The best tier 6 medium tank. The best medium tanks in World of Tanks. Technical and tactical features of the tank

In front of you American tank destroyer Level 9 "T95".
The vehicle began development in 1943, but only two copies were tested and never took part in combat operations.

T95 in the tank museum
This car can be purchased in the game store for 3,500,000 silver and researched for 165,000 experience. In the game, it achieved good popularity among players who love a leisurely game.

Top equipment:

"Radio station SCR 528"- the radio station has a visibility of 745 meters, which is a good plus for us.

"155 mm AT Gun T7"- a weapon with high damage (we’ll look at it later).

"Chassis T95HVSSM2"- the maximum turning speed is 18 degrees per second, but this is low and is a huge disadvantage of the technology.

"Ford GAFM2A1 engine"- has a power of 510 horsepower.

Before you is a display of points (places with the highest armor are indicated in red)

Advantages and disadvantages.

The machine has a large margin of safety.
155 mm gun.
We can deal a lot of damage in battle.
Low silhouette, so try to keep your distance from the enemy.
It swings quickly, the main thing is to have good patience.
Good penetration by armor-piercing weapons.
Easy to pump.

The maximum speed reaches only 13 kilometers per hour.
Low maneuverability (17 degrees per second).
Easily twisted by medium tanks, stay close to cover (you don’t always have enough speed and time to get close to them).
Very often throws to 10 levels.
The top is cardboard and can be easily penetrated by artillery, preferably stand behind houses.


From the very beginning of the place, we stand in the bushes and calmly block the flank (often you can handle it alone, if there is not much light and if they do not move in a large concentration of tanks). But the main thing is to always stand with a stationary object, so that at the right moment, if you are driven around, you have something to cling to. Never go into the field if your opponent has more than 5 tanks. Remember, you are playing on a tank that is intended only for defense, and even if you find yourself one on one with the enemy, stand and wait, otherwise you will die.

Optional equipment:


- a powerful weapon and therefore long mixing.
- you can fire at your own light from the bushes.
- the most important thing for this tank destroyer, because it has a very long reload time, and a few seconds can save your life.

In September 1943, the United States launched a program to develop a number of heavy combat vehicles. Research conducted by the Armament Department showed that such vehicles may be needed in Europe to overcome pre-fortified defensive lines such as the German “West Wall”. It was planned to use the new 105 mm T5E1 gun. The tank was planned to use 200 mm armor and an electric transmission developed for the T1E1 heavy tank and the T23 medium tank. The T5E1 gun had a high initial projectile speed and could effectively hit concrete fortifications. The head of the armament department calculated that 25 of these tanks could be produced within eight to twelve months (usually it took this long to produce one prototype), which would allow them to be ready for the invasion of Europe. The Ground Forces did not agree with this and recommended producing only three experimental tanks, and replacing the electric transmission with a mechanical one. After approvals in March 1944, the Army Logistics Service ordered five tanks, designated T28. At the same time, the armor was strengthened to 305 mm, and the combat weight was raised to 95 tons.

The project was supposed to create a squat, 6-turreted tank. At the same time, the 105-mm T5E1 gun was mounted in the front plate with horizontal guidance angles of 10°, and declination angles of +20-5°. The crew of four was to include a driver and gunner, seated in front to the left and right of the gun, respectively, a loader to the rear left, and a commander behind the gunner. The driver and commander had observation turrets at their disposal. A turret for a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun was mounted around the commander's cupola. It could only be used by the commander, standing in the hatch, which made it possible to consider the machine gun only as an auxiliary weapon, with the exception of the personal weapons of the crew members. The gunner had at his disposal a telescopic sight connected to the gun barrel and a periscopic sight mounted on the roof of the fighting compartment.

On February 7, 1945, the head of the weapons department issued a memorandum proposing to change the name from T28 to the “self-propelled” T95, taking into account the lack of a turret and weak auxiliary weapons. By order of OSM 26898 of March 8, 1945, this proposal was approved. Given the stress of the industry, loaded with military orders, it turned out to be difficult to find capacity even for the production of five vehicles. The Pacific Car and Foundry Company agreed to implement the project, and in May 1945 it received project drawings, a description of the cannon installation and the horizontal spring suspension. The final development of the project began immediately. The first hull front casting arrived on June 20, and hull welding was completed in August 1945.

After the end of the war in the Pacific, the number of prototypes in the order was reduced to two. The first of them was shipped to the Aberdeen Proving Ground on December 21, 1945, and the second on January 10, 1946. The first vehicle received registration number 40226809 and was used for testing at Aberdeen, and the second - N 40226810 - was transferred to Fort Knox, and then to Engineering Institute in Yuma, Arizona, to test floating bridges.

The T95's propulsion system was almost identical to that installed on the M26 Pershing tank, although the latter was twice as light. Taking into account the traction characteristics of the 500-horsepower Ford-GAF engine, controllability conditions and transmission ratio, the speed turned out to be no higher than 12 km/h. In reality, it was recommended to move at a speed of no more than 10 km/h at 2600 engine speeds. The heavy weight of the car forced Special attention pay attention to reducing the specific pressure on the ground. The solution to this problem was achieved by installing two pairs of tracks - one pair per side. The external tracks, together with the side 100 mm screen, could be dismantled to allow the tank to move on hard ground. The removed tracks were towed behind the self-propelled gun. Removing the external tracks reduced the width of the vehicle from 4.56 m to 3.15 m. During testing in Aberdeen, four crew members removed the external tracks on the first attempt in 4 hours, the same amount of time was required to install them. On the third attempt, both of these operations took 2.5 hours.

Heavily armored, with powerful weapons, the T95 self-propelled gun did not fit into the concept of armored weapons of the US Ground Forces. Thus, tanks had to have a turret, and self-propelled guns were usually lightly armored to achieve maximum mobility. T95 did not fit in either here or there. As a result, in June 1946 the name was changed again - the vehicle became the T28 heavy tank. It was considered that powerful weapons and heavy armor were more suitable for a tank. However, the T28 (T95) continued its tests at the Aberdeen Proving Ground until the end of 1947 - the survivability of parts and components during operation of such a heavy vehicle was determined. In total, they “wrapped” 865 km on the caterpillar, including 205 km on roads and 660 km on virgin soil. Needless to say, this took quite a long time due to the low speed of movement and little interest in the tank's testing program. Work was stopped due to the decision of the Department of Military Policy to stop all work in the 100-ton class. One T28 (T95) is now on display in the collection of the Patton Museum at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Performance characteristics of the T28 super-heavy tank (105-mm T95 self-propelled gun)
Crew 4 people
Length 11.12 m
Width 4.55 m
Height (by machine gun) 2.85 m
Weight (combat) 86260 kg
Armor thickness
gun mask 292 mm
forehead of the body 305 mm
board (with screen) 152 mm
105 mm T5E1 cannon (62 rounds)
12.7 mm M2 anti-aircraft machine gun
Engine power 500 hp
Speed 13 km/h
Range on hard surfaces 160 km

Hello dear tankers! Today we will look at one of the most controversial, beloved and fiercely hated cars in world of Tanks. This unit combines so many amazingly good and insanely terrible features that fans of this miracle of American tank building are often called “perverts.” But, as the people of merchants and traders say: “Every product has its own buyer.” So let's take a closer look at what hurts the heart and other organs so much for most, and uncontrollably attracts some. Meet T95.

You can research this tank destroyer by earning 165,000 experience on T28, and purchase it for a fairly standard amount - 3.5 million credits. I advise you to retrain the previously upgraded crew (if you are not going to keep their predecessors in your hangar), since the T95 is in full compliance in this regard with the previous two vehicles. In principle, the perks and skills for different-level tank destroyers of this branch are the same, but if you do not want to ride with 90% of the crew after retraining, then there are a couple of options for you to solve this problem:

  • The simplest and most profitable is to retrain for gold. It will cost 200 * 5 = 1000 gold. If you have such an opportunity and don’t mind spending the money, retrain. In this way you will lose a minimum of experience from the crew itself and time.
  • There is another option to retrain immediately to 100% for silver. To do this, you just need to reset all the perks from the crew at T20 for silver, and when retraining, part of the experience from the perks will be spent on training up to 100% proficiency in the main specialty. It will cost 40,000 * 5 = 200,000 credits. In this way, you will only lose some of the experience from the crew, but you will save money and time.

As for camouflage - definitely necessary thing! Firstly, we are tank destroyers, which means that we have a 25% bonus to stealth. Secondly, we have a very low profile, and therefore a low visibility coefficient. All this together with “camouflage” will give a good result - we will glow a little less often in open areas. It will cost 90,000 * 3 = 270,000 credits for 30 days.

Research tree

One of the pleasant bonuses when upgrading the T95 is its relatively quick release to top condition. We immediately install the top-end engine and radio - we got them from the T28. Then we must open the top chassis, otherwise the weight limitation will not allow us to even supply a pre-top gun. And most importantly - the weapon. If you were not lazy and made the T28 elite (which I advise), then the pre-top gun 120mm AT Gun T53 will be available to you. The only thing left to do is to open the great and terrible top gun 155mm AT Gun T7. With this, we have completed our PT structure and are ready to bend everything we see left and right.

The chassis, like almost everywhere else, we need to examine and install immediately. Since without it we will not be able to install more advanced modules.

What can I say, terrible weapons. The only hit from which you want to run as far as possible from this is the anti-tank missile, because in most cases it is practically indestructible. The accuracy of the guns is quite good and the aiming speed is also good.

Given our weight, the difference between the stock and top-end engine is extremely small. The chance of an engine fire is standard, so it is highly advisable to carry a fire extinguisher.

The stock radio station at level 9 is completely unplayable, so we need to install a top radio station as quickly as possible. It will be quite enough for us.

Leveling up

In principle, we have no options, so we examine the modules in the following sequence:

  1. Walkie-talkie and engine (inherited from predecessor)
  2. Chassis (without it we will not install the guns)
  3. gun

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration:


  • A good pre-top weapon (it has enough penetration for everyone, so we won’t eat cacti)
  • A very powerful top weapon (penetration 276 penetrates all 10 levels, and alpha 750 will not allow the enemy to underestimate us)
  • Very low silhouette (will allow us to successfully use PT hunter tactics)
  • The thickest stated frontal armor in the game
  • Double track row (it is almost impossible to penetrate the hull into the side)


  • One of the slowest cars in the game - the maximum speed is only 13 km/h
  • Low turning speed (it’s quite easy to “carousel” us)
  • Artillery loves us (again, we make allowance for the current patch and the lack large quantity artillery brothers, so it’s only a stretch to call it a minus)

Balance weight

We, like most tank destroyers, end up in battles of levels 9-11. But for us it doesn't matter special significance, because with a weapon like the T95, all enemy tanks can be divided into two categories - killed and those awaiting their death. No technique in this game will be a problem for us in terms of penetration. Naturally, it is unreasonable to shoot blindly anywhere and hope to penetrate.


As you understand, any technique of levels 9-10 cannot a priori be profitable. In any case, without a premium account. With PA, we will most likely go either positive or negative. But you shouldn’t count on any stable farm.


As many people call the T95, it is a one-way machine. If we start moving to one flank or another, then most likely we will no longer have options to change our deployment. This is due to our maximum speed being 13 km/h. We must choose a direction soberly and carefully: if, after reaching a partially open position, it turns out that you have no support, then the moment the enemy enters our stern is just a matter of time. It’s another matter when you have cover that will not allow the T95 to be taken by surprise - we can tank with our foreheads if we are healthy and they will thank us for this more than once. On city maps, or maps with narrow gorges and “guts”, you can fully unleash the potential of this tank destroyer - tank with your forehead, go to victory. Naturally, you must have information about the directions and positions on all maps and modes in order to understand that the heavies will go here, and the PTs will go here; They don’t have fast tanks, so I can take such and such a position. But this is rather a digression from the topic, because knowledge of in-game geography comes with experience and is an important point for playing on any vehicle. Well, there are a few rules:

  • - Choose a direction carefully
  • - Never take a direction yourself unless you are 100% sure of your safety
  • - Play from frontal armor

And remember the most important thing - T95 does not forgive even the slightest mistakes. You can regard this as quality new level in developing your playing skills.

Optional equipment

Almost standard for us is “Large caliber gun rammer” and “Reinforced aiming drives”. Three devices are vying for the place of the third equipment - “Coated optics”, “Improved ventilation Class 3” and “Stereo tube”. I strongly recommend not installing “Ventilation” if your crew has not upgraded “Combat Brotherhood” - it will not give a noticeable increase in single player. If there is a “brotherhood”, we put it up without hesitation. More the best option There will be an installation of “Coated optics” or “Stereo tubes” - the choice depends on your preferences. Don’t forget that we are a tank destroyer and vision can play a key role in many endgame situations (390m native vision + 10% = 429m with optics or 390m + 25% = 488m with a stereo scope) - whoever is more alert is the winner.

The price list from the manufacturer is as follows:

  1. “Large-caliber gun rammer” - 500,000 silver
  2. “Reinforced aiming drives” - 500,000 silver
  3. “Coated optics” - 500,000 silver
  4. “Improved ventilation Class 3” - 600.00 silver
  5. “Stereotube” - 500,000 silver


  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher / 100-octane gasoline / Coca-Cola box (especially beneficial when combined with “Combat Brotherhood” and “Ventilation”)

Why is a fire extinguisher an optional equipment? It's simple - we almost never burn (if we play correctly). And if we are set on fire, then this is almost always death, even without taking into account the fact of arson (I’ll tell you why later). Regarding gold shells, in my opinion, it’s worth carrying 1-3 sub-calibers. We penetrate everyone anyway, but there are situations when you need to shoot “mouse in the forehead.”

Crew Perks

If you did not leave pass-through tanks in your hangar, then you should already have a two-perk crew.


  1. Repair
  2. Sixth Sense
  3. Brotherhood of Battle/Eagle Eye


  1. Repair
  2. Disguise
  3. Brotherhood/Sniper

Driver mechanic

  1. Repair
  2. Virtuoso
  3. Combat Brotherhood/King of the Off-Road


  1. Repair
  2. Disguise
  3. Brotherhood/Desperado

Repair is simply mandatory for everyone - if they put us on a 12-second gusl, then you can consider it game over. Sixth sense - standard, camouflage - for lack of a better word, virtuoso - will give a small increase in turning speed, camouflage - for lack of a better word. As a third perk (if you still decide to leave the T95 in your hangar), you can take either a BB or an alternative - again, it depends on your preferences.

Vulnerabilities of the machine

In the frontal projection, we, in principle, have no vulnerable spots. Yes, there are turrets for the commander, driver and gunner, but given their size, they are quite difficult to hit. Moreover, hitting them does not guarantee penetration - the angle is quite large and the ricochets just ring. It is almost impossible to penetrate us into the frontal part (except with gold). The thickness of the frontal part is 305mm, and in the area of ​​the gun mantlet it reaches as much as 600mm. It is possible to penetrate, perhaps, into the lower frontal part - there is only 207mm of reduced armor, but getting there is quite difficult due to its small dimensions. The lower half of the side is impenetrable. The screens and double row of tracks do their job. Upper part They also cover the screens at a good angle. We have tanks on both sides (at the rear) of the hull, and the engine in the aft part. That is why it is very undesirable for us to let the enemy approach and give us the opportunity to shoot our “ass.” This scenario almost always ends fatally...for us. The ammunition stowage is located in the middle of the left side and takes up quite small area, so we don’t have to worry too much about her.

Here's all this, but in pictures:

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, the video:

The site had previously published something that briefly mentioned the T28 super-heavy tank, but in that publication it was specifically about. However, it is worth noting that the countries also had good projects that deserve attention. And today we will talk about a tank-building monster, which is deservedly the second largest example of armored vehicles ever embodied in metal.

The project was supposed to create a squat, turretless tank. At the same time, the 105-mm T5E1 gun was mounted in the front plate with horizontal guidance angles of 10°, and declination angles of +20-5°. The crew of four was to include a driver and gunner, seated in front to the left and right of the gun, respectively, a loader to the rear left, and a commander behind the gunner. The driver and commander had observation turrets at their disposal. A turret for a 12.7 mm Browning machine gun was mounted around the commander's cupola. It could only be used by the commander, standing in the hatch, which made it possible to consider the machine gun only as an auxiliary weapon, with the exception of the personal weapons of the crew members. The gunner had at his disposal a telescopic sight connected to the gun barrel and a periscopic sight mounted on the roof of the fighting compartment.

On February 7, 1945, the head of the weapons department issued a memorandum proposing to change the name from T28 to the “self-propelled” T95, taking into account the lack of a turret and weak auxiliary weapons. By order of OSM 26898 of March 8, 1945, this proposal was approved. However, during the tests the name changed again. Heavily armored, with powerful weapons, the T95 self-propelled gun did not fit into the concept of armored weapons Ground Forces USA. Thus, tanks had to have a turret, and self-propelled guns were usually lightly armored to achieve maximum mobility. T95 did not fit in either here or there. As a result, in June 1946 the name was changed again - the vehicle became the T28 heavy tank. It was considered that powerful weapons and heavy armor were more suitable for a tank.

By the way, it is worth noting that the tank had the same power unit as the M26 “Pershing” tank, despite the fact that the self-propelled gun was twice as heavy. The 500-horsepower engine was clearly not enough; the speed was no higher than 12 km/h. In reality, it was recommended to move at a speed of no more than 10 km/h at 2600 engine speeds.

Also, due to the enormous weight of the vehicle, it was necessary to somehow solve the problem of high ground pressure, and the solution was to install an additional pair of tracks on board. However, if necessary, these external tracks, together with the on-board 100-mm screen, could be dismantled to allow the tank to move on hard ground. The removed tracks were towed behind the self-propelled gun. Removing the external tracks reduced the width of the vehicle from 4.56 m to 3.15 m. During testing in Aberdeen, four crew members removed the external tracks on the first attempt in 4 hours, the same amount of time was required to install them. On the third attempt, both of these operations took 2.5 hours.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the American T28 super-heavy tank:

Length - 11.12 m;

Width - 4.54 m;

Height - 2.86 m;

Weight - 86.3 tons;

Engine - GAF;

Engine power - 500 hp;

Speed ​​- 12.8 km/h;

Power reserve - 160 km;

The ditch to be overcome is 2.9 m;

Frontal armor thickness (tilt angle) - 305(0) mm;

Side armor thickness - 152 mm;

Roof thickness - 38 mm;

Bottom thickness - 25 mm;


Gun - T5E1;

Caliber - 105 mm;

Machine guns - NV M2;

Caliber - 12.7 mm;

Crew - 4 people.

How do you like this tank? Don't forget to express your opinion in the comments! ;)

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