home or on a country property. Its popularity is explained by its ease of installation and operation, and economic benefits. In combination with properly arranged drainage, it will perform its functions efficiently for many years.

Eurocubes are containers used for reliable transportation and subsequent storage of non-food products of liquid consistency. In production they use non-toxic, strong and non-corrosive material. In addition, the containers have sufficient capacity. Additional strength is provided by a steel frame along the entire outer surface of the products. Eurocubes have a drain hole, the neck of which is screwed on with a lid.

Construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes

In private households, installing a septic tank from vat yourself is the least labor-intensive. In this case, most often the sewage system from Eurocubes is equipped with two compartments. Where the sewer pipe is connected to the first chamber in which the wastewater undergoes primary clarification. They then move on to the next compartment. There, anaerobic decomposition of waste occurs and the post-treatment process continues. From the second chamber of the septic tank, water flows into special zones for final purification at the ground level.

The tanks are equipped with ventilation pipes, as well as inlet and outlet pipes for the passage of liquids. Additionally, a pipe is installed as an intermediate element when transferring partially clarified waste into the next chamber from the first.

The entire septic tank structure is insulated with foam plastic slabs or other materials suitable for the given situation, and the joints between the walls and the supplied pipes are insulated using sealant. For full operation of the second Eurocube, it is mounted slightly lower than previously installed.

Advantages and disadvantages

A septic tank made using plastic Eurocubes has a number of advantages:

  • light weight, which allows you to carry out installation work on one's own;
  • tightness, durability of the structure and resistance of the material to aggressive factors, even when installed on soils above the ground level at a high level groundwater;
  • metal carcass How structural element Eurocubes, reduces the load from soil pressure;
  • energy independence;
  • thanks to additional insulation, the septic tank can be used all year round;
  • during installation there is no need to use special equipment and there is no need to install massive floors;
  • reasonable price, this is especially noticeable when purchasing previously used products;
  • simplicity both in maintenance of the septic tank and during operation.

If additional treatment is provided, then the treated wastewater is suitable for reuse.

Despite the noted advantages, septic tanks made from Eurocubes are also not without disadvantages:

  • thin walls of containers are subject to deformation under the influence of soil, and the metal frame may not be able to withstand such pressure. As protection, the space between the walls of the pit and the containers is filled with concrete.
  • due to the lightness of plastic, the septic tank structure can float if it is flooded by groundwater, so prerequisite is the attachment of the Eurocube to concrete base.

Calculation of septic tank capacity

During production, Eurocubes have a standard capacity of 800, 1000, 1200 liters. To determine the volume of container that can most effectively solve the problems of private housing construction in a particular case, it is necessary to make simple calculations.

The daily norm is determined by multiplying the number of people living at home by 200 liters (fixed indicator). Since it is assumed that the liquids remain in the septic tank for about three days, the resulting productivity is multiplied by 3 (also an indicator established by the standards). Taking into account a possible addition to the family or unexpected guests, it is recommended to increase the volume required by calculations by approximately another 20%.

How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands

Creating a structure from Eurocubes for a private house with your own hands involves, first of all, preparing a foundation pit. The pit must be made wider than the size of the containers themselves. About half a meter or a little less, taking into account the addition of insulation and a concrete base. It is also necessary to provide that sewer pipes require a mandatory slope during installation. At the same stage, a filtration trench for the perforated pipe is dug.

A sand and gravel cushion is placed along the bottom of the pit. It is poured with concrete mortar on top, leveled and attached metal hinges, intended as clamps for tanks. Time allowed for complete drying concrete pouring, can be spent on preparing for the installation process itself.

Holes should be made along the walls of the containers: in the first - for the incoming pipe and further movement of biological fluids; in the second, one hole will be the entrance from the first Eurocube, and the other is intended for a pipe to the filtration field. A ventilation hole must be made on the surface of each cube. In this case, its location should be above the overflow system. To ensure the slope of the pipes in the direction of movement Wastewater, each subsequent hole is made lower than the previous one. But it is important to remember that the level of the second tank will be lower than the first.

A tee is placed in each of the septic tanks, and an inlet pipe is connected to one of its holes. The second, on the opposite side, is intended for draining into the compartment; the ventilation riser is connected to the third.

The pipes are fitted to the tee, and the outlet pipe is attached. The joints must be tightly sealed, and then all used Eurocubes must be connected to each other using reinforcement.

The process of installing a septic tank from Eurocubes.

  1. The tanks are installed at the bottom of the pit, securing them with metal cables or clamps to hooks, rings or other elements located in the concrete base. The Eurocubes themselves are connected by welding the reinforcement elements to a metal base.
  2. Pipes are laid in the trenches, maintaining the slope.
  3. The incoming and outgoing systems are connected to the septic tank and a ventilation riser is installed.
  4. The containers are lined with insulation on all sides, after which free space from the walls of the pit to the surfaces of the tanks, concrete is poured, which will protect the walls from collapse. The lattice of Eurocubes is used as reinforcement. Filling concrete mortar performed in stages. For reliable hardening, it must be distributed in portions, in layers.
  5. Pipes for ventilation are installed in the holes prepared on the surfaces of the tanks, and the joints are hermetically sealed.
  6. The finished septic tank system is filled with water. Then, along with the trench, they fill it with sand or gravel, and on top with a layer of soil.

Operating rules

Factory-made Eurocubes have drain holes. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent leakage by sealing not only the connecting seams, but also the threads. Then close these places with a lid. To ensure smooth operation of the system, it is necessary to ensure that the containers do not overfill. It is also mandatory to carry out the following activities:

  • You should not throw objects into the sewer that could clog it;
  • the entrance to the septic tank must be clear in case a sewer truck is called in;
  • during this time it is necessary to leave a little sludge in them, which promotes activation;
  • not allowed into winter period filling the septic tank completely;
  • periodically add special biological products;
  • Preventative work is recommended to be carried out in the fall, since microorganisms are less active at this time of year. If this condition is met, the possibility of occurrence of unpleasant odor.

It is quite possible to install a septic tank from Eurocubes on your own. But it should be remembered that at the same time all sanitary standards must be observed.

How to properly and effectively organize sewerage on summer cottage do it yourself, a question that often arises among people who are deprived of the opportunity to use the centralized option. And really the need for autonomous, and most importantly effective system drainage of sewage and waste is simply necessary for the comfortable existence of a modern person in a private wooden house.

And although the thought is firmly ingrained in our minds that only cesspool is a way out of the current situation, this is far from true. Nowadays, septic tanks (a cesspool with several chambers for cleaning, see do-it-yourself septic tank) are becoming more and more widespread, due to a more sophisticated sewage filtration system and excellent productive capacity.

As a basis for wastewater, there are many various materials. Let's consider one of the simplest and most effective of them - a do-it-yourself septic tank made from Eurocubes.

Memo: Eurocube is a container for transporting large volumes of liquid.

It turns out that we remove the pipe from the house at a depth of 50 cm, until the sewer pipes reach the septic tank, the depth will be approximately 56-62 cm, we insulate the pipes (foam or mineral wool— somehow I don’t feel like digging into the frozen soil in winter), then the septic tank itself and the absorption field/ drainage well. We anchor the septic tank itself so that it does not float up in the spring with the rise of groundwater, we strengthen/insulate the walls so that the soil does not squeeze the septic tank. It turns out that from the surface to the top of the septic tank is about a meter. We insulate the septic tank from above and fill it with crushed stone/earth.

drawing/diagram of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Even a person with little knowledge of construction will be able to make a septic tank from a Eurocube with his own hands; it is enough to know a few basic rules.

The advantages of the Eurocube compared to other options for constructing a septic tank are undeniable:

  1. Its price is quite low compared to similar designs (plastic septic tanks).
  2. The time required to install such a septic tank will not exceed 2-3 days, provided that you perform all the main work alone.
  3. The plastic from which the Eurocube is made is durable and has excellent waterproofing.
  4. Such a septic tank requires a minimum additional work, there is no need for its covering and additional finishing, unlike a septic tank made of concrete rings.

Let's get started

As in any other business, from the beginning we need to decide what goals and results we set for ourselves. Having made the necessary calculations about the average daily volume of wastewater that the septic tank has to cope with, proceed to search for the necessary cubes. Remember, the total volume of septic tank tanks must be at least three times the daily waste.

Tip: it is preferable to have no more than two drainage containers, this will reduce the total number of connections between the chambers, but will not affect the efficiency at all.

Next, armed with a shovel (or hiring the necessary equipment), we begin to dig a pit with our own hands. Due to the fact that the Eurocube is sealed and additional drainage system, the location of such a septic tank can be in any convenient place.

From excavator to designer.

Having prepared the pit for the future sewerage system, we proceed to the actual installation DIY septic tank from Eurocubes. To do this, you should make a cushion of sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit. Well, if there is a risk of soil subsidence under the weight of the filled cube (and, accordingly, the risk of damage to the connecting pipes), it is worth making a concrete screed.

Note: upon completion of installation, you need to make sure that all pipe connections are tight. As additional insulation, it is worth using a special sealant or liquid rubber.

This is what an almost finished septic tank looks like

The sewerage and filtration scheme of such a septic tank itself comes down to the following. Through the pipes, the wastewater enters the first section of the septic tank, where heavy particles are separated and settle to the bottom of the tank. Then, when a certain level of waste is reached (approximately 50 cm), sewage through the connecting pipe enters the second chamber of the septic tank. As an option, you can use a height difference (the second Eurocube is installed lower by 20-30cm).

The second chamber is equipped with a special drainage pipe (several pipes can be used), which is located at a level of 15-20 cm from the bottom of the cube. To improve drainage capacity, it is advisable to additionally build a drainage well or filtration field.

Both chambers are required to be equipped with a ventilation pipe protruding a couple of meters above the ground. In the interior of the first chamber, the ventilation pipe should be located 10-15 cm above the connecting pipe, and not only serves as a removal of harmful fumes, but also serves to pump out sewage with a sewage machine.

Advice: do better ventilation pipe from several elements, so that if necessary it can be disconnected top part and use it to pump out waste.

In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe should also be located at a level of 10-15 cm, but already from the drainage pipes.

After preparing and checking all the connecting elements, the Eurocubes take their designated place in the pit and are re-fixed, this time, with the pipes.

Video of a septic tank made from Eurocubes with your own hands

At high groundwater levels

Alpine slide - filtration field

If the level groundwater is high, then you have to make a bulk filtration field - it can be designed in the form of an alpine slide :).

So, if the ground level is high, the septic tank is installed as usual, but here you will have to carefully secure the Eurocubes to the bottom of the pit, as if the ground level is high, they can float up and damage the tightness of the connections. Then you will need another container (you can install a third Eurocube as an additional filter block or well). A pump with a float switch is installed in the third compartment, which will pump water into the filter field that we made above groundwater.

Completion of work on installing a septic tank from Eurocubes.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes crushed the soil

The final stage is the formation around external wall concrete screed to protect the cube from soil pressure on it. If the soil is quite loose, you can get by by simply compacting sand around the cubes or installing OSP panels/slate/corrugated sheets.

This is the creation process autonomous sewerage can be considered completed.

For drainage, you should use special perforated pipes sprinkled with coarse crushed stone. Crushed stone will prevent pipes from silting and at the same time has excellent throughput.

If possible, try to use additional funds wastewater disposal, for example: a filter well or special biological mixtures.

Plastic is very sensitive to low temperatures, so you should not allow it to be completely filled in the winter, as severe frost it may simply crack from internal pressure. One way to avoid this problem is to build a septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or by additionally insulating it.

To make the Eurocube more stable from the impact of soil, you can make its outer sheathing with rocky wire.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is an effective autonomous system removal of waste and sewage. It provides a comfortable life for a person in country house where there is no central sewerage system.

Sewer structure made of Eurocubes

The cubes that we will use to make a septic tank are made in the form of containers made of polyethylene that is resistant to chemical compounds. Such material in contact with aggressive environment completely retains its mechanical and physical properties. Containers are placed in a welded frame made of metal profiles. The volume of Eurocubes varies - 640–1250 liters. The inside of the described containers is additionally reinforced with special shields (they are placed in the corners).

Due to this, polyethylene containers resist operational abrasion well. Eurocubes have other advantages. They are: completely sealed; can withstand, thanks to the presence steel profiles and ergonomic cubic configuration, serious loads; resist influences external environment. Such containers are originally manufactured for long-term storage and transportation of aggressive substances. Therefore, they can be called ideal for the construction of autonomous ones.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes has a number of advantages:

  • high speed of building the system with your own hands;
  • the opportunity to purchase used containers at a minimal cost;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • excellent waterproofing of containers and their durability;
  • small amount of preparation work plastic containers under the cleaning system.

The disadvantage of Eurocubes is their relative lightness. If flood waters flood your suburban area, they may well “float” to the surface of the ground. This can be avoided by attaching containers to concrete base tie straps and cables. Also, Eurocubes with thin walls can become deformed under the influence of increased loads. It is not recommended to use such containers for arranging a septic tank.

  • perform thorough waterproofing of containers;
  • wisely choose the location for their installation, taking into account the terrain in order to reduce the influence of heaving soils on the stability of the septic tank;
  • tie containers together with steel rods;
  • protect the cubes from strong compression (completely concrete the ditch under country sewerage or make container lining from boards).

Such measures significantly increase the efficiency of operation and reduce all its “cons” to a minimum.

Country sewerage without pumping out wastewater - device diagram

By making a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, you will have at your disposal a reliable and fairly environmentally friendly “mini-sewage system”. Its operation is based on the separation (mechanical) of large waste particles present in wastewater. It becomes possible thanks to two-level design septic tank, which provides the so-called “overflow phenomenon”.

The operating diagram of the system looks like this:

  1. From the plumbing equipment, wastewater flows through pipes into the first container. It separates heavy fractions, which sink to the bottom of a plastic container.
  2. When the level of waste reaches a certain level (its value depends on the volume of Eurocubes used), they are moved to an adjacent container. The flow of large particles is ensured by the fact that a certain height difference is provided between the containers.
  3. By drainage pipe waste from the second container is discharged into the ground. The pipe, note, is mounted approximately 20 centimeters higher from the bottom of the container. It must be mounted at its end check valve. It prevents the possibility of wastewater flowing back into the pipe.

Often special biological activators are added to Eurocubes. They form a special environment in containers that effectively breaks down wastewater. The use of activators ensures the production of waste with a minimum volume of undissolved fractions (no more than 0.5% of the total amount of waste). Due to this, wastewater enters the ground, which environment does not cause any damage.

Improve waste pumping-free cleaning system for a summer residence, it is possible by constructing filtration fields on your suburban area or a drainage well. As we can see, to make a truly effective “ private sewer“It’s quite possible for a dacha.

Preparatory stage - taking into account all the little things

You will be able to build a high-quality sewer system without pumping if you correctly select the volume of containers and choose a place to install the system, and also purchase all necessary tools and materials. First you need to decide on the place where you will build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. It is selected so that:

  • the septic tank was located at a distance of more than 5 meters from the house, and 2 meters from other buildings;
  • it was possible to ensure a slope of the sewer pipe for each meter of at least 2 centimeters;
  • it was possible to easily approach the containers to service them;
  • the pipeline had no bends (if it is not possible to do without them, it is necessary to install intermediate wells).

In addition, it is worth understanding that excessive removal of the septic tank from a residential building will require you to spend considerable money on the construction of an extended pipeline. And the long length of the pipes contributes to the formation of blockages in them, which you will have to clear. Therefore, there is no need to build a septic tank without pumping at a distance of more than 15 meters from the house, even when the area of ​​your suburban area allows you to do this.

The volume of containers is selected according to the number of sanitary equipment installed in the house and the number of permanent residents, as well as the activity of using sanitary equipment. If you are at the dacha only in the warm season, it is enough to take Eurocubes with a volume of 650–800 liters. But when people live in the house permanently, it is better to install larger containers. According to existing standards, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day. It is recommended to install a septic tank three times larger in volume.

This means that if 3 people live in a house, you will need to make a septic tank from two cubes with a total volume of 1800 liters. This is quite enough for a comfortable life in private housing construction.

Let's get started - prepare the pit and containers

We will install plastic Eurocubes in the pit. He must have certain geometric dimensions. It’s easy to decide on them - add 15 cm in length to each side of the containers used. And you dig a pit for the obtained parameters. A gravel cushion should be made at its bottom. Then pour concrete mortar onto it (up to 0.3 m thick) and immediately install metal hinges into it. They will be needed to secure the containers.

At the stage earthworks trenches also need to be dug. You will lay sewer pipes in them. Please note that it is necessary to provide a slight slope of the trenches towards the installed wastewater collection and treatment system. Now you can start preparing the containers. We will need to make several holes in them for ventilation and pipes (inlet and outlet), and drains in lower parts must be carefully sealed. If you are installing a system with two cubes, you need to stock up on four 10–15 cm sections of pipes and tees. The latter are inserted into containers as follows:

  • Make a cut around the necks of the containers (it should look like the letter P);
  • bend the edge;
  • install a tee.

Next, make holes on the sides of the containers. Pipes will be connected to them. In the first Eurocube, a sewer pipe will be connected to the hole. She'll tie it together internal system and a septic tank. The connection is made quickly and without difficulty - cut the pipe product required length, feed it into the hole and attach it to the tee. Be sure to seal the joints individual elements systems! A ventilation hole must be provided above the tee. A pipe with a cross-section of 5 cm, no less, is usually inserted into it.

On the other side of the cube there is another hole - the exit hole. It should be somewhere 0.2 m below the first one. Make the same hole in the second container. Then connect them with a pipe - use tees. Ventilation outlets also need to be provided above them. After this, you need to weld the Eurocube bodies together (you can additionally use reinforcing bars). Due to this, the containers will not move in relation to one another. And then you need to seal the necks of the cubes, fasten them (as firmly as possible) with rivets and coat them with sealant.

Installing a septic tank - sequential assembly

After the concrete in the pit has dried, we lower the Eurocubes into it (don’t forget that they should already be fastened together) and fix them with a cable to the loops mounted at the bottom of the pit. If the soil in the area is unstable and there is a possibility of flooding, line the containers with boards or sheet metal. It is also allowed to fill the gap between the ground and the walls of the cubes with concrete mortar to increase their stability.

But concrete should only be poured after you have filled the containers with water. The next important stage of work is the insulation of Eurocubes. This operation must be carried out necessarily, otherwise aerobic bacteria will not be able to decompose wastewater when low temperatures. Insulation of containers is most often carried out polystyrene foam boards or pieces of foam plastic.

All you have to do is lay a layer of insulation on the surface of the septic tank and cover it with earth, leaving only the pipe outlets (cleaning and ventilation) on the surface, and lay perforated pipe products for drainage. Their recommended diameter is 5 cm. The drainage is connected through a tee to the outlet pipe of the second Eurocube, and then it is covered with gravel (layer about 20 cm) to eliminate the risk of silting of the system. Your country septic tank ready!

In order for life in a private home or country house to be comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to have all communication services that function smoothly. This also applies sewer system. There is an opportunity to do homemade septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands.

Eurocube is a plastic container in the shape of a cube, which is enclosed in a steel frame in the form of a mesh. They are usually used for transporting various liquids, but Eurocubes can also be used for installing septic tanks.

You can make a septic tank with your own hands from 2-3 eurocubes connected alternately.

Eurocubes should be located on different levels, i.e. each will be lower than the previous one, then the drains will flow from one Eurocube to another.

During the cleaning process, they will be broken down by anaerobic bacteria.

So that a septic tank made from Eurocubes with your own hands can exist for a long time without pumping, it is necessary to add biologically active substances during the installation process, after interaction with which the purified liquid is absorbed into the soil.

The sludge can be removed once every few years, leaving a corresponding hole in the Eurocube for this purpose.

Advantages of a septic tank from a Eurocube

Why can you use a Eurocube for a septic tank?

Disadvantages of using a Eurocube for septic tanks:

DIY Eurocube installation

Self-installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes at the dacha includes several stages:

In order to install a septic tank, you need to have Eurocubes, several pipes with a cross-section of 150 mm (their number varies and depends on the number of ventilation, transitions between containers), as well as 6 adapters.

For greater savings, purchase used Eurocubes, since washing them is unreasonably expensive, and to use them as a septic tank, washing is not required.

First, you need to make slots for tees in the necks of the Eurocube. After 20 cm from the top down, make passages for the outlet pipe, which should connect to the tee inside the chamber.

Next on opposite side Eurocube requires cutting a gap 40 cm from the top. Don't forget to make a slot for ventilation in the lid, and also install each camera strictly 20 cm lower.

At self-installation The septic tank must be properly sealed at the junction of the pipe and the Eurocube.

In order to prevent deformation of the walls of the Eurocube from soil pressure during installation, fill it with water. You will also need penoizol to cover the upper surface of the septic tank.

If all the conditions for installing a septic tank are met, then this design will serve you for many years.

How to extend the service life of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

The septic tank does not require special maintenance, but some points are worth considering to extend its useful life:

  1. Once every couple of years it is necessary to remove sediment from the container;
  2. Add dietary supplements periodically.

Septic tank made from Eurocubes with my own hands, is an economical and excellent option for use in any climate zone.

Self-made and effectively working VOCs (local wastewater treatment plants) arouse increased interest among users of our portal. For example, when the groundwater level is low, it is often used.

An attempt to implement this scheme on poorly draining, heaving soils, if the groundwater level is high, it can end disastrously. The rings can move during seasonal soil movement, and the tightness of the septic tank will be broken, and the drainage well (which is installed without a bottom) or filtration fields will constantly flood. Use of purchased plastic in a water-saturated “problem” area treatment plants It can also lead to the fact that when the soil heaves, the buried system is pushed out or compressed by the walls.

In this regard, an interesting scheme for implementing a surface septic tank from Eurocubes in a “swamp” user FORUMHOUSE with nickname Globi.


On my site high level groundwater. You can't make a regular septic tank. Having looked at the ordeals of my neighbor (for the second season after winter, he is trying to “drown” the constantly emerging VOCs), I decided to make a surface treatment system based on 2 Eurocubes.

The system attracted close attention from users who encountered a similar problem. high groundwater level. But, having decided to build this diagram, you should immediately think about where to drain the drain after the septic tank. Often, the problem of additional purification and further disposal of “black” water in a wetland, with insufficient absorption capacity of the soil, turns into a real “headache”.

How I solved this problem Globi, We will tell you a little later, but now we will describe the design of a surface septic tank. To assemble it we will need:

  • Eurocubes – 2 pcs.
  • Material for constructing an extension to the house in which the septic tank is installed: boards - 10 pcs. section 100x25 mm, sheets flat slate 1 cm thick.
  • Material for insulating the box – polystyrene foam (foam plastic) – 10 sheets.
  • Corrugated sheeting for the roof of a “house” for a septic tank.
  • Melochovka – sewer pipes, special sealing cuffs for septic tank, tees, hardware.


Eurocubes cost me 3,500 rubles per piece. (at 2012 prices). I paid another 4,100 rubles for the material for the “sarcophagus”. Pipes and bends cost 3,500 rubles. + all sorts of little things and Construction Materials in the form of hollow concrete blocks, cement, metal mesh for reinforcing the base for a septic tank. I spent about 17 thousand rubles on everything.

The design of the extension can be changed in accordance with the size of the septic tank and the availability of certain building materials.

The main thing is when installing a surface septic tank, remember that all connection points for plumbing equipment - toilet, sinks, bathtub - must be higher than the entry point into the tank.

Must be observed required slope sewer pipes(2 cm by 1 linear meter, with a diameter of 110 mm). If the height of the first floor ceiling (from ground level to floor) does not allow the slope of the route to be maintained, then you will have to think about how to “throw” waste into the septic tank, for example, using a fecal pump.

The process of installing a septic tank is clearly visible in the following photographs.

We pour the base from concrete, and then we install the system, not forgetting to check it for leaks at the end of the assembly to make sure that after startup the septic tank will not “smell” when it is near the house. For this Globi I used a car compressor, having previously plugged the outlet with a standard plug, and placed a plug with a fitting from a hydraulic accumulator at the inlet.


I pumped for a long time until one of the plugs flew out with a loud bang. The system is sealed, there should be no foreign unpleasant odor. Next, I will mount the ventilation pipe and think about how to ventilate the box itself so that overheating in the summer does not kill bacteria in the septic tank.

When checking containers for leaks under excess pressure, the main thing is not to get carried away with the process, otherwise the plastic cube may break.

To build a system, you need to understand the principle of its operation. According to the user, he thoroughly scoured the Internet to learn about the basic nuances of the functioning of a septic tank. The basis of the entire system is correct overflow, from one Eurocube to another, and further discharge of the runoff into the drainage.

When waste enters the septic tank, it is separated. Part solid waste immediately goes to the bottom or settles after some time, passing through settling. Then the liquid is poured into the next container. In this case, the liquid must be taken into the next tank from the previous cube so that the overflow is one third below the surface level of the water in the tank. This will allow you to cut off solid inclusions floating on the surface.


I deviated from the classic overflow scheme. This allowed us to save on cleaning costs. In principle, they are not needed. Because The septic tank is not buried, you can disassemble everything and clean the pipes at any time.

For example, in this design, the entrance to the septic tank is cleaned directly from the house. For this it is worth inspection hatch. An overflow between the first and second containers is also available; just remove the wall (a sheet of slate screwed with screws) and disconnect the adapter to the ventilation pipe.

The exit from the septic tank is cleaned from the outside - plumbing cable through a tee.

You also need to ensure proper ventilation of the septic tank. For this purpose (it is taken out as high as possible, for example, to the ridge) there is also a supply pipe that ensures the flow of air into the system. Such a pipe is usually placed at the end of the filtration/aeration field, on the drainage pipe.

The drain pipe provides communication between the sewer system and the atmosphere, and also prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house and the breakdown of water seals.

One of the main elements of the system is the drainage tunnel. The user made it from old bath, buried at a depth of 0.5 meters. He put it on concrete blocks(around the entire perimeter) to increase the volume of a homemade infiltrator - an inverted container without a bottom. The top of the bathtub is insulated with foam plastic and sprinkled with earth. The drainage is introduced through a hole in the bath.

An infiltrator is needed for post-treatment of wastewater.


Operation has shown that the drainage does not freeze.

Another question that worried many who decided to repeat this septic tank was whether it would freeze in winter.

Practice has shown that insulating the box with foam plastic 100 mm thick is sufficient for normal operation under negative temperatures. It should be taken into account that the wall of the house towards which the containers are facing is warm. When bacteria are active (fermentation process), heat is generated. Additionally (just in case), the user installed an electric heater with a power of 0.5 kW at the bottom, on the right side of the tank. During operation, even at -18 °C, the septic tank did not freeze, but A heater is really only needed in severe frosts.

To increase the efficiency of the cleaning system, Globi introduces a purchased bioactivator into it - microorganisms, flushing them down the toilet once a month.

Another question is whether the volume of 2 eurocubes is enough or is it better to supply 3 pieces.


The volume of the septic tank depends on the number of people living in the house. In addition, Eurocubes come in different sizes. Mine are 700 liters each. Effective volume – 550 liters each. Total - 1100 l. This, of course, falls slightly short of the recommended standards for 2 people, especially if there is a volley discharge, but in my house there are 2 bathrooms - with a composting toilet and a dry closet, and a shower with its own drainage. If necessary, over time it will be possible to supply 2 more Eurocubes. It's easy because... you won't have to dig anything.