The most mysterious house in the world. The scariest houses in the world are not for the faint of heart

Why is there no 11th entrance at the Waterfront House, but the paintings at the Denver airport show a dead leopard? Some buildings can be spoken of not only as architectural structures, but also as riddles.

1 Pentagon

The Pentagon is the largest office building in the world. It got its name because of its shape - a regular pentagon. The perimeter of this huge Arlington geometric figure is about 1405 meters.

The Pentagon is still the most optimal building in terms of ergonomics. The building is intersected by ten corridors in the center, which connect five pentagons extending from the center.

Thus, an employee of the American military department can get to any point of the building along the perimeter, spending no more than seven minutes.

The Pentagon is pure numbers magic. It was built in 491 days. If, according to the Pythagorean method, we add these numbers (4+9+1), then we get – 5 (the number of sides of the pentagon). If we go further, using the same Pythagorean method, and decide to multiply the numbers (4X9X1), we get – 36. If we count the sum of all integers from 1 to 36, we get – 666.

Construction of the Pentagon was planned to begin on September 11, 1941 and end on January 15, 1943. The builders met the deadlines on the same day. The date September 11 mysteriously accompanies the Pentagon. On this day in 1941, construction of the building began, in 2001 the Pentagon was attacked by Boeing, and on September 11, 2002, the entire Pentagon territory came back into use.

2 Denver Airport

The largest airport in the USA. Its area is 140 square kilometers. For supporters of the global conspiracy theory, this building is almost the central link in the plans of the World Government.

According to one version, the airport was built on the site of an ancient Indian cemetery, which is why its roofs are decorated with wigwam-shaped tents. According to the official version, the tents symbolize the rocky mountains.

The runways at the top resemble a swastika in shape, which also cannot but arouse suspicion among people who are inclined to see everything as a hoax.

In fact, this form is the most convenient for managing traffic and minimizing the dependence of flights on weather conditions.

It's as if Denver's airport was purposely built to give conspiracy theorists something to talk about. So, during its construction, despite the fact that Denver is a flat city, as much land was removed as would be enough for a third of the city’s territory. This gives rise to some people to argue that the airport building is the tip of the iceberg, and underneath it there is a whole city, otherwise military base, or a concentration camp (yes, they say that too!).

Four strange paintings by artist Leo Tanguma hanging in the airport building also raise questions. According to the artist's plan, they symbolize humanity's struggle against genocide.

Some details of these paintings, such as three dead girls in coffins, a dead leopard, a giant soldier in a gas mask, can be shocking. Proponents of conspiracy theories believe that these paintings depict hints of the transformation of the earth, the establishment of a world government and a new world order.

Another interesting place– the last stone of the terminal with a time capsule, laid by the Freemasons. The capsule should be opened in the year 2094. The sculptures of gargoyles in the luggage compartment also raise suspicions... In general, this airport is a very busy place.

3 House on the embankment

The house on the Embankment was first named so in the story of the same name by Yuri Trifonov. There are many legends associated with this building and the site on which it was built.

Back in the 17th century, the boyar Bersen Beklemishev began to build a mansion on this site (which since ancient times was called the Swamp), but did not have time to complete the construction, since he was executed by order of Vasily III. The construction of the building was completed by clerk Averky Kirillov, who was killed during the Streltsy riot and never lived in his chambers.

Gradually the Swamp gained notoriety. Here the gang of the famous robber Vanka Cain robbed visiting merchants, and executions of state criminals were often carried out here.

In 1927, construction began here of the “house of the future” for the party elite. total area houses amounted to about 400,000 m2. The ten-story building contained 505 apartments and many infrastructure facilities. There was a hairdresser, a laundry, a store, kindergarten, telegraph, post office, gym.

The first residents of the famous house were Beria, Marshals Zhukov and Tukhachevsky, the children of Stalin. Resettlement was carried out according to special government lists.

It is interesting that the House on the Embankment does not have an 11th entrance. In 1930, when the facility was under construction, there was a severe fire. The developer was afraid of missing the deadline for putting the facility into operation. It was decided to abandon the 11th entrance and distribute usable area between entrances 10 and 12.

The square meters of apartments were redistributed, but where the stairs, elevators and stairwells “went” remained a mystery. Since then, rumors began to circulate that the “secret corridors” were used by Lubyanka employees to monitor the residents.

The residents were indeed being watched, but not in a very secret way. On the ground floor of the house there were secret apartments for security officers. They worked in the house under the guise of commandants, concierges, elevator operators and in their apartments they met with their informants or hid mysterious residents, such as an agent Soviet intelligence V South Africa Dieter Gerhardt.

4 Ostankino Estate

Ostankino has had a bad reputation since the 15th century, when a cemetery for suicides was located here. Therefore, those who were driven out of the city were strong here: soothsayers, sorcerers.

In Ostankino there was also a serf theater. It is difficult to say whether it was the influence of the place or a difficult, unfree fate, but many actresses drowned themselves in the Ostankino ponds, which were even nicknamed “actorkin’s”. Now there is a residential building nearby, and in the churchyard there is a television center building. Locals and the television center workers say that sometimes in these parts you can meet an ancient old woman with a stick, who appears before misfortunes and tragedies.

The list of those warned by the prophet includes several kings (Paul I, Alexander I, Alexander II), boyars, and princes. Today, in the era of television, for some reason the ghost makes contact exclusively with the Ostankino security guards and ordinary employees of the television center.

5 CNPO Leninets

There are many mysterious buildings in St. Petersburg. The status of the most mysterious house from the times of the USSR can go to house 212 on Moskovsky Prospect. Here, in the building of the Leninets Research and Production Association, a secret special laboratory was allegedly located, directly subordinate to the NKVD. Here they studied genetics and carried out crossbreeding work different types animals.

At the beginning of 1999, documents were made public, according to which every year in the 30-50s of the last century, about 200 prisoners were sent to the special department of the Leningrad NKVD (and then the MGB and KGB) “to conduct a holistic analysis of the physiological and mental state and develop methods for correcting identified violations.”

6 Moscow State University building

The Moscow State University skyscraper is one of the decorations of the Russian capital. There are many legends associated with this building. They say that the place chosen by the architects was unsuitable for construction: for such big building The soils on Vorobyovy Gory are too weak. But the architects who worked on the Moscow State University project found a solution: they dug a huge foundation, filled it with liquid nitrogen, and then erected refrigeration units to what is now called the 3rd basement. That is, if something goes wrong and the freezers fail, in a week the Main Building of Moscow State University will end up in the Moscow River.

There is also talk that the main building of Moscow State University is as multi-story down as it is up. The collective consciousness has produced many versions: the underground city “Ramenki-2”, the secret Metro-2, the cyclophastron, an atomic reactor and even a secret laboratory for the study of permafrost.

Interesting fact: the red stripes on the façade of the Main Building of Moscow State University create the appearance of proportionality of the building. If you remove them, it will seem almost shapeless. Since the central body, the “large” and “small” zones differ significantly in height and width.

Finally, there is still talk that MSU is haunted: prisoners who died during construction or former students who want to settle old scores with the university.

7 Rotunda on Gorokhovaya

The rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg is one of the most mystical and legendary places in the city. This round building with six columns along the perimeter, to the dome of which a cast-iron staircase leads.

The house where the rotunda is located was built in the 18th century, and after that it was rebuilt many times. The dome of the rotunda is hidden under the attic, and its only window faces the courtyard. Everything is arranged in such a way that you can guess what exactly is hidden behind the doors an ordinary house impossible.

According to the most common version, the rotunda on Gorokhovaya Street was a meeting place for Masons who received new members of the club here. This version is supported by the fact that the house once belonged to the famous freemason Count Andrei Zubov. What makes the rotunda even more mysterious is the fact that Grigory Rasputin himself often visited here. His mansion was very close. Since the 80s of the last century, the rotunda has become a meeting place for rockers, punks and other informals.

8 Tretyakov Gallery

They say that paintings from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery somehow have a special, mystical influence on people. For example, the painting “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution” by Surikov became the cause of the long, serious illness of Pavel Tretyakov’s daughter. The image of the Vladimir Mother of God helped protect the capital from the enemy. And the positive impact on the audience of the paintings of Levitan and Nicholas Roerich can even be measured with instruments.

There is a well-known legend associated with the Tretyakov exhibition: girls of undistinguished age should not look for long at the portrait of Maria Lopukhina (she died shortly after the painting was painted). It appeared thanks to secular gossips who believed that Maria’s father, Ivan Lopukhin, a famous mystic and master of the Masonic lodge, lured his daughter’s spirit into this portrait.

9 House of Winchester

The Winchester House is one of the landmarks of the United States. In 1884, the house was purchased by Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, inventor of the famous rifle.

At a reception with a medium, the widow learned that she was haunted by misfortunes due to the fact that her family was cursed by those killed by the Winchester (and there were many of them, given the history of the conquest of the Wild West). To avoid further problems, a woman must build special house, in which the spirits cannot harm her.

Sarah purchased a house on the West Coast and invested her entire fortune in renovating the house. The house is set up so that the spirits haunting Sarah will become confused when trying to find the widow. There are many dead-end doors that open into walls and stairs that reach into ceilings. The corridors in the building are very narrow, especially since the widow was miniature and could easily move through this labyrinth. Some of the doors on the upper floors open outward, and many walls have secret windows. The number 13 is often found - almost all stairs have 13 steps, and many rooms have 13 windows.

Currently, the house has about 160 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, 40 stairs. There are 2000 doors in the rooms, 450 doorways, about 10,000 windows (stained glass windows have survived to this day), 47 fireplaces and one shower.

10 Lip Castle

We couldn't help but include the castle in the list of the most mysterious buildings. Castles are generally mysterious, but this one, Leap Castle in Ireland, is considered the most mysterious and creepy.

The castle was owned by the O'Carroll clan. They became famous, among other things, for often inviting their enemies to dinner at the castle under the pretext of reconciliation, and then killing them right at the table or in their beds after the feast. A tradition worthy of Game of Thrones.

In the same way, dozens of mercenaries from the O’Neill and McMahon clans were killed, who had previously helped the O’Carrolls in internecine wars and received death instead of payment.

Under the dining hall in the castle there was a dungeon (“oubliette”), into which unsuspecting guests fell through a secret door in the corner of the hall. Its bottom was strewn with sharp stakes, on which the victims fell.

According to some reports, when the castle was restored after a fire in the 20s of the twentieth century, workers found in the “oubliette” great amount bones - it took three carts to clean out the dungeon. In total, the remains of 150 people were discovered. A pocket watch made in 1840 was also found among the bones, suggesting the use of an oubliette even in the 19th century.

Due to the abundance of horrors that happened in the castle, it is now inhabited by many ghosts (at least, this is what local residents and psychics who visited the castle say). The most terrible spirit - it is called Elemental ("natural phenomenon") or "It" - does not even have a human appearance. Eyewitnesses describe it as a bent, ready-to-pounce beast the size of a sheep. Before this spirit appears, the air is filled with the smell of decaying corpses and sulfur... It is also said that every night a mysterious light comes on in the “bloody chapel”.

Don't believe those who claim that ghosts don't exist. For centuries, people have witnessed incredible events, amazing sounds and images that are still not explained by science.

Writers, journalists, politicians and even ordinary peasants have often spoken about the spirits of the dead that they saw. Poltergeists are everywhere, and a truly scary night can be in a house where they roam unhindered.

These souls, rushing between heaven and earth, in search of their peace, curse people and plot them. It’s not for nothing that so many books and stories have been devoted to ghosts, which still frighten civilians in their homes and hotels. And if you’re not scared, we’ll tell you where real ghosts live today...

Have you ever experienced chilling horror? No? But the residents of Transylvania, where the famous Count Dracula once lived, had to. They claim that the rebellious spirit of the famous vampire still walks around his castle. And these are little flowers compared to a girl sending curses on an American plantation or a lighthouse keeper who disappeared without a trace in the middle of the last century.

Bran Castle - the famous Dracula's castle in Transylvania - is truly the most famous mystical place in the world.

This building is one of the most scary places on the planet. The Gothic silhouette of the castle, soaring with its spiers into the sky, inspired terror for centuries thanks to the actions of Prince Vlad IV, better known as Vlad Dracula. He gained fame as a bloody monster among his descendants with his unhealthy addiction to impaling everyone.

According to another legend, Vlad the Impaler only spent the night here during his campaigns, and the area surrounding Bran Castle was his favorite hunting ground. Bran Castle never belonged to Prince Tepes, the real-life historical figure who inspired Bram Stoker to create the vampire count. By the way, the castle was restored by American director Francis Ford Coppola for the filming of his famous 1992 film “Dracula.”

One of the most famous haunts in the United States is the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana.

There is a legend here that explains the presence of ghosts in the Myrtles Plantation mansion in Louisiana. Once upon a time there was a slave named Chloe.

Chloe had a stupid habit of listening at the doors of the mansion rooms. One day, the owner of the mansion caught Chloe doing this unsightly activity, and cut off her ear as punishment. Since then, Chloe was forced to constantly wear a green scarf on her head to cover the wound. The slave decided to take revenge and baked a cake with poisonous oleander leaves. By a tragic accident, the owner's wife and two daughters became victims.

Chloe was later lynched by other slaves for angering her master and bringing trouble to them all. After this, Chloe's ghost began to appear to the inhabitants of the estate.

In addition, Myrtles Plantation is full of other ghostly inhabitants - a little girl, whose reflection can be seen in the mirrors on the stairs, sending curses on everyone who decides to spend the night in her room. Whether this is true or fiction, science does not know. One thing is certain - today Myrtles Plantation is one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States, offering overnight stays and tours to adventure-seeking tourists.

The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, built in 1893, is famous for the presence of the spirit of the hotel's founder, Charles Pfister.

One of the most secure prisons in San Francisco, Alcatraz is used exclusively as a museum.

But due to the type of establishment, there is more than enough paranormal activity here. The island was used as a defensive fort, later as a military prison, and then as a high-security prison for especially dangerous criminals and those who attempted to escape from previous places conclusions.

The courts did not sentence people to imprisonment in Alcatraz; especially “distinguished” prisoners from other prisons were usually transferred there. It was impossible to voluntarily choose Alcatraz to serve a prison sentence. Although exceptions were made for some gangsters, including Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly (in those years “public enemy No. 1”) and others.

Amityville House at 112 Ocean Avenue (Amityville, New York).

Famous for the fact that its owners suffered from constant noises, voices and music, as well as frightening shadows and unpleasant odors. In 1979, an attempt was even made to expel demons from the house.

Edinburgh Castle is the most popular tourist destination in Scotland, where you can accidentally meet the spirits of a drummer who appears when the castle is in danger, and a piper who disappears in the dungeons of the fortress.

The famous Parisian catacombs are tunnels dug under the city where the bodies of dead people have been dumped since the 1800s due to overcrowding in cemeteries. Even without encountering ghosts, this place is quite creepy. However, visitors still claim to hear strange voices there.

In 1892, a young woman arrived at the luxurious Hotel del Coronado in San Diego Bay (California) and said that she was supposed to meet her husband there.

The husband never showed up, and the girl was found dead on the steps of the hotel a few days later. Since then, a ghost in the form of a young girl in a black lace dress has been scaring late-night visitors.

Inveraray Castle in Scotland also has its own paranormal attraction - the ghost of a harpist who was hanged in 1644 lives here.

The keeper of the Cape Hicks Lighthouse (Hicks Point, Australia), who mysteriously disappeared in 1947, polishes the handles on the lighthouse doors every day.

October 24, 2013

Unique types of architecture

What does “mystery” mean for an ordinary (or not so ordinary) home? Exquisite architecture? Is there a mysterious legend associated with its inhabitants? Or something else altogether? We'll have to find out in today's material.

For a long time Russians were not spoiled by the sights of unique architecture. Made in the spirit of postmodernism. Block multi-storey buildings, similar to each other, like twin brothers and massive architectural sculptures in the style of constructivism - that’s all that was available to inquisitive people. Today we are not held back by the Iron Curtain, so we can travel anywhere on our planet. And with the help of the Internet, this is easy to do without leaving home. The most current travel trend in recent years has become a “pilgrimage” to mysterious and architecturally strange houses, as well as to ancient estates where, according to rumors, ghosts live and terrible things happen.

Mysterious houses attract thousands of tourists every day, and there are the most popular places for such excursions. It's worth taking a closer look at them. Firstly, this is the famous dancing house in the Polish town of Sopot. The strange architecture of this building resembles a dragon that has fallen inside the house and is about to take off. Quite scary, isn't it? Inside the building you can find a huge shopping and entertainment center with bars, restaurants and boutiques.

Flintstone House in Portugal

Secondly, this is the Flintstone house in Portugal. The fact is that this building was made of... huge stone. Inside such a “cave” house there are quite modern apartments with central heating and other communications. One of the highlights of Flintstone is the stone pool, which tourists love. At night, strange sounds are heard there... could it be ghosts?

In third place is the Key Rock house in San Francisco. It is not distinguished by outstanding architecture, but scary legends and stories - more than enough. If you go there on October 31, you will be provided with a charge of emotions for the whole year. The fourth mysterious house worth visiting is the Hundertwasser House in Vienna. A very beautiful and unusual construction, in which bright colors more than blocks.

Eco-house "Waldspirale"

The fifth can also be called the Hundertwasser building, only in the German city of Dresden. There is the famous eco-house "Waldspirale", which resembles a U-shaped seashell, where, ironically, people began to live and have fun. The building itself houses cafes, bars, restaurants, as well as a residential complex of 112 apartments. They say that this house has its own patron spirit.

The sixth point on this list should be the famous Atomium, located in Brussels. This is a real monument to science and scientific achievements. As the name implies, this building copies its appearance a molecule of some substance.

The seventh interesting place where there are the most mysterious houses, this is Scotland. All. This country is home to many castles with intricate Gothic architecture that locals say are haunted by ghosts and spirits. former owners. All tourists are strongly advised to visit Gladys Castle, where moans and creaking floorboards can still be heard at night. It is known that these are not the tricks of employees, but then who?

Dancing skyscraper

The eighth mysterious house can be imagined as another “dancing” skyscraper. Its strange shape resembles a dancing couple embracing while performing a foxtrot. This one is located beautiful house in Prague. Many tourists love to take photographs against the backdrop of this monumental, but at the same time elegant building. No less mysterious for tourists is the Youth Home in Tokyo. Decorated in bright and positive colors, it nevertheless scares many. Why? They can't explain clearly. They say that once within the walls of this hostel there was a murder of two people - a guy and a girl. The killers were never found.

In ninth and tenth place are the Hobbit House in New Zealand and a house in the form of a Volkswagen Beetle in Vienna. These houses are creative and unique, they look fresh and not hackneyed, unlike most other houses. I just want to ask the owners how they were able to bring their ideas to life? They are silent - a mystery. . .

There are thousands of mysterious houses, so it should not be surprising that houses that differ from most others with intricate architecture and a strong concept can attract the attention of millions.

There are many secrets and mysteries in the world that cannot be explained! Mystical places, buildings and even entire islands, the stay on which causes quiet horror, an unpleasant feeling and fear. We will tell you about five places with a specific atmosphere. These mystical objects store terrible secrets old owners.

House of Winchester

This huge house, shrouded in great mystery, is located in California (San Jose), the number of rooms in it reaches 160, and the number of stairs 40. According to the stories, this house was built by the widow Winchester, who, after the death of her husband, became the heiress of a huge amount of money. After this, the spirit of her late husband appeared before her and reported that many people died because of this money, it was earned in blood, their entire family was cursed by ghosts that would haunt the widow. In order to stay alive it was necessary to build big house, and it was impossible to interrupt the knocking of hammers for more than a day. Since then, Sarah Winchester began to go crazy, hired a team of builders, bought a huge land plot and began construction. All this went on for 38 years, without breaks or weekends. Nowadays, this is a favorite place for tourists, where you can easily get lost, behind the guide, and even meet local ghosts.

Aokigahara Forest

This creepy place is located in Japan, not far from Mount Fuji. The Japanese gave it the name “killer forest” because, since the 50s of the twentieth century, about 600 people committed suicide. Walking through the eerie forest expanses, every now and then you can stumble upon a noose or bottles of pills, or a corpse. Almost every tree is covered with advertisements asking people not to do stupid things and numbers of psychological clinics.

Read also: “Battle of psychics” - lies and deception

Overtown Bridge

This ancient bridge, consisting of numerous arches, is located near the small village of Milton in Scotland. This bridge was nicknamed the “dog killer” due to the fact that in the early 50s of the 20th century, dogs in large numbers began to throw themselves off the high bridge for no reason and crash into a stone abyss; the same dogs that remained alive climbed the bridge again and repeated suicide attempt. In just a decade, more than 200 dogs have fallen to their deaths from the Overtown Bridge. What motivated the four-legged friends still remains a mystery.

Poveglia Island

Near Venice in Spain there is an unfinished resort on the island of Poveglia. There are a lot of creepy stories associated with this place. Judging by historical data, during the plague, incurable patients and their corpses were brought to this island, and then burned to the ground. In the 20s of the twentieth century, a clinic for people with mental disorders was built on the territory of the island of Poveglia. All patients complained of endless headaches, as well as the presence of ghosts. But doctors tirelessly tried to cure the sick and put over them cruel experiments. Rumor has it that chief physician clinic eventually went crazy and threw himself off the roof. Today, the clinic building is empty and serves as a lighthouse for ships.

Our planet never ceases to amaze us. In every corner of the Earth there are unusual and mystical places that force scientists and researchers to look for clues to their uniqueness. Many of them are easy to reach and have long been favorite tourist destinations. Others are located in hard-to-reach places and are still waiting for their researchers. Why are we so attracted to the most mystical places in the world? Probably, each of us wants to believe in miracles and that there are secrets in the world that scientists have not yet been able to reveal. We offer our readers a selection of 10 the most mystical and mysterious places on the ground, the mysteries of which have not yet been solved.

Blood Falls, or Bloody Falls capable of scaring anyone who sees it for the first time. This is a rusty red stream flowing from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. This is amazing a natural phenomenon was opened in 1911. At first, scientists thought that the color of the water, strikingly reminiscent of blood, was caused by algae living in the lake under the ice where the waterfall originates. But studies have shown that the color, as well as the salinity, is given to the water by microorganisms inhabiting the lake. Their age is about 1.5 million years.

The unique Bloody Waterfall is ranked 10th among the most mystical places in the world.

Sun Ji Resort

If abandoned houses and hotels create a depressing and frightening impression, then ghost towns can cause even greater fear. , a fashionable resort on the coast of Taiwan, was built for wealthy guests. 60 futuristic houses in the shape of UFO saucers were supposed to be a triumph of the engineering mind of the resort's builders. But then the economic crisis struck and construction was curtailed. However, there is another version - the workers who built the houses were injured and died. Local residents decided that the evil spirits living in those places were to blame. Ninth place in the ranking of the most mystical places on the planet.

The Heizhu Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, located in southern China, is considered one of the most mystical places on the planet. Many believe that this is the strongest anomalous zone, although there are no serious scientific research was not carried out here. The valley has a reputation as a mystical place as many cases of disappearances are attributed to it. Eighth place on the list of the most mysterious places on Earth.

Ranked 7th on the list of the most mystical places in the world, it is located in the town of San Antonio del Tequendama on the Bogota River in Colombia. It was built in 1927 and closed in 1990. The abandoned building has become an attractive place for those who decided to commit suicide. It must be said that the external appearance and the surrounding area make their contribution - the hotel is designed in gothic style and is located near the waterfall in a secluded place, which gives it a rather gloomy appearance. Despite its reputation, the abandoned hotel attracts many tourists.

In 6th place among the most mystical places in the world is Indian Roopkund lake, located at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. Every year, when the snow melts, hundreds of skulls and skeletons can be seen on its banks. Therefore, the second name of the high-mountain reservoir is “Lake of Skeletons”. Still at the end XIX centuries, rumors have appeared that numerous human remains lie on its shore and bottom. They say that they were first noticed by pilgrims who visit a sacred place called Homkund once every 12 years. Their path lies along the shore of Lake Roopkund. TO hard to reach place researchers were able to get there only in 1942. The rumors about skeletons were confirmed. After this, expeditions of paleontologists, anthropologists and geologists flocked to the lake. Hundreds (presumably up to 600) skeletons were found on the shores and bottom of the lake. Their approximate age is from 500 to 800 years. After genetic analysis of the remains, it turned out that most of them belonged to men.

Many hypotheses have been put forward for the reasons for the death of people at Lake Roopkund: an avalanche, an epidemic, mass suicide. Subsequently, when analyzing the bones, it turned out that the damage to them was caused by huge hailstones (up to 7 centimeters in diameter). A group of people walking along the banks of Roopkund hundreds of years ago died due to heavy hail - this is one of the most likely versions of the appearance of hundreds of skeletons in this place.

Poveglia Island

Sadly famous island, located in northern Italy in the Venetian Lagoon, ranks 5th on the list of the most mystical places in the world. IN XIV century, due to an attack by the Genoese fleet, the population of the island was forced to leave it. For a long time, Poveglia was empty, until a psychiatric clinic was opened on the island in 1922. It did not exist for long, until 1968, but since then Poveglia has been considered one of the most mystical and terrible places in the world. According to legend, during the Roman Empire the island was used as a reservation for plague patients, who were buried here. Their souls inhabit Poveglia even now, instilling fear in all curious people who come to the island for thrills.

City of Machu Picchu

In 4th place among the most mystical places on Earth is the lost one. It is hidden in the Peruvian Andes on a high, steep mountain with a flattened top. He managed to escape the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. For centuries the city was cut off from outside world until he was found in 1911. As the researchers found out, Machu Picchu was not destroyed - its inhabitants simply left the city one day. What reason made them do this is still unknown.

Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx, which have survived millennia and still tower proudly under the sky of Egypt, are in third place on the list of the most mystical places on Earth. They have been studied far and wide, but so far scientists have not come one step closer to unraveling their secrets. We do not know why these monumental structures were built and how they were able to survive the ravages of time.

The territory, turned into a giant necropolis, cannot but have a mystery.

are considered not only one of the most mystical, but also terrible places in the world. The network of tunnels stretches under Paris for 300 kilometers. They were originally quarries for limestone. Then, when the cemeteries of the expanding city could no longer accommodate the dead, the remains were removed from the burials, cleaned and placed in abandoned quarries. The ashes of more than 6 million Parisians rest here.