Make a flower garden of continuous flowering. A flowerbed of continuous flowering or how to make your garden bloom all season long? Perennial flowerbed for beginners

Every person who has a dacha or their own house would like to have a unique flowerbed on the site continuous flowering. This means that from spring to autumn various plants would delight the eye with their bright inflorescences. To create such a flower garden, you need to know the flowering times of certain representatives of the flora world. To facilitate the work, you need to draw up a diagram according to which planting work will be gradually carried out. Additionally, you should arrange the plants in the form of a table: in one column the name of the flower, in the second - the time of planting, in the third - the flowering period.

It’s better to spend it in the fall in advance preparatory work, digging up the area and planting bulbous plants.

There is no need to plant shrubs such as barberry or Japanese quince in the flower garden, even in the background. Big root system will not allow other flowers to develop, and the quince with its shoots can completely destroy the embodiment of the idea of ​​​​a flower bed of continuous flowering.

Master class on creating a flower garden of continuous flowering

Spring flower bed

In the fall, you need to choose a place for a flower garden and plant bulbs; they will give a start to spring flowering. We plant low-growing flowers in the foreground, and 20 centimeters high in the center or at a distance. Bulbs are planted in groups, for example, 5-9 tulips in one place, a group of daffodils in another, crocuses in a third, mouse hyacinth or muscari in a fourth; primrose, which blooms with crimson flowers, looks great next to blue muscari.

Beautiful spring Flower- hyacinth, which looks both in a single arrangement and in a group of its fellows.

An example of creating a flower bed of continuous flowering. The picture shows a flower bed, each flower is numbered, and the names of the flowers are written below. Use this design to create a beautiful flower bed that will bloom all year round.

As it is now, there is a large selection of bulb varieties in the store; it’s worth looking at the color combination diagram for yourself. If the flower garden is large, then you can purchase varieties of tulips and daffodils of different flowering periods, for example, ordinary red ones bloom first. Afterwards, a gentle solo is performed by the Lilies. Bright rich colors are added by yellow and dwarf tulips, which will look great next to muscaria and primrose.

Polyanthus rose is an excellent solution for your flower bed. No matter what season it is, this flower will always show off in your flower garden

In the background of the flower garden we place a catchment or aquilegia. Besides varietal plant, there are also wild ones, who are shorter in stature, but no less expressive.

Summer flower bed

Since the bulbous plants were planted in groups, there should be islands of free soil between them, where we plant the hollyhock and delphinium. These tall flowers belong in the center of the composition or in the background. The dark pink corollas of the stock rose will be located next to the cultivated aquilegia, which has inflorescences of purple and Pink colour. Next to the blue “candles” of the delphinium, plant bonar verbena with its purple flowers. Along the border of the composition we will plant lobelia, either ampelous multi-colored inflorescences, or “Emperor Willy” in pure blue.

With blue lobelia flowers that bloom all summer, plant petunia. It will create a contrast and tireless flowering is guaranteed until frost. An accent to your composition can be given by a pot, for example, with the same petunia, but in an ampelous form. Lilies also bloom well in pots, which can be removed after flowering, as well as pansies.

In summer, our flowerbed will reach its maximum beauty, all the flowers will bloom and decorate your area

Plant roses in the center and lilies further away. When the lilies bloom in July, the rose will cover them with its stems, keeping the lower part of the plant cool. In the background, plant rudbeckia, which will bloom its sunny inflorescences in July. Plant groups of gladioli next to it in the spring. The flower will shoot its arrows from July to September, which must be cut off when flowering reaches its climax, so that the bulb will enlarge and gain strength before digging it up for the winter.

Plant a peony at the right edge of the flowerbed, a little further away, and let the lily flower grow on the other edge. If the flowerbed is large enough, you can plant three flowers; if it’s small, then one at a time. Godetia, which is beautiful with its most delicate inflorescences, may not please with its beauty if it rains. Therefore, it is better to leave this representative of the flower world for planting on the balcony.

Autumn flower bed

Rich colors in autumn are the care of multi-colored chrysanthemums and asters. It is advisable to place them in the background, and in front it is better to plant Japanese anemone and black cohosh. Rudbeckia continues to bloom, and the autumn crocus will surprise you with its flowers, the flowers of which resemble a crocus, but they are larger in size.

Are you afraid of autumn approaching? Do you think that your flowerbed will become ugly and will have to get rid of it? Well, following our advice and diagram, your flowerbed will delight you even in the fall

The autumn sol, located in the background of the flowerbed, will play amaranth with its raspberry leaves and kochia, which will change color from green to burgundy throughout the fall.

When arranging a continuous flowering bed, it will be difficult for a beginner to create the perfect flower bed, but nevertheless there are a number of secrets that will help ensure the charm of any flower garden.

  1. Place a large boulder or a trio of stones in the center of the flowerbed, which will add originality to any flower garden.
  2. Use portable structures such as pots and flowerpots. If any island of soil is exposed, then placing a pot there, for example, with petunia, will correct the situation. Such accent inserts can be figurines of birds or animals. However, it is important to show a sense of proportion. One figurine will be enough.
  3. In the background or to the side, but without blocking the sun, you can plant clematis or girl's grapes, which will cling to decorative grille.
  4. Pick off faded flowers, thereby prolonging the flowering time, and the flowerbed looks neat.
  5. Weed regularly. Sometimes weeds give a messy look to any beautiful composition, and a well-groomed flowerbed, on the contrary, attracts the eye.
  6. Apply fertilizers in a timely manner; they are necessary both in spring, summer and autumn.

Creating a flower bed of continuous flowering is not a matter of one day, it is painstaking work through trial and error. But in any case, you need to rely mostly on long-flowering annuals, which you can buy as seedlings in the store, or plant them yourself in the spring.

Plant familiar flowers that will decorate the flower bed. It is better to conduct experiments elsewhere to be sure of the unfading beauty of the creation.

Properly selected plants for a flower garden of continuous flowering perennials make it easy to decorate even the most inconspicuous areas and add a unique charm all season long. An attractive, constantly blooming small flower bed is incredibly popular, and in last years increasingly used in landscape decoration against the backdrop of lawns and large trees.

There are several rules that allow you to independently create a flower garden with continuous flowering:

  • At the first stage of planning, you need to make a sketch of the flower bed. For this purpose, a ready-made layout diagram with examples can be used, or a sketch diagram can be created independently;
  • at the next stage, in accordance with the size of the proposed flower garden, a location is selected personal plot. The location must meet the botanical needs of the plants and take into account their shade tolerance and drought tolerance;
  • when planning the location, you need to take into account not only the size of ornamental plants, but also their coloring, as well as compatibility in group plantings;
  • tall perennial flowers are always planted in the background of the composition, and low-growing plants are located in the foreground, which will allow you to get the most spectacular and harmonious composition;

  • When distributing the color spectrum, it is recommended to place the brightest blue and red flowers on background, and plants with calm pink, blue and yellow tones plant in the foreground;
  • it is important to remember that primroses are planted in autumn period, and perennial crops should also be sown in advance;
  • The basic decoration of the flower garden are low-growing conifers and decorative foliage crops.

Caring for a formed flower bed is not difficult and involves timely irrigation, weeding and systematic fertilizing. Periodically, you need to visually inspect the composition, remove dried and dead plants, replacing them with new ones.

Garden of continuous flowering (video)

Flower beds of continuous flowering from perennials by season

In continuous flowering flower beds, a wide variety of ornamental plants can be grown, the flowering period of which depends on the season.

Choosing flowers for a summer flower bed

Most popular types and varieties of summer flowering perennials:

  • Aquilegia from the ranunculaceae family. A medium-sized plant with bluish-green leaves and multi-colored simple or double flowers of drooping type. Belongs to the category of frost-resistant and relatively shade-tolerant crops;
  • Aconite from the ranunculaceae family. It has straight stems no more than a meter high and palm-shaped leaves. The flowers are helmet-shaped, collected in loose racemes, purple, blue or bluish in color. They belong to the category of frost-resistant and relatively shade-tolerant crops;
  • Begonia, belonging to the begoniaceae family. A heat-loving plant with round-oval, shiny leaves with finely toothed edges and red, pink or white flowers. Needs to be grown sunny areas with loose and nutritious soil;

  • Hesperis from the cruciferous family. Forms double or simple flowers of purple, lilac or white color with a characteristic pronounced floral aroma. It is preferable to grow on moist and loose, sufficiently limed soils, in light shade;
  • Gypsophila from the clove family. The plant has spherical, small white or pink inflorescences and densely intertwined thin shoots. Suitable for growing in areas with fairly fertile, permeable soils with good lighting;
  • Delphinium from the ranunculaceae family. It is distinguished by powerful, branched stems and palmate-lobed, large foliage. The flowers are collected in long and dense racemes of blue-purple, blue or white. Grows best on loamy and well-fertilized soils with sufficient solar lighting;

  • Diclitra from the smoke family. It has pinnately divided and dissected-toothed leaves. Forms dark pink flowers collected in hanging racemes. Prefers moist, loose, fertile soils with good sunlight;
  • Irises from the iris family. The stemless plant has narrow sword-shaped leaves and a thickened rhizome. The flowers are large in size and of different colors. Suitable for growing in shaded areas, but prefer soils with sufficient organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • Bells from the bellflower family. One of the most common design options for flower beds. Species with crowned, simple or double flowers, collected in drooping racemes, are planted. They grow best in sunny areas.

No less popular in the design of flower beds summer bloom rhizomatous lily of the valley plants, which successfully combine decorative attractiveness and unpretentiousness.

Flower beds: landscape tricks (video)

Plants for creating a spring flower bed

To the most popular relatively unpretentious plants For the spring decoration of a flowering bed, the following decorative perennials include:

  • low growing geranium is magnificent with delicate and simple blue flowers;
  • low-growing groundcover periwinkle with large blue flowers;
  • medium-sized brunnera with dark green large foliage and small blue flowers;
  • thick-leaved bergenia or saxifrage with paniculate inflorescences of lilac color;
  • Adonis Amur with bare stems and leaves on long petioles;
  • oriental hyacinth with double or simple flowers all kinds of coloring;
  • lilac-white crocus variety "Vangard" and purple crocus variety "Purpureus grandiflorus";
  • narcissus from the Amaryllis family, represented by several dozen species, hundreds of varieties and hybrids.

Autumn perennials

Unpretentious perennials, there are not too many beautiful blooming flowers in the autumn, but Most often when decorating flower beds the following are used:

  • tall Arends aconite, blooming from mid-summer until the onset of noticeable cold weather with white, blue and two-color flowers;
  • Japanese anemone with large, dark green leaves and attractive single or double flowers;
  • hybrid anemone, represented by the unpretentious varieties “Honorin Jobert”, “Profusion” and “Queen Charlotte”;
  • autumn crocus or winter crocus, very similar in appearance to crocuses, but blooming for three weeks, from September to October;

  • shaggy vernonia with erect stems and very decorative large oval-shaped leaves;
  • sun-loving and unpretentious sedum, with small flowers, collected in fluffy attractive inflorescences;
  • bulbous, cold-resistant perennial plant Nerine "Bowden" with beautiful umbrella inflorescences;
  • nerine sinuous with beautiful flowers white and pink coloring, collected in bell-shaped inflorescences;
  • tricirtis or garden orchid, belonging to perennial plants from the Liliaceae family with pink flowers, collected in bunches.

Looks especially impressive on autumn flower beds late-flowering perennial chrysanthemums of the “Vreneli” and “Ordenstern” varieties.

Winter flowerbed

For winter flower beds, it is best to use lush winter-hardy varieties of chrysanthemums and dahlias, as well as frost-resistant tall gladioli and echinacea, hellebore and some aster hybrids. Such crops tolerate short-term frosts well and remain decorative until heavy snow falls.

All-season flower bed of continuous flowering

To design an all-season flower bed, you need to select long-flowering plants, as well as crops whose flowering periods follow one another. To independently create the most attractive and low-maintenance flowerbed of continuous flowering, It is recommended to plant the following species and varieties:

  • roses are planted in the central part of the flowerbed and surrounded by other perennials, or decorated with a separate pink flower bed;
  • low-growing perennial carnations, most adapted to frost and represented by numerous varieties;
  • tricolor violet or pansies, planted along the edges of the flowerbed and represented by very cute, bright, low-growing flowers;
  • early alpine aster, mid-flowering dumosus and late common aster;
  • sensitive to care, but very decorative, the lily can become a real decoration for any flower garden;

  • low-growing bushy phlox, successfully combined with asters, as well as carnations and other bright perennials;
  • graceful perennial bellflowers can delight the gardener from early spring until the onset of cold weather;
  • candle-like delphinium inflorescences look spectacular in the central part of the flowerbed next to lilies and phlox;
  • early, unusually attractive and very fragrant low-growing hyacinths are planted along the edges of the flowerbed;
  • The most hardy and resistant to adverse factors is deservedly considered the iris, which is perfect for all-season flower beds.

The following combination of ornamental plants is considered the most successful:

  • geraniums and sedum are planted along the edges;
  • irises of different colors are planted in the second row; May June);
  • peonies and roses are planted in the third row.

Creating a flowerbed of continuous flowering: examples and diagrams

Currently, several schemes of unpretentious flower beds with continuous flowering are used. Most simple option is the planting of the following types:

  • Delphinium;
  • Bearded iris;
  • Yarrow;
  • Veronica;
  • Sunflower;
  • Felt scraper;
  • Enostera Missourian;
  • Thyme;
  • Stahis;
  • Creeping tenacious;
  • Badan;
  • Hybrid daylily.

It is somewhat more difficult to care for continuously flowering flower beds, represented by hollyhocks, rudbeckia, bluebells, garden geraniums, alpine aster, coreopsis, gatsania, sweet tobacco and penstemon.

We select flowers by height

In the event that a perennial flowering flower bed is located near a house, greenhouse or fence, the principle of plant arrangement is quite simple. There are low flowers in the foreground, taller ones in the background. If the flower garden is located in the middle of the plot, the most tall plants should be placed in the center.

The basic scheme, which always works flawlessly, is that next to a tall flower there must be lower accompanying flowers. So yellow-red helenium looks great with blue sage.

It is important to surround the perennial flowers with ground cover to make the island look complete. So, Waldsteinias and aubriets look great when placed on the edge of a flower bed.

We select good conditions for a perennial flower garden

  • The flowerbed should be located on open area receiving the optimal amount of sunlight. Perennials, if you do not provide them with enough light, will feel bad. If plants react negatively to frost, it is recommended to plant them in places protected from the wind.
  • If we talk about soil for perennial plants, it can be anything. But it depends on him which plants you can place in the flower garden. So, peonies, hostas and daylilies will feel great on clay soils. On the sandy ones there are eryngium, yarrow and kermek. All other flowers love fertilized loamy soils.
  • Planting flowers in flower beds better in spring or early autumn. Plant propagation occurs mainly by vegetative or seed methods.

Selecting plants and creating a flowerbed

Before planting plants, you should prepare the soil. It is necessary to thoroughly loosen it and add compost. See how the plants will be arranged. Bergenia, herbal carnations and primrose are best planted in groups. The daylily can act as a soloist.

It is worth taking into account the needs of flowers in relation to the area of ​​the flower bed. Close planting will not allow plants to develop, which means that strong individuals crowd out weak ones.

When flowers are placed far from each other, “bald spots” are formed, which will look completely unsightly. And remember! Perennials take time to appear in all their glory.

Which plants should you prefer? You can choose a free composition consisting of:

  • stock roses;
  • Turkish cloves;
  • foxgloves;
  • Byzantine chistets;
  • acanthus.

If you decide to make the primrose the center of the flower bed, it is recommended to place the flower garden in partial shade. The presented plant goes well with ferns, irises and cereals.

When combining perennials with annuals, you can give preference to colors such as:

  • alyssum,
  • lily,
  • small petal,
  • evening primrose,
  • chamomile,
  • verbena,
  • yarrow.

For a flower bed located on sunny side, the best option will become a Turkish poppy. It blooms in early summer.

If you want a green carpet of plants that will be bright until late autumn, you should stop at Vinca minor and Waldsteinia.

When placing a flower bed in the shade, blooming astilbe will suit you. It may be surrounded by funkia and coryfolia.

How to grow perennials in the garden (video)

All-season perennials are beautiful and unpretentious plants, and a “smart” flower bed decorated with such crops will become a real decoration of any home or urban landscape. Caring for perennials is not too complicated and can be done by both beginners and experienced gardeners.3

Every owner of a personal plot thinks about how to decorate the territory that belongs to him. The simplest one, but effective method The solution to this problem is to create a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennial plants. It can become the pearl of the site and its main decoration. So, what should a perennial bed be like for beginners?

Rules for creating a flower garden and choosing the right plants

Before you start selecting plants for your flowerbed, decide where it will be located. It all depends on the size of the site and how developed it is. For example, if the house is built in the background, and there is a large free area in front of it, you can choose a round, oval or shaped flower bed located in the center of the yard or framing the driveway.

You can create this flowerbed from a combination of imperial hazel grouse, tulips and hyacinths. And in order for your creation to delight with decorativeness not only in spring, complement the composition with hosts, various types window sill, decorative yarrow, etc.

For small plots A flower garden located near the house will be a real salvation. When choosing this option, you can plant tall plants in the background: lupins, delphiniums, clematis or other vines. The center of the composition can be hostas, which retain their decorative properties until the frosts. And the foreground will be filled with ground cover plants: chickweed, awl-shaped phlox, etc.

The rules for selecting plants are simple: you are required to select types of flowers that have the same requirements for soil composition, degree of illumination, frequency and abundance of watering.

Classification of perennials according to the degree of difficulty of care

To avoid difficulties in caring for your chosen plants, rely on your experience as an amateur gardener. In order for a flower bed of perennials for beginners to please the eye with bright colors, the plants must receive proper care. According to the level of requirements, the plants used for it can be divided into the following groups:

  • unpretentious to the degree of illumination, soil and watering. This group includes aconite, various types of geraniums and sedums, brunners, heleniums, perennial poppies, gentians and doronicums, chickweed, mallows, etc. They do not require constant attention, annual planting and other hassle;
  • moderately labor intensive. For flowers belonging to this group, the main thing is right choice soil and other planting conditions. In addition, to prevent crowding and loss of decorativeness, certain varieties of perennials should be planted at least once every 3 years. Choose what you like: daylilies, columbine aquilegias, arabises and garden cornflowers, bluebells, Turkish and royal carnations, gaillardias, irises, delphiniums, phlox, echinacea, sage, etc.;
  • labor-intensive. If you need an unpretentious flower bed of continuous flowering perennials, it is better to master these crops gradually. For all their decorativeness, they require daily scrupulous care. They must be protected from direct sunlight, frost, pests and diseases. Plants in this group include bulbous and tuberous plants: lilies, dahlias, gladioli, hyacinths, etc. Roses, begonias, evening primroses and other flower bed decorations are also distinguished by their demanding conditions of growth and care.

Creating bright color accents

In order for the flowerbed to please the eye and not give the impression of floral chaos, you should carefully select the shades of the plants you need. To do this, at the stage of drawing up a planting scheme, you need to use colored pencils, color the schematic image of the flower garden and evaluate the compatibility of shades. After this, you can take into account the following generalized scheme of shades of the main decorative deciduous perennials:

  • various shades of yellow: heleniums, rudbeckias, hemerocallis, solidago, etc.;
  • white: white-edged varieties of hostas and variegated garden spurges, Achillea, etc.;
  • red: small petals, heathers, New Belgian or New England asters;
  • purple: lanceolate hostas, variegated varieties of this group of plants, some aconites;
  • blue: irises, astilbes, cornflowers, horned aconites.

Of course, this is not a complete list of perennial plants suitable for creating permanent flower beds. You can supplement it at your own discretion, focusing on the classification of plants according to the degree of their unpretentiousness. And then your flowerbed of perennials for beginners will not be inferior in beauty to the compositions created by the leading landscape designers peace!

Drawing up a flowerbed diagram

Having decided on the selection of plants, draw a diagram of your future flower garden. This will make it easier for you to decide on its size, shape, location relative to the main structure, etc.

So that in the future you can quickly and easily transfer the created project to the site, divide it into separate squares. Follow the same procedure for the entire area, choosing the appropriate scale. This will make it easier for you to determine the exact location of various plants. These zones can be marked with lime powder or pegs connected to each other with twine.

Multi-tiered planting is a guarantee of spectacular flower garden

The multi-level nature of the flowerbed allows others to enjoy its beauty from any angle. And the plants themselves receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

If you want an oval or round perennial bed, place tall plants like hollyhocks or delphiniums in the center. Surround them with hostas, asters or other flowers of medium height. And low ground cover plants will complete the picture. For rectangular flower beds or plantings bordering various buildings, tall plants are placed in the background. Some of them can be placed on the sides - as original accents.

Please note that your flowers will gradually grow. Give them some living space by temporarily filling in the gaps with colorful annuals: marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums, etc.

Continuous flower beds for different seasons

  1. Spring. To create such a seasonal flower bed, you can use daffodils, early tulips, hyacinths, primroses, scillas, forget-me-nots and pansies. In general, you will need any early flowers that please the eye with an organic combination of shades.
  2. Summer. At this time of year, you can use petunias and calendula, zinnias and godetias, alyssum, roses, sunny rudbeckias and multi-colored gladioli, as well as hydrangeas, lilies, daylilies, etc. Plants with a long flowering period deserve special attention from gardeners. They are unpretentious garden geranium, decorative yarrow, as well as catnip, soulberry and many other plants.
  3. Autumn. The end of the season can please you with bright colors. The main thing is to select flowers in advance that bloom with the onset of autumn. These can be dwarf and tall chrysanthemums, sedums, dahlias and cannas, rudbeckias, heleniums and many original ornamental grasses.
  4. Winter. At this harsh time of year, your flower garden can be decorated with ornamental cabbage.

Looks no less elegant amazing flower- hellebore, capable of maintaining its beauty even under snow cover.

Schemes of simple flower beds of continuous flowering for beginners

If you need a simple but effective flower bed of continuous flowering perennials, diagrams prepared by specialists will allow you to completely transform your site.

The simplest flower garden option

Paniculate phlox (1) and pink astilbe (2) will add pink-purple inclusions to the composition you created. The first plant should be planted in mid-March or early September, in well-drained soil. The second is planted in the spring to maintain long flowering It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and apply fertilizing.

Purple notes in your flower garden are provided by daylily, planted in early spring in an environment enriched with organic matter and drainage layer loam.

Lavender-silver heuchera (4) will add originality to your flowerbed. To maintain the decorative appearance of this plant, it is worth planting it in light soil. Pay special attention to the quality of drainage.

Completing the picture of the ideal continuous flower bed for novice gardeners - different lush flowering purple geranium is magnificent (5).

Ideal flower garden for a brightly lit area

The first to bloom in this flowerbed is the catchment (1), which will delight you with original bells already in mid-spring. Following him, fragrant hybrid tea roses will offer their petals to the sun (6). Daylilies (4) and gaillardia (5) provide fiery notes to the flowerbed. They will delight you from May to August.

In June, the sunflower (8) blooms, and in July, the scarlet lavatera (2) up to 1.5 m high. The background plant, Chinese miscanthus (3), competes with its beauty. And low-growing thyme (7) and sage (9) play the role of a border.

The lifespan of many plants is short. But by properly planning your flower garden, you can admire it from early spring until the first frost. This is possible even if your gardening experience is very limited: ready-made diagrams and expert advice will help you cope with this important task. Good luck in mastering landscape design!

Every owner who has at least a little free land thinks about how to create a constantly blooming flower bed. A continuous flower bed is a piece of land on which flowers are planted in such a way that they bloom from early spring to late autumn.

To create such a flower bed, you need to know when each plant blooms. You can’t do without paper and pencil, so you need to draw up a diagram of a flower bed of continuous flowering. In addition to the drawing, it is advisable to prepare a plan, in the table of which the name of each flower, when it was planted and the expected flowering period are written down.

An example of a simple flowerbed diagram:

The nuances of creating flower beds

A flowerbed of continuous flowering has a number of features that must be taken into account when creating a flowerbed. The main thing is that the flowerbed should have a good area and be extensive. This is necessary for a number of reasons:

  1. To fit all the flowers in the flowerbed. A small number of species will not allow solving the problem.
  2. To make the flower bed expressive, flowers must be planted in batches, then all color patterns will be clearly visible.
  3. Small, separately flowering specimens will not be pleasing to the eye, but will only distract.

Also, if on a personal plot or country house There is no way to allocate space for a large flower bed; the effect of constant flowering will not be easy to achieve. Then it is better to go the other way and achieve a similar effect by creating small seasonal flower beds.

Flower garden design rules:

  1. It is better to plant plants that bloom at the same time together so as not to create the effect of color blurring and sloppiness.
  2. Don’t try to sculpt a flowerbed according to the principle, there is room here. Its contours, as well as the color pattern should be in harmony with general style plot and not violate its geometric proportions.

Same rules for everyone

Before planting, you need to spend a little personal time and organize the flowers according to the flowering season, and note the duration of flowering. You also need to decide different types plants and their assortment:

  1. You can combine those plants that will feel good in the same soil, take the same fertilizers, as well as watering and illumination of the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the height of the plant and the time of its growth.
  3. We must not lose sight of the fact that there are aggressive cultures that grow quickly. They will need to be constantly limited in growth.
  4. You need to select flowers taking into account their color palette: combine them according to shades, or, in the case of another idea, contrasting patterns.

Before planting plants, you need to consider whether the flowerbed will be viewed equally from all sides. If you plan to plant flowers for a continuous flowering bed so that it is visible only from one side, you should observe one nuance and plant the flowers so that they do not block others as they grow.

Caring for a constantly blooming flower bed is not easy, especially if the flower bed is quite large and takes up large area. In this case, when planning flower beds, it is necessary to create paths or special islands on which you can stand to reach any plant: water, trim or tie it up.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

It is advisable to choose a place that is level and illuminated, but you should not expose the plants to scorching Sun rays. Choose a semi-shaded area that will receive five to six hours of sun. This will be quite enough for all types of flowers.

When choosing a place for a flower bed, you need to take into account that the distance from which you can admire the beauty flowering plants, should be twice the height of the tallest plant species. Based on this, flowers are planted along the edges, the growth of which reaches 50 centimeters or less.

If you want to show off your beautiful flowerbed, then make a flowerbed near the fence.

Do not forget about the laws of nature - when a flower blooms, its head will always turn behind the sun, and if you look at the blooming composition from the north, it will not look very rich.

Selecting flowers

To create an area of ​​continuous flowering, different types of plants are used:

  1. Annuals.
  2. Two-year-olds.
  3. Perennial.

The best option for creating such a plot is a continuous flowering bed of perennials. It is precisely such a flowerbed that will be supplemented every year with beautifully flowering annual plants. Also, we must not forget about ornamental plants, these can be either cereal plants or deciduous plants. They will complement the flowerbed and bring it into decorative design its zest.

All flower beds of continuous flowering are divided into three types:

  1. The flowering period is active in spring.
  2. The flowering period is active in summer.
  3. The flowering period is active in autumn.

Let's look at each flowerbed separately.

Spring flower bed. Creation

Plants that bloom in the spring are planted on a specially designated island of land. These are, as a rule, all flowers that have a bulb. The ideal solution It will be possible to purchase flowers such as delicate crocuses, muscari, scillas, tulips and daffodils due to the fact that they do not need to be dug up annually.

Among the perennial plants with a system of tubers and rhizomes, they bloom beautifully and bloom early: hellebore, brunnera, erantis and others. Biennial plants include daisies, pansies, and viola. These flowers have a very beautiful bright color and bloom for a long time.

Perennial flowers bloom after small bulbous ones. Perennials include irises, primrose, and leotard. Phlox must be planted; it will delight everyone with its beautiful flowering.

Work on decorating a spring flower bed begins in the fall. First of all, choose a place and plant bulbous flowers. Those plants that have short stem growth are planted behind, and those that grow at a level of 20 centimeters and above are planted in the center. Next comes their turn bulbous plants, which must be planted in groups of five or more flowers in one place. For example, a group of tulips, daffodils in two places, in the second - hyacinth, then muscari and primrose.

How to create one of the options for a continuous flowering bed can be seen in the photo:

Summer flowerbed

In summer, the flowerbed is a real riot of colors! The choice of beautifully flowering plants is very diverse. It is impossible to list all the flowers that bloom in summer. Let us note only the most beautiful ones, which are planted in summer flower beds that are constantly blooming.

Most common flowers:

  • phlox;
  • garden geranium;
  • delphinium;
  • lilies;
  • bells;
  • all types of carnations;
  • roses.

In addition to flowers, it covers well open ground sedum (hernia grass). Among annual plants Marigolds, zinnias, lobelias, asters, petunias, asters and petunias will look good. Sunflower and decorative corn, amaranth, will add an interesting combination to the composition.

Biennial flowers are one of the most common. These include carnations and bluebells, as well as daisies, mallows and foxgloves.

A summer flower bed is created from both bulbous plants and others. There must remain between them small areas land - just right for planting delphinium and roses. Along the edge of the flower bed you can plant flowers that are blue, for example, lobelia. Petunias will go well next to blue.

Potted plants should not be neglected; they can give a composition a special charm and emphasize its individuality. For example, if you place a flowerpot with petunia, lily or cosmos in the center of the flowerbed, it will look very beautiful.

Autumn flower bed

Plants for a flowerbed of continuous flowering in autumn will be especially pleasing to the eye in combination with yellow-orange foliage. Asters and chrysanthemums, which have many color shades, have become favorites for decorating autumn flower beds. They are planted far away, and the Japanese anemone will look beautiful in front.

The eryngium will delight you with its special flowering in autumn ( popular name"thistle"), as well as molinia. During this time, if the weather remains mild and warm, the flowers will bloom even longer.

Winter flowerbed

And this also happens! And even though the winter flowerbed will be significantly different from previous flowerbeds, it also has its own peculiarity. Eastern hellebore will look beautiful against the backdrop of freshly fallen white snow. It blooms at zero temperatures, the limit of its flowering is minus five to six degrees.

Secrets of a beautiful flower bed

It will not be easy for a beginner in this difficult task, but with the help of these simple secrets, it will be easier to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering:

  1. If you place a large stone or several stones in the middle of the flowerbed, they will give the composition a special originality.
  2. Don't forget about flowers growing in pots. If a small island of open land appears, you can always fill it with a plant in a pot or cache-pot.
  3. Small multi-colored flowers will add special beauty to the composition. garden figurines. The figures of animals and birds look beautiful. But you should not overload the flowerbed; one decorative garden element is enough.
  4. Clematis and climbing decorative grapes will look beautiful behind the flower bed.
  5. We should not forget that the flowerbed requires attention: flowers that have already bloomed must be picked, then the flowerbed will always look neat.
  6. The soil must be cleared of weeds regularly.
  7. It is also necessary to fertilize and water the plants in the flowerbed in a timely manner.

Creating a beautifully blooming flower bed is a lot of work, and patience and work will become your faithful companions.

Options for continuous flowering beds are shown in the photo: