Scenarios for the last call. Funny scenes for last bell (9th grade). Skits for the last call for subject teachers

A very successful and interesting scenario, which reveals the importance of the call - from the birth of a person and throughout his life.



Last call 2015 - script

(Fanfare sounds; two presenters appear)

Presenter 1:
Colored with smiles and flowers
Green May,
We admire you in the morning
The shine of the sun.
Affectionate over us
The blue of the heavenly tent.

Presenter 2:
It is a holiday today
Joyful, cheerful:
The difficult one is over,
Long school year.
Didn't come to class
guys to school -
Hear the holiday bell.

Presenter 1:
And this holiday
As always, the last one
For those who are the most
The eldest among us.

Presenter 2:
They march victoriously
Graduates! Grade 11.

Class teacher of the 11th grade Gruzdova Oksana Vladimirovna.

  1. Serious, responsible, handsome, “Admiral” of our children's association- Pichugin Vlad.
  2. Chirping, cheerful, fragile, a little mischievous, nice and kind - Kristina Chernoivanenko.
  3. Gentle, easy-going, nice, conscientious, responsible, it’s not for nothing that they say about him that he has “golden hands”, hardworking, like a real owner - Alexander Babin.
  4. An unsurpassed singer, talented, creatively gifted, beautiful, sweet - Poberezhnaya Elizabeth.
  5. Laconic, calm, tall and stately, - Sergey Yakovlev.
  6. Just recently she was a wonderful stranger to us, but now we know that she is capable, persistent, moderately erudite, self-possessed and reliable – Anastasia Alekseenko.
  7. Hardworking, reliable, a real man in the house, a little stubborn - Sergey Bychenko.
  8. Calm, friendly, thrifty, hardworking and kind – Natalya Butsenko.
  9. Unpredictable, inventive, businesslike, adventure-lover, merry fellow and joker - Vasev Kirill.

Presenter 1:

Graduates of the 9th grade.

(music sounds, graduates come out)

Class teacher of the 9th grade Chaikina Lyudmila Ivanovna.

  1. Cheerful, humorous, carefree, talkative, lively and restless - Denis Khasanov.
  2. Tall and slender, self-confident, with a sense of humor - Alexander Fedorenko.
  3. A little grumpy, not liking haste and unnecessary fuss, cheerful and purposeful - Varnavsky Pavel.
  4. As an adult, reasonable, calm, reliable, responsible and fair - Egor Garmashev.
  5. Tactful, delicate, serious, but never against healthy humor, sporty and economical, the subject of girls' dreams and tears - Terekhov Alexander.

1 VED . The main song of the country

We hear it again and again.

It sounds from south to north,

And everyone’s heart beats like that!

2 VED . In it is the glory of the Fatherland, the glory of the people,

What is strengthened by the union,

It grows year by year.

1 VED . We walk through life with the main song,

We are proud of the country, we believe and wait -

Years will give us dreams come true

For the happiness of the people, love, beauty!

2 VED . School! Attention! Stand still during the Russian Anthem!

(Anthem of the Russian Federation)

1 VED . Today is the day of farewell to childhood
What could be more touching?!

Let me come here, to this place.

Invite the school principal.

2 ACT. The floor is given to the director of our school, Planida, Lyudmila Alekseevna.


To our beloved woman,

Who has conscience, intelligence and honor,

These poems are ready

Today we read.

Lyudmila Alekseevna,

Our director is wonderful,

You warm our hearts

A smile, a clear look.

We love you for your severity,

For your kindness,

For knowledge, patience,

Sincerity, simplicity.

We wish you good health

And for many, many years,

May you live happily,

They didn’t know grief or trouble.

They give flowers to the school principal.

VED. On our holiday
It is not that simple
Present here
Distinguished guests!

VED. The floor is given______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1st presenter.

School native administration….

Her job is not easy...

It's not work that's all about worry...

But, clearly knowing my business,

They do not age, neither in soul nor in body.

They will break through squalls and dust storms.

In spite of the bad weather and the entire inspection.

2nd presenter.

A good word is not an order

The head teachers will read it for you.

The head teachers come out.

1st head teacher

You, our dear children,

You are leaving the Temple of Science,

Where everyone lived for so many years

Yes, they became related to each other.

We were also nannies for you,

We are following you, and with gingerbread,

Like, take a bite of this, little one,

Everything will form itself.

2nd head teacher

Time just went by,

And the gingerbread didn’t help,

Just right here a little twig

Use as directed.

Sweet gingerbread and a twig -

These are all magical gifts,

Those little things serve faithfully

Helped to educate.

How proud we are of these young people,

We admire the girls

Everyone is standing here worthy

With such smart faces.

1 head teacher

If you no longer need gingerbread,

Without need and a twig,

You'll save them for now

For my dear children.

Choose the right path

The nannies will wish you

Let everyone be a Tsarevich,

Or Elena the Beautiful.

The head teachers give the presenters gingerbread and twigs.


  1. We really want to say “thank you”
    And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
    In matters of success, happiness in life,
    Create, dream and prosper.2. Ideas, achievements, new plans
    And only moving forward.
    Let work in our school
    It will only bring you joy!


1 VED . Our dear graduates, dear boys and girls! Yes Yes! That's exactly how it is during recent years you were addressed every morning, in spring, winter and autumn, by your teachers.

2 ACT. Every day six times you stood up from your desks to greet them... You asked them thousands of questions and received thousands of answers. You solved problems and wrote cheat sheets...

1 VED. And now all this comes to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief - now no one will call you to the board at the most inopportune moment, no one will reprimand you for not having spare shoes...

2 ACT. In a few minutes, the last school bell in your life will ring for you. The bell... You waited for it, now with hope, now with joy, then sighed when he called you to class again.

1 VED. You know... (name of the presenter), I suddenly thought that, in principle, the entire human life can be divided into several periods, separated from each other by calls. Let's try to remember... many, many years ago, in September, or maybe in May, or maybe in July, your first call came...


2 Presenter And then children's everyday life began. Every day at seven in the morning the alarm clock rang and your mothers woke you up to take you to kindergarten . (Starts the alarm clock.)

The alarm clock rings.


Children sit in kindergarten and boast:
- And I have my mother’s eyes and my grandmother’s ears!
- And I have my dad’s hair and my grandpa’s nose!
- And I have my mother’s teeth and my father’s posture!
- And I have... my older brother’s tights!

– Mom, today I realized that I am one hundred percent ready to have children.
- ?????????(silent question)
– If I have children, I will name them Roma and Kostya. And I don’t even consider girls.

– I’m inspired today, I’ll paint.
“Daughter, then take off your smart blouse, otherwise you’ll get it dirty.”
- How? Inspiration?

The girl is crying loudly.

- Daughter, what happened? Why are you crying?
Daughter, through tears:
- Go away, mom. I’m not for you, I’m crying for dad...

1 Presenter:

And then the first school bell rang. And school days began. Your teachers met you for the first time. Remember how it was?


Do you remember many years ago,

When I first entered school,

The teacher greeted you here with a warm look,

You sat down at your desk and opened a new textbook.


May the days, may many years pass,

His work will not be lost without a trace.



And understand the beauty of nature.


He put so much energy into us, foolish ones.


And no one has forgotten his kindness!


Teacher first, we love you very much!

We invite you to this stage now!

2nd presenter.

The floor is given to your first teachers - Zinaida Dmitrievna Vlasenko....

1st presenter.

……and Debela Larisa Vladimirovna.

The first teachers say parting words to the students of the 11th and 9th grades, remembering what they were like in the first grade. Graduates give them flowers

2 Presenter:
Today is a holiday not only for you. We still have heroes of the occasion who have completed their first academic year- these are first-graders. For them, your last call is also very important and significant. Let's invite them, since our 1st grade this year is very... compact.... the guys from the 2nd and 3rd grades will help them.

(The music “BLUE CAR” plays, first-graders enter)

1 Presenter: Our kids also prepared a congratulatory speech. Let's give them the floor.

(Children's performance).

1. TANYA: On a sunny morning for the first time
I came to study in first grade!
I will try to find out everything
So that you can get straight A's later!

  1. IVAN: Someday I will shave too,
    I’ll tie a tie like an adult.
    I'm eleven years old and still studying.
    And today I have a speech for you:
    I wish you success and victories!
    May you get a lucky ticket.

3.ALYONA: At the exam in her last class
I think we will be aces too!

4. SONYA: Dear beautiful girls!

Cute and cool boys!

The sciences are already full of cones!

And my hands already have calluses!

5. MAXIM: The moment of liberation is approaching
From boring studying
From formulas, graphs, ions.
From blueprints and chromosomes

Yes, and from chemistry too.
And the story is double.

6. DEMID: We understand all of you very much.
We love and respect you!
No need to be sad! What kind of fashion?
Long live Madame Liberty!

All: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

7. GOLD: Long, long years of study

You gnawed the granite of school science,

We give a gift,

He will kill all germs

And it will strengthen weak teeth!

(presented with a SYMBOLIC GIFT)


Beyond your memorable first call, primary classes You will be remembered for the fact that you began to actively master the art of talking on the phone, because it was at this time that your first mobile phones began to appear.

And most often you called those who were worried and cared about you, worried and worried - you called your relatives...

(thumbnails – telephone conversations with parents and relatives – 2-3 pcs.)

My daughter is a first grader. Asks:
- Mom, hello, we don’t study tomorrow! Mom, what kind of holiday is this – May Day?
- Labor Day.
- Me too! Well, you adults, give... found something to celebrate!

- Hello, mom, my tooth is shaking.
- It’s okay, ..... - this tooth will fall out, and a new one will grow.
A child with hope in his voice:
- Gold?

Dad, hello, can you help me with my essay?

Come on, what's the topic?


Eh, son, when you grow up, you meet a woman as wonderful as our mother, you get married, then you will know what happiness is.

Is it true?

True, son... But it will be too late...

Mommy, hello! You can speak?

Yes, sure. How was your morning in class?

Oh mom, we had one like this interesting competition- the boys swaddled the dolls!


Oh, ma, they are real men! THEY CAN'T KNOW ANYTHING!

Hello, dad, are you still in the village? buy me new atlas!

- Son, tell your geography teacher that I see no point in buying you a new atlas until the situation in the world becomes clearer. Let's work on contour maps for now!

Presenter (imitates a phone conversation):

Hello! Hello! No, you are not late at all, on the contrary, your call is very opportune... Of course, come over, don’t be shy... Your speech will be very, very appropriate..

Your relatives called, asking to speak. Shall we give it?

(exit of younger brothers and sisters - background SMALL COUNTRY)

  1. KATYA: I'm incredibly rich

Fate gave a brother

Troubles and squabbles don't matter

If there is a shoulder nearby

  1. VARYA: I want to tell everyone again -

Brother is my own blood

Before the people and people -

Me and my brother - we are not alone!

  1. STEPAN: Together we are - and it will be so

It’s easier for us to carry our banner!

As children we played

Looking for adventure!

  1. NASTYA: A new life will begin,

My beloved brother, hold on!

Be a hundred times stronger

I believe you can do anything, brother!

  1. LYOSHA: The difference between us is five years,
    But over the years these edges become thinner.
    We are growing up... our friendship is the light
    We are even more drawn to each other!
  2. LENA: You call me “little sister”, I call “sister”.
    Outwardly, you and I are very similar!
    And character, life principle,
    Just like faces... they get confused too
  3. TANYA: You taught me to draw,
    The letters should be written in a beautiful font.
    You taught singing and dancing;
    Be beautiful, fashionable, stylish.
  4. KIRILL: We are growing up. You are in your prime.
    I'm catching up with you, as before.
    As a junior, I really need your advice.
    I listen and heed wisdom.
  5. LENA: Life runs, flows in a thin stream...
    And when we grow old with you,
    Always call me "little sister"
    I call you “sister” and “sister”!!!


KATYA: Moms and dads care.
It's time to think about the main thing.

ALYONA: Weigh everything, discuss, decide -
Who are you destined to be in life?

KIRILL: Work or study.
Or maybe just get married.

LENA: Decide for yourself. And now:
We will tell you all:

Good morning!

NASTYA: Our beloved, school says goodbye to you,

We all cannot calm the anxiety in our hearts!

Please accept a current gift from us - a handkerchief,

So that they can wipe away tears of sorrow and joy!

GIVE GIFTS, handkerchiefs, leave

1 Graduate.

Good fathers, dear mothers,

We completed the program at school,

We will argue and worry,

It's a pity that our wishes do not coincide.

2 Graduate.

Parents know, and children know:

Happiness is only good in the world,

Everyone chooses happiness in their own way,

If parents understand us...

1st presenter.

The floor is given to parents of graduates.

(GRADUATE SONG, flowers to parents)

1 Presenter:

The parents of our graduates were worried... no joke - the child’s last call. By the way, (...), I’m wondering, how many calls did our guys receive during their 11 years of study? Do you know by any chance?

2 Presenter:

- Over the 11 years of your education within the walls of the school, 25,012 bells rang for you, 12,506 lessons were taught by our wonderful teachers for graduates.

1st graduate.

Today we have gathered for the most

The hardest lesson in life

It's our last one today

And he gathered all the objects into a ball.

2nd graduate.

And I became a little sad,

Someone is nervously crumpling a handkerchief,

We answer verbally today,

All tests have expired.

3rd graduate.

We look anxiously, timidly

In the faces of dear teachers,

We remember how subtly, skillfully

We were taught to live outside of our roles.

4th graduate.

In the classroom, as in the arena,

They tamed the obstinate rakes,

How insults were forgiven, and to the topic

They aroused keen interest.

5th graduate.

We assure you that we will not forget you,

Let us carry gratitude in our hearts,

And when our children grow up,

We will bring them to you to learn!

6th graduate.

Last lesson and last call.

Today is farewell to my dear school,

And even though her studies have ended,

They will remain in my memory for a long time...



(“surprise” - video, after - teachers are invited to the stage)

(The song “Half of a Heart” is performed; teachers sing verse 1, verse 2 is sung by graduates)

Verse 1:

Soon, soon, soon we will say goodbye to you,
You won't come to class for lessons
Time, time, time - how many years have flown by,
Very soon you will understand this.
Draw the middle of the heart with a white stripe.
Soon you'll leave, but leave it to school
Half, half of myself.

Leave half your heart to the school.
Take half of your heart with you
Give us your smiles, children.
Well, we will forget all your mistakes.

Verse 2:
What, what, what - treacherous heart
There was too much of it, we thought.
Our, our, our restless heart
In life as an adult it already turned out
Childhood flew far, far away to a foreign land
To all teachers and our beloved school
Leave half the heart.

We will leave half of our hearts to school
We'll take half of our heart with us
We'll take all our mistakes with us
Well, we give you smiles as a souvenir.

(Graduates bring out a heart-shaped cake and present it to the teachers, each teacher - a heart-shaped ball and a bouquet of flowers)


Thank you!
- For the fact that you were always with us,
- And let the years fly by,
- You are in our hearts forever!

1 Presenter:

Look, graduates, your cool mothers are standing there.

With smiles, worries and kind hearts,

We protected you, stubborn ones, from many adversities,

They taught us to be honest and certainly not mean.

2 Presenter: The floor is given to the class teachers of the graduates.

Today, each of you stands here at the crossroads. Someone will choose the road leading to wealth and fame, someone will probably go to power...

(Approaches the signpost. In the center there is a signpost on which hang a bell and signs with the words: “Good”, “Wealth”, “Honour”, “Power”, “Love”, “Hope”, “Prestige” etc.) For example, where would you like to go, what to do in this adult life? (Interviews several graduates

The soundtrack of the song “The Road of Good” plays.

Song of the class teachers


1 Presenter: Our dear graduates, your 11th and 9th school years passed unnoticed, fun and interesting... And each of you will probably have many, many more calls.

2 Presenter: Maybe it will be the bell of the first theater premiere, or your first school bell as a teacher, or the bell of the trolleybus that you will drive along the route.

1 Presenter:

Or maybe it will be a wake-up call: “Rota, get up!”

2 Presenter:

Or it will be a phone call with which they will congratulate you, informing you that, based on the election results, you have become the President of the Russian Federation.

1 Presenter:

Each of you will probably still have all this... And today - the bell rings, announcing the end of your school studies.

2 Presenter:

But this same call today means your entry onto the road to adulthood. What it will be depends on you.

1 Presenter: School years are already behind us.

The last bell is about to ring.

All that remains is to pass the exams,

AND adult life you can safely begin.

2 Presenter: There are only a few seconds left until the Last Bell, which will announce the beginning of your last lesson, and this lesson will continue for the rest of your life.


1 Presenter: The right to give the Last Bell of 2015 is granted to 11th grade student Vlad Pichugin and 1st grade student Tatyana Tishchenko.

1 Presenter: Graduates, remember the order of your class teachers - no matter what path you choose, no matter what goal you see at its end, always follow the path of good...

2 Presenter: Well, we, we will be waiting for your calls... Call, call. Let your calls tell us and the whole world about yours good deeds and your victories. And come to school, because this is where all good roads begin.

(SONG – 8TH GRADE GIRLS, after the 1st verse and chorus, graduates leave)

(Performed. song to the melody “The song remains with the person.”

1 verse

May you leave school today.
Happy years lie ahead.
Just never forget school
School is your faithful friend forever


Through the years, across the distances,
On any road, on any side,
You say to the school: “Goodbye”
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

(Graduates come out)

1 Ved. And now we are taking the graduates to the school yard, where they will be released for good luck Balloons.

2 Ved. Good luck, graduates, may all your dreams come true!

1 Ved. Release colorful balloons into the sky,
Children's dreams, let them fly away.
You have become more serious now and you must
Dream bigger than you did even a year ago.

2 Ved. Dream, achieve peace on earth,
So that the birds can fly and bloom in the spring.
So that our native land prospers with us.
So that no one forgets their parents.

1 Ved. Let the balloons fly, let the children dream,
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today you, having become graduates,
Release a fireworks display of balloons into the sky.


Table, lamp, telephone. The doctor on duty does a manicure.

The phone rings.


Hello! Is this a maternity hospital?


Yes... I'm listening to you.


My last name is Varnavsky. Tell me, has my wife given birth?


Just a minute (looks at notes). Comrade Varnavsky, you say? Congratulations! You're having a boy. Handsome, rosy, well-fed, healthy and very reminiscent of the sun. By the way, what kind of child do you have?




Keep in mind: new in our maternity hospitalpromotion : if you have twins, thirdbaby you get it for FREE!!!




Poberezhnaya ? Grandmother? Congratulations, you're having a girl! She has an amazing voice. We had to insert double frames - the glass would burst from her scream... Keep in mind that the next glass replacement will be at your expense, otherwise they've set up a whole philharmonic here, you know...

Terekhov ? You're having a boy. Nice, strong... Got lost with Pichugin and Fedorenko into the team, they puff, puff, puff up on the sides of the crib, like, pull themselves up…. I am officially warning you - they will break the official furniture - bring your own. We have a maternity hospital after all, and not Gym, you understand the difference!.. and pass it on to other dads.



My last name is Butsenko. Tell me, has my wife given birth?


I gave birth this morning. Whom? And guess for yourself... From three... from two... from one time!. No, not a boy. What does “Who then?” mean? . No, well, you, man, are also interesting!...


A second paramedic appears.

Nastya, do you remember the Ivanov family?

These are the ones who come to us every year, how to work?

Well, yes. It's their holiday again! Our eighteenth child was born today! And we found a happyfather under windows maternity hospital... What do you think he was doing there? (sings) I'm drawing... onasphalt ... in white chalk... the word "ENOUGH"!!!

And yesterday there was an incident!... you will fall now... I say: “Dad! Jump, you have triplets! And he, without thinking for long, jumped! Out the window! It's good that it's the first floor. Oh, well, fathers give, of course!... it’s out of joy that they get into a state of passion!


Babin ? Boy. But what!... already a real man!.. in the treatment room I saw a crack on the wall - when did I manage to, was I just born yesterday? Oh, his hands are golden! I have a trained eye, if you mark my words, you will be a master. Well, or a foreman. The boy is also spinning around with him - Bychenko surname - also, apparently, the hard worker will be a noble one. He sniffs so seriously, so funny. Small, but businesslike!..

Chernoivanenko? You have a daughter. She has already organized all the girls into a squad - and Alekseenko is there, and Butsenko, - and along the corridor back and forth, back and forth... Oh, and the motor ones... The housewives, apparently, will be noble.

Vasev ? You have a son. So small, so sweet... but you know.... Yesterday in the nurse's room he looked askance at our computer... I don't even know what that means. Please take note of this.

Yakovlev? Congratulations, you have a boy. Big, pretty... what's he doing? Doing nothing. Lying next to Garmashev, they blow bubbles, other kids scream and act up, but these kids are calm... It’s as if they know something and are speculating.

A detailed development of the Last Bell holiday for eleventh graders is presented. The script combines speeches by graduates, first-graders, teachers, and parents. Humorous and lyrical moments are provided.



Last Bell script for 11th grade

"Class of the Cheerful and Resourceful."

Ved. 1

And again it’s May in this world.

On the school joyful planet

Nature comes to life again

It rings, blooms, smells fragrant.

And this is a miracle in our hall...

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.


Solemn excitement reigns...

Sounds like a normal intro

For those who have been waiting, counting the days...

The graduates will come in now,

Realizing the importance of the day,

And their teachers are nearby.

(11th graders enter the hall along with their teachers to the music. The presenter introduces the graduate and the teacher walking with him. Students sit on the left, teachers on the right)

Ved. 1

The road to oblivion is prepared for some,

But the one that will be read here

It is designed to remain in everyone's heart.

Ved. 1

There are a lot of orders in the routine of school affairs...

But with this, the road to life is prepared for you!

A word from the head of educational work at the school, Nadezhda Petrovna Prokofieva.

Ved. 1

One day, to someone's mother,

Or maybe not mothers,

And maybe dads too

Accidentally lucky.


Someone sent them boys

Or maybe not boys?

Or maybe girls?

But it's also good.

(on stage there is a table with a telephone, a 10th grader in a medical uniform)

Hello! Information Central District Hospital. Vasilievs? Congratulations, you have a baby girl. Yes, very calm: smiling and silent, silent and smiling...

I'm listening. Garipovs, you are having a boy. Everything is fine, the look is very smart, intelligence is written in big letters on the forehead.

Yes, information center Central District Hospital. The Eremins have a girl. Just a miracle! She had already done a somersault on the changing table.

Hello! Creepy? You have a girl. Very cute, seems the tongue is too sharp. Will you call me Lada? Well, then you'll get along.

Karpovs, congratulations on your baby girl. A cute baby. Makes sounds similar to singing.

Mitusovs? Just a minute (looks at the recording). You're having a girl. But the character is already fighting. He moves his legs quickly and quickly. She will be a runner!

I'm listening, Nazarovs. Yes, yes, you are having a boy. Bogatyr, in my opinion, already knows how to read and write.

The Osipovs had a boy. So important, representative...

Dear dad Kozyakov, congratulations on the birth of your son. You know, he cries at the notes. Apparently, music is his calling.

Samuilovs? Yes, you are having a boy. The look is so sly and sly. Already joking with the medical staff.

Dear Chugunovs! You gave birth to a sweet girl. Natural blonde. It stretches your legs so beautifully. She will be a dancer!

Hello! Papa Shustrov, you have a son. Why are you so surprised? A good, disciplined child.

Ved. 1

But the children grew up quickly

Or maybe they haven’t grown up,

Or maybe not quickly,

But they just grew up.

Ved. 2

And immediately skipping

Or maybe not skipping,

Or maybe at a slow pace,

But everyone came to school.

(Congratulations from the first-graders. The miniature is being played on September 1, 2002. Natalya Alexandrovna in the image of Tamara Gennadievna, the first-graders portray some of the children from the 11th grade.)

N.A. – Oh, I’m worried again. I’ve been working at school for how many years, how many classes I’ve taught, and every time it’s like the first time. Here are my first graders from 2002. Such wonderful kids. Especially this boy. Andryushenka, what can you already do?

- (boy in the role of A. Sh.) I know how to behave well and raise my hand like this (depicts).

N.A. - Nastenka, why are you moving your legs like that?

- (Girl in the role of N.M.) These new shoes are very tight and not even green at all, as I wanted...

N.A. – Yurochka, how smart you are!

- (boy in the role of Yu.S.) Yes, I don’t need this tie, my mother said that you can’t wipe your dirty hands on it...

N.A. – Children, did you like the first day of school?

- (in chorus) - Yes!

(first graders turn around themselves)

N.A. This happened 11 years ago. And today, today's first-graders want to give you their instructions.

  1. Once we were given a microphone -

Let him not be silent!

We will miss you,

But our time will come!

  1. Last school bell rings

We came to you today.

They brought you good luck as a gift!

  1. We won't be there for very long

Sing your praises!

Just what is this word?

I need to look somewhere...

  1. You have a lot of such words

Studied for many years.

Image maker, integrals,

“Relax, menn!”, mobile, buffet!

  1. We also know about the buffet.

Is it a waste of time to go to school for a whole year?

Half the lesson “freezes”

There are these graduation people in it!

  1. What good children!

Where else can you meet such people?

Everyone loves to study and listens to mom,

And they eat the porridge without leaving a single gram!!

  1. And among them there is one who, imagine, does not smoke,

He waters the flowers and is on duty in the locker room!!

  1. You are scientists, of course!

From such a cool study

You can break your head!

  1. Nothing, don't be upset!

Knowledge is power, not a burden!

In a month or two, get ready,

And quickly straight to the university!

  1. We promise you today

Keep an eye on the school here!

Increase the glory of the school

Learn everything they ask!

  1. Run better, jump further,

Sing beautifully and without falsehood!

We will respect adults

And pass the Unified State Exam with an A.

  1. Final exam is coming soon

The time is approaching

We sincerely wish

No worries for you!

Ved. 1

Not in words, but according to the old tradition,

Which matches tomorrow's life,

You just have to be born a teacher,

And only after that become!


In her wisdom is talented and bright,

Reliability is carried on the wing.

Your first teacher is the best,

One of the main ones on this earth.

(11th grade to first teacher)

Dear Tamara Gennadievna!

Do you recognize us? Look.

Your first-graders are standing here.

We wore big backpacks,

Rulers, pens, blotting pads.

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar.

How did you treat us like a mother?

And we were at home with you.

And we came to tell you as one,

Your naughty girls, sneakers, pranksters,

We feel very bad without you, but for now

Welcome us back to first grade!

(response from the first teacher)

Ved. 1

Year after year, lesson after lesson

He runs, he runs, school life is a trickle.

And adult life is a noisy river

It will be waiting for you soon, but for now...

(Speech by 11th graders dedicated to school life and teachers, in the form of KVN)

Everyone sings (to the tune of the song from the cartoon “The Town of Bremen”):

The whole world is in our hands.

We are the stars of the continents.

Let's blow it to smithereens

All our competitors.

We will come to you in no time!

Hello! Bonjour! Hello!

Well, hurry up and love us!

You are very lucky!

Universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver!

You better receive us quickly!


Calmly! Are you too self-confident? Why are you so special?


We are intelligent!





I agree about active and sports. But the smart ones... How can you prove it?

Q: - What do we have to prove? The exams will prove it.

Ved. - Well, exams - that’s what grandma said for two.

Question: - Which grandmother said “two”? I need at least “4”!

Ved. – So big, but you don’t understand that only... a miracle will help you!

Q: A miracle will happen! It’s not for nothing that Svetlana Petrovna played shamanism for a whole year.

Ved. - Like this?

V-k: And like this: “Unified State Exam!” Unified State Exam! Points! Points! Unified State Exam! Unified State Exam! Points! Points!”

Ved. - Rely on shamanism, but don’t make a mistake yourself. Better yet, tell us how you studied and gained your wits?

Teacher! To live without nerves,

Looking at children's pranks,

You may not be sad,

But you have to be humorous.

(The parties stand up like in the game “Stream” (or invite teachers to play), jokes (in pairs) about teachers and about studying. Or it is carried out in the form of a TV show “To the Barrier”)

T.P. - Yura (Vlad?), why were you muttering throughout the entire geography lesson?

Yura (Vlad) - I prayed, Tatyana Petrovna.

T.P. - About what? Like this?

Yura - Dear God, make the Volga flow into the Black Sea, as I wrote in the test.

(another option: - Why is the water in the sea salty?

Because there are herring in it)

N.P. – Vlad (or Yura S.?), you’ve become completely insolent. How could it be possible to write in an essay on Pushkin’s works that Dantes was a cyborg sent by schoolchildren from the future?!

Vlad (Yura) - Well, you yourself said that in an essay it is important to express your opinion, and not copy something ready-made from the Internet.

V.R. – Lada, why are you always distracted during life safety lessons and don’t listen to the teacher’s explanations?

Lada - Valery Rifovich, what should I listen to? Now, if you could tell me how to choose shoes and a handbag so that they match the gas mask.

Vitalik - Elena Evgenievna, you are a wonderful social studies teacher.

E.E. – Oh, Vitalik, it’s so nice. You finally fell in love with social studies.

Vitalik - Yes, after your lessons I wanted to join the army, buy a portrait of the President and join the Public Popular Front.

S.E. – Irina Gennadievna, name three reasons why you love your job.

I.G. – June, July, August.

Sh. A. – In class visual arts I made a discovery.

N.S. – And which one?

Sh. A. - It turns out that Kazimir Malevich drew a switched-off TV.

S.P. – Masha, as a class teacher, I have to talk to you seriously. Have you already chosen your future profession?

M. Ch. - Yes, I will be an architect-ophthalmologist!

And what does he do?

Makes eyes.

N.N. – Marina Sergeevna, can I ask a quick question: how do you say eggnog in English?

M.S. – Probably Shakespeare - Mexpeare

N.A. – Nastya, answer the question: when you copy text with the mouse, where is it saved?

M.N. – Like where? Of course, in the mouse.

An. Vikt. – Tanya, don’t forget that work made a man out of a monkey.

T.K. – I remember, but dad Carlo apparently didn’t know about it. After all, he made Pinocchio from a log.(or Then I think that in the 11th grade our result was already fixed)

(An. Vic.- Who broke the plywood?.. I ask again, who broke the plywood?

T.K. - Maybe glass?

An. Vic. - Yesterday the glass was broken, I put in plywood. Who broke the plywood?)

G.N. - Nadya, you learned from home economics lessons that all ingredients for Olivier salad are cut into small cubes.

N.V. – I understand, but it’s somehow not working out well with peas.

Olga Nick. – Eldar, make up a sentence using the phraseological units “get away with it” and “go uphill.”

E.G. – After the ministerial inspection at the school, our director came out unscathed and quickly went up the hill.

The spring chaos has spun everyone,

Our successes, mistakes, achievements.

But, as usual, in due time,

The last call will sum it all up.

The last bell will sound like an alarm bell.

Pigeons take off in ringing silence.

The last moment, and forever, guys,

Let's leave school this spring!

Everything has happened and passed and will not return,

And there is no turning back to childhood.

But still let him stay with us

A quiet look from cheerful school windows...

Looking into the hall, we are reflected in your eyes!

My beloved teacher and mother are in tears...

So many springs and winters lived together here are behind us...

We want to give you a song as a souvenir.

"Call me with you…"

The day came when the school bell rang

Sounds sad

Inviting us to the last lesson.

And at the farewell hour

Our teacher looks at us with excitement,

And we understand now

How much he did for us...

Leaving classroom,

We say: “Goodbye!”

Our dear teacher,

We wish you farewell,

So that all students

Like us, we loved you,

To new dreams

We regained the power of heights.

(11th graders give flowers to teachers)


Not every path will be smooth,

Not all trials will be easy,

And life lies before you like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

  1. Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents.

Your care, attention, and patience

They always help us like that.

  1. But we admit with regret,

Were deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it grew in front of us.

  1. And sometimes it seems: she

Cannot collapse with a tsunami.

But we love, we love you,

Although we often keep our feelings secret,

And our restraint sometimes

It prevents us from admitting it.

(word to parents and class teacher (?)

The long-awaited moment has arrived.

Friends, there will be no more lessons!

There is no need to prepare for them...


We'll take the Unified State Exam soon...

We must pass!

And let's leave the school threshold...

Let's become adults!

But for some reason it’s sad...

Why be sad? Let's give the last call!

Yes, you can give a call. So the first grader is ready...

A first-grader with a bell walks onto the stage.

The right to give the last bell together with the first-grader is granted to ……………………..

The graduate takes the stage.

Well, shall we call?

And I suggest that others call too. So that we understand that this is the last call.

And who do you suggest?

He takes the bell from the first-grader and goes to the class teacher.

Svetlana Petrovna, give us the last call.

Cl. hands gives a call.

Thank you. And now a first grader!

Wait. It needs to be secured. (To the director) Call, Olga Nikolaevna, please, for us!

The director gives a call.

Thank you.

Dear teachers! Our dear parents! Graduates!

Official! Traditional! Last call….

All graduates stand up. A first-grader and a graduate ring the bell, having walked through the entire hall, they stand in the center of the stage (the graduates ring their small bells from their seats)

The last bell has rung...

The first-grader runs into the hall again, rings the bell again and runs away.

What was it?

It was a control call! Graduates, take the stage!

Graduates walk on stage

Farewell song

Graduates perform a SONG, several couples spin in a waltz, then the waltz turns into a flash mob: 11th grade girls start (waltz), then modern motifs Boys and teachers join in, the first-graders dance to the dance of the little ducklings, the 11th-graders leave the hall to the last sounds of the waltz, the remaining teachers and first-graders wave after them.

(Traditional ending:

Presenter 2.

In the rain or in the heat,

But in due time

Every new spring

There is a last call.

Presenter 1.

It's like an exam

He's like a new dawn

He sums it up

School years lived.

Presenter 2.

How many promises does it contain?

This ringing calls into the distance,

They contain the bitterness of farewells,

And there are a million hopes.

Presenter 1.

The right to give the last bell is granted to a graduate of the 11th grade................. and a student of the 1st grade.............

All hopes and expectations,

Be careful not to deceive me!

And at this hour in a quiet building,

Ring, bell, ring, ring!!)

Good afternoon. You know, today I thought about how quickly and imperceptibly time flies. It seemed like my daughter had just been born, but she was already so big. Now we are going to kindergarten, and at this rate, school is just around the corner. All this means that you need to enjoy life every day and not force things. Do you agree with me?

In general, it was not by chance that I started the topic about our children, because many people have a very touching holiday ahead - the Last Call. This is a special day not only for school leavers, but also for parents and teachers.

Therefore, preparations for this event are now in full swing. I decided to google a little and select ideas to help organize such important event. I hope you enjoy something and have a great holiday that everyone will remember with a smile and a little sadness.

Once again I want to clarify that I did not compose the texts myself, I took them from the Internet.

Original script for last call 2019 in movie style

The first thing that caught my eye was interesting material from the site I liked the option. Quite a fascinating plot, and all the traditional points are respected.


Fanfare sounds.

Presenter 1.

Today is an unusual day;
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell
The graduation class is leaving.

Presenter 2.

May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off your pets on their way,
The school will give them a last call.

Presenter 1.

There will be a sea of ​​​​guests to worry,
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of thunderous applause
We welcome graduates!

Presenter 2.

We invite graduates of 2019 to the ceremony (beautiful music for the graduation ceremony, a report about the graduates against the background of music).

Presenter 1.

Today we see you off to the school of life
Those who have gone through a difficult school path.
Let's wish them all together -
Don't get lost in life, don't get lost!
Came here on a fine September day
Confused timid children.
Today you are not like those,
Which mothers led by the hand.
Confident, strong, athletic,
Responsible and active in everything.
Groovy, cheerful, gentle,
They are diligent in both studies and friendship.
The school will remember you for a long time,
There were "stars" and there were "stars"
There were difficulties, there were “jokes” -
Never gave up, never whined!
This is how we meet friends, kids
Those who came from former children,
Let's just wish them good luck -
Keep it up! Only this way - no other way!

Presenter 2.

School, attention! The right to raise the flags of Russia, Kuban and municipality The Krylovsky district is provided to graduates (full names of 11th grade students).

First grader:

I learned that I have a huge country;
And the river, and the forest, every spikelet in the field,
And flowers, and blades of grass, a narrow path to the school -
My favorite school house, and a birch tree under the window,
And the blue expanses are all my Russia!

Presenter 1.

The ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell holiday is considered open (the school anthem sounds).

1st grade students run out:

How we don’t want to part with our eleventh graders.
- After all, they are the smartest among us!
- Beautiful!
- Good ones!
- Talented!
- Sensitive!
- Well-mannered!
- How can we do everything so that they stay at least a year in our school?
- Need to think!
- Your suggestions?
- Close the school doors before the Unified State Examination and lose the keys!
- Throw the Unified State Exam forms into the wind, and let them fly, fly!
- Make pigeons out of KIMs!
- Get to the exam and Unified State Exam materials correct mistakes!
- Calm down, our director is coming to us, we’ll ask him.
- Evgeny Fedorovich! But it’s impossible to make sure that our eleventh graders stay at our school for at least a year.


I understand that the time has come to part, it’s sad, but also joyful: because they have grown up and become adults. So it's time for them to leave.

Dear Guys! Today the last school bell will ring for you. Soon you will pass your final exams, and unforgettable school years will remain behind you. In ten years you have learned a lot: you have mastered the basics of science, you have begun to understand the process of social life, you have learned the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe even love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions (the director names the names of the best athletes), at subject Olympiads (the names of the Olympiad winners are listed), and at amateur art shows. Thank you for this, dear guys! I wish you to successfully pass your exams, choose the right path in life and not forget your home school! I also thank my parents, from whom we have always received understanding and support.

The director reads the decision on admission to the exams.

And at this time, in secret bunker 2, a secret meeting of teachers of the intelligence school under code number 2 was taking place (this is the number of our school, who hasn’t guessed it yet).

G.E.: Ladies and Gentlemen. We won't say hello, we saw each other. I hope all precautions have been taken? There are no tails, foreign intelligence agents have been eliminated. The room is bugged, so please do not name names. So, gentlemen, I have gathered you to tell you the most unpleasant news.

L.G.: Is there an auditor coming to see us?

ON THE.: So, urgently - a path to the entrance, flowers to the stage, lemonade to the buffet, a towel to the toilet.

L.G.: Yes Yes. Prepare an analysis of academic progress over 25 years, growth in the quality of knowledge over 35 years, health monitoring over 55 years.

G.E.: What are you doing, gentlemen? We would have dealt with the auditor right away. One call and...

M.A.: Only without casualties!

G.E.: Everything is much worse...

ON THE.: Is it really a sanitary and epidemiological station? So, urgently - towels in the buffet, light bulbs in the corridor, health books in the hands of each agent. And everyone gets vaccinated against bird flu - just in order.

G.E.: And again they didn’t guess. We dealt with the sanitary and epidemiological station last year. True, there were casualties. No, gentlemen, everything is much more complicated. We received the most important task in the entire history of our school. The fate of not only our school, but also the village, Russia, and what can I say, perhaps the entire globe, depends on its implementation. Here is the encryption from the center.

Teachers look at the encryption with horror and fear.

G.E.: As you can see, this mission is not just difficult - it is impossible. We must send our best agents - graduates - to this task. By the way, what do we have there? Let's look at some dossiers.

Unfold a banner or presentation.

1. Agent 1234, aka Nikita, aka Dancer, aka Rocket. Charming, cheerful, active. Has a black belt in karate. It is especially successfully introduced into dance groups in the styles of folk, break, retro, flash and others. Successfully uses the guitar as a recruiting tool for his supporters. He repeatedly carried out school assignments at various competitions and international festivals, masquerading as an artist.

2. Agents 34, 35, 36. Agent name of Chicken. Only three of us work. They are especially successfully implemented in the teaching and children's environment. Communication password: "General".

3. Agent 44, aka Lera. Quiet, inconspicuous, but irreplaceable in the most extreme conditions. Capable of maintaining calm during earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and during the performance of her intelligence network. The main activity profile is good deeds. She is especially successful when completing tasks such as “Tomorrow is a concert - what are we going to do?”, “Where can I find Larisa Sergeevna?”

4. Agent 113, aka Panych. Recruited due to his extraordinary height and artistry. We recognize by non-standard movements of arms and legs on stage and in the dance hall. Through these movements, I became more alert in transmitting any secret information and tips. Successfully integrates into any groups and other organizations. Moderately sociable, taciturn, calmly communicates with any people.

G.E.: So, is that all? Not bad. But I would like to look at all the graduates as a whole. I'm afraid eight won't be enough for this mission. I propose to review the personal files of all graduates of the year. For this purpose, we invite graduates to the stage.

A response from graduates.

Graduate 1.

It seems like it was just recently:
In the first notebook there is writing,
Our first unsteady “mother”
Our first school spring.

Graduate 2.

But the school romance has reached its epilogue,
This means that the plot is almost exhausted.
Last call. We take stock
All our affairs span eleven years.

Graduate 3.

And the main result - let's go back to the origins -
After all, school life is far from a game.
Here are the main lessons we learned -
Lessons of hope, love and kindness!

Graduate 4.

Eleven years is just a moment
From the point of view of the infinite.
School, teacher and student -
These are eternal concepts!

Graduate 5.

Let us bow to our native hearth,
They gave us a priceless heritage here.
We will forever be in debt to the school
From the first call to the last!

(song, presentation of flowers)

G.E.: Well, gentlemen. The matter is becoming clearer. It seems to me that everything is not so hopeless yet. We can still save the world. All agents just need to pass one more test. Its secret name is Unified State Examination. Let's throw them at someone else's facility and we'll see.

M.A.: What about encryption?

G.E.: Yes, everything seems to be clear here too. You just need to read the instructions. And who will read them?

M.A.: We have the smallest agents. They will give instructions.

Performance by first graders.

1. You were once kids,
2. They called you “first-timers” mockingly.
3. You ran to your mother with a difficult problem
4. They cried bitterly at the blackboard.
5. And now you are big and strong,
6. Everyone is a leader in their studies!
1. You carry very beautiful things with honor,
2. Proud title...
In chorus: Graduate!
3. We wish you good luck in life,
4. Health, success, love, kindness.
5. We wish that all tasks are difficult
6. You decided on the spot and with a bang.
1. Things great and small
2. We wish you to do only five!
3. We wish you to serve Russia honestly
In chorus: And don’t forget your native school!
4. If my friends ask me,
Where are the best graduates in the country?
5. Let us boldly say these words to them:
Together: “Well, of course, at school number two!”

Presentation of bells.

M.A.: And if you fulfill these wishes of ours every day, every hour, we believe that any mission will be feasible for you.

G.E.: What kind of letters are these?

M.A.: And this is an encrypted signal to the start of the mission - the last call.


The saddest, and the most anxious, and the most cheerful,
Our last call will now ring,
Let us not leave school yet,
But they stepped on the threshold with one foot.
Quiet. The graduates became silent
Mom quietly brushed away her tears...
There are different calls in life,
And now the most important one will ring.
The right to give the last call is granted to: F.I.

The last bell sounds.

Presenter 1.

School, attention! The right to lower the flags of Russia, Kuban and the Krylovsky district municipality is granted to 11th grade graduates (F.I.).

The 11th graders leave the playground to the song.

Cabbage soup for 11th grade graduates

The next option is not quite like the traditional last call, but it has its place. Compiled by Spitsina L.I., entitled “From diapers to sheepskin coats.”

I will say right away that this requires a lot of preparation from both teachers and students. But you can take not the entire plot, but some individual scenes.


Music sounds, teachers, parents, students are seated at tables according to the signs of the zodiac (1. Capricorn-Virgo-Taurus; 2. Libra-Aquarius-Gemini; 3. Scorpio-Pisces-Cancer; 4. Leo-Aries-Sagittarius).


1. Good afternoon, dear friends!
2. Oh, sorry! Greetings, and for what occasion is everyone here?

1. Well, today is the presentation of the feature-documentary film “From diapers to sheepskin coats.”
2.Oh yes, I almost forgot! After all, it’s all about us, about our graduates.

1. Today we don’t just have some kind of event, today we have a holiday that happens only once in a lifetime - “Last Bell Holiday”. To be honest, I’m not even sure if this is a holiday? After all, we are entering adulthood, which is very difficult, but so tempting.
2. In this life, everyone will be for themselves and nothing will be written off. And at school... We were loved here, they took care of us, they helped us, it seemed that school would always be there, but now it ends. Today is our last day of school, and ahead...

Sing a song and the melody “Plasticine Crow”.

1. One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe we want to tell you something more complicated.
We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember...

2. In one Russian school, or maybe not in a school,
Or maybe in kindergarten there once was an 11-a.
And there was the serious Spitsin, and the nimble Yesenkov,
And Misha Cherepovsky, which is also good!
And Dima Posashkov, which is also good!

3. And that class was ordinary, or maybe unusual,
But judging by the successes, it’s completely top class.
Do you want to be offended, do you want to smile,
But take our word for it: we love you very much.

Episode 1. Take 1. “We’re all out of diapers”


1. Dear friends! We bring to your attention unique footage of the infancy of our graduates. We were all born between 1994 and 1995.

On the slide are pictures of the graduates' infancy.

2. From infancy, we were connected by a lot: diapers, blankets, ribbons.

1. And how they tied us up with ribbons on blankets, which is called hand and foot.

2. But already at this age we strived for freedom, and everyone wanted to show their individuality.

On the slide there are stills with funny scenes.

Episode 2. Take 1. “We all learned a little”

1. So, the long-suffering class finally crawled to the last step of our universal education system, having lost some of their comrades from their orderly ranks in an unequal battle. But not all of them were given the honor of being accepted into the 11th A, but they wanted it so much!

2. One day, Dima Yesenkov’s mother went on a business trip, and dad took his son to kindergarten. They walked around different kindergartens for a long time and could not find theirs, until Dima said: “Dad, stop walking, I’ll be late for school.” And indeed, I was almost late, because in 2001 we already entered 1st grade. And mind you, to different schools.

1. It doesn't matter. Schools are different - the problems are the same everywhere.

A song is performed to the melody of “Katyusha”.

The order was given - we are in the 11th, they are in the other direction,
Volunteers left, some to college, some to vocational schools.
They said parting, leaving the school house,
Don’t be sad, Lyudmila Ivanovna, we will come, we will come again.

Key manager: So, let’s spend five minutes and summarize the day. What happened today?


1. The day passed without any special incidents: half the class was late for physics.
2. So there were competitions at the stadium.
3. Well, it was interesting to watch.

Key manager: Enough. And this without any special incidents? Parents immediately, parents to school.


1. Tomorrow?

Key manager: No, now, this minute!

Parents come out and together with their children sing a song to the melody of “Scows full of mullets.”

1. One day the class teacher said, bring your father to school.
Now I’m definitely lost, since you are God, then help me!
The sky above the boulevard is blue, the chestnut tree is blooming above the city,
But I’m not at all discouraged, even though I know what will happen to me.


At least I know them all well.
I'm just, just a child
I only turned 18.

2. And so the parent, one day in May, moored his “longboat” to the school,
The class teacher said to dad: “I’m seeing you for the first time.”
In response, opening a pack of Kazbek, the parent said coldly:
“You are an interesting eccentric, but the thing is, you see...

I won't tell you for all the girls,
I know them very well.
But my daughter is still just a child, she is only 18.

Key manager: Dear teachers, parents and graduates! The day we have been waiting for 11 years has come! Today the last bell rang for our children! Dear Parents! You will no longer have to push your over-aged child aside in the morning to send him to school! You will be spared the grueling task of checking their diaries!

Dear Colleagues! You have fulfilled your professional and civic duty! Thank you all so much!
Dear guys, I want to give you handkerchiefs to blot your tears in a moment of sadness and mourning for your irretrievably lost youth. And here’s a bag of pepper with a jar of mustard - so that subsequent exams, and everything that comes after them, do not seem like a “sweet life”.

But, now seriously. During this year, in the 11th grade, I held a review competition “Student of the Year”, taking into account the participation of children in Olympiads, in class and in extracurricular activities.

The winners are read out and given souvenirs.

Key manager sings a song to the melody of the song “Candles”.

1. Good luck, ups and downs
As with people, so with us...
My peak of teacher happiness
I came to this class.

Beloved, don’t forget
Seven years is a wonderful time!
Please remember me,
And - send a thought of goodness!

2. Touching you heart to heart,
I find myself thinking:
No, I’m not lying and I don’t repent,
I still love you.

(graduates perform verse 3)
3. Thank you for the inspiration,
For your thankless work.
And let the wonderful moments
They will bring you strength in life.

We will come back to our native class,
At least we will be a guest for you.
But we will remember our childhood more than once,
We will remember them with warmth.

Leading: The floor is given to the school director: speech, presentation of comic certificates for those who have listened to training courses, issued in case someone fails to obtain a certificate.

Poems to the school principal:

Your head sat and nightmares tormented you at night,
You found words for us, you tried to make us better,
We have become adults now, but believe me, we will not forget you!
The door to school is open for us, what if we become colleagues?

1. You’re talking about blankets, diapers, because we’ve already grown up, but in the wet...

2. How so far?

1. In wet silk, in leather, sheepskin coats... And sometimes we read books...

Scene: dialogue in front of the library, one has a backpack on his shoulders.

— Some people don’t understand when you tell them that Pushkin has already ended, and Lermontov needs to be ordered in advance. Books, like debts, must be repaid on time.
- Stop! Where? To the library.
- Why without glasses?
- But, I see normally.
- What are you like? What is the year now?
-2002. And yes!
- You won’t tell me, is there Gogol?
- Not to eat, but to read; you can’t eat in the library. And there should be silence in the library. Quietly I said.
“But I’ll still go.”
“You haven’t passed Kolobok yet, if you don’t pass Kolobok, I’ll tear up the binding, pull out the bookmarks from War and Peace, and you’ll read it again.” And bring “Old Man Hottabych.” He didn’t bring it like yesterday, but he brought it.
- Well, okay, let me pass?
- When you guess my riddles.
- You read so many of them...
- Three.
- Three thousand?
- Three: the primer, the second, and the blue one.
- Riddle one: “Children of Captain Grant”, “40 Little Indians”, “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”...
— There should be silence in the library. Did I say it quietly, or did I say it quietly?
- It was in the evening, there was something to do.
Dima crammed physics, Igor drew graphs.
Yulia was tormented by the tutor, Olya was tormented by the “active”,
She was looking for prototypes, this necessary reagent.
There are two girlfriends on the sofa, leaning on pillows,
Everyone was in thought and worry, so they were preparing for the test.

The sketch “Test” is performed.

1. - F-f-f-f-k...
Hello, do you know?
- W-w-what – what!
- Tell me?
- Don't know…
— Failure, next?
2. – Do you know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- And all.
- All? That's it, even I don't know. Fail. Next.
3. – Do you know?
- I know.
- What do you know?
- What do you ask?
- What should I ask?
- “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
- Well done! You know. Pass! Next.
4. -I!
- What?
- In love.
- In whom?
- Into the subject.
- In which?
- Like what, my love.
- Which one?
- In your!
- Well, which one?
- Which we rent.
-Which one are we renting?
- Well... You're really finding fault...
- Failure. Next.
5. – I am!
- What?
- In love!
- In whom?
- You, impudent...
- Pass!

Leading: The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Deputy academic director: I want to give you a block chewing gum“Orbit”, to strengthen teeth worn down during the “gnawing” of the granite of science. Serious advice to a graduate: it is known that all graduates are divided into five categories:
1. Zero - those who know nothing and have no idea about it;
2. The first is those who know something, but don’t know what.
3. Second - they know something and know what exactly.
4. Third - they know everything except what they don’t know.
5. Fourth – they know everything and even what they don’t know.
Determine right away which group you belong to; keep the information secret from the teacher. Remember: if you're lucky, you can get excellent results in your exams. Always smile during the exam - this will give you confidence and mislead the examinees. Use cheat sheets like dangerous medicine in small doses. From time to time, cough into your fist and rub the area of ​​your heart, hinting at poor health, undermined while preparing for exams. Thus, you will make the examiners feel sorry for you. If you feel that you cannot immediately answer a question, do not rush to report it. Let the examiners figure it out for themselves. If these tips don't help, don't worry. Don’t forget: those who don’t have a university background still live more prosperously.

Poems to the first teacher:

You recognized us. Look...
Your first-graders are sitting here!
We wore big backpacks,
Rulers, pens, blotting pads.
Thank you, bow to the ground
Accept from all graduates.
And, also lovingly,
Love your students.

Speech by the first teacher: I want to give you a copper penny - to put under your heel during exams, there is a sign that it helps.

Series 3. Take 1. “Hit parade of the most popular songs that tell about the latest events at school.”

(to the tune of the song “Neighbor”)
Now it’s not for nothing that we’ll sing about 11th A,
Our interesting class has one peculiarity.
There are only 13 of us left in this class,
Among us there are Olya, Yulia, Ira,
And a boy's bouquet.
Here Yulia walks quietly, and Irina walks the other way around.
Olya will say a word loudly, and Oksana will say a joke.
And there are rumors around the school that Dima is like a master there.
Among the girls, like Sukhov: there are many of them, but he is alone.

Concert number:

School ditties.

I loved history madly, I won’t hide it!
For some reason, it was only her that Dima made eyes at.
They wrote off everything from the neighbor, and immediately gave us a bad mark...
Let's rest a little and get tired of our neighbor.

40, 30, 25... mathematics again, 8, 10, 37 - we have completely dumbed down!
We somehow find the root, and quietly go crazy!
You are a difficult science for us, oh, you are a specific thing.

Ah, stamens-pistils, bones-skeletons,
It was a lot of fun teaching us about this.

We have forgotten how to understand mom and dad in Russian,
So we delved deeper into English, strongly do you, so to speak.

We knocked with hammers, pierced our fingers with knitting needles.
We are ready for adult life, for severe trials!

The “Astrologer” comes out and reads the astrological forecast:

Scorpios are terrifying, just the sight of them,
But in life they are needed too.
They are slightly poisonous.
And just as tender.
So that they don't offend you,
The advice for communicating with them is simple:
Don't step on their tail -
And they won't sting you.

Virgos - it is clear, contrary to fashion, that they are all descendants of Eve.
But how do you understand that men wearing pants are not shaved and are Virgos?

Libra - Libra's whim is always known,
Blind Themis attribute.
They will weigh everything, outweigh everything,
And if necessary, they will lie.

Cancers - they have everything you need for the soul:
Wonderfully graceful and tender.
They are good with beer too
And they often love beer themselves!

Pisces are unpretentious in their needs
Everyone who was born from caviar.
They are talkative in Russian
And wise as a sheep.

Aquarius is for the student breed, he is the most important zodiac.
To pour water on the exam, love this sign, children!

Sagittarius - not without sadness and melancholy, sometimes we see this oath:
They glance at the blackboard and smoke a cigarette in the toilet.

Capricorns are a little gray, respectable, strict.
When he walks, the powders shake.
He is the main Capricorn at school,
All the rest are Capricorns.

Taurus - everything would be fine with a Taurus,
But there is one nuance here:
Where did he come from?
From the words “calf” or “body”?

Twins - being children of their fathers
And on different days, born
How did they all manage to
So become identical?

Leos - the charisma of a lion among cattle
Even a spoon doesn't spoil the ointment.
Terrible, menacing, ready to eat,
But in principle, it’s still the same cat.

Aries - neither tender meat nor wool can hide secret flaws:
Sometimes among the rams, there are sheep, and even obvious rams.
But Aquarius claims that they are not among the teachers.

Competition "Burim".
(each table needs to compose a quatrain from the proposed words)

1. Chant, simple, Virgo, beauty.
2. Sign, glad, Cancer, awards.
3. Rings, bow, Sagittarius, hands.
4. Balance, heaven, hands, Libra
5. In love, Scorpio, sting, stuck.

Key manager: I think it’s time to give the floor to moms and dads.


1. How much time a day did you devote to education?
2. What can you wish for children and teachers?

Parents to children:

The most important thing is to be healthy, not necessarily new Russians.
Strong, smart, businesslike, with big plans and dreams.
We wish everyone to receive diplomas, we are always waiting for you to visit, we invite you.
We wish you all to work honestly,
Meet love - get married, get married.
Be tolerant of other people
Be proud of your state.
I would like to believe that it was not in vain that you were raised:
You have planted good roots in the earth.


I bow to you for our children, how much you gave of your life.
Time, strength, intelligence and patience for education and training.
How much warmth, kindness, understanding, how much talent and how much effort,
You gave them so much love over all 11 years, you instilled in them the joy of victory.
You shared both work and sorrows with them,
Some were reproached, others were forgiven.
For a hot heart, for clean hands,
For loyalty to the profession and science,
For your love, attitude towards children,
Thanks from everyone!


Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates.

1. We studied, you taught, sometimes scolding, sometimes praising
Our teachers tolerated us and loved us for so many years.

2. And now, even though it’s a little late, we thank you for everything,
If we are guilty of something, we will be forgiven, and we will forgive.

3. We go out into a huge world, what will it meet us with, what does it promise?
In the heart, in a secluded corner, the memory of the school will be preserved.

Final song.

1. The rain will patter on the roof
Winter will cover everything with snow.
May will come again, but not to hear,
More of us from bell lessons.
In our sad faces
Tramp - the wind will sigh from the window.
And how could this happen?
When did 11 years fly by?

And on this childhood day the last
Every moment and glance is so precious,
And, unfortunately, there is no way back, back,
Today is our farewell evening
We're a little sad now.
Let's say to each other, "Goodbye, good morning!"

2. Childhood flew away like a moth
To us, flapping a transparent wing
We wanted to become adults so much,
But someday, not soon, later.
Like drops, minute by minute
Time rushes us further and further forward.
And more than once we will remember our childhood, as if
A bright butterfly has an easy flight.

Interesting option in the style of Harry Potter

Here's another great event with fairy-tale characters, where the main actors are graduates. I took the script from the site http://openlesson.rf. Contains many songs dedicated to teachers.


Music by John Williams – Chamber of Secrets Prologue.

Harry, Ron and Hermione come out.

Harry. Well, Ron, Hermione, we have almost graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which among Muggles is called GOU Secondary School No. 297.

Ron. It stands on Diagon Alley, which among Muggles is again called 1st Botanical Drive.

Hermione. We can do almost everything now: we have mastered the art of levitation, we can protect ourselves from dark forces. Well, spells are generally my strong point.

Harry Potter clutches the scar on his head.

Hermione. Harry, Harry, what happened?

Harry groans.

Ron. Look, what kind of stone is this?

Harry. There are inscriptions on it... If you go to “A”, you will end up in the army.

Hermione. If you go to “B”, you won’t get into college.

Ron. If you go to “C”, you will leave with a sore head. Unified State Exam...

Hermione. Who is the Unified State Examination?

Ron. This is probably a fire-breathing dragon, the Horntail.

Harry. I understood everything, that’s why the scar hurt... The Unified State Exam was sent to us by the Black Lord - Voldemort.

Hermione. This is not a problem, I will remove this stone now. Imperius. (The stone is in place).

Ron. Cruceatus. (The stone is in place).

Harry. Patronus.

Sounds of the underworld.

Voice off stage (Voldemort). A magic wand won't help here. You must answer my Unified State Exam questions. Otherwise...all Gryffindor graduates will turn into goblins and run away into the twilight forest.

Harry holds onto his scar.

Hermione. Don't be afraid, Harry. Together we will overcome everything.

Compilation Gwen Stefani – Wind It Up

Part "A". I am part A. You must choose one correct answer.

With a tail, but not a Phoenix bird.
With a bell, but not the rat Scabbers.
With spurs, but not Buckbeak.
With a medal, but not a Quidditch winner.

Possible answers:

  1. Uncle Vernon.
  2. Keykeeper Rubeus Hagrid.
  3. Aunt Petunia.
  4. Graduates.

Harry. Ugh.

In chorus. The fourth answer is graduates.

Part "A". Right. Go to part “B”

Britney Spears – Piece of me.

Part "B". You must accurately answer the question: “To which order do the following commandments belong?”

  • The further you sit, you write more.
  • No one has ever died from knowledge, but it’s not worth the risk.
  • The bad habit of being late for the first lesson gives rise to a good one - sleeping well.
  • A difficult character can be compensated for by easy behavior.

Ron. I know this is the Mamburu order. Cheerful and positive guys.

Group “Nogu cramped” - Haru-Mamburu. The dance, and part “B” goes away with them.

Sounds of the underworld.

Ron. I'm shocked.

Hermione. Don't drift, boys. Of course, we can’t do it alone. We urgently need the help of masters of magic, their magical energy and knowledge.

Harry. Onward to Hogwarts.

To the tune of the song by E. Terleeva - Take the sun with you.

No traffic lights, through an intersection
The school is standing, and everything seems simple!
Step over, gain knowledge.
We remember teachers today.
There is no one better than you! We know that for sure!
Together we walked along a difficult path.

You are our sunshine at school
And a source of knowledge
A sea of ​​charm.
Our ultimate dream.
Let's take it as a keepsake
Humor and smiles.
We will keep you in our hearts
We will correct all errors.


Cutting “Aria of the Star” from the musical “The Star and the Death of Joaquin Murietta.”

Harry. And here are our masters: Master of Fine Literature and Master of the Beautiful Pen.

Master 1. I am your freedom, I am your star. On hot lips there is pure water.

Master 2. Whatever happens, call me. I will be with you in broad daylight.

Master 1. I'm your luck.

Master 2. I am your destiny (with surprise).

Master 1. Everything you will succeed in life is me.

Master 2. It's me.

Together(hug, sway). I shine for you because gray clouds, Don't lose sight of my running ray ( freeze with inspiration).


Students. Professor Trelawney! Professor Trelawney! Oh please.

Teacher. And don't persuade me! You never have enough time to prepare for work, but you always have time to rewrite it!

1 student. Well, professor, we really love your subject - “Mathematical fortune telling on coffee grounds”!

2 student. IN last time!

Teacher. You have already rewritten this diagnostic work on the Unified State Exam 10 times! You've had enough! And where can I get so much coffee?

1 student. Well, how is it enough? How is enough? The first time I guessed 1 task, the second time I answered 2 tasks, and on the fourth attempt I solved 4 tasks! And there is something to strive for, because seven tasks are a grade of three.

2 student. This is addictive!

2 student. I've never felt such a craving for coffee grounds before. Your item is a drug for me!

Song based on Dj slon and Angel – Dzhimmi, Dzhimmi.

Night gives way to a quickly lived day,
The stars are circling in the darkness of the carousel.
I take integrals, I’m not too lazy!
Now I know derivatives!
And my heart hurts so much, and there is no more coffee!
And in my head is the Unified State Examination, I’ll send him greetings!
Maybe I’ll solve everything, or maybe it’s a dream.
I love mathematics - this is the movie.
Jimmy, Jimmy, acha, acha, acha, acha.


To the tune of Celine Dion – My heart will go on.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
Every day English go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
It will also come in handy in life.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
And I always will.
Repeat present perfect
From morning until morning.


The melody from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” plays, intro.

Ron. A question of intelligence. What connects physics and chemistry?

Harry. Real magic! Do you remember how Professor Himius-Snack taught us the art of making potions?

Ron. We learned to brew glory! They were preparing a polyjuice potion.

Harry. Oh, experiments! We saw miracles with our own eyes!

Ron. And then we learned to see these miracles around us . Do you remember how interesting our lessons were?

The music is louder. A teacher comes onto the stage with a flask and a white coat.

(4 girls, 2 boys, Harry and Ron stand in rows of children, girls on one side of the teacher, boys on the other).

Teacher. So. Checking homework. Neville Longbottom will go to the board. Neville steps forward, his legs shaking.

Teacher. Neville, what can you use to get gasoline?

Neville. With the help of a magic wand.

Teacher. Please . Places the flask on the floor.

Neville. Ingardium Leviosa.

Explosion sound . One of the girls replaces the flask with a soft toy.

Teacher. Yes, gasoline is to you, Neville... like to the moon. Start over. Periodic Table of Elements

Continues to explain how in a movie with the sound off, the children nod their heads to the beat.

The melody from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” is playing, fast.

Harry. Like this, from lesson to lesson, patiently and persistently...

Ron. Our beloved Name Patronymic name, brought us to the idea that...

Hermione. That you will have to love chemistry.


Harry. Introducing the Master of Economics-Geographicus.

Interruption. Shakira – Bamboo

2 times only music.

Geography, geography,
Economics, Economics.
Oceans, Oceans,
And mother-and-ki, and mother-and-ki

Name- ahh, Name-ahhh
Light Surname, light Surname.

Geography, geography,
Economics, economics.
We loved you, we loved you,
Our master is the highest class.

Physical training

Hermione. Our masters: Madame Hook - broomstick flying, Madame Sharp Eye - Quiditch coach.

Romance of the Turtle Tortilla.

Childhood was filled with mud.
We must think forever.
And I was like Harry Potter when I was young.
I need a sports suit then
It was very fitting.
The Snitch flew straight into my hand
And he didn't hit me in the face.
“Only he will be forever young,
Who taught everyone to win.
Physical education is not work.
Physical education is a passion.”

A cut from the cartoon “Bluebeard.”

But: nerves of iron, healthy kidneys,
Gymnastics, yoga, jogging.
And so every day, to the end, to the point,
And so on endlessly to the end.

Loss to the tune of John Paul Young – Love is in the air.

The elf is washing the floor. Harry and the elf face each other. Harry screams.

Harry. Um... Hello! Nimbus -2019 – cool!

Dobby. Harry Potter! A long time ago I dreamed of meeting you. Such a great honor...

Harry. Spa...thank you. Who you are?

Dobby. Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby is a school elf.

Harry. Why haven't I seen you at Hogwarts before?

Dobby. You often don't notice the good. We try to do our work efficiently and discreetly.

Harry. We…

Dobby. There are many of us elves... We live in the hearts of nannies, security guards, nurses, accountants, secretaries, librarians and, of course, cooks.

Harry. Wow, wow!

Dobby. Bad Dobby! May my ears get pinched by the oven door! Revealed the secret! Dobby must punish herself (bangs her head against the wall.)

Harry. Relax. I'm a graduate. This secret will leave school with me.

To the tune of Verka Serduchka’s song “Everything will be fine.”

Dobby sings.

If our school is cozy and beautiful.
Let's be honest: it's just us!
Always positive - externally and internally,
And we are not afraid of any trouble.

And at school...Good! Everything will be fine!
Everything will be fine, we know it, we know it!
Fine! Everything will be fine!
The director trusts us completely, but checks...


To the melody of Lyapis Trubetskoy “AU-AU-AU. I’ll find you anyway.”

If you don't come to my lessons,
I'll follow you as a spy,

You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.
If you come to me with war.
I will resolve it very quickly.
At least hide, at least don’t hide -
You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.

I'll find you all anyway
Ay-ay-ay, hey-hey!

2. If you go to the cinema instead of lessons,
I'll buy a ticket in the first row.
Like the Germans in 1945, don’t even hope
I'll kill everyone.
If you become the Entente,
I will find the Triple Alliance on you.
At least hide, at least don't hide
You are still mine, doo-doo-doo.

You are soldiers, I am war,
You are the game, I am the finale.
You are unemployed, I am a labor worker!
You are Italy, I am Madrid.
You are a social worker, I am a social package.
You are the flowers, and I am the bouquet.
You are the defendants, and I am the lawyer,
I am in class, and you are in the clouds.

I still love you all.
Ay-ay-ay, hey-hey!


Paul Mauriat, screensaver from the program “In the Animal World”. Students run out.

Student 1. Where is our Professor McGonagall?

Student 2. That's how you saw her! She's a catwoman.

Student 3. Not really. The topic of her project: “Explore the limb ”, He probably works with magical creatures, which is why he’s delayed.

Student 1. Well, what, guys? Let's relax?

All. OK.

Student 2. Anamora.

Everyone turns into monkeys.

Monkey dance based on a remix from the movie “Bingo Bongo”.

The teacher appears.

Teacher. Meow. It’s not in my principles to use transfiguration as a punishment, but... Expelarmus.

The melody from the cartoon sounds “Catdog.”

The guys squat down opposite sides, dancing.

Interruption Pink – Trouble.

Call. 2 girls on a chair, the rest behind.

Teacher. So, in today's lesson we are learning about information signs that allow you to safely travel through the Twilight Forest. Draco Malfoy, to the board.

Draco pretends to be a troll.

Teacher. What is this sign?

All. Beware, troll!

1 Boy. Madam Securities, what about the hydrants?

Teacher. Everyone looked at me with kind, attentive eyes.

To the tune of D. Bilan - The impossible is possible.

We know exactly the Pythagorean theorem,
“War and Peace” four volumes are familiar to us.
Newton's laws come at night in a dream,
And we know exactly what crossing over is.

All. We go to life safety training, it’s always like the first time. Let's try to use our chance now.

Anton. To put out the fires and take possession of the hydrant.

All. Anton, you better move away, you don’t know how to sing!

So this is what we talked about before Anton
We were not familiar with fire extinguishers before.
Today we want to master the “sleeves”,
And get acquainted with fire shields!

Administration and Director

Muse – Supermassive Black Hole

Ron. There is a Chamber of Secrets on the 4th floor of Hogwarts. A secret that everyone knows. It stores keys and magic books with grades.

Hermione. You can get into it only by saying the password “Kaput Draconis”.

Ron. Sometimes all the masters gather in a secret room, and round table nervously inventing a new tranquil spell for overly frisky students. But if that doesn't help...

Hermione. We also have special masters. It's better to be friends with them. Otherwise you will become a prisoner of Azkaban.

Ron. The most important, wisest master in the school is Professor Dumbledore.

Harry. We simply call him our director.

Harry. Well, we remembered all the Masters of Magic at Hogwarts School. And what to do with part “C” is still unclear?

Hermione. Harry, does your scar still hurt?

Harry. No, as soon as we got to Hogwarts, the pain went away. I feel strong and confident.

Hermione. And I have the same feeling.

Ron (slowly). Guys! I think I understand. Our masters have given us their knowledge and love for 11 years. And we can pass part “C” only by returning at least a small part of this love.

Hermione. Exactly, and how simple it is.

Lamentation and John Williams – Chamber of Secrets – Fawkes Is Reborn.

Voldemort. You've already done it. Part “C” completed. Friendship and love won as always! And I will meet you again, Harry.

All. Hooray!

Harry solemnly demolishes the stone, Ron and Hermione dance a waltz. They leave.

The graduation ceremony is underway.

Modern last call in Oscar style

In this event, awards are presented to teachers, and these can be figurines, some kind of memorable gifts or emerald nuts (as in the scenario). You can also reward the graduates themselves. The option is approximate, read it. But I liked the fact that there are a lot of dedications to teachers and parents. I think you will find it useful.

Material taken from the site


Ved.: WITH Good morning, Dear friends!

Ved.: Good spring morning!


Early morning in May
Warmed by the spray of the sun.
Green bright curls
Dressed with beads of light.


Poplar fluff flies -
A sign of a coming summer.
Day May 25th,
A day of joy and sorrow,
Day of parting with childhood.


Remember, the first of September
We met the kids at the doorstep.
Well, today it's time to say goodbye
With those who have grown up, they go on the road.


To you, who will step outside the threshold today,
To you, to whom life opens up new spaces,
We dedicate the last call,
Old school says goodbye to you!

Grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers and mothers,
Teachers and students!
Meet the heroes of our holiday:
Favorite graduates are coming!

Solemn music sounds and the graduating classes come out.

Ved.: 11-A class. Class teacher Natalya Pavlovna Kuklina.

Ved.: 11-B grade. Class teacher Novitskaya Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

Ved.: 11th grade. Class teacher Irina Vasilievna Unichenko.

The graduates take their seats.


Early morning is knocking on the windows,
We won't rush the call.
After all, this can't happen
To forget my school years.

Ved.: Hello, dear graduates! Exactly 10 years have passed since the moment you first crossed the threshold of school. And today we see you off on the high road of life. Our school staircase, along which you walked hand in hand with your teachers and parents, will end as soon as your farewell bell rings.


Did you study at this school?
Ten best years of life
But those years flew by quickly
And there is no return to the past.


Today is a holiday at our school,
But this is a sad day for us.
Our dear eleventh graders
We came to class for the last time.

Background to the director's words.

Ved.: On behalf of those who helped you through your ten-year school journey, who constantly thought about you, experienced all your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, and were saddened by your defeats, the director addresses you on behalf of the school teachers.

Ved.: The floor is given to the school director Yuri Alekseevich Kudryavtsev.

Word to the director.

Ved.: The wonderful school time has come to an end. You have exams ahead. Inexorably time goes by, counting down seconds, minutes, hours, months, years... It seems like it was a very long time ago when you timidly and hesitantly entered first grade. Then everything was a first for you: the first teacher, the first word read, the first call, the first joys and sorrows.

Ved.: You made your first discoveries on this planet with a man who has the most wonderful title on earth - the first teacher. People remember their first teacher all their lives and remember him with gratitude.

Ved.: Ten years ago, dear graduates, you were met and escorted to your first lesson by your first teachers: Larisa Aleksandrovna Gracheva, Natalya Leonovna Beketova, Lidiya Aleksandrovna Sevostyanova, Valentina Mikhailovna Moiseeva.


We remember that cheerful call,
What rang for us for the first time,
When we entered the school with flowers,
To your very best first class.

How the teacher greeted me at the door,
Our faithful friend for many days,
And a big noisy family
New girlfriends and friends.

Sitting down at your desk carefully,
To school uniform
Don't crush it
We revealed our alphabet,
They opened a blank notebook.
The first lesson, the joy of first discoveries,
First success, blue dream -
The first teacher gives us all this,
We remember his severity and kindness.

Ved.: The floor is given to the first graduating teachers.

Graduates: Our deepest bow to you, our dear first teachers!

They give flowers to primary school teachers.

Ved.: Elementary School. This is all in the past. And today the last school bell will ring for you. You will look back with sadness on the past years, which gave you a lot of good things, made you smarter and better.


We can touch the past here,
We can see miracles here:
Stop and look back
And look childhood straight in the eye.

Ved.: Guests from childhood - first-graders came to greet the graduates!

First-graders enter to the tune of the song “What They Teach at School.”
(poems by first graders)

Ved.: Dear Guys! Today you say goodbye to the school, but we remain in it - its present and future. Rest assured that we will continue to implement all school traditions. Within the walls of our school there will always be the sound of joyful children's laughter, an atmosphere of love, creativity and constant search, an atmosphere of unity between student and teacher will reign. And according to good tradition, first-graders and graduates exchange memorable gifts.

Gifts are being exchanged.


Last quarter, spring quarter...
The chalk freezes in my hand.
On school board we draw diligently
Parabolas of our hopes and worries.
Last quarter,
Spring quarter...
Thank you teacher
For entering the school classroom at dawn,
You remain in our hearts and in our destiny.

Ved.: Time passed. From elementary school, you, today's graduates, ended up in high school with many classrooms and a huge number of teachers. How easy it would have been to get lost in this noisy school sea if you had not been met and supported by the caring hands of your class teachers.

A performance dedicated to the class teachers.

Performed by boys.
- Dear Sirs! I invited you to tell you the most pleasant news: today is the last call!
- Hooray!
- What's "hurray"? We are instructed to congratulate our class teachers on this significant date!
- What date? And why congratulate?
– Happy May 25, dear gentlemen! Happy day of getting rid of us soon. It's clear?
- Can anyone explain to me why class teachers are needed in grades 10 and 11?
- What do you mean why? (gently) Who will wake you up at dawn and tell you in a gentle voice...
- That the first lesson has already started fifteen minutes ago and that by the third lesson I will be at school like a bayonet!
- And when you run away from the test, who will catch you on the last step, who will gently take you under your white hands and, seating you at your desk, will unobtrusively remember you.
- That this is already your twenty-fifth absence this week.
- And that for every absenteeism you will have to answer!
- Who, finally, calling your home in the evening, will sing a lullaby to your parents about...
- That all the teachers are just eager to meet them
- For a conversation about your behavior and academic performance!
- They say that the class is like its class teacher.
- Oh, that means we are as smart, elegant, sophisticated, well-mannered as our Natalya Pavlovna,
Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Irina Vasilievna.
- What can I say, we were just lucky that by order of the school principal...
- Or maybe we were simply assigned by fate wise mentors and older friends
- Our class teachers! (together)

To the tune of “Call me, call me!” a song is sung to the senior leaders. One of the students imitates a telephone conversation.


Hello! Hello. Mom? Who is asking her? Classroom teacher? Mom is not at home!

Everyone sings together:

He calls all parents and scolds him constantly.
It’s unpleasant, but... it helps, oddly enough!
We will never forget your life lessons,
And even though the school is just around the corner, and even though the school is just around the corner,
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call us!
They broke wood at school, violated discipline,
You walked with a guilty head, you forgave your children.
We need your wisdom, our mentor and teacher,
Forgive us for our insults, forgive us for our insults,
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call us!
We know that we now mean a lot in your destiny,
We are grateful to you for everything and secretly hide a tear.
We will remember you forever, our great teacher!
Our most important teacher, our most important teacher!
Call us sometimes!
Call us, call us!

– So, what should a real gentleman do when given the task of congratulating beautiful women?

They take flowers out from behind the skirts of their jackets.
The girls bring out candy and notebooks.

— Our dear class teachers! Your life with us was not always sweet and sometimes did not seem like honey to you. But we know that deep down in your soul you are very sorry to part with us.

“That’s why we decided to sweeten the bitter moments of farewell to your eleventh grade, and in these notebooks We leave you our phone numbers so that you can call least sometimes.

(presenting flowers to class teachers)

Ved.: The floor is given to the class teachers of the graduates.

Ved.: Over the years, your parents have studied and suffered along with you.

Ved.: They were the ones who got you up for school in the morning and handed you a notebook with problems that they solved for you at night.

Ved.: It was they who whitewashed the crumbling school ceilings and painted the desks covered in writings by careless children.

Ved.: They were the ones who blushed for you in front of the teachers when you ran away from class or got bad marks.

Ved.: They are the ones who look at you with pride today and are happy that you were able to withstand all the tests of school life.


Mom is the best word
Mom is the best name
Mom - I repeat again,
Life and peace in the name.


Mom is the sun of the earth,
Mom is the light in the middle of the night,
Mom is a great happiness
All sons and daughters.

Music "Love Story"


My daughter has never been so happy.
Everything about her is beautiful, okay, black-browed and white.
My daughter is a graduate, I look with excitement,
How her eyelashes tremble... So I walk into her school.
I’m bringing a huge bouquet to my dear girl,
I recognize her in the crowd and wave my hand from a distance.
Don't worry, I'm with you, just like all these ten years.
I haven’t been this young for a long time, no.
And today is this holiday, and where have the years gone?
But not tears - the mischievous rain suddenly began to fall. This is water.


Mommy, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.
My God, how many nerves are damaged...
I'm so glad, mommy! Are you happy?
Why are you crying, my dear, why are you biting your lips stubbornly?
Smile, because school is over,
Well, laugh, dear mom!
Ten years, not one moment, they walked both crookedly and straight.
Ten years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mom.
I know that you are very happy and admire your dear daughter.
Why is it autumn in your eyes, why do you cover your face with a handkerchief?
Maybe she remembered me when I was little, felt my palm in my hand?
As she whispered: little scarlet flower, don’t be naughty in class, baby.
Listen, baby, strict teachers, don’t draw on your notebooks!
And she met me at the door and kept my briefcase in order.
And now your daughter has grown up, but the tears stubbornly flow...
Well, school is over. Dot.
Congratulations, mom! It's me - your daughter!


Dear mothers, we love you very much. We wish you happiness.
And we give these flowers to all the mothers sitting in the hall. (presenting flowers to parents)

Graduates: Thank you, our moms and dads, for your love, help and support.

Ved.: The floor is given to parents of graduates.

Fanfare sounds.

Ved.: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ved.: Ladies and gentlemen!

Ved.: Dear friends!

Ved.: An unusual ceremony awaits you today

Ved.: Ceremony of opening the stars of the school sky

Ved.: Today a new constellation of graduates will light up on the school horizon.

Ved.: We will call it “Graduate – 2019”.

Ved.: For eleven years they flashed bright sparkles in the classroom.

Ved.: Shined at the Olympics

Ved.: They sparkled at school parties.

Ved.: They burned in gold and silver on sports pedestals,

Ved.: Now they will shine in big life!

Ved.: Each star is unique!
Ved.: The right to light the stars in the “Graduate 2019” constellation is granted to class teachers.

Awarding graduates with stars.

Ved.: So the constellation lit up in our school sky.

Ved.: It seems to me that it lacks the most important, guiding stars. These are, of course, your class teachers. The right to award stars to class teachers is granted to F.I.


What is happiness? It's very simple.
This is when people light up the stars.
Let him always accompany you in your life,
Warming souls, happy fate.

Ved.: For you, dear friends, a gift from 10th grade student Victoria Beketova (dance).

Ved.: Three girls under the window were talking in the evening.

Key manager:

I got the letter "A".
Well, guys - anywhere!

Key manager:

Well, for me it’s letter “B”.
Everyone is standing on their head!

Key manager:

I got the letter "B".
They grew up with us -
Not guys, just... (all together) great!


We just managed to say,
The doors creaked quietly (creaked),
And here they appeared...

The graduates stand and bow.


He, you are guests, gentlemen,
How long did it take? Where?
Is it good or bad at sea?
And what is the miracle in the world?


Over the past ten years
We have traveled all over the world.
Living overseas is not bad.
What a miracle it is in the world.


An island lies on the sea,
There is a hail on the island.
The tree of knowledge grows there.


But the fruits are not simple -
All sciences are sophisticated,
Items - pure emerald,
The schoolchildren chew them all up.


We'll show you emeralds
And we’ll tell you about each one.

The student takes out from the box one of the shiny stones prepared in advance.


Here's the first little nut
But the most, the strongest,
We've been gnawing on it for many years,
Yes, not alone,
And with the first teachers.

(to the tune of the song “Vernissage”)
When we came to first grade,
You met us at the door,
And we gave you flowers.
We timidly followed you to class,
But you encouraged us
The Lordship infused us with a smile.
How we came to you for salvation,
And we were only looking for you,
But the years flew by quickly.
We haven't forgotten first class,
You are still in our souls,
We would like to start over.
Ah, first class, ah, first class.
It was so difficult for us,
We learned to read, write,
And also glue and cut.
Thank you, thank you,
For being our mother.
And we want to wish you
So that you teach everyone to "five".

Graduate: Emerald nuts are awarded to the first teachers.


The second nut is the biggest
And a considerable fortress,
It's probably the hardest thing to chew through.
Among the sciences - the queen.
Special honor to her
We want to bow
To those who teach it.

(to the tune of “Black Boomer” (Seryoga) song for a math teacher)

You led us along a difficult road between theorems
sometimes the topic seemed boring, with many problems.
But I was still able to understand the beauty of exact science!
I’ve been wanting to say thank you for your knowledge for a long time.
Thank you for your praise and guidance,
But, unfortunately, we will have to part.
I will try to meet your expectations
And on the exam I will get a grade of “5”!

Mathematics, dear, how I love you!
And today in this hall I sing only about you:
Equations are like poems, the integral will support the spirit,
Logarithms are like songs, formulas caress the ear!

Graduate: Emerald nuts are awarded to mathematics teachers: Natalya Pavlovna Kuklina, Lyudmila Anatolyevna Novitskaya, Galina Klementyevna Shevchuk.

A skit for teachers of Russian language and literature.

1. What kind of books do you have?
2. This is a complete collection of my school essays. Here you go, “Pechorin is the hero of our time,” “Tatyana is Pushkin’s ideal,” “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu.”

1. Well, I destroyed this a long time ago! She burned it mercilessly.
2. In vain! I’ll learn a little and turn it into a novel! Into a large, so to speak historical canvas. So to speak, an encyclopedia of our school life.

1. And who are the main characters?
2. Our favorite teachers of Russian language and literature: Natalya Fedorovna, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Olga Rimovna.

To the tune of "Blue Bird"
We read books like this
Which is not very easy to read,
The spellings were taken like this:
Which you won’t really take.
This is how we answered the Unified State Exam:
Which is not at all easy to answer.
We caught up with you every day,
But they couldn’t catch up.
We know what it really is
It's very difficult to chew Russian.
In the last week, sometimes
Makes life work.
They say that there is no strength left,
That you will never pass the exam...
Only we declare directly:
This is complete nonsense!

Graduates: Dear teachers of Russian language and literature, please accept these modest souvenirs from us.

A skit for geography teachers.

1. You know, I'm so glad that I learned how to navigate with a compass!
2. Well, where can this be useful to you? There are signs on the streets; in extreme cases, you can ask passers-by for directions.
1. Just imagine, I come to some country, for example, to Zaire.
2. How far and scary! Why not stay there!
1. I’m going to Russia, I want to go home! This is where a compass comes in handy! I take it, look at the arrow and - strictly north, straight home.
2. Over mountains, over distances!

Graduates: Yes, thanks to our Irina Viktorovna, she explained the way home to us well!

Sing to the tune of "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians"
There is nothing better in the world,
How to travel around the world.
Around Paris, Rome and Jakarta
We can travel on the map,
We can travel on the map.
We will remember geography
After all, people need this science.
We are not afraid of mountains and rapids,
We are not afraid of any roads,
We are not afraid of any roads.

Graduates: We give this emerald nut to geography teacher Irina Viktorovna Zholudeva.

A skit for computer science teachers.


A man is tired of thinking -
The age of computers has arrived.
They opened a class at school
Computer science for us.


We looked around
Row of computers
And we had to work
In the mornings and evenings.


But my favorite teacher
Made a miracle
Work on the computer
She taught us all!
March of the Aviators (for computer science teacher)

We were born to make a fairy tale come true,
Overcome ignorance shame,
Give computers omnipotence to Russia,
Bring her into creative space.

Higher and higher and higher
We want, having taken off, not to fall,
And let our computer at least breathe,
Japan needs to catch up.

The Internet will always help us now,
You can download the abstract from there,
And if we make an effort,
It's an interesting report to write.

Now we are all without the Internet,
As if without your own hands,
And study subjects with him
It goes without much pain.

Graduates: Dear Elena Voldemarovna, we present you with this emerald as a symbol of the unity of the real and virtual worlds.

A skit for English teachers.

Graduates: Petya, how many languages ​​do you know?

Graduates: Four: Russian, Pascal, C++, Delphi.

Graduates: Not really! What language would you speak in England?

Graduates: Of course, in the language of facial expressions and gestures.

Graduates: Why did you study English at school then?

Graduates: Well, to read Shakespeare in the original!

Graduates: So what, did you read it?

Graduates: No, I have no time!

Graduates: Do I know why I studied English? To be richer!
Graduates: Ah, it’s clear, like, be a diplomat there or find a foreign groom

Graduates: Not really. You know, there is such wisdom that the more languages ​​a person knows, the richer he is!

Graduates: Well, yes, that means Svetlana Leonidovna specifically enriches us in our English lessons!

Song based on Cheburashka.

1.She came unexpectedly - with an elegant figure
A little incomprehensible for each of us
Our worries have passed without exaggeration
Eleventh grade confesses his love to you
2. We were often reproached, we were scolded for failing grades.
Perhaps they conjugated us in English secretly
But we are a tenacious people that only makes us better
We slept the deepest sleep that night.
3. What was, is gone and has become reality for us
Now we understand that our efforts were not in vain
Let the moments fly, without any doubt
We have become true friends for you.

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Leonidovna, allow me to give you this souvenir as a sign of mutual enrichment.

Sketch for a chemistry teacher.

1. So, a question for everyone’s wits. What connects English and chemistry?
2. I am ready to answer this question without preparation! We did our chemistry homework in English!
1. Correct! And how good it is that we weren’t asked to do experiments at home!
2. We would do it! We would mix it up!
2. Do you remember how it all began, how in the 7th grade we eagerly ran to chemistry lessons?
1. Of course, Valentina Petrovna showed experiments. And we saw a real miracle with our own eyes
2. And then we learned to see these miracles around us. And all this thanks to Valentina Petrovna and her assistant Nadezhda Yuryevna.

Students sing a song based on the song "Random Waltz."

The night is short, the clouds are sleeping,
But for some reason I can’t sleep,
The same table is still in front of my eyes.
Tomorrow I'll run to school again,
Only, it seems, I will be in vain
Search for elements in the table.
I'm not familiar with the table at all
And I don’t know where is the iodine and where is the bromine.
I can’t even find fluorine,
Even a spur won't help.
Lithium, potassium, astatine are circling before my eyes,
Help me, Mendeleev, put them in a row.

Sketch for a physics teacher.

1. Chemistry, of course, is an interesting science, but there is one science that every self-respecting modern young man should know. This is physics.

2. Well, you missed it! Moreover, our grandparents decided the question: should they be physicists or lyricists.

1. Well, I decided this question for myself. I can't be a physicist! This is such a responsible task!
2. But you still can’t live without physics!

1. Well, yes, you can’t even fix a computer without physics.
2. What a computer! You can't insert a light bulb!

1. Well, we won’t be physicists, that’s not scary. The main thing is to understand the essence of physical phenomena
2. But this is what Natalya Nikolaevna taught us!

Song to the tune of "Grenada"

We gained knowledge here in battles,
And the formulas just stuck in my teeth,
In your lessons we suddenly realized
That physics is the science of sciences!
Archimedes did not know and Faraday did not know,
That these laws are difficult for children,
But my class understood in your lessons:
It is impossible to live without physics now!

Graduates: We present this tough nut to physics teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Dudkina.

Sketch for a teacher on MHC.

1. Gentlemen at the ministry
Everyone decided together
What would it be without art, kids?
Will die in this world.
2. Come on, give us the answer here:
Do you like art or not?
Go quickly to the museum,
Look at everything carefully!

1. Hurry up for the opening day!
Watch a portrait, watch a landscape
And admire endlessly
The art of every creator.
2. MHC teacher!
You will smile at us a little,
Like the Mona Lisa through the ages
Smiles at us for now.
You served art faithfully,
The world of beauty was opened to us.
And we want to say now:
We loved you very much!

An alteration song for the graduation ceremony for the Moscow Art and Culture School teacher to the tune of “And you know, it will still happen!”

Graduates: you know, it will still happen!
We will draw such pictures,
And we’ll sculpt more sculptures,
And we compose music!

And it will all be beautiful!
And it can’t be otherwise,
After all, we now know how to do it,
You taught us this.

And there will be classicism and romanticism,
There will be Rococo and Baroque,
You've never seen anything like this before
And you will be proud of us!

And tell our children
That we were the best
And, of course, they studied well,
And, simply, we are all talented!

MHC is a delight for us!
Once a week and it’s gone,
But you can’t learn beauty -
It's not good either
The certificate is ahead - do you understand?

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Viktorovna! Please accept this beautiful emerald as a gift from us as a piece of world artistic culture.

Sketch for a physical education teacher.

1. Guys, don’t forget that in addition to spiritual beauty, there is also physical beauty!
2. Our beloved Svetlana Borisovna always took care of her.
3. And about health too!
1. And many thanks to her for this!

Song to the tune of “Gymnastics” by Vysotsky

If you sleep sweetly in the morning,
It's time to go study
Don't frown in confusion!
Physical education will help you -
Maybe this and that, maybe
It will guarantee you a successful day!
Hands up, windows wide open -
This is simply incredible
Run, jump and gallop around the room!
Yes, besides, physical education
It will make your figure slim.
You, friends, always remember this!

Graduates: Dear Svetlana Borisovna! Accept this emerald nut as a symbol of the unity of the physical and spiritual.

Sketch for a biology teacher.

1. Julia, tell me honestly, were you a young person?
2. Oh, well, who wasn’t a youth in their youth?

1. Can you imagine, there are people who remain young for their entire lives!
2. What's wrong with that? How can you not love fauna and flora?
1. No, with our Nikolai Fedorovich we will also remain young people for the rest of our lives. Because it was he who showed us how fragile and beautiful this world is. World of wildlife!

Song to the tune of “The Daisies Hid”

Stamens-pistils, daisies-buttercups
We brought it to you in notebooks again and again.
You love your profession very much,
And the love you shared.
Invertebrates and vertebrates
We taught classes as best we could.
And the class of all-knowing mammals
I haven't forgotten about biology.

Graduates: Dear Nikolai Fedorovich! We present you with this emerald nut as a symbol of the science that we have learned together with you.

A sketch for a history teacher.

1. Yes, that’s how interesting it was at school. In biology, I fully realized myself as a mammal.
2. And then you come to history class and solve global historical problems. And you already realize that you are the creator of history!
1. And how many fascinating stories Maria Vasilievna and Irina Vasilievna told us during lessons!
2. And all these stories formed a big story - the History of the Fatherland and the History of Humanity.

Song to the tune of “Weather in the House”

What is our forecast for the world today?
Who became president this year?
And why is all of Asia with Europe?
Are the US following their lead?

Everything else is vanity.

She will always explain to us. (2 times).
What's the forecast? War or reform
Are we expected next year?
And even though I finish school here,
But I’ll come back again for the forecast.
The most important historian in school,
Everything else is vanity.
And everything that happens in the world
Disappears into the past without a trace. (2 times).

Graduates: Dear Irina Vasilievna and Maria Vasilievna, allow me to present you with small souvenirs as a souvenir.

Words of gratitude to the director and head teachers.

1. For ten years our school ship sailed towards this solemn moment and our director Yuri Alekseevich Kudryavtsev was invariably at the helm.

2. With a firm hand, he guided our ship forward. All these years we have been on the same team, and today, leaving school, we wish the director:

To the tune of “Your Honor, Lady Luck”

Your Honor, Mr. Director,
School management is a very important sector.
It’s easier to prove the theorem to children
How to get paint somewhere for the school.
I would like to sincerely wish you good luck,
So that you solve all the problems in life,
To make work more fun,
So that everything is okay in your personal life.

(presenting flowers to the director)

Graduates: It’s interesting, if we continue the analogy “school is a ship, the director is the captain,” then who will the head teachers be?

Graduates: Like by whom? Of course, by navigators who plot the ship’s course using the most modern methodological charts.

Graduates: And they are very knowledgeable, hardworking and responsible navigators. They come to school earlier than everyone else. And later than everyone else they leave.

Graduates: No one can hide or hide from them, because they are responsible for everything: for discipline, for lessons and for each of us!

Song to the tune of “Our service is both dangerous and difficult”

The service of deputies is dangerous and difficult for everyone
And at first glance it doesn’t seem to be visible.
If someone is somewhere with us sometimes
Skip school
So, you need to fight an invisible battle,
It’s always been destined for you by fate -
The service compels!

Graduates: Speaking about the school, about the teachers, today we cannot help but thank those people, without whom the school would not exist.

Poems about other school employees.

Big bow to wonderful people,
Which are always in the shadows.
We will remember them for a long time
Because they are kind.

For greeting me politely
Us in the wardrobe and in the foyer,
They washed us, they wiped away the dust,
We thank you doubly.

In school museums and in the first aid station,
And in the secretary's room
Friendly people
It was not in vain that they worked for us.

Because they fed us deliciously,
They gave us books to read,
We are sad to part with them
After all, you worked “for five.”

Forgive us for offending us
With harsh words we sometimes
All that you gave us in life,
It will remain in our hearts.

Ved.: An ancient, wonderful tradition -
A student hands you flowers.
At this moment your faces brighten,
At this moment you realize:
Your work was, of course, not in vain,
And sometimes it was hard for you,
But how wonderful it is -
Give yourself to your students!

(presenting flowers to teachers)

Graduates sing a song based on the song “Blue Car”.

The years of childhood quickly run into the distance,
Don't expect them to return.
Of course, it’s a pity that the years have flown away,
But the future will be no worse.
Good riddance, good riddance
The long way is creeping,
Unique years are behind us.
To everyone, everyone
Believe in good things
The best is yet to come!
Slowly the lessons float away into the distance,
Don't expect to meet them anymore.
And although we feel a little sorry for the past,
The institute is, of course, ahead!
Good riddance, good riddance
The past creeps
And it rests directly on the sky.
To everyone, everyone
Believe in the best
“All dreams will come true,” everyone is convinced.
Ding-ding-ding - the bell rings, says goodbye,
The school train is picking up speed.
Oh, what a pity that this day is ending,
Let it last for a whole year!
Good riddance, good riddance
The long way is creeping,
Unique years are behind us.
To everyone, everyone
Believe in good things
The best is yet to come!

Graduates: Dear teachers! We never issued orders and handed practically nothing to anyone. Only diaries for parents to sign.

Graduates: Let me break this tradition on this solemn day. So Order No. 1 of May 25, 2019 for secondary school No. 9. For courage, valor, heroism, perseverance and perseverance in eleven years of work, issue school teachers who worked in the final classes with certificates of successful completion of activities in especially dangerous conditions.

Graduates: Yes, you have to be able to withstand us for 11 whole years! Therefore, we have indicated in the certificate a list of specialties in which you, dear teachers, will be able to work if you suddenly decide to leave the teaching field without special effort. This is a fireman, investigator, inspector, rescuer, stuntman, nanny.

Graduates: Order No. 2. In connection with the successful completion of school and in order to present the school with a valuable gift, play black box with the director!

Graduates: Bring in the box! (a black box is brought in to the music) Dear Yuri Alekseevich! We follow the example of the famous Yakubovich and want to offer you all our diaries as a gift.

Graduates: This, of course, is a comic gift; in memory of our graduation, we want to give you this symbolic tree, on it are the very emerald nuts that we gnawed together with you, dear teachers!

Ved.: Today's holiday is coming to an end. But before the last bell rings, according to established tradition, graduates must take an oath of allegiance to their home school.

Ved.: Attention! Graduates of 2019! I ask everyone to stand up! The right to read the oath of allegiance to one’s home school is granted to the applicant for silver medal Kudlai Artyom.

Graduate oath.

We, graduates of 2019, secondary secondary school No. 9 Yelizovo, we solemnly swear:
- Be loyal to your school. We swear!
— Don’t forget your teachers and classmates. We swear!
— To achieve success in life so that our home school can be proud of us.
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Ved.: The most solemn moment of our holiday has come. Now the last bell will ring for you.

Ved.: The right to give the last call is granted to applicants for medals: F.I.

Graduates: The wind throws bird cherry trees at our windows - stars,
The fluffy bunches of lilacs breathe love.
The anticipation of happiness makes the soul freeze.
The music in the hall flows in a quiet wave.

Graduates: Tomorrow the wide doors to youth will open.
Life will test our truth and faith in practice.
Well, today we sing to the sound of a guitar,
And couples spin around to a simple melody.

Ved.: Our first waltz
Farewell waltz
We've been waiting for you...

Ved.: You give us
At the hour of farewell
Light sorrows.

Ved.: We will remember you
You won't grow old.

Ved.: You always sing a modest tune
You will warm our hearts.
Dancing couples perform a waltz.

Ved.: And one more surprise! Dear friends! You have grown up quickly, but for teachers and parents you will always remain children.

Ved.: And in childhood, my favorite holiday is birthday.

Ved.: Ten years ago, babies were born at our school. Today is their eleventh birthday.

(3 cakes are brought to the center with candles burning on them)

Ved.: There are already 11 candles burning on the birthday cakes. If you make a wish, it will definitely come true!

Ved.: Birthday boys, together with their class teachers, make a wish and blow out the candles! One two Three!

The song “Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year” is played.

Ved.: And now we are taking the graduates to the school yard, where they will release balloons for good luck. Good luck, graduates, may all your dreams come true!

Ved.: Release colorful balloons into the sky,
Children's dreams, let them fly away.
You have become more serious now and you must
Dream bigger than you did even a year ago.

Ved.: Dream, achieve peace on earth,
So that the birds can fly and bloom in the spring.

Cool musical "Star Trek"

And I offer you another summary, which bears the second title “Through Thorns to the Stars.” Very musical and creative. Thanks to the site for the idea.


The entire 11th grade appears on stage and sings the remake song “Show must go on”

Sing golden rye, sing curly flax
Sing that this is The show must go on.
Well, here's the finish. The lesson is over
And soon our last call will be.
This is what we all look forward to.
All this time the school taught us
I taught you life, thank you all.
The hour has come. All paths are open to us now.
I'm going to the factory. I sew bags.
We are a family business
We'll sell onions on the highway
From Kamaz.
New faces will replace us
And this song will be sung in a new way
Well, it’s time for us to go,
It's time to take the Unified State Exam.
Goodbye teacher
Always mistakes for us
We are eloquence
They have always forgiven you.
Let sometimes
You gave us three
But we needed two!
Goodbye school!
Goodbye childhood!
Both the head teacher and the director
And sometimes strict teachers
Let's! The moment has come! We must get the highest score! Let's go old scheme! Give me pity! Cry! Cry so that everyone will cry!! The whole school!!! Let's!!!
And no matter how fate scatters us all over the earth,
We will believe that the hour will come again
And then he will tell us show must go on.
Let our descendants be worthy of us,
And we deserve them.

Without an announcement, let's speak to the director and head teachers.

The video starts showing (running through the offices; video after each subject number. In the video, one person runs after the company in stylish outfits in the style of the movie “Hipsters”).
1. History

Song about history lessons (under D. Bilan “This is how this world works”)

About famous people
Of course you may not know
But your roots
We shouldn't forget.
We'll know well
About someone else's and your own,
Let us live history
How to learn all this
Answer! Tell!
How to remember it all:
Stalin, Lenin and Khrushchev
The truth will always be needed.
Just believe me, you need a dorm,
We are rushing into politics
We will complete all the tests.
No choice
And we will find the answer.

Sketch “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

There are two students and a teacher on stage. The students do not listen, the teacher explains the topic:
- The periodic law is a fundamental law of nature, discovered by D.I. Mendeleev...So! Kiselev, repeat what I just said?
-...Well, Maryaya Ivanovna, I won’t need this in life, I’ll be an electrician!
15 years have passed
Studio of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, presenter:
— And I remind you that our guest is an electrician from Novokuznetsk and a question for 4 million rubles. Who discovered the periodic law?
- *long thoughts* Well, let it be Newton!
- This is not the correct answer!

— Bliiiiin
- Correct answer ….
- Fuck it, it won’t be useful in life anyway!

3) Biology

Puff song (Winnie the Pooh):
Leeches preserved in alcohol - no problem!
The environment is fine - yes, yes, yes!
Let's dig up all the flowers and plant them in pots!
Cure sick kidneys - nonsense!
We have always loved biology!
Cro-Magnons were found - yes, yes, yes!
Fleas, lice and cockroaches,
Monkeys and bananas -
We will remember those lessons forever!

4) Foreign language

The English language is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The inflection of verbs is close to us.
We think this way in English.
Respect you today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

5) Computer Science

A girl is crying in a machine gun (E. Osin)

A girl is crying in the office -
I didn’t pass computer science...
Fell on the Internet
I couldn't connect.
Fell on the Internet
I couldn't connect.
She looks askance at the “spur”
If only she could figure it out,
Where are the floppy disks, where are the monitors,

Where are the floppy disks, where are the monitors,
Where is the processor and where is the display.
She was told to create a program
But she can't understand
Which button should she press?
How can she boot Windows?
Which button should she press?
How can she boot Windows?

6) Geography

Scene “Sit down and stand up”

All students sit quietly, with their eyes on the floor. The teacher enters with a roar.

Teacher: Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Two for inattention! (the student from the third desk sat down and got up at the wrong time)

Teacher: Who's missing?

Student: And... and... And...

Teacher: Ivanov is not there? Two for Ivanov!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: No needle?! Two Needles!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: And you’re two so you don’t stutter! Who is the head of the stream?! (student stands up) What a face! Two! I'll check my homework. You, blond, have solved one hundred and twenty test tasks?!

Student: No

Teacher: Two! And you, brunette?

Student: Yes.

Teacher: You're lying! I copied it from him!

Points to the student on the last desk.

Teacher: And now I will ask you! Hang on, bandits! Here you are, from the last desk, to the blackboard!

The student, trembling, comes out, stands at the board, spreads his legs, and raises his hands up.

Teacher: Are there any cheat sheets?!

Student: No.

Teacher: Maybe there is after all?!

Student: No.

Teacher: Or is there?

Student: No.

Teacher: So, I didn’t prepare! Two!!! There are ten seconds left until the end of the lesson. We'll do a lot of testing. Whoever solves twenty out of ten problems will receive three. The rest are two! Hand out the leaves! Collect leaves! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! And if this happens again, then everyone will go to the dean’s office! Sti! Pen! Di! AND!

According to the syllables, students take their seats. On the last syllable, a student from the back desk falls to the floor.

Scene “Technician and Humanist”

A humanities specialist and a technician are sitting in a physics office.
A technician calms a sobbing humanitarian
G. - I will never be able to prepare for this test!
T. - Don’t worry so much, I’m sure it’s not that scary, at least you know some things in physics! It's very simple, let me help you! Here is the problem book, read the first question.
G- Current strength.. Oh, it’s written incorrectly here, not “current”, but only..
T.- Power toooka!
G-Okay, let it be, after all, I’m not taking a Russian exam! Current strength is measured in Hegenz meters.
T-So, did you teach at all? Have you at least learned Einstein's fundamental law?
G. *shaking his head like “no” *- Yeah..
T- Write it on the board! Write. “Energy..*The humanist is worried* is the letter e!
*The humanist writes a small “e”*
T- Big f!!
*The humanist writes the same letter, only in an enlarged size*
T- Yes, capital “e”!
*Humanitarian corrects*
T-“E” is equal.. Write “Energy is equal”, equalooo! *Angrily* Why are you writing in cursive? For what?! How is equal indicated? How? How do we denote equal? Parallel lines are denoted equal! Yes, not vertical! Horizontal! Energy equals mass “m” times “c”
*humanitarian doesn’t understand*
T- Multiply by “c”! We don't know the letter "ts"? The letter "C"!!
*Humanitarian writes Russian ts*
T *In wild rage* - Not the Russian “ts”! And the Latin “c”, Latin! Russian "es"! No “uh”, just “sy”!!
*humanitarian writes “sy”*
T- So be it, squared!
*humanitarian draws a square on the entire board*
T-WHAT? What are you doing? The letter "c" is squared! Two in the corner! There's a deuce in the corner!
*humanities student draws a two in the corner of the board*
T- PASS! There shouldn’t be a deuce in this corner! Let's think..! We have many options where there can be a deuce!
*the humanities scholar begins to write in other corners*
T-IIiii past again! *Throwing the problem book off the table* You will never write this test!

8) Mathematics

Scene "Gopniks"

Two gopniks come onto the stage and a guy meets them.
Mr.1: Hey, listen, function, come on over here!
*guy panics*
P: Excuse me, are you telling me this?
Mr.2: Come on, come on, move the logarithms!
P: *stammering* Hello.
Mr.1: Hey, root, take out your mobile phone!
P: I don’t have...
Mr. 1 and 2: Whoa whoa!
Mr.2: Can we share you without a trace?
*idiotic laugh*
Mr.1: Hey, hypotenuse, it doesn’t work like that!
Mr.2: No big deal, you have the diameter of the ball, maybe you should bend the cone?
Mr. 1: Let’s break the catangens with a tangent?
Mr.2: Or maybe from his feet to the point of extremum PUM!?
Mr.1: Yes, he will bisect us!
Mr.2: Yes, you will discriminate against us! Understood?
P: Of course, I understand, hold it *gives phone in panic*

9) Choreography

Song-remake for “Chocolate Bunny”
Every person is reasonable
He knows that the law is harsh!
And therefore we are aware
Jurisprudence fundamentals!
The Constitution was taught
The declaration has been read.
Our teacher tried
So that we take into account the mistakes!
Don't let everyone become a lawyer
Not everyone has the right to have a “five”,
Still, we are specialists,
And ready to prove it!
Which of life's collisions
We will always find a way out!
Any problem of any complexity
We'll sort it out according to the law!
We love laws
We respect laws
And we know in advance:
What if you are friends with the right,
Then you don’t worry about anything -
It won't let you down! – (2 rubles)

11) Literature

Scene "Essays"

HOST: Let’s introduce the Ministry of Education and Science. At one of the meetings.

Table. Four people in jackets and glasses (business attire).

NOTE: It is possible to perform this skit with the participation of teachers.

OFFICIAL 1: Dear colleagues, the agenda of our meeting today: topics for final essays. As they say, not a day without education reform. From there (points upward) a signal was received - they say that the topics about Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova are outdated. Today's schoolchildren are no longer interested in this.

OFFICIAL 2: Why didn’t previous generations of schoolchildren ask about this?

OFFICIAL 1: Well, you know, Tamara Vasilievna, different times, different morals. For today's meeting, I asked everyone to study magazines, newspapers, television shows and prepare proposals for new topics. So, let's get started.

OFFICIAL 3: Let me start. I internally disagree with many things, but as they say, “everything is for the students.” And so, “The Image of the Motherland in Nikita Mikhalkov’s work “Dead Man’s Bluff””; “Philosophical motives of the lyrics of “Quest Pistols””; “The image of Turgenev’s girl using the example of Paris Hilton”; “The beauty of the Russian soul in the program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova””; “Field of Miracles” as the greatest monument ancient Russian history"; “Woe from Wit as a Non-Existent Problem in the Reality Show “Dom-2””; “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign. Revelation by N. Koroleva about I. Nikolaev’s mistresses”; Exposing a criminal society in the works of Marianna Maksimovskaya.

OFFICIAL 1: Not bad. Come on, you.

OFFICIAL 4: “The Master and Margarita in the program “Marriage Fiction” (DTV)”; “Comparative characteristics of Doctor Zhivago and Doctor House”; “The spiritual evolution of Stas Piekh at the Star Factory”; “The theme of homeland and nature in Timati’s works”; "Dead souls or a collective image target audience channel TV3"; “Depiction of the local nobility in the works of Timur Kizyakov”; “Poems, poems and thoughts of S.V. Shnurov"; "Pechorin and Urgant as heroes of their time."

OFFICIAL 1: The latter is especially strong. Well, Tamara Vasilievna, what will please you?

OFFICIAL 2: “The problem of humanism of the NTV channel”; “Oblomovism as the driving force behind “The Shop on the Sofa””; “Letter from Evgeny Onegin in “What? Where? When?""; “The harsh truth of life in the works of Gleb Pyanykh (“Maximum”)”; “The problem of active resistance to evil in the Test Purchase program”; “The tragedy of the individual, family, people on the Domashny TV channel”; “The problem of education on the Bibigon TV channel”; “Crime and Punishment in the Hour of Court program”; “Depiction of nature by the author in the program “Bad Notes””; “The theme of people’s suffering in the program “Play an accordion, my beloved”.”

OFFICIAL 1: Well, that’s nice, we’re handing over the documents. And tomorrow we will rewrite the mathematics textbook: include the calculation of mortgages, telephone loans and discounts from discount centers.

12) Russian language

Song-remake “Education revolution”

There are no rules unknown to us
There are no uninteresting books
Don't listen to others on the Unified State Exam
Education revolution
Go to the Unified State Exam with confidence
After all, the teacher cares
What will you get in the end?
Education revolution
Here's to a new age of change
It has more tests than those
Couldn't always understand
What didn't we do?
Teachers helped
Days and years flew by
This world has changed
He has become completely different now
Like a nightmare from our dreams
New crazy tests live in it
New, new.

13) Physical education (dance to “Morning Exercises”).

14) Parting words to parents.
15) Word to the class teacher.
16) Transfer of the key to the 10th grade.

Leading: We will light a candle now
And we will tell you our wishes.
Let the fire of this candle
Brighten up the bitterness of parting!


1. We wish you happiness, joy, smiles,
2. Great success and good luck in everything
3. May fate protect you from mistakes,
4. After all, life presents us with so many tasks.
5. May you never encounter grief
6. So that your home is filled with joy,
7. May happiness, boundless as the sea,
8. Always accompanies you in everything
9. I wish that happiness smiles on you,
10. So that life passes easily,
11. So that only good things remain in life,
12. The bad has gone far, far away.
13. More joy, less sorrow,
14. Good health and bright days.
15. Love and tenderness until old age
16. And the respect of your friends.
17. I want to wish that life does not end,
18. Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way
19. Great happiness, great friends,
20. Health, success and holidays!
21. Eternal paradise, endless happiness,
22. best friend in trouble,
23. A cheerful life, new joy,
24. Meet good people.
25. We wish you health, warmth and goodness
26. May all failures burn to the ground.
27. In order to live without bothering, I had to live up to a hundred years,
28. Let everything that has not yet come true come true.
29. I wish you not to lose your cheerfulness,
30. Never lose heart in any trouble.
31. And then life will give you a high five
32. Opening the rainbow above you.
33. I still want to wish you
34. Noble creative impulses,
35. Don’t go to the doctor with your heart -
36. Instead of drops of love poems for you.
37. So that everyone can be carefree tomorrow,
38. Someone must be vigilant today.
39. I wish you not to let your friends down,
40. Be a support to those who are connected with you.
41. What more could I wish for?
42. Let your life be sung like a song.
43. Even in the heat, and in the cold, and in the blizzard
44. Only kindness flows from the heart

Final song from "Hipster"

Don't drive us out of school, friends.
We will definitely miss you...
After all, we can't do it anymore
It's time to repeat
Well, if it becomes sad, we will meet friends who are no longer here...
We say goodbye to her today.
We thought we had at least 5 more years left,
We thought we had enough time to study and walk,
But now I see your back, don’t be bored at the institute,
Wait, stay for at least a day
School, goodbye.
Goodbye, good friend
School, goodbye...
We're leaving suddenly
School, goodbye...
We're leaving without saying goodbye
We're leaving by chance
So goodbye, dear friend
School, goodbye...
We know it's not all bad
We have a hard time conquering fear
Thank you, dear, beloved school,
That's how you raised us.
Let's remember these faces and this day, and this May...
And may love protect us all.
Goodbye school...
Goodbye, good friend
School, goodbye...
We're leaving suddenly
School, goodbye...
We're leaving without saying goodbye
We're leaving by chance
So goodbye, dear friend
School, goodbye...

You can also select and develop scenarios in the style of traveling through countries, or Seventeen Moments of Spring. The event called “Scarlet Sails” remains popular. The main thing is to leave the traditional moments, not forgetting to ring the last bell and dance the waltz. I wish you a great Last Call 2019! I wish the graduates good luck in passing the exams and conquering the heights of adult life.

The end of 9th grade is a significant event for all schoolchildren. Some people leave school after this, some continue their studies, but all the kids feel that they have become a little more mature. This is why the last call is so important.

Scenes of the last bell in 9th grade must be funny so that this gala evening brings pleasure to all its participants. Thanks to humor, it is precisely such productions that will allow students to express their gratitude to their native teachers, and teachers, in turn, will be able to see themselves through the eyes of their children.

Last bell skits 9th grade (funny)

During the entire training, the children had a mentor - a class teacher. It is this teacher who knows them best. When preparing a presentation, you cannot ignore it.

An interesting option would be sketches for the last bell (9th grade) about class teachers. One of them is presented below.

Class decorations on stage. There is a poster “Welcome, graduates…. of the year!" An elderly teacher, the class teacher, sits at the teacher's table, and adult men and women sit at their desks. They can be played by both today's graduates in disguise and their parents.

Former students begin to remember their school days.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 6th grade we put a button on your chair once and poured glue another time?

The teacher smiles, the graduates laugh cheerfully.

- Marya Ivanovna, do you remember how we hid our magazine? You were looking for it for more than 2 weeks? Even then you were almost deprived of your bonus.

Everyone starts laughing again, and the teacher continues to smile sadly.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 10th grade we ran away from class and a dead mouse was thrown on your table?

Again the friendly laughter of the graduates and the smile of the teacher.

She then stands up, adjusts her glasses and states:

- Do you, my beloved students, remember how in the 6th grade I gave everyone a bad mark on a test, which is why you stayed after school for a whole week? What about our hike when we supposedly got lost? This happened just after the story with the magazine. Have you forgotten how I forced you to learn entire chapters of “War and Peace” by heart? It really was fun.

Now the teacher begins to laugh, looking at the confused faces of her former students.

Such miniatures will be great entertainment for both the guests of the evening and the graduates themselves. So, we decided that a mandatory attribute of this celebration should be scenes for the last bell (9th grade). Subject teachers are especially interested in what their graduates have prepared for the last bell.

Skits for teachers of Russian language and literature

The first teacher any student remembers is the teacher of Russian language and literature.

Most of the classes, endless dictations, expositions, essays - all this is about lessons in the main school subject. That is why funny skits for the last bell (9th grade) about teachers begin with the Russian language.

Thumbnail 1.

- Popov, name the gender of the words “closet”, “forest”, “house”, “stocking”.

- Wardrobe, forest, house - masculine, stocking - feminine.

- I wonder where you got that from?

- Because only women wear stockings.

Thumbnail 2.

- Krasnova, come up with a sentence with homogeneous members.

- There was no grass, no trees, no bushes in the forest.

Thumbnail 3.

The teacher explains:

- Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, long - short, fast - slow, easy - difficult. Vasiliev, come up with an example.

Vasiliev answers:

- Cat dog.

- How why? They are opposites and fight constantly.

Skits for teachers of mathematics and computer science

When students begin to come up with scenes for the last bell (9th grade) for their subject teachers, mathematics occupies a special place in them.

Thumbnail 1.

- Petushkov, you finally learned to count to ten with difficulty. I can't even imagine what you will become after school.

- Boxing judge, Natalya Sergeevna.

Thumbnail 2.

- Petrov, imagine that you have 10 rubles in your pocket, and you asked your dad for another 10. How many rubles will you have?

- 10, Irina Sergeevna.

- Petrov! No knowledge of mathematics!

- I'm afraid that you have no knowledge about my dad.

Thumbnail 3.

- Pugovkin, multiply five by eight.

- Elena Andreevna, I agree to give answers to your questions exclusively in the presence of my lawyer.

Also, we must not forget about computer science teachers.

Thumbnail 1.

A computer science teacher walks into the library department and sees that the librarian is not there. He asks the students where he is. They answer him:

- It's in the archives.

The teacher persistently:

- Unzip it, please.

Thumbnail 2.

- Pavel Sergeevich, my computer caught a virus.

- And what did you do?

- Got vaccinated.

- Where?

- Under the mouse.

Skits for a biology teacher

Students must dedicate the last bell in 9th grade to the biology teacher.

Thumbnail 1.

The teacher asks in class:

- Who can tell me what the difference is between a river and an ocean?

One of the students answers:

- The river has two banks, but the ocean has only one.

Thumbnail 2.

- Lepeshkin, why do people need a nervous system?

- To be nervous, Lydia Andreevna.

Thumbnail 3.

- Myagkov, where do you think the bird with the straw in its beak is going?

- To the cocktail bar, Irina Sergeevna.

Sketch for an English teacher

Funny scenes at the last bell (9th grade) about the English language will lift the spirits of everyone present. An example of such a miniature is presented below.

There is an English language exam. The teacher mutters to himself:

- They know absolutely nothing.. What would be such an easy thing to ask?. Okay...What is the capital of Great Britain?

The student is silent. The teacher starts to get nervous:

- What is the name of the capital of Great Britain?

- Bucharest.

Teacher annoyed:

- No! London! Two! Let the next one come in!

A student leaves, and another student asks him in the corridor:

- Well, what are they asking?

He explains to him that they are asking for the capital of Great Britain and he must answer that the capital is London. Offers to a classmate:

- Let me glue a cheat sheet to your sole, just in case - “Lan-dan.”

On the way to class, the cheat sheet comes off.

The teacher says to the newcomer:

- Come in, come in! My question is: "What is the capital of Great Britain?"

The student quickly glances at the sole and confidently answers:

- Adidas.

In addition, skits for the last bell (9th grade) for teachers can consist of short funny dialogues.

Thumbnail 1.

Conversation between mother and daughter.My daughter asks:

- Mom, say “fun.”

Mom is puzzled:

- For what? What is this anyway?

- Well, what's the difference? Just repeat and that’s it, it’s not difficult.

- Why should I repeat something unclear? I won't!

- Here! Why then are you forcing me to learn English?

Thumbnail 2.

- How's England? Did you have problems with the language?

- I don’t have one, but the British had...

Sketch for a geography teacher

Schoolchildren, when coming up with funny skits for the last bell (9th grade), do not bypass geography teachers.

Thumbnail 1.

- Petrov, what do you know about the Panama Canal?

- It’s okay, Lidia Andreevna, our antenna doesn’t pick it up.

Thumbnail 2.

The teacher explains the topic and talks about New Guinea.

The student clarifies:

- So it’s permanent summer there?

The teacher answers:

Student, sighing:

- Lucky. Eternal vacation.

Thumbnail 3.

- Peshkov, can you tell me the capital of Argentina?

- I’m very sorry, Yulia Vladimirovna, but I don’t know either.

Skits for history and social studies teachers

When composing sketches for the last bell (9th grade) in subjects, students do not forget about their history and social studies teachers. Here is a small skit that can be staged at a gala evening.

The teacher begins to check the homework.

- So, in the last lesson we talked about Napoleon. Please, Sinichkin, tell me what you remember.

The student stands up with a solemn look and says:

- Lydia Yuryevna, why listen to me? Let Napoleon tell about himself.

Teacher, surprised:

- But how do you imagine this?

Sinichkin proudly answers:

- And now we’ll arrange to call Napoleon and ask about everything.

The teacher agrees, everyone sits around the table. Sinichkin begins to call on Napoleon, who a few seconds later appears in the corner of the class in the famous cocked hat and says in a sepulchral voice:

- In the name of the Emperor, I order that Sergei Sinichkin be given a “5” in the year in history.

Teacher scared:

- Your Imperial Highness.. But how.. He doesn’t know anything about the subject.. Your voice somehow seems familiar to me... But why are you wearing sneakers?

He quickly approaches Napoleon, takes off his cocked hat and recognizes Lisichkin.

The teacher says with satisfaction:

- So Lisichkin. I almost didn’t believe it... Well, okay, let’s continue our session.

Everyone sits around the table again and the teacher says:

- I’m calling the parents of Sinichkin and Lisichkin.

The confused faces of those responsible for the incident and the laughter of classmates complete the scene.

You can also play out several short dialogues on history and social studies.

Thumbnail 1.

The teacher asks:

- Vovochka, what? noble knights did they do with defeated opponents?

Vovochka answers:

- They sold it for scrap metal, Irina Sergeevna.

Thumbnail 2.

- So, as I warned you in the last lesson, today we have a test.

- Can I use a calculator, Marya Ivanovna?

- You can, Vovochka, you can.

- What about a protractor?

- Please, Vovochka, to your health. So, let’s write down the topic “The Spiritual World of Man.”

Skits for physics and chemistry teachers

When composing scenes for the last bell (9th grade), the script for which begins to be invented long before the holiday, not a single teacher can be left without the attention. Below are miniature options for physics and chemistry teachers.

Physics lesson.

The teacher begins the survey:

- So, let me listen to you. Remind me of Archimedes' law.

The excellent student answers:

- A body that is immersed in a liquid will push out a volume equivalent to the mass of the given body.

The student resolutely objects:

- Absolutely wrong law! I checked it myself yesterday!

The teacher is interested:

- Well, let's be more specific, Vasya, what did you do there?

The student says:

- Well, how's that? I immersed my own body in a bath of liquid, sat for 4 hours and came out, frozen.

- What is the scientist’s fault?

- How is this in what? If he comes across it to me, I’ll arrange it for him!

The excellent student lost patience:

- What did he do?

The student responded:

- Well, I poured water into the bath, climbed into it...

Choir class:

The student says:

“The neighbors came running, shouting that a whole lake was leaking from their ceiling!”

Teacher joyfully:

- Exactly! And what follows from this?

The loser says irritably:

- Let Archimedes himself do the repairs now!

Excellent student sticking out her tongue:

- Yes, Teplov, you don’t know anything about physics!

Teacher, addressing another student:

- Zaitsev, do you remember anything? Are you going to take the Unified State Exam?

The second student answers in a calm tone:

“I remember everything, Elena Andreevna, but I don’t know anything!”

Teacher with a sigh:

- No, it’s impossible to talk to you! You both get a deuce. Tomorrow I'm waiting for everyone for the trial Unified State Exam!

Chemistry lesson.

The teacher will say:

- Did everyone write down their homework? I'm doing the laundry.

The student responded:

- Wait! I haven't completely copied this picture yet!

The teacher is puzzled:

- This is not a picture, Kruglov, but a structural form of halogen.

Loser, making an exhausted face:

- What is the formula? This is just “Black Square” by the artist Repin!

The teacher is surprised:

- So it’s so brilliant?

The student with a sigh:

- That is, it is so unclear.

- Well, as always, you mastered the topic with flying colors.

- What if I want “excellent”?

The teacher responded:

- Well, if you want an A, write us the formula for ethyl alcohol.

- I need a friend's help. Hello, grandma, quickly tell me the formula of ethyl alcohol, here the issue of my top five is resolved.

Grandma says:

- Well, I don’t know chemistry at all, granddaughter. That's two..

The poor student sadly repeats:

- That's two.

Teacher waiting to continue:

- So, then what?

- Grandma, you almost guessed right, try to remember!

Grandmother answers:

- What’s there to remember, I’ve already remembered five times!

The student asks again:

- As many as five?

The teacher says in an affirmative tone:

- Right! ts-2, ash-5.


Teacher, nodding his head:

- Well, almost like that! ts-2, ash-5, o - ash. Okay, you get an A minus.

Sketch for a physical education teacher

Of course, no scenes of the last bell (9th grade) will be complete without your favorite physical education.

The school bell rings. On the stage, in sports uniform, stands the student Pugovkin in splendid isolation. A physical education teacher walks into the gym, his face buried in a magazine, and says without raising his eyes:

- Hello! Class, line up! Pay off for one or two!

Pugovkin, looking around, says:

- One.

Pause. The teacher looks up, sees that no one else is there and asks menacingly:

-Soooo, where are the others? They're skipping class, right?

Pugovkin is scared:

- No, no, Valery Semenovich, they have good reasons.

Teacher, no less menacingly:

- Respectful, you say? Come on, quickly get them all here!

Pugovkin runs out of the gym and returns a minute later with the whole class.

The teacher praises Pugovkin:

- Well done, Pugovkin. Now we'll figure it out. You go first, Legkov. Where is the form?

Legkov responded:

- Imagine, in the evening I washed my uniform and hung it on the fence to dry. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an angry dog ​​appeared and tore everything up.

The teacher is puzzled:

- Of course, I understand everything, but where does the fence come from, since you live on the 7th floor? Okay, everything is clear with you. What do you say, Petrova?

Petrova answers:

- Oh, I hurt my ankle yesterday. The right one.. That is, the left one.. Well, in general, both..

- Clear. What about you, Simonova? Did you hurt your ankle too?

Simonova says feignedly:

- No, I have a sore throat.

Teacher in a suspicious tone:

- Sore throat, that means... That's why the bandage is on the leg, right?

Simonova quickly responded:

- Well, she... slipped...

The teacher nods his head and says:

- Oh well. Shishkov, how are you going to explain yourself?

Shishkov in a dreamy tone:

- Imagine, Valery Semenovich, yesterday the boys from 11 “A” told me that you wouldn’t be at school at all today. That they left for a gymnastics competition!

The teacher answers very surprised:

- Well, it’s necessary... Gymnastics... They came up with it... Well, okay, what about Vorobyov?

Vorobyov absentmindedly:

- I got the days mixed up today. I thought it was Wednesday, but it turned out to be Thursday. I even brought textbooks for Wednesday so I can show them.

Teacher in an affirmative tone:

- So, I give the whole class a “two” for lack of uniform. Now we sit down, take out notebooks and write down the topic “Daily Routine”.

Pugovkin is confused:

- Valery Semenovich, what about me?

The teacher is confused:

- Oh, yes, Pugovkin. And you, according to plan, are running a 2-kilometer cross-country race.

Skits for art and technology teachers

Funny scenes for the last bell (9th grade) will not be complete without mentioning art lessons.

Children sit at their desks and diligently draw. The teacher walks between the rows and checks the work. He stops near Kukushkin’s desk and asks:

- What did you draw?

Kukushkin responded:

- Like what? Vase. You asked it yourself.

- I remember what I asked. I don't understand what you drew.

- Well, Olga Mikhailovna, it’s a vase! That's just how I see it. You are an artist, you must understand me.

Teacher says:

- Okay, give me the diary.

He calmly takes the diary and gives a bad mark. Kukushkin is indignant:

- Deuce? For what?

The teacher answers him:

- What are you talking about, Petya, this is not a deuce, this is a five. That's just how I see it.

Last bell skits for 9th grade (funny) will be appropriate for all subjects. Technology is no exception.

The technology teacher scolds the class:

- Who broke the plywood? I'm asking you, answer!

The students stand with their heads down. Finally one says:

- Why plywood? Maybe it's glass?

The teacher is indignant:

- I broke the glass myself this morning. I installed plywood. For the last time I ask the question, who broke the plywood?

Thus, you can create a wide variety of scenes for the last bell (grade 9). The scenario is cheerful, the mood is excellent, the students, teachers and parents are beautiful, smart, happy. This is exactly what a gala evening dedicated to the end of 9th grade should look like.

Last call - 2014

"Funny boys"



I need to talk about Russia

Yes, so that poetry is recited out loud,

Yes, so that you want to repeat it,

The strongest name to say is “Russia”!

We returned the old coat of arms,

Russia, it contains your features,

And red - so much beauty!

It contains the whiteness of your birches

And the blue of your lakes

And eternal fiery enthusiasm!

Screen down

Raising the screen

Release of the screensaver with the main characters


- “All life is a theater, and the people in it are actors,”

The poet said and he was probably right.

Having played on the school stage,

IN great life we step in to play other roles.


And suddenly - the game is over!

And our troupe is at the pier!


There are clear tears in the eyes,

There is an aching pain in my heart,

And for the guests sitting in the hall

We'll show you our farewell tour!

Dima: We announce the start of the premiere of “Jolly Guys 2014”

Behind the scenes:

In a piercing but gentle chime

I hear: “Childhood...Where are you, wait...

It's leaving... no, it's here, at school...

And we are standing at the school window

And we remember everything that happened.

How selflessly childhood floated,

Everything was simple and easy.

Our first class

And the first day

When we arrived at school.

Oh, how young we were!

When, childhood, did you leave?


D: Andrey, what are you doing here?

N: show me what you have in your hands?

A: I have a musical instrument

N: can you play it?

A: ding, ding

D: what did you play now? You have to tear your hands off for this kind of music

N: and what a hot-blooded people you are. Didn’t ask why, didn’t listen why? Andrey, why do you need a bell?
A: This is not a bell, but an instrument that gives the last call. And I must choose such a farewell melody for him that the hearts of all graduates would beat faster, and they would never forget it

D: well then you need to play professionally

A: I can't play yet. I've been holding the bell in my hands for 3 days

N: then you need to learn to hear music. You hear the chords sound, maybe this melody will suit you?
A: I like this melody.

Her solemnity and decorum,

They give birth to music in me.

Dance "Polonaise"

Presenters in front of the elementary school block

Behind the scenes

We will remember the golden years,

Where was everything: both joy and misfortune,

Where did it become so clear to us for the first time

And hearts of pain, and hearts of kindness.

You led us by the hand

According to the wisdom of science.

All the good that is in us

We took it from your hands...

Teachers exit

Valentina Alekseevna Stolyarova and Alexey Maksimov

Tatyana Borisovna Fedina and Vadim Gordeev

Galina Timofeevna Trofimova and Denis Bogoslovskikh

Natalya Mikhailovna Znamenshchikova and Oleg Kochetov

Sharova Galina Vasilievna and Pavel Shchevchenko

Kalugina Elena Vasilievna and Rtishchev Alexander

TEACHERS BLOCK beginning. schools:

- So, you have grown up, you are quite adults,

And life is rich in bright dreams!

But sadness and joy fight within me,

When I look at you guys now...

I am glad that you have matured so much,

That instead of foolish children there are children,

which once surrounded me,

You have grown into decent people!

I'm glad that the common road

which we all went through together,

She truly gave us a lot,

So that you all find your path without fear!

I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,

That everything is in the bloom of life's spring!

That there are no soulless and arrogant among you,

And your dreams are directed into the distance!

I'm sad because your faces

They will no longer meet you every day,

I'm sad because time is flying by

And it will never happen again...

But for a teacher such sadness is eternal -

We release you into life, like ships at sea...

Bring goodness and humanity to the world,

So that we can be proud of you!

Song "I Like"

I like that you were with me

I like that you love me

That the burden of separation is never heavy

It won't fall under our feet.

I like that you can be funny -

Be sad and don't play with words

And don’t hide that great tenderness,

When we part with you.

I also like that you are with me

And now I can be proud of you

And let the grievances burn in the fire,

Love remains with us forever.

I like that you remember me

And we share the grief with you,

And we will live loving each other,

After all, we made this choice ourselves.

Thank you with my heart and soul

For not being forgotten by you,

For loving and giving peace,

Because we can talk for hours.

For our non-walks under the moon,

For the sun is not above our heads,

Because you were always with me,

Because we are always loved by you.

Behind the scenes with standing teachers in the background

Teacher: We let go of your childhood

We tell him: “Fly!”

On light wings, carry naive dreams into the skies...

Frozen... folded her wings,

Student: Or maybe a little more

Stay with me for a while!

Let's fly together again

Above the school, the house, in the sky,

Let's lie down in the tall grass,

And we'll tell fortunes with a daisy,

We will weave a wreath of dandelions,

Let's play ball, hopscotch and tag,

Let's sing about friendship, happiness and joy!..

Teacher: The wings trembled a little...

Student: What, are you still flying away?

Yes, I can’t hold onto my childhood,

Teacher: Well, fly, we'll let you go

Now we're letting go forever

Song “Teacher, teacher, teach again”

A: what wonderful music, it’s a pity that it doesn’t suit me

E: what an interesting young man, and in uniform too. I need to meet him

E: Tell me, do you happen to remember what date it is today?

E: I'm delighted with you. You have such a memory. You are so young and already a genius. How is this possible?

A: habit

E: Tell me, what kind of instrument do you have?

A: This is a bell. I’ll play it on the last call, but I haven’t chosen the melody

E: So you are a musician?
A: not so much as a musician, but I’ve already learned Polonaise, it’s a pity I don’t have enough time left to master all the classics

E: I also took music lessons from E. Yu Podykalova

A: How long have you been making music?
E: since childhood. As I remember now, my first song was “Chasiki”

A: what kind of watch?

E: Black arrow

Passes the dial

A: wait, let’s start with this, maybe this is my melody for the bell

Primary School Block:

We couldn't sit in class,

We came to your party today.

We are not just Seryozha and Lena,

Can you imagine we - your shift.

Look at us, just recently

You were just like us

You came to first grade

It was hard for you all

And now you are strong and slim.

Like Kareva Daria and Bondarenko Maxim

When we came to first grade

The first time we were afraid of you

Eleventh grade.

Us, barely visible from the ground,

You could have stepped over.

Can you imagine, this guy

It’s not uncle, but Strygin Pavel,

At least he doesn't shave in the morning

He was the same as me.

And this aunt

Were you once little too?

I don't believe it! Like Asya Terekhova

Could you grow up like that?

Do you remember how 10 years ago

desks stood in a row in the classroom,
-And because of them, you were barely visible...

But now you are so respectable!..


The problem cannot be solved, for the life of me!

Think, think, head, quickly!

Think, think, head,

I'll give you some candy

On your birthday I'll give you

New beret!

Think, think, I ask!

I’ll wash you with soap and comb you!

You and I are not strangers to each other,

Help out! Otherwise, I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

No, I see today I need a head

Maksimova Alyosha,

And for me Nekrasova Ksyusha!

Long arrow

The dial goes by

The minutes are ticking.

And the days fly, fly,

The training is underway

Among worries and days.

They go, they go, they go, they go

And now you have matured.

Since Tomic Miroslav,

I want to joke.

Don't let Oleg into the room,

Lock the door with a key.

While waiting for the outcome, Mira dozed off.

And Oleg all night, like in a fairy tale,

I was looking for shelter

I want to be a speaker

Use words to paint pictures.

I want to interrupt you

Don't get carried away

After all, you might end up in the closet.

And everyone will laugh

Well, when will I be like this,

Like Bobylkin Vladislav.

How long can you wait!

Ten years will pass until

I can become handsome!

I want to wear my hair like this

Like Polina Lusheva

In these heels

Like Angelina Khromykova.

Be beautiful, smart, catchy

Like Karina Ivanova,

For everyone to say “AH”

And it suits you, girl,

This is such a skirt!

Song about fashionable people

I'm daydreaming, I would like to

Be a Lucky Athlete!

And not easy. Record holder!

So that on the roofs and on the hills

I won like Sanya,

And Bokov would say proudly:

“That’s the kind of guy you are” (Thumbs up)

Well, I want boots

size 45

To with Seva Koblyakov

He stood with his foot in one measure.

I'm still growing

But I will outgrow it.

Song "Barbariki"

Girls and boys, sweet as caramels,

And they’re wearing big shoes, they’re just jack-of-all-trades!

Light as moths, and lanterns are burning in the eyes,

And they are wearing big shoes, these are graduates!

Somehow Polya Marchukova

And Antsiperov Dimas

For fairy tale success again

The whole class was invited

Distant background to refresh

The Christmas tree had to be turned on

Karandashev danced

Mitin was rocking next to me

And Dolgov was dumbfounded

He turned his head,

The fairy tale, let's say, was a success

Glory of Christmas trees has begun.


New Year comes

And the fairy tale comes

Christmas trees are dancing

And Santa Claus sings

Antsiperov Dima

Collected all the Christmas trees

Left and right

He rode with them

Once we were given a microphone -

Let him not be silent.

We will miss you,

But our time will come!

Khvorykh Olga lost weight

And Shchekoldin turned pale
They say that in 11 years
You have forgotten God's light!

Outside is winter or autumn -
You didn't notice at all.
- After all, there are already 8 lessons!
My God, when did you sleep?

What, are you tired?
- Have you decided to get some sleep now?
- We were definitely informed -
Drama only has begun.

Evaluate learning so that
We will wait for the results.
- Study indicator -
There will be your certificates.

There will be many secrets,
But there is always an answer
- Among the many Unified State Exam options

You will get your lucky one.

Song "WE Wish You Happiness"

We wish you happiness

And it should be like this

Host: What is happiness?

Host: It's very simple.

This is when people

The stars are shining.

Look at the sky on a dark night -

You will see millions of stars.

It's very difficult to look at them

The work of an astrologer is not very easy.

We are lucky beyond measure with you -

Our stars are with us - a whole row!

They are an example to everyone

We're about to see a starfall!

I wish you could take the wind as a souvenir,

The one that took away your childhood.

And let you leave school,

But leave a mark in your memory.

Music. bring out stars to children

Let these stars be like rewards

They will bring you success for many years.

Learn to reach the stars yourself,

Don't be afraid of the blue sky,

Guys, be proud eagles!

Seagulls, girls, be you.

Don’t forget the nests of your loved ones,

No matter how happy the days of life are.

We will be waiting for you to visit, come,

Come, seagulls and eagles.

Hello, dear friend.

Today I will tell you a little fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it.

Why small and stupid?

Because they came to school! Well, once they arrived, they began to study.

They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.

And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it was time for them to leave this school.

But they just didn’t want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.

Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, kid.

Childhood flies away like a carefree butterfly,

They take with them dreams, fairy tales, school, songs.

It does not fly away without a trace: it remains in the heart


Light of love, to better hope...

The farewell call, the last one - the heart beats loudly.

Childhood flies away like a butterfly.

Everything in life, that’s the thing,

It started with these “Twice two”.

Before going to schools or universities

Follow the path of life

Through the great square of the hypotenuse

Each of you had to pass!

Children play the song “Behind the Clouds”

Yesenin scholarship:

D: Well, why isn’t he there yet?

D: when they come, then we’ll start

N: Sasha, why aren’t you in your school uniform yet? We're about to have a special moment

E: I haven’t had time yet

D: how come you didn’t have time? After all, now A. A Sokolov will come (N. M Dmitrieva)

N: such a crucial moment, and you are letting us down. Go and change your clothes

Andrey appears

E: Maestro, why don’t you come in?

A: I’m not alone, the fact is that they are waiting for me

D: so what's the matter? Get on stage together

Yesenin scholarship!

The fanfare has stopped, you are all tired of waiting.

Everyone in this hall is waiting for the main action,

Waiting for the award ceremony

The highest award for years of study.

Now we are ready to present the medal

The schoolchildren had difficulty obtaining them

These are the efforts of mothers and fathers,

Works and perseverance issues.

The shine of gold and silver grants,

This is a wedding of minds and talents,

Honorary honor to the highest ranks:

Presenter: the following are invited to present the Yesenin Scholarship: Director of the gymnasium Natalya Mikhailovna Dmitrieva (acting director of the gymnasium Olga Valentinovna Pulyak), deputy of the city council Alexander Alekseevich Sokolov

Architectural class,

He worked for us for so many years.

Today we congratulate you,

Calling children and parents

Poem about caricatures

Poem about dancers

Parents and children are invited to the stage

They have amazingly clear faces!
It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It’s easier for them to get through, it’s easier for them to achieve.

Let's say they say it's harder

Exams, all sorts of competitions.

Perhaps this is true. They, the children, know better

But the children grew up very well.

Block about mother


I believe in my mother like a miracle.

There is no one dearer!


My path does not go straight,

Sometimes I do the wrong thing...

Mom scolds her son

He will regret it like no one else.


Not the most holy mother,

Mom's life is illuminated.

If I'm worth anything,

Everything from mom - everything from her!

Song "Talk to me mom"

N: A, a, a, a,

D: Nastya is studying for the “Graduate of the Year” competition

E: I can sing too.

(1 verse “Town”)
A: what a soulful song (it’s trying), but it’s difficult for a call, and we need something more fun, otherwise all our graduates will cry

N: I know this melody

Tych, Tych, Tych, Tych

D: our iron caught fire

A: This is already interesting. I might be able to call her. I'll go rehearse

Block 5e:

Stories about graduates:

Goodbye favorite classes,

Goodbye dear corridor.

Graduates and alumni

Coming out in a new space,

And their heart groans and cries,

And tears shine on your cheeks.

But the strict guard at the school

He won't let them back.

A strict exam awaits you,

And a series of restless days,

But your office at school is busy,

And the desk is already occupied.

But the school loves and remembers you,

How you walked towards the winds.

We'll tell your story,

And you we will repay the deeds


Tyuh, tyuh, tyuh, tyuh,

Our iron caught fire.

We collected stories

All friends together

And today we will tell you

We can't all be naughty.

I want to be very athletic, like Alexey Lapygin

Is he a regional champion?

First-class student?

School celebrity?

And what is he famous for?
- Yes, in the 10th grade, by the end of the year he missed all classes except physical education. He came to school only to see her and went home after class.

What a sporty guy. He is for healthy image life!

Song “Charging” Vysotsky

Bad news is not scary -

We start running on the spot.

Even a beginner benefits.

Beauty is among those running

There are no firsts and no lagging behind!

Running in place is generally reconciling.

But I love history more. I want to become as good a historian as Vlad Babylkin and Dmitry Selivanov

Are they like Seva Koblekov and Nikita Pankratov, winners of the Olympics?

No, but they know everything about Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev.

Once they were late for class and when the assistant principal on duty, Mitryakhina, asked what their names were, they introduced themselves as Pugachev and Razin.

What revolutionaries!

And no one caught them?

Well, what are you? There is always order in our school, Irina Sergeevna walked through the classes and saw them on the literature

It's best not to deceive our teachers.

But I don’t want to study at all, I want to be creative

What does this mean?

Well, I don’t know, but I really like the word.

I've heard this somewhere before

Yes, in Galina Lipatovna’s lesson, Oleg Kochetov practiced the word flomaaaastery. He shouted to the whole class: “burnt felt-tip pens,” and when the teacher told him that it was pastel

He was surprised?

He's probably never seen pastel

No, he knew what she looked like, he just liked to say "flamaaasters"

Song: “Well, what is there to hide here”

And I like it better fashionable girls such as Anisimova Ekaterina

And why is she so fashionable?

She was the first to wear black shoes with a white dress.


She was the most fashionable and stylish Cinderella of 2013

Not only Katya asks new fashion, here at 11 there is Vika Bogdanova, so she was able to tear 3 pairs of new tights in one day at school.

And I wonder who came up with the holes in jeans. So this is Vika Bogdanova, the future designer.

Yes, our graduate girls are not only fashionable, but also smart, they introduce new concepts into everyday use, and not in some simple subject, but in physics


In a physics lesson, Vlada Cherenkova said, instead of quantities, “physical ham.” Olga Ivanovna Tormysheva laughed so much that she didn’t ask Vlada to answer anymore

She's probably afraid she'll come up with something else.

Our graduates are very savvy. Lesha Martyuchenko, in response to a teacher’s question, what form does the president’s office in the White House have? He answered: “Oval” and explained: “This is so that they don’t put him in a corner.”

Everyone likes school classrooms, but Andrei Shatskikh really likes the walls! He punches them like a karateka

And no one ever stopped him?

Stopped L. N. Strelnikov

And he hasn't improved his skill since then?

He is improving, he just switched to bricks!

Bricks are simple, but Sergei Dolgov once nearly blew up an entire desk together with his classmates during chemistry class.

How did he manage to do this?

Yes, the reagent spilled in his hands, and his entire notebook was completely yellow.

In a fit of passionate fermentation

I'm oxidized with melancholy

The soul cannot withstand the pressure

And it will break into pieces.

I have no peace in this world

The will is inert like nitrogen.

And How H 2 SO 4

Fear burns and burns my heart.

It’s good that only the notebook was damaged, and not people. For example, Evgeniy Mitin and Artem Karandashev box each other all the time

They're probably the ones difficult exercises getting ready on the horizontal bar

Tych, Tych, Tych, Tych

Our iron caught fire

Our Artemka looked back

He waved his fist once

And Evgeny turned around

And already a black eye

Tyuh, tyuh, tyuh, tyuh

Our iron caught fire,

Everyone can make a mistake

Having hurt, we suffer

It’s not without reason that they say

Learn from mistakes!

And for some, mistakes develop into a future favorite hobby.

How is this possible?

Very simple. In the 6th grade there was a boy, Tomich Miroslav, who was very drawn to technology. During a concert for parents, he made his way to the microphone and said: “Hello! I'm Chizhik!

And last year new cameras were installed at the school and Miroslav inspected them personally

This is very correct, we need to check the technique

The guard had the most fun of all; the curious face of Master Miroslav was reflected on his entire monitor!

One word - Master!

Not only do we have boys who are masters, we also have girls who are masters. Zolina Irina and Marchukova Polina decided to buy sweets from the machine, but nothing worked for them, the coins did not fall through

That's terrible

Are the girls hungry?
- they didn’t stay, Pasha Strygin helped them, it was like a machine gun cracked, and it was like a clang, a creak and a break

What, what?

In general, all the money fell

And the guys bought sweets

How smart!

Tyuh, tyuh, tyuh, tyuh,

Our iron caught fire.

If you want to feed yourself,

Go to the machine.

Well, if the money rolls in,

Don't miss your luck!

Screensaver for signs:

There are many signs on earth,

good and bad.

They were invented by the people themselves,

and they themselves believe in them)

Egor, you are red!

I do not mean it. I'm talking about signs. Do you believe in them?
-I don't know

You'll soon find out. When it's 11th grade, you'll believe everything

I know about signs, Andryusha Shatskikh taught me. He believes...

Which one?

In the heel under the heel?

In lucky socks?
-no. Andrey sincerely believes that if L. N. Strelnikova picked up an empty bucket, then this is a bad omen. He said: “A woman with a bucket is a bad omen.”

And I know another sign

Which one is this?

If you are in the Tandem ensemble, then you are always in tandem!

Can not understand anything

I'll explain now. One day the Tandem ensemble went to the Spartak camp, where Maxim Tsiklinsky was very unlucky

What happened to him?
- Yes, he fell on a wasp right with his eyes

Poor thing, Maxim

But our story does not end there; Nastya Marchukova also went there.

Did she also fall on a wasp?
- no, she hit her ear on the horizontal bar, and so they walked, Maxim with swollen eyes, and Nastya with a swollen ear

Tyuh, tyuh, tyuh,

Nastya loudly “Bang” in her ear,

Oh, it's a shame and a shame,

Swells more and more

but it’s hard for Maxim too

It's more fun together

Our graduates should not be afraid of anything!!

There are children of the Spartan type

No fear of running away from class

And if the guard is angry

Then you can escape out the window!

What are you talking about?
-window, security guard, nothing is clear

At our school they put plastic windows with iron handrails at the home economics room

And I’ll tell you a secret, I saw Dima Antsiperov jump through this window with a group of people

So the window is closed! Where did they get the key?
-and that’s another story. They are so smart that they made it out of a fork

Tyuh, tyuh, tyuh, tyuh

Our iron caught fire

For such craftsmen,

We can't keep up

But we're still growing

We will try.

And I am very glad that I study in our gymnasium. Real high school students are raised here.

What does this mean?
- in our gymnasium, simply, a noble education

Our graduates not only study well and excellently, they also relax like real well-mannered high school students

Dancing and singing?

Are they holding a tea ceremony?

Making small talk?
- and not only. Sonya Serokurova and Dasha Ivanova color coloring books for children with multi-colored pencils during breaks

Have they relapsed into childhood?

No, the girls said they had pre-exam jitters and were relaxing like that.

In this parallel, not only the girls are so well-mannered, but the boys are also very gallant. Denis Bogoslovskikh always looks after the girls very properly

Gives flowers?


Teddy bears?

No, he feeds you cookies and all sorts of sweets. Girls 11 V affectionately call him “our breadwinner”

Which the right approach to the girls!

And our graduates are very conscientious. One day 11 G wanted to leave the Russian language lesson and they were even able to leave school, but then they met...

Gray wolf?

Security guard?

Almost, class teacher, Galina Lipatovna

They were probably scared?

And ran away?

No, they went back to school and went to class.

What great guys

Tych, Tych, Tych, Tych

Our iron caught fire.

To study at the gymnasium,

You need to sweat a lot

And work hard, don’t be lazy

Draw, dance and sing

Our graduates know how to plan their lives. Seva Koblyakov from 11 B clearly decided that if he does not pass the Unified State Exam above 80 points, then after graduation he will become a Buddhist

And our graduates already know how to earn money. Vlad Bobylkin

He bet that he could stand in the corner during algebra for the entire lesson for 17 rubles.

He will probably open his own bank, because today he already knows how to make money.

Well, it's time to announce the winners of this year's Orange Award for outstanding graduates of our gymnasium..

Tyuh, tyuhz, tyuh, tyuh

Our iron caught fire.

Letting you out today,

We distinguish the best.

For ingenuity and humor

We hand over the orange.

The following took part in the category “insane act”: Tomara Korchenova, Anastasia Kuznetsova, Anastasia Khosenova, Vlada Cherenkova, 11 And I did not suffer from insanity. Vlad Cherenkov defeated by pouring hot tea on Dmitry Selivany’s head.

Dima Selivanov angered Vlad for a long time

Cherenkova Dima has cooled down

Be afraid, high school student, don’t be angry, Vlad by chance

Otherwise, hot, sweet tea will fall on your head

Nikita Dandyk, Vladislav Bobylkin, Denis Bogoslovskikh, Sergey Dremin took part in the “eat alone and in the dark” category. Defeated Dandyk Nikita

Dandyk decided to snack on cookies during class,

Nikita ate everything himself and didn’t show it

What caused mortal offense to the teacher.

Taking part in the category “Be careful” were Maria Kononikhina, Dmitry Azarin, Katya Tebenikhina, 11 And she doesn’t play with electric current, she’s not afraid of electric current. Victory for having a good knowledge of the lethal force of a spring in physics

In physics class, Katya asked,

A current of 4 watts is a lot or a little

Olga Ivanovna quickly explained to Katya

“Don’t be afraid of the current, the spring is the force”

Arina Polyanskaya, Pasha Shevchenko, Alexander Rtishchev, Alexander Kuznetsov took part in the “keep eye” nomination; 11A did not participate in the nomination. The winner was Alexander Rtishchev

The problem is that the student’s vision is getting worse,

But at the first desk he is afraid of the teacher.

Alexander Rtishchev solved the question this way:

He sat on the back desk and brought binoculars.

The following took part in the nomination of whistlers of the year: Artur Ananchenkov, Dmitry Golev, Miroslav Tomich, Dmitry Antsiperov, Andrey Shatskikh and 11 A did not whistle. The winners were Tomich Miroslav, Antsiperov Dmitry and Shatskikh Andrey

Even the Nightingale the Robber will run away in fear,

If one of the three whistles quietly,

Well, what if three people whistle at once?

Will be 100 times louder than Niagara Falls

Taking part in the category “what a misfortune” were Yulia Mits, Vadim Gordeev, Dmitry Shchelukhin, Anna Kovalenko. Anna Kovalenko won

Anya Kovalenko ran like a cheetah

Is anyone running after her? it became interesting

I turned around for a short moment,

Turning around, Anya met the horizontal bar with her forehead.

Victoria Borisova, Vafa Bayramova, Irina Zolina, Tatyana Shilova took part in the “Where Am I” nomination. Victoria Borisova won.

Victoria Borisova came to class

She took out the textbook and notebook and raised her gaze.

My heart skipped a beat, there were no familiar faces here

It turned out that she came to the next class

Ilya Fedotov, Grigory Popov, Lesha Lapigin took part in the “Newton is resting” nomination. Ilya Fedotov won.

The force of attraction towards Ilya is not indifferent,

He personally tested Newton's law on himself.

But Ilya had an unhappy week

It wasn't an apple that fell on your head, but a dumbbell

In a farewell moment, but beautiful

I'm ready for a surprise for you again.

Catch your happy ball

As a sign of achievement and good luck

Song "Spinning, Spinning"

The earth's ball is spinning and spinning.

The years fly by like a bird.

We came to congratulate you on your graduation,

They brought balloons with them as a gift

The red balloons are an expression of love,

We brought them with us for you

We will keep friendship and loyalty

And we promise not to forget you all.

(They throw red balls to the graduates, in each ball there is a wish and parting words to the one who catches them; the graduates know that everyone needs to catch only one ball.)

In blue balloons - childhood dreams

So that you still dream

So that all your dreams come true,

This is what we all want now.

Faith lives in a green ball

That the year will be happy,

That you will pass the exam

And conquer all the universities in the country

We didn’t carry the black ball with us.

Not because he wasn't found,

But because in the hearts of friends

Just wishes sunny days.

Kornelyuk's song "The City That Doesn't Exist"

- You open the step and the adult world,

Step that there are fears and dreams ahead,

Anyway, everyone chose the right path,

11 years - you can’t get them back.

A friend remains here, the warmth of a hand,

The teachers are here, the students are here.

Day by day you move into adulthood,

Wait on the threshold, don’t rush, look around.

The lights never go out here

The light of kindness and the light of hope,

Let many years fly by

But you will come here as before.

N: so everyone got up, now we’ll rehearse

D: how are we going to rehearse, we don’t have a conductor?

A: I will be the conductor. You rehearse for now, and I’ll go find out when we should perform
Song sung 1 verse

E: this phrase should be played differently,

The school helps us build and live

She is like a friend, she calls and leads

D: no not like that

And the one who walks through life with school,

He will never disappear anywhere

N: I like the way Sasha sings

D: I like the way I sing

N: no, Sasha

Music fight

A: guys, we creative people we can't fight

We are an orchestra, and in an orchestra everything is harmonious, otherwise we will never find the treasured music for our bell

Our world plays with the whole rainbow.

Chanson, I don’t sing romances,

We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

When we walk down the street.

Saxophonists or pianists,

Weaving jazz talent into the notes,

The guitarists echo them in chords,

We are called a jazz band company.

Let's fill our hearts with music!

Let's arrange holidays from everyday life!

And at the hour of last call

We will admire you.

What music there was!

What kind of music was played?

All school years:

From the first call -

And to the last pier.

Today is the day of farewell to childhood.

What could be more touching?

Today you come first

And we all decided for you together

Give enchanting sounds.

In tune with poetry, tender, beautiful

From the abyss of centuries the lyre responds

Keeping history in fragile ballads

She rustles with shimmering strings

And casts spells over distant history

Initiating us into its secrets

Here is Maksimov Alexey

My head is full of ideas

I wanted to visit the site

And download the forbidden slide

There was a mishap here.

The site froze - that's bad luck.

Oksana Vladimirovna came,

Helped Alexey

And now our Alexey

Understands without fuss

You can't play with fire

Otherwise there will be no will.


The conductor waved his hand

And there was a strange hum

And behind it a long ringing

Rumble, roar from all sides

Another wave and silence

And the string sounds alone

This violin began to sing

Uncertain, timid

The sound is gaining strength

Vadim Butakov is glorified.

To our school gallery

Come back more often

To Butakov's work

Look with all your eyes

Only once did he exhibit

But I already knew how to succeed

Because in its own class

He draws better than anyone.


I'm certainly not an organ

I'm just a drum

But I can make any sounds

I could do it if only I had hands.

My shot raises everyone

Encouraging, inspiring.

Even in a small orchestra

I am a full-fledged maestro.

And he’s especially friendly with me

Karandashev was Artyom

He tried hard in lectures

He wrote in small handwriting

But the teacher was not shy:

- “Write bigger he said”

Our Artyomka did not give up

Tried this way and that

I wrote to Galina Lipatovna:

- “I understand everything, I’m not a fool”


Bluebell musician

He has great talent

Bringing joy to people

Maybe he'll call all day

Let him be a baby and a youth

The bell is his father

Musical instrument

Everyone needs it at any time

But especially me

The kids love it

Selivanov Dmitry too

Can't do it without me

Even in Dima's lessons

I got so deep into music

Covered with a hood

Apparently he was very shy.

The White Sea Canal thundered

And the teacher was making noise there

Here, friends, I tried

The sound of the bell rang out everywhere


I decided to create an orchestra.

Ksyusha will drum

She has little hearing

Nastya, I’ll give you spoons.

Rustam will hit the plates.

Well, Alina doesn’t know the notes

But she sings

He sings so loudly that he shakes

The whole house is buzzing from her.

And, Kirill, our guitarist,

He is a great artist for us.

And I'll be on the violin

We have been one family for a long time.

Silence! We begin!

We don't shout or talk

Let's sing about graduates

Let's name them.

Song "Bad Date"

We will tell you everything without hiding

About your eleventh A.

And like Karina Ivanova

Yes-yes-yes helps everyone!

The whole class was lazy and he didn’t write

Always have a plan in your diary for the summer,

But Karina helped everyone out without difficulty.

I wrote a plan for everyone

And as a friendly greeting,

Left on the pages

Classmate portrait.

And about the ingenuity of the entire A-class

We can't keep silent,

Broke a chair -

And they glued it together with tape, friends!


Let's continue the story

And here we will discuss

B class friendly team

They once

They ran home

Forgetting about all decency.

For 10 minutes

Then come back

Fate forced them all.

If you don’t know how, you shouldn’t take it, yes, yes, yes, yes.

And they also decided

Photos were taken in an album,

Everything turned out great

Vlad Bobylkin-standard

I shaved this morning

But I was in a hurry

And he forgot to shave one mustache.

And this photo

We will all never forget.

Now everything is together

In class we will discuss.

Their creativity surprises everyone

They cannot be contained.

Here's a history lesson

Vlad attracted the teacher so much,

Why was that teacher singing the whole lesson?

"Burula, Burula,

I'll give you two!

Burula, la, la, la, la

I'll give you two."

B-class is excellent,

But cool mom

It wasn't easy, friends.

How angry he gets,

called “Infection” loving you.


And we, of course,

We can't be silent

About your 11

Stories with his guys

happen everywhere

IN Saint Petersburg

Let's go together

The idea was cool

But on the way suddenly something bad happened

The train started moving, suddenly someone:

“Where is Tomich Miroslav?”

Everyone was looking, there was no guy,

We need to slow down the train!

But, suddenly, lo and behold!

The hero is back

There is no more reason to be afraid

In another carriage

he decided to go to the toilet.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

If you imagine a graduate student in a museum,

I'd be in the museum all day, there would be mouth-watering people hanging around


Music take out of the museum

The exhibits come to life

Museum doors open

    Here is a test on the history of Vlad Cherenkova