We sow the earliest vegetable - radishes. What can you plant after radishes? When to plant radishes in summer

Radishes love moisture and low daytime temperatures. It is best to sow radishes:

  1. to the greenhouse at the end of March - beginning of April;
  2. into the ground along a film or arc with a special fiber - in the second half of April;
  3. in open ground without additional insulation - in the first half of May and.

The effect of high temperature on radish cultivation

If the air temperature during the active growth of radishes is above 22-23 degrees, then there is a high probability that it will grow tops and arrows are formed. And the fruit itself will be small and hard.

If you wish, you can still try to do this even if high temperatures, but for this you need to choose special varieties Champion, Zlata, French Breakfast and others. These are special hybrids that less susceptible to the formation of arrows.

However, for successful cultivation radishes in the summer months, it is worth covering the beds with an opaque material. This will help save the seedlings from the effects of hot weather.

Benefits of radishes

Radishes have been known for a very long time and are most often used as food for making salads. But some also use tops for food, in addition to root vegetables. It can be added to salad in fresh or add to cabbage soup.

This root vegetable is a type of radish. He contains a large number of useful substances and microelements. Namely, thiamine, iron, niacin, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and many others.

Selection of varieties

I focus only on early ripening varieties of radishes, in climatic conditions In the North West, they have the best chance of making it multiple times during the season. On average, 16-20 days are enough for such radishes from the first shoots to the set of technical maturity. On my plot, I tried to plant different early ripening varieties (Zharu, Rubin, Presto), but most of all I was pleased with the results of growing two varieties - “18 days” and “French Breakfast”. Radishes grow very beautiful - bright red cylinders with white tails, about 10 cm long. The pulp is very tasty, almost no pungency is felt. Children crunch such radishes like carrots. In addition, it is convenient to cut it into a salad.

Landing dates

On many seed packets, manufacturers indicate that radishes can be sown in the ground from April to August throughout the season. This information is only partially true. I have learned from my own experience that the timing of planting is very important for radishes - the gardener must select them, focusing on the climate of his region, taking as an axiom that the ideal temperature for growing radish roots is +15-20 degrees; in more greenhouse conditions, radishes tend to to flowering, i.e. goes into the trunk. The second point that should not be forgotten is the length of daylight hours. The longer the day, the more radishes tend to bloom, so they are not grown in June, or various tricks are used to reduce daylight hours. It turns out that there are three options for planting radishes:
in early spring,
in the second half of summer,
before winter (or even winter).

Early spring planting

We don’t come to the dacha before May 1, so for many years now I’ve been planting radishes in early and mid-May; during this period, early-ripening varieties give a very good harvest, because temperature in Leningrad region It stays at about +15-22 degrees. However, if May turns out to be very hot (like two years ago - up to +28), then I regret that I did not plant radishes earlier; most of the harvest goes into the trunk. Therefore, if it is already hot in your region in May, then it is better to plant radishes in early April, or even in March, because for their germination it is enough for the soil to warm up to +10 degrees. To speed up the process, you can water the soil with an EM preparation and pre-heat it under a covering material, or plant radishes in a closed greenhouse; the root crops will have time to grow before planting the main crops.

Experiment with reducing daylight hours

In June and early July, during the White Nights, you shouldn’t plant radishes in the Leningrad region, but you really want to. When I found out that it is possible to artificially reduce daylight hours for radishes, I got down to business. The first time, several years ago, this experiment was unsuccessful, but I did not calm down - I decided to try again, especially since I do not plant radishes in industrial scale, just a couple of rows, I have the opportunity to groom and cherish it:
As soon as the radish sprouts came out of the ground, I placed four posts with cloves and stretched a wire between them.

Every evening, at about 18-19:00, I “put the radishes to bed,” covered them with a piece of burlap, and opened them in the morning (around 9:00).

Not a single radish went into the trunk, but it took longer to ripen than usual, and the root crops produced were short and not fleshy.

For myself, I concluded that you can’t argue with nature, that there is no pleasure in planting radishes in the middle of summer, it’s better to wait. However, the method of reducing daylight hours can work in normal times, at the time of growing root crops, so it makes sense to install a small tent over the radishes.

Late autumn planting and sowing before winter

In the period from late June to mid-August, you can try to sow radishes again; late radishes rarely go into the trunk and, with adequate care, produce good fleshy root crops. If the nights are already very cold, you can cover the plantings with hay; radishes grow through it well.
In addition, if we stay at the dacha until the end of October - beginning of November, then we always sow radishes before winter: choose the sunniest piece, put the seeds in the grooves and sprinkle 2 cm of compost. This method of planting does not always give us good result, because Sometimes a normal spring does not arrive for so long that some of the seeds have time to rot, because have been in the ground for too long. The same risks are present when planting radishes in early spring in frozen ground or in winter, when from December to February they shovel snow in a prepared bed, plant radishes there and sprinkle them with compost or peat.

Sow radishes? Nothing is simpler

Sowing radishes is much easier than deciding on optimal time her landings:
Choose a sunny place.
We loosen the soil and make grooves at a distance of 15 cm, 2-3 cm deep.
Radishes do not require special fertilizers; ash and sand can be added to the furrow or bed before sowing.
Because The soil on my site is quite poor, planting in the same place has been done many times, so I make 4-5 cm furrows and put compost or pour in infused manure into each one.
Radishes germinate very well, so you can immediately spread the seeds after 4-5 cm (for elongated varieties, like mine, after 2-3 cm), but it’s easier for me to sprinkle the seeds and then thin out.
Next, fill the furrow with compost to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
Shoots appear on days 3-5. If the seeds are soaked for a day, the sprouts may emerge even on the second day.

Radish care

Radishes are thinned out when two mature leaves appear, i.e. when it grows to 4-5 cm. It is less traumatic for the plant - not to pull through the row, but to pinch out excess plants.

This year I tried the planting method with a marker with late radishes. I took it regular box from eggs, attached it to the board.

Then all that was left was to step on the board, and you got holes at equal distances. I put a seed in each and sprinkled it over it.

There was no need to pull through the radishes. If the bed with radishes is large, then you can attach several boxes to a long board.

Once thinning is done, I usually gently hill up the radishes with my hands and pull out weeds as needed. Radishes are also very moisture-loving - in dry summers they need to be watered abundantly every two days; to retain moisture, the row spacing can be mulched with sawdust.

Radish pests

Radishes belong to the cruciferous family, so they have the same pest as cabbage - the cruciferous flea beetle, a small black bug that can eat away young tops so much that the plant stops developing further. If such a pest has already been noticed in your beds, then it is better to cover the radishes immediately after sowing with material that allows light, moisture and air to pass through, and not remove the cover until the leaves become coarse. The flea beetle bypassed my beds, but the snails constantly attacked the radishes in this humid summer - they didn’t help at all high bed, nor mulching with sand. We had to constantly collect gastropods.

Collection and storage of radishes

Radishes cannot be kept in the garden; the fruits are collected as they ripen, otherwise they become too hard and voids form inside. I plant few radishes, so I don’t have such problems, but if there is still no one willing to try a salad from a fresh root vegetable, I pull out all the ripe radishes, tear off the tops, trim the roots and store them in this form in the refrigerator in a plastic bag in the section for vegetables - my radishes lay there for 2-3 weeks without any problems, and they didn’t stay in the refrigerator longer.

See also video

In July - August, beds are cleared in any garden. The land is idle, although it is ready to give another harvest of vegetables. Radishes are ideal for sowing at this time. There are almost no pests anymore, the day is shortening, which means it won’t go on track. The gardener only needs to decide on the variety and sowing time, and then provide standard care.

When to sow radishes for the second harvest

To determine the timing, you need to know the climate in your region and what type of radish you are going to sow. The optimal temperature for the growth of this crop is +12… +15 °C, and the root crop is planted at +15… +18 °C. Now get your bearings: until what month and date does this temperature usually occur in your region. Then choose a variety and count down from this date by the number of days from germination to harvest ripening.

For example, the harvest needs to be harvested on September 1, since your autumn is cold. This means that the deadline for sowing early ripening radishes, which ripen in 18–20 days, is August 6–7 (3–4 days are added for the emergence of seedlings). Sow late varieties with a ripening period of 30–40 days 10–20 days earlier - in July.

Radish packages often indicate both the number of days of ripening and the sowing date, both spring and summer.

The end of July - the beginning of August is best timing for the second sowing of radishes in the middle zone, and in the south it can be sown in September. Sowing in June or early July may end in failure. During this period, the daylight hours are the longest, the radish will give you a flower arrow instead of a root vegetable.

I estimated the timing for my region - Western Siberia. Even in July we don’t have a temperature of +18 °C every day, and sometimes there are hot days in the fall. Therefore, if the radishes sown for the second harvest already have large tops, but the root crop still does not grow, it is cool, you will probably need to cover the bed with agrofibre. Otherwise, you can waste time and effort, but in the end you will only get foliage.

Place for radishes on the plot

By the end of summer, the land is freed from young potatoes, peas, onions, garlic, salads, and early carrots. Perhaps you are digging up an old strawberry plant and moving it to a new place. All these areas are suitable for sowing radishes. It cannot be alternated only with cruciferous vegetables: mustard, cabbage, daikon, turnips, turnips, etc.

Before sowing, clear the ground of weeds, fertilize it with humus or compost (1 m² bucket) and wood ash(glass per 1 m²). If there is a shortage of your fertilizers, add nitroammophoska - 1 tbsp. l./m². Level the area with a rake. If the soil is dry, water it, loosen it the next day and start sowing.

Sowing and growing radishes in late summer

The distance between rows of radishes is 10–15 cm, and if there is a lot of land idle, then you can arrange the plants more spaciously, especially the late variety with large root crops. Row spacing can be 20–25 cm, but not wider. After all, the larger the size of the occupied area, the more excess irrigation water will be spent and weeds will grow.

Radish is a compact plant; narrow row spacing can be left

The depth of planting radish seeds is 2 cm. With deeper sowing, seedlings may not appear or will take a long time to make their way to the surface. The harvest dates will shift, which is extremely undesirable at the end of summer. Place the seeds in increments of 2–3 cm from each other.

If the bed has not been watered in advance, then before sowing, thoroughly moisten the bottom of the furrows prepared for the seeds. It is not advisable to water the top of an already sown bed, since a crust will form, and you cannot loosen it. After all, the very next day, hatched and fragile seedlings may appear under it. If you have already watered from above, then keep the surface of the bed constantly moist so that there is no crust.

Video: radish sowing technique

Radishes can sprout densely, as they were sown, after 2 cm, then in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, thin them out to a distance of 5 cm. Caring for summer crops is no different from spring crops, and it will be even easier. There are no cruciferous flea beetles anymore, and if they appear, powder the soil and seedlings with dry mustard, ash, and tobacco dust. In the second half of summer it often rains, the heat has already subsided. You will have to water less often as the soil dries out. Loosen the rows, pull out the weeds. With this simple care After the required number of days for the variety, you will already be harvesting juicy radishes.

Video bonus: what else can you sow at the end of summer

For the second harvest, sow radishes after July 20 and before September in the southern regions. Focus on the weather and take into account the ripening time. Sowing and care are standard. Fertilize the soil, sow, water and weed. There is no need to do any fertilizing. Radish is an early ripening crop; what you add when preparing the bed will be enough for it.

Radish is the most popular cruciferous vegetable among domestic gardeners, since, unlike cabbage, this vitamin product can be enjoyed throughout the warm season from May to September. Radishes are unpretentious and easy to care for, but there are still certain subtleties.

When can you safely plant radishes?

Radishes are planted in open ground early in the spring, in sunny areas from which the snow has already melted. This garden crop loves soil with neutral Ph, but slightly acidic soil is also suitable.

For planting radishes, soft and loose soil, you should not neglect this, because in hard, heavy soil the vegetable will quickly begin to bolt. Before planting, you should remember that it is undesirable to grow this vegetable in the place where other cruciferous vegetables previously grew: cabbage, horseradish or lettuce.

The optimal predecessors for this type of seed radish are tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, peas and cereals. This moment is important because over time, larvae of pests of a certain type of plant form in the soil, which leads to a decrease in crop productivity.

Seed selection

The choice and purchase of seeds should be decided in advance, even in winter. Or let several specimens shoot and stock up on your own seeds in the summer, but here it is important to prevent birds from eating the seeds, and this will be quite difficult.

Consider purchasing:

  • you can buy seeds at the market or from grandmothers;
  • there are a lot of sites on the Internet with a great selection of varieties;
  • specialized store for gardeners and gardeners.

How to choose the right variety

It all depends on how experienced you are in caring for agricultural crops and hard work, what goals you pursue when planting radishes: for sale or for your own use.

Here are the most common varieties for planting:

  • Early red and “Zarya” are good for those who want to harvest their first harvest in 20-30 days. The peculiarity of these varieties is that they are suitable for both open ground and greenhouses;
  • Favorite variety of summer residents " French breakfast", root vegetables with a characteristic rich pink color with a white tip, the taste is sweet, without bitterness;
  • The “Viola” variety is more specific, it is a little bitter, and its pulp is porous, which not everyone likes, but, on the other hand, it has an unusual purple color;
  • The Premier variety is good for sale. It ripens quickly, is more persistent, is never empty, is unpretentious and has a mild taste.

How to plant radishes in open ground correctly

We prepare the soil in the fall, fertilize it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers: saltpeter, potassium chloride, superphosphate. Also, during pre-sowing work, cultivation and loosening are carried out in early spring. Be sure to calibrate the change, the diameter is at least 2.5 mm, this will help you get large, healthy root vegetables.

Before planting, we mark the area, furrows should be made at intervals of no less than 15 cm, the seeding depth is up to 1 meter, on loams - up to 2 cm. We sow the seeds from the bag in a continuous layer - 1.2 g/sq.m. Late varieties are sown from May to mid-August to take advantage of the fruits in the fall and during winter vitamin deficiency.

We begin planting seeds after preliminary digging as early as possible. You can sow the seeds in your greenhouse - under polyethylene or in fresh soil, after which we water them and cover them with a thin layer of earth up to a centimeter thick.

At optimal conditions and a temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius, the seedlings will germinate after 3-7 days. But there is a little trick: you can soak the seeds first, then the seedlings will begin to germinate within a day.

Most The best way sowing is planting with placement, but it is also the most painstaking. There are special seed tapes for lazy gardeners; you can also make them yourself. For vegetable growers with large plantations, there are special mechanical precision seeders.

When your crops do not germinate after a week, check temperature regime and sowing depth, if the temperature is too low, you should wait a little longer, but specimens planted too deeply are unlikely to germinate.

How to care for radishes?

The first thing you need to remember is that radishes are moisture-loving and even very, but don’t overdo it. If you fill the root vegetable with water irregularly or too much, it will crack. Please note that the plant loves moisture, not dirt. It is best to water the vegetable daily in dry weather, monitoring the level of soil moisture.

This vegetable loves the sun; in the shade it grows slowly and loses its taste. But early radishes can also be planted under a tree before it becomes covered with leaves. It is better not to try to loosen the radish beds with a hoe; the radish root is almost on the surface of the soil, and it is very easy to damage it, so you will have to dig through the weeds by hand.

After planting, you can use potassium fertilizers, which root crops love so much. Another good fertilizer– soluble urea, which is added to water when watering. Fertilize the vegetable with urea twice a season: in April and June.

For successful growth, you should remember to thin out in case you sowed the seeds too abundantly. Here you will have to immediately thin out the bed, not sparing the worst representatives, after which the quality of the harvest will improve significantly.

Summer residents are often interested in whether it is possible to plant radishes at their dacha in June or August. Indeed, when can you plant radishes a second time? Radishes feel great when planted in warm summer soil, especially in June, when there is heavy rain and the soil has not yet had time to deplete.

There are no special requirements for reseeding. Everything from sowing to watering and fertilizing is similar for planting radishes in June. Therefore, you can easily get a second harvest.

How to properly collect and store radishes? To keep the root crop longer, you should cut off the tops and trim the tip. The shelf life of picked radishes is short, but it can be increased if you put the trimmed vegetable in a plastic bag and store it in a cellar or other cold place, protected from direct sunlight. sun rays place. In the trading world, radishes are tied into wreaths or the leaves are trimmed and sold by weight.

Enemies: cruciferous pests

Remember that all chemical additives, drugs and poisons are prohibited when growing root vegetables, since they absorb substances in the soil and do not have time to remove them.

Don't forget that your health is more important than all the pests and crops combined. The main threat to your harvest is beetles from the leaf beetle family - cruciferous flea beetles.

Environmentally friendly flea repellents are freshly burned wood ash and dry tobacco powder. These products are relatively effective, but it makes no sense to resort to them for daily watering. The peculiarity of the flea beetle is that it attacks dry leaves, so we use regular watering.

This pest makes holes in the tops especially in dry heat. If you managed to save the radish sprouts, then there is no need to worry about the flea beetle; it will not be able to damage the entire surface of an adult specimen, and it does not feed on root vegetables.

Radish is a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can withstand frosts down to -2 0C. The optimal temperature for growth is +18 0C. Let's consider everything possible options sowing

Radishes begin to be sown in open ground from late April to early May. To ensure that the vegetable is always on your table, sow the seeds in parts with an interval of 10-20 days. Radishes can be sown virtually all summer, with the exception of June. Why? Let's find out now. Video about growing radishes

June has the longest days. The optimal length of daylight for normal development of root crops is 8-10 hours. If the length of the day increases to 14 hours, the plant begins to move from development to reproduction. The radish will go to waste, will not produce root crops, or they will be very small and tough.

Early varieties have time to ripen before the onset of long days. There is no point in sowing late-ripening varieties. They do not have time to gain weight and go into the arrow. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right variety that will not fade in color from the summer heat, or provide shading at the planting site. If it is impossible to create such conditions on the site, then it is better to continue growing radishes in mid-July - September, when daylight hours begin to wane. In this case, the radishes do not shoot, the fruits grow large and tasty. You can also sow radishes before winter, but we will talk about it a little later.

Radish photo

So, we have decided on the sowing dates. Now let’s decide what varieties we will sow. In spring, early radishes are sown Early red and 18 days>. There are many varieties that are intended specifically for summer sowing. They will take longer to grow but form larger root crops such as Octave, Red Giant and Red Giant. Already in early September you will receive the first juicy fruits. Some late-ripening varieties, such as Red Giant, can be stored in the cellar for up to 2 months.

The most popular varieties:

  • 18 days – an ultra-early early ripening variety forms an elongated cylindrical root crop weighing up to 17 g with pink top part and a white tail. The white, dense pulp has a slightly pungent taste.
  • Zhara is an early ripening variety, ripening 18-20 days after germination. The round, red-raspberry root vegetable has a mildly pungent taste and has juicy, tender flesh.
  • French Breakfast is an early ripening variety, ripening in 21-23 days. Red-crimson root vegetables are cylindrical in shape with a white tip. Tender, dense pulp with a slightly pungent taste.
  • Carmen - an early variety produces a rounded red fruit with a slightly pungent taste in 20 days.

Radish in the photo

  • Cardinal is a mid-early hybrid that produces a rounded red root crop in 25 days. The variety is resistant to flowering.
  • Red giant is a mid-season variety for long-term storage. Carmine-red root crops take up to 3-40 days to form and reach a weight of up to 150 g. The ripening period is 30-40 days. The white-pink dense pulp is pleasant to the taste.
  • Octave< – среднеспелый сорт. Белый округлый корнеплод с нежной мякотью без пустот с маслянистым привкусом.
  • Red giant is a late-ripening variety for long-term storage. Pink-red large, elongated cylindrical root vegetables reach a weight of up to 300 g. The white juicy pulp has a pleasant sweet-sharp taste.

Many gardeners are concerned about the question: will radishes really take 18 days to ripen in the time stated in the name? Experience shows that radishes of this variety can be harvested 23-25 ​​days after germination. The plant forms a root crop in 18 days under certain weather conditions and temperature.

All radishes with a white tip, for example 18 days, French Breakfast, should not be kept in the ground, waiting for the root crop to gain large mass. The fruits subsequently tend to become hollow.

At proper cultivation When cut, the radish crunches and splashes with juice. The pulp is without fibers and voids.

Radish in the photo

  • Method No. 1

What soil is needed for sowing? Radishes prefer loose, moist soils. Before growing radishes, you need to prepare the site: dig up, add rotted manure, break up the clods, and level the soil. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate fresh manure. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh soil. It is better to prepare the bed for early radishes in the fall. Add 1 bucket of rotted manure per 1 m2 to the soil.

Before sowing, we water the soil well and make shallow rows. When the seeds are planted deeply, the root crop changes shape. The optimal planting depth is 1 cm. Radish seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other, laid out individually. The beds are made one after another at a distance of 10 cm or more. After the seeds have been spread out, close the bed and press it firmly with your palm so that the soil comes into more contact with the seeds. This way they will germinate faster. Under good weather conditions, seedlings appear within 3-4 days. So that the radishes sown in April grow good and juicy, cover the crops with film from 5 pm until the morning.

The photo shows the preparation of a place for planting radishes

  • Method No. 2

How to grow radishes when space is limited personal plot very little? For limited areas, using a special marker gives good results.

On the board, teeth are made to a depth of 1 cm according to a 5x5 pattern. Thus, 400 seeds are placed per 1 m2. It turns out to be continuous sowing, not in rows. Radishes grow one to one. Before sowing, the soil should be moist, homogeneous and free of lumps. If the area is skewed, the teeth will not leave imprints.

We place the marker on the soil and walk on it, pressing it into the ground. The marker leaves holes. We recapture the land that sticks to it. Even holes are formed into which we place the seeds, cover them with earth and press them with our palm. With this sowing, you can get up to 5 kg of harvest from 1 m2.

Photo of a seeder for sowing radishes

  • Method No. 3 (winter sowing)

When sowing radishes before winter, choose a flat area with light sandy or sandy loam soils with a slope to the south or southeast. The area should not be flooded spring waters. The rows are cut in the second half of October. When persistent frosts occur, sowing with dry seeds begins. The most best time from November 5 to 20. The seeds are covered with peat or humus.

  • Method No. 4 (winter sowing)

Winter sowing in December - February directly into frozen soil ensures early emergence and harvest 2 weeks earlier than in spring. The beds are prepared in October. Cut grooves 4-5 cm deep. In winter, snow is removed from the ridges, seeds are laid out and covered with compost or peat to a depth of 2 cm.

Crop care

Proper cultivation of radishes requires compliance with certain rules. After sowing, radishes are watered every day. Parched upper layer soil is death for young seedlings. You also need to regularly weed and loosen the soil. To make maintenance easier, mulch is placed on moist soil in a layer of up to 2 cm. Humus or peat is used as mulch. Remove weeds regularly.

Radishes are very moisture-loving. Optimal humidity soil should be 80%. This is a lot, so the plant must be watered often. With infrequent watering, root vegetables become bitter. With insufficient humidity and elevated temperatures, the plant goes into arrows and blooms appear. As a result, radishes do not form root crops. If the soil moisture is uneven, the fruits will crack. Video about growing and caring for radishes

If the seedlings are dense, then it is necessary to thin them out, leaving one sprout per 5 cm. But, it is advisable to immediately sow the seeds at a certain distance from each other, since thinning damages the delicate roots of neighboring plants.

The harvest is carried out as it ripens. If the size of the root crop has reached normal sizes, carefully pull it out and serve it to the table.


How to grow radishes - tricks for a big harvest!

Greetings to all readers!

Let's talk today about how to grow radishes on your own plot in the most different ways. Radishes are one of the very first and earliest to appear on our table in the spring, but still sometimes you want to hurry up nature and try the first juicy roots even earlier. To do this you can:

  • plant radishes on the windowsill,
  • sow on warm bed under cover, as soon as the snow melts,
  • continue sowing in a regular bed over several periods,
  • and again closer to autumn, in August, to occupy the beds with radishes.

Thus, you can enjoy tender radishes all season long, taking a break in the middle of summer, when there will be plenty of everything, and then add radishes to the table again in the fall. Let's talk more about

Growing radishes

Radish - plant short day. It does not need long sunny days and high light levels when grown at home. This plant is very cold-resistant and begins to bloom in the heat. So radishes can be successfully grown at home, if it is not very hot, and in early greenhouses. Moreover, it gives away the harvest quickly and frees up space for the main crop.

Radishes in a box on the windowsill

Growing radishes on a windowsill

For homemade radishes, you need deeper containers so that the root has room to “unfold.” Well, at least 15 cm tall. Fill them with soil, leaving 3 cm to the edge. Flatten it down, water it and place one seed at a time in rows, spacing about 6 centimeters between them. Leave 3 cm around the seeds. Cover the top with a 1 cm layer of soil.

Pour warm water over again and cover with film. The seeds will sprout in three days, then move them to a bright, cool windowsill and let them grow.

Care consists of regular watering. Radishes love water! It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out in the boxes. If the air in the apartment is very dry, then you need to spray the leaves with water. In March, during the day, the “mini-vegetable garden” can be taken out onto the glassed-in balcony. And when the temperature at night is above zero, you can leave it completely on the balcony. Since it’s a little hot for radishes in the apartment.

Radishes have edible and useful not only “roots”, but also leaves. And if in the summer we no longer pay attention to them, having had our fill of various greens. Then the winter harvest on the window can be completely eaten in a salad - both the “tops” and the “roots”. Now these vitamins are very valuable.

Delicious radish!

How to grow early radishes under cover

Radishes love sunny and bright places, then the root vegetables will be tasty and juicy. Long, large tops and bad roots grow in the shade. He likes strong lighting, but not longer than 12-13 hours. Otherwise, the plant produces flower stalks and the root becomes hard.

During long days in May, June, July, plants need to be shaded with black covering material from eight in the evening to eight in the morning.

Preferably for early landing prepare the beds in the fall. So that in the spring, when the snow melts, you can sow the seeds. The earth is loosened with the addition of humus and ash.

Do not apply fresh manure to root crops!

If the garden bed is not ready, then as soon as the weather allows us to go into the garden, we quickly prepare the soil. In early to mid-April in the Urals, sowing can already begin. Read more about preparing seeds for sowing here, and about accelerating germination here.

Seeds are arranged in rows or ribbons. The distance between rows is 15 cm, and between seeds 5-7 cm. We sow at a depth of 1.5 cm; we cannot bury the seeds deeper, as up to 50% of the harvest is lost.

Then pour warm water over everything and place small arcs. Cover with film or covering material. After germination, close depending on the weather; if the weather is warm, then you can completely open the bed.

For comfortable growth from germination to the formation of root crops, radishes need a temperature of +10+12◦C, and then +16-18◦C. Plants are not afraid of slight frosts; seedlings can withstand down to -4◦C, and adult plants up to -6◦C.

By folk signs: “The lilac has bloomed, the primrose has bloomed - you can sow radishes.”

Radishes need to be watered constantly. A long break in watering and the plant may start to wilt. To avoid constantly loosening the soil, mulch it with hay and grass.

With the emergence of seedlings, watch for the appearance cruciferous flea beetle- These are the main pests of all cruciferous plants. From their invasions, you can pollinate seedlings with ash, tobacco, and red pepper. Flea beetles are also afraid of sprinkling watering. You can simply not remove the covering material until the seedlings get stronger.

We remove the radishes as they are ready, in several stages. How will root vegetables grow up to 2 cm? You should not expect huge sizes; you will end up with an overgrown, tasteless root vegetable.

Attention! Long-term low temperatures (below +9°C) or constant sharp fluctuations after germination adversely affect the growth of radishes; they bloom quickly. Therefore, when sowing, look at the air temperature and weather forecast!

Radish varieties

Albamedium grade(25-35 days). Fruits – white, diameter 3.4 cm, weight up to 50 g, white flesh. The variety is productive and resistant to flowering.

Heat– a popular early variety (from germination to harvest 20-30 days). The fruits are dark crimson flowers, up to 5 cm long, weight up to 27 g. Fruitful. Moderately resistant to bloom.

Ruby– early ripening variety (29-31 days before harvest). The fruits are red-crimson, up to 4.2 cm long, weighing up to 28 g. Productive, not very resistant to flowering.

French breakfast– early variety (21-24 days before the first harvest). The fruits are elongated, red with a white tip, weighing up to 20 g, juicy. Resistant to arrows.

Red giant– medium variety (from germination to harvest 28-37 days). The fruits are large, elongated up to 13 cm, weighing up to 80 g. The pulp is white, juicy. Good storage, suitable for autumn planting. The variety tolerates drought and cold well, is resistant to flowering and diseases.

Growing radishes in autumn

Typically, radishes are not sown during the hottest summer months, so they bloom quickly. But from August you can again sow radishes in the beds freed from onions and garlic. In the fall, the rains will water it, and cruciferous flea beetles will no longer bother the young shoots.

The Red Giant variety is good for autumn planting. Harvest the entire crop at once, trying to do it before frost. The tops are cut and stored in the cellar, like other root vegetables. You can sprinkle it with sand for better preservation.

Now you know how to plant radishes on a windowsill and how to get an early harvest in your garden. In the next article, read about growing radishes in a greenhouse.


Radish (Raphanus sativus) - agricultural cultivation technology, protection from pests and diseases. Radishes in spring, summer and autumn

What is needed to obtain a guaranteed harvest of tasty and healthy radish roots?

Many summer residents grow radishes and are quite successful. But there are also losers who, having tried to grow radishes several times, but without achieving results, stop cultivating them, citing the fact that this is a short-day vegetable crop, and in the conditions of Karelia with long daylight hours good harvest don't get it.

Yes, radishes are a short-day crop, but when proper agricultural technology, taking into account all the features of cultivating this crop, you can get an excellent harvest both in our area and in other areas of the North-Western region. Radish is the earliest vegetable crop because it is very cold-resistant (withstands temperatures down to 0°C and below). Based on this, sowing seeds can be done very early, as soon as the soil is ready.

Although radishes are a cold-resistant crop, the optimal temperature for seed germination and further plant growth is 18...20°C. At this temperature, seedlings appear on days 4-6. Radishes are demanding on the soil, both in structure and fertility. Loose, moist, fertile soils of a neutral or slightly acidic reaction are allocated for it. Before sowing seeds, 8-10 kg of compost or humus and 40-50 g of complex mineral fertilizers per 1 m2 are added to the soil. During the period of root crop formation, it is necessary to water the crops abundantly. With weak growth, plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizer at the rate of 30-50 g per hectare per 10 liters of water, using this solution per 2 m2. During potassium starvation, the radish leaves look normal, but the root crop does not form (wood ash can help out here). With nitrogen starvation, radishes practically do not form either tops or roots. A pinkish color appears on the leaves. Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is needed at the time when the radish expands its cotyledon leaves.

To achieve optimal temperatures for cultivating radishes, it is necessary to use covering material (polyethylene film, non-woven covering material). At low temperatures (below 12°C), many radish varieties do not form root crops. Root crops do not form even with thickened crops (recommended distance between lines is 15-20 cm, seed placement depth is 1-2 cm, seed consumption rate is 2-3 g per 1 m2).

As a very early ripening crop, radishes can be harvested from beds in greenhouses intended for growing tomatoes and cucumbers. It is sown there before the main crops are planted and in initial period their growing season.

Recently, many varieties of radishes have appeared, in seed stores your eyes are wide open, and you don’t know what to give preference to. In order not to be left without a harvest, you need to sow varieties that you have sown before and that gave you good yields, and sow new varieties carefully, one or two per season, testing them, because many of them, alas, do not confirm the advertised characteristics.

During spring sowing, in the conditions of Karelia, I grow the following varieties of radish: French breakfast, 18 days, Heat. Faith. These are early ripening varieties. From sowing to the ripeness of root crops, 23-28 days pass. The varieties Zhara and Vera have round, small roots, up to 2 cm in diameter, while the varieties 18 days and French Breakfast have elongated roots. The pulp is tender, with a slightly pungent taste.

In summer-autumn culture, I prefer to grow radish of the Red Giant variety, which is a late variety; its growing season lasts up to 50-60 days. Root vegetables are crimson-red in color, conical in shape, 10-12 cm long and 1.5-2 cm in diameter. In addition to these remarkable characteristics of the root crops of this variety, it is necessary to note their amazing shelf life (they retain commercial properties until January when stored in plastic bags at a temperature of 1-3°C). To grow root crops for winter storage, I sow the seeds in the third decade of July and harvest them before frost sets in.

Last season, in the third ten days of July, I sowed radishes of the Vera and Saksa varieties and also did not fail. August was cool and rich in precipitation. Under such weather conditions, the radish harvest turned out to be a success. The root vegetables were almost the size of turnips - up to 8 cm in diameter. At the same time, I did not use any special agricultural techniques.

Pest protection

In the heat, damage to plants is caused cruciferous flea beetles . To repel them, you can use wood ash mixed in equal parts with tobacco dust or lime. You can also spray the plants with an infusion of ash (pour 1 glass in the evening with 9 liters of water, stir and let sit until the morning).

Eats radishes and cabbage fly. Its larvae bore into the root crop and bore it with their passages. The mass emergence of the spring cabbage fly and the laying of eggs coincides with the cherry blossoms. As soon as you notice the pest, pollinate or spray the soil around the plant, as you would to fight flea beetles.

Protection from diseases

Radishes cannot be sown after cabbage in open ground, or in a greenhouse after growing cabbage seedlings there, as they have common diseases. Radishes may be damaged “black leg”, clubroot, mucous bacteriosis, downy mildew (peronospora).

When affected by mucous bacteriosis, the root crop becomes slimy and decomposes, emitting an unpleasant characteristic odor. The tissue of the root vegetable is very delicate, so this process occurs much faster than with cabbage. The radish varieties Mokhovsky, Rose-red with white tip, Variant and Teplichny Gribovsky are relatively resistant to mucous bacteriosis.

In film greenhouses, when sowing radishes after cabbage seedlings, root crops may be affected by powdery mildew. Its signs are that dark gray or almost black spots with somewhat blurry edges are observed on root crops above the soil at the base of the rosette of leaves, as well as on parts located in the ground. A light coating is clearly visible on their surface - sporulation of the causative agent of the disease.

Later, the spots merge and occupy most of the root crop, then suberization and cracking of the affected tissue occurs. On a cut of a root crop, dark brown spots in the form of strands are visible. The taste of diseased root vegetables deteriorates sharply.

The Sachs radish variety is relatively resistant to this disease. The source of infection for all of the above diseases is the soil on which cabbage and other crops of the cabbage family, radishes, daikon, and turnips were grown.

So, to get root vegetables and not flowers, you need to:

  • observe agricultural technology (preparing fertile, loose, moisture-absorbing soil, sowing in the most early dates, the use of covering material to create optimal temperature for plant growth and development);
  • do not thicken the crops (make furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm, place seeds in a row no closer than 3 cm). About 5 days after germination, thinning is carried out. Weak, crooked plants are removed without pity, leaving 5-6 cm between them;
  • do not allow the soil to dry out (in hot weather, water every evening, spending 5-6 liters per 1 m2);
  • use zoned varieties (preferably early ripening ones in spring).

Victor Felk, amateur gardener, Petrozavodsk


Pests and diseases

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Article from the section: Vegetables, subsection: Garden pests>radish

Radish varieties, cultivation and pests of radishes - Miracle Garden

Juicy, beautiful, tasty and at the same time early - that’s what this vegetable is. Skilled gardeners use fresh radishes almost all year round. Radish- cold-resistant, develops well at a temperature of 10-12°, therefore in open ground it is grown already at the end of April.

Amateur gardeners cultivate many varieties of radishes. And year after year the assortment of vegetables is replenished. I will name the most interesting varieties (according to ripening time).

Early ripening radishes have time to grow in 25-30 days from the moment the seeds are sown in the ground until harvest. And there is a variety in which the readiness for harvesting root crops occurs on the 18th day; variety name - Heat. This radish is red in color and its greens are short. Grown in open and protected ground. Zoned in many regions of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia.

Another early ripening variety - Zarya. The root vegetables are round, red, the tops are low, the flesh is white when cut, and remains strong for a long time. The variety is widespread in Udmurtia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Early ripening radish

Radish Early Red also early ripening, resistant to bolting. Its taste is good, the vegetable is loved by gardeners from the Non-Black Earth Region. But perhaps the most common of the early ripening varieties radish Pink-red with a white tip. Its root vegetables are round-flat, with white, very juicy pulp.

Mid-season varieties of radishes grow longer in beds, of which the variety has good yield Alba with a white, oval-shaped root crop. The taste of root vegetables is excellent. This radish is cultivated in the Urals.

Of the mid-season varieties, we will also point out the varieties Saratovsky, with a red, round root and Virovsky white. Both varieties are productive and have high taste.

Finally, the attention of gardeners is increasingly attracted to mid-late varieties of radish, which occupy the beds for 45 days or more. Of these we will name the variety Zenith, bred by the Primorsky Agricultural Station. It is zoned in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Kamchatka and Amur. The Zenith root crop is round, elongated, with a blunt apex. Its color is pink, the flesh is white, glassy. It is as long as a carrot - 15-17 cm. It stores well.

Taking advantage different varieties , you can constantly have radishes during the warm season. You just need to remember that early and mid-ripening varieties produce crops on sandy loam soils, and for autumn late varieties Loams are better suited. Radishes are different from others vegetable crops short growing season and high intensity of nutrient absorption, which makes this crop very demanding on soil fertility.

Radishes in the middle zone

A good precursor for radishes will be crops to which organic fertilizers were applied (4-5 kg/m2). In this case, almost no mineral fertilizers are applied to the radishes. If the predecessor did not receive organic fertilizers, then in this area they are introduced in the fall (1.5 - 2.0 kg/m2 of rotted manure or humus).

To grow radishes in greenhouses, a mixture of humus or peat with turf soil (2:1) is required, to which superphosphate and potassium chloride are added at the rate of 200-300 g per 100 kg of the mixture.

In central Russia Radishes are sown at the end of April. Shoots appear in 5-7 days (when sown with dry seeds). All radishes need fertile, moist soil and are light-loving.

IN unsuitable conditions the vegetable grows elongated and shoots quickly. During drought, its taste deteriorates.

Not bad before sowing check seeds for germination. They are sorted in a 3-5% solution of table salt, while the floating seeds are removed and removed, and those that have settled to the bottom are thoroughly washed with water, since a small amount of salt remaining on them will reduce germination.

Disinfect the seeds in water heated to 48-50° for 20 minutes. After warming up, the seeds are cooled for 2-3 minutes. cold water, then dried until flowable. This treatment of seed material is sometimes carried out in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, followed by washing.

For sowing radishes, select areas that emerge from the snow the earliest. To make the seeds germinate faster, they are soaked in a 0.01% solution of nicotinic acid. Sowing is carried out with 5-7-line tapes with a distance between them of 40 cm, and row from row - 15 cm. Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm. The seed sowing rate is 2-2.5 g per 1 m2. Seed from seed should be placed in the furrow at a distance of 0.3-0.5 cm.

For faster emergence of seedlings, radish crops are covered with film.

Sprouted radish seeds

Radish care consists of weeding, loosening and thinning plants in beds. Watering should be plentiful, then the crops will not bolt. During the growth period, radishes are fed mineral fertilizers(added during irrigation). Vegetables are harvested selectively, as needed. Subsequent radish harvests can be obtained until the second half of October, in this case last time it is sown in early August.

Summer crops of radishes produce root crops of reduced quality, so in June-July radishes are replaced by crops of summer radish Odesskaya 5. It has delicate pulp with a pleasant taste.

Radishes will be healthy and clean if there are no weeds on your site. After all, it is where the majority are preserved harmful insects and pathogens. It is also necessary to monitor the change of crops on the site.

To warn Damage to radishes by cruciferous flea beetles, they try to sow it at an earlier date. Dry and hot weather contributes to the harmfulness of flea beetles. Flea beetles lay eggs on radish crops. Soon the eggs hatch into larvae that feed on small roots, seemingly without causing noticeable harm to the plant. But, of course, there is one, and a considerable one. The larvae pupate in the soil. At the end of July, a new generation of flea beetles appears. In wet years southern regions crops can be severely damaged in summer.

The harmfulness of cruciferous flea beetles is reduced if the plants are fed with slurry. Among the proven home remedies to combat this scourge, we point out pollination of radishes with tobacco dust and stove ash. This technique is repeated 2-3 times every 4-5 days.

Cabbage fly

Another pest - spring cabbage fly, causing enormous damage to radishes. Fly larvae bore into the radish root crop, piercing it with tunnels. The timing of flies' flight depends on weather conditions. A related sign in the Moscow region is birch blossoms, in the Leningrad region - cherry blossoms. Both of these phenological phenomena almost coincide in timing - they occur in early May.

Stove ash is also used against spring flies - it is used to dust root crops.

Gardeners also complain about such a pest as cruciferous bug. This brightly colored insect is dotted with spots and dashes. Cruciferous bugs awaken early after hibernation. Bugs that suck the juice from the leaves cause the plants to turn yellow, wither, and sometimes die completely. Young plants are especially sensitive to damage. At the place where the bug injected, a light spot appears, around which the plant tissue gradually dies, forming a hole correct form.

To prevent bedbugs, radishes are sprayed with an infusion of datura or henbane. To do this, 500 g of dried flowering stems or leaves alone are infused for 12 hours in 10 liters of water. Before spraying, add another 30-40 g of soap, so the drug sticks better.

Let's also mention rapeseed sawfly. The insect is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the country; it overwinters in the soil in the larval or pupa phase, hidden inside a dense cocoon, covered on the outside with soil particles. This cover makes it difficult to detect the pest.

Adult sawflies emerge in May-June. The female, using an ovipositor, cuts the skin from the underside of a radish leaf along the veins and lays 1-2 eggs in the cut. After 5-12 days, larvae emerge from the eggs - pseudo-caterpillars, which feed on the leaves, randomly eating them from the edges and from the middle. The caterpillars are very voracious and can completely destroy leaves without touching their thick veins.

They fight rapeseed sawfly with the help of black henbane infusion. Why infuse 0.5 kg of dry leaves in water for 12 hours, then filter the infusion, add water to 10 liters and add 30-40 g of soap. Apply during the period of appearance of beetles, caterpillars and larvae.

O. Smirnova


Radish is a very healthy root vegetable with a pungent taste and a huge amount substances beneficial to the body, benefits whose cultivation has been approved by many vegetable growers.

Along with excellent taste, radishes also have medicinal properties. It is eaten exclusively raw and used in various salads, snacks, and dietary foods.

For sale, growing radishes is especially profitable in autumn or winter periods years when its availability in markets or stores is limited. To get the harvest good quality, it is necessary that the greenhouse conditions correspond as much as possible to the open ground.

Radishes are early-ripening root vegetables, and their fruits are rich in vitamins, fiber and mineral salts, which is why many gardeners are interested in them.

It has a significant effect on increasing appetite, improving digestion and, containing bactericidal substances, fights harmful microbes.

Essential and mustard oils, which are some of the components radish.

How to choose a variety to grow?

The following varieties that are more suitable for distribution can be distinguished: Teplichny Gribovsky, Zarya, Early Red, Rubin. Firstly, they are early ripening with a growing season of 20-22 days, and secondly, they do not shoot shoots.

They can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, while obtaining a high yield.

During cold periods, when radishes are grown in a greenhouse, varieties are preferred that are characterized by a short growing season and accelerated growth of root crops in the absence of normal lighting. These varieties include Donar, Tarzan, Coral, Debel.

If you use a balcony or window sill to grow radishes, we recommend using seeds of the Duro, Novired, and Lyubava varieties.

To grow radishes, you need to choose the right soil mixture.

There are four options for preparing mixtures:

Humus manure (60%) and turf soil (40%)

Greenhouse soil (50%) and turf (50%)

Humus manure (60%) and field soil (40%)

Lowland peat (20%), turf soil (40%) and humus manure (40%).

To open a business, costs are required for growing radishes.

Starting a radish growing business will not require large expenses. First you need to have a greenhouse with an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters.

The greenhouse must be properly equipped with lighting and heating, and also purchase special equipment - hydroponic installations, microclimate management.

After that we buy planting material, substrate, fertilizers and necessary equipment. Since you, starting a business, plan to sell grown radishes, you also need packaging equipment.

Business is subject to registration

If you are growing radishes on your own plot, then in this case there is no need to legally register the business, and besides, taxes are not paid for the goods received. To create a large and serious business, while receiving a considerable income, you will need registration.

By registering as an entrepreneur with an agricultural activity, you will be classified as a payer of the unified agricultural tax, paying it at the place of your registration, regardless of the location of your land plot.

Producers of agricultural products are highly valued by the state, and in this regard, there is the possibility of profitable lending and the help of officials in solving problems that arise is felt.

Growing radishes has its own characteristics

Growing radishes in winter in a greenhouse or in warm period year in the open ground takes place in stages:

The first stage is the selection of seeds.

In open ground, it is more favorable to grow radishes in spring period or at the very beginning of autumn. If you have a greenhouse, cultivation can be done all year round, including November, December, February.

When choosing seeds for planting, it is necessary to take into account their properties: for wholesale or in bunches, for open or closed soil, especially taking into account the bolting resistance of radishes.

The second stage involves preparing the soil.

When starting planting, it is necessary to first prepare the soil by digging it up, while removing the roots of weeds, especially perennials. You can use a walk-behind tractor for this.

To avoid damage to the future crop by mole crickets or slugs, the soil will need special preparations. We level the soil with a rake and apply a layer of humus about 5 centimeters thick, which gives the plants nutrients and, moreover, if the soil is loose, you will get beautiful and regularly shaped fruits.

When the seeds are planted, the third stage is formed.

To make it easier to plant seeds one grain at a time, it is good to purchase a marker with a cell size of 0.66 or 0.67 meters in order to make holes with it. Having planted all the seeds, carefully sweep the humus with a broom.

The fourth stage is watering.

After finishing planting the seeds, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Although radishes are a moisture-loving root crop, it is not recommended to water them a lot and often, since the roots are prone to cracking due to excess moisture, which as a result affects the presentation of the product and there is a danger of slugs breeding.

The final fifth stage is harvesting.

After making sure that the heads of the root crops have reached a certain size, we harvest. It is very important to harvest the crop on time to prevent the radishes from turning into shoots and cracking the fruits. For profitable sales, it is best to make two harvests per bunch, and the third goes for weight.

Growing radishes in hydroponic systems

To obtain a high yield in the shortest possible time, without having to large sizes The site can be used with hydroponic installations. If there is one cassette, with total area 0.002 acres, it is possible to harvest up to 80 kilograms.

When installing appropriate lighting, the growing season is up to two weeks. Using hydroponic installations, the income from this type of business doubles.

The cassette container has its own needs:

  • on the minimum nutrient area for radishes, the cassette should be filled with many cells for seeds;
  • It is important that the cassette material is clean, environmentally friendly, so that harmful, toxic substances are not released into the solution;
  • the width of the rack and cassette must be the same;
  • Make sure that the cassette material does not react with the solution.

Business on the windowsill

A balcony or window sill is very suitable for growing radishes. For this type of cultivation, it is advisable to use the varieties Lyubava, Novired, Duro, which do not tend to shoot arrows.

When using a balcony or window sill for growing, install a box, preferably square with a side of 60 centimeters, and fill it with the appropriate soil mixture.

Seeds are sown in pre-made grooves. It is recommended to plant radishes on the windowsill in mid-April, from the 12th to the 15th. To obtain the second and third harvest, sowing is carried out on the 20th of April, and until mid-May approximately on the 10th and 11th. During periods when air temperatures rise, growing radishes on the balcony is not recommended.

The radish growing business has some problems.

1. Radishes are characterized by low air temperatures of up to 18 degrees.

2. In the hot season of summer, for growing radishes, special varieties are needed that are not prone to bolting.

3. In the summer heat, the cruciferous flea beetle attacks the leaves, so plants need to be treated with insecticides.

4. Obtaining the desired profit is often hampered by competition in the sales market.

Estimated profit calculations

To calculate the possible profit, we take a plot of one hundred square meters as a basis.

Depending on the size of the fruits, one bunch contains 12-25 root vegetables;

For a kilogram of radish you need two or two and a half bunches;

About 125 plants are grown per square meter of area;

On plot of land 12.5 thousand plants grow on an area of ​​100 square meters. Almost 100% germination should not be expected. Taking this into account, the definite norm ranges from 90 to 95 percent. As a result, we have a production of 11,250 plants. You can increase the quantity by reducing row spacing;

We divide the estimated number of plants by the capacity of the bunch (25), as a result we get 40 bunches;

We multiply the number of bundles by the price of one (approximately 30 rubles) and we get 13.5 thousand rudders;

To obtain net profit from the calculated amount, we subtract the expenses previously incurred and we get net profit.

How to sell grown radishes?

For unimpeded sale of the harvest, it is necessary to obtain a GOSTR declaration and a phytosanitary certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station. The declaration is a confirmation of product compliance with documents denoting certain standards.

There is a scheme to obtain maximum profit.

Increase the size of the land plot;

Plant radishes in several periods of 10-15 days, thereby ensuring continuous availability of goods;

When choosing a variety, prefer, pay attention to those whose taste qualities predominate. If there are good products, regular customers who pay for the quality of the product;

When growing radishes, prefer mostly classic varieties. As an experiment, you can try giant or white radish varieties, classified as exotic. If there is demand for these varieties, their quantity can be increased;

The sale of radishes on holidays has a significant impact on the amount of income;

A good time to sell radishes is winter and summer, when other vegetables predominate on the market;

Cunning Marketing Tricks

1. By using bright baskets on the counters, the product comes to the fore and attracts attention.

2. It is necessary to create conditions so that the consumer has the opportunity to try your product.

3. The buyer must be sure that the products grown by you have not been subject to chemical treatment or exposure.

If you do not plan to sell your products yourself, you will need to enter into agreements with stores or other retail outlets On the market. Then all you have to do is pack your goods.

As a result, you can make sure that running a radish growing business, in general, does not require large expenses and special labor, and the profit is quite good. With a little effort, you get a very good result.

After reading our article, which outlines the secrets of growing radishes, you will definitely achieve great success in your business and this business idea will help you build a stable radish growing business.

Free consultations for newbies in my VK group BUSINESS SECRETS FOR A BEGINNER.


Is it possible to plant radishes in July, June and August all summer long???? Or only in the spring???

Alexey B

Radishes have a very short growing season and as a result can be grown throughout the season. Radishes do not tolerate fresh organic matter, thickened plantings and lack of moisture.

Radish seeds germinate at temperatures of -1...-2°C.

The optimal temperature for growing radishes is +15-+18°C. Too high temperatures and lack of light lead to the growth of tops to the detriment of the radish root crop, and the root crop becomes coarser.

The seedlings can withstand frosts down to -4°C.

Radish seeds are sown in early spring, as soon as the beds have thawed to a depth of 4 cm.

To obtain a radish harvest throughout the summer, seed sowing is repeated every 2 weeks. When sowing radishes in summer, you need to remember that they ripen faster and can already be harvested 20 days after sowing. The earlier the fruit ripens, the faster it develops, the shorter the period of technical ripeness; many plants shoot immediately. In addition, during summer sowing, radish seedlings suffer from cruciferous flea beetle. Keeping the soil moist helps reduce the number of these competitors. After the radish shoots appear, they need to be pollinated with wood ash and tobacco (1:1) or sprayed with a solution against pests, which you can prepare yourself, which is less desirable. You can keep radish seedlings under lutrasil.

Radish shoots in long daylight hours. You can artificially shorten the length of the day by covering the radish bed with an opaque canopy from seven in the evening to seven in the morning. In August, the length of daylight hours decreases and radish crops do not shoot at all. Other reasons for radish bolting: sowing at high temperatures, insufficient watering, thickening of crops.

Joanna Vladimirova

of course it is possible

Alena Ramazanova

Of course you can


All summer you can*


In the summer he goes to the so-called pillars.

Elena Lyakh

Vika! you are a funny girl! Well done! Yes, plant whenever you want!!!—everything in the store will grow before spring!!!

Natali Natali

There are so many other vegetables in summer!! ! Why do you need radishes in summer? , she is not tasty - she is hot

peace and quiet

Around the middle - end of July you can sow autumn radishes. This is the Red Giant variety. Growing it in the spring is quite problematic due to the long growing season - 2-3 months. In June, the long daylight hours begin to take their toll, and the radish does not like this and begins to bloom. The fruit is not formed. But autumn is the time. The soil is warmed up and will remain warm for a long time. And the radish itself is very shelf-stable, guaranteed to be stored in the cellar until February and longer! Therefore, in fact, fresh radishes will be on your table all year round.

Ekaterina Kalitina

I’m asking myself this question... there is a risk that it will turn into color in the summer. .
that you can definitely sow parsley and dill all summer with a 3-week break. Salad is still possible, but it requires intensive watering.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

There are varieties of radishes that can be planted. , Just any kind - you can’t!!

Oleg Elizarov

Possible in July, August and September. In June it is better not to take risks. Of course, you can sow, but knowing the quality of the seeds being sold, you cannot hope for a harvest. Root crops will grow small and bitter, and the plants will shoot early.

Galina Russkova (Churkina)

the shorter the daylight hours. grows better 4 harvests were taken. In Penza I live in Murm. daylight hours. grows, the main thing is that there is no prolonged cold weather

Making a profit from growing radishes is easy!

Soil mixtures for growing radishes

In total there are 4 options for preparing mixtures: Greenhouse soil (50%) and turf soil (50%). Sod soil (40%) and dung humus (60%). Sod soil (40%), dung humus (40%), low peat (20%). Dung humus (60%) field soil (40%).

Initial costs of starting a radish growing business

The business of growing radishes will not require large expenses at the initial stage. To get started, first of all, you will need: 1. a greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters; 2. conducting communications (lighting and heating); 3. equipment and its installation (microclimate control, hydroponics installations); 4. planting material; 6. packaging equipment (for radishes for sale); 7. Inventory and other costs.

Business registration

Products from personal households are not subject to taxes; legal registration is not required to open them. This scheme is not suitable if you plan to create a serious business. You should register when your efforts start to bring significant income. You are registering as an individual entrepreneur in the category of agricultural producers. After this, you will pay a single agricultural tax, regardless of where the business is located—within the city limits or beyond it, whether you own land or rent them. The state constantly supports agricultural producers, and therefore you can count on profitable loans and good attitude of officials towards problems that arise.

Peculiarities of growing radishes

Let us consider step by step how radishes are grown in a greenhouse in winter or in open ground at other times of the year. 1st Stage - Selection of seeds The most favorable conditions for growing radishes in open ground are in spring or early autumn. If you have a greenhouse, then planting can begin already in February and in September-November. When choosing seeds, pay attention to what the varietal is suitable for: bunch products or sale by weight, for closed or open ground. Some seed producers indicate that radishes are resistant to bolting. Stage 2 - Soil Preparation Before planting, the soil needs to be dug up and the roots of perennial weeds removed. If there are no weeds on the site, then the soil can be performed using a walk-behind tractor. Next, the land is treated with preparations against slugs and mole crickets. Having previously leveled the soil with a rake, it is covered with a layer of humus 5 cm thick. Humus nourishes the plants, and in the loose soil, root crops of regular and beautiful shape ripen. Stage 3 - Planting seeds At this stage, you will need a marker with a cell of 6*6 or 6*7 cm. They make holes into which they throw one seed at a time. After all the seeds are planted, you need to cover the humus with a broom. Stage 4 - Watering Plants need to be watered immediately after planting the seeds. Despite the fact that radishes love water, you shouldn’t water too often and plentifully. Excessive moisture leads to the proliferation of slugs, cracking of root crops and deterioration of the commercial quality of products. Stage 5 - Harvest The harvest needs to be immediately after the root crop heads reach the required size, sufficient for sale. If you delay in harvesting, the radishes may crack or shoot an arrow. It is recommended to make two collections per bunch, and the third is used for weight.

Growing in hydroponic systems

The method involves obtaining the maximum yield on a small area in a fairly short period of time. One cassette with an area of ​​20 square meters allows you to get up to 80 kg of radishes. With sufficient lighting, the growing season is 10-14 days. Hydroponic installations increase the profitability of such a business by 50%. Requirements for a cassette container The cassette must have many cells for seeds and a minimum feeding area for radishes; The material of the cassette must be environmentally friendly; release of toxic or harmful substances into the solution is not allowed; The width of the cassette must correspond to the width of the rack of the hydroponic installation; The cassette material must not react with the solution.

Growing on a windowsill

The root crop can be grown perfectly on a windowsill or balcony. Usually, for these purposes, the varieties Duro, Novired, Lyubava, which do not shoot, are used. On a window sill or balcony (the second option is better), a square box measuring 60*60 cm is installed, after which it is filled with soil mixture. Grooves are made in the soil, into which large seeds are sown. Sowing root crops on the windowsill should be done on April 12-15. On a windowsill or balcony you can get 2-3 harvests, with the second sowing taking place around April 24, and the last one on May 10-11. In later periods, it is difficult to grow root crops on the balcony, as the air temperature rises.

Problems of the business of growing radishes

1. Conditions of high competition sometimes prevent from earning profit. 2. When growing radishes in summer in hot weather, it is worth choosing varieties that do not bolt. 3. In dry, hot weather, radish leaves are loved by the cruciferous flea beetle. Therefore it is necessary to treat plants with insecticides. 4. Radishes prefer low temperatures, the optimal temperature being 18 degrees.

How to calculate estimated profit

As a basis, we took a plot of 100 square meters. meters. Let's make an approximate calculation of profit. 1. In a bundle from 12 to 25 root vegetables depending on their size. 2. A kilogram of radishes is approximately 2-2.5 bunches. 3. On one square meter we can grow up to 125 plants. 4. So, on the area of the entire plot, we will grow 12,500 plants. The quantity in practice will be less, since it is very difficult to achieve one hundred percent germination. The norm is considered to be 90-95% of seed germination. That is, we will receive about 11,250 commercial products. Reduce the spacing between rows to increase the quantity. 5. Divide the resulting number 11,250 by 25 to calculate the number of beams. We get 450. 6. 450 bundles multiplied by 30 (average price of a bundle) - we get 13,500 rubles. 7. From 13,500, we subtract your costs for seeds and sales of goods (for example, gasoline), after which we get a net profit.

Sales of grown radishes

In order to start selling, you need to obtain certain documents: a GOST R declaration to the SES and a phytosanitary certificate. The declaration is needed to confirm that the product complies with all regulatory documents and technical regulations.

Product sales scheme - how to get maximum profit

Increase the number of acres. Plant radishes in several batches at a frequency of 1.5-2 weeks. This way you will ensure constant availability of commercial products. Choose varieties that have excellent taste so that customers come to you. People are willing to pay more for a good product. Grow only classical varieties, and exotic (white or giant radishes) only as an experiment. If there is demand for exotics, then the batch can be increased. If you sell radishes during all holidays, this will significantly increase your income. If you sell your products in the summer or winter, you will get free from great competition and can set a good price. In the fall, it is better not to grow large quantities, since there are many competitors on the market at this time.

Some marketing tricks

The product should always be in a visible place. For this purpose, bright counters, racks and baskets are used. It is necessary to provide the opportunity to try your product. Install a poster with an appropriate inscription. Tell customers that you are a local farmer who do not use any chemicals in the growing process. If you don’t plan to sell the product yourself, then establish cooperation with stores, wholesale chains and markets. In this case, you will only have to pack the root vegetables into containers and containers. We can summarize that the business of growing radishes is quite simple and quite profitable. With a little effort you can get a very good result. And the main secrets of growing radishes set out in the article will help you achieve success in your business.


Agricultural technology for growing radishes

Growing radishes in their garden plots.

Radishes are one of the most beloved root vegetables among people.

Tasty, juicy, early ripening, at the end of spring, along with the first green onions“from the garden” and other greenflies, it opens the season of summer abundance of fresh vegetables.

You can get three or four harvests per season.

After winter, radishes are the first sources ascorbic acid(up to 44%) and vitamin PP.

The growing season of radishes is short, 20-40 days in total.

This is a cold-resistant plant, with a small root system, which allows it to be grown not only in small beds, but even in large pots.

This circumstance makes it possible to establish the cultivation of radishes almost from the beginning of February, even in central Russia.

Of course, you will need a heated greenhouse.

If there is none, then the sowing date moves to mid-March.

Radishes are rich vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, sulfur.

Aromatic mustard oils, Contained in radishes, they enrich the taste of any salad and meat dishes.

Well, besides, it is valuable for its precocity.

Your own radish appeared on the table - that’s it, the harvest began!

Growing radishes has its own characteristics.

So radishes are demanding soil fertility.

Root crops grow well in a variety of soils acidity(pH 5.5 7.3).

Liming is carried out only on very acidic soils.

Radishes are placed as a precursor to the main crop: tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, summer crops of beets and carrots.

In autumn it is a repeat crop.

Radish is a moisture-loving crop.

Unlike other vegetable crops, it has small root system Therefore, it needs a sufficient amount of moisture throughout the growing season.

With its deficiency, root crops lengthen, become flabby, and have an unpleasant taste.

Basic soil preparation for growing radishes, applying fertilizers for the main crop.

Early ripening varieties of radish are widely used as a beacon crop for early sowing of carrots, parsley, tomato seedlings and others.

When sowing radishes, you should remember that this crop requires light.

If the tops grow in the shade, the root crop will be of poor quality.

In spring, the soil is loosened and well leveled with a rake or harrow.

When re-cultured in autumn period Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil per 1 m2 of area: nitrogen 15-20 g, superphosphate 30 g, potassium fertilizers 15 g.

According to cultivation technology, radish crops are divided into spring crops, autumn, winter or winter-spring.

The technology for growing radishes in different climatic periods is described below.

Growing radishes with spring sowings.

Spring sowing is carried out as early as possible.

For this, the soil is prepared in the fall.

Sow in two ways: with row spacing 15 -20 cm or five-line tape with row spacing 50-60+4x15 cm.

The sowing rate of selected and treated seeds is 2 -3 g/m2, planting depth is 2 - 3 cm.

After sowing, the soil is rolled.

Spring sowings should be carried out in 2-3 periods with an interval of 10-15 days.

This makes it possible to extend the period of consumption of products.

During the growing season, weeds are destroyed, plants are thinned out at a distance of 3-4 cm from one another.

Then they loosen the soil between the rows and fight flea beetle, cabbage fly

The crops should be watered every 5-6 days. The norm is 20 l/m2.

If necessary, after thinning, plants are fed with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

Growing radishes with autumn sowings.

Sowing time depends on climatic and regional conditions.

With regular watering, the mass of radish roots is 30 g or more, and the taste is high.

The sowing method is tape, five-line according to the pattern 50-60+4x20 cm.

The seeding rate is 2 -3 g/m2, the depth of planting radish seeds is 3 -4 cm.

In case of cold weather, crops can be covered with film.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to loosen the row spacing, carry out regular watering, pest control, and destroy weeds.

With a slow increase in root mass, plants are fed with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 g of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers per 1 m2. Fertilizing is carried out with irrigation water.

Yield 3-4 kg/m2.

Growing radishes with winter-spring crops.

Winter-spring or winter sowing of radishes is carried out from January 15-20 in greenhouses, greenhouses, in insulated soil under plastic film.

From the first days of March (the date for the south of Ukraine), radishes are grown in beds prepared in the fall, under film covers.

To get high and early harvest radish requires selected and large seeds, sowing early varieties multi-line tapes with row spacing of 10 - 12 cm.

Seed sowing rate insulated soil under film covers 3-5 g/m2, embedment depth 1.5-2 cm.

After germination in the first leaf phase, the plants are thinned out at a distance of 3-4 cm from one another.

From germination until the appearance of the first leaf, the air temperature is maintained within 6-7°C, then 10-15°C, and at the beginning of the thickening of the root crop it is increased to 16-20°C.

Provide ventilation for film shelters, moderately water with warm (20-22°C) water at the rate of 10-12 l/m2, if necessary, plants are fed in the mass root setting phase at the rate of 10 g/m2 of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

In all methods of growing radishes, it should be remembered that radishes are prone to increased accumulation of nitrates. If possible, there is no need to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers.

Long daylight hours (more than 14 hours), prolonged exposure to both low (below 10-12° for 10-20 days) and high (above 20°) temperatures, sowing radishes with substandard seeds lead to premature stemming.

Radishes grow better and produce good root crops in moderately warm (average daily temperature no higher than 15°) and humid summers.

However, experienced vegetable growers annually receive high yields in any weather, providing plants with the conditions necessary for the successful cultivation of high-quality root vegetables.

Early production can be obtained under film covers.

Seeds are sown in early April.

The harvest ripens in 24-28 days.

Sowing furrows are made 8-10 cm apart from each other. In the row, seeds are placed every 4-5 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

Sometimes a marker board is used for sowing, which is easy to make yourself.

Its size is 30X40, and its thickness is 3 cm. Holes are made in it with a diameter of 1 cm with a distance of 5-5 cm, into which wooden finger rods 5 cm long are inserted, and a handle is nailed on top.

Before sowing radishes, the surface of the ridge is carefully leveled, the marker board is lightly pressed against the soil to create equal holes 2 cm deep.

Seeds are laid out in them: small ones spend up to 3, and large ones - 4-6 g/m2.

During the entire period of growth under shelters, it is important to maintain the appropriate temperature and air humidity (60-70%).

Insufficient ventilation, overheating of air extremely dangerous for plants, especially in cloudy weather and at night.

In the open ground experienced gardeners The seeds are sown for the first time in early spring, often on an ice crust, when the top layer of soil has thawed by 3-4 cm.

The soil is prepared in the fall. Large seeds with good germination are selected for sowing.

The seedlings can withstand frosts of 2-3°. If the frost is more severe, the plants are watered early in the morning and shaded; they come back without much damage.

Radishes are grown outdoors sunny area with loose fertile soil.

It grows poorly in shaded areas, the roots are slow to form and are often ugly.

Particular attention is paid to the sowing time.

Early ripening varieties are often sown several times during the spring-summer period: 10-15 days after the previous sowing.

Repeated sowings allow you to have fresh radishes for a longer time. The most delicious, juicy root vegetables are formed in short day conditions (10-12 hour light). This period occurs in early spring or late summer - autumn. A short day on the ridge can be arranged artificially.

To do this, make a frame, cover it with an opaque material (black plastic film or other) and install it on the ridge from 17-19 to 7 o’clock.

During this period, plants are in the dark, and the day seems to be shortened. In this case, large root crops are formed, and the radish does not bolt longer.

When sowing in summer, it is necessary to carefully follow agricultural techniques to prevent mass bolting of plants, as well as to protect the crops from pests.

Thickened seedlings should be thinned by 4-5 cm.

It is important to provide the plants with sufficient water in a timely manner, since this crop is moisture-loving.

You need to water regularly: from the emergence of seedlings to harvesting in 2-3 days, and in dry, hot weather - daily (sometimes even in the morning and evening).

Watering ensures continuous growth of radishes and delays the formation of flowering shoots to a later period.

Crops provided with water are less attacked by pests and the quality of the crop increases.

It is useful to water radishes generously a day before harvesting: the root crops remain fresh longer after harvesting.

After watering, the soil usually becomes very compacted. Frequent loosening of the rows or mulching the surface of the ridge with peat, dry soil, humus allows you to maintain good air permeability and looseness of the soil.

The harvest is selectively harvested as it ripens.

You should not be late with harvesting (especially early ripening varieties), since formed root crops usually throw out flowering shoots after 3-5 days and become inedible.

Growing radishes at this time does not present any great difficulties: the plants are almost not damaged by pests, and the shortened day and lower air temperature contribute to the formation of large, juicy root crops.

Late-ripening varieties ripen in the third ten days of September.

They are harvested in dry weather before the onset of stable frosts.

They are suitable for long-term storage.

You can grow your own radish seeds(in the Urals too).

High quality seed material obtained by sowing selected varietal seeds into peat humus pots measuring 5X5 cm, which are prepared from peat, humus and slurry in a weight ratio of 6:2:1.

Water is added as needed.

For 10 kg of mixture add 20 g of nitrogen, 40 - phosphorus, 40-50 - potash fertilizers and 100 g of ash.

The pots are placed in a greenhouse, greenhouse or warm nursery. From the moment of emergence and until the formation of the first leaf, a temperature of 10-12° is maintained, before the formation of the root crop begins, a temperature of 10-12° is favorable, later - 15-18° during the day, and 10-12° at night.

To obtain strong seedlings, it is necessary to increase ventilation and lighting.

When two shoots appear in the pot, leave one, the most developed plant

During the period of root thickening, a small layer of soil is added to the plants.

They monitor the appearance of pests in order to protect the plants in time.

Seeds grown in a greenhouse are planted in open ground in furrows 60-70 cm apart after 35-40 days (May 10-15).

They are well watered and pots are placed in moist soil at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

5-6 testes are placed per 1 m2. When planted radishes grow back, they loosen the soil in the rows, prevent weeds from growing, and especially destroy all wild radish plants around them.

Before flowering, apply 30 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium fertilizers per 1 m2 of planting.

Plants protect against rapeseed flower beetle.

In the first ten days of September, the pods on the testes usually acquire yellow, which means the beginning of seed ripening.

During this period, seed bushes are cut and placed on the stumps of cut plants to dry and fully ripen the seeds.

After 10-15 days they are threshed and sorted.

Some gardeners grow radish seeds direct way.

In early spring they are sown in an area with fertile soil.

The seeding rate is reduced: for single-line sowing (every 60 cm) to 0.4, for double-line sowing (60 + 25 cm) -0.6 g/m2.

During the period when root crops begin to form, some of the plants are removed (underdogs, early bolting plants, etc.) and left only with larger root crops at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

The testes are cut off when the pods turn yellow, dried and immediately threshed.

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