The shortest man in the world now. The shortest people in the world. Interesting facts about the smallest man

There are many incredible things in the world. The article is dedicated to the smallest people who have lived or are currently living on the planet. It turns out that there are not so few of them...

Absolute record

Of all the Lilliputians, the tiniest today is 72-year-old Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi. His height is only 54.6 cm. History does not remember a man or woman who would be shorter than Chanda. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2013 as the smallest person in the world.

Lilliputian lives all his life with his brothers, who, by the way, are of absolutely normal average height, in the mountainous area west of Kathmandu. He does ordinary daily activities and earns his own living by weaving. Having gained worldwide fame, Chand was not at a loss, but invited doctors to examine his body to identify the cause of dwarfism.

A couple of cm higher

Gul Muhammad was born and lived in New Delhi, India. He grew to only 57 cm and weighed 17 kg at this height. Having very modest means of subsistence, in 1990 Gul willingly accepted the official title of “the smallest man in the world.” However, fame did not bring him happiness. It is reliably known that Gul suffered greatly morally due to his shortcomings and dreamed of getting married and having children. He smoked a lot, which is why he was constantly sick for the last 10 years of his life. Gul died of pneumonia in 1997 at the age of 40.


In 1876, in the village of Ossendrecht, in Holland, a baby was born, 30.5 cm tall and weighing 600 g. Everyone was absolutely sure that the baby would not survive, but day gave way to night, months passed, and the girl grew stronger. True, she grew very slowly. The girl was named Polina Masters. At three years old, she barely exceeded the 36 cm mark and weighed just over 1.5 kg. At the same time, her 2 brothers and 6 sisters developed normally, no different from other people.

At the age of 5, a certain Jeff Verchuren saw her and bought the girl from her parents. Polina began to be taught dancing and acrobatics, and very soon she began performing in front of the public at fairs.

The public really liked the baby. The smallest people in the world - dwarfs and midgets - are mostly built disproportionately. Polina was very pretty. She had the right features, beautiful hair and the right physique. She looked like a miniature doll. This fact is confirmed by documentary photographs.

“Princess Pauline” is the pseudonym the young artist took for herself. They loved her at the circus. Colleagues described her as a very friendly and calm girl. Miniature furniture was ordered especially for her, beautiful dresses and stage costumes were sewn. "Princess Pauline" was honored to perform for the Kaiser of Germany and Queen Emma of the Netherlands.

The smallest woman in the world toured in England, Belgium, Germany and France. In 1894 she made her debut at the Proctor's Theater in New York. The public received Polina with delight. Unfortunately, after a couple of months, Thumbelina fell ill with pneumonia and meningitis and died on March 1, 1895. She was only 19 years old; at the time of her death, her height was 58 cm and her weight was 3.9 kg.

Modern living doll

Today in India, an unusual girl, Jyoti Amge, lives in an ordinary family. When she was born on December 16, 1993, she weighed only one and a half kg. Doctors immediately diagnosed her with achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism. This is an incurable pathology in which the normal development of bone tissue is disrupted. As a result, body proportions are disrupted, problems with the development of muscle tissue appear, which almost always leads to disability. Jyoti Amge is a happy exception. At 18 years old, with a height of 62.8 cm, she weighs only 5 kg, but her body does not have any sharp disproportions. The girl looks simply charming, besides, she is smart and has a sense of humor. Jyoti tries her best to lead a normal life. She goes to school, wears make-up and loves to dress up in colorful sarees. She has a lot of friends.

The baby not only does not suffer from his illness, but considers dwarfism a rare blessing. Her family is poor and cannot provide her with a decent future, but fame gave Jyoti the opportunity to travel, earn good money from participating in talk shows and hope to become a comedian in the future.


The Indian woman has rivals: Christiana Rey, 84 cm tall, and Stacey Herald, 71 cm tall. They suffer from a rare genetic disease and, unlike Jyoti, who looks like a cute doll, they look different from healthy people. The girls move in wheelchairs and constantly need care. However, despite the difficulties and repulsive appearance, both of them found their female happiness. Both married ordinary guys and even had children. Unfortunately, children inherited their mothers' disease.

The smallest Russian

Another story with a happy ending. In Russia there lived Konstantin Morozov, whose height was only 62 cm. He also suffered from a rare genetic pathology - chondrodystrophy, in which a person has no bones, but only cartilage. Life was not sweet for him. Multiple fractures of the limbs, pain in the arms, legs and spine, difficulties in self-care - all this did not break the man. He was educated, married, and earned his own living. He lectured on history and participated in scientific projects. At the same time, he was a good-natured person and a joker. He was loved by his friends and work colleagues.

Konstantin lived to the age of 73 and became a shining example of the fact that disability cannot break a strong-willed person.

Other record holders

The Guinness Book of Records also includes:

  • Junry Baluing, a Filipino who is only 60 cm tall. At 18 years old, he is glad that his mother will finally allow him to try beer;
  • Khagendra Thapa Magar - Nepalese 67 cm tall;
  • Edward Nino Hernande is a Colombian whose height at 24 was 70 cm;
  • He Pingping is a “tall” Chinese man with a height of 74 cm.

At all times, with the permission of Mother Nature, people were born who, from birth, were destined to be physiologically different from everyone around them. Thus, history knows the appearance of people with highly developed physical strength, which was unthinkable for an ordinary person. However, strength is strength, but traditionally people whose height remained almost the same as at the time of birth attract close attention to themselves. In this article we will look at the smallest inhabitants of our planet and show their photographs.

Currently, the title of the smallest man in the world still unofficially belongs to 72-year-old Chandra Bahadur Dangi, a resident of a remote mountain village in Nepal. His height is only 56 cm. Representatives of the world-famous Guinness Book are planning to meet with the dwarf in the very near future in order to officially record this. Plus, he can simultaneously receive the title of the oldest dwarf on the planet - not many people, due to physical circumstances, live to such a respectable age.

The smallest person in the world today is 18-year-old resident of the Philippines Junry Balaving - his height is 59.93 cm. The young man received an official certificate on the day he came of age.

Edward Nino Hernandez was considered the smallest person in the world in 2010 - with a height of 70 cm, he weighs 10 kg, respectively. The growth processes of his body stopped at the age of 2 years - and doctors still cannot find out the visible reasons for this fact and have not even helped him. It is worth noting that the remaining 4 brothers are of normal height - thus, the variant of a hereditary mutation in itself disappears. You can see what Edward Hernandez looks like in the photo below:

In October 2010, upon reaching the age of 18, Tapa Magar Kagendra submitted an official application to the Guinness Book of Records to receive the title. Height and weight respectively are 67 cm and only 4.5 kg. It is noteworthy that every year there are more than enough people who want to bear such an unusual title.

This is Jyoti Amge - only 62.8 centimeters. Unlike the case of Ajay Kumar, she goes to classes at a regular school - her classmates communicate and treat her as an equal.

Ajay Kumar is an actor, a little over 76 cm. He constantly takes part in the filming of various films and television series - his track record includes 18 films. Despite his tiny size, Ajay always strives to bring all his plans to life. For example, he always wanted to marry a tall woman: he is currently legally married to a girl named Gayatri, who is almost 2 times taller than him.

It is quite obvious that his life as a child was always difficult - he constantly became the object of ridicule and jokes, which certainly related to his physiological characteristics. So, as a little boy, his parents wanted to get him to study at a private school - but the director only laughed at Ajay, saying that he was out of the question of any study, since he could even climb up the stairs on his own. This circumstance not only did not stop the boy, but also gave him a new incentive for life - he seriously intends to conquer the cinema Olympus of the Hollywood hills.

The smallest bodybuilder today is Aditya Romeo Dev - his height is a “record” 80 cm. Weight is 9 kg. At the same time, he lifts 1.5 kg dumbbells, which does not at all prevent him from wearing the proud title of a bodybuilder. 21-year-old Aditya does not know what an inferiority complex is due to his dwarf stature - he lives a normal full life. At the same time, he has very good body proportions.

Currently, Gul Mohammed is considered the smallest person in history who has ever lived on our planet - his height was 57 cm and his weight was 17 kg. In 1997, he passed away - doctors believe that smoking was the cause of his premature death. And today you can find out without any problems using simple methods.

Junry Balawing, who lives in a remote town in the southern Philippines, stands just under two feet tall. He was officially declared the shortest man in the world and included in the Guinness Book of Records. Junri Balauing, who just turned eighteen, is 23.5 inches (59.93 centimeters) tall and is 7 centimeters shorter than the previous holder of the world's shortest man title, Khagendra Thapa Magar of Nepal, who is 26 inches (26 inches). about 67 centimeters).
The Guinness World Records team ceremoniously entered Junri Balauing's data into the book in the remote Philippine town of Sindangan, where Balauing lives.

According to the rules, the record holder must be at least 18 years old. The smallest man in the world celebrated his coming of age this Sunday.

Juneri Balawing's father said his son, the eldest of four children, stopped growing in his first year of life. His speech has also stopped developing, and his communication is now limited to short phrases. Balauing mostly stays at home because he needs help getting from place to place. His condition prevented him from attending school.

While entry into the Guinness Book of World Records does not come with a cash prize, Guinness World Records chief Craig Glenday said the team hopes publicizing Balauing's case will help raise awareness among medical professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors were unable to explain the reasons for his current condition. “The previous record holder received medical care... He even underwent free surgeries that were done at US public expense,” noted the head of the Guinness Book of Records, Craig Glenday.

Khagendra Thapa Magar received his title of the shortest man in the world on his eighteenth birthday on October 14, 2010.

Edward Nino Germandez held the title of the world's shortest man for a brief period from March to October 2010, between the death of the previous record holder and Hagendra Thapa Magar's eighteenth birthday.

He Pingping from China received the title of the shortest man in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21. He was 74 centimeters (2 feet 5 inches) tall.

He Pingping was famous all over the world. In this photo he is next to Bao Xingshun, who held the title of tallest man in the world until September 2009. He was 2 meters 36 centimeters (7 feet 9 inches) tall.

He Pingping next to Sultan Kozen of Turkey, the next holder of the title of tallest man in the world. His height is 246.5 centimeters (8 feet and 1 inch).

Juneri Balawing celebrates her eighteenth birthday with cake and balloons.

Previous holder of the world's shortest man title, Khagendra Thapa Magar, who is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches) tall, displays his record holder medals in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. He is more than seven centimeters taller than Junrie Balawing.

The first holder of the title of the shortest man in the world, whose height and age were officially documented by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, is Guy Mohammed from New Delhi, India. His height was only 57 centimeters. Guy Mohammed died at the age of forty in 1997 due to breathing problems caused by tobacco abuse.

The smallest man in the world, Chinese He Pingping, died suddenly at the age of 22 in a clinic in Rome (Italy) on Saturday, March 13. 18-year-old Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magru is already vying for his title.

(Total 14 photos)

1. According to Western media, Hi Pingping came to the Italian capital to participate in the filming of a popular TV show, but during the recording he suddenly felt chest pain and was immediately hospitalized. In the photo: the smallest man in the world, Hi Pingping, stands next to the tallest man in the world, Sultan Kösen. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

2. After a general examination was carried out on him, he was immediately placed in the intensive care ward, but the doctors were unable to help him. The official version of He Pingping's death is cardiac arrest caused by some complications. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

3. He Pingping, whose height was only 73.6 centimeters in March 2008 at the age of 19, was officially recognized as the shortest person living on Earth, about which a corresponding entry was made. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

4. According to one version, he suffered from dwarfism, a disease usually caused by damage to the endocrine glands and characterized by abnormally short stature: on average, for men less than 130 centimeters, for women less than 120 centimeters. According to another version, the Chinese man's short stature was caused by a specific mutation in genes. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

5. According to the editor-in-chief of the Guinness Book of Records, Craig Glenday, for such a small man, Pinpin had a colossal influence on people. “His pleasant smile and mischievous character simply charmed those around him. He brightened the lives of everyone he met and inspired all those who were considered unusual and different from others,” Glenday said. In the photo: Pingping and Svetlana Pankratova, owner of the longest legs in the world, during their meeting in London in 2008. After this meeting, Svetlana invited PinPing to vacation in Crimea, Yalta. (Entertainment Press)

6. He Pingping was born in Wulanchabu City (Inner Mongolia) in 1988. At birth, his height was less than the size of an adult's palm, and his weight was less than 500 grams. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

7. As a child, his parents were forced to feed him milk through a thin straw because his mouth was too small to accept food. Pinpin began to walk and talk only at the age of 3-4 years. At the age of 18, his height stopped at 74 centimeters, and his weight stopped at 7 kilograms. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

8. According to the smallest man in the world, he considered himself an adult and dreamed of getting married. According to some media reports, he dated a woman of normal height. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

9. However, as they say, a holy place is never empty, and Guinness World Records has already announced that the name of the new holder of the title of the shortest person living on Earth will soon be announced. In the photo: a new contender for the title of smallest man in the world with a family friend. (Excel Media/Splash News)

10. It can be predicted with almost 100% confidence, Computer News reports, that the new owner of this title will be 18-year-old Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magar (pictured), whose height, according to various sources, is from 56 to 60 centimeters , and weighs less than 5 kilograms. (Excel Media/Splash News)

11. Four years ago, he was denied a world record because at the time of filing the application, Hagendra Thapa Magru was only 14 years old, and according to experts, he could still grow. (Excel Media/Splash News)


The planet surprises us more and more every day. Imagine for a second that you have become 1 meter smaller. This will undoubtedly be a shock for you! The reasons why a person is born miniature or stops growing altogether are genetic mutations in the body or possibly the consequences of serious illnesses.

Hi Ping - Ping.

He was born and lived for 21 years in China. The height of this unique person is only 74 cm. He suffered from a very rare disease called osteogenesis imperfecta - this is a disease of a person who has very fragile bones; such people are also popularly called crystal bones. In most cases, this disease is inherited; in some cases, a mutation of the body can occur at a more conscious age. His life stopped due to a heart attack in 2010.

Hatiche Kocaman.

She was born in Turkey, whose height is 71 cm, with a weight of only 6.8 kilograms. She was born weighing 1600 grams and doctors immediately determined that she had a congenital disease of dwarfism (dwarfism). At the age of 4 years, her growth stopped, although everything her relatives were of normal height. Khatiche graduated from a special school, but unfortunately she never found a job in her specialty. She lives with her parents who help her a lot.

Edward Nino Hernandez.

He lives in Colombia with a height of 70 cm and a weight of 10 kilograms. He held the title of the smallest man in the world for almost 3 years. He is very popular in his country. He is a very unique person, dances and acts in films.

Bridget Jordan.

One of the smallest women in the world, her height is 69 centimeters. Her small stature is primarily due to the disease - pituitary dwarfism. Bridget is not embarrassed by her small height, leads a very active and busy lifestyle, loves to dance, listen to music and is a member of the support team basketball team.

Khagendra Thapa Magar.

He was born and lives in Nepal. He is 67 cm tall and weighs 5.5 kilograms. When he was born, he weighed only 600 grams and could easily fit on the palm of his hand. Doctors could not determine what caused this growth. He is not the least bit embarrassed by his height and is becoming even more famous and popular in Nepal. Sometimes he goes on tour with a dance group, and when he has time, he helps his father in the fruit shop. The disease has progressed on his mental abilities, he reasons and speaks like a small child .

Stacey Herald.

She gained fame not only for her small height of 66 centimeters, but also for the fact that she gave birth to three children, 2 boys, and a little later a girl. She successfully married an ordinary man, Will Herald, who has a normal average height. After the wedding, they dreamed of a large, full-fledged family, and their dream came true. But the sad story repeated itself with her daughter, she also inherited the disease.

Madge Bester.

This African woman genetically inherited the disease from her mother, who was 70 cm tall, but Madge is 65 cm tall. She suffers from a genetic disease, osteogenesis imperfecta. She is one of the smallest women on the planet, unfortunately she spends her life in a wheelchair.

Jyoti Amji.

She is 62.8 centimeters tall and is a native of India. It turns out that she suffers from achondroplasia, a disease that occurs due to impaired bone growth. She loves to travel, has visited Italy and even been to Japan, trips were provided to her by the Guinness Book of Records Association. She appears in films and participates in famous television shows. She became famous by starring in a series called American Horror Story. The girl wants to get a good education and become famous and in demand in Bollywood.

Juneri Balwing.

He is in second place in our top list of the smallest people in the world with a height of 55.8 cm. He was born in the Philippines into a very poor family and stopped growing at the age of 2. Doctors diagnosed that this was a temporary stunting, but they were wrong. He His parents support him morally and help him with everything, even moving around.

Chandra Bahadur Dangi.

He was officially recognized as the smallest man on the planet with a height of 54.6 cm and a weight of 12 kilograms. He was born in Nepal, they found out about him at the age of 73. He lived in a small remote village and never went to the doctors. He was very an active person in life and when he became famous all over the world, his dream of traveling around the world came true. In 2015, he fell ill with pneumonia, he was taken to the hospital, but nothing could be done to help him.