The best tier 9 tank

German heavy tank branch in game World of Tanks is built in such a way that at the eighth level you will have to linger for a long time, accumulating gaming experience and earning in-game silver.

So, we already have a huge and massive Tiger II in the hangar, and we have opened the next level.

Let's try to thoughtfully study German beyond heavy tank ninth level with the short name E-75. This tank can compete for the title of “best TT” at its level.

Outwardly, it is very similar to the Royal Tiger, it is like an enlarged copy of the hull, turret and sides with increased armor.

It is important for a World of Tanks player to know that his favorite style of play, to which he managed to get used to at the eighth level, can practically not be changed.

The main caliber of the E-75 tank has increased significantly. Now the top weapon of the 100-ton giant is the once famous “Mouse-gun” with a caliber of 128 mm.

This weapon is also mounted on a super-heavy german tank tenth level. The tank has the ironic name Maus, or “mouse”.

This gun is called the 12.8cm PaK 44 L/55, has excellent penetration and accuracy characteristics and is installed on the E-100 and VK-4502-(P) tanks, as well as on the Ferdinand (or "Elephant") tank destroyer, Jagdtiger and JagdPanther II.

Naturally, in the tank destroyer branch, the same weapon has better accuracy and faster reloading.

If only the famous “aht-aht” of the Tiger and the Royal Tiger had penetration comparable to the mouse gun!

The excellent accuracy and excellent rate of fire of the 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71 would more than compensate for the modest damage. And the price of the shells would generally make this gun the favorite weapon of tankers playing World of Tanks on German tanks.

However, at level nine, the 88 mm is no longer valuable; you will have to shoot from a 128 mm gun with slow reloading.

The fact is that without its average penetration of 246 mm at the ninth level there is almost nothing to do.

It so happened that on the lower flank of the “Swamp” map, when playing on the E-75, we managed to encounter medium tank ninth level T-54.

The driver of the T-54 was confused, and instead of turning around, he switched to reverse gear and began to slowly retreat back.

This made it possible to accurately and accurately shoot him from an 88 mm gun. The high position of the E-75 turret made it possible to penetrate the frontal armor of the T-54 at an advantageous angle, and the 100-mm gun of the T-54 only produced ricochets.

The fact is that the frontal sheet of the German heavyweight of the ninth level has a very large slope.

The long and narrow hollow did not give the T-54 a single chance to break away and leave the battle.

Seven or eight shots of conventional armor-piercing shells costing 252 units of in-game silver, and it was all over for a level nine medium tank.

A World of Tanks player must prepare for the fact that heavy tanks of the ninth level are very voracious and consume a lot of resources. The cost of repairing the E-75 is quite high, and the cost of ammunition is simply enormous.

For example, a regular armor-piercing shot from a 105 mm gun costs more than 1,000 units of silver, and the price of sub-caliber shells is 4 times higher.

If you don't have a premium account, you'll have to have two or three tanks more than low level, the game on which will be guaranteed to bring profit.

That's why to the World player of Tanks you need to learn to shoot accurately and target the weak spots of opponents of your level,

This is necessary in order to hear the extremely unpleasant game message “Didn’t hit!” as little as possible.

By the way, gaming games can help in studying weak points. World modifications of Tanks.

At the ninth and tenth levels, such mods can make life very easy, since due to the wide variety of equipment encountered, simply “shooting at the silhouette” of an enemy tank is no longer enough; this can only lead to wasted silver consumption and even the loss of important battles.

Extremely useful will be those mods in which they kindly outline all the projections of enemy tanks, marking with color or other indication the points where the enemy’s armor is minimal, and also shows the space behind the armor, indicating the places where the gas tanks, engine, and ammunition rack are located. For a comfortable game it is recommended to use

In addition, the mods show where the enemy tankers are: the commander and radio operator, loader and gunner.

Upgrading E-75 combat modules begins with the chassis. Without it, no further improvements are possible.

Then a new turret is installed on the tank, on which all types of guns can be mounted.

Then we study the top-end engine, which will significantly add agility to the tank. Until this time, you have to be patient when playing with the 10.5cm KwK 46 L/68 or even a stock gun.

In such a game, you should behave extremely carefully, not get into trouble, and carefully evaluate enemy tanks

Having identified a tank whose armor we can confidently penetrate, we fire at it with the maximum rate of fire.

By the way, about the skills of the crew. For stock guns, the gunner should take a sniper in order to at least somehow play on the chance of a critical hit on one or another enemy module.

It can be funny to see how a superbly armored self-propelled gun freezes on the crest of a slope, at the moment when its track is simultaneously knocked down and its engine is set on fire.

For top guns of the ninth and tenth levels, which fire 3-4 times per minute, the sniper skill, unfortunately, will be less valuable.

All tankers upgrade their repairs with the second or third perk, but for the super-massive E-75 the Off-Road King, Smooth ride and Smooth rotation of the tower.

The tank commander, of course, upgrades the light bulb with the first perk.

About the layout of additional equipment.

1. Large-caliber rammer - sometimes a split second decides victory or defeat. And the enormous damage that the guns of tanks of the ninth and tenth levels inflict on the enemy forces you to carve out these fractions of a second with the help of additional equipment.

2. Coated optics. I saw it first - I almost won. There was a case when, at the end of a combat round, an absolutely undamaged E-75 was left against three enemy tanks and tanks of the eighth and ninth levels, which were quite weak individually.
However, it was precisely the advantage in viewing range that made it possible for them to disperse and begin firing at the E-75 in the light of a tank destroyer, which carefully approached the E-75 and did not open fire.

The sides and rear of the E-75 were well penetrated by conventional armor-piercing shells from level eight guns. As a result, the E-75 spun helplessly in place and did not hit anyone.

3. Here are possible options. You can install class 3 ventilation, or you can install a Mk-2 aiming stabilizer. For playing with a top weapon, a stabilizer is probably preferable.

This will make it possible not to stop when meeting a tank of a lower level, but to fire at it on the move, without using a sniper scope, directly at its silhouette.

In the first daily battles, for which they give double or triple experience, you can feed the E-75 crew with chocolate, which gives a 10% increase in combat characteristics.

30-01-2018, 14:13

Hello to all tankers, the site is here! Now in the guide we will talk about a vehicle that is new to the World of Tanks battlefields - this is a heavy tank of the ninth level of the USSR, in front of you Object 705 guide.

Object 705 appeared in WoT with the release of update 0.9.22, and is one of the representatives of the new mini-branch of “Soviet sneakers” and opens with level 8 TT. From Object 705 you can open a new Soviet TT of level 10

TTX Object 705

First of all, we are pleased with the good armor, both the hull and the turret, the comfortable performance characteristics of the guns and not bad for a Tier 9 heavy tank basic overview 380 meters on the top tower. It is also worth noting the very large dimensions of our tank, both the hull and the turret, which is why you will need to get used to the specifics of playing with this vehicle. Nevertheless, in general, the tank turned out to be slightly smaller than its older brother at level 10. Don’t forget that the Object 705 has a very good turret rotation speed, but this is compensated by the general clumsiness of the tank itself and its mediocre dynamics.

Let us dwell separately on general layout tank, its transmission is located at the rear, but the engine and tanks are located at the front, and this will need to be kept in mind. In general, the structure of the tank largely replicates the Object 705A, so getting used to level 10 will not be so difficult.

Object 705 guns

Here we get a choice of 2 weapons, which is also very good. The first weapon is also placed on and will be open if you have already pumped out Object 257, the second one is placed on and will be open if it has been pumped up. The DPM is approximately the same (about 2700+ units) on both guns, so the choice is yours whether to have less one-time damage, less spread and better armor penetration with a premium or alpha projectile.

Reservation of Object 705

As you can see, the reservation of Object 705 in WoT is not without its specifics, but there is nothing outstanding here either. Good armoring of the front of the hull and turret, as well as the bulwark, will help us in tanking, but there are also plenty of vulnerable zones: NLD, bevels along the edges of the forehead of the hull, the roof of the hull and turret, and the area between the bulwark and the chassis - this is where the enemy will penetrate us, that’s why the game on this tank will need to be built with an eye on these vulnerable areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of Object 705

Understand the strengths and weak sides The tank you play on is very important, because it is on this knowledge that battle tactics are built and decisions are made on the choice of equipment and perks. To make it easier for you to navigate, we will now break down the advantages and disadvantages Object 705 WoT the points.
Good ricochet frontal armor;
Good armor penetration;
Good damage per minute;
Good basic visibility of 380 meters;
High speed rotation of the tower.

Many vulnerable areas;
Mediocre accuracy and speed of convergence;
The vertical aiming angles are by no means comfortable (-5);
Mediocre dynamics and rotation speed of the tank;
Large dimensions of the tank.

Equipment for Object 705

Through the right choice and installing additional modules can significantly improve the tank’s performance, eliminate disadvantages or increase advantages. In our case, we need to improve existing strengths, so tank Object 705 equipment set the following:
1. – will increase our already high one-time damage, so you will send enemies to the hangar even faster.
2. – we are fine with accuracy and stabilization, but with this module the process of dealing damage will reach a whole new level.
3. is an excellent addition to the package that will simultaneously impact DPM, accuracy and visibility.

Crew training for Object 705

Proper leveling of the crew can not only bring enormous benefits in battle, but will also complement the effects of the selected equipment. So, in order not to make mistakes in this aspect, the correction of which will take a lot of effort and time, for Object 705 perks It’s better to download in this order:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , ;
Gunner – , , , ;
Driver mechanic - , , , ;
Loader – , , , .

It is also worth noting that on a tank with a rear turret, the “Cleanliness and Order” perk will not be superfluous.

Equipment for Object 705

The process of selecting consumables remains standard and simple. Here, if you have problems with silver and you want to lose less money, you can take , , . But battles at the tenth level are harsh, we often get attacked by tanks and ammunition, so it’s wiser to carry Object 705A equipment from , , . And for the desperate, there is more, but replacing a fire extinguisher with it is quite dangerous if you do not have the “Fire Extinguishing” perk for the entire crew, and also do not have the “Cleanliness and Order” perk.

Tactics of the game at Object 705

Now we have come to the most interesting point - how, in fact, to play this tank in random WoT? Everything, as always, is not clear-cut. On the one hand, the developers are positioning this tank as an assault tank, which means that we will have to play on it in the front rows and push through the enemy’s ranks, on the other hand, the Object 705 is quite slow and has large dimensions, which will make it difficult to deliver this vehicle directly to the front line, yes and the situation in battle can change significantly while we are eating. In general, the situation is typical for slow cars; sometimes they do not make it on time where they are needed most. It gives us hope that the maximum speed of our TT is still 40 km/h, which will allow us to reach it in some areas of the terrain and at least slightly level our gap from the allies. However, if we find ourselves on the front line in time, and even with the support of our allies, we can easily crush the enemy’s cabins!

Also, do not forget about the vulnerable areas of our TT, of which there are a very large number.

Not the most comfortable UVN (-5) will also impose certain restrictions on us in battle, especially on open maps you will need to be very careful.

Bottom line

As a result, we get a very interesting and balanced vehicle that is worth downloading, which does not happen often on the battlefields of World of Tanks. In this guide, we tried to objectively consider and weigh all aspects of the new Soviet TT Object 705 and tell you in detail about them in order to make playing on it simpler and more comfortable.

In this article we will continue the topic of “the best tank destroyers”, this time we will choose the best tank destroyer by 9

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will continue the topic of “the best tank destroyers”, this time we will choose the best tank destroyer at level 9, the most versatile and terrifying, which simply destroys and leaves only damaged tanks after its attack. As per the standard, we will highlight the pros and cons of each of the PTs, and we will also choose tactics of behavior on the battlefield. Since we have 9 tank destroyers of level 9 in the game, we will start with 9 accordingly.

(9th place). One of the stumbling blocks in the T110E3 branch is that tank destroyers are extremely difficult to master, forcing many to give up leveling up this branch; if you have completed T28, T95 will seem more pleasant to you. Let's find out why this is so.

1. Our weapon - 750 average damage at level 9 simply won’t let the enemy rush at you thoughtlessly, it has a huge intimidation factor.
2. Excellent penetration of 276 mm.
3. Armor - this is the main thing that the T95 has, one of the most armored foreheads in the game - 303 mm with an extremely small number of vulnerable points, shooting head-on with the T95 is stupid. Our armor stops everything, often even gold PT 10 shells, the tracks eat absolutely all shells without damage. There are also excellent screens on the sides of the hull, it will be difficult to penetrate there even at a slight angle, and artillery land mines fly in with extremely little damage.
Well, that’s all, there are no more pluses, but, alas, there are plenty of minuses...

1. Minus, which alone can cancel out all the advantages and simply worsen the opinion of the T95. This is of course our dynamic. Having almost 90 tons of weight, they bothered to stuff us with a simply mocking level 6 engine of 510 horsepower, which gives us dynamics, we have less than 6 l/s per ton of weight, which simply does not give us any tactics other than driving near the base, far away we won’t crawl away, we’ll have to ride half a battle to reach the enemy’s base, and you won’t be able to drive up a very steep hill or mountain, there won’t be enough horses. It’s sad to say that even a TT can make us dizzy.
2. Was 18 km/h on the T28 not enough for you? Well, the T95 will pleasantly surprise you, 13 km/h, well, just no comments, you should understand how bad it is.
3. The T95 eats enemy artillery shells well thanks to its screens and armor, but the tank is extremely squat and simply wide, which gives the artillery a good chance to simply throw it into our roof with full damage. Also, T95 is one of the tasty snacks of art, if you are focused by art - you are in the hangar with one foot, the disadvantages described above will not help you to simply evade or hide.
4. The armor is extremely strong, but there are no vulnerabilities. In the forehead of the hull we have 2 hatches, where we are consistently penetrated when hit, and our NLD is also vulnerable to guns with good penetration, which, although small, can be reached and penetrated there.
5. Vulnerable rear part, 51 mm at almost a right angle, we are not trying to launch LT and ST there at any cost, there is an extremely high probability of an engine fire when firing there.

The T95 is very much for an amateur, the dynamics and love of artillery simply have a sad effect on us. The T95 is a great flank plug or a good base defender, you will often be faced with a crowd of enemies left against you, this is where you will feel the power of its gun when the enemies burst before reaching you. Try to shine less, because the art is not sleeping and is waiting for the suitcase to be sent.

(8th place). The British “turtle” is in 8th place, having similarities with the T95.

1. Well-balanced weapon.
2. The best damage per minute at the level, with all the “goodies” - more than 4000 damage per minute.
3. Good frontal armor, 10 of us are often not penetrated.
4. We are the fattest in terms of safety margin at the level of 2000 units, like PT 10 straight.
5. UVN and UGN are simply excellent, we still have time to give a bonus to the enemy coming on board.

1. This is dynamics, with 10 horses per ton, this tank destroyer is not characterized by mobility.
2. 20 km/h maximum speed, we are not far from the T95, limits our choice of tactics.
3. We are huge, it is almost impossible not to hit us, artillery has good priority.
4. A huge bucket on the roof of the building where everyone puts us.
5. The turning speed is 22 degrees per second, it won’t be difficult to spin us around.
6. Our alpha, even with our damage per minute, has a funny character, it’s not worth exchanging things over and over again.
7. Due to the size, poor camouflage follows; our barn glows with a bang.

The cake turned out to be a very barn-like tank destroyer, which also has a non-bush version of the gameplay, as a rule. We try to keep a distance from the enemy and incinerate enemies at the rate of damage per minute, we always put them on the harp and don’t let them leave. Also, don’t forget about artillery.

(7th place). The German tank destroyer falls into 7th place.

1. Nice one-time damage of 560 units, not 750, but still.
2. An accurate weapon with good penetration of 276 units.
3. The armor of the cabin is 250 mm, even at almost a right angle, but it often prevents classmates and tanks of a lower level from penetrating us. We also sometimes upset levels 10.
4. The VLD armor of the hull holds up well to tank shells up to level 8 with medium penetration.
5. Good damage per minute, almost 3000.
6. Good turning speed.
7. Excellent UVN at -10 degrees.

1. We are a barn. So, short and clear, a very tall tank, it’s hard not to hit us.
2. Problems with the enemy’s artillery, they love us just as much, and our hull sides are 80 mm, so we can easily catch full damage.
3. Since we often play at level 10, our hull armor is not very good, we are always assigned 10 there.
4. A tall tank is a bad camouflage, this is about us, we glow extremely well.

As a result, this is an extremely unusual tank destroyer; the tactics of playing it are not the same as those of most bush tank destroyers. Having good armor in the wheelhouse, excellent UVN and a high hull, we try to find a small mound, a pile of garbage, a stone, etc. on the battlefield to hide our “not very” strong hull. We also try not to stand in open areas, because when there is light, we have priority over artillery.

(6th place). A tank destroyer based on the T-54 is in 6th place, everything seems to be there, but we need to consider all the nuances.

1. Our dynamics are almost 19 horses per ton, we occupy the most unexpected positions for the enemy.
2. Excellent turning speed - even LT won’t spin us around.
3. Excellent camouflage.
4. Good damage per minute.

1. Weak armor on all sides, almost everyone is attacking us.
2. UVN -4 will cause us a lot of inconvenience.
3. Given our rate of fire, we only have 35 shells, which will sometimes not be enough.

This tank destroyer is like a “ninja from the shadows”, we’re just occupying advantageous positions, we use disguise and play from it. We can also go with ST and help them, speed allows.

(5th place). A new British tank destroyer based on the Centurion with a very unusual gameplay.

1. We have a tower that rotates 360 degrees, which gives variety to our game; it is very difficult to spin us.
2. A balanced weapon in all respects.
3. Good specific power, almost 19 horses per ton, like the previous tank destroyer, gives an even greater range of capabilities thanks to the turret.
4. Excellent damage per minute, almost 3100.

1. Having the body of a centurion, we understand that there is no armor there. The armor in the turret is also small, only the mask will sometimes hold back a projectile, but nothing more. So we are guaranteed greetings from the artillery for full damage.
2. The deadliest tank destroyer at the level is only 1500 units.
3. In the presence of a tower, we have a not very good UVN of -5 degrees.
4. Small overview, only 380 meters.
5. There are only 35 shells, sometimes there will not be enough.
6. Not an impressive weapon in terms of one-time damage.
7. Poor camouflage.

Conway can be used for various styles games, but given the poor camouflage and weak armor, it is better to refrain from constant exposure; if necessary, we can support allied STs, and we also feel great in urban conditions thanks to the tower.

(4th place). The former level 10 tank destroyer, which is now a level 9 tank destroyer in our 4th place, was heavily nerfed in order to be converted into a tank destroyer, but it is still relevant. Let's look at what it is now.

1. A powerful weapon with excellent penetration and the highest alpha strike at the level of 750 units.
2. The presence of the most armored turret is 280 mm, we tank it with a bang, only PT 10 can penetrate us there, and even then, not always.
3. We have excellent UVN of -10 degrees, we only stick the tower out from behind the hill and destroy all living things.

1. Long mixing and poor accuracy.
2. We have a flimsy body, we try not to show it.
3. Long reload time for our top gun.
4. Poor mobility.
5. Don't best review, only 380 meters.
6. We have a typical hatch for American TTs on the roof of the turret, not a bucket like the T110, but they can still get in and penetrate us.
7. Poor camouflage.

T30 is like a former TT, and so it remained when transferred to a tank destroyer. On the battlefield we try to support allied tanks with the help of our most powerful weapon, we also always play from the hills, sticking out only our strong tower.

(3rd place). So we got to the bronze medalist of our rating, the only one French tank destroyer 9 levels in the game.

1. Having some 180 mm in the forehead, do not forget about the tilt of the forehead; with the given angle, our armor is more than 300 mm, they won’t just penetrate us.
2. The best dynamics at the level, almost 20 horses per ton.
3. A well-balanced weapon with good accuracy and rate of fire.
4. The maximum speed of 50 km/h gives us more freedom of action.
5. Good turning speed, difficult to spin us.

1. Apart from the front of the hull, there is almost no armor; everything penetrates us there, even artillery for full damage.
2. Long aiming of the gun.
3. A vulnerable turret at the front and a rangefinder, although the rangefinder penetrates only into the very center with damage.
4. A weak weapon with an alpha of 400 units, you won’t be particularly intimidated by this.
5. One of the worst indicators of strength points - only 1550 units.

This tank destroyer has a wide range of tactics on the battlefield, all depending on the map. We can play from our disguise on the 2nd line, we can support allied stations. And on city maps we feel like a fish in water; during firefights we always try to rotate our hulls in order to reduce the likelihood of our turrets getting hit. But don’t forget about artillery, in almost 80% of cases we have a one-shot for them.

(2nd place). The most formidable tank destroyer of the USSR at level 9 receives silver in our rating, it was a little short of 1st place, but there are reasons for this.

1. The highest penetration is 286 units and the best alpha strike is at the level of 750 units.
2. Excellent camouflage, 704 is just a bush shooting at you.
3. The presence of screens on the sides, we often upset the enemy with a shot there without causing damage.
4. A huge cannon mask, eating everything that hits it.

1. An extremely oblique weapon, nicknamed the gusle remover.
2. For a long time intelligence.
3. Poor turning speed.
4. The number of durability points leaves much to be desired.
5. Not the best dynamics overall.

Object 704 remains one of the most serious and fearsome tank destroyers at level 9, but in terms of versatility it fell slightly short of 1st place. The tactics of the game are simply standard for tank destroyers, we stand on the 2nd line (in the bushes you can get closer, because camouflage allows) and shoot with our most powerful BL-10, which incinerates everything when hit.

(1 place). The German tank destroyer gets gold in our rating, simply one of the most ideal tank destroyers in the game. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages.

1. Excellent camouflage; if there is a turret, we don’t have to rotate the body, lowering it.
2. The presence of a tower with 360 degree rotation will often help us out.
3. Just a magnificent view of 410 meters, we see everything, but they don’t see us.
4. Simply an excellent weapon in all respects, I would say even the best on the level, even though the Jagdtiger has the same, but it is better in some characteristics.
5. Base from PZ. IV, so we have a small whole and good dynamics.
6. Excellent turning speed, it’s impossible to spin us around + the presence of a tower.
But there are no shortcomings either.

1. Light weight, we are extremely vulnerable to ramming.
2. We don’t have armor, sometimes they don’t hit us with landmines, but they constantly fly into the control room with full damage.
3. Not the best air pressure at -5 degrees, but the tower compensates
4. A small number of strength points - 1600 units.
5. We one-shot for artillery in 95% of cases, only hitting the gun or tracks will save you.

Waffentragerauf. PZ. IV is the most versatile tank destroyer at tier 9. We do not depend on the team, we can shine on ourselves and punish the enemy ourselves, having an excellent weapon with a turret, we also feel comfortable on city maps. But mostly we play from the 2nd line and bushes, because our excellent weapons and camouflage allow this. But we try to hide from the light, because hits on us are always very unpleasant, especially from artillery.

So we put all the tank destroyers on the shelves and found out the pros and cons of each. Your opinion on the places of these tank destroyers on the list may differ from ours, but we tried to arrange everything objectively.

27-08-2018, 10:52

Hello everyone, friends. Today on the site we will analyze a pre-top vehicle that will appear in World of Tanks with the release of update 1.1. Here is a guide to the Polish Tier 9 heavy tank 50TP Tyszkiewicza!

From this tank it will be possible to open the top Polish branch TT - .

Detailed performance characteristics of 50TP Tyszkiewicza

If you bought a new Polish premium Tier 8 TT, then you will immediately notice the visual similarity of these machines, especially with the stock turret, which is not surprising. The tactical and technical characteristics of the tanks are also similar, but adjusted to different levels.

Our TT has no armor in its hull as such. The armor of the VLD is 120 mm, but there is the notorious driver's turret and the tank also has a rather large NLD, which everyone can and will penetrate. The turret has armor, but the top turret itself is so huge that it will be an excellent target, and the hatches on it are also not heavily armored. In terms of armor, comparisons with the American one are appropriate; the Soviet turret is much better armored. By the way, the entire tank can be pumped out using a stock turret; it is smaller and almost as armored. The only thing is that DPM, accuracy and visibility will be a little worse. Excellent UVNs of -8 degrees forward and -10 on board will remain.

The Pole is also a very nimble tank; with a low maximum speed of 35 km/h, it picks it up quite quickly. Also pleasing is the rotation speed of the turret and chassis. Cross-country ability different soils quite good. The visibility in stock is 380 meters, which is quite small, but with equipment, consumables and crew it will be possible to bring this figure to an acceptable level.

Gun 50TP Tyszkiewicza

The main advantage of the Pole is its top gun, excellent alpha, good CD (faster than at level 10), comfortable UVN, decent armor penetration of 250 mm AP and 303 mm AP, will make playing on this tank quite comfortable. The fly in the ointment here is the spread and speed of mixing - they leave much to be desired.

Advantages and disadvantages of 50TP Tyszkiewicza

Since the main characteristics of the tank have already been studied, the parameters of the weapons have also not been left without attention, we can draw the first results. To do this, we will highlight the main strengths and weaknesses 50TP Tyszkiewicza in World of Tanks and break them down point by point.
Good safety margin;
High one-time damage;
Good mobility;
High DPM;
Low silhouette of a tank;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles -8 forward and -10 on board.
Low maximum speed;
Weak hull sides;
Vulnerable driver's turret;
Low basic visibility;
Hefty top tower;
Mediocre spread and accuracy.

Equipment for 50TP Tyszkiewicza

By installing additional modules we can focus on strengths tank, and slightly level out the weaknesses. The site believes that it is better to put the following:
1. – damage per minute is never superfluous, so increasing the already excellent rate of fire is a completely understandable desire.
2. – if there are obvious problems with accuracy, this module will not only allow you to shoot more confidently while moving, but also reduce your shooting speed after stopping.
3. – an excellent addition to the set that will give everyone an increase important parameters cars.

Crew training 50TP Tyszkiewicza

Setting priorities in upgrading crew skills is an even more important matter in WoT. Here, every mistake will cost you wasted time or gold. Here we will give preference to the most necessary, and in order to avoid mistakes for 50TP Tyszkiewicza perks It is better to distribute in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for 50TP Tyszkiewicza

With the selection and purchase of consumables at 50TP Tyszkiewicza, everything is as always: , , . But if there are no problems with silver at all, you can transport it to 50TP Tyszkiewicza equipment as , , . By the way, our Pole often shouldn’t burn, so purchasing is also possible.

Tactics of the game at 50TP Tyszkiewicza

This tank is in many ways similar to its prototype in the form of the 50TP prototyp, so it will be played in the same way, adjusted for the level of the vehicle and battles.

In all its parameters, this Polish heavy tank is a real breakthrough tank, the main task of which is to assault and push through directions. Of course, based on these conclusions, the tactics for 50TP Tyszkiewicza are to fight on the first line.

Of course, you must understand that you cannot move forward thoughtlessly. First of all, you must take a position so that enemy artillery cannot fire at you, and also all vulnerable sides are hidden. This means that the Polish heavy tank 50TP Tyszkiewicza should face the front, hiding its NLD. So, we show only the armored parts of the tank (VLD and turret), but you can’t stand in one place either; dance to make it more difficult for the enemy to target weak hatches on the turret.

Besides, there is no point in constantly being attacked by enemies. If you have the opportunity, it is better to hide, because the 50TP Tyszkiewicza tank is capable and even should play as an alpha, especially when we're talking about about the battle at the bottom of the list, where powerful guns Level ten are capable of punching us even in the forehead, although not always.

But if you can’t push through the direction, you see that the enemy is superior in numbers or firepower, you can remember about good mobility. 50TP Tyszkiewicza World of Tanks is capable of changing attack directions and even flanks, that is, you can drive into the enemy’s rear or side to deal a crushing blow. The same applies to situations when your base is captured; if you react in time, you can be in time and knock down the capture.

As you can see, the 50TP Tyszkiewicza WoT is a very versatile and powerful vehicle that can influence the outcome of a battle, especially when it comes to battles at the top of the list. However, you must tread carefully, hide your weaknesses, be wary of artillery, and also be aware of your poor vision.