A balanced menu for weight loss for a week. A balanced diet: basic principles, menus and recommendations for losing weight. Approximate menu of a balanced diet for weight loss

Almost every person who suffers from excess weight strives to lose weight. Many resort to strength training and other difficulties. With a well-designed menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, you can lose weight without additional effort.

What is proper nutrition?

Eating before bed, overeating, and regularly eating fast food are harmful. Proper nutrition involves certain requirements for preparing and eating foods. By complying with the requirements, a person will be able to:

  • get rid of excess weight and will not gain it in the future;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve health;
  • look better and stay youthful longer.

The conditions for a proper diet are as follows:

  1. Regular. You should eat 5 times a day, strictly according to the clock.
  2. Control calories. For women, it is recommended to consume no more than 2000 kilocalories per day, and for men - 2500 kilocalories. Required to lead an active lifestyle.
  3. It is necessary to distribute calories daily, the first three meals are nutritious, then light ones.
  4. Diversify your diet so that your body is regularly supplied with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionists recommend: reduce portions, do not overeat, eat strictly at the same time. While eating, you should not be distracted, read, watch TV, etc. Every day you need to drink two liters of still water.

The principle of proper nutrition requires eliminating fried, spicy and salty foods. Animal fats need to be replaced with vegetable fats.

Proper nutrition menu: losing weight in a month

Before creating a proper nutrition menu, you need to establish certain rules that should be followed constantly:

  • Have breakfast every day; if you don’t do this, there is a risk of overeating in the evening;
  • give up high-calorie food; you can replace it with baked chicken breast or fish;
  • reduce the consumption of cappuccino, lattes, juices and sweet tea;
  • alcohol stimulates the appetite, try not to drink alcohol;
  • You cannot completely give up fats; a deficiency of elements in the body leads to various disruptions, including hormonal ones;
  • It is not recommended to season food with store-bought sauces; you can make them yourself;
  • You need to be well-fed when you go to supermarkets to buy groceries.

Important information! You cannot create a meager menu in order to quickly get rid of extra pounds. A healthy diet is a balanced intake of all vitamins and minerals.

When creating a monthly food menu, it is worth remembering that you cannot overeat. It is necessary to leave the dinner table with a feeling of slight hunger.

  • chips;
  • flour products with cream;
  • burgers;
  • sausages;
  • salted nuts;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweets;
  • white flour pasta with cheese.

Options for creating a menu for the month

Thanks to the abundance of healthy products, you can create a menu for a month at once.

First day:

  1. Breakfast – cottage cheese and banana casserole, tea.
  2. The first snack is an apple.
  3. Lunch – mushroom soup, buckwheat porridge, chicken fillet (meatballs).
  4. The second snack is fruit.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, salad.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast - porridge with water, berries, tea.
  2. The first snack is cottage cheese and banana.
  3. Lunch – tomato soup, chicken fillet and salad.
  4. The second snack is a vegetable salad.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, potatoes.

The third day:

  1. Breakfast – porridge with water, apple, tea.
  2. The first snack is boiled eggs.
  3. Lunch – rice soup, chicken cutlets.
  4. The second snack is fruit salad.
  5. Dinner – baked turkey fillet, boiled rice.

Fourth day:

  1. Breakfast – chicken fillet, cucumber, cottage cheese, coffee.
  2. The first snack is bananas and nuts.
  3. Lunch – fish soup, baked fish.
  4. Second snack – cottage cheese and tea.
  5. Dinner – egg, cottage cheese, salad.

Fifth day:

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal pie, tea.
  2. The first snack is citrus fruits.
  3. Lunch – boiled rice, chicken breast, cucumber.
  4. Second snack – vegetable salad, tea.
  5. Dinner – buckwheat porridge with water, cucumber, beef stew.

Sixth day:

  1. Breakfast - cheesecakes and bananas, tea.
  2. The first snack is fruit.
  3. Lunch – borscht, vinaigrette.
  4. Second snack – cottage cheese, egg.
  5. Dinner – baked fish, vegetable casserole.

Seventh day:

  1. Breakfast - rice porridge with water, baked hake, tea.
  2. The first snack is an apple, a banana.
  3. Lunch – cheese soup, vegetable salad.
  4. Second snack – stew, kefir.
  5. Dinner – stewed fish, seaweed, bread.

The menu for the next weeks is approximately the same. You need to understand that a healthy diet means eating food rich in vitamins and minerals required by the body. And also the required calorie content.

It is important to know that there are differences in a properly composed menu for men and women. The amount of food depends on the person's needs.

For women with average activity, this menu will be acceptable. Ladies who work physically need more high-calorie foods.

A young man with high physical activity needs to increase his portions. It is recommended to increase caloric intake by 20% for those who are losing excess weight, and by 40% for those who maintain their shape.

  1. A teenager’s body is developing, so they are prohibited from going on low-calorie diets and fasting days.
  2. The immune system depends on a varied and balanced diet.
  3. Without fail, the child needs to have breakfast in order to activate metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Overweight children are advised to exclude fast food, high-calorie foods and soda.
  5. Appetite regularly disappears during this period; the optimal solution is split meals, 5-6 times a day.
  6. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet is as follows: 30%, 20%, 50%.
  7. It is recommended to limit sweets and consume them before 13.00.
  8. A teenager's daily calorie intake depends on his physical activity. Those who exercise should increase by 500 calories. Girls need no more than 2,400 calories, and boys - 2,800.

A proper diet is good for everyone. By observing certain requirements, a person will, over time, enter his weight category and improve his health. Therefore, it is very important to take only proper and healthy food, and reduce the consumption of harmful foods to a minimum.


Women want to have ideal shapes and a slim, toned body. What does that require? First of all, proper nutrition. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time, then your daily diet should be as thoughtful as possible. Let's look at the meaning of a balanced diet for weight loss by creating a weekly menu for women.

How to balance your diet?

We often hear from nutritionists and various nutrition specialists that the diet, first of all, must be balanced. But what does this mean? Balance is the ideal ratio between certain elements, in this case we mean macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As you lose, maintain, and gain weight, this ratio changes. If your goal is weight loss, then the average nutrient ratio should look like this: carbohydrates - about 3 g per 1 kg of body weight, fat - 1 g, and protein - about 2 g.

Remember! Each human body is different, so the amount of macronutrients will be different for each person. It depends on body weight, age, gender and other factors.

Basic rules of nutrition when losing weight

Principles of nutrition when losing weight:

  1. Calorie content. When losing weight, it is very important to maintain at least a small calorie deficit, so the first time on a diet you should count how much and what you eat. The calculation is carried out individually.
  2. Compliance with drinking regime. Water is essential when losing weight, so women need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  3. Give up sugar. Don’t add it to tea or coffee, it will be difficult at first, but then (often literally within 2 weeks) a habit will form. It is better to replace sweets and other sweets with fruits or dried fruits.
  4. Include more vegetables in your diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber. The best cooking methods are boiling, baking, steaming, but it is better, of course, to eat them raw.
  5. The last meal should occur at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. For dinner it is better to eat a protein product with vegetables. No carbohydrates in the form of sweets, baked goods and even complex carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, potatoes and others).
  7. Include low-fat dairy products in your diet (natural yogurt without additives, kefir, cottage cheese).
  8. Try to have fewer snacks. It is better to eat 2-3 times a day than to snack on the run.

Balanced nutrition menu by day

If you want to start eating healthy, then this three-day meal plan will help you create your own menu. The main rule is the balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can also see which macronutrients you can consume at different meal times.

1. Breakfast: a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, oatmeal in milk with pine nuts and raisins, 3 egg whites, coffee.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled brown rice, steamed chicken fillet, vegetable salad.

Snack: a sandwich made of whole grain bread with a piece of cheese, an apple.

Dinner: salmon steak (chum salmon, trout, pink salmon), stewed vegetables, seasoned with olive oil.

2. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, bread (one with salted red fish, the other with cheese), coffee or tea.

Lunch: stewed vegetables with chicken hearts, boiled bulgur.

Snack: 2 tangerines, bread with peanut butter.

Dinner: steamed white fish, vegetable salad with olive oil.

3. Breakfast: millet porridge, natural yogurt, bread with peanut butter and strawberries.

Lunch: veal stewed with vegetables, durum wheat pasta, flaxseed oil.

Snack: a serving of protein powder, a handful of any nuts.

Dinner: boiled fish or chicken with vegetables and avocado.

4. Breakfast: steamed oatmeal, sweetener, any berries and a handful of nuts.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge, beef stroganoff (diet), fresh vegetables.

Snack: protein bar, peanut butter bread.

Dinner: any white fish (pollock, cod), steamed vegetables, olive or flaxseed oil.

5. Breakfast: lazy oatmeal with kefir, 2 eggs, coffee or tea.

Lunch: dietary pilaf (brown rice, chicken, bell peppers, onions, carrots, greens) and vegetable salad with avocado.

Snack: smoothie (natural yogurt, pineapple, kiwi and a handful of nuts).

Dinner: 4 egg white omelette with vegetables.

6. Breakfast: healthy sandwiches made from whole grain bread with avocado and eggs, coffee with milk.

Lunch: stewed chicken thigh fillet, boiled bulgur, fresh vegetables with olive oil.

Snack: fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt.

Dinner: cottage cheese with cucumber and herbs.

7. Breakfast: oatmeal pancake (mix 2 eggs and 50 g of oatmeal, bake in a frying pan), pear and coffee.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge with steamed red fish, vegetable salad.

Snack: A serving of protein powder and a banana.

Dinner: chicken fillet and grilled vegetables, avocado.

From the examples presented, you can see that the bulk of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, while in the late afternoon preference should be given to protein foods. You should select the amount of food based on the calorie content and macronutrient ratio you need.

Recipes for healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner

Food can be varied and tasty. The following three recipes will prove this:

  1. Healthy sandwiches for breakfast. The basis is whole grain bread. You can put the following variations of products on top of it: peanut butter with banana or strawberries, cottage cheese with herbs, spinach leaves with cheese and tomato and others.
  2. Lunch may include light vegetable soup. To prepare it you will need chicken fillet, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, frozen green peas. You can use a special vegetable mixture. Boil the chicken, take it out, throw in the vegetables, and at this time separate the chicken fillet into small pieces. Then add it back to the vegetables and cook until done. Salt and spices to taste.
  3. Red fish steak. Take the foil, place the fish, squeeze lemon juice on it, and also place a couple of lemon slices on top. Use spices and salt to taste. Wrap the steak and place it in the oven. Serve a fresh vegetable salad with the fish.

Thus, you have learned that your nutrition must be composed taking into account a balanced diet. In no case should any macronutrient be excluded, since each of them is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Such nutrition will not only allow you to lose weight, but will also help correct some health problems or prevent them in the future.

Despite what people say and what you read in diet books or see in some diet programs, healthy eating can be very simple and easy to follow. Some of the key successes of proper nutrition include having a balanced diet and having a varied diet (that is, eating a variety of foods in the right portions).

Balance is the key to losing weight. To lose a little weight, you don’t need to deny yourself food or rely on water alone; it’s enough to correctly compose your daily diet, include in it the required amount of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. And also exercise regularly. Those women and girls who do not like strict weight loss methods will enjoy this diet. This subtype of dietary nutrition does not allow you to get bored due to the variety of the menu, to feel hungry, and the end result will be a pleasant surprise for you.

The essence of a balanced diet, useful properties, basic rules and benefits

The balance of diets for women depends on her nutritional needs, namely weight, height, physical structure of the body, level of activity, work, sleep patterns. Women should eat moderate amounts of protein and fiber. The following proportions are recommended for the female body: energy 2000 kcal, protein 45 grams, carbohydrates 230 grams, sugar 90 grams, fats about 70 grams, salt no more than 5 grams. The diet is based on several principles and rules, these include:

  • Rhythm - regular eating has a very good effect on health, between main meals there should be breaks of two to three hours, this means that the amount of food consumed is four to five meals, eat food in small portions and chew thoroughly;
  • Moderation - do not overeat, the volume of your one serving should not exceed 200 grams;
  • Rationality - when preparing meals, you need to approach it with great attention and rigor, choose only healthy dishes and methods of preparing them (cook, steam, stew, bake);
  • Your daily diet should consist of the following products: chicken eggs, sea fish, lean dietary meat, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, cereals;
  • You should not eat fatty foods, fast food products, chips, crackers, sweets, cakes, flour, fried foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • Breakfast must be nutritious and for it prepare something protein, tasty and healthy (for example, scrambled eggs, toast with herbs and cheese, boiled eggs, salmon or trout steak, vegetables with rice cooked in a steamer, smoked salmon, bagel with tea , mascarpone, cottage cheese casseroles, milk porridges);
  • Before dishes, add a few drops of almond oil, feta cheese, more herbs (basil, herbs), garlic;
  • For the main meal - lunch, prepare a dish of lean meat, including vegetable soup or broth, more vegetable salads, you can also do something with starchy carbohydrates (for example, a sandwich with mackerel and cabbage, lettuce; Caesar salad; salad - Greek; salad of salmon, avocado and vegetables; rolls of pita bread, salmon, amber cheese and greens in large quantities);
  • Drink only clean, still water, natural juices without sugar or preservatives;
  • It is best to use the diet in the summer, while the shelves are full of real vegetables and fruits;
  • Eat the following fruits in unlimited quantities throughout the duration of the diet: apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, dates, grapes, grapefruit, pears, mangoes, pomelo, melons, oranges, peaches, pineapples, tangerines;
  • Drink a glass of natural pomegranate juice every three days;
  • Include the following vegetables in your diet: broccoli, cauliflower, all green vegetables, tomatoes, regular cabbage, carrots, beets, beans, herbs, pumpkin, celery, celery, radishes, spinach, lettuce, arugula;
  • You cannot eat canned food and other types of snacks;
  • If you love chocolate very much and cannot go a day without sweets, then replace it with dried fruits and nuts (this will increase the amount of necessary elements and vitamins in your body);
  • Be sure to drink a glass of kefir at room temperature before going to bed (scientists have proven that just half a liter of warm kefir at night and your weight will decrease by half a kilogram; everything you gained during the day will go back);
  • In order to lose weight, the number of calories consumed should not exceed 1500;
  • If you want to cleanse your body, switch to proper nutrition and make your regimen complete, then the optimal amount of calories for you is from 2000 to 2500;
  • Before starting the diet, be sure to calculate the required daily volume of water that you need to drink (calculated using the proportion of 30 ml - 1 kg of your weight);
  • Last meal no later than two hours before dreams;
  • For a good diet effectiveness, play sports, visit gyms, aerobics, a swimming pool, run in the morning or go for walks in the evening. More active movements with physical activity (moderate) are needed;
  • During the diet, give up coffee and smoking.

The benefit of the diet is that the main products enrich the body only with useful substances. For example, let's take fruits and vegetables, they are considered the main source of vitamins and minerals (but should only be consumed in summer or early autumn, while they are without additives and fertilizers). The main sources of energy and other useful digestive substances are starchy foods, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, they are part of a healthy and proper diet, but this does not mean that you need to eat only bread or only pasta. It is imperative to eat meat dishes, since it is from them that our body receives the necessary proteins that are needed for growth and restoration of the body, physical activity, muscle tone and skin. Meat is also a very good source of B vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron). By consuming fermented milk products, the amount of calcium increases, which preserves your skeletal system and reduces the risk of arthritis and other joint diseases. The body also needs sugar, but there is no need to overeat on cakes and desserts; excess weight leads to obesity, diabetes, and diseases of the cardiovascular system (eat a banana or other fruit instead of a pie, replace it with dry cookies made from whole grains).

Types of a balanced diet and menu examples

As you have already learned from the basic rules of this method of losing weight, there are a lot of balanced diets. You can create your own menu, the main thing is to use only those products that are included in the permitted ones. Remember, if your diet is poorly balanced, then unpleasant changes in your body are possible (the supply of organ tissues with all the substances necessary for normal functioning decreases, mental activity does not work one hundred percent, the growth and development of the whole organism is disrupted, hypotonicity of the skin and muscles occurs, problems with the skeletal system). Therefore, be strict about your diet, eat fresh foods, cook often, and not just once and for the whole week. If you don’t have enough time to create an approximate menu, then below are diets that can be used both short-term and long-term, or even made your main diet.

Types of balanced diets

  1. A balanced diet for five days. This type of nutrition is very good and can be used for a long time. The main thing is not to violate the regime and strictly follow the rules.
    Sample menu for five days.
    1st day.
    Breakfast - milk porridge (if you are allergic to lactose, then replace it with water), for porridge use rice, buckwheat or oatmeal.
    Lunch - low-fat cottage cheese, a sandwich (buy rye bread) with red bell pepper, lettuce, salmon (you can also use other low-fat meat), a cup of vitamin tea.
    Lunch - fish soup (use trout or salmon), bake veal and meat in the oven, make a salad from available (seasonal) vegetables.
    Afternoon snack - baked fruits with cottage cheese and nuts.
    Dinner - a light snack (smoked salmon in pita bread with amber cheese and herbs) and a cup of herbal infusion are suitable for this meal.
    2nd day.
    Breakfast - whole grain toast with scrambled eggs and a cup of tea.
    Lunch - light salad and rice with peas and corn.
    Lunch - baked duck breast with mashed potatoes on a bed of vegetables. Fruit juice without preservatives.
    Afternoon snack - burger with red fish, tea, any fruit.
    Dinner - salad with vegetables and feta cheese, any fruit, you can make a salad from them.
    3rd day.
    Breakfast - an omelette with mushrooms or vegetables, one piece of grain bread, a glass of fruit juice.
    Lunch - cottage cheese and raisin casserole, a glass of warm cocoa.
    Lunch - baked potatoes in the oven, stewed veal with vegetables in its own juice.
    Afternoon snack - rolls with salmon, cheese in pita bread (you can thinly slice a cucumber or tomato and add it to the roll).
    Dinner - casserole with rice and apples, a little sugar and milk. A glass of apple broth.
    4th day.
    Breakfast - a sandwich made from a bun with grains, a slice of hard low-fat cheese, arugula, chicken breast (a small thin piece, pre-boil or bake), a cup of green tea.
    Lunch - salad with fish and vegetables, plenty of arugula, lettuce, greens.
    Lunch - solyanka (low-fat), fish in tomato sauce with mashed potatoes and broccoli.
    Afternoon snack - natural yoghurt with pieces of fruit.
    Dinner - a small, lean piece of boiled veal and a vegetable salad.
    5th day.
    Breakfast - prepare a nutritious cocktail, for this take about 150 grams of kefir, 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, greens, cucumber (throw everything into a blender and beat to a homogeneous mixture).
    Lunch - a mix of vegetables, a glass of grapefruit juice.
    Lunch - buckwheat porridge with stewed veal, beans, peas in tomato sauce, cabbage salad or steamed vegetables (can also be boiled).
    Afternoon snack - oatmeal porridge in milk with pieces of dried apricots.
    Dinner - seafood cocktail with rice, a cup of tea.
  2. Balanced diet for a week. The number of days of the diet is seven. The menu is designed for the entire duration of the dietary method of losing weight.
    Weekly diet menu.
    Breakfast - a light fruit salad with yogurt, nuts, a cup of tea without sugar.
    Lunch - vegetable salad.
    Lunch - salad with cottage cheese, radishes, cucumbers and sour cream. Buckwheat porridge with fish cakes (steam the latter).
    Afternoon snack - tomato soup, one piece of toast.
    Dinner - one stewed pepper stuffed with rice and meat, fresh vegetables.
    Breakfast - boiled vegetables, omelet. A cup of green tea with one piece of ginger.
    Lunch - a mix of fruits (you can make a casserole of cottage cheese, dried apricots or raisins).
    Lunch - pea soup, veal pilaf.
    Afternoon snack - a glass of yoghurt without various flavors and fruit additives.
    Dinner - seafood risotto.
    Breakfast - pancakes, tea.
    Lunch - any fruit.
    Lunch - duck breast with dried apricots and pea puree. Salad with boiled vegetables.
    Afternoon snack - cottage cheese dessert and tea.
    Dinner - meatballs and salad.
    Breakfast - a sandwich of diet meat, rye bread and vegetables. A decoction of dried apples.
    Lunch - any vegetables or fruits (but not more than 250 grams).
    Lunch - pasta sauce, which contains the following ingredients: low-fat cheese, shrimp, bell pepper and tomatoes. Creamy salmon soup.
    Afternoon snack - boiled fish and broccoli.
    Dinner - stewed chicken breast, pre-cut into thin oblong pieces, bell pepper (red, diced), carrots (slices), simmer all this, add soy sauce and a spoonful of honey.
    Breakfast - milk porridge, tea.
    Lunch - toast, salad, boiled egg,
    Lunch - spinach cream soup. Buckwheat porridge with gravy and stewed rabbit.
    Afternoon snack - fruit in any quantity (but not more than 300 grams).
    Dinner - fish casserole with vegetables.
    Breakfast - pancakes, tea, carrot and apple puree.
    Lunch - baked apples, tea with milk.
    Lunch - soup from seasonal vegetables. Stew with diet turkey meat and vegetables.
    Afternoon snack - a sandwich of smoked salmon, arugula, vegetables, a cup of raspberry tea.
    Dinner - stewed zucchini with tomatoes in sour cream with rice.
    Breakfast - diet toast, casserole of vegetables and eggs.
    Lunch - dried fruits and nuts.
    Lunch - cabbage soup, salad, oatmeal and meatballs.
    Afternoon snack - fish with rice.
    Dinner - stewed beans, boiled duck breast.

How to get out of a balanced diet

Since the diet is balanced, the output should be the same. To return to your normal diet, you need to gradually increase your daily caloric intake. For example, during a diet the calorie content is about 1200 calories, and in a normal diet it is about 2000. Add and increase the serving size. Eat fruits and vegetables, cook using a slow cooker or double boiler. Continue to drink six to eight glasses of water. Prepare yoghurts and casseroles at home.
If you haven’t played sports, now is the time to do it. Visit the gym, just work out regularly, try to go at the same time, if you are not going to go every day, then maintain frequency. To improve heart function, run in the morning and take a contrast shower. Take care of your body, namely your skin. Visit baths, beauty salons, beauty salons, massage establishments, saunas, swimming pools. Your beauty, success, figure are in your hands, it all depends on your desire to become better. If you have a desire, a goal, then nothing should stop you on the path to perfection.

Disadvantages and contraindications of a balanced diet

This type of dietary food has no disadvantages, since the diet is complete and balanced.

  • Lactation period;
  • Children;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders, normal functioning of any organs;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Changes in the urinary system, dysfunction.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

A balanced diet is one of the most effective and, most importantly, safe diets today. With any excess weight, sometimes it is enough to balance your diet and give up the most harmful and high-calorie foods - and your health will gradually return to normal. For a person who wants to lose weight, the normal calorie intake for a balanced diet would be per day. If you are actively involved in sports, you can increase the amount of energy consumed to 1600 kilocalories, but you can only add additional loads to your morning meal, and preferably with protein foods.

To comply with the norms and quickly lose weight on a balanced diet, you should not give up any natural products, but fatty and high-calorie foods should be replaced with low-fat ones, and factory-made sweets and baked goods should be completely abandoned. Add more vegetables to your diet, minimize the amount of meat, primarily red and fatty, replace fried foods with boiled and baked ones.

The main advantage of a diet with a predominance of vegetables, sea fish and low-fat dairy products is cleansing the body. By starting to eat dishes based on these ingredients, you fill your intestines with fiber, which accelerates peristalsis and removes toxins, as well as beneficial microflora. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, without which the body cannot function properly.

It has been proven that a balanced diet significantly reduces the risk of cancer and atherosclerosis. This diet provides almost one hundred percent guarantee of protection against stroke and ensures longevity. However, it is not very suitable for immediate weight loss: in a week with a balanced diet, you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms, depending on your initial weight, but such results are not achieved in the first week of a new diet. The first days after giving up unhealthy foods can be difficult, so develop safe and healthy options for replacing sweets and your favorite unhealthy treats in advance.

The diet of someone losing weight must include protein products - kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, soft cheese, as well as sea fish and dietary meat. They saturate the body better than vegetables and help digestion. Your menu must contain all the components of a balanced diet, but the amount of fat must be kept to a minimum.

Do not exclude grains and legumes from your diet: this is the main source of plant protein. However, they should be consumed in moderation, mainly in the form of porridges, but you will have to give up bread. If you have chosen a balanced vegetarian diet, you can indulge in sweets to increase the levels of the hormone serotonin (the joy hormone) in your blood. Choose low-calorie sweet foods - marshmallows, natural marmalade, dark chocolate. You can prepare sweets yourself - pay attention to raw fruit cooking and cottage cheese casseroles or diet cheesecakes with the addition of cocoa, raisins, and honey.

If you work a lot, eating a balanced diet can be difficult because it's hard to get variety when counting calories and it takes longer to cook. During the warmer months, it's easy to snack on fruit or vegetables during the day between meals: for example, eat a few carrot sticks, a handful of berries or a pear. And don't forget - no diet will be useful if you constantly feel hungry or experience deterioration in health after a week of a new lifestyle. In this case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and nutritionist.

The dishes described below can be combined and replaced; we offer you only a small assortment of dietary dishes made from lean meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and milk that exist in world cuisine. When cooking, avoid frying in sunflower oil, buy non-stick cookware or cook in the microwave, bake dishes. It is also not recommended to season salads with oil; as a last resort, choose the healthiest types of vegetable oils. Try to avoid potatoes and white rice. Remember that the main calorie content in salads comes from sauces: replace factory-made mayonnaise and tartare with homemade dressings made from soy sauce, low-fat sour cream or yogurt. Don't forget to add spices and herbs - let your balanced diet for the week be delicious!


Breakfast: bread with a slice of boiled egg, cucumber and lettuce, yogurt or kefir

Dinner: 200 ml vegetable soup, e.g. cauliflower or fish broth, 1 crispy rye bread, 200 g green salad with various fresh vegetables

Dinner: 150 g boiled brown rice, vegetables with grilled salmon or hard-boiled egg


Breakfast: a couple of “hard” eggs, a piece of tuna, bread with soft cheese and tomato

Dinner: 200 ml sorrel soup with egg, cabbage salad with carrots and herbs, several kiwis

Dinner: a cup of stewed beans in tomato, a piece of boiled chicken breast, 2 rye bread


Breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese casserole or low-fat cheesecake

Dinner: Japanese miso soup based on soybean paste with tofu cheese and eel, 150 g stewed vegetables, grapefruit

Dinner: mushrooms stewed in low-fat sour cream with the addition of vegetables


Breakfast: 150 g (3-4 tablespoons dry) buckwheat, one tomato, a glass of zero-fat kefir.

Dinner: stuffed with rice, stewed vegetables, minced chicken and mushrooms, peppers, apples or berries

Dinner: green bean lobio with tomatoes and walnuts


Breakfast: 100 g oatmeal with berries and a teaspoon of honey, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 1 small banana

Dinner: salad of carrots, apples and celery with spices and lemon juice, baked salmon in yoghurt-spinach sauce

Dinner: casserole of vegetables and asparagus with low-fat cheese.


Breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese with honey and berries, 150 ml yogurt

Dinner: 200 ml lean borscht, 100 g mushroom vinaigrette, apple or other fruit

Dinner: 150 g cauliflower baked in egg with herbs, kefir


Breakfast: 150 g pearl barley or corn porridge, unsweetened low-fat yogurt, a couple of pears or apples

Dinner: 150 g rice with vegetables, 100 g stewed fish, tomato juice, preferably without salt

Dinner: 250 g vegetable stew (it is advisable not to add potatoes)

Nutritionists offer different options for a balanced diet. The main thing in any method of such safe weight loss is to consume all types of foods in small quantities, eat small portions five times a day and exclude high-calorie foods from the diet. Here are some video recommendations from doctors and fitness specialists on developing a balanced diet:

Diet video from Malysheva

Video about proper nutrition for weight loss

Video about balanced nutrition

A balanced diet for weight loss for a month is the most effective nutrition for achieving the desired weight. Instructions for use, help with a food table, a balanced protein diet and other varieties with a menu for the month, week or every day. Go!

Hello friends! The number of weight loss methods available can be confusing for anyone. Some are ideal for achieving express results, others for active physical activity. The search for a universal diet that meets the needs of every person has been going on for many years. What should an ideal balanced diet include for a month or week? This information can change your views on the fight against excess weight.

A balanced diet for weight loss for a month - basic recommendations

Why do these annoying weight loss rules for men and women even exist? The process of losing excess weight should begin with systematizing your diet. Almost 80% of all cases are the result of uncontrolled eating, lack of physical activity and even poor sleep. The correct approach includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation. You can't just give up food that you've been eating for days. This leads to inhibition of metabolism due to the stress to which the fragile body is exposed. At least three days before starting the diet, you should gradually introduce a new diet.
  1. Cleansing. The intestinal walls absorb beneficial microelements like a sponge. Bad habits and products lead to pollution. As a result, most people simply pass you by.
  1. Reducing portions. At this stage, the main task is to reduce the walls of the stomach. Proper nutrition will help you get rid of the eternal hunger that pushes you to unwanted snacks.
  1. Weight retention. This is the most important stage because this is where most people have problems. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, the lost weight will not come back.

Nutritional Instructions

  • 40% carbohydrates and proteins, 30% fat. The study of human internal processes has made it possible to highlight a scientific approach to the intake of nutrients. You can follow this proportion with the help of , which will help determine the composition of the products you consume.
  • More vegetables. - This is the right path to cleansing the body. It helps and promotes saturation. This is why many culinary traditions recommend serving the main dish with fresh vegetables.
  • Less harmful. Salt, fried foods, flour, canned food, processed foods are your enemies. They can be easily replaced without harm to your body.
  • . Did you know that water is the cause of cell regeneration and restoration? You shouldn’t fanatically pour liters of liquid into yourself, but you shouldn’t forget about taking it for quick weight loss.
  • Three main meals. Skipping lunch or breakfast leads to hunger, which drives you crazy, forcing you to “break out” on unhealthy foods. If you no longer have the strength to hold on, then it is better to eat one small sweet in the first half of the day. A balanced diet for weight loss for a month involves rare rewards with sweets.

Balanced diet for weight loss for a month - menu

Eating the same foods for a long time can get pretty boring for anyone. To avoid this, you need to change your main products once a week. A diet should be fun, so don’t torture yourself with the same menu. Example of main meals:

  • Breakfast. In the morning, you need to get nutrients to recharge yourself with the energy you need. Low-fat cottage cheese, berries, fruits, oatmeal, a glass of milk, kefir or yogurt, and a handful of nuts are excellent options for a morning meal. No cereal or sandwiches!
  • Lunch. It is recommended to have a second breakfast only if you feel hungry. Typically, this is a small snack that includes a few apples or other favorite fruits, or nuts, or vegetable salads.
  • Dinner. The human body cannot function stably without liquid food. It is good for the stomach to prepare soups based on vegetables, meat, and with the addition of vegetables. As a tasty replacement, you can always prepare buckwheat or rice porridge. You should develop the habit of making vegetable salads. They are served before the main meal, reducing the serving size. Don’t forget about meat, which is best boiled, baked in the oven, or added to a dish.
  • Afternoon snack. This meal should in no way interrupt your appetite before dinner. Otherwise, the established mode may go astray, which will lead to zero results. Therefore, a glass of kefir or yogurt is good for an afternoon snack.
  • Dinner. The last meal should be two hours before bedtime. Then you sleep better and your stomach is easier. For the evening you should cook fish in foil with lemon juice, chicken with vegetables, white rice with beef, buckwheat. The main thing is to combine the consumption of lean meat with a dietary side dish and vegetable salad. Before going to bed, it is better to drink warm milk or a glass of kefir.

A balanced diet for weight loss for a month - the method of Svetlana Fus

Well-known expert nutritionist Svetlana Fus presented her unique method, which does not contradict the basic rules of losing weight. The menu is divided into two periods, each of which includes two weeks. The total duration of weight loss is 28 days. The predicted result is approximately 10 kg.

Menu for the first two weeks

  • For breakfast, prepare a handful of cottage cheese with any dried fruits.
  • For second breakfast, we drink a cup of green tea with pieces of cheese;
  • For lunch, cook lean meat, steamed or in the oven, and serve with salad.
  • For an afternoon snack, peel two walnuts with
  • Cook buckwheat with baked vegetables before bed.

Menu for the second period

  • In the morning you need to prepare a light omelet, eat raw vegetables and cheese.
  • Lunch includes one orange and fruit yoghurt.
  • For lunch, cook cabbage soup with pieces of stewed beef.
  • Two walnuts and yogurt.
  • Boiled breast and raw vegetables.

Unfortunately, it is not recommended to use this method of losing weight for more than two weeks. This may affect your health; such a diet is highly not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. Basic recommendations:

  • Products. Fish, chicken protein and rye bread crackers are the main diet. In addition, you are allowed to eat vegetables and fruits in any quantity, lean meats, and prepare salads with olive oil. You can drink kefir, green tea without sugar, and be sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Three main meals. It will be difficult for you to maintain such a diet, but the Japanese diet has the longest lasting effect. The main thing is no arbitrary snacks!
  • Preparation. The delicate process of losing weight requires at least a week to properly prepare and cleanse your body.

The menu for each day will look like this:

  1. Breakfast. Coffee or unsweetened tea with a couple of crackers.
  1. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, raw vegetables or salads made from them, 200 g of baked fish with lemon juice. A glass of tomato juice or a mug of tea of ​​your choice.
  1. Dinner, Chicken breast or any fruit, boiled beef, a glass of kefir, salad (one of your choice).


– this is the building material of our body, thanks to which muscle tissue grows, tissue regeneration and cell restoration occur. Moreover, such an element does not turn into fat after consumption. This diet is perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle, involved in heavy physical activity. Weight loss is achieved through:

  1. Eating protein foods with minimal amounts and
  1. Cutting back on unhealthy foods.
  1. Usage .

The diet lasts no more than two weeks and contains the following products:

  • lean chicken, veal or rabbit;
  • milk with zero fat content;
  • boiled eggs;
  • dietary fish;
  • cheeses;
  • vegetables.

Your menu will be based on these products. To reduce the load on the kidneys due to the large amount of protein, you need to take at least 2 liters of still water per day.

Additional measures

A balanced diet for losing weight for a month is the key to the desired result. To significantly speed up the process, you should also use additional methods to lose excess weight. So:

  • Exercises. are considered the most effective fat burning agents. Jumping rope, running, and brisk walking are free ways to speed up your weight loss.
  • Cosmetical tools. At this time, use cream. They will protect the skin structure from damage due to stretching.
  • Ask a loved one to give your body a good massage after a warm bath. Such manipulations help improve the condition of the skin, accelerate blood in the muscle fibers, and relieve tension.


A balanced diet for weight loss for a month is such a big name. But what separates a good diet from a bad one? The first is its rigor, and the second is the final result. Strict diets aimed at fasting and removing any food from the diet for a week or more only lead to a slowdown in digestion processes.

The body cannot withstand even meager physical activity with such nutrition. Due to improper weight loss, you risk developing new health problems and gaining the same weight again in just a couple of days. What can we say about the use of glucophage and other drugs?

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