DIY secretary drawings and diagrams. DIY dressing room: photos, drawings and diagrams of interesting solutions. Wardrobe with drawers

The decision on a convenient, competent arrangement of things is the main part of putting things in order in an apartment or house. It’s always pleasant to be in a clean, uncluttered room where you can breathe easily and there is nothing unnecessary lying around.

Beautiful dressing room.

The table is not littered with newspapers and books, things do not fall out of the cabinets on your head. The shelves are not cluttered with unnecessary little things. For constant order in the house and ease of cleaning, follow the basic storage rules:

  • Go through the entire wardrobe of all family members, throw away things that you have not used for a long time. Excessive clutter creates a mess, even in a large room.

If you get something you haven’t worn for a year or more, get rid of it immediately, you definitely won’t wear it!

Dressing room in a separate space of the room.

  • When you deal with unnecessary, unnecessary things, determine their purpose and distribute them among the rooms.
  • Now determine how often you use the item, its place in the closet or wardrobe will depend on this.

Is there a need for a dressing room?

Dressing room in the bedroom.

Built-in wardrobes have gained popularity. And if you think about it, this is a justified idea. Things are distributed in places, everything is at hand, conveniently folded. With this organization, clothes last longer and serve longer, do not wrinkle, all items are visible in their drawers and compartments. Large furniture does not take up valuables square meters, the room is more free and spacious. True for rational planning a dressing room will be required competent filling necessary functional equipment and modules for convenience. In addition to placing clothes, there is room for sports equipment, household items.

Project for a dressing room in a separate room.

Choosing a location for a dressing room

We determine the location for the future locker room: in newly built houses and apartments such a location is provided in advance; all that remains is to choose the configuration and filling of the room.

Convenient device dressing room.

But what to do if such a room is not provided, then what to do, how to equip a dressing room? Then you need to use the services of a master, a furniture designer, who will help you choose the “right” filling for a small room and use every piece of space to your advantage.

Make sure there are outlets in the dressing room!

Block off the space and put sliding door, provide for filling and lighting, this option will work if you can allocate at least 1 meter of depth for the dressing room.

Built-in dressing room in the bedroom.

The location of the dressing room in the corner of the room is another layout option; the door is located diagonally and the room does not visually look smaller.

Options for locating a dressing room under the stairs and in the attic can be successful and interesting.

Large dressing room, convenient location.

Choosing a project for a dressing room

Based on the area and shape of the room, we plan the future “smart” closet. The layout can be L-shaped, U-shaped, linear, trapezoidal and pentagonal. The area of ​​the resulting space is from 2 square meters. and more. If this is a dedicated room, its dimensions are 20-30 square meters.

Large dressing room.

Dressing room along the wall

The system is simple to construct - linear, located along the wall. A utility room is installed using a plasterboard partition.

Arrangement of a linear type dressing room.

The main requirement is that it should not be too long to avoid a lengthy search for the right thing. Although if you design such a utility room taking into account all the nuances, you can get convenient shelves for sports equipment, household items (vacuum cleaner, buckets, cans, travel suitcases, etc.)

The upper shelves contain those items that are not required daily. It doesn't hurt to think about having a ladder for the upper shelves.

Corner wardrobe device

In an apartment with small area convenient layout will become corner. The area is 3-4 square meters, which will solve the issue of rational storage of things.

The corner dressing room in the room can be triangular - two walls are used and a partition and a door are used diagonally.

Corner dressing room project.

The trapezoidal shape is located along the wall, and the missing ones are completed from plasterboard; we install a door in one of the walls.

Trapezoidal dressing room in the bedroom.

When arranging a dressing room, think over the lighting scenario; it is convenient when the lamps rotate and it is possible to direct the lighting to the shelves.

The L-shaped cabinet filling is located along two walls and meets in the corner. The most common design. The mirror is placed on the back of the door, facing the dressing room.

L-shaped dressing room layout.

Five-walled - the most spacious layout. Due to the extended walls towards the room, the area inside is significantly expanded. Modules, shelves, drawers are arranged lengthwise four walls, and a mirror is usually attached to the door, since a full-fledged mirror for the fitting room will not fit there. This layout is recommended for medium and large bedrooms.

Project of a five-wall corner dressing room.

Dressing room in utility room

In some apartments old building, and in new buildings there are storage rooms. Does your apartment have a storage room? Consider yourself lucky if you have! Read the recommendations on how to organize a dressing room from a closet.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from the pantry - it’s not difficult to get a convenient dressing room for storing things. Storerooms are usually filled with unnecessary things and are used irrationally.

Dressing room from the utility room.

How to arrange everything correctly and rationally fill the furniture for the dressing room. We will fill the existing racks with things taking into account the frequency of their use. Below we have shelves for shoes. Provide hangers or a row of hooks on top for bags, hats, and belts. In case of missing shelves, we measure the dimensions and can order their production in a specialized store. There you can also purchase the missing modules, drawers, rods, and fittings.

Dressing room under the stairs

A staircase is an uncommon occurrence in an apartment, but in a private house, if there is an attic or second floor, it is doable.

It’s not difficult to use this space for a wardrobe; just think about which design option suits you. Eat open system storage

Dressing room under the stairs with swing doors.

Block-retractable and system with hinged doors or sliding doors. In the area of ​​the highest height, under the stairs, rods are installed for winter clothes and long ones, which hang, and so, in descending height, we think about filling the closet, to the lowest for shoe racks and all sorts of small things.

Dressing room under the stairs open type.

Dressing room behind the partition

You can equip a wardrobe behind a partition yourself, without involving specialists. The partition can be improvised or stationary.

Improvised partition for a dressing room.

Improvised is the use of thick curtains to divide a room. The curtain is attached to ceiling cornice or on a barbell. The screen is suitable for a bedroom; behind it you can not only arrange a dressing room, but also store bedding, and in good lighting, create a boudoir with a mirror. But a model with a curtain will hardly look appropriate in the living room.

The second option is zoning with a plasterboard wall, this model is a little more complicated and more expensive, but there are no problems with the location, it can be installed in any room. No permitting documentation for such a construction is not required. This structure can be dismantled at any time.

Dressing room behind a partition.

Wardrobe in a separate room

The advantage of an individual room designed for a wardrobe is undeniable. Free layout, arrangement of an area for each family member, equipment of this room necessary accessories, comfortable furniture, a folding chair and a large mirror for the fitting area. Gives you the opportunity to apply any content, depending only on your wishes.

Beautiful dressing room in a separate room.

Systems for distributing items in a dressing room

The compactness of placement of clothes, shoes, and bedding largely depends on the design and layout of the room intended for the wardrobe. For convenient organization, functionality will need to be filled with systems for convenient storage things, they have a lot of model options, each of them has positive and negative sides.

Convenient dressing room in the bedroom.

Main system devices:

What does the modular system and assembly principle look like? The system is developed according to your order and dimensions. Mounted along a wall or several walls. It consists of segments that have walls on the sides, top and bottom. All these sections are pulled together. The advantages of this concept are that it is inexpensive, easy to install from chipboard, and looks beautiful.

The mesh system is one of the most stable and can withstand heavy loads. A metal rail is mounted to one of the walls, supporting parts are attached to it, into which brackets are placed for arranging the contents in the form of racks, shoe racks, trouser racks, etc.

Mesh arrangement system in the dressing room.

The frame system is simple to install, it is easy to move the segments, and when using this configuration, natural air circulation is created. The frame consists of metal poles, fixed side by side between the floor and the ceiling or between two walls, the filling is attached to the main frame at the required height.

Frame system in a dressing room project.

Racks that consist of a main panel rigidly attached to one of the walls, and on it are located accessories for organizing the storage of clothes and shoes, are called panel racks. This system has no partitions or side restraints. Installation allows you to hide uneven walls and other flaws, but it is not a cheap pleasure and requires the use of original components for wardrobe modules; they are sold together with a decorative wall.

Installation of a dressing room with a panel system.

Clothing storage systems

Clothes storage systems in the dressing room.

The correct layout of a smart closet determines the number of things that can be placed in it, the convenience of their placement and the quick search for what you need.

Layout of the dressing room.

Long, winter clothes - provide a sufficient number of rods for hangers; the height for this compartment should be at least 150 cm.

For short clothes, shirts, blouses, jackets, etc. area with a height of 90 cm, with a bar for hangers.

For skirts and trousers, it is convenient to use hangers with several tiers or a trouser system.

Trousers for organizing a dressing room.

Underwear is stored in drawers or in organizers on shelves.

Organizer for underwear in the dressing room.

You can make maximum use of the wall space of the dressing room in height using a pantograph-elevator for things hanging in upper tier closet This device will allow you to zone the room according to the current season.

Pantograph for the dressing room.

Shoe storage systems

Convenient storage of shoes using a shoe rack or inclined racks, choose the one that is suitable for you in a particular case.

Shoe shelves in the dressing room.

Open shelves with compartments similar to mailboxes, racks without partitions - suitable for a narrow dressing room, a shelf width of 35-45 cm is sufficient, drawers, inclined racks, special baskets, open shelves on special holders for adjusting the height of the shelves.

Special shelves for shoes in the dressing room.

If the shelves are open, they are placed under the compartments for winter clothes. Adjust the width depending on the number of shoes, the height for summer shoes about 30-35 cm is allotted, for winter 40-45 cm.

Shoes on open shelves in the dressing room.

Description of designs

There are two types of structures - the classic one made of chipboard and the metal-frame one, consisting of modules. It is based on metal slats to which the necessary sections are attached. Sections are produced in specific sizes, so they complicate planning, for example in an individual small or with non-standard sizes indoors, but you can’t do without advantages here either. The modular system has high strength and stability, durability and reliability.

Arranging wardrobes with a modular system.

The classic design is widely applicable, inexpensive in execution, allows you to arrange it according to the size of your utility room, it is possible to use third-party accessories for filling: rods, trousers, laundry baskets, transformable ironing boards, etc.


Making a dressing room with your own hands is a completely doable task. We have chosen a location, measure all the exact dimensions, and choose a layout. Before carrying out work, it is advisable to make a drawing diagram on which to draw the structure.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe drawing diagram.

With the help of such a drawing it will be easier to calculate the quantity required material, components. The next step is the purchase and preparation of building materials. Choose a door design: coupe, hinged or accordion door.

Profile frame for building a dressing room.

Required for frame metallic profile or wooden beam. For walls and cladding OSB plywood or plasterboard. It’s worth mentioning right away that both materials are easy to install, but in terms of environmental friendliness it’s worth thinking about. If the dressing room is supposed to be in the bedroom, it is better to choose plasterboard, this material breathes and absorbs excess moisture, things will not have an unpleasant odor.

We cover the walls of the dressing room with plasterboard.

Let's start installation; for shelves it is better to use a special perforated profile, into the holes of which ready-made shelves and other necessary designs, looks like shelves in stores. The profile itself (the main guides are attached to the wall. This type design will allow you to easily vary the height of shelves and racks.

Another system for making a dressing room is the use of special pipes, connectors and various fastenings, all this is now available for sale, this design is installed quite quickly and does not require a high level of skill.

Shelves in the dressing room are made of plasterboard sheets.

Shelves for the dressing room are made of sheets of thick plywood or chipboard; shelves made of chipboard will require a solid frame.

We decided to make a dressing room with our own hands without incurring additional costs; use scrap materials, old furniture or parts from it. If everything turns out to be different, to make it look beautiful, carefully paint everything the same color.

Despite quite rich history, the secretary has still not outlived its usefulness. True, now this furniture is practically not produced separately. But versions of chests of drawers with a secretory drawer are in considerable demand.

Chest of drawers - features

Now it is difficult to determine who and where the secretarial chest of drawers was first invented. The Spanish affectionate name varguena has survived to this day. Under this word lies a tall chest of drawers with a folding table and a niche with numerous drawers. But from the heyday of the center of Europe, models called bureaus have been preserved more.

There are few differences between them, but they still exist:

  • At the bureau, the secretory section is covered with a semicircular lid. When opened, it hides inside and is called a cap. The secretary has a straight lid behind which the writing niche is hidden and plays the role of a table. Although, nowadays this tradition is often violated;
  • A classic bureau has only a few drawers and very high legs. This is quite a miniature, elegant piece of furniture. The secretary chest of drawers is heavier and more weighty. The drawers go all the way to the bottom and the legs are very short;
  • Secretary in pure form In general, it looks more like a closet. Folding table usually located in the center of the body.

One of the undeniable advantages of a chest of drawers with a secretory section is that it can successfully replace both a medium-sized wardrobe and a desk. The item is ideal for small rooms, in which you have to be tricky with the arrangement of furniture. IN modern apartments it can be successfully installed:

  • Children's room. A child will definitely like a correctly selected model. Lessons will be done with pleasure, and therefore successfully;
  • Bedroom. You may not have to write on it, but this chest of drawers will perfectly replace dressing table and a closet. Basically, you will have a rather large personal “box”;
  • Living room. In addition to useful functions, the item will look most solid in this room. Do not forget that, like all chests of drawers, its upper plane is a working surface;
  • Cabinet. Ideal place for installing a bureau or secretary. This is especially true for interior solutions in vintage styles. This type of furniture does not fit well with modern trends such as modern or high-tech. Whatever one may say, the bureau chest of drawers “breathes” centuries-old traditions on us.

Types of secretarial tables


One of the most used table design options is a folding one. The flap that covers the compartment itself acts as a table. It is equipped with side holders or lifts with several degrees of freedom.

They are also equipped with shock-absorbing springs with position locks and adjustable force. The door itself is attached with hinges to the body of the chest of drawers. To reduce the load on the hinges, special supports must be placed under the bottom of the table. They can be open hinged doors of the lower sections or special retractable legs. At the top they are equipped with special platforms - holders. They bear the main burden. To close, just lift up until it locks. The holder can be a magnetic latch or a locking mechanism with a retractable tongue. You can easily identify it externally by the presence of a keyhole. Latches are of course simpler, but they weaken over time - the door can open arbitrarily. But the lock type is almost impossible to break. Unless you lose the key, it can be restored. In most cases it is standard. The exception is rare or antique options.

Ignoring the use of bottom supports for an open table will cause the hinges to break quickly. Especially if you use the secretory lid often. The same problem can result from a lid with a weak magnetic latch falling.

Features of this type include:

  • Easy to use. Unfolding the table will take no more than a couple of minutes;
  • Convenience. Writing at it is no worse than at a full-fledged desk;
  • Space saving. Unlike a regular table, such a lid can be lifted, freeing up space for free passage;
  • High-quality storage of writing instruments. A large number of Internal shelves and drawers make storing all the necessary little things as comfortable as possible.


Pull-out table types are more relevant to bureau-type chests of drawers. In this case, the lid and the table are different objects. After lifting the lid, the table panel can be pulled out. This can be a small tabletop, fixed movably in grooves or using a roller system. Although there are also very complex options retractable tables. Some models provide for extension not only forward, but also to the side. For this purpose, special folding brackets with springs and shock absorbers are used. In this case, the table can be combined with a special folding frame, which acts as a lower support. Their use for this type is highly desirable.

In the most interesting options The hinged lid is combined with a retractable table. In principle, this approach can simply be called an attempt to be original. In modern life, one type of table is quite enough.

Storage systems and opening mechanisms

The chest of drawers does not have to be used for its intended purpose. If you do not need this furniture for writing, then it is not necessary to load office supplies there. Place cosmetics and jewelry in drawers. You will quickly appreciate the convenience, and you will understand why in the 18th century young ladies could not imagine their lives without a secretary. If you store linen and clothes in the lower drawers, then small accessories such as belts and ties will feel great in the small compartments of the secretory niche. In a child's room, such a piece of furniture will allow you to carefully store small parts of construction sets, puzzles or fragile toys.

The following types can be used as facade opening systems:

  • Retractable. All boxes are designed this way. IN modern form they are equipped with side guides and rollers. Small drawers are made slightly smaller than the niche for them. Therefore they slide out perfectly without additional accessories. The only significant difference is that the rollers do not allow the drawer to be pulled out all the way without harm to the system. He will certainly remain in the niche. Whereas their absence allows this to be done. The disadvantage of the roller system is sensitivity to distortions;
  • Swing. Part of the facade side can be covered with shutters. They are attached with hinges to the body. Opens outwards and sideways. They don't like jerks. In chests of drawers, secretaries can act as a lower support for a table. In this situation, it is important that they Bottom part touched the floor. Otherwise you will need special holders. They look like a clothespin with a stop and are put on the edge of the sash;
  • Folding. This is how the table is set up. Opens down until the position lock clicks. It can be equipped with a height adjuster that allows you to fix the cover in several positions. Do not pull the sash down after clicking in the lowest possible position. Furniture hinges are located at the bottom of the sash, fastening it to the body of the chest of drawers.


When choosing a secretary chest of drawers, it is worth considering that it has quite a considerable height. On average, this parameter ranges from 1 to 1.4 meters. In this case, the width is about 90 cm, and the depth is 50 cm. You can find more narrow models. But this is not very convenient.

The most common materials for the manufacture of frame elements are:

  • Natural solid wood;
  • Particle boards such as fiberboard, chipboard or OSB.


A separate design element is the top of the chest of drawers. It is usually made from the same type of material as the body. It can be decorated separately, but the rather high height of chests of drawers with a secretory section makes this a pointless exercise. More attention is paid to strength and reliability.

The following can be used as decorative elements:

  • Antique varnish. For this purpose, craquelure is used. When dry, this varnish cracks, forming a whole network of small cracks. Often powdered bronze or gold plating is rubbed into them. This technique called the “golden web”;
  • Hand painted. For countertops it is better to use furniture enamels and varnishes. Apply in multiple layers. The color intensity and color transition are adjusted by shading with a rag. Each layer will require drying;
  • Wood mosaic. Pieces of wood with different shades fit into any ornament and are attached using especially strong glue. Next, the entire surface is polished and covered with shiny varnish. Rattan can be used instead of wood, but it is more difficult to maintain.

Types of bases

The most common types of base design are:

  • Direct placement on the floor. This is due to the considerable dimensions of this type of furniture. Provides maximum stability;
  • Placement on a pedestal. A small platform appears at the bottom, protruding beyond the body of the chest of drawers;
  • Legs. Most often they are short. The exception is bureaus that preserve manufacturing traditions. In this case, the floor must be perfectly flat;
  • Base system. The legs are replaced or combined with extended sides. They are the main focus. Part of the load is evenly distributed in the front part along a narrow strip - the base.

Styles of secretory chests of drawers

The rich traditions and history of the secretary are most harmoniously combined with styles in the spirit of antiquity:

  • Provence. Rounded corners and wavy façade. The drawers are made slightly convex, and the body is straight. The decor is modest, small;
  • Boul. The main features include the use of lower support crosses and an increase in the number of legs (6 or 8) of the most bizarre shapes. A lot of gilded inlay;
  • Chinoiserie. This is a successful attempt to combine European Baroque with classical Asian styles. Ethnic motifs and sophistication of forms. The main emphasis is on exoticism;
  • Colonial. Heavy, massive models with expensive but modest finishes. Preference is given to high-quality, rare materials rather than an abundance of decor;
  • Palace styles (Rococo, Baroque). They are native to this piece of furniture. They provide fancy convex shapes and curved, wide-set legs. They are very richly decorated with carvings, paintings, and gilding;

  • Nowadays, the chest of drawers has not lost its relevance. It is still a piece of furniture with high level comfort and functionality. If you are tormented by a lack of space, then feel free to purchase such a chest of drawers. It will provide you with high-quality storage of things and will successfully play a role desk.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
    P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

The classic secretary is a chest of drawers with a door that folds down from top to bottom, behind which there are many secret drawers and compartments. At first, this furniture was considered ladies' furniture. The folded door served as a writing table. love letters, and in locked hiding places pearls and diamonds shimmered. However, the design turned out to be successful, and it was borrowed for more prosaic purposes: storing documents and writing instruments. Let's try to assemble a simple secretary with our own hands so that markers, disks and folders with papers can finally find their permanent place.

Let's make a very simple secretary

Preparing for work

Our secretary will have the simplest device, but in terms of convenience and functionality it will not be inferior to the factory one. To make it you will need the following materials:

  • Ready-made desktop stands for folders made of plywood (sold in office supply stores) - 6 pcs.
  • MDF blank for the top cover – 890x330x16 mm.
  • MDF blank for the back cover – 890x325x16 mm.
  • Wood glue.
  • Screws.
  • Sanding paper.
  • Double-sided tape.

The tools we will need are:

  1. Jigsaw with blade for curved cutting.
  2. Drill.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.

As we see in the picture, our module is mounted on an ordinary dining table with tabletop dimensions of 100x80 cm. The add-on for placing papers looks like a complex of interconnected horizontal and vertical stands, united by top and back covers made of MDF.

In conditions small apartment It would be nice to figure out how to make the secretary mobile. This condition is precisely included in our design. The trick is that our shelf module is removable, which means that if necessary, it can be quickly removed to any other place.

Marking and cutting MDF

First we cut out the top cover. To do this, we place the stand on the sheet with its side so that the back side of the future cover is flush with the horizontal shelf. The front side of the cover should protrude forward beyond the horizontal shelf by 1.5 cm. Mark the position of the first part of the shelf.

Mark the outline of the lid

We turn the stand over and mark the position of the second, mirror part of the shelf.

Cutting out the top cover

We cut out the top cover with a jigsaw, installing a file in it for a curved cut. The pendulum stroke must be turned off during operation. The dimensions of the cover should be:

  • Length – 890 mm,
  • Width at the junction of horizontal supports – 320 mm,
  • The width at the ends is 170 mm.

We cut out the back wall in the form of a rectangle, according to the given dimensions - 890x325x16 mm.

Scheme of our secretary

We sand the finished lids and coat them with furniture varnish 2-3 times or cover them with self-adhesive film.

New secretary made from old wood

Furniture that retains the breath of old times gives our apartments a special flavor. In this section we will mainly talk about the secretary, but not about the one we all know as component modern furniture wall, but about how our ancestors imagined this piece of furniture many years ago. For the home handyman Those with some carpentry experience are quite capable of making such a desk along with an extension.

The shape of the table, the area of ​​the tabletop and the extension have small sizes. Therefore, the secretary will not take up much space in the room and can be placed somewhere near the wall, and maybe in front of the window.

In our design we will be dealing with shaped parts, small drawers, etc. To make them we will need pieces of plywood board or thick plywood.

The secretary shown in Fig. 20 should be considered only as one of the options. Your own taste and the material you have will tell you a variety of variations of this model. First, let's determine the main dimensions of our future structure. Table height – 75–78 cm (top edge height), extension height – at least 40 cm, tabletop width – 120–140 cm, depth – 60–80 cm. When manufacturing various parts, you must first draw up an accurate sketch of them. For curly sidewalls and corners, it is necessary to make templates in advance and transfer the shapes with a soft pencil to the material.

Rice. 20. Secretary

Now some instructions for making a secretary. The table consists of two sidewalls, which are also the supporting legs of the table top, a frame of drawers and a thick rail that strengthens the structure and is placed in the lower rear third of the table. We connect the frame and tabletop to the sidewalls using dowels in the same way as the crossbars, which act as special legs. We connect the back support strip to the sidewalls using cuts and, after gluing, also with screws. In accordance with the specified width of the drawers, we insert shutter strips between the slats. To the extension, consisting of sidewalls, top board and back wall, add various drawers on both sides. Since our design uses different material, it is recommended to paint the secretary, preferably in two brown tones that go well with each other.

The picture below shows how without special tool you can make the specified shapes for the secretary from the available material. First, use a hacksaw to make the marked cuts before starting to carve. Then, using a chisel, we hollow out part of the material (on both sides), and then make oblique cuts. We finish the grooves and roundings with a rasp.

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